Finish the pipe on the roof of the house. How to finish a pipe on a roof - cladding options

Sheathing the chimney with a metal profile or other materials is necessary not only to improve the appearance of the roof, but is also the final stage of protecting the structure from the negative effects of the environment: wind, snow, hail - all this can cause the heating system to malfunction.

In addition, when choosing a chimney, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the transported medium, because many materials deteriorate quite quickly at high values. Therefore, it is important to select the appropriate pipe lining material depending on the structural features and architectural design of the building.

The best way to heat a private home is to install an autonomous heating system. After all, at the same time, you will not only be able to save significantly, but also choose the most suitable stove for your home, depending on your budget and individual preferences.

Any heating (except electric, which is used quite often due to the high cost of operation) involves the removal of combustion products through a pipe. The main thing is to choose the right shape, cross-sectional area, and cladding material.

Metal profile as the best material for finishing a chimney

Metal profile (or profiled sheet) is the most common material for lining a chimney pipe (especially if metal tiles are laid on the roof), as it has the following characteristics:

  • Ease of installation and repair work.
  • Durability.
  • Resistance to sudden temperature changes (the metal profile does not crack or deform).
  • Light weight (the use of metal profiles for finishing is possible on any type of roof).
  • Fire resistance (profiled sheet does not burn or melt).
  • Environmental safety (metal profiles are manufactured without the use of harmful or environmentally toxic substances).
  • Strength (the material practically does not deform under physical impact, unlike, for example, plaster, which quickly collapses during a hailstorm).
  • Durability.
  • Large selection of colors.

The metal profile is galvanized steel sheet, the outer layer of which is represented by a special polymer paint, which additionally protects the sheet from adverse environmental conditions.

Currently, there is a huge selection of metal profiles with slightly different properties, which allows you to choose the best option for any operating conditions:

  • The profiled sheet of the support type is characterized by increased strength, therefore it is used for lining pipes, the reliability of which is a determining parameter.
  • Aluminum sheets are highly resistant to moisture. Therefore, they are the most durable material for cladding.
  • The combined metal profile can be used both for cladding and for other construction work, since depending on the specific model it combines the advantages of the first two types to varying degrees.
  • Painted metal profile sheets fit perfectly into any architectural design.

The main thing when choosing profiled sheets for lining a chimney is to determine the required reliability and durability of the material, since its final cost depends on this.

After purchasing the sheets, it is necessary to ensure their proper storage (otherwise the metal profile will begin to lose its useful properties even before installation), adhering to the following rules:

  • Sheets can only be stored in a dry, ventilated area.
  • The sheets must be stacked on special pallets one above the other in a strictly horizontal position.
  • When storing outdoors, cover the sheets with thick plastic wrap.

If the storage of the cladding material has been quite long, it is necessary to check each sheet for defects, and only then proceed with installation.

Stages of finishing a chimney with a metal profile

Watch video - covering with metal profiles part 1

To cover the chimney with tin, you need to prepare the following devices:

  • Tool for cutting sheets. The ideal option is a circular saw or an electric jigsaw, but if the amount of work is small, you can get by with a hacksaw or metal scissors. It is not recommended to use a grinder, since when it comes into contact with a metal sheet, the surface heats up, which can cause the material to deform.
  • Level for maximum installation accuracy.
  • Self-tapping screws and a screwdriver for fastening sheets.

The installation of the sheathing itself takes place according to the plan below:

  1. A metal or wooden frame is manufactured and installed on which the sheathing will be attached.

  1. Cutting out metal profiles.
  2. Laying sheets.

There are two ways to lay sheets: butt-to-butt and overlap. The second option is preferable, as it ensures maximum reliability of the structure and prevents moisture from penetrating inside.

  1. Fastening sheets using self-tapping screws.

  1. Sealing joints.
  2. Installation of special corners at joints for aesthetic appeal.

Watch video - covering with metal profiles part 2

The main thing in installation– the most even laying of the bottom row (at the junction with the roof), since the tightness and reliability of the structure largely depends on it.

Brick chimney finishing

How to line a chimney on the roof of a brick house? The answer is obvious - brick. There are several types of facing bricks that are excellent for cladding: ceramic, silicate, clinker, and so on. They differ significantly only in external qualities, but the main advantages are the same for all:

  • Durability and reliability.

Brick can withstand both static mechanical impact and strong shock loads.

