Primitive war. Why do people fight

"-Uncle Yura, are you a spy? - You see, Pavlik ..." WIKIPEDIA: "In early 1212, thousands of peasants (including children and teenagers) from Germany and France gathered in an army to conquer the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem (according to According to some reports, the French children did not go to Jerusalem, but to Paris to the court of Philip Augustus, where a certain preacher promised to present the king with a letter from Jesus Christ and perform miracles; Philip ordered the children to go home).

In May 1212, when the German people's army passed through Cologne, there were about twenty-five thousand children and adolescents in its ranks, heading to Italy in order to reach Palestine by sea from there. In the chronicles of the 13th century, this campaign, which was called the "Children's Crusade", is mentioned more than fifty times.

In France, in May of the same year, the shepherdess Stephen of Cloix had a vision: Jesus “appeared” to him in the form of a white monk, ordering him to lead a new Crusade, in which only children would take part, in order to free them without weapons with the name of God on their lips. Jerusalem. Perhaps the idea of ​​a children's crusade had to do with the "holiness" and "blamelessness" of young souls, and the judgment that they could not be physically harmed by weapons. The shepherd began to preach so passionately that the children ran out of the house after him. Vendome was declared the gathering place of the "holy host" and by the middle of the summer it was estimated that more than 30,000 teenagers had gathered. Stephen was revered as a miracle worker. In July, they went to Marseille with the singing of psalms and banners to sail to the Holy Land, but no one thought about the ships in advance. Outlaws often joined the host; playing the role of participants, they lived off the alms of pious Catholics.

The crusade was supported by the Franciscan order.

On July 25, 1212, the German crusaders arrived in Speyer. The local chronicler made the following entry: "And a great pilgrimage happened, men and virgins, young men and old men, and they were all common people."

On August 20, the army reached Piacenza. A local chronicler noted that they asked the way to the sea: back in Germany, they set off on a campaign, assuring that “the sea would part before them,” since the Lord would help them achieve their sacred goal. On the same days in Cremona they saw a crowd of children who had come here from Cologne.

German children endured terrible hardships crossing the Alps on their way from Germany to Italy, and those who survived the journey faced the hostility of the locals in Italy, who still remembered the sack of Italy by the crusaders under Frederick Barbarossa. The road to the sea across the plain was much easier for French children. Having reached Marseilles, the participants of the campaign prayed daily that the sea would part before them. Finally, two local merchants - Hugo Ferreus and Guillaume Porkus - "have mercy" on them and put at their disposal 7 ships, each of which could hold about 700 knights, to sail to the Holy Land. Then their trace was lost, and only 18 years later, in 1230, a monk appeared in Europe, accompanying the children (both German and French children, in all likelihood, were accompanied by churchmen, although this has not been proven in any way), and said that the ships with young crusaders they arrived to the shores of Algiers, where they were already waiting. It turned out that the merchants provided them with ships not out of mercy, but in agreement with Muslim slave traders.

The whole history of mankind is riddled with conflicts. Wars have been going on since time immemorial. In fact, war is an inextricable part of human history, because every day on earth somewhere people fought, are fighting, and will certainly fight. There have been few days without war in the history of the earth.

It's already the 21st century. The cruel ones are already in the past and it seems that progress should have stopped wars, but apparently a person cannot live without them. There are more than a dozen conflicts in the world today, from which thousands of people die. So why do people fight?

Causes of the war

As a rule, the true causes of war are always hidden. Only the reason is important.

The main reason for the emergence of all wars is the desire of certain political forces to use armed struggle in order to achieve various domestic and foreign political goals.

- material;

- human;

— information and others.

It is they who are pushing certain forces to wage war.

War from the point of view of psychology

From the point of view of psychology, a certain aggression is inherent in a person by nature. It is fueled by projection and sublimation, when a person translates his discontent into hatred and prejudice towards other ideologies, nations, religions, etc. According to this theory, the state forms and maintains a certain order in the local society, at the same time it can create a basis for aggression in the form of war.

If war is an integral part of human nature, as many psychological theories claim, then it will not be completely eliminated.

Why do people fight? Hypotheses

1. Warrior = male

Some evolutionary psychologists claim that militant and strong men more often than others had access to resources and women. It was for the sake of mating that alliances were formed, raids were planned and the like. Militant coalitions formed the basis for the creation of the state.

