Why a watch is worn on the right hand is psychology. Which hand to wear the watch

Why is the watch worn on the left hand? Why is the watch worn on the right hand? Which hand should the watch be worn on? These questions are asked quite often.

And the answer, as it turns out, is not clear.

Wristwatches are traditionally worn on the left hand.

There are several versions explaining this.

During the First World War, wristwatches massively replaced pocket watches and became popular among officers. First of all, a watch is a valuable thing that needs to be protected. And since our right hand is more active, the risk of damaging the clock located on it is much higher than if they are on the left. When working, the main actions are performed with the right hand in 90% of people. All watches in those days were hand-wound, and the winding head was located on the right, which was convenient for right-handed people. In addition, fastening the strap with the right hand was also more convenient than with the left.

Among the arguments in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand was the fact that a watch that does not have a crown seal is more than adequately protected for everyday use - the usual position of a person's hand: brush down. Considering that the watch is mostly designed to be worn on the left hand (that is, crown down), even a fairly heavy rain does not threaten a splash-proof watch on the hand.

With such weighty arguments in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand, there are arguments in favor of the right one.

The main reason was formulated by the most famous (to me) person who wears a watch on his right hand. Vladimir Putin. When asked why he wears a watch on his right hand, he replied that the crown of the watch on his left hand rubs his wrist. Everything is simple .... it would seem .... Putin looks like a simple? I saw his watch, the crown is small and cannot rub anything. He is hiding something from us...

According to the ancient Chinese system of meditation "Fukuri", on both wrists there is an area called Cun-kou, which combines the three most important energy points responsible for the health of the whole organism - these are Cun, Guan and Chi. They are located one after another, on the left and right sides of the wrist (when looking at the palms), down from the thumb. And it is by pulsation (with light and deep pressing) of these points that you can find out the state of the intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, heart. Chinese healers believe that it is in the Cun-kou area that the secret of human health is hidden. When the "pulses" on the wrists beat with equal force, the person becomes energetic, strong and contented.

Cun is considered the most important point, because it is responsible for the work of the heart. Interestingly, in men and women, the pulse of the "fiery motor" is at different hands: for men - on the left wrist, and for women - on the right. According to the healers, the reason for this phenomenon is that in men, blood flows from the “tip” of the heart to the left side, and in women, supposedly to the right. An important conclusion follows from this: if a man wears a watch on his left hand, this will interfere with the normal functioning of his heart. Accordingly, this does not apply to women.

The human subconscious is an interesting and incomprehensible area of ​​a person. Everything on the left is considered by our subconscious to be “worse” than what is on the right: such frequently used phraseological units as “went to the left”, “he has left earnings” only confirm this. “Right” is usually meant to be good: Orthodoxy, justice. Why do we have such bad associations from everything “left”?

Our perception of time largely depends on which way we look: to the right or to the left. The one on the left refers to the past, and the one on the right refers to the future. A person reads from left to right, information on the left is already read (past), on the right - will be read (future). This technique is actively used by advertisers: cars in advertising go to the right, planes fly up to the right. When psychologists discovered this pattern, they began to apply it for medicinal purposes. They called this treatment “eye movement therapy”. For example, you are tormented by unpleasant memories. If you direct your gaze to right side, this will really help get rid of them (I propose to check, and then unsubscribe to me in the comments). When the clock is on your left hand, you look to the left and - as a result - think about time from the point of view of the past: "It's already midnight, but Herman is still gone." "It's been two hours and I still haven't done anything." When a person looks into the past, his attention is focused on how much time has passed. Not how much time is there, but how much time is gone. The watch on the left hand is a feeling of constant loss of time. Feeling of chronic underachievement. If many problems from the past are quickly and very effectively solved with a simple movement eye, so, perhaps, the problems of wasting time, the problems of our chronic lack of progress are solved by changing the perception of time from “left” to “right”? To do this, you just need to put the watch on your right hand.

How do you like this conclusion? After reading, everyone put the watch on their right hand. About the results in the comments.

Another argument in favor of the right ones is that on the right hand they are visible to others, because. this hand, as written earlier, is more energetic. Greeting with his right hand, the man effectively demonstrates his luxurious watch to the interlocutor. The money spent on watches must be “beaten off” by the effect produced, right?
The watch on the right hand is the simplest and safe way, both for the owner of the watch and for those around you, to show that you are not like everyone else and do not walk in formation. In this case, you do not need to paint your nails with black varnish, insert piercings all over your body, or change your gender.
If you have a watch with automatic winding and you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then it is likely that it will stop at the wrong moment. If the watch is on the right hand, then this probability is practically excluded.

Finally, one historical, outdated argument in favor of the right hand. In the post-war years, there were legends that real thieves wear watches on their right hands. It was an identification mark and protection against theft! According to thieves' traditions, "splitting boilers" from the right hand was "zapadlo" - stealing from "one's own", plus they could "show". If the “plucker” did not detect a watch on his left hand, then he did not even check for a watch on his right! Watch theft in that distant, difficult time was as frequent and profitable as theft today mobile phones, only hours were less.

For those who have not decided for whom he is: right or left, there is a sure way - to wear on two at the same time.

Which hand do you wear? Which celebrity do you know who wears a watch on the right hand or on both at the same time?

Time is now the most valuable resource in human life. It is about him that we worry no less than about our own wallet or folder with securities. It is time that a person tries to use with the maximum benefit for himself. A The best way To use time correctly is to be able to keep track of it. That is why mankind invented the clock.

Wrist watches came into use in the eighteenth century, replacing pocket watches and becoming popular among officers. At that time there were no such questions: “Who wears a watch on his right hand? And who is on the left? Watches were used as it was convenient for the person himself. However, it was believed that it is more convenient to wear a watch on an inactive hand so that it is subjected to less physical impact.

But in the Soviet Union, left-handers were persecuted and retrained to use the right hand from childhood. And the clock was put into production only for the right-hander. The difference was in the winding mechanism, which was located on the right side. And this meant that it was simply inconvenient to start the watch with the left hand.

However, nowadays left-handers are no longer retrained, and watches are already being produced without this mechanism, using more simple ways watch accuracy control. Therefore, now that the watch can be worn on either side, psychologists around the world are trying to figure out who wears the watch on the right hand.

Watch on the right hand

It is believed that the clock is located on the right side of people who are more prone to positive thinking and innovative outlook. These people are hasty in their conclusions, swift and impulsive. Often these are also creative people: writers, poets, artists. Despite the fact that many of them are right-handed, they still wear their watch on the right side. Usually, this is due to the fact that their left, creative hemisphere is more active, so it is more convenient for them to look at the right side. Also, socially significant people, for the most part, wear watches on their right hand. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that a person who looks to the right side is more likely to get rid of heavy and negative thoughts, putting his own mind in order.

However, despite what psychologists say, only the one that is comfortable for the person himself will be the correct wearing. Therefore, it is worth trying to wear a watch on different hands, listen to the sensations and choose what is more important: the psychological aspect or practical use.

Why is the watch worn on the left hand?

Watches are a very popular accessory that has migrated to the wrist not so long ago. Back in the 19th century, watches huddled in a pocket on a chain specially designated for them and were usually made of precious metal. Such a luxury item cost very impressively and, accordingly, it was permissible for a certain, and to be more precise, not a poor stratum of society. Fortunately, today everyone can afford a watch.

Have you ever been interested in the question, what caused the watch to move on your hand and how to wear it correctly?

On which hand do men wear watches

In fact, everything is tritely simple. The reason for the migration of men's watches to the left or right hand was the numerous wars of the 20th century and the rapid growth of technology. It is clear that it is completely inconvenient for a soldier to constantly take out a watch from a special pocket of a military uniform. And if you remember about guys like pilots or astronauts, whose space in the cockpit is as limited as possible, then the question disappears automatically.

Thus, the watch has taken its place of honor on the wrist and has become a familiar accessory for any person, from a boy to a director of a huge business.

According to etiquette, the clock should be located on the left side. There are several reasons for this: - the left hand is less active, so the clock mechanism, no matter how modern and expensive it is, is less affected and lasts longer, - if the watch is on the left, then it is very convenient to wind or adjust it with the right hand.

If you are interested in whether Muslim men can wear watches, then everything is obvious, the answer is “of course yes”. However, the Muslim religion forbids men from wearing gold or silver items: this prerogative applies exclusively to women. Oriental men put on a watch made of ordinary steel with gilding or silvering.

Which hand should a woman wear a watch on?

What about women's watches? On which hand do girls wear watches? Again, according to etiquette, ladies should wear a watch on the left hand, and a bracelet or other Jewelry- on the right. Despite this, our fashionistas come up with a wide variety of ways to organize accessories to create their own unique style. Consider the most common.

Modern girls wear watches, both on the right and on the left hand, and even on the leg. Someone might think that an ankle watch is nonsense, but believe me, this is a fact. The hunters for individualism are ready and not for such a sake of creating a unique image. However, if you look through history, you can see for yourself that in the time of Catherine II it was allowed to wear a watch on a belt or even on a leg. So our beauties did not come up with anything new.

It is very fashionable among ladies to wear a smart watch on the left wrist along with a few bright colorful bracelets. Such a stroke gives the accessories volume and heaviness, which very actively attracts attention, drawing attention to the thin line of the female hand. And for good reason: in Japan it was considered very sexy when a geisha poured tea for a man and at the same time exposed part of her wrist.

