List of literature on calculating emissions into the atmosphere, calculating ground-level concentrations, and developing environmental documentation. List of literature on calculating emissions into the atmosphere, calculating ground-level concentrations, and developing environmental documentation A

Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection


Firm "Integral"

Methodological letter of the Scientific Research Institute Atmosphere dated May 17, 2000 No. 335/33-07

On carrying out calculations of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere according to the “Methodology for determining emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere when burning fuel in boilers with a capacity of less than 30 tons of steam per hour or less than 20 Gcal per hour” (Moscow, 1999)

1. Scope of application of the “Methodology”.

The scope of application of the “Methodology” for hot water boilers, indicated in the title of the “Methodology” and in the section “General Provisions” - up to 25 MW (20 Gcal/h) - is associated with the not entirely correct conversion of boiler power from one dimension to another. Until further clarification, the effect of this “Methodology” should be extended to hot water boilers with a capacity of up to 35 MW (30 Gcal/h).

2. Section 1, clause 1.2

Incorrect specific gravity values ​​for nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide are given. Their values ​​are 2.05 and 1.25 kg/nm3, respectively.

3. Section 1, clause 1.4.

Until special clarification, the value of the coefficient K, taking into account the nature of the fuel, should be taken equal to: - for oil, diesel and other liquid fuels 0.355 - for shale, firewood, peat 0.375 The value of the volume of dry flue gases formed during complete combustion of 1 kg (1 nm 3) fuel, Vcr, obtained by formula (7) is reduced to the standard excess air coefficient a 0 -1.4.

4. Section 2, clause 2.1.1, clause 2.1.2.

In formula (15), the value of the free term is 0.03. When calculating gross emissions of nitrogen oxides, the value of the estimated fuel consumption V R in formula (17) has the dimension [nm 3 /s] - for gaseous fuel, [kg/s] - for fuel oil and other types of liquid fuel. At the same time, the numerical value V R when determining gross emissions, it must correspond to the average boiler load for the period under consideration. Thus, the value of the coefficient (specific emission of nitrogen oxides when burning the fuel in question) when determining gross emissions will be less than the value when determining maximum emissions. Dimensionless coefficient taking into account the temperature of the air supplied for combustion bt is determined by formula (18) only if the boiler preheats the air in the air heater or recirculates flue gases. Here tGW– temperature of hot air supplied for combustion, ° C. For other cases = 1. In formulas (21), (22) and (28), (29) the degree of flue gas recirculation ( r) and the proportion of air supplied to the intermediate zone of the flame, (d) have the dimension [%]. Here it should be borne in mind that low-power boilers in the design version in most cases are not equipped with a system for recirculating flue gases to the burners. When implementing a recirculation system, the share of recirculation gases is, as a rule, 5 – 12%, the maximum values ​​do not exceed 20%. For air supplied to the intermediate zone of the flare, it can be 20 – 30%.

5. Section 2, clause 2.1.3.

In formula (31) for coals and shale, in the absence of particle size distribution characteristics in fuel certificates or according to experimental data, the value R 6 should be taken equal to 40%. When burning wood or peat until the calculation formulas are clarified, R 6 =50%. In formula (32) when calculating aT concentration value used O 2 behind the boiler, which is acceptable for low-power boilers. In the absence of content data O 2 for the boiler, based on the results of instrumental measurements, one should take aT according to the regime map or (in the absence of a map) according to reference data. In the absence of any information, it should be taken aT =2.5.

6. Section 2, clause 2.2.

If hydrogen sulfide is present in gaseous fuel, calculation of sulfur oxide emissions is carried out using formulas (35) and (37). In this case, the fuel consumption is IN has the dimension [nl/s] - when determining maximum emissions in g/s., [thousand nm 3 /year] - when determining gross emissions per year.

7. Section 2, clause 2.3.

For gaseous fuels, when calculating carbon monoxide emissions, the fuel consumption value is IN has the dimension [nl/s] - when determining maximum emissions in g/s., [thousand nm 3 /year] - when determining gross emissions in t/year.

8. Section 3, clause 3.1.

Before clarifying the value of the numerical coefficients k i included in formula (42), the real volume of gases is determined by the approximate relation (42) when burning shale, firewood and peat - as for brown coal, when burning liquid fuels - as for fuel oil (- corresponds to actual data).

