Flat roof panel houses 80s material. Overhaul of the roof of an apartment building - methods

Panel house - how to cover the roof if it is damp (flat roof - old roofing material)?

Hello! What are you going to cover? If with the same roofing material, then it is necessary to dry the old one. If he is in bad condition need to be repaired or completely removed. You can try to dry with a heat gun, but it is better to wait for favorable conditions.

Flat roofs are a fairly common roofing structure. For example, they are ubiquitous in serial panel houses, the design of which, including the quality of laying roofing has always left much to be desired. The result of such structural deficiencies is poor insulation and excessive heat loss in the building. The basis of such roofs are either steel sheets of steel, or reinforced concrete slabs. It is in connection with these shortcomings that the waterproofing of roofs with a flat base should be treated with increased attention. For the successful implementation of waterproofing of such roof structures, roofing material or mastic is traditionally used. At the same time, in last years The use of sealants for waterproofing is gaining more and more popularity. flat roofs panel buildings.

If we talk about modern flat roofs, the use of new technologies makes it possible to create roofs that are much more resistant to various negative impacts. In particular, today there are three main types roofing materials for flat structures:

  • Based on roofing material, including bitumen-polymer and bituminous mixtures;
  • Membrane based on foil, rubber or polymers;
  • Materials based on liquid polymers. They are most often used for waterproofing complex structures.

The listed materials fully comply with the requirements that are put forward to ensure high-quality waterproofing roof structure. In this regard, the decisive factor in this matter is the quality of work and the application of appropriate modern technologies. For example, when using sheet material Special attention joints should be impermeable; in the case of a liquid material, it is necessary to ensure the uniformity of the layer. In addition, in any case, it is necessary to fully comply with the technology of connecting waterproofing with various parts of a flat roof. The most popular materials for roof waterproofing are roofing material, sealant and mastic. Today, roofing material can hardly be called an actual material, while various mastics and stable sealants are still indispensable.

Mastic materials are polyurethane elastic resins. They polymerize on the roof surface as a result of exposure to moist air. Ultimately, the flat roof is covered with a layer of rubber membrane, which has high waterproofing characteristics. At the same time, waterproofing mastic is an almost universal material. It can be used not only in the case of roofs of residential buildings having a flat base, but also in providing protection for a variety of old roofs covered with slate or tiles. You can also isolate terraces, balconies and garages with mastic. Another advantage of mastic is the ease of work. It can be applied with a brush, roller or by spraying. To control the uniformity and thickness of the layers allows the use of mastics with radical color differences.

If we talk about the use of moisture-resistant sealants for waterproofing flat roofs, then this material is indispensable in case of severe weather conditions, which are accompanied by frequent showers, squalls, hail and strong temperature changes. In addition, this sealant is the best option when waterproofing round pipes located on the roof.

In some cases (for example, if a metal-tiling system is being arranged over the old soft tiles) is possible. However, it must be understood that a damaged base may begin to rot and, thereby, provoke the failure of a new layer. That is why we would not recommend laying new materials on top of old ones. It is better to remove the damaged building material and complete the required work, as required by the technology.

As practice shows, the vast majority of roofs in ordinary private houses are built in such a way that it is not necessary to dismantle the roof base to install an additional insulating layer. If we talk about multi-apartment facilities, then the situation is different here: since in high-rise buildings fused coatings are used, then insulation becomes impossible.

If there is damage to individual structural elements, then only these parts can be replaced. In this case, the area of ​​damage should not exceed 35%. For larger problems, it is worth making a complete replacement of the truss system.

Urgent repair is required in case of a serious violation of the tightness of the coating: it may be required when part of the roof is torn off, water flows during precipitation, peeling, tearing or swelling of the roofing material.

We provide the following warranty periods:

  • soft roof: 5 years
  • metal roof: 3 years
  • roll and bituminous coatings: 3 years
  • polymer tile and seam covering: 6 years.
The warranty period depends on the type of work performed and is calculated when drawing up a repair plan. Data on the warranty period must be announced to the customer before the start of work and are included in the contract.

Any leak is a problem that requires careful and timely repair. First, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the leak. Secondly, at self repair there is a risk of damage to serviceable elements nearby. If you are not an expert in roofing work we recommend calling a wizard who will not only fix the problem, but also provide a guarantee for their services.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of water, an examination is necessary, which will be carried out by a specialist. You can independently determine what is the cause of the appearance of moisture by the following signs:

  • in the event of a leak in the roof, water begins to drip in the warm season after rain, and in the cold season in sunny weather and sudden warming.
  • with the accumulation of condensate, moisture appears constantly and practically does not depend on weather conditions.
For an accurate diagnosis, we recommend calling a specialist who will accurately determine the cause and tell you what actions to take next.

In some cases (for example, if a metal tile system is being installed on top of an old soft tile), this is possible. However, it must be understood that a damaged base may begin to rot and, thereby, provoke the failure of a new layer. That is why we would not recommend laying new materials on top of old ones. It is better to remove the damaged building material and complete the required work, as required by the technology.

As practice shows, the vast majority of roofs in ordinary private houses are built in such a way that it is not necessary to dismantle the roof base to install an additional insulating layer. If we talk about multi-apartment buildings, then the situation is different: since in multi-storey buildings, built-up coatings are used, insulation becomes impossible.

If there is damage to individual structural elements, then only these parts can be replaced. In this case, the area of ​​damage should not exceed 35%. For larger problems, it is worth making a complete replacement of the truss system.

Urgent repair is required in case of a serious violation of the tightness of the coating: it may be required when part of the roof is torn off, water flows during precipitation, peeling, tearing or swelling of the roofing material.

We provide the following warranty periods:

  • soft roof: 5 years
  • metal roofing: 3 years
  • roll and bituminous coatings: 3 years
  • polymer tile and seam covering: 6 years.
The warranty period depends on the type of work performed and is calculated when drawing up a repair plan. Data on the warranty period must be announced to the customer before the start of work and are included in the contract.

Any leak is a problem that requires careful and timely repair. First, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the leak. Secondly, with self-repair, there is a risk of damaging serviceable elements that are nearby. If you are not a roofing specialist, we recommend calling a master who will not only fix the problem, but also provide a guarantee for their services.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of water, an examination is necessary, which will be carried out by a specialist. You can independently determine what is the cause of the appearance of moisture by the following signs:

  • in the event of a leak in the roof, water begins to drip in the warm season after rain, and in the cold season in sunny weather and sudden warming.
  • with the accumulation of condensate, moisture appears constantly and practically does not depend on weather conditions.
For an accurate diagnosis, we recommend calling a specialist who will accurately determine the cause and tell you what actions to take next.

Nowadays people know their rights. They know that if the roof leaked in their house, they can demand through the court from the responsible legal entity compensation for repairs and non-pecuniary damage. Moreover, they know that this, as they say, is a sure thing - the court in the vast majority of such cases will be on the side of the plaintiff.

And the amount of compensation can reach hundreds of thousands of rubles. Every owner! Of which in the average apartment building from 12 to 24 - according to the number of apartments on the upper floors. And that's not including legal fees!

The reason that the roofs are flowing as scheduled is the practice of waterproofing roofs with cheap roofs, which has not been outlived since Soviet times. roll materials bitumen based. Every spring, the tenants rattle their anger at the management organizations, and things are still there.

But if earlier the case was managed only by complaints, now more and more often the culprit has to pay with the ruble. We have already said that people are now well aware of their rights! The desire to save on material for waterproofing the roof in our time can easily cause bankruptcy of the organization responsible for the operation of the house.

Well, roofing material cannot resist cold and seasonal temperature changes for a long time! It will definitely crack and start leaking water. As a result, it is necessary to update the waterproofing almost every year. It comes to the ridiculous - a multi-ton cake already reaches half a meter, and water flows through cracks in it, like through a sieve.

However, if you are one of the people responsible for roof repairs in apartment buildings, all this is already well known to you. Perhaps you also know that materials have long been invented that allow you to perform simply indestructible waterproofing that will not leak even once during the entire life of the house!

We are talking about waterproofing based on the so-called elastomers - polyuria or, as it was called in our country, polyurea, as a substrate under the waterproofing layer of which polyurethane foam is sprayed, which acts as a heat insulator.

Finally, forget about complaints and lawsuits from tenants forever!

Well, it's true! How many times can you step on the same rake every year!? After all, polyurea is a guaranteed protection against leaks.

She resistant to severe mechanical stress: crows feasting on the roof, snow cleaners and other "saboteurs" will have to seriously sweat in order to somehow damage the waterproofing layer based on it. In other words, sending a team to the roof to clean the snow, you can no longer be afraid that after these blockheads frolic there, a flurry of complaints about the transformation will traditionally fall on you. living rooms in the showers.

Such coverage frost-resistant and easy tolerates temperature changes— normal operating mode is in the range from -40°C to +80°C. Which, by the way, cannot be said about many other coatings, for which, as we have already mentioned, this is generally a sore point.