So, as far as women are concerned, the question is right choice watch hands are complicated. If you are going to a business meeting, then, of course, it is better to keep the image within the etiquette and not overdo it with accessories. And if you are going to a party with friends or a cocktail with a friend, then nothing should stop your imagination: try various options and a complete set of accessories - perhaps you will find some unique, personally your style.

What do signs and traditions say?

According to signs, it is believed that if a person often looks to the right, then he lives in the future, not in the past, is able to make decisions quickly and correctly, and also painlessly experience stressful situations. Therefore, it is recommended to wear a watch on the right wrist, which will help in the implementation of plans not only in the work field, but also in personal life. It is not for nothing that in our culture it is indirectly believed that all tricky deeds are committed precisely when moving to the left.

The traditions of China are slightly different from ours. Their signs mean the following: the Cun energy point of the wrist of the left hand is directly related to the well-being of a person and is responsible for the functioning of the heart muscle. Constantly wearing a watch on the left hand can interfere correct work hearts and lead to disease, so use the right hand.

And a little about the shape of the clock. Some believe that the shape of an accessory can not only mean something, but can also influence the circumstances and mood of its wearer:- square shape recommended to those who suffer from disorganization. These hours will help you focus on the things that really matter. - The rhombus is conducive to balance and peace of mind, but it is not recommended to wear it when solving serious production issues and during vigorous activity. - Round watches should be worn by conservatives. Such an accessory will make a person more tolerant, less critical and picky. - oval shape Designed for those people who find it difficult to establish relationships with strangers. The oval will positively influence the diplomatic abilities of a person and be conducive to communication.

Why is it not possible on the right?

Some people are categorically against wearing a watch on their right hand - most often they are conservatives. This contingent is accustomed to strictly and impeccably follow the rules in the original form in which they were written, and nothing else. If it is etiquette to wear a watch on left hand, then we do just that.

The second option is legislative fashion trends. However, in our liberated 21st century, everyone has every right to follow public opinion or zealously neglect it. There will be followers on both sides.

And finally, we must not forget about various signs and superstitions that frighten our suspicious young ladies. “My great-great-grandmother used to say that a watch on the right wrist is not good...”. If it is easier for someone to live and believe in such statements, so be it, but there will definitely be a couple of personalities who will convince you that you can only believe in scientifically proven facts. Both sides are entitled to their own opinion, right?

What about lefties

If we turn to the norms of etiquette, left-handers can safely put a watch on their right hand, since for them it is not the leading one. It is only important to understand whether it will be convenient to watch time from this angle. For example, some left-handed people prefer the watch to be on the left because it is more familiar to them.

By the way, in the former Soviet Union, such problems were solved very simply: all the kids were retrained to use their right hand, i.e. they were all made right-handed - and it's in the bag. It's very nice that in modern world they calmly accept left-handed people, so they can safely change their wristwatches on their right hand, because according to etiquette this is considered quite correct.

Note that there are also right-handers who wear a watch on their right hand. Why is that? And here comes into force psychology: - someone seeks to stand out among others; - belonging to the weaker sex and, accordingly, female logic; - belief in additional signs.

In support of left-handers, the following can be noted: there is an opinion that watches on the right wrist are worn by natural leaders, as well as those who always achieve their goals and actively climb to the top career ladder. While on the left hand, the watch is worn by ordinary people who are content with little, do not grab the stars from the sky and are less hardworking.

In order not to offend anyone, it is worth noting that no specific studies in the psychological world have been carried out, so the information provided can be safely questioned.

Where do celebrities wear watches?

Celebrities are a little different than ordinary people. healthy people". What is meant? And the problem is that they should not only advertise their activities with their appearance, but also stand out noticeably from the main crowd. For example, it is easy to recall the imposing outfits of Philip Kirkorov. Few men agree with this style even in Everyday life.

From the many photographs it is very easy to assess that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin puts on his watch on his right hand. Psychology says that the leaders of this world have a habit of wearing a watch on the right. However, on the Internet you can find a few more opinions about this: - In an interview with the President, the answer was as follows: “I wear a watch on my right hand, because the crown does not rub my wrist. That's the whole secret." Simple and tasteful. - Other sources say that in this way the head of the country can very quickly and imperceptibly to prying eyes keep track of time at important negotiations and meetings.

As for Hollywood actor Brad Pitt, the net is jammed various photos, where the actor wears a watch either on his right or on his left hand. Perhaps this was done both to advertise the watch and to raise the image of the actor. Or just this world-famous handsome man does not bother at all and puts on a wrist accessory on one side or another, depending on his mood.

