Advantages of smooth non-woven wallpaper for painting. Which wallpaper for painting is best to use for wall decoration: making the right choice based on reviews

Paintable wallpaper has high level noise absorption Painting wallpaper - a couple of decades ago none of our compatriots could even imagine such a prospect, but today you can transform a wall with your own hands simply by painting the wallpaper. Technology has come so far that this can be done without involving specialists, and it will work out new wall no divorces. You want the most incredible texture and colors of paints, and painting ideas are not limited to a couple of options.

Wallpaper for painting in the interior

For beginners and those who are just delving into the issue, it’s worth saying right away that not all wallpaper needs and can be painted. And even if you bought expensive textured wallpaper, it may not be the type of wallpaper that can be painted. Wallpaper for painting has the required degree of moisture resistance, is distinguished by deep relief, does not have a multi-color pattern and, it happens, contains pigment.

When choosing wallpaper for painting, you should Special attention pay attention to their texture and its compatibility with your future interior

In the interior, such wallpaper can be combined with other coatings, combining textures and colors in every possible way

How to glue wallpaper for painting (video)

Paintable wallpaper: pros and cons

Considering different variants, you, as a buyer, evaluate the pros and cons of a potential acquisition. And this is reasonable, because it is correct to evaluate all sides.

"Pros" of wallpaper for painting:

  • The ability to repaint the wallpaper several times, thus updating it;
  • Wallpaper is highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Wallpaper masks wall defects;
  • You can paint it in any color - a rich palette of choices creates unique opportunities in the interior.

Paintable wallpaper is charming because it allows you to liven up the interior without undertaking a grandiose renovation. High-quality wallpaper can withstand up to 10 dyeing cycles

"Disadvantages" of wallpaper for painting:

  • Some types of wallpaper require particularly delicate care;
  • You will have to purchase additional paint.

And these are just the main qualities of wallpaper. Before purchasing, read not only reviews, but also the technical qualities of the wallpaper.

Types and advantages of wallpaper for painting (video)

Paintable wallpaper: technical specifications

Usually you buy wallpaper, imagining exactly how it will look in your interior. Here is another option - wallpaper for painting is available in neutral colors; the manufacturer can add a little white pigment so that painting occurs on a light base.

When choosing between painting over primer or wallpaper, it is worth considering that both methods have certain pros and cons. To make a choice, it is worth considering the features of each method.

Paintable wallpaper - pros and cons

Wallpaper that can be painted is a real find for people who like to experiment with the look of their interior. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the material:

  1. Non-woven fabrics are thin and light, but when covering rooms they can stretch. The material perfectly hides wall defects.
  2. Fiberglass wallpapers are wear-resistant and easy to stick to walls, but they require careful preparation of the walls and do not have a pronounced pattern.
  3. Paper ones are a breathable material, but can tear during use. They have a low cost, but their service life is no more than 5 years.
  4. Vinyl wallpaper is a material based on paper based. onto which polyphenyl chloride is applied. This material is easy to wipe clean damp cloth and does not require maintenance.
  5. Smooth wallpaper without a pattern allows you to line up the walls and is often chosen by people who decorate a room in a minimalist style.

The advantages of wallpaper for painting include ease of finishing and hiding wall defects. If you paint a wall after priming and even a small crack appears on it, it will be noticeable on the wall.

If wallpaper is hung, the appearance of small defects will not affect the appearance of the surface in any way. At the same time, the wallpaper is easy to paint and, if desired, you can choose a material with any pattern and texture.

Pros and cons of painting walls

The main advantage of painting is the low cost of finishing. The walls can also be painted a different color; restrictions are imposed only by the imagination of the home owner. The disadvantages include the instability of the material and the soiling of the coating.

Also when choosing coloring composition it's hard to imagine what it will look like on the wall. The disadvantages also include the fact that for any physical impact visible marks remain on the wall.

What to choose

To decide on the type of finish, you should think about several factors:

  1. Cost of finishing. If your budget is limited, you should paint the wall over a primer.
  2. Features of the room. Wallpaper is rarely used in the bathroom, since high humidity requires careful selection of the material and adhesive composition.
  3. Interior style. In rooms decorated in a minimalist style, you can either paint the walls or choose wallpaper for painting, but without a pattern. For houses in classic style wallpaper is selected.

It is easier to paint wallpaper, since it is already prepared for working with paint, and also hides minor defects in the walls. At the same time, wallpaper can be chosen for any apartment due to the abundance of materials and textures.

