Open optics where to start. How to open optics

About the enduring relevance of glasses in our lives and how you can create your own business that will pursue a noble goal: to return people a healthy outlook on life, we will talk with Anna Khoroshilova, owner of Chameleon optics stores.

Today, the health industry offers many ways to correct vision. In an ophthalmological clinic, in just a few minutes, they will eliminate the cause of “poor visibility” and allow you to get rid of annoying glasses. It would seem that this archaic accessory will soon go down in history. Only the sun protection line will remain in production. But not everything is so simple.

Why glasses do not lose their popularity?

Because each of us is a potential buyer of optics stores. Young people choose beautiful and stylish sunglasses for themselves, with age, almost everyone has visual defects, they must be corrected. Often our clients are children. We all want to see the world in comfort and high definition.

In addition, let me emphasize this.

  1. Firstly Not all vision defects can be corrected with contact lenses. There are some eye diseases in which you simply cannot do without the help of glasses. Glasses will always be in demand, it is a necessary attribute of human life.
  2. Secondly- a beautiful frame on the face can correct not only visual defects, but also fantastically transform it. It is even possible to hide some physiological or cosmetic defects (for example, circles under the eyes, wrinkles, ugly eyebrow shape, lack of makeup). With the help of a frame, the style and image quite really change. This is especially important for women.

    Depending on your mood, your inner state, you “make your face”. You turn into a strict business lady, a glamorous party girl, a mysterious stranger or a touching defenseless miss. You can afford different roles.

    Glasses are an integral part of the image. They can tell a lot about their owner - his inner world, prosperity, ability to create his own image and present himself to others.

    Thirdly- sunglasses. Is it possible to leave yourself without protection on a sunny day, when it is impossible to open your eyes from blinding rays? And if there is a shining water surface nearby? Or sparkling snow? Glasses protect the eyes from harmful radiation, protect against formidable diseases, and help to endure the postoperative period (for example, after cataract removal).

    There are special glasses for drivers that will help you along the way, protecting you from the annoying headlights of oncoming cars. There are glasses that relieve eye strain during long communication with a computer monitor.

Well, we can't do without glasses!

The premises of the optics salon "Chameleon" in Pyatigorsk

Convinced! How old is your business?

The business is almost 10 years old. We started almost from scratch with my mother.

How did you come to the topic of optics, what prompted you to open such a specific business?

Everything is very simple. My mother was the inspiration. At one time, she worked as an optometrist in the state store "Optics", then she became a salesperson, then the deputy director of the store. From a young age, she was wearing glasses, and I was with my mother. Habitual and familiar from childhood.

Since the "zero" years were not easy, it was necessary to look for earnings acceptable for a normal life. That's how we came up with the idea of ​​starting our own business. And then everything follows the pattern: opening an individual entrepreneur, loans, searching for premises for a store, obtaining permits, licenses, purchasing goods, equipment and work, work ...

She brought pleasure, because they were engaged in a familiar and necessary business. There were difficult times, but we moved forward. Opened a branch, bought new equipment. Despite the decent competition in this area - we are afloat!

How much initial capital do you need to have to open an optics store? Why ?

The main capital in a specific business is personnel. There are few specialists and they are all in demand. Our main support was my mother's experience, her connections. After the closure of the municipal Optika store, where she previously worked, several people with experience and a wealth of necessary knowledge came to our business. They still work in Chameleon to this day.

If we talk about the material sphere, then having an amount of 2-2.5 million rubles is quite realistic and starting your own "optical" business. Settle relations with the tax service, choose the way of doing business that is convenient for you. Come up with an interesting name for the future store. The area of ​​​​the room for it should be at least 50 m2. It must be taken into account that you will need a room for a workshop, for the work of a doctor or an optometrist. Order a sign and outdoor advertising.

Take seriously the choice of a place to trade. We chose separate premises, but you can also stay in a shopping center. The main thing is that it is convenient for people to approach the store. One of our salons is literally opposite the paid clinic in Pyatigorsk. This is a very advantageous location.

It is necessary to buy equipment for the doctor's office, for the manufacture of glasses (about 100 thousand rubles). Order furniture (racks, showcases, tables, mirrors) for the trading floor. Here the choice is at the discretion of the entrepreneur, if you want, choose an expensive one, if you want - cheaper. Now there are no problems with this.

It is obligatory to obtain a license for the provision of paid medical services, it now costs 45 thousand rubles. The same is the cost of a license for the manufacture of medical equipment (corrective glasses). Coordination with Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters will cost 10 thousand.

Determine the amount for the purchase of goods according to your financial capabilities. But keep in mind that the assortment of frames, ready-made glasses, contact lenses should be large enough to immediately attract the attention of buyers. Don't forget your sunglasses. Their sale is up to 30% of the store's profit.

And further. Set aside at least a small amount in the form of an "airbag". At the very beginning of work, there may be problems with finances, and salaries for employees, rent, and utilities should always be paid, preferably on time. Then the work will go into a rut and everything will be fine.

Moneymaker Factory Note: read about all the organizational steps that you need to take to start a business in our material, and read the article “Internet accounting” for the most effective way to maintain tax and accounting records.

Is special education required to open a business of your profile?

Necessarily. A medical degree is required to obtain a license to open. Mom received a special medical education. In addition, she graduated from high school and has a degree in economics. And I have a higher technical education. This is also necessary to obtain a license to work as a master.

Glasses are fragile and often break. They need to be repaired. All types of repair work are carried out in our salons.

What qualities should a person working in an optics store have?

First, second, and third, patience. And stress tolerance. I am now talking about employees who are in direct contact with visitors. These are sellers and optometrists (specialists who select glasses for people). Our clients are usually sick or elderly people with visual impairments.

This is a very difficult group. They can be nervous, impatient, capricious, but, remembering that it is more difficult for them than for us, you collect all your benevolence and again tell, listen, convince. With a smile!

There are plenty of positives too. It's nice to hear thanks for the comfortable, well-chosen and beautiful glasses. Understand that people appreciate your professionalism, desire to help. When a person enters the store with a "no" face and in a bad mood, and leaves transformed and happy - I consider this the "highest aerobatics" of our work.

Technicians who are directly involved in the manufacture of glasses are simply virtuosos. It is very difficult to make the "correct" glasses, for this you need to have "golden hands". In our salons you can order glasses of any complexity. They will be made at the highest level and at a normal, not overpriced price.

Professionalism is needed in any industry, and in the matter of preserving people's eyesight, this is a vital necessity. The eyes, in my opinion, are the most important human organ. B about We get most of the information about the world around us through them.

Moneymaker Factory Note: Read about ways to motivate store staff.

Tell me, is there a fashion for glasses?

No. The most fashionable glasses are those that adorn a person, they are suitable for him. An exclusive branded super frame will spoil the face if it is “not yours”. You can pay a lot of money for a brand, for gold, but not get the desired effect.

And vice versa. Glasses that are simple at first glance can work wonders with your face, make it beautiful and expressive, and make your image stylish and attractive. Even the most modest frame is capable of such “acts”. The main thing is the right choice. And today it is unlimited. Modern technologies allow creating real masterpieces of optics.

Now contact lenses are in fashion. With their help, you can not only correct vision, but also change the color of the eyes. It is important that the quality of the product is high. And we will tell you how to properly wear lenses, how to care for them, store them.

Are frames divided into men's and women's?

I always answer this question like this: all frames are for women. Some women prefer a modest "male" version, without jewelry, and a man is unlikely to order a mandrel with dragonflies and rhinestones for himself. Although, it is difficult to judge addictions.

Where does the name of the store "Chameleon" come from?

A chameleon is a smart reptile that is able to take on the coloring necessary for a life situation. There are photochromic lenses of the same name, which change the intensity of dimming depending on the lighting. Indoors, they are transparent, but in bright light they darken and protect the eyes from excess light. A very handy thing. In honor of them, they were called "Chameleon". We strive to please and be helpful.

You are a young beautiful girl. Does business get in the way of your personal life?

Thanks for the compliment. Business does not interfere, rather, on the contrary, it stimulates. During the years that I have been in business, I managed to graduate from a technical university and get married. I have a little son, he will soon be one year old. Now, for his sake, I try to develop my business further.

Be sure to follow the fashion trends in my professional field, visit exhibitions, regularly update the range. And not only points. Our showrooms offer a wide range of accessories: eyeglass cases, eyeglass chains, various cases, optical care products.

What would you like to wish to new colleagues and all of us, potential clients?

Colleagues - patience and success. Ability to run your business with maximum benefit and minimum loss. Seek advice from experienced businessmen. Not everyone has moms with professional experience. But everyone has internet.

I want to warn our and not only our customers: do not buy ready-made cheap glasses. You will then spend more money on the treatment of eye diseases. Glasses are selected individually, taking into account your physiological characteristics. The optics must be of high quality. The eyes are a very complex and fragile biological mechanism, treat them with care. They are the mirror of your soul and it needs a decent setting.

And also - let everyone have in stock "rose-colored glasses" of an optimist. See the world through them more often. Of course, problems cannot be solved in this way, but you can definitely get rid of the blues. And a healthy outlook on life will have a happy pink highlight!

If you are in Pyatigorsk, welcome to our establishments. They are located in the center of the city: on the street of the 40th anniversary of October, 55 and on Kozlov street, 24.

In the modern world, the vast majority of people are trying to take care of their own health and maintain it at an acceptable level. Today, there are enough ways and medicines for this. In addition, thanks to scientific progress, day by day there are fewer and fewer diseases that cannot be cured.

But what problem has appeared with the development of modern technologies? No matter how sad it may be, but due to the constant time spent in front of the TV, smartphone or computer, a fairly large number of people suffer from the fact that their eyesight has deteriorated. It is thanks to this prevalence of this problem that more and more novice businessmen have become interested in how to open an optics store from scratch.

If you are one of those people, then you probably want to know how much you need to invest in an optics salon, how to find the necessary premises, equipment for it, and how to hire staff. In addition, it will not be superfluous to find out about the legal side of this business and, of course, about when the optics salon can pay off. Let's deal with this!

Which room should you choose?

Without which, almost no modern business can exist? Of course, without an office and work space! That is why the choice of a room where racks with expensive products will be located and where buyers will come should be taken with all responsibility and seriousness.

First of all, let's decide on the location of the store. The best choice would be the streets and alleys in the city center, where hundreds, maybe thousands of people walk every day. In addition, attention should be paid to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. What area do you need? If you are going to provide diagnostic services, then you will need about 50 square meters. Because in accordance with GOST, a doctor's office will need 18 meters, and an optician's office - 10 meters. As for the trading floor, the minimum area that will not impede the movement of customers will be a room of 20 square meters. If your optics salon will not provide diagnostic services, then a room of 40 square meters will be enough for you.

What equipment is needed?

The second, but no less important factor in the optics salon is the equipment.

For the normal functioning of your store, you will need to acquire:

  • autorefractometer;
  • a table of signs;
  • ophthalmoscope;
  • a set of trial lenses;
  • ophthalmic table;
  • showcases and racks on which the sold products will be placed.

It should be noted that it is definitely not worth saving on the purchased equipment. The average amount that will be spent on the purchase of all the necessary equipment is about 6 thousand dollars.

If you are also going to assemble glasses, then you will also need a device for drilling and painting plastic lenses, a diopter, a centralizer, an ultrasonic cleaner, as well as a machine on which the lenses will be processed.

How to recruit staff for an optics store?

The choice of personnel who will work in your salon should be approached responsibly. Because the health of patients who turn to you for services depends on the qualifications of the doctor. As for the salary of an ophthalmologist, it should be from 20 thousand rubles a month.

In addition to an ophthalmologist, you will also need a technician who will manufacture glasses. His salary is also 20 thousand rubles.

You will also need two more employees who will be involved in the sale of products. The average salary of each of them is about 13 thousand rubles.

Hire only qualified professionals. Since they, due to their work experience, will be able to quickly endear themselves and win the respect of customers for your optics salon.

How many products are needed?

As for the initial quantity of goods, you will need about 500-700 types of frames for a successful start. Also, do not forget about sunglasses, which you should buy the same amount. It should be noted that all products must be designed for both men and women. In addition, it is also important to take care of children's frame sizes.

Include in your product range not only glasses for corrective vision, but also glasses designed for computer work, for style, as well as sunglasses.

As for contact lenses, you should have at least ten types of them in stock. It is best to choose the most common types and purchase lenses with different wearing periods.

Good products that can also significantly increase the income of the salon are various accessories. It will not be superfluous to buy cases for glasses, laces, chains, as well as special cloths for wiping lenses.

Try to offer your customer a wide price range. Because some can afford branded glasses from Chanel, while others want to buy something simpler.

What permits and licenses are required?

Do not forget about the legal side of starting a business. As for the optics salon, there are also several nuances here. If you are going to sell only ready-made glasses, then you will not need absolutely no license and you will only need to be self-employed. But in this situation, you should not expect much profit. Well, if you are going to offer your customers the services of a doctor who can prescribe lenses and glasses, then you will need to register a legal entity, which will allow you to engage in medical activities.

Yes, of course, with the registration of an LLC, you will have to suffer a little and collect the necessary package of documents, but this will allow you to significantly increase the profitability of your optics store.

How much will the opening cost?

But what is the starting amount you need to successfully open an optics store from scratch? In order to open a salon in an average city, you will need about 35 thousand dollars and you will need about a month to purchase all the necessary equipment. As for profit, it can reach an average of 7,500 thousand dollars with a margin of up to 200% and 10 buyers daily.

Do not forget, the profitability of your business also depends on your abilities. Try to learn more and understand all the subtleties - this will significantly increase the income of your salon.

Summing up

An optics salon is a fairly profitable business that can not only pay off quickly, but also bring a fairly good and, most importantly, stable income. Do not hesitate, if you choose the right strategy and take into account all the above tips, then you will definitely succeed and the question: “How to open an optics store from scratch” will no longer be relevant for you.

How to open an optics store - the main pros and cons, 4 powerful competitive advantages, financial calculations and advice from experts.

Capital investments in the optics salon: 70 000$.
Payback period according to the business plan: 2-3 years.

Reply with a couple of sentences how to open an optical shop, impossible.

This type of business is complicated not only by the impressive sum of necessary capital investments.

It is also important to take into account the subtleties of obtaining permits, the formation of the necessary pricing policy and other facts.

It can be difficult to understand them even for those who have worked for hire in someone else's optics for more than one year.

Perhaps that is why some firms close after six months or a year.

However, the number of people with vision problems is steadily increasing.

Already now there are more than 40 million people!

A certain percentage of them refuses to use glasses or lenses, a part acquires finished products of very poor quality (usually pensioners).

All the rest are the target audience of optics.

It is worth understanding all the intricacies and drawing up a detailed business plan.

This is the only way to become the owner of a serious business that will bring high profits.

List of documents in the business plan of the optics salon

Usually, the choice between registering an individual entrepreneur and an LLC is at the discretion of the entrepreneur.

But in the case of the idea of ​​​​opening an optics salon, it is strongly recommended that the option of registering a limited liability company.

As you know, only after that you can get licenses for some specific types of production or trade.

If you sell only finished optical products, the profit will not be significant.

But in order to diagnose and make glasses in your optics, you will need a medical license.

It is better to think about it right away and start paperwork with registering an LLC.

After that, collect a package of papers for obtaining a license for medical activities.

Their list must be indicated in the business plan of the salon:

  • documentation that confirms the right to own the premises;
  • certificates for medical equipment;
  • diplomas and certificates that will prove the necessary qualifications of the doctors you have enrolled in the state;
  • the conclusion of the SES that the optics store meets their requirements;
  • other registration papers.

The above paperwork processes are not so complicated, although they take a lot of time and nerves.

If you do not want to do this yourself, you can delegate the business registration process to specialists for a fee.

Marketing analysis for an optics business plan

In the business plan of an optics store, it is important to indicate exactly how your salon will strive to take a place in the market.

This section is also important for potential investors who will not invest in a mediocre business idea.

The target audience of optics is extensive.

Indeed, in this case, clients become not so much at will, but because of the existence of a problem, a need.

For further planning of a marketing strategy, the target audience can be designated as a solvent audience aged 18+.

List of competitive advantages for an optics salon

“Without a clear understanding of how to become profitable, a business is not a business – it is nothing more than a hobby!”
Jason Fried

It is important to make research on the nearest competitors in the market in the business plan of an optics store.

You need to know them "by sight": understand the strengths and weaknesses, get acquainted with the assortment, pricing policy, advertising methods.

To do this, it is enough to visit several optics salons in person, as well as study the information available on the Internet.

Based on these data, it will be possible to compile a list of competitive advantages.

It is on them that you will bet in the marketing strategy of the business plan.

And it is precisely because of these strengths that customers will come to your optics salon, and not to competitors.

4 options for significant competitive advantages:

EquipmentSometimes people with difficult vision problems will come to you. If you can help in situations where competitors give up, this will be an important advantage. For the most part, success depends on the qualifications of the staff. But it is also important to open an optician with the best modern equipment.
CertificatesGood glasses and lenses are expensive. Therefore, it is important for the client to know what he pays for. Enter well-known brands in the assortment and be sure to have quality certificates. First, because it will increase loyalty to the salon. Secondly, their absence is fraught with large fines.
Loyalty systemCovering the low-affluence segment of the public may not bring significant benefits to the optician. However, if you dilute the assortment with a line of affordable frames for those who are not so well off, you will get an additional advantage.
Discount programOptical products are not something that is bought weekly. But lens wearers, for example, will show up at your door every month. Enter a loyal customer club so that they come back to you. Provide a cumulative discount, send SMS, run promotions for old customers.

Promotion methods in the business plan of an optics store

Optics salons are now mostly focused on people with an average level of income.

Trade exclusively in luxury products was unprofitable. As well as selling cheap ready-made glasses.

The basis of the assortment of the store should be made products from the middle price category (80%), and the rest should be allocated for goods at a low price and branded (10% each).

To attract the right audience, use the following advertising methods:

advertising methodDescription
DecorUsually, in the design of optics salons, the most open spaces are used. The door and walls can be transparent so that people passing by pay attention to the interior. Pay attention to sufficiently bright lighting. The combination of these factors will make the point look like a large storefront. And this is a very effective method of advertising for the store.
POS materials for businessPromotional materials for optics should be distributed where the target audience can appear. It is very effective to conclude an agreement with medical institutions and place posters, business cards or other promotional materials there.
mass mediaTelevision advertising is rarely used because of the high cost. However, before opening a store, you should use this method of promotion.
InternetCreating a good website is an integral part of the marketing policy in our time. On the page, you can inform customers about the assortment of the salon, current promotions, and place useful texts. A good practice is to create an opportunity for each client with a buyer's card to enter their personal account. When deciding to scale the business, you can use the site for additional sales via the Internet.
SMSSome optical services are required for clients to receive on a regular basis. For example, change lenses for a period of 1-3-6 months, undergo an eye test. Sending reminder SMS messages to customers increases sales significantly.

How to choose a room to open an optics salon?

The step that you will need to go through even before applying for a business license is finding a suitable premises.

The main thing is that it should be at least 50 m 2 in area and located in a fairly crowded place.

Under these requirements, both a separate building and a retail space in some shopping center can be suitable.

In addition to the stylistic design of the cabin, it is important to bring it into line with the requirements of the SES and fire safety.

From this point of view, renting premises in a shopping center is more profitable for business.

After all, the responsibility for obtaining permits is assumed by the administration, which provides the lease.

Another plus of renting in a shopping center is the presence of its own security.

If you decide to open a store in a separate building, be sure to install an alarm and video surveillance system.

What equipment is needed to open an optics store?

Glasses production lineThis type of equipment will bring the greatest benefit to an optics store. However, this is also the largest cost item (1 - 1.5 million rubles). This includes processing systems for glass and plastic lenses, ultrasonic type washer, assembly line, diopter and other devices.
Doctor's office equipmentAccording to statistics, a complete set of an ophthalmologist's office in an optics salon can cost 350,000 - 400,000 rubles. This amount includes only professional equipment (projector, trial lenses, slit lamp, vision table, refractometer, ophthalmoscope, etc.). In a business plan, it is important to indicate who will supply the equipment and deal with its maintenance.
Shop equipmentDo not forget that we are still talking about the trading business. This means that you cannot do without standard equipment for sales: showcases, cash registers, shelving, a set of furniture.
SignboardIt is customary to include a salon signboard in the list of necessary equipment. Don't forget that this is also a method of outdoor advertising. Therefore, you should not save on its design and quality.

Recruitment for an optics store

The business plan of the optics salon includes such an important section as the staff of the outlet.

It indicates information about who will work in the store, what duties to perform, how much to receive.

The plan even includes the amount of future bonuses and work schedule.

Position in the salonQtySalary (rub.)
Total:5 RUB 125,000
Administrator1 30 000
Doctor1 30 000
Optical technician1 25 000
Shop assistant2 20 000

The presence of an ophthalmologist in the staff will significantly increase the profit from the salon.

At the same time, the employee must also have a contactologist specialization, because contact lenses make up the lion's share of the assortment of a successful store.

The doctor must have documents that confirm his professional level.

Without these papers, it is impossible to obtain a license to carry out medical activities in an institution.

Serious requirements are also placed on the level of professionalism of the master who will be engaged in the manufacture of glasses in the salon.

This is especially important if you have to work on a manual machine.

Financial section of the business plan for an optics store

The financial section allows you to calculate what specific amount is needed to open a salon.

Aspiring entrepreneurs rarely have such an impressive amount and may decide to use a bank loan or attract investors.

However, experts advise not to rush to take such a risky step.

The first business is often not very successful.

And opening an optics store is also particularly risky.

How much money does it take to open an optics store?

Item of expensesAmount ($)
Total:70 000 $
Obtaining permits from SES and firefighters150
Obtaining licenses for medical services and production of glasses1 400
Creating a stock of frames20 000
Creation of a commodity stock of optical and eyeglass lenses10 000
Create an inventory of accessories5 000
Purchase of eyewear equipment23 000
Purchase of equipment for the doctor's office6 200
Purchase of furniture, showcases and cash register3 000
Launch of an advertising campaign250
Unrecorded business expenses1 000

Regular investments in an optics salon

The video below shows the examination of the patient by an ophthalmologist for the correct selection of lenses:

Payback period of the optics salon

Both the cost of opening an optics store and the payback period depend on many factors.

The average level of salon revenue can be about 80-100,000 rubles.

With this indicator, investments can “rebound” completely in 2-3 years.

The business of manufacturing and selling optical products involves many risks.

However, at the same time, it shows stable growth.

The main thing is to use it wisely.

The prospects that open up for entrepreneurs compensate even for the impressive amount of capital investment and the difficult process of obtaining a license.

So if you're thinking about how to open an optician, it is worth developing this topic.

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Today, 25% of the population of Russia suffer from visual impairments, and the rapidly increasing computerization of the country suggests that this figure will only increase. In such realities, the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the optical industry.

In addition, now glasses are not only a corrective tool, but also an attribute of style, which means that the proposed products will be in demand, there is no doubt. How to open an optics shop? What costs does it require? How to set up trade and bring the business to the level of good income? Read about all this in the article.

Legal base

Theoretically, you can open a salon, being in the status of an individual entrepreneur. However, practice shows that you should start by registering as a legal entity (LLC), because, most likely, you will need a license. "Optics" cannot work without it. There is an exception: if you are just going to sell ready-made glasses, you do not need a license. But then the circle of buyers will be quite narrow, respectively, do not expect good profits.

If you want to offer corrective glasses and prescription lenses to customers, you will need to equip a special office (workshop) for the manufacture of glasses and, of course, acquire a license to practice medicine.

Its design will require numerous permits. These are constituent and registration papers, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, documents for equipment and premises, documents confirming the qualifications of optometrists, and so on.

Yes, the list is intimidating. In this regard, many aspiring entrepreneurs who do not fully know how to open Optika begin to think about the services of legal agencies, which, by the way, are not cheap. Although in fact it is possible to assemble a package of documents on your own in three to four weeks. In this case, you will pay only government fees.

Room selection

As you understand, it is necessary to find a suitable premises even before getting a license. And where to open an optics salon? Here, too, it all depends on the range of services that you plan to provide. Experts recommend placing such objects in shopping centers, in close proximity to large stores, on central city streets.

If diagnostic services are not included in the business plan, an optics salon can have an area of ​​40 square meters - this is quite enough, because it is possible to provide a fairly wide range of goods within a relatively small space, while storage space is not required.

It is quite another matter if you decide to immediately position yourself as a large salon offering vision diagnostics and custom-made glasses. In this case, you can not do without additional territories. According to GOST, only a diagnostic room should have an area of ​​at least 18 square meters. But it will still be necessary to equip a room for a workshop. At the same time, all facilities must comply with sanitary standards and fire supervision requirements.

Before you open "Optics", you need to properly design the room. The design should be thought out in advance. The abundance of light, stylish interior, good showcases - all this creates an atmosphere of a professional salon.

Difficulties should not scare

Many businessmen who think about how to open Optika eventually give up this venture, frightened of the difficulties. And in vain! Most of the entrepreneurs who nevertheless put their plans into practice, over time, gain a foothold in the professional optics market and open entire chains of stores, where, in addition to the direct sale of corrective vision instruments, they also provide diagnostic services, as well as take orders for the manufacture of optical devices. At the same time, the production itself is usually taken out to one of the peripheral branches, where the cost of renting the premises is lower.

Formation of the assortment

You have already learned how to open an optics store. No less significant is the question of which models of vision-correcting devices to sell in it. It all depends again on the format you choose. When targeting middle-class consumers, it is necessary to form the most extensive assortment to satisfy the needs of people with different incomes. In addition to corrective glasses, you should also sell contact lenses, sunglasses, eyeglass cases, vision training equipment, chains and other accessories.

Separately, it must be said about sunglasses, because their presence in the assortment can significantly increase profits. Such optical devices can be put on display in February, because already in March the sun begins to shine brightly, and the peak of demand for glasses is reached in April.

Equipment for "Optics"

The diagnostic room must be equipped with at least the most necessary devices: an ophthalmoscope, a keratometer refractometer, a sign projector, a slit lamp. You will also need a set of trial lenses and more.

On average, such equipment for "Optics" will require costs of 350 thousand rubles or more. A professional line for assembling glasses, including devices for drilling and painting plastic lenses, lens processing machines, a diopter, an ultrasonic cleaner, a centralizer, etc., will cost between 1.2-1.8 million rubles.


In the salon where diagnostic services are carried out, a competent ophthalmologist should conduct an appointment, who can give recommendations on eye care and the choice of corrective tools. Ideally, this specialist should also be a contactologist in order to be able to prescribe contact lenses. As a rule, two doctors work in shifts at Optics.

In the hall where the sale of optical instruments is carried out, there should be experienced sales assistants. Their task is to help customers choose a spectacle frame, brand of lenses, as well as advise on any other issues. Therefore, such workers must know everything about glass and plastic lenses from various manufacturers.

The salon also needs a director. He must have a professional pharmaceutical education, work experience in the specialty, an accreditation certificate.

If two doctors, two sales assistants and a director work in the store, then the cost of wages per month will be at least 150 thousand rubles. About forty percent of this amount will have to be paid to the state budget as tax deductions and payments to various funds.

Point Collector

We did not include the master who manufactures glasses according to the prescription in the number of employees. In a professional salon, of course, you can’t do without it. How qualified a specialist you need will depend on the quality of the equipment.

So, if you have a modern semi-automatic or fully automatic machine for turning lenses in your arsenal, the qualification of the master may be low, a person who is interested in technology and able to do at least something with his own hands will cope with the matter (subject to minimal training). If the salon has only a cheap manual machine, then a highly qualified master will be needed to work on it, which is currently very difficult to find.

Activities with children

Do you want to increase your income? Then open an office in the optics salon, where classes will be carried out with children with vision problems. In every city, unfortunately, there are many children with astigmatism, myopia and other pathologies. But you can help them not only surgically, but also with the help of special sets of exercises.

Modern treatment programs allow you to train the muscles of the eyes and slow down the loss of vision in children, get rid of strabismus. Parents are ready to pay any amount for this opportunity, and queues line up in such offices. You will need a separate room, some equipment, but not as expensive as for diagnostics and glasses assembly, and one or two nurses on staff.


So, the question of how to open “Optics” sounds very relevant today. The domestic market in this segment is not yet filled, as a result of which the trade in optical devices that correct vision, their manufacture by prescription, as well as diagnostic measures, in the aggregate, can be called a promising type of business. If you first understand all the intricacies of the case, choose the right trade format, overcome all the initial difficulties, then you will surely become the owner of a profitable optics salon, and perhaps even several. Good luck!

What is the article about?

An optics salon may seem like a rather attractive business idea. We will try to figure out in detail how to open it, calculate the profitability of the project and get acquainted with the reviews of the owners of such establishments. After all, for a beginner, any information will be invaluable.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(()); It is worth preparing for the fact that this type of business is quite complicated, since the sale of optics belongs to the medical business line. And the state authorities always have the highest requirements for it and checks of various services will be carried out regularly.

  • Activity format
  • What documents are needed?
  • We are looking for a room
  • Choosing equipment
  • What to trade?
  • Qualified personnel
  • Advertising campaign
  • Issue price
  • Reviews

Activity format

This type of business is highly profitable. This is explained very simply. Firstly, every year around the world, including our country, the number of people suffering from poor eyesight and various eye diseases is growing rapidly. And they need glasses. Even in times of crisis, this accessory is a necessity for most.

Secondly, general computerization affects the fact that these indicators are only getting worse. And if part of the population wants to protect their eyes due to special lenses, then the other half is forced to deal with the consequences of constant work at a computer monitor.

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Thirdly, almost everyone buys sunglasses with rare exceptions. And they also belong to the goods of the optical group and are sold in specialized stores. Therefore, without clients, your salon is unlikely to remain.

Before you open your own optics, you need to carefully analyze the market, assess the level of competition in this segment, and get approximate calculations of average profitability. It is also worth paying attention to fashion trends, according to which customers choose certain frames, as well as enlisting the support of a professional ophthalmologist.

Think in advance which market segment your business will focus on and what format of the institution you intend to open. After all, the amount of capital investment at the start largely depends on this, whether it is profitable for the owner, the client base, the need for this or that equipment and the range of goods offered.

Today, optics may look different:

  1. A stall selling finished products is popular among the low-income population. Here, most buyers are pensioners who cannot afford expensive service and branded frames. The product of such an outlet belongs to a cheap and low-quality category. For the owner, this means that organizing a business will be quite simple and will not require large investments, but you should not expect large profits either.
  2. A multi-brand store with a diagnostic room - a fairly wide range of quality goods (frames, lenses with different specifics, contact lenses), as well as care products for these accessories, are already presented here. The cost of such products fluctuates in a wide range in order to cover the widest possible range of buyers. To insert glasses into the frame, it will also be necessary to equip a laboratory for the master here, and enough space is also allocated separately for a diagnostic room where an ophthalmologist works. Such optics can satisfy any request of customers, and for the owner it will be a profitable investment.
  3. Salon-shop of a premium class - with a focus only on branded and elite models of glasses and other products in this area. High-income clients are served here, but the service must also be appropriate. Starting investments are the largest, which affects the longer payback of the project.

Each of the options has its own characteristics in the process of organizing a business, the number of required documents and other nuances. Let's focus on the average, most popular and profitable format - an optics salon with a diagnostic room and a wide selection of goods.

What documents are needed?

This activity should be properly registered with various government agencies. You will have to go through the following steps:

  • Create an LLC (legal entity), that is, a company. And although, according to the law, a private entrepreneur can theoretically sell goods in this direction, the first option remains preferable for a number of reasons.
  • Specify OKVED codes 52.32.
  • Choose the appropriate form of taxation - STS (simplified).
  • Prepare the premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES and the fire inspection and obtain the appropriate permits from them.
  • If in the optics salon it is supposed not only the sale of finished products, but also their creation, then you will definitely have to issue a license. It is issued by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare.
  • When buying professional equipment and consumables, be sure to ask for quality certificates, copies of which should also be in your hands.
  • When hiring staff, check the documents on the qualifications of ophthalmologists and the health books of all staff.

In order not to run into unnecessary problems, it is better to ask the local authorities in advance what requirements in your region apply to the optics salons of the chosen format.

If there are difficulties with paperwork or you simply do not want to deal with lengthy bureaucratic processes, then you can entrust everything to legal professionals for a fee. In the case when a novice entrepreneur is not at all confident in his ability to organize such a complex business, you can use a ready-made solution - a franchise.

We are looking for a room

In this case, you need to carefully approach the choice of a suitable building. Several factors should be taken into account here:

  1. High permeability.
  2. Rental price.
  3. Area dimensions.
  4. Compliance with SES and fire inspection standards.
  5. Presence of competitors in the area.

So, in the optics salon with a diagnostic room there should be:

  • plumbing installed;
  • windows are located at a height of 1 meter from the floor or higher;
  • The total area of ​​the trading floor is about 40 sq. m., and the place of work of the doctor involves at least 20 square meters. m., including the length of the room for eye examination 2.5 meters;
  • equip an office for the work of a master in the manufacture of glasses;
  • a warehouse for storing goods can be small in size, since these products are quite compact;
  • there is a bathroom for employees;
  • good lighting is provided in all rooms;
  • trading racks are placed in such a way that each frame is easy to see;
  • mirrors are a must.

Think about where exactly to locate the optics salon. After all, the number of customers and the profit of the store will largely depend on the place. A simple stall with ready-made products can also be opened in the market, next to bus stops, or rented space in a shopping center.

But a serious institution will require a separate room on the ground floor of a residential building or office building. It is important that the street is crowded and there are no direct competitors nearby. Do not forget to correlate your opportunities and future profits with the rental rate, because if it turns out to be too high, then you will suffer losses for a long time.

Pay attention to the interior. Everything should be decorated with taste, so that beautiful and neat shop windows attract customers from the outside, and inside it is light, clean, and a feeling of prestige and respectability is created.

Choosing equipment

We list what you need to open an optics salon from scratch:

  1. For the trading floor and convenient provision of the entire range of goods, glass showcases, shelves and racks should be purchased.
  2. The diagnostic room will require an autorefkeratometer, a dioptrimeter, a sign projector, a slit lamp, a set of lenses and a pupillometer. Modern technology in the form of universal optical equipment can replace several of them at once. Which devices are more convenient for a doctor to work with, it is advisable to discuss with him before making a specialized order. Also, in addition, the optometrist can compile a list of required tools for work.
  3. If you have an eyeglass maker's office, you need to purchase the appropriate equipment. But often it is not required, since a specialist can carry out orders at home or in a separate laboratory.
  4. Furniture for staff and clients is designed in the same style and harmonizes with the overall design of the hall.

What to trade?

Optics stores can offer customers a fairly wide range of products:

  • glasses for vision correction of various brands, shapes, shades, price range, quality and material of manufacture;
  • lenses for insertion into the main accessory - you should definitely have different options available (simple, with a range of diopters, for astigmatism, etc.);
  • contact lenses;
  • Sunglasses;
  • related products - cases, wipes, cleaning products, drops, vision aids, etc.

It is important to focus on a wide segment of the market and provide customers with the opportunity to choose products of different price categories. But in any case, each product must have quality certificates and other necessary documents. Therefore, cooperate only with official representatives of well-known manufacturers.

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Please note that when selling frames and sunglasses, most of the customers are guided by fashion trends. Therefore, you should not buy large quantities of goods, otherwise it will remain unsold. And although such a risk always exists, it is better to offer customers modern products and interesting novelties in limited quantities.

The international exhibition SILMO in France, where the latest collections are presented, will help you make a choice.

  1. 20% - fashionable and branded frames.
  2. 40% - sunglasses (seasonal).
  3. 30% - contact lenses of the best manufacturers.
  4. 10% - care products and several options for cheap finished products from the budget sector.

It is important to set the value correctly. There are many factors that affect pricing, for example, the economic situation in the country, competition in the market, etc. But the main recommendations are as follows:

  • for frames of well-known brands, you can safely put a markup of 90-180%;
  • corrective glasses - 80-150%;
  • contact lenses - no more than 50-80%.

But it is worth considering this issue from another angle. If the product belongs to cheap Korean products, then you can increase the cost by 3-4 times in order to get at least some benefit from their sale. But for elite models, try not to raise prices higher than 1.5-2 times. Here you need to strictly monitor the competition and the cost of frames in the region, so as not to lose customers.

Qualified personnel

To make sales in an optics salon, it is enough to have two sales assistants on staff who have a pleasant appearance, work experience, are able to establish contact with the client and explain the differences in the goods provided. The schedule is set in shifts, and a job description is prescribed to ensure discipline.

In a serious institution, an ophthalmologist is required. And if in fact it is needed only to maintain documentation and a license, then it is enough to train a student to work with a diagnostic device or hire a simple optometrist with a secondary education. But with a quality approach, you should definitely trust this function only to experienced professionals with an impressive work experience.

If such a salon provides a service for making glasses, then you should look for a good master of this profile. We note right away that this is not an easy task, since there are very few specialists, and the cost of their work is quite high. Most often, they conclude an agreement for the fulfillment of individual orders with a master optician who serves more than one salon in the city according to a free schedule.

In the same way, bookkeeping can be outsourced, which involves maintaining company accounts and tax documentation by a person who is not in the main staff of the store. At the same time, it is possible to save on wages without compromising the quality of work.

It is important that the director of the salon or its owner has certain knowledge. For example, regulatory authorities may require an accreditation certificate as a professional pharmacist or ophthalmologist. Therefore, in the absence of such papers, it is better to hire an appropriate specialist to manage the store.

To promote a new optics salon will require some effort and financial investment. You can use different modern ways of advertising:

  1. The discovery itself should be covered in the local media - radio, television, magazines.
  2. Install a prominent sign above the entrance.
  3. Create a website with addresses and phone numbers of the store, a list of services provided, prices for goods and services, a range of products, etc.
  4. Give ads on forums, in social groups, use viral and contextual advertising.
  5. Conduct promotions periodically, make bonuses and discounts for regular customers.
  6. Attract with fashionable novelties, well-known brands, the best professionals and high quality work.
  7. Print business cards, leaflets, posters, flyers and other printed products, leave them in different places where potential customers live and work.
  8. Pay for illuminated advertising, photo on public transport, banner or other advertising space in the city.

Here you can download a free business plan for an optics salon as a sample.

Issue price

For the competent organization of such a serious project, a business plan with calculations should be drawn up. If it is difficult to do it yourself, then you can use the help of specialists. They will evaluate the market in a particular region and indicate more accurate figures for the costs and expected income when organizing their own business in this direction. We will provide average figures.

Starting investment Price, in rubles
1 Registration20 000
2 Equipment500 000
3 Premises renovation100 000
4 First batch of goods400 000
Total: 1 020 000

You will also need money for the maintenance of the salon.

The price of entry into such a business is rather big, but it's worth it. After all, the profitability of this area is estimated at 20-25%, and with the right approach, in a year you can expect full payback and an increase in constant profit.

According to average estimates, for a month of operation of a popular salon, you can get about 350,000 rubles. True, it will not be possible to reach this level immediately, so you need to have a certain amount in reserve to ensure the operation of the store for the first time.

Video: optics boutique.