  • If installation work is carried out correctly, facing bricks do not require special care or constant cleaning.
  • Resistant to prolonged exposure to moisture.

Brick does not absorb water and is not destroyed by prolonged exposure.

  • Fire resistance.
  • Low temperature resistance.
  • Wear resistance.

The properties of bricks do not change over time.

By covering the chimney with brick, you will ensure reliable protection of the chimney and the attractiveness of the building for 30-50 years. After this period, the structure will gradually begin to collapse.

Plastering a chimney on the roof and attic

Plastering a chimney pipe is quite common throughout the world. In this case, it is possible to use both ordinary mortar used to level surfaces and decorative plaster. The second option is more interesting, since it becomes possible to create a unique design due to the special composition of the plaster (for example, some types contain crumb elements).

Features of plaster:

  • Ease of use (plaster does not require any coating).
  • Resistance to long-term exposure to water (during its entire service life, the plaster does not crack or wash off, even if the house is built in an area with a high average annual precipitation).
  • Resistant to high temperatures (plaster does not burn or collapse, so it is excellent for finishing the chimney of a fireplace or stove).
  • Fragility (high-quality plaster will last no more than 5 years, after which peeling and gradual destruction will begin; re-plastering can only be done after removing the old material and treating the surface).

The main thing before applying plaster to the chimney frame is to thoroughly prepare the surface (leveling and priming), otherwise the plaster will begin to rapidly deteriorate and the chimney will lose its visual appeal.

Finishing the chimney with plasterboard

Lining a chimney with plasterboard is carried out exclusively indoors, since this material is very sensitive to moisture. Drywall itself is not particularly visually appealing, but it is an excellent base for other finishing materials (for example, ceramic tiles or plaster).

If you decide to install a plasterboard box to hide the fireplace chimney, you must choose a material with a maximum heat resistance rating (most types are not resistant to high temperatures).

The process of installing a plasterboard box is quite simple and can be done with your own hands:

  1. Preparing the layout and cleaning the installation site.
  2. Installation of a metal frame.

The elements of the supporting structure are attached to the wall using self-tapping screws. The frame installation method ensures maximum reliability of the box and durability of the system.

  1. Cutting drywall.
  2. Fastening the sheets to the frame using self-tapping screws.
  3. Plastering the surface.
  4. Finishing.

The main thing is to use a level during installation, since its reliability depends on the verticality and evenness of the structure.

Porcelain tiles for chimney lining

The tiles are suitable for both decorative and existing chimneys. Thanks to the variety of shapes and sizes, it fits perfectly into almost any architectural style, because it can imitate many surfaces. In this case, the front side of the tile can be glossy or matte, embossed or smooth.

The tile manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  1. Selection of several types of clays to ensure maximum density of the finished product.
  2. Crushing all ingredients.
  3. Mixing components: clay, quartz sand, feldspar.
  4. Drying the tiles at a temperature of 600°C.
  5. Final formation of the product.
  6. Re-dry the tiles to remove residual moisture.
  7. Firing (carried out in 2 stages).
  8. Tile quality control.

When all stages are carried out responsibly, the output is a product with the following characteristics:

  • Moisture resistance (tiles do not collapse even with prolonged exposure to water).
  • Resistance to chemicals (the tile surface can be cleaned with any detergent).
  • Resistance to high temperatures (especially important for chimney pipes).
  • Frost resistance.
  • Durability.

The only significant drawback of tiles is their heavy weight, which must be taken into account when planning installation work.

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Rules and regulations

Work on installing and lining the chimney must be carried out in strict accordance with current standards and regulations. The main document is SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, which details all the requirements for chimney lining:

  1. All heated surfaces must be insulated from flammable structural elements (for example, the roof). Moreover, the fire resistance of the insulating material should be 20°C higher than the expected temperature of the hot surface.
  2. The material used to cover the pipe from the fireplace or stove must be resistant to rust.
  3. If brick is used to line the pipe, the thickness of the masonry must be at least 120 mm.
  4. The design should include protective canopies (or umbrellas), the main thing is that they do not reduce the draft from the pipe.
  5. The distance from the pipe to the flammable roof must be at least 130mm (important to consider when covering).

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Strict compliance with all requirements guarantees the reliability and durability of the structure.


At least three types of pipes go to the roof of an individual residential building. These are chimneys (stoves, fireplaces, heating equipment), ventilation (rooms with natural ventilation - bathrooms, kitchen, furnace, basements, etc.) and ventilation of plumbing risers. Finishing the pipe on the roof implies mandatory sealing of the junction of the roofing covering and the vertical surface, protection of the pipe and duct material from precipitation and, if necessary, insulation of the chimney. The aesthetic design of roof exits is also important.

The higher the better. The ideal place is the ridge, the highest point. Firstly, traction is maximum, and secondly, waterproofing is simpler and more reliable. You also need to take into account that the further the chimney is located from the ridge, the higher it should be. This does not paint the roof and complicates its construction.

The roof of the Renaissance masterpiece, the Chateau de Chambord on the Loire, is crowned with many intricately shaped chimneys. Now even in France they don’t know how to do this.

At a time when they had not yet thought of typing building structures, the shape of the chimney was limited only by the imagination of the architect and the customer’s wallet.

The shape of the pipe can also be considered from an aerodynamic point of view. The caps that are installed on the head of the pipe slightly reduce the draft. Therefore, critical chimneys, if they are not located singly, are raised higher, above the common cap. In addition, any protrusions of the pipe casing located in the upper part interfere with normal ventilation. Ideally, the pipe should taper towards the top and the cap should not be too large or too low.

The dependence of the height of the chimney on the distance to the ridge. The closer to it, the less the pipe rises above the roof

To maintain traction, there should not be much expansion at the pipe head.

Often there is a need to install a single ventilation pipe above the roof. For example, ventilation of a sewer riser, which is best placed separately to avoid overlap and reverse draft of air flows with conventional ventilation. In this case, the most rational solution would be not to expose the brickwork to the roof, but to use a standard plastic or metal ventilation outlet, which is included with most modern types of roofing systems.

Beautiful design of a ventilation pipe or chimney. But the traction will be quite weak, the expansion is too large

Standard roof ventilation outlets are reliable, airtight and aesthetically pleasing. Provide good protection from precipitation and are height adjustable. For most roof types, single ducts are the best option.

Sealing brick pipes on the roof

First of all, the outlet of the vertical pipe to the roof must be sealed; this is the first and technically main stage of finishing.

Some time ago, domestic standards prescribed expansion of the brickwork directly above the roof in order to place roofing material under it to seal the joint. Metal was placed under the protrusion of the masonry to ensure the tightness of the connection. The roofing part of the pipe turned out to be quite heavy and not very attractive.

Previously, brick pipes had an extension above the roof, but today they are laid out straight, without ledges

Now, with the advent of new effective waterproofing technologies and materials, it is not necessary to expand the masonry. The brick pipe can be laid straight, without ledges.

Regardless of the type of roof, all under-roof films or waterproofing materials must be wrapped onto the brickwork before installing the roof covering. Bituminous materials cannot be wrapped around chimneys; non-flammable elastic tapes must be used.

We wrap the roofing material onto the masonry

A protective apron is installed around the pipe. It can be made of galvanized metal coated with a polymer composition. If necessary, lay a flexible sealing tape under the apron. Such tapes can be purchased complete with roofs, and in different colors. They are made on the basis of aluminum foil with a self-adhesive layer of bitumen-polymer materials, even from lead plates. For chimney aprons, only non-combustible materials are used.

The most reliable solution is a combination of a metal apron and a flexible sealing tape. If a groove is not made in the masonry in advance, it makes sense to cut a groove in the masonry and insert the metal into the recess. Although this is not necessary.

The groove for the apron can be cut with an angle grinder (grinder)

At the bottom and sides of the pipe, the apron should lie above the roof covering. And from above, on the contrary, it must be brought under the covering.

With any method of fastening, the junction of the apron to the masonry must be sealed. Transparent silicone sealant is perfect for these purposes. Also, do not forget to apply sealant to the seam.

When installing a roof made of flexible tiles under a metal apron, it is better to place a strip of material used for the starting row and valley. You can glue it not only on top of the tiles, as in the photo, but also below

Should I sew up pipes above the roof?

Stitching is performed in the following cases:

Materials and methods of sewing

Lining and caps on pipes

For finishing, a method such as pipe lining is used. In this case, natural or artificial stone is used, but in our conditions this method is not entirely practical. The fact is that the cladding can come off from low-quality bricks (along with the top layer of ceramics), ruining the roof. But a good brick looks beautiful, there is no need to cover it. In addition to the adhesive composition, heavy cladding should be fixed with hardware: secured with metal brackets along the edges or with dowel nails directly through the stone slabs.

The pipes are lined with stone. Heavy material must, in addition to glue, be secured with hardware

To protect against precipitation and birds, protective caps are placed on the pipe heads. The cap impairs traction, so its size should not be too large, and the distance from the top of the pipe to the bottom of the cap should not be less than 15 cm.

The shape and material of the cap is a matter of taste and the fullness of the wallet. You can use a cover made of ordinary galvanized metal or build a complex architectural and artistic composition from copper or stone with a unique weather vane on top.

Exclusive cap using hand forged products. Expensive

These are the caps over the ventilation pipes located on the roof of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona that were invented by Antonio Gaudi. Tourists walk on the roof as if in a stone garden

To protect communications from birds, it is worth placing a protective mesh or grille in the openings. The lattice will create an obstacle for the birds.

The fine mesh also protects against insects (e.g. wasps)

Chimney finishing

The finishing of the chimney on the roof must be carried out in full compliance with fire safety standards. The gases coming out of chimneys have an increased temperature - these are stove and fireplace pipes, as well as chimneys of boilers operating on solid or liquid fuels. Modern gas boilers, especially condensing boilers, have such cooled exhaust gases that they can be considered safe from a fire point of view. However, for all types of chimneys it is necessary to have sufficient draft.

The main requirement for finishing chimneys is the use of only non-combustible materials.

If the chimney is located “in a cage” with ventilation ducts, it must be installed above the common hood.

To maintain draft, the chimney is installed above the common hood

Widely used today, stainless steel chimneys with internal thermal insulation can be installed on the roof without brickwork using a metal apron.

The methods of protecting and finishing pipes on the roof are quite varied and depend largely on the tastes and capabilities of the owner of the house. For pipes, tight connections and good traction are important. Let us repeat that fire safety standards when installing chimneys must be strictly observed.

When arranging a chimney, the question inevitably arises of how to cover the exit pipe. Temperature differences, exposure to the external environment and weather conditions - all affect the longevity of the chimney. An important part of the system is its decorativeness. Beautiful cladding will raise the level of aesthetic perception of the roof and give it a complete look.


Selection of finishing materials

Initially, when choosing a material for finishing a chimney, you need to take into account its protective capabilities. Among the negative factors that reduce the service life of the chimney are the following:

  • weather influence,
  • temperature difference during the year,
  • high operating temperature,
  • ultraviolet radiation.

The main problem remains the difference between high operating and external atmospheric temperatures. Because of this, condensation forms in the chimney, which enters the structure and gradually destroys it. Good chimney insulation using facing materials can significantly reduce the formation of condensation. In addition, it is important to ensure that the facing materials match the roof roofing. The material used must have a high degree of weather resistance and wear resistance.

The chimney is finished using the following materials:

  • decorative brick,
  • tile,
  • cement slabs,
  • roofing material,
  • ready-made solutions.

Finishing the chimney pipe with decorative bricks is the most practical option. Clinker bricks are especially good in this regard. It does not noticeably become dirty during use and goes well with any type of roofing. Clinker tiles are characterized by high mechanical strength and resistance to atmospheric influences and are more often used for lining tall thin pipes. For a powerful chimney structure, solid bricks are used, laid in a checkerboard pattern on a special adhesive composition.

Plaster is often used for decorative finishing. Due to its versatility and affordable cost, this finishing method is often used. The process of applying the material itself is similar to finishing facade walls, while choosing mineral or acrylic varieties will significantly increase the service life.

Cement boards are good because they are light in weight and have different texture variations, making it possible to recreate any surface with their help. At the same time, the material is environmentally friendly and non-flammable.

Corrugated sheeting is often used under the roofing material. It is a profiled metal sheet made from steel using the cold rolling method. Corrugated sheeting is interesting because in addition to its high protective properties and durability, it also has a low price and is quite decorative. Metal structures are lightweight and easy to install, while providing an attractive aesthetic appearance.

An original solution is to use ready-made structures. Most often these are rubber products that provide heat and waterproofing. A wide protective apron will protect the chimney from moisture and dirt getting into the roofing pie, but it is not a good design element. It is more suitable for external chimney pipes made of stainless steel.

What rules and regulations must be followed?