9. Section 3, clause 3.2.

Calculations of particulate matter emissions using formula (43) should only be made if measured data are available Mr.(content of combustibles in entrainment, %) for the case under consideration. When calculating emissions using formulas (44) - (46) in the absence of measurement data, until special clarification, the approximate values ​​of the fraction of fuel ash in the entrainment a un should be taken equal to: For chamber furnaces with solid slag removal for boilers with a capacity of 25 to 30 t/h a un =0.95. When burning coal, emissions of coal ash should be classified according to the content of silicon dioxide in it (except for cases where maximum permissible concentrations or MAC values ​​have been established for a specific type of ash). Typically, the silicon dioxide content in coal ash is 30–60%, which corresponds to inorganic dust with maximum permissible concentration m.r. =0.3 mg/m 3 (code 2908). The ash formed during the combustion of peat is classified similarly (S i O 2 content is 30–60%). When burning wood, ash emissions (prior to the development of appropriate permissible levels of this substance in the atmospheric air by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia) are classified as suspended substances (MPC m.r. =0.5 mg/m 3 , code 2902). The so-called “coke residues” formed during the combustion of solid fuels (before the development of appropriate permissible levels of this substance in the atmospheric air by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia) are classified as soot (MPC m.r. =0.15 mg/m 3, code 328). When burning fuel oil and oil in the composition of solid particles, emissions of fuel oil ash in terms of vanadium are determined in accordance with paragraph 3.3 and soot according to the following formula:

This formula for determining soot emissions was obtained based on formula (46) by jointly transforming formulas (44) and (45). When burning diesel fuel and other light liquid fuels, only soot emissions are determined using the above formula. Until further clarification, the meaning q 4 for oil it should be taken equal to 0.1%, for diesel and other light liquid fuels – 0.08%.

10 Section 3.

When calculating benzo(a)pyrene emissions, it is necessary to take into account that when the boiler operates at loads less than the nominal one, the concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in the exhaust gas increases. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the maximum emissions of benzo(a)pyrene both when the boiler is operating at the maximum actual load and when operating at the minimum actual load in order to comprehensively assess air pollution and justify the establishment of emission standards.

11. Section 3, clause 3.4.2.

Until the calculation formulas are clarified, the provisions of this paragraph apply to boilers with a combustion volume heat stress value of q v< 250 кВт/м 3 и q v >500 kW/m3.

12. Section 3, clause 3.4.3.

The concentration of benzo(a)pyrene, determined by formula (58), to calculate maximum and gross emissions using formula (1), must be reduced to excess air a = 1.4 using formula (2). Chief specialist P.M. Shemyakov

Design characteristics of layered furnaces for boilers with productivity ³ 1 kg/s [ 1 ] .

Excess air coefficient at the furnace outlet a r

Apparent heat stress

Heat loss

The share of ash carried away by gases a un

Air pressure under the grate Р р, kgf/m 2

Blown air temperature t V r ° C

combustion mirrors q Fr kW/m 2

firebox volume q vr, kW/m 3

from chemical incompleteness of combustion q 3 r %

with slag q 4sl, %

with entrainment q 4un, %

total from mechanical underburning q 4 r %


Fireboxes with pneumatic throwers and chain return grates

1.1 Stone coals

such as Donetsk, Pechora, and other brands G, D, Zh

type Suchansky grades G, D

1.3-1.6 1)

Kuznetsk brands G, D

1.3-1.6 1)

Kuznetsk grades GSS (volatile yield > 20%

1.3-1.6 1)
1.2. Brown coals

Irsha-Borodinsky type

1.3-1.6 1)

Nazarovo type

1.3-1.6 1)

Asian type

1.3-1.6 1)

Fireboxes with pneumomechanical spreaders and grates with rotary grates

2.1. up to 1.6 900-1200
2 .2.

Hard coals such as Donetsk, Pechora and other grades G, D, Zh

up to 1.6 900-1200

Kuznetsk brands G, D

up to 1.6 900-1200

Kuznetsk grades GSS (volatile yield > 20%)

up to 1.6 900-1200
2.3 Brown coals of the Irsha-Borodinsky type up to 1.6 900-1200

Nazarovo type

up to 1.6 900-1200

Asian type

up to 1.6 900-1200

Fireboxes with direct chain grate


Donetsk anthracite grades AS, AM, JSC

up to 1.6 900-1200
1) Larger value – for boilers with a capacity of less than 3 kg/s.
2) Larger value for grade G coals.
Notes:1. The use of fireboxes with pneumo-mechanical throwers and a fixed grate for newly designed boiler houses is allowed for boilers with a capacity of< 1 кг/с при наличие технико-экономического обоснования.2. Для каменных углей (кроме марок СС) a ун и q 4ун пропорциональны содержанию в топливе пылевых частиц. В таблице даны величины q 4ун при содержании пылевых частиц размером 0-0.09 мм- 2.5%.3. Значения q 4 для топок с пневмомеханическими забрасывателями при сжигании каменных и бурых углей приведены для рядового топлива с максимальным размером куска 40 мм и содержанием мелочи 0-6.0 мм до 60%.4. При характеристиках топлива, отличных от указанных в таблице, a r и q 4 оценивают по опытным данным.