And if you just sit down and think, you can easily come to the conclusion that no matter which hand you put your watch on, the weather will not change and the world will not turn upside down. The most important thing is that you have a good mood, a desire to move forward and enjoy every day.

Behind Lately I came across several articles at once with fabrications about what the clock on the right hand means.

Mankind wears a watch on his hand not so long ago. Massively from a pocket on the stomach for men and pendants for women, watches migrated to the hand in the first quarter of the last century. And wearing them on the left hand was motivated by the fact that most people are right-handed and the watch worn on the left hand is easiest for them to wind with their right hand. But many wind up the watch before they put it on their hand. There are models in which the crown is not on the right, but on top. A recent years twenty, if not more, people do not wind their watches at all, but only change the battery once every couple of years. So there is no stable tradition, no objective reasons for wearing watches only on the left hand. At the same time, there are well-established stereotypes about “right and left”. Everything on the right is considered positive, good. "Just cause". The guest of honor is seated on the right hand. And everything on the left comes with a minus sign. "Left money". "Walks to the left." And therefore, it is customary for psychologists to believe that a person who wears a watch on his left hand is negatively charged and looks into the past. But the man with the clock on his right hand is positive and looks to the future. This is in short. I also liked the idea that a man with a watch on his right hand is open. Since greeting people stretch out their right hand. And watches in the modern world not only show the time, but also indicate the status of their owner, they can tell about hobbies and preferences. And putting them on the right hand, a person, greeting, demonstrates all this. And the one who has a watch on his left hand, on the contrary, hides information about himself when meeting. Well, there is another version of Putin. In one of the interviews, he said that he wears a watch on his right hand because on his left, the crown rubs his hand.

I never saw my wife's grandfather. We met with his wife when he had already died. But according to numerous stories, a strong, stocky person appears to me quite clearly. Direct in speeches and judgments and consistent in the implementation of their plans. He worked all his life as a forester in the Belarusian forests. True, with a break of several years, when he was a partisan in the same forests. And in those same years he got a trophy, a German accordion. Beautiful, with mother-of-pearl inserts and solid like everything German. Grandfather himself played the accordion well, but he had a dream that someday he would give this accordion to his grandson. And granddaughters were born, but the dream needs to be realized. And the accordion was given as a gift to my then future wife. The wife still idolizes her grandfather, and even in childhood he was generally an indisputable authority for her. And so, without hesitation, the wife went to a music school, to learn to play the accordion. She has a hearing, she had a desire, an accordion too. And she was quite successful in this matter. I myself am not a big connoisseur of this musical instrument. But I present it a little. So with the right hand they play large keys, like those on the piano. But the left hand needs to be slipped under the belt, bent and pressed on a whole bunch of small buttons. And the wristwatch on the left hand greatly interferes with the process of playing the accordion. And if you put the watch on the right, then everything is fine. Then the wife grew up and came to the conclusion that the accordion is not the most feminine musical instrument. It has been gathering dust in the attic for years. And then it was presented to a familiar child who really wanted to learn how to play it. As far as I know, he learned, now he plays. But the habit of wearing a watch on the right hand of his wife remained.

And now I see a psychologist who, looking at the clock on my wife’s right hand, will begin to draw conclusions about positive charge, looking to the future, openness and further down the list. But in fact, the reason is in the German, who decided that with his accordion it would be more fun for him to conquer distant, snowy Russia. Although I got a very positive and positive wife. What if the reason for this is that she has been wearing watches since childhood? right hand. And it turns out that I also owe that German ...

The word "clock" appeared in the 14th century. Translated from Latin, this word meant "call". Watches appeared among mankind relatively recently, in the form in which they are presented now. Before that, there were sand, sun, water. The right has always meant the best, the good. Righteousness is a wish for good luck. For some reason, initially, when they were hourglass, a man put them on the right side of the house, because time then came to life. AND Wall Clock also hung on the right side of themselves. The aristocracy always took out a pocket watch on a chain from the right pocket, which indicates that they also gravitated towards the right side. They were people of great wealth. This was considered a sacred secret, which they did not always try to give out.
When we wear a watch on our left hand, we work for time, we obey it, we listen to time, we obey it, and it rules over us. Wearing a watch on her right hand, activating the right side of her universe, she is responsible for money, power, property, we subordinate time to ourselves, it listens to us and works for our well-being and well-being. We will have time for everything. Only under the onslaught of fashion, people began to wear watches on the left hand. To activate your time, to improve your capabilities, for the successful flow of affairs, change the side of wearing a watch from left to right, and you will see how gradually your affairs will proceed more decisively the way you want it, problems will be solved, there will be enough time for large quantity work to achieve your goals. And even wall or table clocks, it is better to put and hang on the right side of the place where you spend your time.