Before cladding, it is important to pay attention to the compliance of the finished structure with SNiP standards. Requirements for heating and ventilation include the following items:

  • insulation of hot surfaces involves laying thermal insulation that can provide a temperature difference on the surface of the cladding and the inside of up to 20°C,
  • pipelines and air ducts must be made of materials that have a protective anti-corrosion coating. Or from those that are themselves characterized by corrosion resistance,
  • the free space between the pipes and the roof must be covered with non-combustible roofing materials,
  • the use of asbestos materials is not allowed,
  • if the stove is heated with coal, then in this case it is impossible to install chimney pipes made of stainless steel,
  • the mouths of chimneys must not impede the free exit of smoke from the chimney,
  • the thickness of chimney pipes made of clay brick should be less than 120 mm, and those made of heat-resistant concrete - 60 mm.

Stages of finishing a pipe on the roof

  • The facing finish begins with the installation of a special protective apron at the point where the chimney pipe exits onto the roof. The apron is laid in two layers: one is placed under the roof, the second layer of the protective apron is laid on top of the covering. The junction points are carefully sealed.
  • Additional pipe finishing is required in the following cases:
    • insufficient draft in the chimney,
    • ensuring decoration of chimney elements facing the roof,
    • the lining of the chimney pipe was made of simple brick, which did not have the proper degree of aesthetics,
    • the materials used for the chimney do not match the style of the house, standing out from the general appearance,

Pipe sealing

Finishing a chimney on the roof first begins with ensuring the proper degree of sealing of the pipe outlet. Relatively recently, codes required the construction of expanded brickwork at the exit point of the pipe. This was required in order to supply the roofing material in order to seal the joint. Ultimately, the design took on a rather bulky appearance and was unattractive from an aesthetic point of view. Modern materials make it possible to avoid such requirements and still provide effective sealing. Any roofing material must be wrapped onto the chimney pipe masonry. Next, a protective apron is installed around the pipe. The apron itself is often made of galvanized metal 2-4 mm thick, but requires a polymer coating for resistance to weathering. For aprons, non-flammable materials that can withstand high temperatures are always used.

The best option for ensuring high-quality sealing is a combination of a flexible sealing tape and a polymer-coated metal apron. The tape is made of aluminum foil with the addition of bitumen and polymer materials as a self-adhesive layer. It is laid under the apron, where the chimney exits onto the roof. After installing the apron, clear silicone sealant is applied to the seams to complete the seal.

Performing stitching

Finishing a brick chimney often requires additional lining. As a rule, it is required in the following cases:

  • brickwork is made of simple bricks,
  • with a high pipe height of more than two meters above the roof surface, weak draft is provided,
  • aesthetic tastes.

In addition, if the air ducts have a light plastic base, then there is often no need for brickwork. In this case, the sheathing simply covers the frame through which such communications pass.

A profile of the same thickness and texture that is used for drywall is often used as a material for the frame. In this case, all connections are made using metal dowels.

Covering a chimney with sheet metal is one of the most practical methods. Labor and material costs are minimal, and installation is quite simple. If proper thermal insulation is provided, the surface of the skin will not be subject to strong heating, which will make it possible to cover it with rubber paint to provide additional protection from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and weather on the metal. Painting will also add additional aesthetics to the structure.

Pipe lining

Beautiful finishing of a brick chimney often involves lining the pipes with decorative stone of artificial or natural origin. In this case, it is necessary to line the pipe with high-quality decorative bricks and ensure the strength of the fasteners with reliable connecting materials. Otherwise, when exposed to temperatures, the lining may tear off the pipe. But it is worth remembering that high-quality decorative brick already has the proper degree of aesthetics. Often it does not need additional cladding, since it does not violate the integrity of the selected composition. If the cladding elements have significant weight, then in this case they will require additional strengthening. In addition to the adhesive composition, hardware or dowel fasteners are often used along the edges of the tiles.

Decorating a chimney inside the house: selection of materials

In a country house, a fireplace or stove is often built in the living room. The chimney often passes through the ceiling and often through all rooms. In this case, there is a need to harmoniously fit the protruding parts into the interior.

  • First, a frame is constructed from a metal profile, which is then covered with sheets of plasterboard. Conventional material is not suitable for this, so you will need a fire-resistant plasterboard sheet, which is designated GKLO.
  • Mineral or fiberglass wool is placed inside the frame to provide thermal insulation. Thanks to this material, the surface of the sheet is ready for finishing with any material, including even simple wallpapering on the sheet.
  • Finishing the chimney inside the house does not require special expenses. For example, ceramic tiles or gypsum stucco will go well with many interior styles. It is advisable to make some elements in the form of a mosaic, especially its combinations of glass of different colors.

The most durable and durable material for finishing, both internal and external, is clinker brick. It is well suited for interiors designed in a minimalist style, and often does not require additional finishing.

Plaster is more often used for interior decoration to create a simple and antique look. This is the oldest method, which still retains many adherents.

The choice of decoration method depends more on taste preferences, since proper thermal insulation of the chimney will allow the exterior to be decorated with any material.

Advantages and disadvantages of cladding materials

The market offers a huge variety of different finishing materials. In order not to get confused in this assortment, it is important to know their distinctive types, as well as their qualities:

  • Sidings are plastic panels for exterior decoration. They are installed on the chimney if high-quality thermal insulation has been provided. The material requires installation on a rigid base, is non-toxic and is not afraid of water. However, it melts when exposed to flame or high temperature and is characterized by low strength and frost resistance.
  • Plaster is distinguished by its durability and resistance to atmospheric conditions, but at the same time it is quite labor-intensive to install and is characterized by high cost. Also, applying plaster often involves a subsequent layer of decorative style or painting.

  • Clinker bricks are valued for their strength and durability. At the same time, its decorative properties are also at their best. Among its disadvantages are its high price: from 1000 rubles per 1 m2, and its weight. Often the chimney design in this case will require additional reinforcement.
  • Ceramic tiles are suitable exclusively for interior decoration. It is mounted on smooth and flat surfaces, and at the same time it is demanding in terms of preliminary preparatory work. The tile is characterized by its aesthetics and low price.
  • Corrugated sheeting is one of the best materials for finishing roofs and chimneys. The material is lightweight, resistant to stress and weather influences. At the same time, manufacturers offer a wide range of colors. One of the disadvantages of corrugated sheeting is its poor sound insulation.
  • Metal tiles are good for their ease of installation and durability. Finishing the chimney with a metal profile will ensure the aesthetics of the structure and its resistance to climate influences. Like corrugated sheeting, metal tiles are not capable of providing good sound insulation. In principle, this is not so important when finishing the chimney.

How is the finishing of the chimney on the roof implemented? How to seal a chimney with your own hands? What materials are used to carry out such work? How to line a pipe in order to preserve its performance?

These and similar questions are of considerable interest, both for owners of country houses and for compatriots who have decided to build a new house.

Professionally finished finish

The photo shows the waterproofing of the passage using rolled materials

In order for the operation of heating equipment in a country house or cottage to be stable and efficient, the area between the roofing system and the chimney must be completely sealed. The roof penetration is responsible for this parameter of this section. (See also the article Features of finishing the roof eaves of a house.)

The design of the passage unit is determined by fire safety rules. For example, if the excessive temperature of exhaust furnace gases is transferred to the roofing system, there is a high probability of fire.

Important: The risk is especially high for roofing systems with a large number of wooden elements that have not undergone timely treatment with fire retardants.

To prevent fire and damage to the roof, the chimney pipe is finished as follows:

  • We maintain a gap between flammable areas of the roof and the chimney, the width of which is regulated by building regulations.
  • At the junction area, the chimney is treated with materials with a low degree of thermal conductivity, such as asbestos.
  • The section where the chimney pipe passes through the roofing pie is made using a box made of galvanized steel or corrugated sheeting.
  • We fill the gap between the chimney and the steel box with non-flammable heat-insulating materials, for example, basalt wool plates.

This method of arranging a roof passage can be used with equal success both on the slope and on the ridge. Both methods have characteristic features that will need to be taken into account in a timely manner.

For example, installing a smoke exhaust along a ridge requires changes to the design of the rafter system. Installing a chimney on a slope causes the formation of an additional pocket for snow accumulation, which can lead to leaks. However, this problem can be solved by using modern insulating materials. (See also the article How to install trim panels for the facade of a house.)

Old and modern chimney sealing technologies

If until relatively recently, sealing the joint between the chimney and the roof was carried out using improvised means, now such work is carried out using specialized materials and standardized units.

The choice of industrially manufactured products for sealing passages on the construction market is wide. Consequently, everyone will be able to choose the option that is most suitable for arranging a particular chimney system.