2. Revenge on predators

To survive, ancient man had to hunt. To do this, he created weapons and improved them. Over time, animals have been replaced by people, because it is easier to select prey than to hunt it long and hard.

That is why war is not an example of innate but learned behavior.

3. overpopulation

War, according to the idea of ​​Thomas Malthus, is the result of population growth with limited access to resources. This idea is still popular today.

4. Young enthusiasm

It is believed that the emergence of cruelty, including war, is a consequence of the growing proportion of young people who are deprived of the opportunity to express themselves in a peaceful field. However, if it is not possible to redirect their energy outward, then they are able to fight among themselves and can harm the entire society.

5. herd feeling

In a society in times of crisis, the instinct of self-preservation is activated. People discard all rationality. Dissent is suppressed. Main value becomes the cohesion of the ranks. For many people with an immature psyche, this is an opportunity to resolve the problem of their identity.

6. primitive aggression

Aggression is an instinct that promotes survival. A person in the process of development has developed new strategies for survival: aggression in special cases is allowed in relation to an already designated enemy. We advise you to read

7. Reversible social adjustment

Margaret Mead, an anthropologist, suggested that war is not a consequence of our aggressive nature. Perhaps this is only a social adaptation and it can be voluntarily abandoned. For this, there is no need to carry out transformations in order for people to become better. You need to start with yourself.

War will be repeated as long as it is not decided by those who die on the battlefields.
Henri Barbusse

All those who died “for their homeland” gave their lives for the stupidities, mistakes or whims of the regime.
Alexander Nevzorov

A truly enlightened person never fights.
Lao Tzu

I believe that rational explanations of the nature of wars are far from the truth for at least two reasons: wars are by nature irrational and waged not so much even for conquest, but for the sake of mythologies imposed on society or deeply hidden desires.

Myths reflecting the desires of peoples are national ideas that have nothing to do with the truth, but unite people and lead them to war. Politics is a competition of myths, and with all the conventionality, artificiality and inadequacy of collective myths, they lead some peoples to prosperity and success, while others are thrown to the sidelines of the historical process. Paradigm changes in social structures, such as wars, revolutions or other singularities, are nothing but myths. Peoples differ significantly in their quality of life not because of biology, genetics or geography, but because of the dominant ideas-representations of reality, embedded in the constitution or the rules of the game.

In the book Russian Fascism, I wrote that fascism is not so much a social phenomenon as negative property of the human soul, with a pathogenic and destructive property, extracting all the filth from people, the most vile and dark qualities of human nature. Erich Fromm believed that human brain lives in the 20th century, but the hearts of most people are in the Neolithic. Therefore, fascism is born from within, from the souls themselves, who need enemies, external and internal, and these souls are ignited with aggression and hatred by non-humans of hell, demons of various calibers, possessed by myths and mental pathologies of their own consciousness.

War is always satanism, a mental deviation from the norm, infecting ohlos, cattle, pecus, an aggressive, dark and ignorant part of the population. By infecting the masses, this kind of Satanism leads to the collapse of states and empires. History teaches that peoples and countries that have embarked on this vicious path are moving into oblivion. War is the infection of the masses with war with the help of chimeras perceived by the cattle as a patriotic duty, a sacred duty or heroism. Albert Einstein wrote about this: "Heroism on command, senseless cruelty and disgusting senselessness called patriotism - how much I hate all this, how low and vile war is."

“There are decision centers and there is a battlefield. Approaching the place of battle, a person begins to be exposed to those feelings and sensations that are far from his interests. The sense organs are tense, sharpened, concentrated to such an extent that there comes a moment of immunity to anything else. My head becomes empty. Both the past and the future disappear; at the moment the projectile explodes, such concepts as "because" and "for the fact that" simply do not exist, while the body and mind strive for complete concentration, without which a person cannot survive in these circumstances. To put it bluntly, a fight can never be based on interest, because the dead have no interest. A person may well give his life for God, king, country, family, or even for all at once. However, to claim that he did this because he had some posthumous “interest”, consisting at least in the survival of those closest and dearest to him, would be a distortion of the meaning of this term and turning it into his own caricature.

The motives that motivate people to go to war and sacrifice their lives are as dark as Grimoire books or spells to summon demons. For normal person it is absurd to die for the sake of one's own interests, but to die for the sake of someone else's mental pathologies is even more absurd.

In its depths, war is not an instrument of politics, and not even mass murder for the sake of a certain strategy or goal, war is a madness of some that infects a mass of others. And the more blood is shed in the name of an extravagant myth, the more sacred this myth and its symbols in the minds of the brainless.

