Crafts on the theme of health on the wings of a bee. DIY cotton bee

Tatyana Bezmenova

Real vest

Striped shirt.

Only this is not a sailor,

And not the albatross bird,

This bee has dressed up

Got ready for work.

To the meadow, and to the flower,

Sweet collecting honey!

A. Teslenko

By publishing the script and photo report of the “Bee Kingdom” entertainment, I wanted to put an end to the materials on the “Where does honey come from” project. Indeed, a lot was done and shown, but the question after publishing the entertainment script - “What was this interesting thing that you hung from the ceiling at the holiday?”, prompted me to publish another material on this topic, namely, to talk about crafts from disposable cups made by children during the project.

I would like to offer you, dear friends and guests of my page, a master class on a craft with the simple name “Bee”. The works turned out to be bright, cheerful and really interesting, and most importantly, their production gave the children great pleasure. The stripes on the “body” of the bees were made by me from ordinary black electrical tape, but the older guys, I’m sure, will be able to cope with this task on their own.

The master class will be of interest to teachers working with children of different age groups.


Interior decoration. For children's free activity.


Making bees from disposable glasses.


Develop children's spatial understanding, the ability to place sequins throughout a given space without sticking to each other

Develop interest and positive attitude towards constructive activities

Enrich children's sensory experiences


Yellow plastic cups, black electrical tape, brightly colored paper, sequins, plasticine, Kinder surprise cases, glue stick, scissors.


We glue black electrical tape onto the disposable cup at a gap approximately equal to the width of the electrical tape.

Using plasticine, we attach a case from a Kinder surprise - a bee's head - to the top of the glass.

We make eyes, a mouth, and antennae from plasticine.

Cut out bee wings from brightly colored paper.

We decorate the wings with sequins using plasticine.

Now we glue the wings to the cup. The bee is ready.

In order to be able to hang the bees from the ceiling, we attach a brightly colored thread.

And now I want to show how my kids worked to create the craft, how much joy this work brought them.

Publications on the topic:

It's no secret that teachers prepare many attributes for doing things with their own hands, and there are several reasons for this - you want to do something.

The idea, of course, was taken from the Internet. But this is what we got! For work we will need the following materials and tools: Cups.

Master class on making a cup for pencils. Practical reason: Individual pencil cups are a must.

Winter is coming to an end. But as they say, the blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. Snowfall has not been canceled. And, apparently, succumbing to nostalgia.

Master Class. "Vase of disposable spoons." Mother's Day is coming soon. On the eve of this holiday I would like to congratulate everyone.

A cute decoration for the New Year made from disposable cups - Master class "HER-HER RING" This method of creating a festive craft is very popular.

And you will learn about one of them below.
To create a bee with your own hands, you don't need a lot of tools and a lot of skills - use your imagination and simple instructions.
There are several ways to make a three-dimensional toy bee:
You will need:
- plastic bottle (0.33 l)

- scissors
- plastic cup
- glue
- acrylic paints
- tassels
- black electrical tape
- wire
- stationery knife.
1. Cut out bee wings from a plastic glass.

2. Using a utility knife, cut a small hole in the sides of the plastic bottle where you will insert the wings.

3. Insert the wings into the holes.

4. Start painting the bee. There are two ways: paint the bottle black and after it dries, paint yellow stripes, or paint the bottle yellow and then add black stripes.

5. On the bottle cap, paint the bee’s face with acrylic paints - use white to draw the eyes, and red paint for the mouth.

6. Draw an outline on the butterfly’s wings.

How to make a bee and a hive with your own hands

You will need:
- plastic bottles (one with a capacity of 5 liters, and several bottles of 1 liter each - their number depends on the number of bees)
- yellow acrylic paint
- black electrical tape
- tassels
- glue gun or superglue
- plastic eyes and nose beads
- leg-split
- synthetic thread.
1. Prepare plastic bottles and paint them yellow.

2. Use electrical tape to create black stripes on the bottles.

3. Using a glue gun or superglue, glue the plastic eyes and nose onto the lid.

4. Prepare another plastic bottle and use scissors or a stationery knife to cut wings for the bees out of it.

5. Glue threads so that your toy bee can be hung on a tree, for example.

6. Glue the wings with thread to the already painted bottle.
Creating a hive for bees
1. Prepare a 5-liter plastic bottle and cut a square hole in it.

2. Paint the bottle yellow - it is advisable to paint in several layers.
3. To make the roof of the hive, use tassels that need to be tied with twine.

4. Using glue, glue the brushes to the bottle cap. Add more glue if necessary.

Now you can decorate your garden plot or other room with crafts.
Read also:Beautiful DIY crafts made from natural materials

Plastic bee and cardboard hive

Anna Ivanova

Her we made with the guys in honor of the day mothers(which is celebrated annually in our country on the last Sunday of November). Why bee? Because bee symbolizes our mothers, who are just as hardworking, caring, and sweet. But this crafts you can make in your free time, for no reason (children really love something tinker) . Moreover, it is easy and special to make no material needed.

We will need: napkin or toilet paper roll, yellow oracal, small pieces of black, red, green, blue oracal (you can also use colored paper, scissors, double tape and white paper (white cardboard is fine)

Glue the yellow cardboard onto the sleeve and carefully trim the edges.

We cut out strips of black oracal (about 1 cm wide, glue them at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm.

This is how we make antennae and glue them inside the sleeve (glue pieces of white cardboard with double-sided tape).

All that remains is to glue on the eyes and mouth. And ours the bee is ready!

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

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Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I haven’t written on the blog for a long time, but the reason was good (I went on vacation at the seaside). What I want to present.

Description: The material can be useful to teachers, parents, and anyone who is interested in creativity. Goal: Plasticine modeling of the Dymkovo lady.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! These are the carrots I made for my kids. Let me start by saying that one of my mothers works in a furniture shop.

Master class on making crafts from waste material "Chicken". 1. For work we will need: egg packaging, PVA glue, feathers.


We will need: threads of two colors (black and yellow), thick copper wire for beading, fluffy black thread, brown adhesive tape for beading, PVA glue, cardboard, scissors, gypsy needle and two pieces of fabric (white bow) size 10x5.

Step 1

Making the bee's abdomen. We cut out two rings from cardboard with an outer radius of 2 cm and an inner radius of 1 cm. Now we wrap these rings with threads of two colors (yellow and black) alternately. We begin to wind the yellow thread first, wrapping the rings with it only once, but at the same time, each turn must be arranged very tightly to each other. Then we begin to wind the black thread, we wrap it around the rings three times (that is, there should be three layers of black thread). Next, we wind the yellow thread again, also in three layers. And the last time, we wind the black thread in two or three layers. The number of layers of black thread in the latter case depends on how tightly the rings are wrapped and whether there is still room and opportunity left to pull the thread into the center of the ring. These rings must be wrapped so that there is no visible hole left in the center (it must be completely filled with threads).

There is such a feature in making pompoms: the tighter and tighter the rings are wrapped (the more threads there are), the more oval the pompom will be. If you need a round pom-pom, then when wrapping the rings, the thread should be arranged loosely, without tension, and a visible hole should remain in the center (that is, the central hole should not be completely filled with threads).

In our case, the bee's abdomen is oval, so we make an oval pompom. Having wrapped the rings well, we then proceed according to the scheme already known to us: we cut the threads along the outer edge with sharp scissors, tie them in the center with thread, remove the rings, and fluff them up. We cut off the irregularities on the surface of the finished pompom, as well as the thread that was used to tie it in the center.

Step 2

Making the bee's head.

We cut out two rings from cardboard with an outer radius of 1.5 cm and an inner radius of 0.7 cm. We wrap them with black thread, make the pompom round, so we leave a visible hole in the center. This pom pom will be pure black.

Step 3

Making a bee breast.

We cut out two rings from cardboard with an outer radius of 1.8 cm and an inner radius of 0.9 cm. We wrap them only with black thread. We make this pompom round.

Step 4

Making a bee's paws.

A bee has six legs. We cut two pieces of 11 cm each from thick copper wire (these are the front paws), two pieces of 10 cm each (these are the middle paws), two pieces of 12 cm each (these are the hind legs). We wrap each piece of wire with black fluffy thread only from one end, wrapping a little more than half the length of the wire. Leave the other end of the wire unwound. Now we stick all the paws in pairs into the bee’s chest. Front paws - one on the right, one on the left, twist the bare ends of the wire between the fibers of the pompom. Then we stick in the middle paws - we do the same. And the hind legs - we do the same thing (keeping in mind that the hind legs are the longest). All twisted ends of the wire should be in the lower part of the breast (as if under the breast), hidden among the fibers of the pompom.

Step 5

Glue three pom-poms with PVA glue in the following sequence: head, chest with paws, abdomen. We fix the glued bee between two objects and leave it for two to three hours so that the glue dries well.

Step 6

During this time we make wings. We cut two pieces of 22 cm from thick copper wire. From 17 cm we make the outline of the wing, and bend the remaining 5 cm at an angle of 90 degrees to the wing. This way we made a pin, which we will then simply stick into the bee’s chest. We coat the wire, which is the contour of the wing, with PVA glue, and while the glue is still wet, place a piece of fabric (white bow) measuring 10x5 cm on top of the glue. Let the glue dry well, then cut off the excess fabric-bow behind the contours of the wing. Now we stick the wings on both sides into the bee’s chest. The pins can be fixed at the bottom of the breast by twisting them together, or you can just stick them in and do nothing else.

Step 7

Bee sting.

Cut a piece 2 cm long from thick copper wire. Wrap it with brown or black adhesive tape, which is used for beading. Glue the sting at the back between the fibers of the pompom using PVA glue.

Step 8

Bee's antennae.

Cut two pieces of 2.5 cm each from thick copper wire. Wrap them in the same color as the tip (brown or black) with adhesive tape. Bend them into an “L” shape to create a corner with one end slightly longer than the other. We grease with PVA glue those ends of the corners that are shorter and glue them into the bee’s head on both sides. The long part of these corners should be directed downwards.

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A bright and funny paper bee is a very simple craft made from a cone and small details in the form of wings, a head and antennae. This is an excellent one that children will definitely enjoy.

Materials used:

  • Yellow cardboard (you can use paper for the body);
  • Black paper;
  • Double-sided blue paper for the wings (white will also work);
  • Compasses, scissors, black felt-tip pen, glue stick.

Paper bee step by step

Making the torso

The bee's body is a paper cone. To make it, draw a circle using a compass, divide it into 4 parts and take one of the parts. As an economical option, so as not to cut out a whole circle, if only one child is making a craft, you can simply circle any corner of colored paper with a compass.

Wrap the piece and make a cone out of it, secure the edge with glue.

Details complementing the bee

Prepare the following paper parts for the bee. Although there are many of them, they are very simple.

  1. Cut out semicircular or even round wings from blue or white paper;
  2. You will also need a bee's head, which needs to be cut out of yellow cardboard. This is a simple circle that fits the size of a cone;
  3. The bee is identified by black stripes on its body, cut out two semicircular stripes. Straight lines are also possible, but they may not adhere well to the cone;
  4. The bee also needs antennae, so cut two thin black strips;
  5. Make eyes out of white paper. Draw the pupils with a felt-tip pen;
  6. Optional details - paws and bangs.

The final stage of creating a paper bee

Glue two black stripes to the cone, a head with pre-glued eyes, bangs, mustache and a painted smile. Complete the craft with wings glued to the back of the cone body and legs.