Why is the connection interrupted? Wi-Fi is unstable

Is your wireless Internet connection slow? You are suffering from an unstable Wi-Fi connection. Congestion problems are common in residential complexes or in areas with high density population. In a world where an Internet connection is vital for almost everyone, having a slow Internet is more than just a nuisance.

Are you trying to work remotely, are you checking your status in in social networks or just look at restaurant reviews, a slow internet connection allows you to live life on your terms. The good news is that you won't have to deal with slow internet anymore. The solution is as simple as downloading the Speedify app from the AppStore or Google.

What Causes Wireless Congestion?

There may be dozens of stations in any region. Each radio tower sends out invisible waves of radiation at its own frequency, from the tower to your radio. Adjusting the radio changes the channel. But what if there are two stations broadcasting on the same channel?

Luckily, the government regulates radio the same way they regulate wireless frequencies. If every radio station transmitter uses the same frequency, you'll hear a cacophony of distorted sounds - it's like trying to isolate one voice at the most crowded party.

Just like radio, Wi-Fi is a form of invisible radiation. Like all forms of radiation, wireless communication has a physical form, or frequency, that appears as a wave. This is also not limited to one form - there are several types of Wi-Fi frequencies used by computers, namely 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. While the government maintains strict controls over how devices connect to each frequency, there are limits to 2.4GHz technology.

2.4 GHz offers 3 non-overlapping channels. 5 GHz offers 23 non-overlapping channels and shorter range, meaning fewer overlapping radio signals.

The problem with 2.4 GHz: Most consumer technologies, including Bluetooth and a number of wireless technologies, use the same 2.4 GHz frequency which has only three non-overlapping channels. In addition, 2.4 GHz has a long range, which leads to various Wi-Fi signals overlapping each other.

The solution is simple: determine which channels are not overloaded and switch the device to it. If this does not help, consider changing your router to a 5 GHz model. Keep in mind that many fancy routers offer trimaran and other features. The best option is always a dual-band device.

Tools to Solve Wireless Congestion

First, you must determine which Wi-Fi channel provides reliability and speed. Second (and last) you should change your router's channel. This means you need to use a tool to analyze and change settings on your router.

In Windows, there are a huge number of tools that can identify the best channels. One of the best options comes from Windows Store: wireless analyzer.

How to Use WiFi Analyzer

Just install and launch the application. After installation you will be able to run it in Windows search(Windows key + Q), enter the wireless analyzer type, and select the store; as a result, you may have to install the application before you can proceed to launch it.

The program should detect your Wi-Fi signal and its strength, which ranges from 0 to -100 decibel milliwatts (dBm), the lower the better. If it shows 0 dBm, then you are near the transmitter. At -100 dBm your connection will not work. A number lower (technically negative lower) than -70 means a strong connection. -80 dBm or higher means a bad connection.

Next, click on analysis in the top menu bar. The WiFi Analyzer displays a visualization of the various overlapping wireless networks in your area. If two networks are broadcasting on the same channel, you will notice that they will overlap. Each channel represents a number between 1 and 161.

This is what it looks like when two networks intersect:

If you don't have Windows 8 or a newer OS, you could try it out from nirsoft WifiInfoView, which offers similar features as the WiFi analyzer.

How to change the channel on a router

Now that you know which Wi-Fi channel works best, you will need to change your router settings. Accessing your router's settings requires a browser such as Chrome. Access to its settings, but varies between various models router, but there are some general rules.

Note: Most routers can use “admin” as the login and “password” as the password. Registration information may also be printed on the back of the router or in the instruction manual that came with it. If you can't access your router, try searching the Internet for a way to open your individual router.

In the end, The best way to say that you have improved your internet speed is to test it. I recommend using SpeedTest.net. This good way determine which Wi-Fi channel will optimally combine speed and reliability. If this doesn't work, you might want to try some other methods to improve your router's performance.

After making all the necessary settings, you should restart the computer (for both players) and check the result. Often this helps, and you can start playing.

Reason 2: Problems with the client

This problem is quite rare, but it cannot be ignored. Connection problems may be due to a faulty client of one of the users.

As a rule, this happens for two reasons - either Tunngle crashes, or the client update occurred with errors.

In both cases, the solution is the same - you need to reinstall the program.

Usually after this everything starts to work if that was indeed the problem.

Reason 3: Connection problems

Most common reason this error. In most cases, it all comes down to what the user really has poor quality connections, and this requires replacing the provider and improving the equipment.

However, other factors can also cause connection quality problems. They are worth checking, especially if you have complete confidence in the high quality of the connection and equipment.


