Preparing for Easter: time management of an Orthodox housewife. Preparing for Easter: time management of an Orthodox hostess Preparing for Easter how and what to cook

The meeting of Holy Easter is an exciting moment for all Orthodox believers. For the main Christian holiday, which carries the idea of ​​the Resurrection, I want to prepare correctly and celebrate it, according to traditions.

Meet the Resurrection of the Lord with a good heart, pure thoughts, a smile on your face and nothing else. In general, we take an example from children! Plan your Easter menu. An indispensable attribute of the festive table is traditional food with a symbolic content - cottage cheese Easter, Easter eggs and Easter cake. The rest of the dishes are chosen at your discretion, but the surplus of food for the festive meal is not welcomed by true believers. First of all, this is the main Christian holiday, and not the day of gluttony.

If possible, visit holy places or services during Passion Week (the week before Easter), try to adhere not only to physical fasting, but also spiritual. In the first half of Holy Week, put things in order in the house, iron the linen and prepare clothes so that you don’t do business in the last days before the holiday.

On a clean Thursday, prepare a festive cake, which is a symbol of Jesus Christ himself. There are many recipes for Easter baking. Choose the instruction that suits the content of the products and the complexity of the instructions. To decorate the Easter cake hat, use your imagination and creativity by connecting the kids to the process.

Color the eggs. The egg is a symbol of life and rebirth. Easter egg, painted with your own hands, preferably in a symbolic red color, eat first, after 40 days of fasting on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

Cottage cheese Easter, molded in the form of a truncated pyramid, with the letters “ХВ” applied to it, is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher. Cottage cheese is a perishable product, so you can start cooking it on Saturday morning.

Also on Great Saturday it is customary to consecrate Easter cakes and testicles in an Orthodox church. If you do not get to the morning service, for some reason, then at the end of it and until late in the evening, you can consecrate the festive food.

Do not plan to visit deceased loved ones in the cemetery on Easter Day. On Holy Week, do not commemorate the dead, but on the idle day itself, even thinking about death is considered a sin, for everyone will be resurrected. Rejoice in the name of Christ!

Very, very soon, this long-awaited day of Holy Easter will come. May there be peace, kindness and health to all on this holy day and always! We will meet him with the words “Christ is Risen!” addressed to the people! and the response: “Truly, Christ is risen!”.

Most of us are believers. Surely somewhere in the depths of our souls (perhaps somewhere very deeply, as the hero of the famous Soviet film said) we understand that preparing for Easter is not only and not so much cooking and cleaning the house. How to truly prepare for Easter in order to deeply experience the most important Christian holiday - the Resurrection of Christ - we will talk today.

1. General cleaning … hearts. This is the most important cleaning. How to make it? It is worth looking into your heart and getting rid of those feelings that pollute it - just for this, the church has been established. Unforgiveness, anger, anger, the desire for revenge, irritability - all these are not at all the feelings with which you need to celebrate Easter. Ideally, it was worth dealing with these negative feelings even before Great Lent, and it is not for nothing that the last Sunday before Lent is called Forgiveness Sunday. However, if you didn’t have time to forgive from the bottom of your heart, make peace with someone, or, on the contrary, ask, it’s time to do it in the last week before Easter. But remember that the Lord looks at intentions - the main thing is that reconciliation or forgiveness be from the heart, sincere. And if it is not possible to see that person, then try to make peace with him in your soul - and again from the bottom of your heart. Of course, don't forget about confession.

2. Finish the housework in advance. Many housewives not only clean the apartment for Easter, but also wash the windows, wash, iron, cook and do a bunch of other things that they never got their hands on. Of course, this is commendable, but you should not leave such intensive preparation for the last two or three days before the holiday. It is best to do this gradually, in parts, otherwise the hostess herself will not be at all up to the celebration for the celebration.

Separately, I would like to say about Maundy Thursday. In the people he received the name of the Pure. You can often hear that this day is especially for, that's when you need to thoroughly wash and clean the apartment and wash yourself. In fact, these are superstitions, and the Church has repeatedly spoken out that all household chores should be completed before Maundy Thursday, and even better - before Holy Week, on which it is better to devote more time to spiritual reflection and prayer, rather than everyday problems. . Maundy Thursday is the day of the establishment of the sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion), when Jesus Christ washed the feet of the apostles at the Last Supper. Why did He do it? The rite of washing the feet has existed for a long time, but servants usually did it - repeating this, Jesus without words showed the apostles that both His and their calling is to serve, and also that not the one who exalts himself is actually exalted. Probably, from here, and also from the fact that many believers confess on this day, the name “Maundy Thursday” has taken root. It is easy to understand that we are not talking about the purity of the home, but about the purity of the soul.

3. Do not forget about visiting the temple and consecrating food. The Resurrection of Christ is a Christian holiday, and therefore it will not be possible to truly celebrate it without visiting the temple. They begin to consecrate food already on Great Saturday, at night and in the morning services are held in churches. By the way, not everyone knows that not all products can be brought to the temple for consecration. So, for Easter you need to bring, and, of course, eggs. The egg symbolizes new life, sweet Easter - the life of a person in paradise, and a delicious Easter cake - the joy of a person from the presence of God in his life. The rest of the products are meat, lard, sausage (they emit a strong smell, and we came to pray!) And, of course, you do not need to bring alcoholic beverages to church for consecration. It is better to consecrate crosses and icons at another time, and not with food. By the way, it is important not only to consecrate the products, but also to pray.

By the way, many believers have a question: is it possible to paint eggs in different colors, and not in the traditional red? It is possible, and not only to paint, but also to paint them, decorate and dye with the help of fabric, thread, various plants. In any case, the most important thing is to remember why we paint eggs, and not to focus on what color. Finally, let's recall one story from which we learn where the tradition came from.

After the Resurrection of Christ, Mary Magdalene, his disciple, went to the Roman emperor Tiberius. Of course, she wanted to come to such a high-ranking person with some kind of gift. But due to poverty, she could not come up with anything more than an ordinary chicken egg (white). Being with the emperor, she handed him an egg and greeted him with the words “Christ is risen!”. The emperor did not believe it and replied skeptically: “I would rather believe that this egg will now turn red than that someone can rise from the dead.” And at that moment a miracle happened - the egg turned red, and until that time Christians continue to paint eggs on the main holiday - Easter.

The Easter holiday is not only bright Easter eggs made with your own hands and Easter cakes. Easter is a day for which they prepare according to all traditions and sincerely believe that if you follow all the canons of integrity, then all your wishes will certainly come true. That is why it is necessary to know all the traditions of Easter in order to properly prepare for this Orthodox holiday.

Easter holiday - stories and traditions

  • Preparation for the great day begins with Strict Fasting. It begins after the end of the oil festivals. The strict fast is the longest of all and lasts 7 weeks. During this period, the Orthodox refuse food of animal origin. On certain days, you should completely refuse food or eat raw foods. Abstinence in food symbolizes that a person should lead a modest lifestyle in ordinary everyday life, refrain from temptations and, of course, not sin.
  • Holy Week. Pure Thursday before Easter. The awakening of each person should take place at sunrise and be fully bought. This is how the body is cleansed. On this day you can eat bread and drink red wine. Then you should do a general cleaning in the house, that is, clean the house of negativity, and simply prepare the house for the upcoming holiday. Making noise, singing and having fun is prohibited. It is on this day that you can start preparing for the festive Easter table. You need to put the dough on the Easter eggs and you can paint Easter eggs. As a rule, children are engaged in coloring Easter eggs and Easter eggs. In the last few years, plastic tapes with pictures have become very popular. They are extremely easy to use. You need to put a piece of tape on a boiled egg and lower it into hot water. Just a moment and the egg is decorated. Images on the tape are very different from cartoon pictures to images of icons and saints. It is with icons and faces of saints that such ribbons should not be bought. The clergy do not allow them to be used, since during the meal the film is cut off and thus the face of the saint is cut. It's not churchly.

The egg is a symbol of life and miraculous resurrection. In iconography, the resurrected Jesus was surrounded by a radiance similar in shape to an egg. Krashenka is credited with healing properties.

  • Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is the saddest day not only of this week, but of the whole year. Services are held in all churches. You can not sing, dance and somehow have fun. You can't even speak loudly. It is forbidden to pick up sharp objects. According to an ancient belief, one cannot work in the garden, that is, pierce the earth with iron. This could be in trouble. It is also impossible to wash - it is believed that the linen washed on this day is covered with blood. On Good Friday, you can bake Easter cakes and bread. Food should be completely abandoned. Often even the weather on this day is rainy, as if nature itself is yearning.
  • The Resurrection of Christ is one of the main holidays of the entire religious world. Although in some religions it is celebrated on different dates, the essence remains the same. Already in the evening, and especially from midnight, all churches announce the beginning of services with a bell ringing. They are held especially solemnly and last until the morning. The end of the service is the illumination of the brought dishes. Parishioners carefully consider the Easter basket and try not to forget anything. The main products in the Easter basket are pasques, krashanki, wine. It is customary to leave some of the dishes in the church for the poor and destitute.

Traditions of celebrating Easter

As soon as believers come from church, it is customary to "Christen." Such a greeting is used during the week, that is, until the following Sunday. The dialogue goes like this:

Christ is Risen! - and you need to wait for the answer -

Truly Risen!

They repeat the words three times and reinforce with a threefold kiss. Kissing only with close people. For acquaintances or friends, a verbal greeting is enough.

Families sit down at the festively laid table and start the meal with lighted krashankas. Then you can proceed to other festive Easter dishes. As a rule, many meat dishes are prepared on this day, and starting to eat meat after Strict Lent is called “breaking the fast”. Heavy food should not be abused, since it is on these days that cases of food poisoning are becoming more frequent. It is necessary to observe the measure, since the stomach after fasting may simply not be able to cope with the abundance of goodies.

Where did the tradition of painting eggs for Easter come from?

The exchange of eggs is firmly established in the Easter tradition. The following legend is connected with this symbol: Mary Magdalene decided to bring the joyful news of the resurrection of Jesus to the Roman emperor Tiberius. It was impossible to come to him without gifts, and Maria chose a chicken egg as a gift, symbolizing life. Hearing the news, Tiberius laughed and said: “It is also impossible, like your white egg to turn red” ... but before he could finish the phrase, the egg turned red.

Easter rituals and rituals, signs for Easter.

Easter is the most important Christian holiday.
Despite the fact that many people do not observe Great Lent, they try to follow other religious traditions and begin to prepare for Christ's Resurrection just a few weeks in advance.

The date of Easter changes every year, and In 2019, we will celebrate this bright holiday on April 28.

The preceding event is traditionally Lent, which Orthodox believers observe for 6 weeks.
Food restriction and spiritual cleansing are important, but not the only ways to prepare for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Before meeting Easter, you need to learn in advance how to do it right, without violating religious laws.

How to prepare for the Bright Resurrection of Christ

The most important stage of preparation for Easter is the observance of Great Lent. During this period, believers purify the body and soul and prepare for unity with the Lord God.
However, no fast is obligatory, as food restriction and dietary changes are only available to people with good health.

Before Easter, every believer must visit the church at least once and attend worship.
Repent to God for your transgressions and say a powerful prayer for the forgiveness of sins.
At this time, it is important to admit and realize your mistakes, and then the Lord God will surely hear you.

Try to suppress negative emotions and negative thoughts, especially in the days leading up to Easter.
You can not scold children, quarrel with loved ones and wish harm to other people.
Ask for forgiveness from your relatives and try to maintain an atmosphere of kindness and tranquility in the house.
Do not forget to pay attention to relatives who live far away from you.

Until Lent is over, complete all the outstanding communions to meet Easter with a pure soul and a light heart.

Entertainment and useless communication are not the most suitable activities in the pre-Easter period.
In your free time, it is recommended to visit the temple or pray at home.

Do charitable deeds, help those in need and surround your loved ones with care.
During this period, you should do as many good deeds as possible in order to receive the blessing of the Lord.

Active preparation for Easter begins a week in advance.
On Maundy Thursday, Orthodox believers bake Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese and paint Easter eggs.
On Great Saturday, Easter attributes are taken to the church, where the clergy can consecrate them during the service.


Easter rituals are a real storehouse of wisdom bequeathed to us by our ancestors. For more than two thousand years, the Resurrection of Christ has been considered by the Orthodox not only as the greatest church holiday, but also as a national holiday, a day of joy and unity, a day when the Lord helps to realize even the most daring and cherished dreams.

Easter Rituals and Ceremonies

Ancient documents describe in detail the most complex rituals for Easter, the implementation of which requires thorough and long preparation. But even if you don’t have time, on Easter week you can also perform simple rituals for health, wealth and good luck: after all, these days a special energy channel connecting a person and the Higher Forces opens, and the Lord hears your prayers, helping in all good undertakings!

Ritual for health

On Easter night, bless the candles. Come to church on Sunday. With the first blow of the bell (blagovest), raise the lit candle and say the words: "Christ is risen, may I also become healthy, getting rid of all ailments." This ritual can also be performed if there is a sick person in your house. Just replace "I" with his full name.
Ritual for getting rid of drunkenness and drug addiction

After performing this ritual, you can really help your loved one get rid of drunkenness and drug addiction. Consecrate Easter cake in the church on Easter night. On one of the days of the week, cut it into twelve parts and go to the cemetery. You need to find 12 graves of people with the same name as the person you want to help. Put a piece of kalach on each grave and say: “You don’t drink, and don’t let him (pronounce the person’s name) either.” Don't tell anyone that you performed the ritual. This must remain your secret.

Ritual for money

At Easter, you can attract money into your home with the help of colored eggs. On Easter Eve, put a bill (any) in every corner of the house, and on it - “krashenka”. Ask that money never leave you. In the morning, let each member of your family eat a charmed Easter egg. Hide the money in a secluded place. Do not touch the Easter money until the end of the week, then you can spend it on gifts and sweets for children.

Ritual for beauty

Before Easter, women always collect medicinal herbs and wild flowers and make decoctions from them. It is believed that any Easter plants give youth and beauty. You can wash your face with decoctions of dried herbs and flowers, and drink tinctures from them, and not only at Easter, but all year round.

Ritual for the groom

The girl who wanted to "marry" the guy gave him a bouquet of wild flowers for Easter with a red "paint" hidden inside. If a young man accepted a gift, it means that the matter is going to the wedding.

Signs for Easter

What is the weather for Easter, this will be the whole spring, and the harvest.

Accidentally broken dishes for Easter - you will find illness, trouble, or even the death of someone close to you.

Eyebrows or lips itch - for an imminent wedding or a date with a loved one.

A piece of Easter cake or Easter fell from the festive table - to wealth and money. In the old days, fallen Easter products were buried in the ground to preserve the harvest and protect against drought, fires and floods.

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Many of us are believers. But often superstition and ignorance prevail in our minds. And every time before Easter, we begin to look for answers to the most pressing questions: when and how to illuminate Easter cakes, what can and cannot be used to paint eggs, and in general - how best to prepare for the holy celebration and spend it.To cast aside all doubts this time, let's try to prepare for the Great Holiday in the way that they advise us in the Orthodox Church.

The first and most important rule is to celebrate Easter with peace in your heart.

In no case should you swear with someone, be offended by someone ... If there are old grievances, it is best to reconcile. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, then forgive this person at least in your own heart. Forgive and pray for him.It is best if a person takes communion before Easter. To do this, the Orthodox Church recommends fasting for at least three days, and before Easter and all 49. Another thing is that people are weak, and the interests of the flesh are more important for many than spiritual needs.

Rule two: Easter food should be symbolic.

The church charter calls every festive meal "a great consolation to the brethren." But this does not mean that Easter should be a holiday of the stomach. On the contrary, the Orthodox Church does not particularly approve of gourmet dishes, considering this a manifestation of the sin of gluttony, and requires the presence on the Easter table of inexpensive but tasty dishes that carry a symbolic content.At Easter, it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among the different colors, red belongs to the central place. Why? History has preserved this tradition for us...

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed to different countries, everywhere proclaiming the joyful news that there is no longer any need to be afraid of death. She was defeated by Christ, the Savior of the world. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who will believe Him and will love people just as He loved. Mary Magdalene dared to come with this message to the Roman Emperor Tiberius himself. Since it was not customary to come to the emperor without gifts, and Mary had nothing, she came with a simple chicken egg. Of course, she chose the egg with meaning.The egg has always been a symbol of life: in a strong shell there is life hidden from the eyes, which in due time will break out of lime captivity in the form of a small yellow chicken. But when Mary began to tell Tiberius that Jesus Christ had also escaped from the mortal shackles and resurrected, the emperor only laughed: “It is also impossible, as your white egg turns red.” And before Tiberius had time to finish the phrase, the egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned completely red. Since then, in memory of this event, which symbolizes our faith in the Risen Lord, we have been painting eggs.

Artos is the bread that is consecrated at the Easter service and distributed to believers on Saturday of Bright Week. Easter artos is a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Addressing the disciples, Christ said: “I am the bread of life... The bread that comes down from heaven is such that whoever eats it will not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; but the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I gave for the life of the world” (John 6:48-51).Easter cake symbolizes the presence of God in the world and in human life. Unlike arthos, it contains muffin, sweetness, raisins, and nuts. It is believed that a properly prepared Russian Easter cake can stand without spoiling for all 40 days of Easter.Cottage cheese Easter is a symbol of Easter fun, the sweetness of heavenly life. And the “hill”, the form in which Easter fits, is a symbol of Heavenly Zion, the unshakable foundation of New Jerusalem, a city in which there is no temple, but “The Lord God Almighty Himself is his temple and the lamb” (Rev. 21, 22).

Rule three: Easter cake must be consecrated in the Temple.

But Easter cakes are baked on Friday of Holy Week of Great Lent. But if you have no time, then there is nothing wrong if Easter cakes are baked on Saturday. On the same days they make cottage cheese Easter, paint eggs and prepare other dishes of the festive table.The time of the consecration of Easter cake and Easter food should be inquired in the temple where you are going to do this. Most often, the consecration of holiday supplies begins after the completion of the Liturgy of Holy Saturday. In most churches, the treat is also consecrated on the morning of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, also after the completion of the liturgy.Do not succumb to advertising and believe that the Easter cakes being sold are already consecrated. The clergy themselves say that only that which was consecrated at the Paschal service can be considered consecrated. It is foolish to think that priests stand in bakeries and consecrate batch after batch.

Rule four: stickers with icons are not allowed!

It is best to dye eggs on Saturday so that they stay fresh longer. By the way, in the folk lexicon, Great Saturday is called Dyeing Saturday. The traditional Easter egg is painted solid red, symbolizing the victory of life over death. In Russia, Easter eggs were most often dyed with onion skins. Other coloring is also acceptable, images of abstract ornaments, flowers, plants, celestial bodies.

But decorating Easter eggs with stickers depicting churches, a cross, icons of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, according to the Church, is completely unacceptable. Sacred images should not only not be placed on Easter eggs, but they should not be placed at all where they can be defiled by careless handling.

Rule Five: It is not recommended to go to the cemetery on Easter Sunday.

As the clergy say, this custom comes to us from Soviet history, when completely Orthodox churches were closed or destroyed. Although, according to the church canons that have always existed, it is not worth going to the cemetery on this bright day. The whole Church - both heavenly and earthly - triumphs and rejoices, and there should be no place for sorrow in the heart of a Christian. According to the priests, we do not know how to properly relate to death, because we do not understand that it "is not the cessation of all that exists, but the birth of Eternal life."As advised in Russian churches, on Easter Sunday it is best to visit lonely, infirm people, those who have not been seen for a long time. And you can visit the cemetery on the 9th day of Easter, that is, on Radunitsa.