Also, when purchasing, take into account the width of the roll and the strength of the material. There are special anti-vandal wallpapers that are resistant to damage. They are necessary for people who have small children or animals in their apartment.

Do you know what is better: painting the walls or pasting wallpaper for painting? Share your experience in the comments.

Paintable wallpaper not only gives the walls an interesting texture, but also provides scope for designer imagination - they can be repainted many times. We will tell you in our article how to understand the types of such wall coverings and choose the wallpaper that suits you.

Paintable wallpaper (textured or smooth) is very functional: you just need to select and stick it once, and you can change the design of the room many times without much hassle. This type of wall covering can be repainted several times using different kinds and shades of colors. Their main difference from regular wallpaper- increased moisture resistance and strength. Wallpaper intended for subsequent painting is usually white or beige color. Some manufacturers also produce models with patterns.

Store shelves offer quite big choice structural wallpaper. These are mostly imported products:

  1. German brands AS CREATION, Erfurt, Marburg, Erismann.
  2. Swedish wallpaper from Tasso Glass and Mitex.
  3. French company Mermet.
  4. Belgian company ARTE.

Also well known Russian factories“Palette”, “Art” and Ukrainian wallpaper “Versailles”. Prices for domestically produced wallpaper are usually lower than those of imported analogues. However, this practically does not affect the quality - most factories use imported equipment and modern technologies wallpaper production.

Characteristics and types of wallpaper for painting

As a rule, wallpaper intended for painting is produced in white. Based on the type of base, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Fiberglass (gossamer).
  2. Non-woven.
  3. Paper (duplex and triplex).

Let us consider in detail the features of each type.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is an improved and modernized version of the painting canvas (“cobweb”). Their basis is the thinnest fiberglass threads, stretched at a temperature of about 1200 ° C. Wallpaper is made using the weaving method: in the case of fiberglass, the surface remains smooth; for glass wallpaper, a certain texture or decor is selected in a woven or linen design. This wall covering contains dolomite, quartz sand, lime and soda. All components are completely environmentally friendly and safe for human health.

The absence of harmful chemical additives is just one of the list of advantages of glass wallpaper, which also includes:

  1. High biological stability - there is no nutrient medium on the surface suitable for the growth of mold or mildew.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage - the density of the material does not allow the wall covering to be torn or scratched.
  3. Chemical resistance - wallpaper can be washed with any disinfectants, not to mention standard detergents.
  4. Lack of static electricity - glass wallpapers do not attract dust, which means they will not have to be cleaned so often.
  5. Increased vapor permeability - the structure of the fibers is reminiscent of weaving in a sweater, the loop cells allow water vapor to pass through well, improving the microclimate.
  6. Non-flammability, confirmed by certificates, and the absence of toxic fumes upon contact with fire.
  7. Long term service - fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted up to 20 times, and the service life reaches up to 30 years.

Of course, there are some drawbacks: tiny particles of glass fibers can get on the skin and respiratory tract, causing irritation, so when working with such wallpaper it is necessary to use protective equipment.

Important: removing old glass wallpaper from walls can be very difficult, so they are most often used for finishing office premises. Can be washed using a brush and special solutions.

The American concern GLASSTEX GROUP CORP, which produces coatings under various brands, is rightfully considered the leader in the global glass wallpaper market. The price for the Wellton brand starts from 900 rubles per 25-meter roll and reaches the astronomical figure of 11,000 rubles per fifty-meter roll. The BauTex brand (joint production with Germany) is more affordable: here the price tag ranges from 1400-2600 rubles per 50 m.

For thrifty buyers, many manufacturers can offer second-class wallpaper - rolls non-standard sizes With minor defects. The inclusions of defects in such twists are quite insignificant, and the price is much lower than standard rolls.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven fabric is familiar to many - the dense fibrous fabric is widely used in the clothing industry for the manufacture of wear-resistant collars and sleeves. In wallpaper production, foam coating is applied to a non-woven base through a stencil, forming a textured pattern.

Non-woven wallpaper has undoubted advantages:

  1. Masking effect - thanks to the slightly stretchy base and vinyl coating, the wallpaper perfectly hides small irregularities and defects in the walls. Experts recommend this coating for new homes that are shrinking.
  2. Protective functions— sprayed vinyl provides additional noise and heat insulation.
  3. Easy to use and the most accurate fit.
  4. No harmful fumes.
  5. Service life reaches 10 years.