Design characteristics of shaft and chamber furnaces [ 2 ] .

Apparent heat stress

Blown air temperature t Br ° C

combustion mirrors q Fr, kW/m 2

firebox volume q V, kW/m 3

Mine fireboxes with inclined grate

Lump peat

Wood waste

Rapid combustion furnaces

Chopped wood chips

Crushed waste and sawdust

Chamber furnaces (for pulverized combustion with solid slag removal)

Stone coals

Brown coals

Milled peat

Natural gas

1) Lower value – for boilers with a capacity of less than 10 t/h

Design characteristics of fireboxes with RPK-type grates [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Grille brand




Visible heat stress of the combustion mirror (q F), kW/m 2

Apparent thermal stress of the furnace volume (q v), kW/m 3

Air pressure under the grate, kgf/m 2

Grate area, m 2

General information about combustion devices for burning solid fuels

Firebox type

Grille type

General information

With manual fuel intake PKK Designed for installation in small steam and hot water boilers for layer combustion of hard coal, brown coal and anthracite grades AM and AC.
With pneumatic spreaders and grate ZP-RPK Designed for installation in small steam boilers for burning screened and raw coal and brown coal, as well as anthracite grades AM and AC. The content of fines (0-6 mm) in coal should not exceed 60%.
With pneumatic spreaders and forward chain screen PM Designed for burning screened anthracite grades AM and AC.
With pneumatic spreaders and chain return screen TLZM For boilers with relatively low heating output.
TCZ For more powerful boilers. The uneven distribution of fuel along the length of the blade is used when it is supplied by a pneumomechanical rotary thrower: pieces of fuel flying through the entire combustion space

Technical characteristics of KE-14S boilers [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Boiler brand

Productivity, t/h

Pressure, kgf/cm 2

Boiler efficiency (when burning coal)

Combustion device type

ZP-RPK-2 1800/1525





Combustion mirror area, m 2

Combustion chamber dimensions:

width, mm

depth, mm

volume, m 3

Technical characteristics of the boiler E-1/9-1M [ 3 ]

Technical characteristics of boilers DE-14-GM [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Boiler brand

Productivity, t/h

Pressure, kgf/cm 2

Steam temperature, °C saturated

Boiler efficiency %

Combustion device type

Burners GM-2.5

Burners GM-4.5

Burners GM-7

Burners GM-10

Burners GMP-16

Combustion chamber volume, m 3

Excess air coefficient at the furnace outlet a r

Apparent heat stress of the combustion volume q v, kW/m 3

Water temperature at the economizer outlet, ° C

Temperature of gases behind the economizer, ° C

Technical characteristics of KV-GM boilers [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Boiler brand

Productivity, Gcal/h

Fuel consumption, m 3 /h, kg/h

Boiler efficiency, %

Combustion chamber dimensions:

width, mm

depth, mm

Technical characteristics of KV-TS boilers with layered combustion of solid fuel

Characteristic name

Boiler brand

KV-TS-10 with air heater

KV-TS-20 with air heater

Productivity, Gcal/h

Boiler efficiency, %

Flue gas temperature, ° C

Combustion chamber volume, m 3

Hot air temperature, ° C

Chain grid length, mm

Chain grid width, mm

Air suction in boilers and dust preparation systems at rated load
A. Air suctions along the gas path of the boiler

Elements of the boiler gas path


Combustion chambers of pulverized coal and gas-oil boilers Gas tight 0.02
Metal lined screen pipes 0.05
With lining and metal cladding 0.07
With lining without cladding 0.10
Combustion chambers of layered furnaces Mechanical and semi-mechanical 0.10
Manual 0.30
Flues of convective heating surfaces Gas-tight flue from the firebox to the air heater (the amount of suction is distributed evenly over the heating surfaces located in the flue) 0.02
Non-gas-tight gas pipelines:
Festoon, screen superheater 0
The first boiler bank of boilers with a capacity of £50 kg/s 0.05
Second boiler bank of boilers with a capacity of £ 50 kg/s 0.10
Primary superheater 0.03
Intermediate superheater 0.03
Transition zone of a once-through boiler 0.03
Boiler economizer with productivity > 50 kg/s (each stage) 0.02
Boiler economizer with a capacity of £ 50 kg/s (each stage)
Steel 0.08
Cast iron with lining 0.10
Cast iron without casing 0.20
Tubular air heaters
Boilers with a capacity > 50 kg/s (each stage) 0.03
Regenerative air heaters (together “hot” and “cold” packings)
Boilers with a capacity > 50 kg/s (each stage) 0.15
Boilers with a capacity of £ 50 kg/s (each stage) 0.20
Plate air heaters (each stage) 0.10
Ash catchers Electrostatic precipitators
Boilers with a capacity > 50 kg/s (each stage) 0.10
Boilers with a capacity of £ 50 kg/s (each stage) 0.15
Cyclone and battery 0.05
Scrubbers 0.05
Flues behind the boiler Steel (every 10 running meters) 0.01
Brick hogs (every 10 running meters) 0.05

B. Air suction into dust preparation systems

With dust bin under vacuum

Average value D a pp

With hot blowing of dust into the firebox

when working under vacuum

average value D a pp

when working under pressure

average value D a pp

With ball drum mills for hot air drying

With hammer mills

With hammer mills

With ball drum mills for drying with a mixture of air and flue gases

With medium speed mills

With medium speed mills

With hammer mills for drying with a mixture of air and flue gases

With fan mills and downward drying device

With medium speed mills

1) Upper limit for high moisture fuels

Design characteristics of liquid fuels [1]

  1. Price list of environmental books, manuals, recommendations on paper.
  2. Methodology for calculating concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises. OND-86
  3. emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for asphalt concrete plants(calculation method).
  4. Guidelines for determining emissions of pollutants from tanks Novopolotsk, 1997. Addition to the "Methodological guidelines for determining emissions of pollutants from reservoirs" St. Petersburg, 1999
  5. Methodology for conducting an inventory of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere for motor transport enterprises(calculation method). M, 1998. Additions to the Methodology for conducting an inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for motor transport enterprises (calculation method). M, 1999
  6. Methodology for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary diesel units.SPb, 2001
  7. Methodology for conducting an inventory of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere for road equipment bases(calculation method) with Additions and Amendments to the “Methodology for conducting an inventory of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere for road equipment bases (calculation method) M, 1999
  8. Methodology for determining the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere during fuel combustion in boilers with a capacity of less than 30 tons of steam per hour or less than 20 Gcal per hour. Methodological letter from the Scientific Research Institute Atmosphere dated May 17, 2000 N 335/33-07 On carrying out calculations of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere according to the “Methodology...”. Amendments to the methodological letter of the Scientific Research Institute Atmosphere N 335/33-07 dated May 17, 2000 “On carrying out calculations of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere according to the “Methodology...”
  9. Instructions for regulating consumption and calculating emissions methanol for objects of OJSC "GAZPROM"
  10. Methodology for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from livestock complexes and fur farms(according to the values ​​of specific indicators). Letter from the Scientific Research Institute Atmosphere N 760/33-07 dated November 23, 2000. "On the peculiarities of calculating emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmosphere from livestock farming facilities." Letter from the Scientific Research Institute Atmosfera No. 735/33-07 dated September 28, 2006 “On the assessment and detailed calculation of 3B emissions from livestock production facilities”
  11. Letters from Scientific Research Institute Atmosfera 07-2/610 dated 05/24/2007, 07-2/1077 dated 10/15/2007, 07-2/1077 dated 10/15/2007 "Explanations to the methodology" Specific indicators of the formation of harmful substances released into the atmosphere from the main types of technological equipment for a radio-electronic complex enterprise. St. Petersburg, 2006""
  12. Methodology for calculating emissions (emissions) of pollutants into the atmosphere during welding operations (based on specific emissions values), St. Petersburg, 2000. Letter 713/33-07 dated November 10, 2004 - On editorial amendments to the “Method for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during welding operations (based on specific indicators),” St. Petersburg, Scientific Research Institute Atmosphere, 1997 Letter 275/33- 07 dated 04/19/2005 Corrections to the “Method for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during welding operations.” Letter 1-1001/08-0-1 dated 06/11/2008 “Clarifications on welding. Sunflower husk dust.”
  13. Letters from the Scientific Research Institute Atmosfera to the "Methodological manual" on calculation, regulation and control of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air" (St. Petersburg, 2005). Letter 07-2/661 dated 06/09/2007 " Category Definition enterprises." Letter 07-2/349 dated April 2, 2007 "Regarding scrap metal reloading".Letter 1-1328/08-0-1 dated 08/06/2008 "Concerning the coefficients gravitational sedimentation and efficiency dust suppression"