As mentioned earlier, when solving this problem, it is important to carry out all the described measures for both players. It may be that each user has their own problems with the client or network. Because collaboration working on solving the problem will lead to complete elimination of the problem and a comfortable game.

Hardly with a computer, but what does money have to do with it? You pay for the Internet, you paid for laying the cable - go to court or just write statement of claim, and show it to your provider, I think. It won’t go to court, that’s their fault. You pay, among other things, for the cable to be in good working order. To you as a consumer. It doesn’t matter at all what happened to the cable behind the door of your apartment; by the way, you can also raise the question of a refund, the service provided was not of high quality

Well, the money is here despite the fact that calling a specialist costs 350 rubles. + cable laying costs 18 rubles per meter, but here it will be plus or minus 20 meters. According to the contract, I am responsible for the cable in the apartment, and I have to pay. In general, it is easier to change providers. The main thing is that everything is in order with the computer.

I had such a problem, there was a constant connection breakdown, it cost me two months of “fighting” with the provider, I heard a lot of tales from the technical support service, both about myself and about my computer. I reached the CEO of the provider. Result: they came to replace the cable, note it free of charge, the chief engineer personally came with an apology, and after a month of calls from those. support asking if everything is fine with me.... So, don’t be discouraged, demand a service of proper quality, as max-02, our respected moderator, correctly said.

And I struggled and called them for more than 2 years. As a result, they sent me a signalman who checked the wire and connection and said that everything was in order. I paid him 1000 rubles. for installing a new cable, and forgot about the outages. We just laid the wire ourselves initially.

*****.ru 01/20/2011

Thank you, I understand everything. I'm changing provider!

And I have the following problem: I bought a new Sony Bravia TV (LCD), they installed a decoder for digital, but after a week the picture began to “freeze” from time to time and the sound went away. The technician came, checked the cable, removed the decoder from the telephone plug and said, that everything is in order. However, I didn’t take the money. For 2 - 3 weeks everything worked fine, but then everything came back. The technical support service advised me to turn the modem (ADSL) on and off every(!) time. Is this really normal?!

The support team consists of people like us. someone responsible. some are not very good, while others don’t care at all, so they shift the problems onto the user’s shoulders. In theory, we, the users, don’t care. what about the cable (unless we use it for drying clothes at the same time), it doesn’t matter what we do with the modem, because we pay with our own money, the provider, technical support can say whatever they want. They just understand that this is not America and that we have not yet learned how to sue on every issue, but in court they will be obliged to change the cable and repair the modem without talking.

Slow, unstable Internet is a problem not only for many residents of the Moscow region, but also for the capital. In shopping and entertainment centers, office complexes, basements, in underground parking lots and construction sites, 4G reception does not allow full use of the Internet. What to do if the network speed is low country house, at a dacha or facility within the city, several times lower than stated? You can resort to two methods to solve this problem:

  1. Improve unstable Internet using improvised methods.
  2. Install professional.

By building an amplifier at home from a coffee can, CDs, or other scrap materials, you will achieve negligible results. To be sure to eliminate unstable internet connection, it is optimal to install the YS System amplifier. This is 100% guarantee quick access to the network and stable operation of 3G and 4G anywhere.

Solving the problem with unstable Wi-Fi

The main problems related to the unstable operation of the fourth generation wireless Internet are:

  1. Lost connection.
  2. Low data transfer speed.
  3. Difficulties connecting to the network via a Wi-Fi router.

This is not a complete list of the consequences that arise when the Internet is unstable. Agree, there is nothing more annoying than the “No network access” error on your computer monitor, laptop or smartphone screen. But fortunately, there is a universal solution that does not require large amounts of time and money - modems and antennas for amplifying the Internet signal YS System. Why should you buy new generation equipment? The reasons for purchasing high-tech devices are expressed in terms of opportunity.

After making all the necessary settings, you should restart the computer (for both players) and check the result. Often this helps, and you can start playing.

Reason 2: Problems with the client

This problem is quite rare, but it cannot be ignored. Connection problems may be due to a faulty client of one of the users.

As a rule, this happens for two reasons - either Tunngle crashes, or the client update occurred with errors.

In both cases, the solution is the same - you need to reinstall the program.

Usually after this everything starts to work if that was indeed the problem.

Reason 3: Connection problems

The most common cause of this error. In most cases, it all comes down to the fact that the user has a really bad connection quality, and this requires changing the provider and improving the equipment.

However, other factors can also cause connection quality problems. They are worth checking, especially if there is complete confidence in high quality connections and equipment.


