Pros and cons of timber houses. What are the main pros and cons of a house made of timber - the advantages and disadvantages of glued, profiled and not planed

Houses made of timber in last years gained enormous popularity. It’s easy to explain - timber is an environmentally friendly material, made from solid wood using sawing technology. The shape of the beam is rectangular; wood is usually taken as a raw material for its production. coniferous species. This is one of the main advantages of the solution, since the resin contained in coniferous trees, prevents rotting processes and gives the material additional strength.

House made of timber - what are the pros and cons? We think this question interests many owners of summer cottages. If you have long considered this material as a solution for construction, we recommend reading this article.

House made of timber - what are the pros and cons?

Profiled timber is one of the most popular today building materials. It is used for construction country houses and private cottages. It is good in a log house both in winter and in summer, because natural material maintains a comfortable microclimate in any weather.

Other advantages of the solution:

  • Attractive price: the cost of timber with natural humidity is lower than the cost of laminated veneer lumber, made from rounded logs.
  • Environmental friendliness: the timber consists of 100% natural wood. In addition, coniferous wood effectively disinfects the air.
  • High aesthetic qualities: side surfaces high-quality logs look impeccable on their own and do not require additional processing.

  • The design retains heat perfectly (largely due to the presence of special offset locks).
  • Economical assembly, no need for re-caulking.
  • Minimum number of cracks. Unlike log houses, lumber are erected with the removal of internal stresses of the wood from all sides. As a result, the surfaces are smooth and beautiful.

How perfect is the timber? Not 100%.

Its main disadvantages include:

  • Long-term shrinkage of the log house. It will take a lot of time until it reaches optimal humidity, so the time frame for putting the building into operation is delayed (but you can pay for the house in installments - many developers provide this option).
  • During the drying process, cracks appear on the surface (but they do not affect the thermal insulation characteristics) - finishing work will help hide them.

To be or not to be country house from timber? Despite having several disadvantages, this material has quite a few advantages. It is strong, environmentally friendly, durable and practical, so it is ideal for country house construction.

IN Lately private developers are increasingly deciding to build a house from timber, calculating the pros and cons in advance. Accordingly, during the construction process it becomes possible to increase the advantages and reduce the disadvantages. But to do this as fully as possible, you need to know well the capabilities of the material used.

Houses made of timber are distinguished by good heat and sound insulation, as well as ease of construction and low price.

What type of timber is there?

For the construction of small cottages, private houses and outbuildings, three types of timber are used:

  • ordinary;
  • profiled;
  • rounded.

Each variety has its own design features. The usual one has a square or rectangular cross-section and equal thickness, which allows you to make walls of the same thickness and with minimal gaps between the beams. Nevertheless, this material is more often used for laying floors or for constructing high-quality roof structures. For the construction of walls wooden houses It is rarely used; it is mainly used to build small unheated outbuildings - barns or summer outbuildings.

A distinctive design feature of profiled timber is the presence of additional ridges, grooves and locks in it. Such timber is easy to connect, and walls made from it have better thermal insulation than regular timber. Therefore, it is most often used for the construction of walls of a residential building or bathhouse.

Rounded timber is usually called a regular log that has undergone special processing. In appearance, it is an almost even cylinder, at the ends of which special docking grooves are made for ease of installation.

According to the production method, a distinction is made between solid and laminated timber. A solid one is obtained by sawing rectangular beams of the same length and thickness from a wooden trunk. To obtain laminated veneer lumber, several boards are glued together. Its manufacturing technology includes two stages: first, the boards are treated with special compounds to increase its resistance to fire, rotting and damage by insects, and then they are glued together using special resins.

This technology makes it possible to obtain material from several related types of wood, for example, spruce and pine. In addition, during its production, the boards are glued in such a way that the fibers of the glued wood do not coincide. Constructed from such material timber houses receive an additional margin of safety.

Advantages of a house made of timber

Regardless of the type of timber used in construction, such a house remains a wooden house. It turns out to be much lighter than a house made of brick or concrete blocks, therefore, it does not require an expensive massive foundation.

Wood is an environmentally friendly, breathable material. Since the timber is mainly made from coniferous wood, throughout the entire period of operation of such a house it will have a special “forest” atmosphere that is very beneficial for human health due to the essential resins constantly released by the tree.

And although when using laminated veneer lumber, the environmental friendliness indicator decreases slightly due to the resins used for gluing the boards, which contain low-toxic substances, the environmental friendliness of such a house remains very high.

A house built from timber is quite durable and has a beautiful appearance. The interior of such a house can easily do without additional finishing, which is not inherent in any other building material. And under conditions of moderate humidity and mainly mild winters you can do without their external decoration.

Compliance with the strict geometric shapes of the material greatly facilitates and speeds up the assembly of the house. In addition, the construction of a house from timber, if necessary, can be carried out almost all year round, which is impossible when using other building materials.

As a building material, timber has good thermal insulation properties. Especially in this regard, its profiled appearance is advantageous, providing due to its design features the tightest fit of the beams to each other. In a house built from timber with a wall thickness of 20 cm, heat loss will be comparable to this indicator brick walls 50 cm. Although this is not always enough to maximize heat retention in a room, this figure is still far superior to the thermal insulation of panel slabs used in the construction of high-rise buildings.

Disadvantages of timber houses

A high-quality timber has almost no flaws. In fact, the disadvantages include the comparative fragility of wooden buildings, subject to rot and fire. Impregnation with special antiseptics and fire retardants can partially solve this problem. All glued laminated timber is sold already treated with such impregnations, but when purchasing regular and rounded timber, this point must be clarified with the seller.

Although it is still unknown which is better. When processing yourself, you will in any case use only high-quality and environmentally friendly impregnations. But such impregnations are expensive, so most manufacturers, in order to save money, use cheaper analogues that are not environmentally friendly.

In any case, you will have to make a choice between environmental friendliness and the durability of the house, since after all the necessary impregnations have been carried out, we can only talk about environmental friendliness conditionally.

Regular and rounded types shrink, they can crack, and regular timber can become deformed. According to the manufacturers, laminated veneer lumber is free from these disadvantages, but only if the entire technological chain of its production is followed correctly.

Although the lack of shrinkage in laminated timber is more of a marketing ploy than a real state of affairs. European manufacturers of timber, where quality control is at the proper level, indicate in the instructions for their products that over the course of a year it can shrink by about 2 cm per 1 m of wood. Therefore, despite the simplicity and relative speed of installation, final finishing walls and the installation of internal communications can begin no earlier than a year after installing the frame of the house.

There is another important aspect of the assembly, which can be considered both a plus and a minus when building a house from laminated veneer lumber. The length of laminated veneer lumber can be 6 or 12 m, which is quite enough for the construction of small private cottages. If necessary, the length of the timber can be increased to 20 m. It is just impossible to lay timber of this length on your own; assistants will be needed.

Many manufacturers of profiled timber claim that a house built from it does not require additional insulation. In fact, insulating gaskets in connecting grooves are never superfluous, and when building a house from ordinary or rounded timber, they are a mandatory structural element.

Each type of timber has its own strengths and weak sides. And when choosing materials for building a house, you need to know and take them into account in order to make an informed choice. For example, many construction companies They sell material manufactured in violation of technology, most often under-dried. Naturally, prices for such material will be much lower, but it will not be possible to build a house from it, since in the future it will warp and will not fit properly into the wall.

To avoid falling for these marketing tricks, you must always remember that a quality product has an appropriate price.

Still, a house made of timber looks beautiful despite its minor shortcomings

Houses made of timber have recently become increasingly popular. Timber is an environmentally friendly material made from solid wood by sawing. The final shape of the beam is rectangular. This material is made from coniferous trees. This highlights the additional benefits of log houses, as the resin contained in the wood reduces rotting and gives additional strength to the material.

  • ordinary;
  • profiled.

The usual one has an even quadrangular shape, usually a square or rectangle. Along the entire length, the material has an equally uniform thickness, which will give it additional ease during installation.

The profiled timber has additional ridges, locks and grooves. This makes it possible to easily fold the links together and provides additional thermal insulation.

According to its structure and manufacturing technology:

  • whole;
  • glued.

Solid material is made by sawing from solid wood. Glued is made according to special technology from wooden planks. They are treated with special antiseptics, which gives them additional resistance to rotting and destruction, and then glued with resins. This element is more resistant to cracking and less fire hazardous.

Often laminated veneer lumber is made from several types of wood at once, for example pine. When gluing boards, make sure that the fibrous part of the wood does not coincide with itself, so the glued element acquires additional strength.

Advantages of houses made of timber

The timber itself is quite strong. In addition, if we talk about glued material, then at the time of production, defective boards are removed, and those that remain are compensated for by others during gluing. When compared with a rounded log, when it dries, it cracks and deforms less, this is its main advantage.

