DIY poster September 1st Knowledge Day.

September 1 is the favorite holiday of schoolchildren and teachers - even the end of the holidays cannot overshadow a meeting with friends! On the first day of school, it is customary to come to the assembly with flowers, and decorate classrooms and school corridors with balloons and festive posters. If there are no born artists among your classmates, then you can use a ready-made wall newspaper template for September 1 from our website.

The blank for a holiday wall newspaper consists of several graphic files, which as a whole form a sketch of a large, beautiful poster. To get a finished picture, you don’t need to learn how to draw, just follow a few simple steps.

Download fragments of the wall newspaper by September 1

How to make a wall newspaper for Knowledge Day

  1. First of all, you need to print all graphic images on a monochrome printer. Printing from a browser is supported, but if desired, pictures can be downloaded to your computer in advance.
  2. Arrange the sheets by number, resulting in a large poster with the whole picture.
  3. Glue the fragments together with glue or tape on the back side. To strengthen the paper, the back of the wall newspaper can be duplicated with strips of adhesive tape.
  4. Fill in the contours of the image with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, leaving the “windows” unpainted.
  5. Enter in the remaining “windows”

The MEGA-ART company accepts orders for the production of posters by September 1st. Bright colors, thematic designs, different style solutions - we offer to decorate the adjacent territory of your organization, office or department in an original way for Knowledge Day.

Choice by format and design

To give your premises, building exterior, street structures and structures a festive look, you can order posters of different sizes from us. Our product formats:

  • A-4 – optimal for attracting the attention of pedestrians. A small pattern is good to decorate an office or corridor. Posters in subdued colors are suitable for these purposes.
  • A-3 is a solution for spacious premises: meeting rooms, exhibition halls, canteens. We offer contrasting design.
  • A-1, A-2 – it is rational to place them outside buildings, in stadiums.
  • A-0 - will be clearly visible from afar, so they should be used along roads and sidewalks. For these purposes, we recommend products with large patterns.

A variety of designs will make it easy to choose a poster for September 1st. Our catalog presents options that make it convenient to order what best suits the style of your organization: a kindergarten, a government department, a reputable enterprise or for a city site.

Our advantages

If you need to buy posters for September 1 in Moscow, we suggest ordering our products. And that's why:

  • We sell products at low prices and high quality,
  • We will develop an individual design for posters for September 1st,
  • We organize delivery within the Moscow Ring Road,
  • We print using offset technology, digital, interior, large format printing, with lamination,
  • We offer a wide selection of formats,
  • We work at our own production site - we quickly process large volumes of orders,
  • We will produce products in 1 day.

Our posters do not fade under the influence of the sun and precipitation. We use durable, environmentally friendly paints and high-quality materials - the products will be perfectly preserved until next year. The printed product can be used both outside and inside. You can pay for your purchase in cash or by bank transfer.

Are you preparing for Knowledge Day? Hurry up to buy posters by September 1st to create a festive atmosphere.

Developmental wall newspaper "Lyuboznayka" No. 1 - September

(senior preschool age)

I present to your attention the release of the monthly educational wall newspaper "Lyuboznayka" - both for kindergarten children and for home creativity.

Theme of the issue is SEPTEMBER.

An inquisitive girl is a little girl who strives to learn more about the world around her, she is interested in everything and she will definitely tell everything that she has learned.

The wall newspaper is placed on 8 sheets, which must be printed and glued together or all glued to whatman paper. The wall newspaper is presented in black and white for children to color on their own, and after coloring it will look as shown in the color sample.

The curious woman will show you all her knowledge and skills in several sections:

Section 1 "Guys about animals." In this section, Curious will tell you about the animals of our planet that she managed to meet when she traveled around the world. In the first issue you will meet wild cats, namely a lion, a tiger and a cheetah.

Section 2 "Riddles". In this section, riddles will await you, and you can color the answers yourself.

Section 3. In this section you will learn that drawing letters is very easy and even fun!

Section 4 "Our fairy tale". In this issue you have to be a real detective and find in the picture everything that the unfortunate artist has confused.

Section 5 "Fun Math". In this section, Curiosity has prepared wonderful mathematical riddles for you.

Section 6 "Obedient pencil". Here you will find an exciting task to draw a cockerel. Do you think it's difficult? Not at all! Try it and see for yourself!

Section 7 "Labyrinth". The little bunny was very hungry. And suddenly he saw a carrot and really wanted to eat it. But the problem is that he is lost and cannot find his way. Help the bunny find his way to the carrot!

Section 8 "Maintenance". An unusual craft awaits you here. Curiosity recommends that you bring “helicopters” (maple earrings) from the street, and also prepare plasticine, colored pencils or markers, and a sheet of colored paper. We will build flowers in a vase.

When you color the entire wall newspaper, it will be very beautiful.

Good luck to you and your kids!

Poster-card for the autumn holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge

Collective creative work of a group of preschoolers (4-6 years old) of the day department: Lisa Andreeva (4 years), Artem Zimakov (5 years), Alena Morozova (6 years), Dmtriy Kiselev (4 years), Ksenia Velichko (5 years), Nikita Plotnikov (6 years), Alexandra Sorokina (5 years).
Supervisor: Makarova Nadezhda Viktorovna, day care teacher, OGKUSO SRCN "Scarlet Sails", Ulyanovsk.
Description of material:
Dear guests and users of the Portal, I invite you to get acquainted with the collective creativity of my students, this is a poster-card for the autumn holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. This material can be used as a gift on September 1 for teachers and children, and if you change the inscription, then on Teacher’s Day. Pupils of preschool institutions, as well as primary and high school students can make such a poster-postcard.
This work will be of interest to all creative people.
Target: making a poster-card for the autumn holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, creating a positive mood.
- teach how to make a poster-card for the autumn holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge;
- consolidate skills in working with stencils and scissors;
- develop imagination, fantasy;
- develop fine motor skills, eye;
- cultivate accuracy and perseverance.
To make a postcard you will need:
- colored cardboard;
- colored paper;
- paper scissors;
- a simple pencil;
- Whatman paper;
- glue.

1. Take colored cardboard and make templates of different colors (made by children aged 6, so that it is easier for younger ones to outline and cut out their templates).

2. We cut out flowers of different shapes and sizes and lay out a bouquet on whatman paper (in the process of work, responsibilities are distributed independently: some cut out, others arrange flowers into a bouquet, the next ones glue).

3. With our joint efforts we get this bouquet in the center of our postcard poster.

4. We make the tape. which will bind our bouquet. To do this, we use a red sheet of colored paper, which we fold from the wrong side on both sides to make our ribbon more voluminous.

5. Glue the resulting ribbon to our bouquet, in the form of a ring, leaving space for the stems of our flowers.

6. We begin to cut out the stems and colored cardboard (one group), the other glues these stems into tape.

7. Now we make stems from colored paper; to do this, we divide the sheet into narrow ones with a pencil and a ruler. long triangles and cut.

8. We twist them in a spiral from the wide part of the triangle to the narrow one, using the rod from the handle.

9. We begin making schoolchildren: a girl and a boy. To do this, draw a schoolgirl girl and a schoolboy boy on simple cardboard and cut them out.

10. Next, as in the game “Dress Masha,” children independently choose a color and come up with clothes.

11. When the wigs, uniform and apron for the girl, suit for the boy, shoes and briefcases are ready, you can glue them on.

12. These are the schoolchildren we got; we sketch out the eyes, nose and mouth with a pencil, and then outline them with gel pens and pencils.

13. There is a bouquet, and so do the schoolchildren. All that remains is to make a beautiful inscription and decorate it with autumn leaves - a symbol of autumn! Younger children cut out leaves of different colors from colored paper, and older children write and cut out the inscription. We decided to make the number “1” whiter and more voluminous using the tape method. They gave the unit a “square volume” (as the children explained).

14. We distribute the inscription and leaves on our postcard poster and glue it. This is the result of the collective work of my students. The entire friendly children's team proudly took the finished poster-postcard to the assembly hall to congratulate our first-graders, teachers and guests of the September 1st holiday.

Lyudmila Shapovalova

K 1 September in our kindergarten we were preparing a holiday for children dedicated to the day knowledge. Two preparatory, one senior and middle groups took part in the entertainment. My partner and I decided to decorate the hall and prepare wall newspaper for other teachers and kindergarten staff. We decorated the hall with a poster and balloons.

For registration wall newspapers,we asked preparatory group teachers to survey a group of children on the following issues: "What holiday is celebrated 1 September?", "Why do people need knowledge?", "Where do people get knowledge?", "What should children be able to do in order to study well?", "Why was Dunno called that?", "What do they call a person who knows everything?"

My partner wrote a poem for the design of the newspaper.

Then we decorated wall newspaper pictures on a school theme; photographs of children from older groups who participate in the educational process. And the newspaper was ready.

Holiday dedicated to the Day knowledge it turned out wonderful. I played the role of Dunno. The children listened to me attentively, danced to rhythmic music; answered questions and played with me and their teachers.

After the entertainment ended, the teachers and staff got acquainted with wall newspaper. The children's statements amused them.