OSB board - what kind of material is it and what is it used for. Properties and structure of OSB boards: their size, quantity in a pack and the use of Osv 3 dimensions

In the section, an oriented strand board is a layered structure - several rows of chips are tightly glued together under the influence of pressure and temperature. The main raw material is softwood, most often it is pine. Large chips 8 to 15 cm long are differently oriented in layers. That is why the OSP got its name. In English, it sounds like "oriented strand board" or OSB. The layered structure and large chips increase the flexibility of the material and reduce the amount of glue, which in terms of properties brings the material closer to solid wood.

The binder is a mixture of waterproof resins, boric acid and synthetic wax. In their composition, they contain a small amount of formaldehyde, which, when proper processing practically no harm to human health.


Oriented strand boards on the domestic market are divided into 4 types:

  • OSP-1- the lowest quality variety. Not intended for use in high humidity conditions. Used in the manufacture of furniture and packaging.
  • OSB-2- suitable for creating load-bearing structures in rooms with low humidity.
  • OSB-3- used to create structural elements in any conditions.
  • OSB-4- a material that can withstand significant mechanical stress and is used in conditions with any humidity.

The latter option is the most expensive and is rarely found on the regular construction market. Therefore, the OSB-3 plate is most often used.

The technical characteristics of this material allow it to be used in almost all areas of construction.

OSB-3 has earned such popularity among builders for a reason. This is confirmed by the following list of its main advantages:

  • Strength. The building material is able to withstand an average load of up to 640 kg / m3.
  • Ease of processing. No OSB needed for sawing and sanding special tools, fit conventional drills, hacksaws and self-tapping screws.
  • Installation. For all their strength, these boards are light enough to be installed by one person.
  • Density. When drilling and sawing, the material does not crumble or delaminate. Large chips allow you to hold screws even at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the plate without chipping.
  • Appearance. For some, the aesthetic properties of OSB are quite attractive. However, if desired, the sheets can be coated with any paint intended for working with wood.
  • Moisture resistance. The certified material does not change its operational properties at temperatures above 20°C and 65% humidity.
  • Fire safety. The building material is tested for fire resistance and fire spread rate. The results show that it can be used for outer skin walls. For additional protection, special impregnations and fire-retardant paints can be used.
  • Price. OSP-3 compares favorably in cost with analogous materials with similar technical characteristics.
  • Dimensions. The standard dimensions of the OSB-3 plate allow you to choose sheets for various purposes: with smooth edges: 2440 * 1220; 2500*1250; with grooved ends: 2440*1220; 2440*590; 2450*590; 2500*1250. The thickness of the plates can vary from 9 to 22 mm.

Areas of use

Operational properties allow using OSP-3 for the following purposes:

  • Creating a crate for the roof.
  • Sheathing of external and internal walls.
  • The device of rough floors.
  • Cover installation.
  • I-beams, comparable in their strength characteristics with concrete and reinforced concrete structures.
  • Creation of supporting surfaces for facing materials or logs.
  • High quality packaging in the form of pallets, boxes and boxes.
  • IN furniture production oriented strand boards of the third type are used for the manufacture of parts subjected to increased stress.
  • Sandwich panels in the construction of frame houses.

The supply of OSB-3, which meets all standards, is mainly carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation by two companies - these are Kronospan and Egger. Nevertheless, many people dream of acquiring North American building materials. After all, this region is famous for its vast coniferous forests, and Canada and the United States for their serious approach to quality control. But buying real OSB-3 from North American manufacturers can be tricky.

Boards from the USA and Canada can only be called OSB-3 if they are created according to a special recipe and have passed the appropriate European certification. Such sheets have a special marker displaying the grade, the recommended rafter pitch, the binder material class and the logo of the organization that carried out the test. They do not deform, practically do not swell, have high strength and durability.

How to choose a real North American OSB-3:

  • When purchasing Canadian or American boards, make sure they are OSB-3 marked and EN-300 compliant.
  • Review the test report that accompanies the certificate of conformity. The swelling ratio should be no more than 15%.

Not in vain among different types oriented strand sheets, it was OSB-3 that gained the most popularity. Technical characteristics allow it to be used in a variety of areas - when creating floors and ceilings, walls and roofs, in furniture production and for the manufacture of complex structural elements. Being reliable and durable, it really deserves trust.

OSB (OSB, OSB)- oriented strand board (Oriented Strand Board) - sheet material from wood shavings, used for construction and structural work. OSB / OSB boards have best qualities natural wood and are devoid of its shortcomings (lack of knots and other defects).

OSB made from chips with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm and a length of up to 140 mm, which is pressed under conditions of high pressure and temperature, using an adhesive waterproof resin.

Marking OSB boards

A feature of the OSB board is that pressed wood shavings in the board layers are oriented in layers. As a rule, the chips in the outer layers are oriented longitudinally, while the chips of the inner layer are oriented transversely. Many buyers call these plates "usb", "uzb", "usb", "yuzbi", "oizb", etc. - but in all these names we are talking about slabs or OSB panels (OSB).

OSB It has three layers - two outer and one inner. The multidirectionality of the fibers in the layers provides exceptionally high mechanical strength of OSB boards, while the flexibility inherent wood materials, is saved. Warehouse OSB panel is necessary according to certain rules.

Prices for OSB boards, OSB

OSB - 3 DIY formats

OSB-3 boards of the DIY format outwardly resemble ordinary chipboard, but taking a closer look, these are high-quality OSB boards. The structure of the material indicates high reliability and environmental friendliness. Much depends on the manufacturer: what does he use in the manufacture of OSB?

OSB boards for outdoor use characteristics

OSB panels - 3 EcoJAL

The plates have a more neutral color, but the quality is not inferior to analogues. Cut the sheet, only those that are shown in the table. Maximum dimensions sheets have maximum rigidity.

Name Size, mm Sheet area, m 2 Weight, kg/sheet Price per sheet, rub. Price per m 2, rub.
EcoJAL OSB-3, 2500*1250*9mm standard 2500x1250 3,125 18 494,00 158,00
EcoJAL OSB-3, 2500*1850*9mm one and a half 1850x2500 4,625 26,88 700,00 152,00
EcoJAL OSB-3, 2500*1250*12mm standard 1250x2500 3,125 24 641,00 205,00
EcoJAL OSB-3, 2500*1850*12mm one and a half 1850x2500 4,625 38,85 934,00 201,00
EcoJAL OSB-3, 2800*1850*12mm 1850x2800 5,180 39,67 1045,00 202,00
EcoJAL OSB-3, 2500*1850*22mm 1850x2500 4,625 64,1 1712,00 370,00

OSB 3 board sizes and prices


OSB boards High Quality with a large selection of sheet formats. At minimum thickness sheet - maximum rigidity. OSB boards GLUNZ AG are made from environmentally friendly materials.

Buy high quality OSB boards GLUNZ AG at a bargain price

Name Size, mm Thickness, mm Density, kg / m 3 Price per sheet, rub.
OSB-3 Glunz 9mm 1250*2500mm 1250x2500 9 640 628,00
OSB-3 Glunz 9mm 2800*1250mm 2800x1250 9 640 704,00
OSB-3 Glunz 10mm 2500*1250mm 2500x1250 10 640 730,00
OSB-3 Glunz 10mm 2800*1250mm 2800x1250 10 640 819,00
OSB-3 Glunz 12mm 2500*1250mm 2500x1250 12 640 837,00
OSB-3 Glunz 12mm 2800*1250mm 2800x1250 12 640 938,00
OSB-3 Glunz 15mm 2500*1250mm 2500x1250 15 640 1086,00
OSB-3 Glunz 18mm 2500*1250mm 2500x1250 18 640 244,00
OSB-3 Glunz 22mm 2500*1250mm 2500x1250 22 640 1579,00

OSB - OSB board 9mm moisture resistant

OSB-3 Louisiana

OSB-3 Louisiana board has high mechanical properties. The texture of the OSB board is large. OSB-3 plate is used in construction: interior decoration. Our prices for OSB are lower than prices in the construction markets and in Lerua Merlin.

OSB-3 Kronospan

Plates OSB-3 Kronospan are high German quality. OSB panels have a wide range of sheet formats. These OSB boards are good value for money.

Name Size, mm Sheet area, m 2 Weight, kg/sheet Price per sheet, rub. Price per m 2, rub.
OSB-3, Kronospan, 9 mm, 1250*2500 1250x2500 3.125 16 550,00 176,00
OSB-3, Kronospan, 12 mm, 1250*2500 1250x2500 3.125 21 726,00 232,32
OSB-3, Kronospan, 12 mm, 1220x2440 New! 1220x2440 2.97 - 710,00 239,00

OSB-3 Langboard

The texture of these plates is large, which distinguishes this plate. High strength, with relatively large dimensions. The color of the texture is light. Used for finishing work.

OSB boards price per m 2

OSB-3 Russian production DOK "Kalevala"

These OSB boards are in no way inferior in quality to the previous ones. The difference can only be in cost. This plate can be used for both outdoor and indoor use.

Construction is an extremely costly business. This is immediately understood by everyone who undertook the construction of their own home. Of course, there is always a desire to cut costs as much as possible, but not to the detriment of the final quality. That is why it is so common in Lately OSB board. Reviews indicate that it is an excellent alternative to many traditional building materials.

What it is?

By the way, what kind of stove is this, why is it so good? called a type of wood-based materials. Unlike the banal chipboard, it has some features. Firstly, tight control over the quality of the chips, which distinguishes the production of OSB-boards from the production of ordinary wood-based panels.

Only carefully selected high-quality shavings go into production. In the plate itself, it is also located in a special way: first it is placed in a perpendicular direction, a parallel layer is located in the middle, and the chips are again placed across the top (of course, in relation to the axis of the OSB itself). This approach makes it possible to obtain a thin and extremely durable material, from which, in most cases, even ceilings can be made.

In addition, it is formed wood board OSB under high pressure and temperature, using special synthetic resins. All this gives finished material excellent characteristics: it is strong, resistant to mold and fungus, extremely durable. It is not surprising that the OSB plate, the reviews of which we will consider, diverges in last years all in large batches.

About moisture resistance

Moisture-resistant OSB is also currently being produced. This is not to say that it can withstand year-round exposure to heavy rain, but the reviews are encouraging. In particular, some owners erected outbuildings from moisture-resistant slabs. As their experience shows, even after five or six years, no signs of destruction and delamination of the material are observed.

How safe is this material?

The debate around this issue has been going on almost since given material appeared on our market. Most of our consumers at the word "chipboard" immediately recall products from the times of the USSR. The synthetic resins used in their production contained such an amount of phenol that respiratory diseases caused by constant presence in houses with such furniture were very common.

Do not worry! Reviews of modern buyers indicate that no side effects from the use of this material is not. It's all about the production of plates: a special resin is used, which practically does not contain harmful substances. Many people have been living in OSB houses for the second or third decade, but they do not notice any problems.

Only one remark can be made. Considering that synthetic resins are still used in the production of the material, the attic heated by the sun (if you have one) should be ventilated more often. The fact is that in the first years of operation, a not too pleasant smell may appear. This does not always happen and not for everyone, but it does not hurt to keep this circumstance in mind.

Practical examples and testimonials. Construction of houses

The construction of houses from this material causes a lot of fierce controversy, in which sometimes even professional builders. Since interest in the topic is largely fueled artificially, discussing experts sometimes become personal. But communication on the forums is far from The best way drawing up your own opinion on the prospects of OSB. To do this, you need to talk to practitioners.

How do they feel about OSB? Reviews indicate that professional builders are on the side of using building blocks. Thus, the maximum allowable size of the slab cannot exceed 1.5 meters. Alas, this is precisely what causes the main stream of complaints: whatever one may say, you will have to make walls with at least one joint. Practitioners of such "docking" are advised to avoid in every possible way.

This is due to the fact that the extreme sections of the plate in this case have extremely high load. Therefore, the probability of damage is high. Many owners of country houses who used this solution during construction complain about broken and damaged sections of the slabs. It does not add any special decorative effect to the house.

Construction approaches

So what is OSB board good for? Reviews say that this material is ideal for the construction of small country houses. The main thing is not to forget to provide normal ventilation in the dwellings. The builders themselves say that at present there are the following approaches to the construction of OSB panels:

  • In the first case, any house project you like is simply selected, after which it is adapted to the existing realities.
  • The second approach is much more pragmatic: a specialist is hired who draws up a project that takes into account all the strengths and weak sides material.

Alas, the most common is the first way. Our builders are constantly looking for ways to reduce the cost of the project, so it does not end well. You can often find reviews of dissatisfied customers who complain about poor quality this kind of structures. Houses can sag, wall structures often warp. As you might guess, overly economical customers are to blame for this.

A little about the cost

Oddly enough, but specialized design in practice is much cheaper. The builders themselves explain this simply: the fact is that architects immediately calculate required amount materials and make up an estimate of the project, which practically does not change in the course of work. Reviews indicate that when adapting the project, it is possible to use no more than 48% of OSB panels. If specialized projects are used, it is possible to take up to 80% of this material.

In this case, the OSB board, the application of which we are considering, turns out to be extremely cost-effective.

Do not repeat other people's mistakes!

Of course, in an effort to save money, many themselves try to draw up a project. But there are many pitfalls along the way. If you strive to make the most of OSB boards, you will end up with a large, beautiful, but ... barrack. Besides, standard technology leads to the fact that the houses take on exactly the same look, and some architectural features are completely replaced by "cubic" buildings.

By the way, it is precisely this circumstance that many newly-made homeowners complain about: they do not really like that many thousands of practically the same houses can be found all over the world.

Apparently, they build this way only because of the ingrained opinion that the "Canadian" construction technology involves exclusively straight forms and the simplest form of houses. In fact, this is not happening because of technology. It’s just that developers don’t “bother” with something more complex, but use the most simple shapes and technological solutions. If you are building a house for yourself, then you can make it from OSB boards, but give it any shape.

In any case, the article has a photo. OSB-plate on them looks like a completely “plastic” material, which can be given almost any shape.

As we have already said, the most common is optimization standard projects under OSB boards. Although this is not very welcome, there are some ways that help optimize the project with least loss and maximum return. Let's consider the most effective of them.

As we have already said, standard panels will have to be joined and cut, since the usual ceiling height (2.5 m) more sizes plates. Where better to put the panels on edge. Since OSB particle board has standard width 1250 mm, it will be possible to get by with fewer joints, which will increase the strength of the structure as a whole. Self-taught builders who built their own homes using this technology report a significant reduction in waste.

Competently calculate the windows!

In addition, from the reviews it can be understood that a competent calculation of the size of window lintels leads to a significant reduction in the cost of construction (less building materials are consumed). Builders give this example: if you take a ceiling height of 2.8 meters, then it is better to make a window opening 1250 mm wide and 1400 mm high. In this case, the installation of OSB boards is so accurate that you can place solid panels on the walls without making a single cut.

Another variant

If you cut the panel lengthwise, getting two pieces of 900x1500 mm and 350x1500 mm, you get two ideal blanks for window blocks 150 cm high. Simply put, when choosing measurements based on the characteristics of the material you have, you can almost completely get rid of waste and scraps. In principle, the reviews indicate that panels in general are often cut into two parts.

We cut right!

And there is a logical explanation for this. For example, a standard block is divided into parts of 625x1500 mm. Given that the height of the walls of the attic is often just 1.5 meters, you can easily compose a room from them without dividing the material into unnecessary pieces. However, the builders also note the fact that one should not forget about the standard measurements of the project that you plan to “tailor” to your needs.

Let's explain with a simpler example. Suppose you want to make a house out of such slabs, which in the original project has dimensions of several hundred square meters, and even rises to two or three floors. Should not be doing that! This material is intended for the construction of houses with a maximum of two floors in height (and preferably one and a half), since in the future the bearing strength is already insufficient.

Remember, multiple changes should not be made to the project if it was not originally created to use OSB boards! In any case, the number of joints should be reduced as much as possible. But in no case should you dwell on this. The forums are full of stories about how the development of the final project was delayed due to such thoroughness for months.

After studying the reviews, you can come to a simple conclusion: if you can do without cutting, do without it. If something doesn’t work out, then it’s better to cut off the right piece than to spend hours crawling around a house under construction with a tape measure. In the end, you can cut the OSB board with a simple hand saw, and it will take a couple of minutes from the strength.

In general, you should not get too carried away with independent processing of projects. The fact is that a serious result can be obtained only if you are engaged in mass development. Yes, and the reviews on the forums say the same: the panels should be used only in those areas for which their strength is sufficient.

So, we would not advise ordering cost reduction projects in specialized companies, since there will be very little effect. In this case, it is easier to order finished drawing at home, which will be based on OSB-plate. Its application in this case is greatly simplified.


The builders themselves also say that you should never forget about the width of the panels you use in the case of installing external walls. In our case, this is 1250 mm. If the walls of the house are 5x5 meters, then solid slabs cannot be used. But 5.125 by 5.125 m is perfect, and you will have to cut much less. From people who were independently engaged in the construction of such houses, one can often hear reviews that it is desirable to draw panels in the form of rectangles in the drawings: this way you can accurately calculate their number in advance.

By the way, how much does an OSB board cost? The price depends on the manufacturer and the type of the panel itself, but most often it does not exceed 700-1000 rubles per piece.

Butt gaps, as practice shows, can be neglected. The accuracy of manufacturing panels is not so high that these three or four millimeters could be seriously guided. Note that this amount of material is also reduced when cutting, and this is most noticeable when using saws with large teeth.

In general, an OSB board with a thickness of about 8 mm does not tend to swell much, so there will be no distortion of the structure due to too small a gap. However, you still should not join the panels as tightly as possible, since the technological backlash between them must be present in any case.

OSB (Oriented Strand Board) is a multilayer lumber consisting of differently oriented layers. wood chips. The production technology was developed at the end of the last century in America. The United States and Canada still occupy a leading position in the manufacture of this type of product. The material is obtained by pressing certain temperature using synthetic resins. The length of the wood components does not exceed 140 mm with a thickness of up to 0.7 mm. The wood chips are laid in three layers. On the upper and lower surfaces, it is placed along the length of the product, and the middle layer is laid across. As a result, a material similar to plywood is obtained, that is, it improves the properties of natural wood in terms of moisture resistance and strength. The content of natural components in the plate is up to 95%.

Features of the production process and types of products

The boards are not made from waste wood, but use small-sized pine raw materials, which are specially processed to obtain homogeneous chips. The logs are sorted, debarked and planed. The resulting mass is dried and laid with a carpet in two directions, impregnated with waterproof resins, and then pressed at high temperature. The finished fabric is cut according to standard sizes or customer size.

Products are produced in four types and are labeled depending on the level of moisture resistance and mechanical characteristics. OSB-1 products have the lowest performance. They can be used in rooms with low humidity, so they are used in the manufacture of furniture, for the manufacture of packaging. OSB-2 have higher strength characteristics and can be used as load-bearing structures. For high humidity conditions, OSB-3 and OSB-4 boards are produced, which, in addition, are designed for significant loads.

Boards are available with lacquered and laminated outer surfaces. Laminated products are designed for reusable formwork when performing concrete works. For high-quality docking, plates with tongue-and-groove locks are made, both on two and on each side of the end.

Benefits of oriented strand board

The slab has a smooth structure, homogeneous in characteristics, without knots and defects, which are typical for natural materials or plywood. It does not delaminate, is not subject to deformation and differs more high level moisture resistance. It is believed that when completely immersed in water, the product retains its shape and strength during the day. The environmental friendliness of the material allows it to be used in residential premises. Its use helps to improve the heat and sound insulation performance of the floor, walls, roof. In terms of strength characteristics, it is comparable to plywood and significantly surpasses chipboard and MDF. The slab is quite easy to process, it can be planed, sawn and drilled with tools designed for working with wood. The surface can be painted, varnished, pasted finishing materials. Due to the multidirectional layers, the lumber firmly holds the fasteners. Plates are not subject to damage by woodworms and fungal infections.

Depending on the characteristics of strength and moisture resistance, lumber is used for sheathing external and internal walls, ceilings are made from them, used as roofing and thermal insulation materials. They are used in the design of racks and partitions, the interior of railway cars and other Vehicle. It is convenient to lay the plates as a base for laying laminate, carpet, linoleum, parquet.