Non-woven wallpaper is quite capricious during the process of gluing and use - the foam coating is quite easily damaged by careless movements, so it is recommended to paint such wallpaper immediately after gluing.

Manufacturers offer several types of non-woven wallpaper:

  1. Smooth (used as a base for other coatings).
  2. Structural with vinyl coating.
  3. Paper on non-woven fabric.

Wallpaper of this type can be either white or colored (with a pattern). Both types can be repainted many times.

Prices for this wallpaper for painting can be very different, for example, the German brand “Marburg” offers wallpaper on a non-woven basis: standard sizes- from 630 rubles per roll, designer ones - costing several tens of thousands of rubles. The Russian manufacturer ART and the Ukrainian Versailles supply wallpaper collections in the middle price niche - from 600 to 1,500 rubles per roll.

Brand/manufacturer Roll length, m Roll width, m approximate cost, rub.
Marburg Gloockler Children's Paradis 5 0,18 from 790
Marburg Andante Pria 10,05 0,53 from 890
Marburg Light Story Chateau 10,05 0,53 from 990
Marburg Domotex 10,05 0,75 from 6230
Marburg Cuvee Prestige 9,90 0,7 from 14100
ART Damasko 10 1,06 from 1350
ART Swirl 10 1,06 from 680
ART Peonia 10 1,06 from 700
ART Economy 10 1,06 from 400
"Versailles" Eden 10 1,06 from 890
"Versailles" for children 10,05 0,053 from 650

Important: when choosing non-woven wallpaper, be sure to pay attention to the size of the rolls. For the same manufacturer, these data may differ depending on the collection.

Paper wallpaper

Paper-based wallpaper is considered the most inexpensive option, however, with proper care they will last at least 5-10 years. During the production process, the base is treated with special waterproof impregnations, thanks to which it can be repainted several times.

Coarse-fiber wallpaper interspersed with natural sawdust is especially popular. This coating is optimal for children's rooms.

Classic Soviet version: single-layer simplex (not produced by foreign factories). The only plus: the low cost of the coating is more than offset by its fragility and unreliability. For finishing it is better to choose duplex (double layer) or triplex (triple layer). In such wallpaper, the top coating has good performance and excellent appearance.

Important: if you plan to paint paper wallpaper, it is better to give preference to vinyl-coated products.

The choice of paper wallpaper on the market is simply huge - starting from budget narrow-band options (50-60 cm wide) for 80-100 rubles per roll, ending with wide (from 1 m) rolls for 1500-2000 thousand and more. The variety of manufacturers, wallpaper models and the range in price range do not allow structuring the information into a table. Any online catalog provides from several dozen to several hundred options to choose from.

When choosing wallpaper for painting, you first need to decide three questions for yourself:

  1. For how long do you plan to hang the wallpaper? For temporary options, inexpensive paper-based wallpapers that will last from 3 to 5 years are quite suitable.
  2. How much are you willing to spend? Almost every manufacturer has economy lines and designer collections.
  3. Will you do the work yourself or will you hire specialists - if you have no experience in finishing works, it is better to give preference narrow wallpaper With high density. They are easier to join, and the likelihood of tearing a dense base is much lower.

The optimal option in terms of price/service life ratio is, of course, fiberglass coating. If you are planning a cosmetic renovation, you can opt for paper wallpaper, which can be easily hung yourself. Non-woven covering is the most expensive and labor-intensive option, which may require hiring finishers.

But the monotony of the interior quickly gets boring. There is a great way out of this problem - change color design, but it’s more convenient to do this on paintable wallpaper, the pros and cons of which will be obvious while studying today’s review.

Paintable wallpaper stands out from all others exhibition samples shopping row, we can highlight a number of advantages of such paintings:

It is important! The material can withstand about 20 stains; if necessary, you can easily re-glue the entire surface or replace part of the canvases.

This kind cosmetic repairs– a real find for families with small children. Possible for a short time hide results children's creativity fresh coloring.

Pros and cons of different types of wallpaper for painting

Canvases can be selected with different textures:

  • smooth;
  • with a decorative effect;
  • with artistic.

Paper wallpaper for painting

Paper strips are recognized as classics of cosmetic repairs. The canvas consists of a base and a front texture, between them there is a filler of sawdust or shavings, which creates a relief pattern. The surface can be coated with a water-repellent layer, which is why they are used.