“The regime can be arbitrarily stupid, vicious and destructive. He can splash in the "blood and pus of the people", rape, humiliate and kill millions of his subjects. But if he knows how to show a single trick, then the killed and raped population will always be grateful to him. All that is required of the regime is to be able to pretend to be a “motherland”. It's not easy, it's very simple."

I draw attention to the fact that for all warmongers, without exception, goals, values, symbols of bloodshed are ways of infecting Yahoo, the same as the concept of “ours are beaten”, “honor”, ​​“glory”, “patriotism”, “victory”, “ enthusiasm", "banner" or "reward".

War is not a grand theatre, but a gigantic slaughterhouse. And the fact that the whole history of man is the history of wars testifies that demonism has always taken and to this day takes up over divinity. In the foreseeable history, there was not a minute on the planet when there would not have been a war somewhere, and until the 20th century, up to about 10 percent of the world's population died as a result of military operations.

"Even the greatest literary works antiquities are mostly inspired stories about how Achilles tears out the tendons from Hector, Shiva kicks the asuras, the beautiful Usivaka destroys the Taira house, and Cuchulainn, breaking the back of his friend Ferdiad, says a few kind, heartfelt words about this. There is nothing to say about the Bible: there is a continuous beating of babies from the first page to the last ... Considering that biologically a person is a cannibal and a scavenger, it would probably be naive to expect any other behavior from him.

I could still understand the desire of the Cro-Magnon to release the intestines from the Neanderthal, but after all, 99% of all computer games, now released in the world, suggest that the player will have fun killing. Do you know games in which you need to heal, grow or build?

Having created grandiose megacities, launching satellites and flying to the moon, humanity has not come up with a single ideological system that would unambiguously say that war is madness, it is a danger of destroying humanity. And the few pacifists have always been presented to society and perceived by the majority as scatterbrained creatures, poorly understanding the importance and value of "historical moments" and "great victories". I’m not even talking about the “most spiritual” institution of mankind: almost all world religions in one way or another support the “sacred right” of some peoples to slaughter other peoples, and not just support, but bless mass destruction, to this day sanctifying rockets and atomic bombs.

I am practically unaware of the theories that have received mass support, orienting people towards cooperation and peace, but there are dozens of theories explaining the inevitability of war: “We find in human nature three main causes of war: first, rivalry; secondly, distrust; thirdly, the thirst for glory ”(Thomas Hobbes). Freud explained war by aggression and a craving for death, Malthus - by the struggle against overpopulation, Hegel - by the laws of the dialectical development of society, Lenin - by class struggle, Hitler - by the advantage of one race over all others, Lorentz - by an innate, instinctively determined property of all higher animals, modern scientists - a natural manifestation of collectivism ...

Theorists remarkably show under what conditions people are more willing to fight, but no one explains why they do it at all? Especially in our days, when the war is especially ruinous for all parties to the conflict and extremely unprofitable for its participants.

“In general, if people spent as much effort as they spend on wars and on finding compromises, they would undoubtedly be able to solve all world problems by spilling a single liquid - ink.”

Sometimes the war is called atrocity, they even talk about the “bestial grin of patriotism”, but I don’t know atrocity in the form of permanent and full-scale hostilities of the most merciless predators. Yes, predators can hunt in groups, but when they meet a stronger competitor, they most often run away. They know how to hunt, but not to fight. Therefore, the term “monkey with a grenade” would probably be offensive to monkeys ... Therefore, even if human aggressiveness has deep biological roots, then humans have no quantitative competitors except for viruses ...

Only bestial obedience and fanaticism of human crowds have made and still make the existence of wars possible.

War is a psychosis generated by the inability to see the relationship of things. War is a calamity and a crime, containing all calamities and all crimes. War is barbarism. War is the teacher of violence. War is a crime that cannot be redeemed by victory. War is a political cancer that corrodes the body of the most powerful states. War is a hydra that modern conditions threatens the very existence of humanity. War is not an adventure. War is a disease. Like typhoid. Never lie so much as during the war, after the hunt and before the election.

Only a few, whose vile well-being depends on the people's grief, make wars. Perhaps the only reason wars arise again and again is that one can never fully feel how the other suffers.