Collar (clad) made of soft metal

As already mentioned, the finishing of the pipe on the second floor, in the attic and at the place of passage through the roofing pie was carried out using improvised means, and therefore it was not possible to count on optimal results of the work done.

The finishing of the chimney pipe on the roof was a metal structure, the so-called “collar” or “cladding”.

The “collar” is made as follows:

  • Rectangular strips up to 40 cm wide are cut from sheet steel 0.2-0.5 mm thick;
  • the prepared strips are bent to the shape of the junction of the chimney pipe and the roof;
  • finishing parameters are applied based on the size of the chimney, the angle of inclination of the slope, and the type of finishing used;
  • the elements of the “collar” made of galvanized sheet are connected into one piece with an overlay and carefully soldered;
  • if the collar elements are cut from steel sheet, they are installed with a double standing seam;
  • a lying seam connection is used to finish a chimney on a roof made of corrugated slabs or tiles;
  • on a pitched roof with a slope angle of more than 30°, directly behind the chimney, a “bumper” is mounted in the form of a beam or metal threshold, which will direct the flow of rainwater around the pipe.

The photo shows the installation of a prefabricated apron

In order for the finishing price to be relatively low and the quality of the work done to be satisfactory, the chimney is sealed with a protective apron.

The apron is made in two ways:

  • using flexible aluminum or lead tape;
  • using galvanized metal coated with protective polymer compounds.

Finishing scheme using soft metal tape and sealant

An apron made of aluminum tape is mounted in two layers, which wrap around the pipe around the entire perimeter. The tape is inserted halfway into the gap between the pipe and the roofing, while the other half of the tape is folded over and laid on top of the roofing material.

Next, the junction of the apron to the roofing materials is carefully glued using bitumen mastic or alternative means. The apron at the junction with the chimney is covered with metal profiles.

The final stage is waterproofing the assembled structure using a special waterproofing film. (See also the article How to do waterproofing and finishing work.)

In the photo - an apron made of sheet steel

I installed the sheet steel apron as follows:

  • The roofing deck is insulated with roofing felt and overlaps the adjacent walls of the chimney;
  • Pre-prepared apron elements are mounted on top of the roofing felt;
  • The gaps between the apron and the surface of the chimney are filled with roofing silicone or other polymer sealants.

Important: Statistics show that the most reliable and durable solution is not one of the above methods, but a combination of them.

That is, it is advisable to complete the finishing using flexible tape, and in addition to this, install a steel apron.

Features of the use of roofing chimney seals

There is a universal tool that makes finishing the chimney much easier. We are talking about Master-flash roofing sealants.

This type of insulation is suitable for most chimney pipes, regardless of their diameter. Thanks to the use of this insulator, the chimney can be installed on the slopes of any roofing system with different angles of inclination.

Such amazing characteristics are achieved due to the unique shape and elasticity of the insulator. The Master-Flash roofing sealant, as well as its analogues, is made of special heat-resistant rubber or silicone with an operating temperature range from -74 to +260°.

Installed Master flush seal

The instructions for installing the roof seal are as follows:

  • Lubricate the inside of the seal ring with shampoo or wet soap;
  • Next, we put it on the upper part of the chimney pipe and forcefully push it downwards;
  • Having reached the roofing material, we wipe the underside of the seal dry to remove any possible contamination;
  • Next, we apply an insulating polymer composition to the cleaned surface and press the flange to the roof.

In this article, we examined the most popular methods of protective finishing of the chimney and connection to the roofing system. In order for the result of the work carried out to be as effective as possible, it is advisable to use the described methods not individually, but comprehensively.

To simplify the finishing of the chimney pipe and adjacent roof, watch the video in this article.

Chimneys are easily exposed to various negative influences. This could be changes in temperature conditions or aggressive weather conditions. During the combustion process, condensate formed in the chimney pipe destroys it. And the formation of condensate is caused by the temperature difference between the operating pipe and the air. Various impurities formed in the chimney pipe lead to its destruction. To avoid such moments, it is necessary to insulate the chimney using lining. How to line a chimney with corrugated sheeting or other material, which option is cheaper and which is more reliable, what is the chimney lining made of?

Corrugated sheeting is a covering that can be used in the construction of buildings.

You will find answers to all these questions by reading the article to the end.

Selection of facing material

The chimney, or rather the part of it protruding above the roof, is most exposed to negative environmental influences. Another important point is the aesthetic side of the chimney, since this element is quite striking, and, in addition to technical conditions, must match the style and color scheme of your home. Simply put, the chimney should not spoil the appearance of the roof, but contribute to its decoration.