To objectively evaluate the material, it is necessary to note some disadvantages:

  • the material is short-lived, in a few years it will be necessary to carry out new cosmetic repairs;
  • prone to abrasion;
  • gluing canvases requires certain skills;
  • ability to withstand up to 7 paintings;
  • required preliminary preparation wall surfaces;
  • It is quite difficult to remove the canvases; they delaminate.

Paintable vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing

If we talk about them, they are not used for painting; when we talk about such canvases, they most likely mean paper or non-woven strips that have a vinyl foam coating. This is a very fragile material, it is easy to scratch, it requires extremely delicate handling. Vinyl coverings difficult to paint, feature front side does not allow the composition to be applied in an even layer. Professionals advise painting the canvas from the inside with latex paint; it will show through on thinner surfaces, then apply the coloring tone on the outside.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

Such fabrics are produced by pressing several layers different materials, as a result, a dense and elastic composition is formed. The top layer is foamed vinyl, the texture of the front side can be smooth or embossed. They are often chosen because they are not afraid of shrinkage at home. Before gluing non-woven wallpaper for painting, you need to apply it to the wall, this will make the work much easier.

The main advantages include:

  • elastic, thanks to this they are not afraid of cracks;
  • excellent quality and durability, with good care can last up to 30 years and withstand up to 15 paintings;
  • decent selection of materials at an average cost;
  • are not afraid of moisture, surfaces can be wiped with a damp sponge;
  • varied decor;
  • easy to remove, the strip comes away from the wall completely.

Unfortunately, such wallpaper also has disadvantages: it is not recommended for use in children's rooms, since the foam material does not breathe.

Fiberglass wallpaper for painting

For the manufacture of innovative coating They use mineral fibers - quartz sand, limestone, dolomite. The base is made in the form of a dense mesh, the front surface is in the form of a relief of mainly classical patterns. This material is often glued as in public buildings, and in residential premises.

You should know this! The denser the texture, the harder it is to work with the canvas.

Fiberglass wallpaper has all the advantages of non-woven fabrics, but to this we should add environmental friendliness, since only natural ingredients are used for their production.

Disadvantages include:

  • poor range of coatings and textures;
  • high price, which, in principle, cannot be considered a disadvantage due to excellent operational parameters and environmental safety.

Smooth wallpaper without a pattern for painting

Paintable wallpaper without texture is the choice of regular people who value restraint; in addition, they are suitable for those who plan to turn the walls into an art object. In the future, you can draw on them or bring other creative ideas to life. Smooth surfaces are combined with textured and textured fabrics. The disadvantages of the coating include monotony, which will tire residents over time.

This is interesting! A good option is to paint the surface with a glossy composition; the iridescent effect will visually expand the space.

Structural wallpaper for painting

Structural canvases resemble, you can decorate them in several ways:

  • simple application of paint to the entire surface;
  • To create visual volume, you can paint non-woven fabrics on the reverse side. The textured elements will not change their color, but will be illuminated from the inside.

Canvases with imitation stone, wood or fabric look impressive in the interior.

Anti-vandal wallpaper for painting

Anti-vandal coating of structural fabrics appeared relatively recently, but has already won consumer recognition. It protects surfaces not only from mechanical damage, but also prevents the consequences negative impacts animals. They are expensive, but for some premises it is still advisable to buy them:

  • for children's– will preserve wall surfaces from mechanical damage; to paint over marks of a pen or felt-tip pen, 1-2 layers of paint are enough;
  • This perfect solution, they are not afraid of contacts with outerwear or shoes.

The high cost of anti-vandal wallpaper will pay off very soon; with it you can forget about updating the interior for a long time, especially in houses with small children and animals.

Which wallpaper for painting is better to choose?

It is quite difficult to definitely advise which is better: glass wallpaper or non-woven wallpaper for painting. You need to proceed from the purpose of the room, the condition of the wall surfaces, etc. When choosing, you can use the following tips:

  1. If the surface is not perfectly leveled, non-woven wallpaper will help hide the imperfections. They are also chosen for new buildings.
  2. Anti-vandal or glass wallpaper is suitable for a children's room and corridor.
  3. In order to save money, you can opt for paper canvases.

Related article:

If you are thinking about a stylish and elite interior decoration, then we recommend that you view various wallpapers for walls, a catalog of photo ideas in the publication of our portal, what will help you do right choice canvases, and give your apartment or house an unusual look.

How to glue wallpaper for painting - main nuances

Wallpapering is practically no different from usual. Let's give a few professional advice to make your work easier:

  • paper sheets are the easiest to glue, but they quickly get wet and can become deformed due to the abundance of adhesive;
  • for gluing vinyl sheets, it is better to apply glue both to the walls and to the strips, so the gluing will be as dense as possible and the process will take less time.

Related article:

Advantages and disadvantages, preparing walls for multi-layer gluing, stages of do-it-yourself work, photos and videos on finishing walls yourself, tips and recommendations from experts - read the publication.

What is the best wallpaper paint for painting?

For painting you need to choose a composition based on water based. Paints with chemical components may dissolve the outer coating after application. Manufacturers produce two types of water-based paints:

  • water-based– with a small fraction. After drying, it can be removed with plain water;
  • water-dispersed– fraction based on larger polymers. After drying, it has water-repellent properties; it can only be removed with special solvents.

The following types of paints are chosen for wallpaper:

Paint type Description
Acrylic or water-dispersed acrylicA budget option for coloring, while decent quality. The paint is only matte.
LatexThe most expensive coloring option, it provides high performance characteristics surfaces.
Polyvinyl acetate or PVA basedThe cheapest paint, suitable for use in rooms that...

How to properly paint wallpaper for painting

To perform high-quality painting, you must follow a certain technological process:

  1. The canvases should dry well after gluing.
  2. Pour some paint into a tray and soak a lint roller in it.
  3. Coloring begins from the top from the middle of the canvas to the sides. This technique completely paints over the stripes, leaving no gaps. Painting must be done carefully and quickly until the entire wall is completely painted.
  4. For difficult areas, you can use a brush.
  5. If necessary, after 12 hours a second coat of paint can be applied.

You should know this! If canvases with relief are painted, choose a roller with long pile.

Related article:

Where to buy wallpaper for painting - an overview of average prices

The canvases are in the collections of all manufacturers, which can be viewed in online catalogs or shopping centers. The material of the domestic brand will be cheaper than foreign analogues. We invite you to familiarize yourself with indicative prices per roll most famous brands wallpaper for painting.

Wallpaper Brand Width×Length, m Average price (as of April 2018), rub.
Vinyl on non-woven base



Paper, anti-vandal


New design option interior design at first glance it is difficult to distinguish from simple painting. At the same time, like every technology, wallpaper for painting has both its advantages and its disadvantages.

Modern technologies allow you to decorate walls with the most different ways. But traditional wallpaper and the usual painting of walls remain the most popular. At the same time, time does not stand still; new, more advanced ways of decorating walls are being invented. One of them is paintable wallpaper.

Paintable wallpaper: pros and cons

Simple painting and paintable wallpaper have a lot in common: the ability to add interior stickers, wide possibilities in choosing original shades, and much more. Only the owner has the right to decide which option to choose. After all, both methods are good. To help with difficult choices, experts have compiled a list of several criteria. By substituting your own wishes and capabilities into this algorithm, you can choose the best way to decorate the walls for you.

Main selection criteria:

  • cost (the price of materials and work is taken into account). It is common knowledge that before painting or covering with drywall. Both the first and the second are not cheap services. There is no need to level the base under the wallpaper. But in this case, wallpaper will cost a lot (the more expensive, the better quality) and the services of a specialist (a professional is needed so as not to redo everything all over again);
  • complexity of the work performed. To prepare the walls for painting, you need the help of a painter/plasterer. Anyone can handle wallpapering for painting;
  • possibility of realizing design ideas (variety of colors and textures). Having chosen the option of wallpaper for painting, you don’t have to think about the specific texture and color, you just need to choose from wide range. In the case of direct painting of the walls, the texture will have to be applied using decorative plaster(usually only a specialist can do this);
  • recovery from damage. Wallpaper for painting is easily retouched, damage is eliminated locally and locally: if the defect is small, you can simply paint over it, but if the damage occupies a sufficiently large part of the surface, you can replace a piece of wallpaper and paint over it. This option will not work with painted walls. Cracked or peeling paint cannot be restored; in this case, you have to renew at least the entire wall;
  • functionality. Paintable wallpaper is more resistant to external factors than painted walls. Firstly, wallpaper strengthens the surface and hides any imperfections on it. Secondly, they are resistant to moisture. Simple walls are sensitive to any changes. Cracks and peeling can appear with seasonal temperature changes, with fluctuations in humidity, and with such frequent flooding from our neighbors above. Moreover, if some mistakes were made when preparing the surface for painting, the wall will quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.