He who wages war with others has not made peace with himself. War and culture are incompatible, they exist in different spheres and speak different languages. I am convinced that murder under the pretext of war does not cease to be murder. War is murder. And no matter how many people come together to commit murder, and no matter how they call themselves, murder is still the worst sin in the world. If we don't end the war, the war will end us.

"Ever since the earth revolves around the sun, as long as there is cold and heat, storm and sunlight Until then, there will be struggle. Including among people and nations. If people stayed to live in paradise, they would rot. Mankind has become what it is, thanks to the war. War is a natural and common thing. War goes on all the time and everywhere. It has no beginning, no end. War is life itself. War is the starting point."
Adolf Hitler "My Struggle"

Children about the war.

Meat grinder - this is the war.
Alexey, 6th grade

War is the most terrible word in all languages ​​of the world. From ancient times to the present day, wars on Earth do not stop. From spears, arrows and shields, humanity has come to the most terrible and destructive weapon - atomic bombs, the use of which can destroy the home of all living things - the planet Earth.
But Wars do not go by themselves, they are started by people. The groups in power decide the fate of peoples. These politicians, intoxicated with strength and power, strive for world superiority, not understanding the simplest and most important thing, that every person on Earth of any nationality and any skin color has the right to life...
Dolgova Irina, 6th grade

This year our country is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Victory. During the war, a huge number of people died and many went missing. War, I don't want to meet you. You are so vile, nasty, vile, bringing grief to everyone. Many children were left without parents ...
Filippova Dasha, 6th grade

War does not have a feminine face. War has the face of death. War, you bring pain and suffering with you. You took millions of lives. You made unhappy every second person on earth. Wherever you come, everything living and human is destroyed. You bring grief and destruction, sickness and hunger. Your tentacles extend for many thousands of kilometers. Because of you, children are left orphans, wives without husbands, mothers without sons.
You shouldn't be.
Petrova Anastasia, 6th grade

I hate you War! I am disgusted by all the people who kindle the great Fire of War. But it is in this Fire that human dreams, lives and destinies are burned! Well, what disgusts me the most are the people who fanatically follow you, who deify you, War! After all, these people do not live in our world, they live in a world where the main values ​​are not heroism and patriotism, but in a world where anger, hatred, cruelty and deceit are valued.
Fursova Nadia, 6th grade

War! What it is? What is the terrible meaning of this word? I want you not to repeat yourself again. When you started, you claimed a lot of lives. Children have been hurt because of you. Many of them have lost their parents. I don't want more shots. I want you to finally end, and peace reigned on Earth.
Fiokhin Anton, 5th grade

I address you, War, not with respect, but with contempt. Because you unceremoniously invaded our homes, bringing chaos and destruction. All the suffering you caused, we will never forget. Remembering these events, we will curse that day, that year and that hour when you came to our cities.
Larkova Arina, 7th grade

War, you are the death of innocent people, nature. You disfigure the earth, burn the forests. War, you are the catastrophe of the whole Earth. You take from life the best people, brave and desperate, who, without hesitation, give their lives for the lives of others. I hate you and want people to live in peace and never know you. War, you bloodthirsty predator. We are against you. Long live life and peace!
Fisenko Ksenia, 6th grade

No matter how caring parents and elderly teachers say that all this is a whim, and you need to think about children and work, people all over the world again and again discover an amazing interest in ideas, even in the age of Internet hypermarkets. People take to the streets, fight with the police, go to war in hot spots, blow themselves up in buses, and generally behave differently from the norms of a safe hostel.

What makes a person stand up for his beliefs, sometimes risking peace and even security? Why is such an abstraction, as ideas, defended with that emotional involvement that each of us had the opportunity to observe?

The French sociologist Michel Maffesoli in his book "Postmodern Man" connects the need to uphold beliefs with the phenomenon of neotribalism and the formation of "new urban tribes" - groups in which the unification of individuals occurs not only according to the principle of unity of the territory, characteristic of the social structure of previous eras, but also principle of unity of views and tastes. At the heart of any association, according to Maffesoli, is the need for a sense of belonging. This feeling makes a person defend the community that he considers "his own" and, accordingly, first of all, protect what constitutes his essential core - the views shared by this community. But is this the only reason? To understand this issue, we turned to specialists - a psychologist, biologist, sociologist and philosopher.

What makes a person stand up for his beliefs, sometimes risking peace and even security?

