Heating an office building. Heating of office premises with infrared heaters Heating system in office premises

Comfortable working conditions contribute to increased productivity office workers and maintain their level of health. Therefore the question quality heating office during the cold season is extremely important. It is clear that by renting one or several premises, it is impossible to change the situation in the entire building. But you can adequately warm your own employees without resorting to excessive efforts and expenses.

If the central heating cannot cope due to wear and tear or insufficient temperature coolant, a heating ceiling based on film electric heaters (for example, ZEBRA EVO-300 or heating film TM) will come to the rescue. An infrared heating system can be either an excellent additional source of heat or the main type of heating.

How to organize heating of an office and workplace

Let us immediately outline the main advantages of a heating ceiling. This is stealth, absolute silence, low power consumption (which makes possible installation systems in buildings with limitations on allocated power). In addition, if the office moves to a new address infrared heating can be easily dismantled and will function perfectly once installed in a new location.

Installation office heating based on ZEBRA EVO-300 it is easy to carry out in a few days even with your own employees (instructions are provided). You can connect one room at a time, which will not affect the correct operation of the equipment. The thermostat monitors the temperature state and, if necessary, automatically turns on or off the electric heaters. In addition, special programmable devices (for example, thermostat E.51.716) allow you to schedule heating operation for a week.

What does this look like in practice? If the office is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., then the rest of the time there is no need to intensively heat it. In this case, from 18 to 9 and on weekends, a maintenance mode is established, in which up to 13 degrees of heat is maintained inside. An hour before employees arrive, the system warms the air to comfortable levels (21-22 degrees). This mode significantly saves the cost of additional heating.

What to do if a heating ceiling cannot be installed

For example, the owner of the premises refuses to give permission to the tenant to install ceiling heating, and centralized system can't handle the load. In such cases, STEP panels will help out. They work on a principle similar to film heaters, differing in design. These are flat devices that are easy to install on the wall. For connection, a standard plug on the cord is used, which is simply inserted into the socket.

STEP panels are mounted within a radius of 0.5-1.0 m from the workplace, providing comfortable conditions one or more employees. It is not difficult to select the appropriate device from the extensive range of standard sizes and power. If desired, you can connect STEP panels through a thermostat, which will ensure their automatic operation.

Benefits of infrared heating

Both film materials such as ZEBRA EVO-300 and STEP panels do not take away usable area and do not spoil the office interior. They are either invisible to the eye or fit organically into the design. Unlike most heating devices, infrared systems They consume several times less electricity and quickly pay for themselves. In addition, film materials and panels have record manufacturer warranties and service life estimates.

In addition, natural radiation helps create a healthy indoor microclimate. Here, it is guaranteed that oxygen will not be burned out and the air will not dry out; heat will spread evenly, without sudden changes and drafts. Using a heated ceiling and wall panels STEP is ideal from a safety point of view. Owners of office premises are insured against spontaneous fires, electrical breakdowns and short circuits of electrical systems.

Comfortable conditions in the workplace contribute to a person’s well-being and have a beneficial effect on his performance. The task of heating is to maintain the temperature inside the premises at a level that ensures a comfortable stay for people during the cold season.

So, let's look at what ways you can organize heating in administrative office premises. It should be noted that each construction project has individual characteristics and conditions. Therefore, it is best, when choosing a heating method, to contact specialists who will give competent advice, make a project, perform installation and commissioning work, etc. However, the information below may be useful to you when solving the problem of heating in the office.

Before proposing any solution, it is necessary to know the current state of affairs. Is it planned to build an office building, or does it already exist? Can the existing system be used or is reconstruction necessary? The solution to this issue is also influenced by the size of office premises and a feasibility study.

Water heating

Most often used for heating office buildings and premises. water heating. in this case, a thermal power plant or a local boiler house can serve. Boilers can be used in the boiler room various types. The choice of piping system and heating devices (radiators or convectors) is determined at the design stage based on the pressure in the system, design features buildings, water quality and customer wishes.

If desired, a water heated floor system can be used to heat the office. This type heating is able to provide the most comfortable conditions for a person’s stay. Depending on the amount of heat loss in the room, it is determined at the design stage whether only a heated floor is sufficient for heating or whether a combined heating system using additional heating devices is required. It is better to install heated floors with water circuits in office premises in newly constructed buildings. However, it is technically possible to use water underfloor heating in existing buildings. In this case, certain capital costs will be required, so it is preferable to carry out such work if the office premises are not rented, but owned.

If a chiller-fan coil air conditioning system is planned for office premises, then it is possible to use this system for heating during the cold season. For this you need a chiller with a function heat pump. Another option is the ability to connect hydraulic system air conditioning to heating point building. Thus, in the summer, the fan coils will receive water cooled in the chiller (or an antifreeze solution), and in the winter it will be possible to connect to the heating point using jumpers.

