Separate niches in the wall of drywall. Do-it-yourself drywall niche - step by step photo instructions

Finishing the premises can be done in the most different options. One of best ways diversify the interior - use drywall niches. But it is important to apply this material as correctly as possible in order to achieve the highest efficiency of this stylish design.


Drywall can be considered one of the best building materials. Rare repairs can be carried out without the use of his sheets. Great quantity available options its applications are single and multi-level ceilings, slopes, even walls, partitions and screens. Among these and many other options for using drywall, a niche is not the last.

The advantages of GKL are quite obvious:

    lack of toxic properties;

    strictly standardized sizes;

    the possibility of application in a variety of conditions;

    ease of decoration.

A plasterboard slab is always 120 cm wide and either 250 or 300 cm long. The material used for the walls is 1.25 mm thick.

A thinner plasterboard (0.95 cm) goes to the ceilings, and an even thinner option (0.65 cm) is needed for arches.

Plasterboard niches are much better than the usual fine furniture, because they allow you to abandon bulky hanging shelves and whatnots, from stands of the original form. Such designs are not very practical, are not suitable for every interior and often serve only as dust concentrators. With the help of recesses, it is easy to place the most important and pleasant things for people on the walls, give them a new sound and radically change the atmosphere in the room. In addition, change appearance premises can be done very quickly and at minimal cost.


With the help of niches, you can place, for example, a cornice for hanging curtains, curtains. The hidden version of such a device cannot be seen from the outside, the observer detects only canvases descending from somewhere above. No distractions!

The portal is most often formed on the basis of galvanized profiles, the wall is prepared in advance and sheathed with the initial layer of GKL. To create niches, it is recommended to use sheets 1.5 cm thick, because single elements of such recesses can be large and are designed to withstand the suspension of TVs and other structures weighing up to 10 kg.

It makes sense to illuminate niches for refrigerators inside by placing a strip of built-in LEDs under the very edge of the ceiling. As with other lighting options, the wiring location should be as close as possible to the existing electrical network.

You can also hide in niches:

    corner wall;


    curtains and battery.


The functions of niches and partitions can be reduced to four main areas:

    elegant design element;

    comfortable, practical location of objects;

    division of space into sections;

    savings on furniture

Making a blank wall with plasterboard niches allows you to place TVs and decorative fireplaces. These recesses provide space for ornamental plants, large furniture and book collections. Spectacular LED lighting helps to complete the formation of a beautiful space.

If you add a cozy sofa to the territory, add textiles, you can achieve a very stylish appearance.

Attractive design move - fragmentation of the territory with partitions(for example, the separation of the working and recreational parts in the children's room or in home office). By combining the creation of a barrier with niches, it will be possible to lighten it and reduce the load on the supporting elements. In the recesses it is easy to put a flower pot, children's toys and other not too significant items. Decorative niches allow you to install a dressing room or closet in the most different rooms- the same bedrooms, children's, in the halls and corridors. To complete the creation of a full-fledged storage area, it will only be necessary to mount outward-opening or sliding doors.

A niche in the apartment, combined with decorative screen, well masks the most unsightly heating radiators. But they may have another task that a niche in the shelf format successfully solves. Such products are easily placed in the kitchen and in the living room, in the bathroom, corridor and on the balcony. They allow you to arrange a variety of objects and set a clear accent for the entire interior of the room. To improve the safety of an attractive appearance allows the use of a moisture-resistant variety of GKL.

To finish drywall, especially mounted in the bathroom or in the kitchen, it is recommended to use acrylic facade paints, which effectively resist moisture ingress and mechanical destruction. Sometimes the walls are lined tiles, mosaic tiles are preferred for bathrooms. Most design developments are complemented by lamps, among which LED lamps are most valued. The reason is not only their cost-effectiveness, but also increased safety in comparison with other options.

Large shelves, where many items are displayed, are best placed behind the door. Then the apparent chaos will not embarrass those who come to such a living room, and the household itself will not annoy.

How to do it yourself?

Step-by-step instructions for making a drywall niche always begin with the preparation and collection of the necessary material.

Home craftsmen will need:

    several guides (wood or metal);

    drywall sheets;

    construction level;

    screwdriver and drill;

    dowels and screws;


The installation of the frame must comply with the drawings; the guides are fastened to the walls with the help of dowels, they can be pulled together with self-tapping screws. However, the structures included in the metal profile can also be connected with a riveter. This option allows you to avoid cracking drywall or insufficiently tight fit to the rails.

The sheets placed on the frame are sheathed with plasterboard and puttied. Options for subsequent finishing are quite diverse. This is coloring, and wallpapering, and applying decorative stone, and lining with ceramic tiles. Shelves installed in addition to niches can be wooden or glass. The decision must be made in accordance with the dominant style in the room. It remains only to place the desired interior items there and enjoy the result.

Preparing a niche for installing a TV with your own hands is quite possible. To work, you will need aluminum profiles (ceiling-wall, guides and flexible). You will definitely need a number of suspensions, connecting components, corners and extensions. GKL and the profile are fixed with self-tapping screws, sometimes dowels are used. In most cases, you can get by with standard drywall sheets, but there are situations when arched material is required.

GKL will need to be putty and primed, and all seams and joints are sealed with sickle tape.

Before the production of a drywall niche begins, it is necessary to clearly determine whether it will protrude outward or recessed inward. The second method will require covering a significant part of the wall with sheets of material, however, such a solution makes the space more expressive.

It is equally important to choose the configuration of the element being created:

    rectangular (horizontally or vertically);

  • curved shape;

    original design.

The principles are well known to everyone - if the line is stretched upwards, it will help raise the ceiling, and if directed horizontally, it will expand too narrow walls. Atypical geometry is justified only if the room itself has a shape different from the typical one. But with the usual straight walls, various experiments are not always compatible, and if they can be carried out, then only at the direction of an experienced designer.

To improve the area around the TV, you can make a number of shelves for sound equipment and decorative items. Often they create shelving or cabinets, which together with a niche form an integral ensemble. Important: always leave 50-70 mm from the back of the TV to the niche so that you can safely place cables and provide ventilation. Free place should be left around the perimeter of the screen.

When mounting the guide profiles, the dowels can be spaced a maximum of 0.4 m apart. Then comes the turn of vertical parts (ceiling and floor). The frame is covered with drywall gradually, and first of all they work with the most complex elements. Self-tapping screws are placed at a distance of 25-30 cm.

In addition to the primer, putty and sickle, you need to apply metal corner with perforation (they close the outer edges).

How to arrange?

The ideal placement of a drywall niche in the hall requires familiarity with the basic principles of design. Most often, such structures occupy the center of the room, although you can make them on the longest or accent wall. If the room has an empty corner or other unused space, this is where it is worth mounting the notch. In the bedroom, a spacious niche with shelves becomes a replacement for the closet and you need to put it in the same place where it stood before.

  • in the bathroom, it is advisable to place a niche either against the far wall, or deepen it into the side plane (so as not to absorb space);

  • in the hallway it is worth placing this design opposite front door a few steps away from her, to make it easier to fold and take things;
  • in the kitchen optimal location the recess turns out to be the place where the TV will be located, since it is for it that the deepening is mainly prepared;
  • in the bedroom, it would be a good idea to install a structure in which the bed will be completely or partially hidden;
  • in the corridors where an unused corner remains, you won’t have to look for a place to work with drywall sheets.

Drywall niches are possible in any room, but in order to avoid mistakes, you should pay attention to the type of material. The standard coating is marked as GKL gray with blue markings. The red marking indicates increased resistance to fire (GKLO), and the green plate with red marks is both moisture resistant and flame resistant.

AT one-room apartment a niche will allow you to hide certain objects or certain parts of the space, this approach is used very often.

It is recommended to complement drywall niches with elegant things. including antiques. If it is not possible to purchase new interior items, you can rearrange the existing ones, sometimes the effect is very attractive. By placing a TV in a niche in the living room and supplementing it with several armchairs, you can feel yourself in a non-standard environment.

With the help of a recess, you can change the impression of the bedrooms, adjust the placement of furniture in them. In kitchens, such a design element can add space, which is very important in small apartments.

A niche is a built-in recess or ledge, it is intended for equipping storage places, zoning and as design object. Drywall is often used on walls and ceilings. Since this is an easy-to-process material, it lends itself well to cutting, and a special arched one can even bend. The structures are light in weight and visually. You can make them in the bedroom or living room with your own hands, without the help of professionals, using detailed drawing.

  • Replace cabinet furniture. Wall recesses are suitable for use as cabinets, shelving or shelves in the living room, nursery or bathroom.
  • Hide unwanted elements (beams, pipes, heating radiators, curtain rods).
  • Divide the room into zones. Niche with shelves instead of deaf wall fit to distinguish between a studio apartment or a nursery for several kids, as well as a bedroom combined with a workplace.
  • Complement the interior or become its main focus.
  • Correct the geometry of the rooms. Horizontal ones give visual volume, vertical ones raise the ceiling.

Suitable for any premises: residential and non-residential, heated and not. To finish the bath or balcony you will need moisture resistant drywall. Pay attention to the thickness of the sheet, it can be from 0.65 to 1.25 cm. The thinnest one is for arches and decorative niches that will not carry any functional load. GKL 0.9 cm thick is used for multilevel ceilings and recesses in the walls for light objects. A thicker one is used when mounting shelves for heavy objects - aquariums, flowers, large figurines. It is permissible to assemble the frame both from wooden bars and from a metal profile. The latter option is preferable, as it is faster and easier to work with.

Drywall niches are of two types:

  • Open. They are used as a decorative element, a storage place for collections, photos, books, TV placement. Most appropriate in the living room, nursery, bedroom.
  • Closed. Suitable for clothes household appliances and other things that need to be hidden from prying eyes.

GCR can be painted, wallpapered, decorated with decorative stone. Spot lighting or LED strip around the perimeter will help to complement the finish, they will make the design even lighter and more airy.

We make a niche for the TV with our own hands

One of the most popular ways is to place the TV in the living room or bedroom. This is justified not only by aesthetic qualities, but also by the ability to install the device at a convenient height, hide sockets and wires. The screen will be visually built into the wall and will not protrude much above the surface.

The work consists of several stages:

  • Preparation (measuring the dimensions of the structure, creating a drawing, calculating materials).
  • Construction of the frame (marking the working surface, installation of electrical wiring, installation of the profile).
  • Sheathing a niche with plasterboard sheets.
  • Seam sealing.
  • Decorative finish.

It takes only a couple of days to assemble a simple do-it-yourself built-in drywall niche with several shelves for books and interior details.

1. Preparation.

When drawing up a diagram, it is necessary to measure the width, height and depth of the structure. When calculating the latter, consider the dimensions of the objects that. If this is a TV, then you need to measure its width and add a small gap for sockets and ventilation. The shield must be recessed or flush with the outside.

Apply three main measurements on a sheet of paper in frontal and lateral projections. Next, mark the location of the shelves. When calculating their dimensions, be sure to take into account that they must be larger than the objects placed inside in width and height. Otherwise, it will not work to fix and connect a TV or audio equipment, since the hand simply will not pass.

Based on the resulting sketch, it is easy to make an approximate calculation of materials. But there must be a margin, since the sheets and the profile will have to be cut into many parts. Also for work you will need:

  • fasteners. Self-tapping screws for metal (black with a funnel-shaped cap) for fastening the plasterboard to the frame, dowels for mounting guide profiles to the floor, ceiling and walls, short self-tapping screws with a drill for connecting racks to each other.
  • Rack and guide profiles, suspensions, connectors, corners.
  • Tools. Tape measure, level, pencil, screwdriver, metal shears, construction knife, spatulas, sandpaper on a block, puncher.
  • Materials for sealing seams. Primer, putty, mesh-serpyanka.

If you decide to make a niche with backlight, then lay out the wires in advance and install sockets, provide access to them. There is no need to ditch the walls, the wiring will not be visible anyway.

2. Mounting the frame.

The working area must be freed from furniture and mark the location of the niche on the floor and recesses on the walls.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Fix the guide profiles on the floor and ceiling with dowels with a fixation step of 30-40 cm.
  • If the main plane is flat and visible through the niche, then the guides will need to be installed on the side walls, at the level of the shelves and in places where the plates are perpendicular to the base surface. In case the base has drops, use suspensions and sew up the back wall of the plasterboard.
  • Place the racks that will become the basis of the frame, at least every 40 cm, strictly according to the level.
  • Make horizontal jumpers from the rack profile, first in places where there will be recesses, then the rest, which serve to strengthen the crate. Fix them with metal screws.

Additional jumpers should be installed where heavy objects are planned to be placed, for example, an aquarium or a live flower in a large pot.

3. Frame sheathing.

It starts with measuring and cutting suitable fragments. First, the vertical sheets of the front part of the structure are fixed, then the horizontal ones - the shelves, then - the side and upper walls of the recesses. GKL is mounted using self-tapping screws for metal with a hidden hat in increments of 15-20 cm. The fasteners should go deep into the slab by no more than 1 mm.

At this stage, you need to make holes for the fixtures and lay the wiring to them according to the diagram. If the niche in the plasterboard wall is illuminated from the inside, then when installing the recess, an indent from the base should be provided equal to the width of the box for led strip. It is not necessary to install lighting fixtures yet.

4. Sealing.

Puttying is a crucial stage, since the appearance of the structure and its strength largely depend on the quality of these works.

Seam guide:

  • reinforce all outer corners of the niche with perforated corners;
  • at the joints of drywall sheets on the plane, make a triangular groove and strengthen them with a sickle mesh;
  • before puttying, check with a spatula whether all self-tapping screws are recessed;
  • on the finished structure apply a primer and dry;
  • cover all joints: corner and on the plane - with gypsum putty;
  • after drying, rub to smoothness with sandpaper.

The next step is finishing. If the work is done perfectly, then it is enough just to paint or paste the wallpaper. Decorative stone, liquid wallpaper, tiles and other materials will help to mask minor flaws. One of the big advantages of GKL is the ideal basis for many types of finishes. When the niche is completely ready, it's time to start installing the backlight, the wiring has already been laid, it remains only to fix the lamps and connect to the network.

Common Mistakes

Experts with experience will tell you how to prevent serious violations:

  • The thickness of the drywall and the grade of the profile must correspond to the load on the finished structure. Do not use ceiling materials in wall installation.
  • Do not choose for the first time an option with complex elements, curvilinearity and small details.
  • It is better not to make the niche too deep. It will look bulky.
  • Do not neglect work that improves strength. Additional jumpers and perforated corners will significantly increase the service life of the structure.
  • It must not be mounted on a curved base surface (with a difference of more than 2 cm) without a rear panel cladding.
  • Don't skimp on lighting. Highlighting is a great tool to give a finished look.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Drywall is widely used in the repair and decoration of apartments. However, coatings from it have one significant drawback: various hanging interior elements, such as shelves or cabinets, are very poorly held on their surface. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-strengthen the frame in the places of their attachment. But a more original and aesthetically attractive solution can be a niche in a drywall wall, which can be made by hand.

What are the advantages of GKL niches?

Recesses in the walls can perform both decorative and practical functions, so they are relevant for all rooms in the apartment. They are made in bedrooms, halls, hallways, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. They allow:

  • Save the free space of the room, "eaten up" when leveling the walls with drywall.
  • Divide a room into .
  • Organize convenient storage books and small items on the shelves placed inside the niche.
  • Place household appliances with solid weight on the wall, such as a TV or audio system.
  • Give the room a unique look.

Niches can be open or closed. In the latter case, they turn into original lockers. A good visual effect can be achieved if additional illumination is made in the recess with spotlights or LED strip.


Each room is individual, so you will have to design a niche yourself, focusing on your own idea. You can get ideas, and choosing a niche design for a TV will help.

Having decided on the purpose and type of niche, first of all they make up its detailed drawing. It is needed to calculate the required amount of material.

The dimensions of the recess are calculated depending on its purpose: what is planned to be placed there, whether there will be a backlight, whether shelves are needed in the niche.

Special attention requires the installation of household appliances, such as a TV. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the following points:

  • must be strong enough to support the weight of the instrument. It should be further strengthened horizontal jumpers. Some craftsmen advise making the shelves themselves not from drywall, but from plywood: it is more durable and can withstand a greater load.
  • The niche depth must be calculated taking into account the gap between the appliance and the rear wall. It is needed not only to place wires or other communications, but also to exclude the heating of drywall from a working device.

Advice. It is desirable that outer side installed equipment, such as a TV screen, was in the same plane as the niche boundary or was slightly pushed inward. So it is more difficult to accidentally touch it and knock it over from the shelf.

  • Clearances are also needed on the top and sides for comfortable installation of equipment and its maintenance.

The drawing indicates all the elements of the future frame. When placing profiles, the dimensions of drywall sheets are taken into account in order to reduce the amount of waste. All elements from the GKL must be joined on the profile, and the joints are not recommended to be placed at the edges of the structure.

Necessary materials

Having made calculations according to the sketch, they purchase the necessary materials with a certain margin:

  • Drywall. In most cases, an ordinary wall plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 mm is used, but you can also take a thinner one, including an arched one. For rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, moisture-resistant drywall is used.
  • The framework is made of the directing (UD) and rack-mount (CD) profile.
  • If the base wall is uneven, straight hangers may be required.
  • Damper tape providing sound insulation of the structure.
  • Dowel-nails 6 × 60 mm for fixing rails to the wall, floor and ceiling. With a large layer of plaster, longer hardware is taken, for example 8 × 80 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal for fastening frame elements together.
  • Putty and primer for drywall, as well as a sickle mesh - to prepare a niche for finishing after assembly.


The standard set required for the construction of drywall structures:

  • Metal shears for profile cutting.
  • Perforator equipped with a drill of the desired diameter.
  • Screwdriver. It is recommended to purchase a special one. It limits the depth of screwing screws and prevents damage to the material.
  • Marking and measuring tool: tape measure, pencil, square, level and plumb.
  • Spatula, brush and roller.

How to make a drywall niche with your own hands: creating a frame

Frame assembly instructions:

  • The drawing from the sketch is transferred to the walls, floor and ceiling.
  • The necessary pieces of the guide profile are cut off. Their back side is glued with a damper tape.
  • The rails are mounted on the ceiling, wall and floor using dowels in 30–40 cm increments.
  • Racks of the rear plane are installed: profile sections are cut 1-2 cm less than the height of the room. They are inserted into the guides on the floor and ceiling, and then fixed with metal screws or a cutter. To flat wall they can be additionally attached with dowels. If a base surface bumpy, then direct suspensions are used.

When the niche has a curvilinear configuration, you can use a flexible arched profile. Another option: cutouts in the form of a petal are made on the guide in the side walls, after which it will easily take the required shape. The desired bend is fixed with vertical jumpers.

  • The necessary horizontal jumpers are made from the rack profile and fixed with self-tapping screws. The result is a flat frame of the back of the future niche.
  • In the same way, mirror, the frame of the front part of the structure is assembled.
  • Both structures are connected by horizontal jumpers. They are needed not only to create a recess contour or fasten shelves, but also for rigidity. Jumpers are made of a rack-mount profile and are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Drywall fixing

The cladding of the GKL frame starts from the back wall of the niche, if required, because often its role is played by a flat base surface. First, the recess is lined, and then the drywall is mounted on the front plane. In this case, several points should be taken into account:

  • If it is intended to place sockets in a niche or Spotlights, then the holes for them in drywall are cut out in advance.
  • Chamfers are made at an angle of 45˚ in all places where individual drywall fragments will be joined.
  • Sheathing elements forming right angles are installed so that the plane of one covers the end of the other.
  • Fragments of plasterboard are mounted in increments of 20–25 cm. The fastening points on adjacent pieces are shifted relative to each other.
  • To bend drywall, for example, for an arch-shaped niche, proceed as follows: the surface of the element is moistened with water and rolled with a roller with needles. Another option: a series of parallel cuts are made on the fragment, forming the desired bend. The smaller the radius, the more often the cuts. Only the cardboard layer on one side of the element should be cut.

Preparing for finishing

The assembled drywall structure is prepared step by step for a fine finish:

  • All corners are additionally reinforced special corners with perforation: this will protect them from damage during operation. A small layer of putty is applied to the corners, after which a corner is pressed into it. Excess mixture protrudes through the holes and is removed with a spatula.
  • The seams are glued with a reinforcing mesh, and then sealed with putty. After it dries, it is grouted with a fine sandpaper. The technology of work is described.
  • The holes formed by the heads of the self-tapping screws are sealed with putty, and then overwritten.
  • The entire niche is covered twice with a primer. The application of the second layer occurs only after the complete drying of the first.

Before finishing with wallpaper or paint, the structure is puttied; this is not necessary before laying tiles or decorative stone.

Modern design rooms with drywall is convenient, simple and cheap option. Having understood the technology of installing drywall sheets, you can create with your own hands, changing the interior of any room, even a bathroom or toilet, if you use a moisture-resistant material. One of the structural elements of the GKL is a niche in the wall. It fits perfectly into any room of the house or apartment, regardless of its purpose.

Any construction and installation process is divided into several stages. The construction of a drywall niche in the wall was no exception. Therefore, getting started, try to break it down into stages.

Preparation of working tools

It is necessary to prepare tools and materials, as well as sketch a sketch of the future design.

Of the tools you will need:

  • perforator;
  • metal scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette with a marker;
  • plumb line with level;
  • spatulas;
  • screwdriver

From materials:

  • drywall sheets;
  • metal profiles (rails or rack);
  • putty;
  • seam tape.

Now we need to sketch a niche in the wall, which is like a three-dimensional structure protruding from the wall. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine its thickness. There are no special restrictions in this, but you will have to take into account the size of the room. And than less room, the smaller its thickness. Designers have identified minimum score this size, which is 15 cm.

The shape, height and width of the structure is determined based on the taste preferences of the owner of the house and the dimensions of the room. If a drywall niche in the wall of the room is done by hand, then choose simple form no frills: no rounded corners, no multi-level shelves and partitions.

Let's not forget about lighting. It is on the sketch that you need to think about where the lamps and sockets will be installed.

Calculation of the necessary materials for a niche in the wall

This stage includes cutting profiles according to the dimensions determined by the sketch. You will need a tape measure and a marker for sizing, and scissors for cutting. Experienced craftsmen at this stage, drywall sheets are also cut. It is not recommended for a beginner to do this, there is a chance of getting confused and incorrectly cutting the sheet under required dimensions. Therefore, it is better to transfer work with drywall to the main stage, where a niche in the wall will be designed.

Advice for newbies. The length of the profile is 3 m, so you can not cut it into pieces when drawing up the corners of the niche. You can simply bend the profile at a right angle. To do this, at the place of the bend along the side shelves, you need to make a triangular cutout so that top corner was 90º. After that, the profile is easily bent at a right angle.

Tips for mounting the structure

In order to facilitate your work, you need to transfer the sketch on a scale to the wall. That is, draw the contours of a niche on the wall. To do this, you need to use a plumb line and a level. It is very important here that the ribs are strictly in horizontal and vertical planes.

Now the profiles are installed exactly along the lines.

  • First, a profile is applied to the wall. Through it, holes are made in the wall with a puncher, where plastic dowels are driven. And already self-tapping screws are screwed into them with a screwdriver. The distance between the fasteners is 40-50 cm. Thus, the contour of the niche on the wall is assembled.
  • Now we need to make the niche voluminous. To do this, along the entire contour of the structure, perpendicular to the wall, crossbars are installed, the length of which will determine the width of the structure. The distance between them is 40-50 cm. Fastening to the contour is done with self-tapping screws. The upper crossbars are additionally attached to the ceiling if the drywall niche in the wall is built up to the ceiling. bottom to the floor.
  • An external contour is assembled along the edges of the installed crossbars. And again, the profiles applied to the ceiling are attached to it, the lower ones to the floor.

So, metal carcass niches in the wall of the room is ready, you can start on the side of the electrical wiring. Try not to let the wires touch the profiles. They are best attached to the frame with plastic clips.

Then you can move on to plasterboard lining. To do this, you need to measure the dimensions of each section, transfer them to a drywall sheet and cut them out with a sharp knife.

It is done like this:

  • The sheet is laid on a flat surface at a low height. It could be a table.
  • With a knife, using a metal ruler or profile, an incision is made along the cut line of the cardboard layer.
  • The sheet is exposed along the edge of the table along the notch line.
  • Press lightly on the edge. The sheet should crack right along the line.
  • The bottom cardboard layer is cut off.

Further, everything is simple. The cut section is installed at its destination and fastened with self-tapping screws to profile frame. The distance between fasteners is 10-12 cm, from the edge 1.5 cm. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the drywall body to a depth of 0.5 cm.

Under the lamps and sockets, holes are cut with a puncher with a special cutting tool- crown. Its diameter is selected according to the diameters of electrical appliances.

Finishing and decorating a niche in a room

We turn to another equally important question, how to arrange a niche in the wall? First of all, it is necessary to seal the joints of drywall sections. To do this, it is necessary to fill them with putty, apply a special paper strip to the joints. Allow to dry and then once again walk along the joints with putty mortar.

Now you can solve the problem of decorating a niche in the wall. There are a lot of options: from simple painting and wallpapering to stone or tile cladding.

If ordinary painting is chosen, then first of all the drywall niche in the wall must be treated with a primer. After drying, a thin layer of putty is applied to level the planes. After the next drying, grinding is performed with fine sandpaper. And now you can paint it.

Making a niche in the wall with facing materials is a more complex process. It is carried out using the same technologies as wall decoration. By the way, sections of the walls free from the structure can be decorated with the same drywall. It's just glued to the wall. liquid nails or adhesives for GKL.

The original design of the niche in the wall is the facing of free wall sections with mirrors.

So, in this article, the question was considered, how to make a niche in a drywall wall? If someone has any questions about technology or has suggestions for design, we are ready to listen in your comments.

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How are drywall niches assembled: simple instruction, plus a photo report

A very popular solution is a niche at the head of the bed.

Hello readers of my blog. Today you will learn how to make drywall niches in the living room for TV and other equipment. However, those structures, the assembly of which I will discuss later, can be installed with equal success both in the living room and in the bedroom, in the kitchen for the refrigerator and in other rooms where this is necessary.

A distinctive characteristic of those structures, which I will discuss below, is simplicity and short time assemblies. And this means that you are guaranteed to cope with it.

A few words about niches and their assembly

Making a niche in the wall with your own hands, using traditional building materials, such as brick, is very difficult, and it will take a lot of time to complete the project. The situation is quite different if, as building material use GKL. After all gypsum board, reinforced with two layers of cardboard, is simply cut and also easily attached to the supporting frame with self-tapping screws.

Several varieties are on sale. drywall sheet. Some varieties are moisture resistant, others are ordinary and their price is more affordable. Drywall also differs in standard sizes, and above all, in the thickness of the sheet.

What to choose from this variety so that the drywall niche is durable and looks good?

It all depends on the purpose for which the quick-assembly structure is assembled. For example, a niche for curtains or a similar structure that will be used exclusively as a decorative element, can be assembled from thin plasterboard with a thickness of 6.5 mm. Such material is widely used for cladding walls and ceilings, and therefore is not designed for significant mechanical loads.

If you are going to have a niche in the bathroom or a TV stand built into the wall, I recommend using a sheet with a thickness of 9 mm or more. Such dimensions provide the skin with high resistance to mechanical stress, which is important if drywall construction going under the TV with a large diagonal.

If drywall niches are assembled in rooms with excessive humidity, it is advisable to use not ordinary drywall, a gypsum fiber sheet, which has no surface paper reinforcement and is more resistant to moisture.

Two types of materials can be used to assemble the supporting frame:

  • Wooden slats and bars - perfect solution if for some reason you are afraid or do not know how to work with mounting metal structures;
  • Metal galvanized profile - allows you to quickly assemble light metal structures of any complexity, the price of which will be slightly lower than the cost of wooden counterparts.

Comparing the characteristics of the listed materials, we will use a metal profile and gypsum board with a thickness of 6.5 mm to assemble the niche, taking into account the fact that we will assemble a decorative niche.

Installation of drywall construction

Now we will learn how to make a drywall niche with our own hands. Assembly instructions are as follows:

  • We measure the mounting surface, in this case the wall, and, in accordance with the measurements and our preferences, we make a drawing;

  • With the help of putty, we completely level the wall, since at the end of the installation it will be very difficult to align the niche openings;

  • We grind the surface leveled with putty and cover it with a primer to prevent dusting;

  • By using laser level(if this is not the case, we use a spirit level and a plumb line), in accordance with the prepared drawing, we apply markings on the mounting surface, along which the profile will be attached to the wall;

  • With the help of a tinted lace, we connect the marking points to the perimeter along which the installation will be carried out;
  • According to markup required amount profiles of suitable length;
  • In the profile, according to the diameter of the prepared screws, we drill through holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other;
  • The pieces of the profile prepared in this way are applied to the wall according to the markings made;

  • By inserting a pencil into the holes, we transfer the location of the holes to the mounting surface;
  • According to the marks made, we drill holes to the depth and width of the dowel;

  • We fasten the perimeter of the crate to the mounting surface;
  • Using cutting pliers, we install vertical racks that will be pushed forward relative to the wall;
  • All connections that were made with cutting pliers are strengthened with self-tapping screws;
  • We cut drywall strips in width equal to the distance at which the front of the niche will protrude forward from the wall;

  • We fix the prepared strips perpendicular to the wall along the perimeter of the niche;
  • From the inside of the fixed plasterboard strips, at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other, we fasten reinforcing jumpers that will make the end part of the structure more rigid;

  • We also strengthen the sidewalls of the frame with jumpers installed perpendicular to the wall;

  • We cut and fasten the longitudinal jumpers;

I recommend that before proceeding with the sheathing of the frame with drywall, take a few photos of the assembled metal structures. As a result, it will be easier for you to navigate the location of the profiles to which the GKL will be attached.

  • From these blanks we assemble the front sidewall of the niche frame, as shown in the photo;

  • Similarly, we assemble the frame of the front part around the entire perimeter of the opening;

  • We assemble the frame on which the LED strip will be attached;

  • We completely sheathe the transverse opening of the side console with drywall;
  • We completely sheathe the side console with a solid sheet;

  • Then, with a hacksaw, we cut out a rectangle according to the markings made and open the opening;

  • We sheathe the front edge of the frame on which the backlight will be mounted;

  • We sheathe the lower part of the frame, which remained open;

  • After the whole structure is assembled, we check that the seams between the pieces of drywall are cut at an angle of 45 °, and also we look that the heads of the self-tapping screws do not protrude above the surface;
  • We prepare the putty mixture;

  • We glue the technological gaps with a sickle and align the seams;
  • We completely plaster surfaces sheathed with drywall;

  • After the putty has completely dried, the surface is sanded and primed for subsequent painting.

So, I told you how to make a niche in the opening of which you can install large mirror or push a sofa, wardrobe or other. I offered a photo report on the work done so that you have general idea how to work with drywall and metal profiles. Now that you know how to work, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with examples of niches in the interior.

Examples of niches in the interior

I'll start with an unfinished, but very interesting project. The design that you can see on next photo Definitely suitable for small spaces.

It will be possible to place a lot of modern household appliances in a niche, such as a thin TV, a small stereo system, etc. the only obvious disadvantage of this design is that it is very difficult to assemble due to a large number small details.

The following photo shows a similar design, but with a smaller size, and with a built-in backlight. This technique is perfect for a bedroom or living room.

In this case, the niche is made not as a functional, but as a decorative element on which you can place lighting fixtures, photo frames and various trinkets. That is, a niche is, in fact, a large beautiful lamp in the interior.

This niche attracts decoration made with wallpaper. Interesting layout layout lighting fixtures. But, unlike the first example, this design is not functional, but serves decorative element interior.

At the end of the review, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with an example of a functional, well-made design, combined with a tastelessly implemented illumination color scheme. If you do not pay attention to the flashy lighting, we can assume that such a niche will be a great addition to a child's room or living room.