The lining of the protruding part of the chimney involves the use of various materials. The main thing is that they are resistant to precipitation, wind, low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. It meets almost all of these qualities. Not the last factor when choosing is the appearance and color scheme of the material intended for cladding work. The chimney should look harmonious with the roof covering and match the style of the entire house. The chimney, that is, its lining, is completed before the roofing material is laid. In this case, you will not damage the roof and avoid contamination of the roof surface.

Chimney. Cladding methods

Lining a chimney pipe, or rather, its methods, is quite diverse. The choice depends on what material you have chosen for the chimney installation.

P-20 corrugated sheeting is the most popular and universal profile.

A fairly practical way is to use clinker bricks or tiles. Dirt will not be noticeable on a chimney pipe lined with such material. Another advantage of its use is its absolute combination with any roofing covering. The positive properties of clinker bricks include strength, resistance to temperature changes and weather conditions. Only solid clinker bricks are used, laid on a special clinker mortar.

Another method by which you can veneer a chimney is plaster. Its advantages include a fairly low price, lightness, durability and versatility. Plastering pipes is done in the same way as plastering facade walls. The durability and wear resistance of such cladding can be increased by applying silicone paint over the plaster.

Another option is to line the chimney using a ready-made structure. It is produced in a factory and is part of a chimney pipe equipped with a steel channel. Such structures can be faced with brick or other material, painted, plastered or reinforced with mesh (for subsequent plastering). The appearance of such structures is quite impressive. The cladding is made of the same material as the roof covering. These can be cement-fiber boards, profile sheets (cladding with corrugated sheets), slate, and so on. All these materials look quite aesthetically pleasing and are practical in their use.

Facing with corrugated sheets. Advantages of using a profile sheet

The profile sheet is considered one of the most popular in modern construction.

Another name for it is corrugated sheeting. The areas of application of profile sheets are quite diverse. The most popular areas are the construction of walls, the manufacture of fencing, roofing and, of course, use as a cladding material. The advantages of profile flooring include the following qualities:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • easy maintenance;
  • durability;
  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to high temperatures.

There are a large number of varieties of profile sheets. Here is a small list of the main types:

Installation of the profiled sheet is carried out in one direction: from corner to corner.

  • combined type profile sheet (used in various designs);
  • galvanized profile sheet (used as roofing material);
  • painted profile sheet (for covering roofs and other structures);
  • aluminum profile sheet (has durability and high resistance to humid environments);
  • support-type profile sheet (has increased strength properties and can withstand heavy weight);
  • roofing profile sheet (used for roofing and also as a facing material);
  • facing-type profile sheet (to protect various structures from negative influences, including the chimney).

Profile sheets in modern construction are a fairly popular material for cladding. It is a steel sheet of a profile nature, made from galvanized steel (galvanized profile sheet) or from steel with a polymer coating.

Cladding with corrugated sheets gives the structure a finished look. Such qualities of the profile sheet as non-flammability, environmental friendliness, reliability, durability, and resistance to mechanical loads make it indispensable when lining a chimney.

The nuances of performing installation work with corrugated sheets

Advantages of corrugated sheeting: ease of installation, durability, quality of production.

Before carrying out installation work with corrugated sheets, it is necessary to comply with its storage conditions. The room in which the profile sheet is stored must be dry and well ventilated. Corrugated sheets must be stored in a horizontal position on a plane. If it is impossible to store it indoors, the profile sheet is covered with a film that has waterproof properties, since moisture ingress is undesirable.

To cut a profile sheet, you will need a circular saw in which a special blade is fixed, or an electric jigsaw. It is considered undesirable to use a grinder for, since heating damages the sheet coating (polymer or zinc). Before installing profile sheets, it is necessary to study their geometry.

If there are any errors, they will need to be corrected during the installation process using additional components. Parts of sheets along the bottom edge should form a single line. To protect your hands, you will also need construction gloves or mittens. When installing corrugated sheets, the strength of the structure being manufactured is very important, since strong gusts of wind can tear off the cladding elements. Self-tapping screws are used to connect profile sheets to each other. Precision when joining sheets is a guarantee of an aesthetic appearance.

Knowing the features and nuances of the upcoming installation, you will avoid unforeseen situations during work. Good luck with your construction!