Electric heating

If it is not possible to organize water heating, use electrical energy. You can, for example, install an electric heated floor - in this case, instead of a water circuit, a special one is installed in the floor structure electrical cable. The only disadvantage of this system is the relatively high cost of electricity.

As heating devices for the system electric heating It is convenient to use electric convectors. They are easily mounted on the wall of the room and have a modern, pleasant appearance. Many modern electric convectors can be combined into an electric heating system with a single control device.

Fan heaters and oil heaters are convenient to use if, for some reason, the power existing system There is not enough heating, which can happen, for example, if it is misregulated or has other problems.

Infrared heaters can also be used in combination with another heating system, or for separate rooms large area, for example for showrooms or halls, according to design solutions.

In the off-season, you can also use a split system for heating office premises, which has a heat pump function, i.e. capable of operating in a reverse cycle: transferring heat not from indoors to outdoors, as in normal mode, but vice versa. Almost every air conditioner manufacturer has similar models. This method is most effective at an outside air temperature of +3-5 o C. Under such conditions, the conversion rate of electricity into heat is 2.2-2.6. Those. when, for example, 100 W of electricity is consumed, 220-260 W of the body are generated. When the outside air temperature is below 0 o C, the conversion index approaches unity, i.e. becomes close to the mode of direct use of electricity to heat the air.

Energy saving

To reduce heat losses, and as a consequence of reducing the power of the heating system, the heat transfer resistance of external fences must be no less than that required by regulatory documents.

The entrance vestibules of the building can be equipped with air-thermal curtains, which can be water or electric. In the case of water air curtains, it is worth providing, in addition to automatic control of operation, protection against freezing of the water heat exchanger.

For energy saving purposes, automatic thermostats are also used. heating devices. Thermostats allow you to maintain the internal air temperature at a given value, thereby saving thermal energy.

We can say that currently the variety of products on the heating equipment market contributes to the implementation of various engineering and technical solutions, taking into account individual characteristics construction projects. Therefore, to create a good indoor microclimate, we advise you to contact professionals who will offer optimal options solutions for each specific case.

Office heating

The TRIA Complex of Engineering Systems company carries out design, installation, integration and maintenance of heating systems for offices and office centers located in Moscow and the Moscow region. For office heating, our company calculates and installs boiler rooms, heating systems with radiators and convectors, as well as underfloor heating systems.

Design and installation

The office heating project is carried out by our design department, and the installation of the heating system is carried out by our company’s installation teams. This organization of work allows for the creation of office heating and other engineering systems with a guarantee of high-quality results, because Inconsistency in actions is eliminated when work is performed by third parties.

Important details about our design and installation engineering services can be found at the following links:

Features of objects and equipment used

Among the objects for which we have created heating systems, you can see a “glass” office with an area of ​​1100 sq. m. m., located on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway in the Moscow region. In this office, heating is implemented using in-floor ducts and convectors. Since the office building has a large glass area, it was impossible to heat the office with radiators, since they take up a lot of space near the glass windows and walls.

The advantage of in-floor convectors is that they are neatly built into the floor along stained glass windows And glass doors even at the construction stage of the building and therefore fit perfectly into the design of any interior.

Air heating

The air flows through channels located in the floor to the convector. There is air in it, passing through elements filled with hot water, heats up to certain temperature. Thus, a similar principle of organizing office heating can be called “air heating”.

Air cooling

The air can also be supplied cooled if it passes in the convector through elements filled with cold water. Those. system air heating office can also perform the functions of a ventilation and air conditioning system.

Photos of the heating system in a “glass” office with an area of ​​1100 square meters. m.

Here you can see photographs of almost all the heating equipment that was installed in this office with a large glass area.

The tag cloud presented below allows you to immediately examine various objects in Moscow and the Moscow region, for which our company has developed complexes of engineering systems. You can start getting acquainted with all the completed work on creating internal engineering systems in the “Objects” section.

About compact thermal units

For heating small offices and large apartments Our company offers design and installation of compact thermal units. Below is a photograph of a heating unit, which was installed by our company in its office.


The TRIA Complex of Engineering Systems company also offers customers various levels of automation of heating systems in offices and office centers, as well as integration with other engineering systems. Office heating can be controlled by a specialized climate controller or control system " Smart House».

We can offer many options for implementing heating system control. Selecting one or another automation option heating system or its integration deserves separate consideration. We will give just a few examples to explain the principle of office heating control.

Heating controllers

For example, a controller (our company can use its own inexpensive CP-30 controller) analyzes the state of temperature sensors and issues control signals to the servos of office heating batteries or convectors:

  • if the temperature in the room is higher than the set one, then the servos on the heating devices block the supply of coolant, and the radiator or convector cools down, the temperature in the room decreases;
  • if the temperature in the room is below the set one, then the servos on the heating devices are open, the coolant with the calculated temperature enters the heating device, heat transfer occurs, and the temperature in the room rises.