As mentioned earlier, when solving this problem, it is important to carry out all the described measures for both players. It may be that each user has their own problems with the client or network. Therefore, working together to solve the problem will lead to complete elimination of the problem and a comfortable game.

In this article, I will try to answer a very popular question, which in most cases is difficult to even explain. People often write to me in the comments about some problem with Wi-Fi, I read the question several times, but I can’t understand anything. And to answer the question, I answer with several questions :) in order to understand what the problem is and clarify the necessary information. Let's talk today about the unstable operation of the Internet when connected via Wi-Fi.

Let's try to figure out what exactly this connection instability is, what the problem might be, and what can be done to solve problems with the wireless network.

There are times when the Internet does not work as it should. For example, you connected the Internet to your computer via a network cable. We bought and installed a wireless router, and began connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. And they began to notice that the Internet was somehow not working right, it was constantly cutting out, the speed was low, etc.

I’ll probably now highlight problems that can be attributed to unstable operation of the wireless network. This way, it will be easier for us to navigate the problem itself and a possible solution.

  • Frequent connection interruptions. For example, you connected a smartphone, and after a while it turns off by itself. Or a laptop that constantly disconnects and connects. I've seen cases where the connection was lost for a few seconds and was immediately restored. This is not always noticeable, but if you have Skype installed, its connection status is constantly changing. Or a yellow icon appears next to the connection icon. Here is another article on this issue: ““.
  • Low internet connection speed, or speed spikes when connected via Wi-Fi. It may be that, for example, during the day the speed is normal, but in the evening it drops significantly (if connected via cable, the speed is always stable).
  • Unstable Wi-Fi connection. This may include a large number of connection problems. For example, when a device connects to the network for the second or third time. Or, only in a certain place (for example, near the router, I already wrote about this problem ) .
  • When you notice some problems, but not always. For example, the Internet works fine for several days, and then strange problems with Wi-Fi begin again. Or, as I already wrote, everything is fine in the morning, but during the day the connection is unstable.

This list can be continued, but I think the essence is clear. I would just like to exclude from this list popular problems that have their own characteristics and about which separate articles have already been written:

  • Error “ ” on computers, or when the connection is on mobile devices I have, but .
  • Errors on mobile devices: , and " ".

Solving the problem with unstable Wi-Fi

I have some kind of universal solution. And some special settings, with which you can adjust the stability of operation, are also not available. You need to try and find a solution. I will give some tips that should help you in this difficult matter.

Reboot your router and laptop (smartphone, tablet, etc.).

This is the first thing to do. Just turn off the power from the router and turn it back on. Also, reboot the device that you are trying to connect to the network, or that is experiencing some problems.

You need to understand what the problem is.

Everything is simple here. We need to find the culprit. This could be either your router or the device itself (computer, smartphone, etc.). How to do it? Just try connecting other devices to your network (preferably those that work on the same operating system) . If the problem persists, then most likely the problem is with the access point. And the problem must be looked for in it.

If another device connects and the Internet works stably, then most likely the problem is in the device itself (with which there were difficulties). I’m already confused myself :)

Make sure the Internet is working directly.

What does direct mean? This is when it is connected without a router. Network cable straight to the computer. Perhaps there are some problems on the provider's side. And you are already torturing your router and other equipment :)

Change the channel your wireless network is on.

It is necessary! If there is interference on the channel on which your Wi-Fi is operating (in the form of wireless, neighboring networks), then a variety of incomprehensible problems may arise in the operation of your Internet connection, which are even difficult to explain. Read the article about how to change the channel. This is probably the most important and effective advice.

We update the software on the router.


If nothing works, write about your problem in the comments. Try to describe the problem in as much detail as possible. We'll figure it out together.

If you have anything to add to the article, I will be only grateful. Best wishes!

Also on the site:

Unstable Internet operation over Wi-Fi: some tips to solve the problem updated: April 23, 2014 by: admin

Is your wireless Internet connection slow? You are suffering from an unstable Wi-Fi connection. Congestion problems are common in residential complexes or areas with high population density. In a world where an Internet connection is vital for almost everyone, having a slow Internet is more than just a nuisance.

Whether you're trying to work remotely, checking your status on social media, or just looking at restaurant reviews, a slow internet connection allows you to live life on your terms. The good news is that you won't have to deal with slow internet anymore. The solution is as simple as downloading the Speedify app from the AppStore or Google.

What Causes Wireless Congestion?