The environmental friendliness of this material is undeniable, since it is made from solid wood, while maintaining all its properties. Here, laminated veneer lumber is slightly inferior to rounded logs, since resins are used in its production, which emit slight toxicity.

From an architectural point of view, it is much more convenient than rounded logs, since the most intricate structures can be built from such material. The standard length of a laminated link is 6 m, but manufacturers have technologies that make it possible to produce material up to 20 m. This means that there are no restrictions when designing a house from it, which distinguishes it from rounded logs.

It is quite simple to install any wiring in a house made of profiled material, since the grooves can be cut out during the manufacturing process.

Glued laminated profiled timber is superior to rounded logs in the case of fire resistance. Since during its manufacture, each board is impregnated with a special solution, which improves the properties of the timber.

These are the main advantages of a house made from this building material.

Disadvantages of a house made of timber

You, of course, ask, can such an ideal material have drawbacks? Alas. If the manufacturing technology of a profiled element is violated, it loses a number of its positive properties. This applies primarily to drying it.

Second negative quality glued profiled timber, which may appear if not correct production- this is the impregnation with which it is treated. If this is not done, it will quickly begin to rot. And such impregnations emit phenol, which is undoubtedly harmful to human health. Moreover, impregnations that emit less phenol are much more expensive, which means that careless manufacturers will use the cheapest ones. This can be avoided by using materials only from reputable manufacturers.

And the third negative quality, which is much inferior to a rounded log, is its high cost. Of course, it is worth noting that here we are talking about the lack of a glued link. Ordinary material outperforms rounded logs in price, but the costs that will be incurred when insulating such a house practically nullify this gain.

Let's imagine all the positive and negative sides houses made of this material in the form of a table:

Qualitative indicators Homes from ordinary timber Houses made of laminated veneer lumber
pros minuses pros minuses
Environmental friendliness Houses made from an ordinary link retain all the properties of an ordinary wooden house, which means that they are environmentally friendly. Ordinary ones don't have them. Made from boards that are made from wood. The downside of this material is this. That when gluing they use resins that emit slight toxicity. When treating for fire protection purposes, careless manufacturers use phenol-releasing products.
Strength If treated well, they will serve their owner for a long time. When dried, they become deformed, of course not like rounded logs, but they still lose their shape and rot. Houses made of glued profiled timber are practically not deformed over time and have minimum indicators changes upon drying. If such a house is not taken care of and treated with special compounds, it will also begin to rot over time. This refers to its shortcomings.
Thermal insulation Compared to rounded logs, they accumulate less moisture, which significantly increases the thermal insulation of such a house. Need additional caulking, requires additional thermal insulation walls Thanks to manufacturing technology and additional grooves, it has good thermal insulation, does not require additional insulation. No
Easy to install Easy to install, as it has the correct geometric shape, can be used in the most complex designs. It has a large length, which does not allow one person to install such a beam. The correctness of the shapes and additional grooves make it possible to easily build walls from such timber. In addition, the size of the profiled timber can be only 6 m.
Construction period Houses are built from it very quickly. No Minimum construction time. No
Fire safety No High fire hazard, since timber is ordinary tree without all kinds of processing. It is more resistant to fire, as it is treated with all kinds of synthetic impregnations. If you don't care for it or treat it. It will burn just as well as normal.
Economical Low price compared to rounded logs and laminated veneer lumber, low foundation costs. Requires additional costs for external and internal decoration, for wall insulation. Houses made of glued profiled timber do not require additional finishing, the foundation is cheap, and they do not require additional costs for wall insulation. Quite a high price, which includes the price of lumber and adhesive compositions which are used in production. The process of manufacturing such material is more expensive.
Many buyers get into trouble when purchasing houses made of ordinary materials, and are very surprised when a “tidy” amount of money is spent on insulating such a house. To avoid this situation, we advise you to immediately add the price of additional finishing to the price of regular timber.

Buildings made of glued material do not need such additional systems, thanks to the thermal lock that was developed in them. On average, a turnkey house made of timber of 75 sq.m will cost from 1.5 million rubles, and from laminated timber of the same area from 2 million. The difference is certainly big, but it disappears when you start doing additional finishing.

We told you about all the pros and cons of houses made of timber; it’s up to you to choose which one to buy or build.

  1. Timber or stone?

Wooden eco houses are coming back into fashion. The possibility of quick construction and ease of assembly of such structures contributed to their popularity. With the increase in the number of types of building materials made of wood and its diversity in the domestic market, the opportunity has arisen to build higher quality and insulated buildings.

Profile timber is one of the main materials for building eco-friendly houses. It is often customary to use it for the construction of wooden structures: the grooves of the timber contribute to tight joining between structural elements. However, is this material really that good? To analyze the advantages of profiled timber, to find out all the pros and cons, you need to compare it with its two closest competitors in the building materials market - analogues made of wood and stone houses.

Profiled timber and similar materials

Large profiled timber is used for the construction of massive and, one might say, capital buildings. For this reason, comparing it with a material such as mini-timber makes no sense. After all, although they are similar to each other, they have little different purposes and construction technology. To start the analysis, you need to find out what you can build from. wooden house:

  1. Raw timber. This is an undried square material with high level humidity. Sometimes it is used in the construction of wooden houses, but the only advantage that can be highlighted is its affordable price. Can be used for outbuildings or gazebos.
  1. Calibrated timber is another very popular material that has a sufficient degree, but does not have additional joints or grooves that would simplify the assembly of houses. One of the varieties can be called a calibrated log, but this material is already more suitable for building a wooden hut thanks to special semicircular recesses designed to facilitate joining. Accordingly, the log differs significantly in cost from cheaper timber.
  1. Profiled timber. This is one of the materials of the golden mean. Produced mainly from . It perfectly combines the level of drying, relatively affordable cost, and ease of installation. This bar has special grooves that facilitate precise fastening of the structure and minimize the gaps between the boards.
  1. . It can be called the most practical and high-quality material of all of the above. it is by connecting several lamella boards under the influence high temperatures and pressure. They differ from analogues in greater strength and lightness. However, the complexity of the manufacturing process greatly affects its cost.

Are there any differences in construction technology?

In this case, there is no need to compare house construction technologies; they are all approximately similar and involve installation wooden elements using corner locks. You can find significant differences immediately after building the house.

This is due to the shrinkage of the structure, possible ways insulation, as well as with variations of internal and external finishes.

Raw pine timber has a long period of shrinkage due to its high density. Calibrated timber is more practical in this regard, but significantly lags behind profiled timber in terms of heat conservation. Best choice will become laminated timber. Firstly, it does not need shrinkage, and, secondly, it does not require finishing at all.

As for a house made of profiled timber, it is several times superior in all respects to a raw and calibrated board, but still has a fairly long period of shrinkage. In some cases, we can talk about the so-called raw profile timber. This is a cheaper version of the material for building houses, which has also recently begun to be actively used. Its affordable price is achieved by the absence of a drying stage, which ultimately greatly influences the increase in the time of work on building a house.

It should be noted that raw pine logs are difficult to process. protective equipment and impregnations, which makes it susceptible to fungi and mold.

Drying out after building a house can lead to deformation of the walls, roof, as well as deformation of doors and window frames. Dry profiled timber does not have such problems. However, even this, compared to its glued counterpart, cannot boast of the speed of work. The construction of a house in this case has the following stages:

  • assembling the house box on the foundation;
  • stopping work for a period of up to 4 months for shrinkage (in the process of building a house from laminated veneer lumber there is no such procedure);
  • installation of all necessary elements interior decoration and communications.

Generally speaking, among similar wood materials, profiled timber is a fairly popular material due to the excellent combination of quality and affordable price. The only significant drawback of this material for building houses is the need to suspend work for shrinkage. However, by increasing the time it takes to build a house, you can significantly save money, which is the main reason for choosing profiled timber.

Timber or stone?

It can be difficult to choose when the choice is between building a house from wood or stone. Structures made of cinder block or red brick are very familiar and tried and true, but wood is very attractive in terms of aesthetics and ease of work - often it is a pine board tailored to the profile that becomes the choice for the construction of wooden houses. So what exactly are the advantages of profile timber when compared to stone?

  1. Easy to assemble. Manufacturers of materials for houses made from profile timber are companies that are engaged in the final fitting of planks for a specific structure. Specialists from such companies use machines to create special grooves for corner locks and cut the board depending on the assortment. Thanks to this, the work of assembling a house from profiled timber does not require any modification of the material.

  1. Construction period. As mentioned earlier, profiled pine timber must have a shrinkage period, and this greatly slows down construction. However, brick houses should also be built on concrete foundation, which also has a long settling and hardening period. In addition, creating stone walls is a lengthy process, since the mortar only allows you to lay a certain number of bricks per day. After which it takes time to harden again. In this regard, we can talk about the practicality of wood, because the construction of a house made of timber is suspended only once. And all work takes no more than 1-2 months.
  1. Appearance. Structures made from profile timber stand out perfectly against the background of stone analogues, as with outside, it looks great from the inside, and after finishing the work they will only require finishing with some protective agents. Masonry not particularly practical in this regard. She certainly has more options. external design, but at the same time requires additional costs and work with building mixtures.

Profile timber, the advantages of which occupy a considerable list, however, is not superior to stone buildings in all parameters. Disadvantages of using wooden material:

  1. Flammability. The wood burns well. As a result of an insignificant fire, in just half an hour the flames can destroy up to half of a house whose design does not imply repairs. Restoring the home will be impossible, only building a new house, which can only be attributed to the disadvantages of using timber.

It should be understood that fire retardants (fire-retardant impregnations) only minimize the possibility of ignition, but do not eliminate it.

  1. Thermal disadvantages. Even the most massive block cannot provide comfortable temperature inside houses during winter. For this reason, it has to be equipped with insulation, which incurs additional costs.
  1. Disadvantages of construction. After completing the construction of a house made of profiled timber, it is impossible to build on it or remodel it, which cannot be said about brick structures, which can easily be changed or completed.

As a result of comparing stone and profile timber, we can conclude that both materials have both their disadvantages and undeniable advantages. However, in favor of the profile beam is the fact that at the moment wooden houses Still, they are not a common occurrence and look quite impressive. In addition, the total costs of constructing a stone building from scratch differ insignificantly, which allows the choice to be made only in accordance with consumer preferences, without the influence of the price factor.

If you decide to build a house from timber, you should first study the reviews. After all, it is consumers who are most accurately able to assess quality characteristics of this material.

Advantages of building from timber

Most often, a modern buyer chooses a home made of timber for the reason that they can move into it immediately after completion of construction. Among other things, you shouldn’t burden yourself with repairs in the first months of living in such a house, since it’s impossible to do it anyway, because the walls will continue to shrink for some time. This also applies to exterior decoration. It should not be done until the complete shrinkage of the building is completed. If you decide to buy a house made of timber, reviews will help you make right choice. One more advantage of building from timber can be highlighted, which is expressed in the fact that the absence of the need for finishing allows for significant savings. This is also appreciated because wooden houses are most often chosen by those people who want to save money, because such buildings turn out to be much cheaper compared to those built from other materials such as brick. If you are considering a housing option such as a log house, you need to read the reviews in advance. By studying them, you can also be convinced that insulation of a house can be done only after some time, which allows you to save not only money, but also your energy.

It is also worth noting that the internal and exterior finishing may not be produced at all, since the timber looks quite attractive. Over time, the material can be coated with tinting, which will extend the life of the walls and also make the structure of the wood more expressive.

The ability of walls to breathe

If you have long dreamed of buying a house made of timber, you need to consider reviews about it in advance. According to them, another advantage of wooden houses made from the described material is that the walls are able to breathe. This allows you to obtain a favorable indoor microclimate, thanks to which living in such a building is not only pleasant and comfortable, but also beneficial for health. Fresh air will penetrate through the timber from the outside, which will allow for air exchange, which is so necessary for humans. In other buildings, the wall materials of which do not breathe, expensive ventilation systems, the operation of which costs an impressive amount. The ability of the material to breathe allows moisture to escape from the room to the outside, which eliminates the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

The ability of timber to retain heat

If you are considering purchasing a log home, owner reviews will serve you well. Highlighting positive sides of this material, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that solid wood has a unique heat capacity, which makes it possible to smooth out temperature changes outside. In addition, thanks to this, wooden houses have unique features, which consist in the ability of the walls to retain heat inside the premises, even when the temperature outside the window reaches extremely low levels. In summer, the quality of wood is also excellent. Reviews indicate that the heat does not pass through the walls, and the rooms are always cool.

Disadvantages of timber buildings

There are also disadvantages to houses made of timber. Reviews also let you know about them. The most important disadvantage of wood is that it burns. For private homes this risk is highest. However this feature material can be considered relative, because stone houses, or rather their contents, also burn quite often. It is only necessary to remember that wood easily catches fire, but manufacturers have provided for this feature: at the stage of manufacturing the timber, they treat it with fire retardants, which reduce the risk of the material igniting.

Safety rules in a wooden house

If you decide to purchase a house made of timber, the pros and cons (you should carefully study the reviews in advance) of such a building must be carefully weighed. Another disadvantage of the described structures is that the installation of wiring requires compliance with strict rules. This is due to the fact that wiring is the main source of ignition. Thus, hidden wiring, laid in the ceiling, floor, as well as boxes, must be protected iron pipes, which is very often a rather difficult task to implement. Among other things, it is quite expensive. Most often, the wiring is laid in an iron corrugation. However, this approach is unacceptable in some cases. If you do not have enough experience and knowledge in this field, then you will have to take the help of professionals, which involves additional costs. This can be considered a disadvantage of wooden houses.

It is worth mentioning that styling electrical wires inside timber walls considered quite challenging task. To do this, it will be necessary to drill channels during the construction of the house, and then install pipes in them, taking into account the future shrinkage of the building. The average person can't handle this House master. Therefore, the construction of a wooden structure is most often trusted professional builders. If you decide to buy a house made of timber, reviews and price, of course, interest you. As for the cost, it can be equal to 400 thousand rubles. If you want to reduce the cost of construction, you can build the foundation yourself. Returning to the issue of electrical wiring, we can highlight another disadvantage, which is expressed in the fact that the wiring to sockets and switches is most often open in wooden houses. This provides a not very aesthetic appearance of indoor walls.

The unattractive appearance obtained after laying the wiring can be corrected by installing a plasterboard false wall. However, it must be taken into account that in this case effective area at home will be slightly reduced, which quite often does not please the modern consumer. However, in this case it will be possible to hide the wiring between the drywall and the timber.

The need to protect wood

If you are interested in houses made of timber (Pestovo), reviews will help you study all the shortcomings of the material; for this you only need to read them in this article. It is important to take into account another disadvantage of wood, which is that it is undesirable to expose this material to excessive moisture, in which case the walls will begin to rot, bugs and all sorts of harmful microorganisms may appear in them. Manufacturers, however, have taken this feature of the timber into account; they treat it with antiseptics during the production process. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of the owners of which you will read in the article, are also treated with special substances. The consumer must take into account the need proper ventilation walls so that they do not become saturated with moisture. The disadvantage of wood treated with antiseptics is that such substances are not very beneficial to health.

The downside is the shrinkage

When choosing a wooden house, you need to remember that it will shrink. This may lead to some consequences. One of them is that the house will become lower. However, this circumstance is taken into account by builders when designing. But the formation of cracks between the beams cannot be avoided; you will have to get rid of them before the onset of winter, since such grooves can cause condensation and subsequent destruction of the wood. After the house settles, which will happen in about 2 years, the walls will still continue to move, absorbing and releasing moisture, swelling and drying out. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of which are often positive, dry out less. But in ordinary timber houses, shrinkage significantly complicates finishing. It will be necessary to insulate the walls using the caulking method; this will be especially difficult to achieve in the corners. Using tow, you attract birds to the walls, which will steal the insulating material, destroying the thermal insulation layer.

Using natural moisture timber

Depending on the production technology, the timber can be dried under natural or forced preparation conditions. In the first case, the material is cheaper, but during operation it will dry unevenly, which means it will become covered with cracks. This not only looks unsightly, but also leads to faster deterioration of the material. In this case, you will have to finish the inside.

Advantages of a house made of laminated laminated timber

If you are considering purchasing a log home, owner reviews will no doubt be important information. Thus, among the advantages we can highlight the fact that such houses are almost not deformed during operation; although the wood dries out, it geometric dimensions remain the same. Thanks to the manufacturing method, profiled glued material has excellent thermal insulation properties. The product has special grooves. If you are interested in houses made of profiled timber, reviews from the owners should help you make the right choice. This material has the correct shape, and the presence of grooves makes assembly quite simple. This leads to another positive feature, expressed in minimum terms carrying out construction. Such products are more resistant to fire, as they are treated with synthetic impregnations at the production stage. If you have chosen a house made of profiled timber, customer reviews will provide you with invaluable help. They say that such buildings practically do not require additional finishing, and the cost of the foundation is very low.

Disadvantages of houses made of glued profiled timber

A house made of profiled timber, reviews of which we are reviewing, may also have certain disadvantages. One of them is that all kinds of resins are used in production, which can be toxic. It's important to choose quality material, as some manufacturers use treatments that release phenol.

If you are considering houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews from owners should not be ignored. After all, it is important to know the disadvantages of this material. Many consumers say that if you do not take care of such a building, it will begin to rot over time. In addition, by purchasing untreated profiled glued material, you expose your home to a fire hazard.


Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of which you had the opportunity to read in this article, have a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. Each of them must be studied before construction begins.