It is worth emphasizing that the above criteria can only be used in traditional cases. After all, there are times when the choice - wallpaper or a painted wall - is not even worth it. It's about, for example, about finishing a log surface. This is definitely a paint job. But for residents of new buildings, experts recommend only wallpaper for painting, since only they can hide deformation during shrinkage.

Paintable wallpaper: what to choose from?

All currently known paintable wallpapers are highly durable and moisture resistant. As a rule, they all come from linkrusta, an embossed natural material. It is worth noting that linkrusta is again used as the main coating for luxury painting.

The texture of painted wallpaper can be of three types: smooth, repeating decorative hand plaster, and with artistic ornament.

Main types of wallpaper (depending on the material used):

  1. paper (roughly structural);
  2. non-woven (whole fiber);
  3. vinyl on paper or non-woven base (mixed type);
  4. glass wallpaper (or fiberglass, produced using textile technology).

The initial color of wallpaper for painting is usually white or cream. This solution allows you to select the desired color with maximum accuracy. Sometimes wallpaper is not painted at all if its initial color suits the owner.

Paper wallpaper: main characteristics

Paper wallpaper consist of two (sometimes three) layers, between which are placed sawdust. Thanks to these elements, the wallpaper acquires relief. Sawdust is placed chaotically and often creates the most intricate texture that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding client. The top layer of paper wallpaper is usually impregnated with a water-repellent composition. This ensures a high level of moisture resistance and strength.

The main advantages of paper wallpaper are compliance with all environmental standards, a wide range of textures and low cost. : They may become wrinkled or stretched due to the adhesive being applied directly to the fabric. Maximum amount There are five colors that paper wallpaper can withstand. But if the texture of the material is weakly expressed, after the third painting the surface becomes almost flat. Paper wallpaper also requires delicate handling. Any mechanical damage it is necessary to quickly restore, and this significantly reduces the service life of the wallpaper.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting: pros and cons

Non-woven wallpaper is the most popular type of wallpaper for painting. It is characterized by high strength and aesthetics. A definite “pro” in choosing this type of wallpaper is the fact that when stretched, they do not tear or wrinkle, and are highly resistant to damage and fire. They are easy to glue and simply eliminate various imperfections. In general, non-woven wallpaper is several balls of pressed cellulose with a relief pattern on the top. If we draw analogies, non-woven fabric is similar to dense cushioning material used in sewing.

Pure vinyl wallpaper cannot be painted, so if they talk about vinyl wallpaper for painting, they always mean non-woven or paper material with vinyl foam coating, which forms textured pattern. This type of wallpaper is especially fragile, scratches appear almost from touch. Coating with paint makes the vinyl surface more durable, although some delicate handling is still required.

A distinctive feature of this type of wallpaper is its manufacturing technology. They are made on looms, like ordinary fabric, but only from glass fibers of different thicknesses. Ready product Then they are impregnated with modified starch, due to which the glass acquires a stable shape.

There are two types of fiberglass wallpaper patterns (depending on the number of threads) - regular and jacquard. The first type is simple, consisting of two threads. It can be matting, herringbone, diagonal, diamonds, etc. The jacquard pattern is programmed by computer according to the original design idea. It is highly complex. At the request of the customer, even a family coat of arms or corporate symbols can be displayed on the wallpaper.

Fiberglass wallpapers have whole line advantages:

  • firstly, they are very easy to care for (they can be cleaned with a regular brush, do not attract dust, and cannot be attractive to insects).
  • secondly, they meet all environmental quality standards (they are made only from natural materialsquartz sand, clay, soda and limestone).
  • thirdly, they are distinguished by durability and high strength (recommended for premises with a high level of wear, for example, hotels, sanatoriums, offices).
  • fourthly, fiberglass wallpaper is highly resistant to fire (it does not burn and prevents the spread of fire) and does not emit toxins when heated.

Features of working with fiberglass wallpaper

The surface on which the glass wallpaper will be glued must be carefully prepared. The wall does not have to be perfectly flat, but it must have a uniform color, otherwise stains will appear through the transparent fabric of the wallpaper. You can level the walls with regular putty and then with latex primer. Any paint is suitable, but to obtain a high-quality result, it is recommended to apply it in two balls. It is recommended to wear gloves and safety glasses when gluing glass wallpaper. Sometimes (if you come across a low-quality roll), glass threads can crumble and irritate the skin.