Russian Federation Order of the Scientific Research Institute Atmosfera

Amendments to the methodological letter of the Scientific Research Institute Atmosfera N 335/33-07 dated May 17, 2000 “On carrying out calculations of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere according to the “Methodology for determining emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere when burning fuel in boilers...”

The value of the coefficient in formula (7), which takes into account the nature of the fuel, should be taken equal to 0.400 for peat and firewood.

In formula (31), the coefficient 0.35 is replaced by 11.0.

If hydrogen sulfide is present in gaseous fuel, the calculation of sulfur oxide emissions is carried out using formulas (35) and (37). Natural fuel consumption in formula (35) g/s (t/g) is calculated using the formula

where is the gas density, kg/nm.

If there is hydrogen sulfide (HS) in gaseous fuel, the concentration of which in the gas is determined in volume percent, the sulfur content in the fuel per working mass in percent is calculated according to the ratio

Where =1.536 kg/nm is the density of hydrogen sulfide under normal conditions,

Volume concentration of hydrogen sulfide in gas, %.

For gaseous fuel, when calculating carbon monoxide emissions using formula (38), it is required that the fuel consumption value has the dimension [g/s] - when determining maximum emissions and [t/g] - when determining gross emissions.

Fuel consumption in g/s and t/year in this case is calculated using the formulas given in the previous paragraph. In this case, the value of the lower calorific value of gaseous fuel [MJ/nm] must be converted into the dimension [MJ/kg], i.e. divide by gas density [kg/nm]. Thus, formula (38) for gaseous fuel takes the following form:

  • when determining maximum emissions

Where is fuel consumption, nm/s;

Has a dimension [g/nm];.

New edition:

A change is made to formula (60)

The definition of the indicator is being clarified: *


* The text corresponds to the original. - Note "CODE".

where is the saturation temperature of steam at pressure in the drum of steam boilers or water at the outlet of the boiler for hot water boilers.

All documents presented in the catalog are not their official publication and are intended for informational purposes only. Electronic copies of these documents may be distributed without restriction. You can post information from this site on any other site.

Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection


Firm "Integral"

Methodological letter of the Scientific Research Institute Atmosphere dated May 17, 2000 No. 335/33-07

On carrying out calculations of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere according to the “Methodology for determining emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere when burning fuel in boilers with a capacity of less than 30 tons of steam per hour or less than 20 Gcal per hour” (Moscow, 1999)

1. Scope of application of the “Methodology”.

The scope of application of the “Methodology” for hot water boilers, indicated in the title of the “Methodology” and in the section “General Provisions”, is up to 25 MW (20 Gcal/h) - is associated with the not entirely correct conversion of boiler power from one dimension to another. Until further clarification, the effect of this “Methodology” should be extended to hot water boilers with a capacity of up to 35 MW (30 Gcal/h).

2. Section 1, clause 1.2

Incorrect specific gravity values ​​for nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide are given. Their values ​​are 2.05 and 1.25 kg/nm3, respectively.

3. Section 1, clause 1.4.

Until special clarification, the values ​​of the coefficient K, taking into account the nature of the fuel, should be taken equal to:

For oil, diesel and other liquid fuels0.355

For slates, firewood, peat 0.375

The value of the volumes of dry flue gases formed during the complete combustion of 1 kg (1 nm 3) of fuel,V cr, obtained by formula (7) is reduced to the standard excess air coefficienta 0 -1.4.

4. Section 2, clause 2.1.1, clause 2.1.2.

In formula (15), the value of the free term is 0.03.

When calculating gross emissions of nitrogen oxides, the value of the estimated fuel consumption V R in formula (17) has the dimension[ nm 3 /s ] - for gaseous fuel,[ kg/s ] - for fuel oil and other types of liquid fuel. At the same time, the numerical value V R when determining gross emissions, it must correspond to the average boiler load for the period under consideration. Thus, the value of the coefficient(specific emissions of nitrogen oxides when burning the fuel in question) when determining gross emissions will be less than the valuewhen determining maximum emissions.