We implement full climate control of premises

In case of integration of office heating with the Smart Home control system, coordination is possible collaboration heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. This option eliminates the counter-operation of climate systems and allows for complete climate control of office premises.

Service maintenance

We also offer warranty and service maintenance of created heating systems in offices and office centers. This service allows our clients to ensure long and trouble-free operation of complex technological heating equipment.

We accept requests for service

On our website you can send a request for servicing of heating systems to the service department.

Examples of heating system maintenance work

Here you can see detailed descriptions completed work on service heating systems at various facilities.

Comfortable conditions in the workplace contribute to a person’s well-being and have a beneficial effect on his performance. The task of heating is to maintain the temperature inside the premises at a level that ensures a comfortable stay for people during the cold season.

So, let's look at what methods can be used to organize heating in administrative and office premises. It should be noted that each construction project has individual characteristics and conditions. Therefore, it is best, when choosing a heating method, to turn to specialists who will give competent advice, make a project, perform installation and commissioning work, etc. However, the information below may be useful to you when solving the problem of heating in the office.

Before proposing any solution, it is necessary to know the current state of affairs. Is it planned to build an office building, or does it already exist? Can the existing system be used or is reconstruction necessary? The solution to this issue is also influenced by the size of office premises and a feasibility study.

Water heating

Water heating is most often used to heat office buildings and premises. The heat source in this case can be a thermal power plant or a local boiler house. Various types of boilers can be used in a boiler room. The choice of pipeline system and heating devices (radiators or convectors) is determined at the design stage based on the pressure in the system, design features of the building, water quality and the wishes of the Customer.

If desired, a water heated floor system can be used to heat the office. This type of heating can provide the most comfortable conditions for a person’s stay. Depending on the amount of heat loss in the room, it is determined at the design stage whether only a heated floor is sufficient for heating or whether a combined heating system using additional heating devices is required. It is better to install heated floors with water circuits in office premises in newly constructed buildings. However, it is technically possible to use water underfloor heating in existing buildings. In this case, certain capital costs will be required, so it is preferable to carry out such work if the office premises are not rented, but owned.

If a chiller-fan coil air conditioning system is planned for office premises, then it is possible to use this system for heating during the cold season. This requires a chiller with a heat pump function. Another option is the possibility of connecting a hydraulic air conditioning system to the building’s heating unit. Thus, in the summer, the fan coils will receive water cooled in the chiller (or an antifreeze solution), and in the winter it will be possible to connect to the heating point using jumpers.

Electric heating

If it is not possible to organize water heating, electrical energy is used as a heat source. You can, for example, install an electric heated floor; in this case, instead of a water circuit, a special electrical cable is installed in the floor structure. The only disadvantage of this system is the relatively high cost of electricity.

It is convenient to use as heating devices for electric heating systems electric convectors. They are easily mounted on the wall of the room and have a modern, pleasant appearance. Many modern electric convectors can be combined into an electric heating system with a single control device.

Fan heaters and oil heaters It is convenient to use if for some reason the power of the existing heating system is not enough, which can happen, for example, if it is misregulated or has other problems. Infrared heaters can also be used in combination with another heating system, or for separate large areas, such as showrooms or hallways, according to design solutions.

In the off-season, you can also use a split system that has a heat pump function to heat office premises, i.e. capable of operating in a reverse cycle: transferring heat not from indoors to outdoors, as in normal mode, but vice versa. Almost every air conditioner manufacturer has similar models. This method is most effective at outdoor temperatures of +3-5°C. Under such conditions, the conversion rate of electricity into heat is 2.2-2.6. Those. when, for example, 100 W of electricity is consumed, 220-260 W of the body are generated. When the outside air temperature is below 0°C, the conversion index approaches unity, i.e. becomes close to the mode of direct use of electricity to heat the air.

Energy saving

To reduce heat losses, and as a consequence of reducing the power of the heating system, the heat transfer resistance of external fences must be no less than that required by regulatory documents.

The entrance vestibules of the building can be equipped with air-thermal curtains, which can be water or electric. In the case of water air curtains, it is worth providing, in addition to automatic control of operation, protection against freezing of the water heat exchanger.

For energy saving purposes, automatic thermostats on heating devices are also used. Thermostats allow you to maintain the internal air temperature at a given value, thereby saving thermal energy.

We can say that currently the variety of products on the heating equipment market contributes to the implementation of various engineering and technical solutions, taking into account the individual characteristics of construction projects. Therefore, to create a good indoor microclimate, we advise you to contact professionals who will offer optimal solutions for each specific case.

Heating equipment for office: