Why the popcorn project is shooting. Research project Why popcorn shoots? Nutritional properties of popcorn

Business idea.

Making popcorn at home.

Cotton candy is a record holder among the profitable types of business .

Popcorn is a very ancient culture. The oldest popcorn cobs were found in the Beth Cay cave near New Mexico.

corn goddess figurine

Cave Beth Cay

Ancient "poppers" were a vessel made of clay, minerals (for example, soapstone), later wire and metal with a small hole at the top and a long curly side handle in the shape of, for example, a cat, other animals, or simply decorated with carvings.

ancient poppers

The commercial history of popcorn began in 1880, when it first appeared in US agricultural records. In 1885, Charlie Critors invented the first popcorn "machine", which also became known as the "popper".

Today, most of the popcorn we buy at movie theaters is made on machines designed by the Critors family.

Classification. Popcorn (scientific name zea mays everta) is a type of corn. In English, corn means corn. Moreover, the word corn in the history of mankind did not always mean corn. So, there are several types of corn:





The grain itself can be:

elongated shape

Oval, like a pearl

Popcorn is a natural low-calorie and satisfying product. One serving contains as many ballast substances as in a large apple with a peel or half a serving of oatmeal porridge with

bran. Popcorn prepared without sugar is a dietary product for those suffering from diabetic disease, recommended as a substitute for bread.

Popcorn is high in fiber and low in fat. It is a prophylactic agent for oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. .

Popcorn preparation

Making popcorn at home is an exciting and fun activity. Great for uplifting or just for fun.

Popcorn corn differs from regular corn in shape: the seeds are smaller and rounder. They are sold in the store, but you can grow them yourself in the country in the open field.

Before frying, I check if there are any bad grains: blackened, or empty and dried up.

Pour the corn kernels into a well-heated pan.

I cover with a lid.

After a few minutes, all the grains turn into popcorn at

I unpack the paper bag and put it in the microwave. .

I turn on the maximum power and wait about 4 minutes (when it starts to shoot every 2-3 seconds in a pack, it's time to turn it off so as not to burn it).

Do not take out the package right away - you can get burned.

After a while, I take out the popcorn from the bag and pour it into a suitable container.

Glasses and bags for popcorn.

In order to increase my sales of ready-made popcorn, it is necessary to use practical and colorful packaging for the sale of popcorn, which should decorate my point of sale and attract the attention of people.

Paper popcorn cups are considered the most popular packaging for popcorn paper popcorn cups are considered the most popular packaging for popcorn poppers.

Income from production.

For 1 serving of popcorn, 30 g of corn grain is required. A large bag of grain weighing 22.7 kg costs 1,100 rubles.

22700g: 30g = 756 servings

I get 756 servings from this bag.

1100 r: 756 servings = 1 r 45 k

1 r 45 k is the cost of grain for making 1 portion of popcorn.

I bought the cups at a wholesale base from the “packaging” department in Nizhny Novgorod.

The price of 1 cup is 1 ruble.

150 r: 756 servings \u003d 0.20 \u003d 20 k.

20 kopecks are the cost of nutritional supplements for 1 serving of popcorn.

Cost of 1 portion of popcorn = cost

grains (1 r 45 k) + the cost of 1 cup (1 ruble)

The cost of a nutritional supplement

for 1 serving (20 kopecks) = 2 r 65 k

The cost of 1 portion of popcorn = 2 r 65 k.

The price of 1 serving of popcorn will be 20 rubles.

I count income .

If I sell 1 serving of popcorn for 20 rubles, while its cost is 2r 65k, then I make a profit of 17r 35 kopecks

20 r -2 r 65 k \u003d 17 r 35 k.

Therefore, my income will depend on the number of servings sold.

For example, if I sell 100 servings of popcorn, I will make a profit of 1,735 rubles.

17 r 35 k * 100 servings = 1735 r.



I am sure that popcorn production is a very profitable business, and what is most important for a novice entrepreneur like me is that it does not require large initial investments, and the profit is super high.

In addition to selling corn, I will also be selling cotton candy and in the future I am considering selling cold drinks.

Holidays are coming up - and this seasonal business is perfect for me.

I think everything is in my hands!

Research work on the topic "Why popcorn shoots?" Completed by: Pavlov Kirill Kobenko Zakhar Pupils of MBOU BSOSH No. 1 1 "G" class Leader: Shevchenko A.N. Primary school teacher MBOU BSOSh No. 1

  • The relevance of the study - all children love popcorn, its frequent use affects health.
  • The purpose of the study: to find out why corn grains "explode".
  • To achieve the goal of the study, it will be necessary to solve the following tasks:
  • 1) Find out the history of the origin of popcorn;
  • 2) To study in the literature the positive and negative effects of popcorn on human health;
  • 3) Do research and find out how corn kernels explode when exposed to heat.
  • Hypothesis: If the popcorn grains explode, then there is moisture there.
  • Object: grains of corn.
  • Subject: the benefits and harms of "popcorn".
  • Research methods:
  • study of special literature, practical experience, observation, questioning, description, access to the global computer network Internet.
  • Hernan Cortes, who set foot on the land of Mexico with his companions in 1519, observed the process of preparing this exotic dish for Europeans.
  • The Indians either put maize cobs whole in hot oil, or threw individual grains into special baskets and held them over the fire, shaking them evenly.
History of the origin of popcorn
  • The "recent" history of popcorn began in the second half of the 19th century. The first mention in US documents is 1880. In 1885, Charles Creators began introducing the first compact and mobile popcorn machine.
  • Samuel Rubin, during the Great
  • Depression, guessed to sell bagged corn in movie theaters. In Russia, popcorn first appeared in the post-war period -1945-1946.
The impact of popcorn on human health
  • Popcorn is regular corn, so it:
  • helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system,
  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • beneficial effect on the condition of skin tissues,
  • protects the body from numerous diseases,
  • prolongs a person's youth
  • used in weight loss programs.
The main negative impact on the properties of popcorn is provided by the methods of its preparation.
  • Cinema owners offer popcorn to visitors with many harmful synthetic additives.
  • After eating such popcorn, you always feel thirsty, so people start buying additional sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Cooking and consuming large amounts of popcorn can lead to lung disease, this is due to the use of oil containing chemical additives.
  • If you eat popcorn in moderation, there will be no health problems.
Varieties of popcorn
  • sweet popcorn
  • Popcorn with caramel
  • salted popcorn
Survey results 1. 100% of respondents love popcorn. 2. 3. 24 people buy ready-made popcorn, 2 people cook it themselves. Questionnaire results 4. 23 respondents prefer the sweet taste of popcorn, 3 - salty. 5. Chocolate popcorn preparation Ingredients:
  • 1 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • 75 g corn for popcorn;
  • 300 g of dark chocolate;
  • 50 g white chocolate.
Cooking process Why do corn kernels explode???
  • Inside the grain contains a drop of moisture. When heated, the shell of corn grains does not allow water to pass through and does not allow water to evaporate, as a result of which strong pressure increases from the inside, the grains burst, turn out and become like little white flowers.
Did not all the grains explode??? This was due to the incorrect moisture content of the grains. If there is not enough water in the grain, then the steam pressure will not be enough to break the shell. With an excess level of moisture, an average heating temperature at which most of the grains burst, such popcorn will not be enough. In addition, a damaged shell of the grain may cause the grain not to burst, as the steam will come out gradually. We melted both chocolates in separate bowls. We poured popcorn into dark chocolate and mixed thoroughly. Sprinkle white chocolate on top with a spoon. And let it freeze.

Thank you for your attention!!!

To the question Why do popcorn grains explode? given by the author power station the best answer is Apparently, the honor of opening popcorn familiar to each of us (from the English corn - “corn”, pop - “burst with a bang”) belongs to the ancient Indians, who managed to discover a variety of maize capable of “self-explosion”. The secret of this "explosiveness" is very simple and is explained by the special structure of the grain, which contains a drop of starch containing water.
Popcorn is a very ancient culture. The oldest popcorn cobs were found in Beth Cave near New Mexico. They are 5600 years old.
Thousands of years ago, people already enjoyed popcorn. In 1948, bursting corn kernels were discovered in caves in New Mexico, estimated by scientists to be approximately 5,000 years old. It is believed that for the first time Europeans tried puffed corn in 1621, on the first Thanksgiving Day, celebrated by the English colonists (Puritans), together with the Wampanoag Indian neighbors, who brought a healthy and tasty treat. Thanks to popcorn, the colony was able to survive the harsh winter.
Ancient "poppers" were a vessel made of clay, minerals (for example, soapstone), later wire and metal with a small hole at the top and a long curly side handle in the shape of, for example, a cat, other animals, or simply decorated with carvings.
The popcorn popped, as it does now, with the help of heat and oil.
For example, a whole cob (and a small cob of popcorn) was placed in hot fat or vegetable oil and boiled in it until all the grains on the cob opened, turning into a “bouquet” with which women decorated their hair in the evening. Popcorn prepared in this way was also suitable for food.
In addition, popcorn grains were placed inside a wire basket and held over the fire, shaking occasionally.
Popcorn was “exploded” right on the cob: they pierced the cob with a sharp stick, greased the grains with oil and put it on the hot sand by the fire, periodically turning it.
Why do popcorn grains explode?
Each kernel contains a small amount of water. As the grain heats up, this water turns into steam. Popcorn differs from other grains in that its shell is waterproof and does not let moisture out, so steam cannot seep through the shell, pressure is built up and, finally, the grain explodes, turning inside out.
On average, the grain will burst when it reaches a temperature of 175 degrees Celsius.
The grains that have not burst are called "old virgins" or "old maids".
Why don't grains burst?
First of all, this is due to improper moisture content. If there is not enough water in the grain, then the steam pressure will not be enough to break the shell. With an excess level of moisture, an average heating temperature at which most of the grains burst, such popcorn will not be enough. In addition, a damaged shell of the grain may cause the grain not to burst as steam will come out gradually. Good popcorn produces less than 2 percent old maids.
Ideally, popcorn should have a moisture content of approximately 13.5 percent, which results in the fewest unpopped corns.
Popcorn is believed to have been brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus at the end of the 15th century.
The first commercial popcorn machine was invented by Charles Critors in Chicago in 1885 and was called the "popper". Today, most of the popcorn you buy at movie theaters is made on machines designed by the Critors family.
American merchants began selling popcorn at holidays as early as the late 19th century. When enterprising businessmen tried to sell popcorn near cinemas, the owners of the latter were extremely annoyed, fearing that the popcorn would distract visitors from the movies. It took a few years to realize that popcorn could be a great way to increase revenue, and popcorn has been sold in movie theaters since 1912.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why do popcorns explode?

Answer from philosophize[guru]
The honor of opening popcorn familiar to each of us (from the English corn - “corn”, pop - “burst with a bang”) belongs to the ancient Indians, who managed to discover a variety of maize capable of “self-explosion”. The secret of this "explosiveness" is very simple and is explained by the special structure of the grain, which contains a drop of starch containing water.
When heated, the water boils, the steam explodes the shell and the grain opens, increasing in volume. Hernan Cortes, who set foot on the land of Mexico with his companions in 1519, observed the process of preparing this exotic dish for Europeans. The Indians either put maize cobs whole in hot oil, or threw individual grains into special baskets and held them over the fire, shaking them evenly.

Answer from optimist[active]
How can you explode unexploded popcorn kernels?

MKOU Zonal secondary school Project "Why popcorn shoots?" Completed by: 2b grade student Roman Kruze Supervisor: Gushchina L.A. 2016

I chose this topic because I really love this treat and I want to know how popcorn is made.

Purpose of the work To find out why corn grains "explode".

Tasks: 1. Learn the history of popcorn. 2. Study the benefits and harms of popcorn. 3. Research how corn "explodes" when heated.

Object of study: corn grains. Subject of study: the benefits or harms of popcorn. Hypothesis: if corn kernels "explode", then there is moisture there.

Research methods Study of specialized literature Practical experience Observation Questioning Access to the Internet

What is popcorn? Popcorn is translated from English as an exploding, airy cup

I conducted a survey among my class (20 people) and found out that:

Why does popcorn explode? Corn kernels burst because there is water inside them. When heated, water turns into steam. The steam expands and breaks the shell of the grain.

The history of popcorn This property of corn was discovered by the Indians of North America. They made beads, bracelets and a necklace out of popcorn. Popcorn is a national American food that even has its own holiday: Popcorn Day (January 19).

In 1885, the American Charles Cretors invented the first "Popper". "Popper" is a popcorn machine on wheels. She allowed him to "blow up" anywhere: at cinemas, in zoos and on the streets.

Good Popcorn contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. Popcorn affects health - Bad Popcorn contains food additives (flavor enhancers) that are dangerous to health.

Experience with corn I poured some corn into a pan, closed it with a lid and put it on fire. After 5 minutes, pops were heard, a large bowl of popcorn turned out.

Continuation of the experiment I also tried to heat the sunflower seeds. The grains were toasted, but did not burst.

The shell of the corn grain is stronger than that of other grains. The steam cannot get out and breaks the grain with force. The corn explodes like a projectile. Why don't other grains explode?