Frost resistance is achieved, firstly, by the fact that the coating is completely seamless: there are no cracks into which water can penetrate and, freezing, expand them. Secondly, along with strength, polyurea also has incredible elasticity, which is almost unaffected by low temperatures. A polyurea film can be stretched over 20 times before breaking!

If you love the Russian winter and the bitter cold, then for the first time you can calmly enjoy them without the latent thought that, perhaps, the waterproofing on the roofs of the houses under your jurisdiction is cracking right now. But it will be possible to check it only in the spring!

In addition, the coating is still stable ... So, stop ... Perhaps it will be easier to list what it is UNSTABLE to. There will be only one item on this list - ultraviolet. Under its influence, polyurea gradually fades. However, this problem is solved in the simplest way: on top of the waterproofing layer, you need to apply protective mastic- and the coating will become simply invulnerable.

And one more important point. Adhesion(the ability of the applied material to "stick" to the treated surface) coatings are very high. It tightly "grows" to almost all types building materials. For example, the adhesion index to concrete is 19 kg/cm 2 . That is, to tear off a piece of coating with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bone centimeter applied to concrete ceiling, you need to hang at least 19 kg from it.

Waterproofing based on elastomers is able to serve over 30 years and often much longer. To be honest, the house is more likely to go out of service than there will be problems with the waterproofing of the roof. Yes, and by that time, most likely, you will already be on a well-deserved pension, surrounded by love and honor: because, if a person knows how to think about others, this does not go unnoticed.

Polyurea and your career growth!

Unexpected, really! What is the connection? However, if you look at it, it becomes quite obvious.

Usually people move along career ladder in two ways: either through connections, or through their personal qualities and the reputation acquired with their help. These qualities include not only professionalism and the ability to conduct business, here we are talking about a person’s worldview, his life position.

This is where the dog is buried! When you waterproof the roof with roofing material, your attitude towards the residents can be formulated with the words: “Here you are - and get rid of it. I don’t care that next spring you will again have to do repairs in the apartment!”

If you choose polyurea, you will get reputation as a problem solver, looming overhead for years like the sword of Damocles. Solve quickly and permanently.

Reputation. She cannot be overestimated! reputation among residents. reputation with superiors. These things are interconnected: there are no complaints - and higher authorities cease to perceive the area under your jurisdiction as a constantly aching sore tooth; there are gratitudes - believe me, people know how to be grateful - and the management will definitely pay attention to you, because such shots are truly worth their weight in gold.

Well, of course, professional reputation cannot be discounted either: conversations in the higher lobbies about you as a competent business executive who understands technologies and materials will definitely bear fruit!

Something else about technologies and materials

As we have already mentioned, often a cake is formed on the roof from outdated waterproofing up to one and a half meters thick. It can weigh tens of tons! If a similar situation has developed in the houses under your jurisdiction, then you understand that this can be fraught with various consequences, up to the collapse of the roof.

According to the mind, of course, it is necessary to remove all this, but circumstances do not always allow. In this case, polyurea is a real find:

  • Except for some special cases old cake can not be touched;
  • Coating very light- it will not significantly affect the load that the roof bears;
  • Polyurea based waterproofing will the last layer of the pie Finally, the annual increase in the load on bearing structures roofs.

Another important point: the use of this technology allows you to achieve not only smooth, but also flawless aesthetic coverage point of view. In addition, if desired, you can pick a color suitable for the overall design of the house.

Why is this needed? But it may happen that after some time a high-rise building will be built nearby, the inhabitants of which, from the windows of their apartments, will contemplate the fruits of your waterproofing work day after day. If the roof has a color that is not in harmony with the overall design, this will create the impression of a looming "eyesore", which is unlikely to form a favorable opinion about you and your organization.

If we talk about the aesthetic component, then something else needs to be mentioned. In the process of coating spraying, we use a special robot installation. It completely controls the layer thickness, which not only avoids the appearance of even minor bumps but also to prevent waste of material. For large areas, this significantly affects the cost of coverage.

An added bonus to the variety of benefits you will receive by waterproofing your roof with polyurea are thermal insulation properties of the coating. We have already mentioned that a layer of polyurethane foam is used as a primer. Just two centimeters. Only! But, excuse me, these two centimeters are in their own way. thermal insulation properties equal to masonry two bricks thick!

As you know, a significant part of the heat from the apartment on the top floor comes out through the roof. After such waterproofing, heat loss will be minimized. In cold weather, you will no longer need to use electric heaters, and in summer you will have to turn on the air conditioner less often. For tenants, this is a big deal!

Oh, this notorious vapor permeability!