Maria Maksimova

candidate of psychological sciences,
Moscow State University

Why does a person have a need to defend their beliefs? Beliefs are part of a person's identity. Identity is the core of personality, a sense of one's own continuity and self-identity. This is a set of self-determinations of a person, accepted by him regarding himself and his life. In fact, this is the answer to the question “Who am I?”. Defending our beliefs, we indirectly answer this question, we maintain our identity. The more we invest in defending our point of view, the closer identity is to the pole of "achieved" as opposed to "diffuse". Achieved identity is a characteristic of a mature personality that has gone through a crisis. The main sources of belief are education, personal experience, social stereotypes, authorities, as well as art, science and religion. Beliefs are associated with the concept of socialization, interaction with other people. Beliefs, as well as attitudes and many other socio-psychological phenomena, have a three-component structure, three elements: cognitive (awareness, content, knowledge), emotional (assessment, attitude, feelings) and behavioral (what I do based on my beliefs) .

If you think in terms of Gestalt therapy, beliefs can consist of introjects - other people's views and judgments taken into themselves, "uncerested" pieces of other people's experience. Or beliefs can be the result of reflection and integration of experience, and then it is an indicator of maturity and awareness.

The struggle for beliefs contributes, maintains self-esteem, allows you to feel your importance.

One way or another, beliefs are the fabric of identity, and the need to defend them is the search for support and the definition of one's coordinates in a changing world.

I remember the words of my Gestalt therapy teacher: “Whatever a person does, this is his way of maintaining his self-esteem.” Of course, the struggle for beliefs contributes, maintains self-esteem, makes you feel important, and if you compare this with basic needs, this is closer to the need for respect and recognition. According to the results of gender studies, meeting the needs of this order is especially important for men.

On the other hand, beliefs are indeed quite an abstract thing that do not directly address basic needs. They rather update the needs higher order- the desire for self-realization and self-realization. And even when a person struggles to prove to others simple things or paradoxes, for example, that there is love, the world is good, and the sky is green, at that moment his main need is to appear, to be seen and heard and just be.

Alexander Panchin

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior
Researcher at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

I think it's the beliefs themselves that use the vulnerabilities of our brains to spread more efficiently. Just as viruses can force cells to make copies of themselves (even to the detriment of the cell itself), so certain ideas (such as religious ones) can even force a person to sacrifice himself for the sake of their propagation. Those ideas that incline a person to such behavior will capture more and more more minds until there is a way to protect against such zombies.

Polina Colozaridi

Researcher, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Why is it important for people to stand up for their beliefs?

If you are told that your neighbor, say Pavel, is risking his safety for some idea or value, you are likely to imagine a fantastic picture. It will have Pavel fighting with the riot police, because you can’t continue to live in a lie. Pavel, saving the children of a distant country, where there is a war, because there are no other people's children. Or at least Pavel, who signs a collective letter, knowing that he will be fired from his job because of this. Paul's motivation becomes clear to you. If you like his heroism, you will say that the neighbor belongs to those people for whom their group faith (or, more broadly, identity) is more important than private well-being. If Paul's ideas are not close to you, you will find that he is driven by a thirst for fame and social approval. That is, of course, you will say wrong, you will mark his courage or altruism, or, conversely, brand him for excessive zeal and thirst for attention.

In any case, your assessment will include the recognition that Paul is driven by some socially important motives. The collective becomes more important than the private. Further, many interpretations can be offered. For example, that it is not the strongest who survive, but the most adapted to collective life, as evolutionists say. Or, more to the point, that it happens because what matters in evolution is not individuals, but genes, as Richard Dawkins says. Or that altruism is profitable, as the philosopher Peter Singer writes. Or that the risk for the sake of collective values ​​is redeemed by the possible good in the future. And even death is red in the world, a neighbor will tell you, looking sympathetically at Pavel.

But the main thing is different. The very fact that we oppose values ordinary life and some ideas - this is a very mobile fact. We are accustomed to a stable life in which our own security is a constant, as if inseparable from a person. And the struggle for ideals is something abstract, as if separated from us. But let's look at it differently. If neighbor Pavel is a trucker, then his need for security is connected with the idea of ​​liberation from the dictates of the state in a vital and indivisible way. Paul in this case will not agree with you at all what kind of idea he is. “You have to feed your family,” he says. And he will be right, because people go to defend their beliefs when they become material and inseparable from life itself.

Vladimir Kartavtsev

PhD in Philosophy,
University of Manchester

So, if we are interested in why people tend to act in accordance with their beliefs, and not otherwise, we can ask the following.

First, what are these "people"? Fortunately, our discipline is not concerned with people. Sociologists are interested in something else - how the social order within which people live is possible. This means, among other things, that the specific actions of people (or their groups) are the result of specific configurations of the elements of this order.

Secondly, what does it mean to "act"? Max Weber would have answered that an action is social, which, in its meaning, correlates with the actions of other people and is oriented towards them. The whole point here is in the word “meaning” - we may well perform some actions while alone with ourselves, but they will still be social; the main thing is to give this meaning - for example, to your experiences. This is how we relate ourselves to the world, formulating a certain set of values. The path from the values ​​we share to our own beliefs is shortened.

We cannot but complete our society within the framework of the daily practical actions that we perform.

Third, what does it mean to "act in accordance with one's convictions"? Can we fully consider our beliefs as “ours”? In part, the answer to this question has already been given - if society is predestined to us, if it exists before any “I” (and, most likely, this is exactly the case), then our beliefs are not what we invent, but what we assimilate. In general, the set of those stable patterns of action and thought that we assimilate as we socialize can be denoted by the term "habitus" used by Pierre Bourdieu.

Finally, fourthly, we have the right to ask ourselves (and others) about what is it all about - beliefs? Maybe our beliefs are nothing more than an artifact of one or another tradition (national, religious, political), which we just reproduce uncritically. On the other hand, it may be that our beliefs are the result of a cunning substitution, which Marxist theorists have designated by the term "false consciousness." This is the case when our beliefs exist in such a way that they mask the true state of affairs. For example, you can justify the existence of such a political system (sincerely based on your “beliefs”), the structure of which brings you nothing but misfortunes, but the cause of these misfortunes remains indistinguishable for you.

In short, it can be argued with great reservations that it is important for people to defend their beliefs because this is how we build our social “I”: we cannot live outside the world that is predetermined for us, we cannot act exclusively affectively (after all, we still and rational), we cannot but complete our society within the framework of daily practical action that we are doing.

0 Report: Why do people fight?

Russia, Perm region, Perm, pos. New Lyady

MAOU "School №129"

Primary school teacher

Porokhnitskaya G.G.


Main part

Chapter 1. What is war

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Practical part: survey of schoolchildren and analysis of the data obtained





I have a little sister, she is one year old. I often enjoy playing with her. She is very sweet. Mom and dad say that everyone is so cute and nice in childhood. Why do people change with age? Where does anger, aggression, hatred come from in them?... Recently, my dad and I watched the movie "300 Spartans", and I was struck by their method of raising small children. Warriors were brought up in children from childhood. For what? I asked my dad about this, and he said that the whole history of mankind is the history of wars, how many people there are, they fight so much, and the winners then rewrite history. His answer surprised me very much, and I decided to look into this difficult question - why do people fight?

Hypothesis: People fight because they lack something.

The purpose of my work: to establish the causes of wars on Earth

Tasks: find out

What is war

Why do people fight

How can wars be prevented

 Why should we know about wars and remember them

 Conduct a survey, analyze and draw conclusions

Chapter 1. What is war

Rivals in the art of war

Do not know peace among yourselves;

Bring tribute to the gloomy glory,

And revel in hostility!

Let the world freeze before you

Marveling at the terrible celebrations

Nobody will regret you

Nobody will disturb you.

A.S. Pushkin

War is an armed struggle between states or peoples, between classes within a state. War between people means practically the same thing as fights between animals: the forceful resolution of rivalry in which the strongest wins. True, he is not always right. War, as you know, is easy to start, difficult to end, impossible to win. (Slide 2)

The Cold War is a policy of escalating tension and hostility in relations between countries.

War of nerves - about mutual nervous tension anyone.

War - a conflict between political entities (states, tribes, political groups, etc.), taking place in the form of military (combat) actions between them armed forces. As a rule, war is aimed at imposing one's will on the opponent. According to Clausewitz, "war is the continuation of politics by other means." The main means of achieving the goals of war is organized armed struggle as the main and decisive means, as well as economic, diplomatic, ideological, informational and other means of struggle. In this sense, war is organized armed violence, the purpose of which is to achieve political goals. (Slide 3)

Total war is armed violence carried to its extreme limits. The main tool in the war is the army. (Wikipedia). (Slide 4)

Chapter 2

Why do people fight? What a complex and eternal question! And how many answers to it: under duress, for oil, for money, for land, for the Motherland, for faith, for an idea, because of religion, for freedom, simply out of a desire to kill - the list goes on and on. (Slide 5)

Because of religion Crusades, Arab-Israeli wars

behind Natural resources for happiness

for cheap labor people fight for power

for wealth for the motherland

(USSR against Nazi Germany)


for territories

(fascist Germany against the countries of the anti-German coalition 1939-1945)

Wars have existed for almost as long as humans have existed on Earth. Historians have calculated that in 5600 years there have been only 294 years of peace on Earth. Imagine! In the beginning, people fought to seize someone else's territory or property. (Slide 6)

The leaders of a country or tribe usually start wars as soon as they realize that someone is threatening them. Like animals, humans guard their territory, their families, and their food supplies. Civilized peoples today live in the territories that their ancestors once conquered.

Sometimes it also happened that the soldiers fought with each other, not realizing a clear account of why they were doing it. They simply obeyed the higher authorities, who, in turn, obeyed someone else. (Slide 7)

Man often imitates animals. He threatens before acting. Of course, he does not issue a war cry and does not howl, but all this successfully replaces intimidation on the radio, in newspapers or on television.

Often something else happens - the enemies do not fight, but try to intimidate each other, creating huge armies and accumulating stocks of weapons. If they go over to military operations, then this is done by the hands of small tribes and groups. They get weapons and begin to feel strong, after which they begin to fight among themselves. (Slide 8)

Difference in psychology

People paid attention to the fact that some nationalities cannot get along with others. The steppes are constantly at war with the people of the forest, the highlanders - with the inhabitants of the plains, the poor and hot southerners - with the rich and phlegmatic northerners. The difference in psychology between the highlanders and the plains is visible. Highlanders are more impulsive, less restrained, more "wild". From the point of view of a civilized person, the people of the plains are more calm and patient. (slide 9)

Only on the plain could the saying "one man is not a warrior" be born. In the mountains and one warrior: the paths are narrow, the two of you can hardly disperse. With a good combination of circumstances, some 300 Spartans in the gorge can block the path of the many thousands of Persian army. You can't get around the flanks in the mountains. And this circumstance could not but affect the mentality of the mountain peoples. The highlander is a direct and psychologically clumsy person. (Slide 10)

The difference in psychologies (as, in general, any other difference - in skin color, for example) gives rise to a "psychological potential difference", which is fraught with a breakdown. Therefore, it “sparks” between the highlanders and the plains constantly. (Slide 11)

For example: Tibetans in China, Chechens in Russia. This is very clear in former Yugoslavia. There, 2/3 of the territory is mountains. Bosniaks and Kosovars are mostly mountain dwellers, while Serbs mostly live in the plains. (Slide 12)

Religion among the mountain and lowland residents is also different, which gives these conflicts an inter-religious connotation. (Slide 13)

In order to somehow solve the problem of highlanders and lowlanders, under Stalin, for example, a special method was used to pacify the highlanders - the forcible resettlement of highlanders to the plain. Cut off from the mountains, the highlanders became more calm, at least outwardly. (Slide 14)

To avoid wars, one must still be able to negotiate!

Wars are the result of tension earth's crust(Slide 15)

According to the Institute of Chemical Physics, it is believed that the matter is in plate tectonics, which is influenced by processes in the sun. Magnetic anomalies occur in the mountains. These anomalies intensify before earthquakes. Magnetic vibrations affect the speed of passage chemical reactions V aqueous solutions, a person is 70% water, and his brain is 90%! Magnetic anomalies are most pronounced in behavioral reactions. For example, locust fertility increases. People become more aggressive, bursts of genius appear. During the years of increased magnetic activity, most works of art are born.

As a rule, it usually happens like this: first there is some kind of inter-ethnic massacre, and then the actual earthquake. After which everything immediately calms down. It was exactly the same in Karabakh, Spitak, Chechnya, Romania. (Slide 16)

It's all about the climate(Slide 17)

According to the Moscow Energy Institute, the formation of the mentality of the people is affected by climate change. For example, during the cold period, more works of art, religions, philosophies are created. This is like the rise of the spirituality of civilization.

According to the calculations of this institute, Russia will be the epicenter of global climate change, and very strong warming is predicted. In some areas (Taimyr, Yamal, New Earth) in about 25 years, the average annual temperature will increase by 6-8 degrees.

In connection with the warming, the mentality of people may also change, the Russians will become more of the traits of southerners - hot temper, increased excitability.

Chapter 3

Mankind is tired of war, the Earth is tired of our cruel hatred! (Slide 18)

When will wars end on earth? This is very clearly written in the Bible, in the prophecy of Isaiah: “Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie with the goat; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and the little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the she-bear, and their cubs will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like an ox. And the baby will play over the hole of the asp, and the child will stretch out his hand to the snake's nest. They will not harm or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Apparently, when the prophecy of Isaiah comes true, the wars on Earth will end.”

Every sane person understands how much grief war brings! People want to live in peace and harmony, they want to build houses, sow fields, raise children and be confident in tomorrow. We are the inhabitants of a peaceful country! But if enemies attack our land, everyone will stand up to defend the Fatherland! .. (Slide 19)

In proverbs, the Russian people expressed their attitude to the war:

Take care of the beloved Earth, like a mother dear.

The hero who stands up for the Motherland.

Peace builds and war destroys.

A skilled warrior will not falter in battle.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

For the edge of your native go fearlessly into battle.

We don't want someone else's land, but we won't give up our own either.

Light will conquer darkness, and the world will conquer war.

Whoever fights bravely in battle honestly defends his homeland.

Peace is the virtue of civilization, war is its crime.

“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth. There will be no violence or theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life, and will protect it. (Slide 20)

Practical part

I developed a questionnaire in order to study the causes of children's quarrels, school age and ways out of conflict situations. The survey involved students of grades 2b, 3a, 4a in the amount of 64 people. In the course of my research, the following was found out: (Slide 21)

* all children quarrel at least once in their lives, while 60% feel resentment,

* all respondents - 100% like to make friends,

* only 20% of quarrels end in a real fight,

* in 80% of cases, a quarrel leads to a subsequent truce, and in another 70% to friendship,

* only 10% of quarrels last more than one day,

* 50% of junior schoolchildren already have permanent enemies,

* all schoolchildren like to smile, while for no reason - 60%,

* 100% of children want to be friends, not quarrel. (Slide 22)

Conclusion: Based on the above figures, I conclude that quarrels and resentments are an integral part of the life of any person. But, releasing "steam", - negative energy we are looking for friendship and good relationship again.


(Choose an answer)

1. Have you quarreled with other people in your life? (yes, no)

2. What caused the quarrel? (personal insult, material possessions, don't know)

3. What did you feel at the same time? (resentment, hatred, disappointment)

4. How do your quarrels usually end? (truce, friendship, fight)

5. How long do your fights last? (a few minutes, a few days, a long time)

6. How long do you hold a grudge? (I forget at once, for several days, I always remember, I write it down)

7. How often do you use your fists? (never, sometimes, all the time)

8. Do you often decide things peacefully? (always, sometimes, never)

9. Do you often smile at others? (always, depending on mood, never)

10. Do you have enemies? (yes, no, don't know)

11. What do you like more to be friends or to quarrel? (befriend, quarrel)

Personal data analysis:


1. Have you quarreled with other people in your life?




2. What caused the quarrel?

Personal insult

Mater. values

Don't know

3. What did you feel about it?



1.​ Razoch disappointment

4. How do your fights usually end?



1.​ Draco fight

5. How long do your fights last?

A couple of minutes

a few days

for a long time

6. How long do you hold a grudge?

I forget right away

a few days

I always remember

I write down

7. How often do you use your fists?




8. How often do you settle things amicably?




9. How often do you smile at people around you?


depends on mood


10. Do you have enemies?



Don't know

11. What do you like more to be friends or to quarrel?

Be friends






The significance of my work lies in the fact that I was able to learn about what war is, to understand that the causes of wars are different.

In discussions with classmates were found different ways preventing fights and quarrels, because they are also the causes of wars. (Slide 23)

The survey that I conducted showed how different people are in character, and that there is kindness in everyone. What a wonderful quality! After all a kind person will never start a war! (Slide 24)

Picking up proverbs about the war, I was once again convinced of how wise the Russian people are!

I also realized that all people need to know and remember that war is evil, and everything must be done to prevent the outbreak of wars.

I think that every person should understand that living in the world is happiness! (Slide 24)


1. A.S. Pushkin, collection of poems.

2. Bible.

3. Great children's encyclopedia (military secrets). Moscow 2005

4. The World History, encyclopedia. Moscow 2007

5. Magazine "Spark", 1999 No. 24.

6. Internet resources