Corn explodes because there is a small drop of water inside each grain. Popcorn is good for health. It is better to cook and eat it at home. conclusions

My hypothesis that corn grains contain a drop of water was completely confirmed. In the course of my work, I achieved my goal and tasks. Conclusion

Thank you for your attention

Publication date: 2016-03-30

Short description: ...

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lyceum No. 9 of the city of Salsk

research project

"Why is the popcorn shooting?"

Completed by: student of 2 "B" class,

Vanaaru Valeria

Head: Perunova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna,

primary school teacher.

G.Salsk 2015


Introduction…………………………………………………………… 3

    Main part…………………………………………………….4

    1. The history of popcorn………………………………….4

    1. Nutritional properties of popcorn…………………………………..4

    1. The appearance of popcorn in Russia……………………………………4-5


List of literature sources used……………………..7


I chose the theme of popcorn because I really like this treat.

Relevance research is that many people, most of them children, eat popcorn. The constant use of popcorn to some extent affects their lives and health. This is evidenced by the processing of the results of a survey conducted among my classmates, from which we see that children like to eat popcorn.

Thus, we define purpose of the study: find out why corn grains "explode".

To achieve the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    Find out the history of the origin of "popcorn";

    To study in the special literature about the positive and negative effects of "popcorn" on human health.

    Conduct research on how corn kernels "explode" when heated.

Hypothesis : If the popcorn grains explode, then there is moisture there.

An object : grains of corn.

Subject : the benefits and harms of "popcorn".

To implement the tasks, we determineresearch methods:

    study of special literature,

    practical experience,




    access to the global computer network Internet.

    Main part

    1. History of popcorn

Popcorn - "popcorn" - known to all. Corn began to be grown about 7,000 years ago in the mountainous parts of Mexico. Under favorable conditions, corn grains can be stored for a very long time. Evidence of this are the grains found by archaeologists in burials in Peru. Their age exceeds a thousand years, however, many of them even now can be used to make "popcorn". And besides corn grains, vessels for making popcorn were also found in the excavations. In ancient times they were made of clay, metal and were of various sizes.
Back in the early 16th century, the indigenous population of Mexico then used popcorn - and not only as food, but also in the form of hair ornaments and necklaces. And Europeans recognized popcorn only in 1630.

Only two centuries later, Charlie Kritoz invented the Popper, a popcorn machine.

Popcorn is the national American food.

There is even a Popcorn Day in the USA, which is celebrated

    1. Nutritional properties of popcorn.
      - natural, low-calorie and satisfying product. One serving of popcorn contains as many nutrients as a large apple with a peel or half a serving of oatmeal porridge with bran. Popcorn is rich in carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Popcorn is low in calories.

      The emergence of popcorn in Russia

Popcorn appeared in our country in 1992. Queues lined up for a bag of corn flakes to brand new transparent machines filled with a delicate crunchy treat. Popcorn, depending on the method and additives used in its preparation, can be both a cheap dietary product and an expensive delicacy.

Popcorn is sold today not only in the cinema, but also in any supermarket, so you can crunch it on the couch in front of the TV. The variety of corn flavors is simply amazing. There are caramel, vanilla, chocolate and fruit popcorn, with the taste of onions, garlic, cheese and even caviar.


In the course of the study, we found out the history of the origin of "popcorn", studied in the special literature about the positive and negative effects of popcorn on human health. We conducted a survey and an experiment and found out why corn grains explode, thereby completing the tasks. In our work, we used the methods of studying special literature, descriptions, access to the global computer network Internet, practical experience, and observation.

For the manufacture of popcorn, only a special variety of corn is used, namely -exploding . Exploding corn has a very large yield. A handful of it makes a big bowl of popcorn.

Making popcorn at home.

Heat up 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil in a large saucepan and add 125 g of popcorn grains; to cover with a lid. Heat slowly, shaking the pan until you hear a crackle. Remove from heat and sprinkle with sugar or salt to taste.

After a practical study that we conducted with corn grains, we can formulateconclusions:

Corn explodes because there is a small drop of water inside each grain. When heated, it boils and turns into steam. The steam expands and breaks the shell of the grain.

    Popcorn is good for health.

    Cooking and eating it is better at home.

List of used literature:

1. Book for inquisitive .- M.: Makhaon, 1998.- 93 p.: ill.

    First questions and answers about nutrition

CJSC "Kristina and K"