I would like to separately touch on such an issue as vapor permeability. Yes, polyurea has a very low vapor permeability of about 0.8 g/m 2 /h. That is, through a coating film with an area of ​​one square meter per hour passes only 0.8 grams of moisture in the form of steam. But let's see if the vapor permeability of the roof is generally needed at such an object as an apartment building.

Now it is fashionable to talk about "breathing" walls that let in steam generated as a result of various household processes - breathing, cooking, etc. However, in essence, only a canvas tent can be called a breathing house. She really "breathes" and lets steam through. All other houses, even if they are entirely made of wood, cannot “breathe”. This is just a myth invented by log cabin manufacturers in order to increase sales.

Any house, unless, of course, the wind whistles through the cracks in the walls, must have an exhaust hood. Otherwise, condensation will certainly accumulate inside and mold will form.

The volume of steam passing through the roof of a brick or panel apartment building, is simply negligible compared to the volume discharged through the hood. Therefore, the vapor permeability index of polyurea has absolutely no significance in this case.

Three pillars on which the waterproofing of your roofs rests: equipment, materials and skills of workers

Do you know that even a slight inaccuracy when mixing components can lead to a deviation of the coating properties from the calculated ones?..

But not in the case of working with our company. After all, we use high-tech equipment firms Graco, Gusmer and Gama, differing in this matter in jewelry accuracy.

If you want to be convinced of the quality of the materials used, then we will present you at the first request. certificates, indicating that from this side you are not threatened with any surprises. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with them in the corresponding section of our website.

And finally, the most important - the skills of our employees. The founder of the company, Mikhail Kucherenkov, has been spraying elastomers for more than 15 years. He worked eight of them in Spain, adopting the experience of foreign specialists. Practice, experience and his own tricks, which he taught to all operators of our company's PPU units, are a guarantee that the coating will be performed at the highest level.

In order for you to see everything for yourself, on our website and on the YouTube channel we post videos of the spraying of polyurethane foam and polyurea. In addition, the site header contains announcements about upcoming online broadcasts from facilities where we will perform thermal or waterproofing. Look - in order to evaluate the work of a professional, in this case you do not need to be a specialist.

Minimum inconvenience during the waterproofing process

The uniqueness of waterproofing based on polyurea lies in the fact that it will not only save you from headaches about roofs for almost half a century, but also cause a minimum of anxiety during the work itself. See for yourself.

Coating speed

Oh, she is truly lightning fast! Both polyurethane foam and polyurea cure in less than a minute. Within five minutes, the layer acquires all those properties that will remain unchanged for many decades. It will not be necessary to wait until the first layer dries, then the second. Everything is done in hot pursuit.

It will take some time for the mastic to dry, which is needed to protect the coating from ultraviolet exposure. If one layer is applied, it will take 5-6 hours, if two - a day.

Thanks to this speed of work, you, firstly, will be able to quickly satisfy the complaints of the residents, and secondly, if the scope of work is large and the houses are not in Moscow, but somewhere in the region, the living expenses of our workers will be minimal.

No traces, except for high-quality waterproofing

When performing all types of work, we adhere to simple principle: after our departure, nothing remains but a job well done. We don't leave trash. If something was dismantled, moved or displaced to perform the work, we return everything to its place.

Simply put, you will not need to send another brigade to clean up after us.

Why customers not only choose us, but also hold on to us with both hands

Since we are talking about the benefits of working with us, we need to say one more thing. Kucherenkoff & Co is family business. What does it give you? Confidence that all employees are motivated to perform waterproofing on maximum level quality.

In other companies, it often happens that workers are not personally interested in maintaining the impeccable reputation of their employer: for them, the main thing is to get paid. Therefore, they often steal and hack - after all, no one can notice a thinner layer and irregularities.

Everything is different with us: all our employees are relatives or friends, and we all perfectly understand that a good reputation is our capital! After all, our financial well-being depends on it!

Our second “fad” is the pedantic observance of the terms stipulated in the contract. You won't have to justify yourself to your tenants or your boss about delaying the problem of leaking roofs. In addition, we try to respond as quickly as possible to requests when urgency comes first.

Another plus, which is important for many of our customers, is consulting support. As in any business, there are many subtleties in the spraying of elastomers, which only a specialist knows about. This applies to both the application technology and the objects on which the work is performed.

It is precisely on the second point that we provide counseling: we warn about possible difficulties, explain how to perform preparatory work, and much more. You can be absolutely sure that you are insured against any unpleasant surprises associated with waterproofing!

This is all, of course, good, but polyurea is an expensive pleasure!

Of course, this is one of the main objections that comes to mind when it comes to waterproofing based on polyurea. But, if you look, it turns out an interesting picture. For the sake of interest, sum up the funds spent on waterproofing with bituminous roll materials, at least over the past 10 years. Compare the received amount with our rates and, believe me, you will take a different look at the problem: after all, waterproofing will no longer require repairs!

By the way, about our rates. You can now calculate using the calculator below.

Many of us live in typical panel "nine-story buildings", of which a great many have been built since the seventies. At the same time, a very small number of people are interested in what exactly is the building in which they live, limiting their interests only to their apartment. And I was always interested in how the ecosystem called "home" works.

As a child, I climbed into basements, passed from basement to basement through the windows of the heating main, looked with a flashlight into black windows overgrown with cobwebs, opened closed doors attic hatches. I was interested in everything. The structures, smells and sounds of the roofs and basements told that a house is not just apartments, but a whole complex of complex systems.

And in general, this complements and changes the idea of ​​what a city is and what a person is.

So, today's walk is on the roof of a nine-story building; the one I first climbed in 1995.

02. The last floor in the entrance looks like this. There is an unusually high ceiling and there are such welded metal stairs leading to the exit to the roof.

03. To the left of the elevator (right above the entrance to the apartments) there is such a hatch. I believe that it has something to do with the maintenance of elevator equipment.

04. We climb the metal ladder. It is very uncomfortable - you can immediately see that it is not designed for everyday use.

05. Direct access to the roof is closed with a sheet of tin, which is screwed to the base with the help of welded bolts and nuts screwed onto them. We carefully unscrew (and after visiting the roof we also carefully screw it back).

06. We climb one more ladder. It is even more uncomfortable than the previous one.

07. And here we are at the top. The first thing that catches your eye is the ventilation "fungus" of the garbage chute shaft, as well as the concrete decorative elements that close the entrance windows.

08. Let's look back. In 1995, this exit to the roof was closed not with a metal shield, but with such a plump wooden door on hinges (I think, of blue color), upholstered in tin. You can even see the remains of her box over there.

09. The block itself, from which we went to the roof, looks like this. In addition to the exit itself, it also houses an elevator room with elevator equipment machines.

10. Ventilation window of the elevator. The blocks are finished here with the same rubble as the whole house.

11. This one concrete structure in the foreground is the exit of the apartment ventilation. Have you seen such grates in your bathroom and kitchen? They lead to the ventilation shaft, which ends on the roof with such a thing. The wires of the TV network are passed through the reinforcing rings of the shaft cover.

12. Inside the mine looks like this. Pretty clean, by the way. It also has a very specific smell. It smells of some old butter, something like cutlets, some kind of buckwheat - the smell of dozens of cuisines. I remember this smell very well during my very first visit to the roof. At that time, by the way, the mines were dirtier and from there, along with the streams warm air some flakes flew.

13. The entire roof and all surfaces on it are covered with such roofing material for waterproofing. It is quite modern, so grey, it feels almost indestructible from temperature changes. When I was here for the first time, there was such an old black roofing felt, swollen in places from the heat and cracked from frost.

By the way, I do not know what kind of block in the center of the frame.

14. Drain for water. They are located all over the roof in such peculiar lowlands. Have you ever seen how in the rain water flows from such a bent pipe that looks out from the block under the first floor of a nine-story building? This pipe starts high on the roof like this drain.

14. But this metal tube is a cable channel brought out.

15. Now there is cable TV in this house, and once there were large receiving antennas here, I remember them from the first visit to the roof.

Another cable channel, with details of some kind of fastening equipment - maybe just this is what the supporting slings of the antennas were attached to.

16. Some residents install satellite dishes on the roof, using for this a wall of such an elevation, formed due to the difference in height of various parts of the house. The elevation, by the way, is now covered with waterproofing, and I remember the time when there was just a bare wall (it seems, even laid with bricks for some reason), and a wooden ladder led from here to the higher part of the house.

17. View from the roof.

18. These wires on insulators are most likely the power grid.

19. Some metal structure at the exit from another entrance. I believe that these are the remains of a homemade antenna.

20. General form on the roof of the house. Here you can clearly see the artificial "bottom" of the runoff for water.

21. The remains of some cable. Most likely - part of the repair winch.

22. Is it scary to walk on the roof? Scary. The fence that seemed to me in childhood reliable protection, now turned out to be very low and small.

23. And in some places these "railings" from the corner completely end.

24. So let's look at the corner of the house and go, perhaps, down.

25. The most pleasant thing about walking on rooftops is being back on the ground. Or even so - to be on the ground in the way that was originally planned :)