Dimensionless coefficient taking into account the temperature of the air supplied for combustionb tis determined by formula (18) only if the boiler preheats the air in the air heater or recirculates flue gases. HeretGW – temperature of hot air supplied for combustion,° WITH.

For other cases=1.

In formulas (21), (22) and (28), (29) the degree of flue gas recirculation (r) and the proportion of air supplied to the intermediate zone of the flame, (d) have dimension[ % ] . Here it should be borne in mind that low-power boilers in the design version in most cases are not equipped with a system for recirculating flue gases to the burners. When implementing a recirculation system, the share of recirculation gases is, as a rule, 5 – 12%, the maximum values ​​do not exceed 20%. For air supplied to the intermediate zone of the flare, it can be 20 – 30%.

5. Section 2, clause 2.1.3.

In formula (31) for coals and shale, in the absence of particle size distribution characteristics in fuel certificates or according to experimental data, the valueR 6 should be taken equal to 40%. When burning wood or peat until the calculation formulas are clarified R 6 =50%.

In formula (32) when calculatinga Tconcentration value used O 2 behind the boiler, which is acceptable for low-power boilers. In the absence of content data O 2 for the boiler, based on the results of instrumental measurements, one should takea Taccording to the regime map or (in the absence of a map) according to reference data. In the absence of any information, it should be takena T=2.5.

6. Section 2, clause 2.2.

If hydrogen sulfide is present in gaseous fuel, the calculation of sulfur oxide emissions is carried out using formulas (35) and (37). In this case, the fuel consumption is IN has dimension[ nl/s ] [ thousand nm 3 /year ] - when determining gross emissions per year.

7. Section 2, clause 2.3.

For gaseous fuels, when calculating carbon monoxide emissions, the fuel consumption value is IN has dimension[ nl/s ] - when determining maximum emissions in g/s,[ thousand nm 3 /year ] - when determining gross emissions in t/year.

8. Section 3, clause 3.1.

Before clarifying the value of the numerical coefficientsk iincluded in formula (42), the real volume of gases is determined by the approximate relation (42) when burning shale, firewood and peat - as for brown coal, when burning liquid fuels - as for fuel oil (- corresponds to actual data).

9. Section 3, clause 3.2.

Calculations of particulate matter emissions using formula (43) should only be made if measured data are available Mr.(content of combustibles in entrainment, %) for the case under consideration.

When calculating emissions using formulas (44) - (46) in the absence of measurement data, until special clarification, the approximate values ​​of the fraction of fuel ash in the entrainmenta un should be taken equal to:

For chamber furnaces with solid slag removal for boilers with a capacity of 25 to 30 t/ha un =0.95.

When burning coal, emissions of coal ash should be classified according to the content of silicon dioxide in it (except for cases where maximum permissible concentrations or MAC values ​​have been established for a specific type of ash). Typically, the silicon dioxide content in coal ash is 30–60%, which corresponds to inorganic dust with maximum permissible concentration m.r. =0.3 mg/m 3 (code 2908). The ash formed during the combustion of peat is classified similarly (content S i O 2 is 30–60%).

When burning wood, ash emissions (prior to the development of appropriate permissible levels of this substance in the atmospheric air by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia) are classified as suspended substances (MPC m.r. =0.5 mg/m 3 , code 2902).

The so-called “coke residues” formed during the combustion of solid fuels (before the development of appropriate permissible levels of this substance in the atmospheric air by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia) are classified as soot (MPC m.r. =0.15 mg/m 3, code 328).

When burning fuel oil and oil in the composition of solid particles, emissions of fuel oil ash in terms of vanadium are determined in accordance with paragraph 3.3 and soot according to the following formula:

This formula for determining soot emissions was obtained based on formula (46) by jointly transforming formulas (44) and (45).

When burning diesel fuel and other light liquid fuels, only soot emissions are determined using the above formula.

Until further clarification, the meaningq 4 for oil it should be taken equal to 0.1%, for diesel and other light liquid fuels – 0.08%.

10 Section 3.

When calculating benzo(a)pyrene emissions, it is necessary to take into account that when the boiler operates at loads less than the nominal one, the concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in the exhaust gas increases. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the maximum emissions of benzo(a)pyrene both when the boiler is operating at the maximum actual load and when operating at the minimum actual load in order to comprehensively assess air pollution and justify the establishment of emission standards.

11. Section 3, clause 3.4.2.

Until the calculation formulas are clarified, the provisions of this paragraph apply to boilers with a combustion volume thermal stress value q v < 250 kW/m 3 and q v > 500 kW/m3.