There may be dozens of stations in any region. Each radio tower sends out invisible waves of radiation at its own frequency, from the tower to your radio. Adjusting the radio changes the channel. But what if there are two stations broadcasting on the same channel?

Luckily, the government regulates radio the same way they regulate wireless frequencies. If every radio station transmitter uses the same frequency, you'll hear a cacophony of distorted sounds - it's like trying to isolate one voice at the most crowded party.

Just like radio, Wi-Fi is a form of invisible radiation. Like all forms of radiation, wireless communication has a physical form, or frequency, that appears as a wave. This is also not limited to one form - there are several types of Wi-Fi frequencies used by computers, namely 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. While the government maintains strict controls over how devices connect to each frequency, there are limits to 2.4GHz technology.

2.4 GHz offers 3 non-overlapping channels. 5 GHz offers 23 non-overlapping channels and shorter range, meaning fewer overlapping radio signals.

The problem with 2.4 GHz: Most consumer technologies, including Bluetooth and a number of wireless technologies, use the same 2.4 GHz frequency which has only three non-overlapping channels. In addition, 2.4 GHz has a long range, which leads to various Wi-Fi signals overlapping each other.

The solution is simple: determine which channels are not overloaded and switch the device to it. If this does not help, consider changing your router to a 5 GHz model. Keep in mind that many fancy routers offer trimaran and other features. The best option is always a dual-band device.

Tools to Solve Wireless Congestion

First, you must determine which Wi-Fi channel provides reliability and speed. Second (and last) you should change your router's channel. This means you need to use a tool to analyze and change settings on your router.

In Windows, there are a huge number of tools that can identify the best channels. One of best options comes from the Windows Store: Wireless Analyzer.

How to Use WiFi Analyzer

Just install and launch the application. Once installed, you will be able to launch it in Windows search (Windows key + Q), enter the type wireless analyzer, and select the store, as a result, you may have to install the application before you can proceed to launch it.

The program should detect your Wi-Fi signal and its strength, which ranges from 0 to -100 decibel milliwatts (dBm), the lower the better. If it shows 0 dBm, then you are near the transmitter. At -100 dBm your connection will not work. A number lower (technically negative lower) than -70 means a strong connection. -80 dBm or higher means a bad connection.

Next, click on analysis in the top menu bar. The WiFi Analyzer displays a visualization of the various overlapping wireless networks in your area. If two networks are broadcasting on the same channel, you will notice that they will overlap. Each channel represents a number between 1 and 161.

This is what it looks like when two networks intersect:

If you don't have Windows 8 or a newer OS, you could try it out from nirsoft WifiInfoView, which offers similar features as the WiFi analyzer.

How to change the channel on a router

Now that you know which Wi-Fi channel works best, you will need to change your router settings. Accessing your router's settings requires a browser such as Chrome. Access to its settings varies between different router models, but there are some general rules.

Note: Most routers can use “admin” as the login and “password” as the password. Registration information may also be printed on the back of the router or in the instruction manual that came with it. If you can't access your router, try searching the Internet for a way to open your individual router.

Ultimately, the best way to tell if you've improved your online speed is to test it. I recommend using SpeedTest.net. This is a good way to determine which Wi-Fi channel will have the optimal combination of speed and reliability. If this doesn't work, you might want to try some other methods to improve your router's performance.

I bought a D-Link DIR-651 router, configured everything according to the instructions and ran into a problem that when the computer and power were turned off, the router resets the DNS server settings.

Preface... For a solution to the problem with the router (router), see below ↓

It all started with the fact that I first connected the router via LAN to a desktop computer. I wrote down everything I needed, the router turned on and started working, the Internet appeared, and I was happy. Then I thought I should check the Wi-Fi.

I turned on the laptop, it found a wireless connection to the router, connected everything, the Internet started working, and sites began to open. Well, I also decided to check the wireless Wi-Fi connection from my phone and tablet. And everything turned out to be fine there, the connection was successful, and the Internet appeared.

The next day, turn on the router, then a laptop, and ! Or rather, it says that the network is without access to the Internet. The wireless connection itself is there, Wi-Fi is working and the network is connected, but in the corner near the clock there is an icon that says “network without Internet access.”

At first I thought there were problems with the provider. I think as a copywriter, logically, you need to turn on your desktop computer and see if there is Internet there! I turned on the computer, which is connected via LAN to the local network - the Internet works.

Why on a laptop?Wi-Fi network disappears?

I bought a D-Link DIR-651 router, configured everything according to the instructions and ran into a problem that when the computer and power were turned off, the router resets the DNS server settings. Preface... Solution...