Homemade hot glue gun. DIY hot glue gun

A wide variety of materials and techniques are used to create crafts and interior decorations. Sometimes completely unexpected materials are used for this purpose, such as hot glue. Photos of crafts made from hot glue arouse genuine interest and a desire to try to create something similar with your own hands.

What is hot glue?

Hot glue has another name - thermoplastic glue. The material itself consists of polymers that, when heated, acquire adhesive properties. Typically, hot glue is used to seal joints and glue products together.

Hot melt adhesive is available at most hardware stores. It is produced in the form of solid glue sticks, which differ in color, size and composition.

There is also glue different colors. To effectively and accurately melt and dispense glue, there are special glue guns into which rods are inserted.

Operating technique

The instructions on how to make a craft from glue are very simple - buy glue gun, rods suitable for it and turn on your imagination.

The main thing when working with the material is to be extremely careful and attentive, because the molten glue heats up to a temperature of 200˚ C.

What kind of crafts can be made from hot glue at home? Hot-melt adhesive can be used to decorate vases, photo frames and other interior elements or to create independent decorations.


The best place to start working with hot glue is: simple tasks, for example, from decorating a candlestick. You can create an imitation of wax drips on its surface or create a unique pattern. For this purpose, it is better to use colored glue or sprinkle it with colored glitter or glue beads on it.

For decoration, you need to choose wide, thick-walled candlesticks. This choice is due to the fact that the effect of the burning temperature of a candle can have a bad effect on the glue - the design may simply blur.

Before applying hot glue, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface of the candlestick for better adhesion.

You can get beautiful ideas for crafts made from hot glue from the Internet or create your own original pattern.


You can use hot glue to create a handmade vase for sweets. Step-by-step production with a description for beginners will help you easily create such a craft.

In order to make a vase for sweets yourself, stock up on hot glue, a glass bowl that will serve as a stencil and rich cream. If you want your vase to be colored, use a glue stick with the desired color or buy spray paint of the desired shade.

Apply cream to the outer surface of the bowl - it will prevent the glue from attaching to the glass when applied. Warm up your glue gun and begin applying glue to the bottom of the bowl. Try to distribute the glue evenly - this will help form a smooth, stable bottom of your vase.

After applying the glue, you must wait until it is completely polymerized. You can begin to separate the glue from the bowl only after it has completely hardened, otherwise the craft may be irreparably damaged. After removing the hot glue basket, you can spray paint it.

rolling pin

For those who love working with polymer or ceramic clay The idea of ​​making rolling pins with patterns will be very useful. To do this, you need to take a new, clean rolling pin of the required size, degrease it thoroughly and draw the required pattern on it with a pencil or marker.

Then use a glue gun to apply glue to the pattern lines and wait until it dries completely. You can also treat the rolling pin with cream or oil before applying glue - this will allow you to remove the glue after using the required pattern and apply a new one to it.

New Year decoration

For your child, you can conduct a master class on crafts using hot glue. Make a large drawing of a snowflake; you can ask the child to make a stencil. Then use carbon paper to transfer the design onto parchment paper for baking.

Apply hot glue along the contour of the drawn snowflake to make a three-dimensional copy of it. Carefully monitor your child's actions at this stage - he may get burns from the hot polymer.

Wait until the polymer has completely hardened and separate it from the paper. After the snowflakes have dried, they can be decorated with ordinary nail polish or spray painted.

Photos of crafts made from hot glue

A glue gun is one of the most commonly used tools in the house. With its help, we fasten, insulate, and create homemade products. What if you try to create a glue gun yourself?

See how to make a glue gun with your own hands:

So, to create your own glue gun we will need:
- Teflon tape or other non-stick coating,
- a piece of tin that can be cut from a tin can,
- copper wire,
- silicone rod,
- wooden beam OK,
- an ordinary small boiler.

The materials are ready, you can start making a glue gun.

The first step is to make a wooden handle. To do this, you need to measure the lower part of the boiler, which, as a rule, is 6-7 centimeters and transfer the dimensions to a wooden block. You should pay attention that the dimensions are transferred twice, since the handle will be made of two parts. Then all that remains is to cut off two parts and make a recess small size so that both parts of the handle can be attached to each other and the middle of the boiler does not interfere. Finally, you can slightly round the handle so that the handle is comfortable to hold in your hand.

The wooden handle is ready. The next thing you need to do is wrap the middle part of the boiler with Teflon tape so that it does not heat the wood, and then fasten the two parts of the handle using self-tapping screws or electrical tape.

The first piece should be wound around a silicone rod, and from the second cut a separate piece 5 centimeters wide and 7 centimeters long. From this piece you need to create a small bag and attach it to the first piece, carrying both pieces through the passage at the bottom of the boiler, winding them with copper wire to fix them.

The cool gun is almost ready. To use it, just connect the gun to an outlet, wait until it warms up and lightly press on the silicone rod.

Nowadays, hot melt adhesive has become quite popular. It has many advantages: it is harmless, easy to use (you can even melt it with an ordinary lighter), quite reliable, resistant to moisture, heats up and cools down quickly. This hot melt adhesive is usually sold in the form of oblong rods and has several standard diameters and colors. To work with it, you need a special hot-melt gun, which gradually melts the hot-melt adhesive rod, squeezing it out in the required portions onto the surface to be glued.

You can buy a heat gun; it is a fairly common product (and relatively inexpensive). Although you can assemble a hot glue gun with your own hands. It is not at all necessary to make a heat gun in the form of a pistol. The heating element on my purchased heat gun burned out, after which I decided to redo it a little. As a result, instead of a thermal gun, we got a thermal syringe. Moreover, they made it even more convenient for me to glue than it was with a pistol. Although it may not look so attractive, well, homemade is homemade.

Who doesn't know - working temperature for hot melt glue (regular sticks with a diameter of 7 and 11 mm) 120-150°C. The most important part is the temperature glue melter. I just took this part from a broken heat gun. I first wrapped the metal part of the melter with mica, after which I wound nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm around it. Wire resistance 25 Ohm. Well, from here its length will vary. This new heater is powered by a variable power supply with step voltage switching. The operating voltage for the thermal syringe now ranges from 12 to 28 volts. We can say that my thermo-gun, a thermo-syringe, made by myself, is powered by 16 volts.

My homemade hot glue gun in the form of a syringe also, in addition to the metal heater itself, has one more important part, this is a rubber tip (made of heat-resistant rubber) into which a hot-melt adhesive rod is inserted. It should match the diameter of the glue stick itself as it prevents the melted hot glue from leaking out from the side where it enters. This rubber tip was also taken from an old heat gun. When the nichrome was wound, I wound several layers of fiberglass tape over it, which served as electrical and thermal insulation. And on the fiberglass fabric I attached a finger holder made from ordinary copper wire of the appropriate diameter.

It would not be amiss to say that when it comes to winding heaters from nichrome wire (on a soldering iron, on a heater, on a hot-melt gun, etc.), then it is worth considering the following - nichrome leads should be made larger diameter. That is, we measured the length of the working nichrome wire, and the ends themselves, about 10 centimeters long, were made from several veins of the same nichrome, twisting them together. This is necessary so that the main part of the nichrome heats up, and these ends remain cold (have minimal heating), so that over time the power cord connected to them does not lose contact.

Since the heating of the entire thermal gun, thermal syringe is quite high, the place where you need to grasp it with your fingers must be sufficiently well insulated with fiberglass tape, applying a sufficient number of turns. In general, my hot glue gun and thermal syringe turned out well. It is compact, convenient to work with, and heats up fairly quickly (the main heat remains inside the heater, which is ensured by thermal insulation made of fiberglass). Although at first it may seem that feeding the hot melt glue rod is not very convenient, when working it is quite convenient. So if you have a broken hot glue gun, try converting it into a working hot glue syringe.

P.S. Sometimes things and tools made with your own hands seem much more convenient and better than store-bought ones. If we compare the thermal gun that I had at the beginning with the thermal syringe that I got after the modification, I like working with the latter more!

No matter how naively the reader may encounter the topic of a glue gun, with a repeated description of recommendations for its acquisition and its further use, I will still share my improvement of this tool.

Glue gun became popular in Lately because of its wide capabilities, but for some reason some characteristics of many models wish to be better.

A set of glue sticks with diameters from 3.4mm to 43mm with different compositions and different melting temperatures is good. Convenient charging of the rod into the heat chamber, convenient supply of glue to the surface to be glued, light weight of the tool, the presence of an additional switch, power indicator and a removable power cord. Everything is fine!. But there is one significant detail indicated in the passport data of a glue gun used in everyday life - the value of the supplied voltage and the electrical power of the heater.

As a rule, in each model of a hot melt glue gun, a semiconductor is used as a heating element, or more precisely, a semiconductor resistor. It is also a posistor (semiconductor ceramic).

Again, what is there to look for and discuss here? Simple, convenient! But it's not reliable. Why? I'll tell you in more detail.

Hot glue guns are very popular among designers, fashion designers, decorators, in television and radio workshops, and even in funeral service workshops. They use hot melt adhesive for spot gluing or gluing small parts together. In everyday life, a glue gun is not often used. This is true. It's not every day that we glue something. But in some cases, the use of hot-melt adhesive remains the only option, which is not feasible due to the failure of the heating element, which bursts from overheating and sometimes even breaks a little.

In my practice, over the course of a couple of months, several glue guns were purchased, and different models. IN technical passport Each one was indicated with the supplied (connected) voltage and electrical (thermal) power, which in no way corresponded to the actual one. At the specified 40wt, the pistol could not cross the 8wt threshold. At 65wt the heater did not consume even 20wt. Yes. The glue melted, but only on the basis of ethylene vinyl acetate.

Some people were happy with this, but I wasn’t. It was necessary to glue long products (plinths, baguettes, corners), which were covered with hot glue in 7-12 minutes. The glue on one end had already hardened when, for example, hot glue was just applied to the opposite end of the baguette. Moreover, several samples of glue guns ‘showed fireworks in my hands’ due to the heater burning out just at those moments when I was gluing ceiling tiles, because professional and classic glue guns heat up to a maximum temperature of 220°C. The melting point of polystyrene foam and polystyrene is 240°C, vinyl plastic is 230°C-250°C.

failed to fulfill its purpose.

Converting a glue gun from 220 volts to 12 volts.

What has changed in the design of the glue gun? Determined the length of the segment blank nichrome wire

  1. . The diameter of the wire was not important. The calculation was carried out using standard formulas (Ohm's Laws for a section of a circuit).
  2. The starting point was the desired electrical power of the glue gun. I settled on (≈)34-36Wt. It follows from this: 36(wt) : 12(v) ≈ 3.3(a). The average current consumption was determined.
  3. Now from I=U/R we determine the resistance of the conductor, that is, the resistance of a piece of nichrome wire: R=U/I. 12(v) : 3.3(a) ≈ 3.6(Ω).

Then everything was simpler and the time I spent on reconstructing the glue gun did not take more than 35 minutes.

  • I removed the old heating element from the camera and the power cord.
  • I ground the body of the heating chamber in a circle.
  • I wound several turns of nichrome wire through a layer of asbestos paper.
  • A switch was installed in the circuit of the new heater, which was mounted on the handle of the gun.
  • The voltage at the battery terminals is 10.5v;
  • heating element resistance - 3.6 Ω;
  • current consumption of the glue gun heater is about 3A.
  1. The temperature in the rod melting chamber is 172°C after 1 minute;
  2. — 197°C after 2 minutes;
  3. — 222°C after 4 minutes;
  4. — 262°C after 7 minutes;
  5. — 268°C after 8 minutes;
  6. — 280°C in 9 minutes.

This is it for me! Why wait 7 minutes for a regular glue gun to heat up when this one melts in a few seconds? You can glue in a field, in a basement, in a boat, in a car. The glue consumption is not 20ml per minute (never exceeded the consumption of 12ml-16ml), but 40ml-50ml.

Adjusting the temperature of the glue gun heater.

The electrical circuit of the device is simple. At that time there was no thermostat installed. The melting temperature of the glue was regulated by turning the heater on and off via a switch. We experimented with connecting in series to the circuit of a car potentiometer (dashboard brightness control) and an adjustable charger for car batteries. Convenient too. We tried connecting the glue gun to a 6v battery. The glue did not melt as vigorously, but still the heater brought the tool into operating mode in a couple of minutes. The polystyrene ceiling tiles were installed step by step without any delays.

Subsequently, a homemade customizable glue gun temperature regulator, turning off the chamber heater when it reaches the set temperature. That is, when the switch was on, the element heated the melting chamber for hot-melt glue freely to the maximum temperature; when the switch was off, the gun worked with low-temperature material (within 175°C-190°C), depending on the setting of the regulator mode.

Hello, dear friends. What is your most popular suggestion on how to make a glue gun with your own hands? I would like to show you one of my ideas for making a pistol. I would rather you buy one as it is not as expensive and will be more comfortable and convenient than a hand made one. However, the channel is about handmade crafts, let's try to make it with our own hands.

First of all we will need Teflon tape or any other non-stick coating, a piece of tin that you can cut from cans, copper wire, a silicone stick, wooden plank and a small water heater.

First we have to make a wooden handle. To do this, we measure this part of the water heater. We get about 6-7 cm, transfer the dimensions to a wooden beam. Please note that we are transferring the dimensions twice because the handle will be made from two pieces of wood. Now we have to cut them and make a small indentation in order to glue the handles and not have any inconvenience with the core. Then we're going to round it up sandpaper or a file to make the handle more comfortable.

I have one like this wooden handle. Then we must wrap this part of the water heater with Teflon tape to prevent the wood from heating up and fading. And then we glue the two pieces together using a drywall screw or electrical tape.

We approach the chamber for hot melt glue. I think my comments are unnecessary here. So, let's begin!

The glue gun is ready! Now we have to check it. I suggest you don't plug it directly into a wall outlet. It is better to switch it through the power control unit, which we previously made for a soldering iron. Due to the fact that there is no water in the water heater, its temperature rises very quickly, it overheats and can break down very quickly. Thanks to the power control unit you can choose the right temperature. The glue gun is quite easy to use, you just press the handle and the glue will start to come out.
you can use simple cover jars as a stand.

This is all! Thanks everyone for your attention.
Source: crazyinvent.com

How to make a hot glue gun

An educational video demonstrates how to make a heat gun from improvised materials: soda cans and lighters.

A hot glue gun is an electromechanical device for melting and dispensing hot glue. This fairly simple device consists of a heater and a feeder, which you can easily make yourself using simple items.

How to make a glue gun yourself?


How to make a glue gun yourself? Today we will consider an option that involves the use of 3D printing.

With my real experience in this matter, on the pages of an industry publication 3D Today, shared by a portal user under a pseudonym TanyaAkinora. We present to your attention her story. The author's punctuation and spelling have been traditionally preserved.

As a maker, in my creativity I use various instruments, including glue gun. For miniature work there is a small gun with a 7 mm rod. But in any case, you have to press the trigger, making some effort. And this is not always convenient.

This is how the idea of ​​making my own instrument came about. 3D printer in this regard, an indispensable assistant.

The experience of using 3D pens suggested a housing option. The result was a device that I called GlueDart. This is a glue gun in the form of a pen with an electric extruder for 7 mm rods.

The feed button is located on front side under the thumb right hand. Thus, it turned out handy tool, which makes the gluing process more accurate and precise.

All plastic parts are 3D printed, ABS material. During use, the case practically does not heat up.

The only part that has been carried over from the standard glue gun is the nozzle. As a heater, I used a regular ceramic heater from a 3D printer, which does the job perfectly. With a supply voltage of 5 V, its power is 7.2 W.

The extruder uses a reciprocating mechanism and a small motor with a gearbox. An attempt to make an extruder similar to a 3D printer was unsuccessful, since the glue stick is much softer than the filament rod.

Thus, the result is a convenient and lightweight tool with safe 5V power supply. A blue LED is used as an indicator of the on state.

An option with speed control was created, but this option turned out to be superfluous.

All modeling was done in Autodesk 123D Design, and some details (axial cam) and partly video in Fusion 360.

I wish all makers creative success.

We print a glue gun on a 3D printer - video

Equipment: Anet A8 3D printer

A 3D printer was used to implement this case. Anet A8. This is an updated version of the previous Chinese printer model - Anet A6.

The print area is 220x220x240 millimeters. The printer is equipped with a heated table, a display and can print such polymer materials like ABS, PLA, HIPS and some others.