12. Section 3, clause 3.4.3.

The concentration of benzo(a)pyrene, determined by formula (58), to calculate maximum and gross emissions by formula (1) must be reduced to excess aira=1.4 according to formula (2).

Chief specialist P.M. Shemyakov

Design characteristics of layered furnaces for boilers with productivity ³ 1 kg/s[ 1 ] .



Excess air coefficient at the furnace outleta r

Apparent heat stress

Heat loss

Share of ash carried away by gasesa un

Air pressure under the grate Р р, kgf/m 2

Blown air temperature t In r ° C

combustion mirrors q Fr kW/m 2

firebox volume q vr, kW/m 3

from chemical incomplete combustion q 3 r %

with slag q 4shl, %

with entrainment q 4un, %

total from mechanical underburning q 4 r %

Fireboxes with pneumatic throwers and chain return grates

Stone coals

such as Donetsk, Pechora, and other brands G, D, Zh

1.3-1.6 1)



up to 0.1


up to 50

type Suchansky grades G, D

1.3-1.6 1)

1 27 0-15 2 0


up to 0.1


up to 50

Kuznetsk brands G, D

1.3-1.6 1)



up to 0.1

2.0-5.0 2)

4.0-7.0 2)

up to 50

> 20%

1.3-1.6 1)



up to 0.1




up to 50


Brown coals

Irsha-Borodinsky type

1.3-1.6 1)



up to 0.1


up to 50

up to 200

Nazarovo type

1.3-1.6 1)



up to 0.1


up to 50

up to 200

Asian type

1.3-1.6 1)



up to 0.1


up to 50

up to 200

Fireboxes with pneumomechanical spreaders and grates with rotary grates


up to 1.6



up to 1.0



up to 100

2 .2.

Hard coals such as Donetsk, Pechora and other grades G, D, Zh

up to 1.6



up to 1.0


up to 100

Kuznetsk brands G, D

up to 1.6



up to 1.0


up to 100

Kuznetsk grades GSS (yield of volatiles> 20%)

up to 1.6



up to 1.0



up to 100

Brown coals of the Irsha-Borodinsky type

up to 1.6



up to 1.0


up to 100

up to 200

Nazarovo type

up to 1.6



up to 1.0


up to 100

up to 200

Asian type

up to 1.6



up to 1.0


up to 100

up to 200

Fireboxes with direct chain grate

Donetsk anthracite grades AS, AM, JSC

up to 1.6



up to 1.0



up to 100

1) A higher value is for boilers with a capacity of less than 3 kg/s.

2) The greater value is for grade G coals.


1. The use of fireboxes with pneumomechanical throwers and a fixed grate for newly designed boiler houses is allowed for boilers with a capacity of < 1 kg/s subject to a feasibility study.

2.For hard coals (except SS grades) a un and q 4un are proportional to the content of dust particles in the fuel. The table shows the values ​​of q 4un with a content of dust particles measuring 0-0.09 mm - 2.5%.

3. The values ​​of q 4 for furnaces with pneumo-mechanical spreaders when burning hard and brown coal are given for ordinary fuel with a maximum piece size of 40 mm and a fines content of 0-6.0 mm up to 60%.

4.For fuel characteristics different from those indicated in the table, a r and q 4 are estimated from experimental data.

Design characteristics of shaft and chamber furnaces [ 2 ] .



a r

Apparent heat stress

Blown air temperature t Br° C

combustion mirrors q Fr, kW/m 2

firebox volume q V, kW/m 3

Mine fireboxes with inclined grate


Lump peat



up to 250


Wood waste


up to 250

Rapid combustion furnaces


Chopped wood chips

5800-6960 1)


up to 250


Crushed waste and sawdust

2320-4640 1)


up to 250

Chamber furnaces (for pulverized combustion with solid slag removal)

Stone coals

Brown coals

Milled peat

Fuel oil

Natural gas

1) Lower value – for boilers with a capacity of less than 10 t/h

Design characteristics of fireboxes with RPK-type grates [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Grille brand





Visible thermal stress of the combustion mirror ( q F ), kW/m 2





Apparent thermal stress of the furnace volume ( q v ), kW/m 3





Air pressure under the grate, kgf/m 2





Grate area, m 2





General information about combustion devices for burning solid fuels

Firebox type

Grille type

General information

With manual fuel intake


Designed for installation in small steam and hot water boilers for layer combustion of hard coal, brown coal and anthracite grades AM and AC.

With pneumatic spreaders and grate


Designed for installation in small steam boilers for burning screened and raw coal and brown coal, as well as anthracite grades AM and AC. The content of fines (0-6 mm) in coal should not exceed 60%.

With pneumatic spreaders and forward chain screen


Designed for burning screened anthracite grades AM and AC.

With pneumatic spreaders and chain return screen


For boilers with relatively low heating output.


For more powerful boilers.

The uneven distribution of fuel along the length of the blade is used when it is supplied by a pneumomechanical rotary thrower: pieces of fuel flying through the entire combustion space

Technical characteristics of KE-14S boilers [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Boiler brand






Productivity, t/h


Pressure, kgf/cm 2

Steam temperature° From saturated

Boiler efficiency (when burning coal)





Combustion device type

ZP-RPK-2 1800/1525





Combustion mirror area, m 2



Combustion chamber dimensions:

width, mm






depth, mm





volume, m 3


Technical characteristics of the boiler E-1/9-1M [ 3 ]

Technical characteristics of boilers DE-14-GM [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Boiler brand






Fuel oil


Fuel oil


Fuel oil


Fuel oil


Fuel oil


Productivity, t/h






Pressure, kgf/cm 2

Steam temperature° From saturated

Boiler efficiency %

Combustion device type

Burners GM-2.5

Burners GM-4.5

Burners GM-7

Burners GM-10

Burners GMP-16

Combustion chamber volume, m 3






Excess air coefficient at the furnace outleta r






Apparent thermal stress of the combustion volume q v, kW/m 3

Water temperature at the economizer outlet,° WITH

Temperature of gases behind the economizer,° WITH

Technical characteristics of KV-GM boilers [ 3 ]

Characteristic name

Boiler brand





Fuel oil


Fuel oil


Fuel oil


Fuel oil


Productivity, Gcal/h



Fuel consumption, m 3 /h, kg/h





Flue gas temperature,° WITH

Boiler efficiency, %

Combustion chamber dimensions:

width, mm





depth, mm





Technical characteristics of KV-TS boilers with layered combustion of solid fuel [ 3]

Characteristic name

Boiler brand





KV-TS-10 with air heater

KV-TS-20 with air heater

Productivity, Gcal/h







Boiler efficiency, %







Flue gas temperature,° WITH







Combustion chamber volume, m 3







Hot air temperature° WITH







Chain grid length, mm







Chain grid width, mm







Air suction in boilers and dust preparation systems at rated load [ 1]

A. Air suctions along the gas path of the boiler

Elements of the boiler gas path


Combustion chambers of pulverized coal and gas-oil boilers

Gas tight


Metal lined screen pipes


With lining and metal cladding


With lining without cladding


Combustion chambers of layered furnaces

Mechanical and semi-mechanical




Flues of convective heating surfaces

Gas-tight flue from the firebox to the air heater (the amount of suction is distributed evenly over the heating surfaces located in the flue)


Non-gas-tight gas pipelines:

Festoon, screen superheater


The first boiler bank with boiler capacity£ 50 kg/s


Second boiler bank with boiler capacity£ 50 kg/s


Primary superheater


Intermediate superheater


Transition zone of a once-through boiler


> 50 kg/s (each stage)


Boiler economizer with productivity£ 50 kg/s (each stage)



Cast iron with lining


Cast iron without casing


Tubular air heaters

Boilers capacity> 50 kg/s (each stage)


Boilers capacity£ 50 kg/s (each stage)


Regenerative air heaters (together “hot” and “cold” packings)

Boilers capacity> 50 kg/s (each stage)


Boilers capacity£ 50 kg/s (each stage)


Plate air heaters (each stage)


Ash catchers

Electrostatic precipitators

Boilers capacity> 50 kg/s (each stage)


Boilers capacity£ 50 kg/s (each stage)


Cyclone and battery




Flues behind the boiler

Steel (every 10 running meters)


Brick hogs (every 10 running meters)


B. Air suction into dust preparation systems

With dust bin under vacuum

Average valueDa pp

With hot blowing of dust into the firebox

when working under vacuum

average valueDa pp

when working under pressure

average valueDa pp

With ball drum mills for hot air drying


With hammer mills


With hammer mills


With ball drum mills for drying with a mixture of air and flue gases


With medium speed mills


With medium speed mills


With hammer mills for drying with a mixture of air and flue gases


With fan mills and downward drying device

0.20-0.25 1)

With medium speed mills


1) Upper limit for high moisture fuels

Design characteristics of liquid fuels[ 1 ]