Features of interior decoration of wooden houses. All available options for interior finishing of a wooden house

Interior decoration of a wooden house is the most creative construction process, during which you can recreate the design that your imagination requires. Now the construction market offers a lot of finishing materials, among which you can always choose the one that suits your price and style. The interior decoration of the home will indicate the owner’s taste, because how the house is decorated is how its owners are judged.

Preparation before interior finishing of the log house

Before you start making repairs interior walls, you need to learn about some features that should be taken into account when carrying out interior decoration:

Types of interior wall decoration

Wall decoration in wooden house can be carried out different ways. Everything depends only on the desires and capabilities of the owner himself. First you need to determine the goal that should be achieved as a result of finishing. The options can be completely varied: from the natural beauty of wood to a modern style made with alternative materials. In practice, a finishing trend has been noticed wooden houses inside with progressive materials that completely hide the wood structure. Below we will discuss how traditional ways finishing, as well as those that are becoming increasingly popular among owners of timber houses.

Decoration with carriage board

Lining is a simple and available material, with which you can finish not only walls, but also floors and ceilings. To create an even coating, you need to worry about the sheathing in advance. Creating a sheathing will help hide unnecessary pipes and wires, as well as additionally insulate the walls, if necessary.

The construction market offers buyers three types of lining that can be purchased:

  • Ordinary carriage boards are simple sanded boards that do not have recesses or recesses. This is the most cheap material finishes among those presented. This board is fastened to the sheathing with galvanized nails. Disadvantage of this material it is considered that the boards do not adhere to each other during laying, which can lead to an incorrect and crooked fit to the surface. Also, during installation, chipping of the boards is common due to their small thickness.
  • Universal type carriage board. This material is more convenient and practical. Due to the fact that the boards have tongues and grooves, they can be easily adjusted to each other and this design will no longer be bent. This lining is reliable and practical in finishing.
  • Block House carriage board. This is a type of lining, very similar to the second option, but on one side it imitates a rounded log. It was created in order to create an even more pleasant look for the entire design. The mounting method is the same as for the universal board.

Important! The lining must be treated with an antiseptic and other compounds that increase its service life.

Like any material, carriage boards have their own advantages:

  • The design becomes more decorative, wood adds coziness and comfort to the house.
  • Lining helps to hide communications that are unpleasant to the eye (pipes or defects in the log house itself)
  • This finish helps retain heat in the room. Even the thinnest lining can make a house warmer without the use of special material.
  • Easy installation, thanks to which you can completely decorate the house even with your own hands.

But, despite all the advantages that distinguish the lining, it also has several negative sides:

  • The material does not resist fire like any wood, so it must be treated with special compounds. This treatment will increase finishing costs.
  • Additional components for such a design greatly increase the cost of finishing with economical lining.

Natural finish

Pristine beauty interior design made of wood will help preserve paint and varnish products. This option is only suitable if the log house itself is sufficiently insulated and treated with special solutions to protect it from moisture.

Before finishing, be sure to clean the surfaces from dirt and dust and sand them thoroughly. It will not be superfluous to treat with putty and primer.

It is believed that there is no need to wait for the house to shrink before painting. This assumption is correct, but painting is also not done immediately after construction due to the fact that the moisture present in the wood will come out, forming smudges and bubbles on the surface.

If the house was built using the “paw” method, then it is best to cover the surface with paint, and if it was built “in a bowl”, then ordinary transparent varnish will look great, which will not hide the natural grain of the wood.

Using paint, you can create accents on certain surfaces or zone a room. Materials for interior wall decoration should be as environmentally friendly as possible, because the safety of the coating is especially important inside the house.

IN Lately very popular art painting walls and ceiling. This design will bring modern notes to the interior, without affecting the virgin beauty of the wood pattern.

Important! With this finishing, communications cannot be hidden, so the wiring is placed in the corners of the room, and the pipes are placed in a pre-created frame.

The floors and ceilings with this type of wall decoration are made of carriage boards or parquet.

This type of interior decoration also has its advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of:

  • Saved original style wooden frame.
  • Material costs are much lower than with alternative finishes.
  • The coating must be renewed every 4 years so that it does not lose its decorative qualities.
  • After shrinkage, log houses, as a rule, become slightly curved, and finishing with paint or varnish will no longer provide the opportunity to visually adjust this situation.

Typically, a house made of wood on the outside already presupposes the same decoration on the inside, so there will be no limit to the amazement of guests if, upon entering wooden frame, will be found there modern interior, which has nothing to do with the village. At the moment, it is possible to decorate your home this way. For the floor, parquet, laminate or carpet are best suited in this case; in some rooms there may be tiles. Most often used for ceilings hanging structures or drywall.

Plasterboard decoration

Drywall is a very convenient finishing material that allows you to create any desired structure without any problems. In order to attach drywall to the wall, you need to create a frame from a galvanized profile, onto which the material is attached with self-tapping screws.

Important! Plasterboard finishing should be done after the house has settled, as cracks may appear during the process, which will ruin the appearance.

The advantages of plasterboard design include ease of installation, low cost, and the ability to hide all unnecessary communications.

Since this material is very fragile, its main disadvantage is that it is not at all resistant to mechanical damage. Also small negative point what will happen finished design plasterboard needs to be improved, for example, with wallpaper or putty. The interior finishing of the wooden house in the photo was done with plasterboard.

Decoration with plastic panels and plaster

Installation of plastic panels is as simple as installation of drywall. The main and most significant difference from the previous material is the variety of colors and patterns, thanks to which you can decorate the room in different styles by combining materials.

Another advantage of this finishing material is that, thanks to laying on the lathing, you can hide unnecessary communications. This coating can be washed, as the plastic is resistant to moisture.

Plaster too interesting option wall decoration in a wooden house. Thanks to what now exists decorative types plaster, it is not necessary to completely level the surface. With the help of such material you can easily create the necessary relief or even drawings using the sgraffito technique, as shown in the photo below. The coating is very reliable and durable, so it will last for decades.

Interior finishing of ceiling and floor

The cladding of the floor and ceiling must be in harmony with the decoration of the walls of the house. The most good options The floor will be parquet or laminate. This is due to the fact that such a coating retains heat better and is environmentally friendly, which is very important inside the house, because the safety of all its inhabitants depends on it.

Important! After assembly, the parquet is covered with paraffin and parquet varnish.

Proper installation of parquet will give you the opportunity to enjoy the perfect floor long years. The varnish coating is refreshed every 2 years due to the fact that it wears out.

You should take the cladding of the ceilings in a house made of timber very seriously. Finishing can be done only after the house has completely settled, and this is a period of 2 - 3 years. Otherwise, ceiling structure It simply becomes deformed, which will ruin all subsequent repairs.

For interior in modern style just mount suspended ceiling, which will eliminate problems with plastering and other related work. If the interior is designed in a Scandinavian or rustic style ceiling beams They don’t hide them, but on the contrary, they focus attention on them. They can be painted in any color that suits the style or covered with stain for better decorative effect from natural wood.

Important! If there is an attic on the second floor of the house, then the space between the rough and finished ceiling is filled with insulation and vapor barrier materials.

The final stage of construction is finishing the inside of a wooden house, and in this case, photos can help the owners decide on the style of their future home, but they will have to choose the materials themselves, as well as carry out a series of preparatory work. Wood has special requirements for subsequent finishing, so when carrying out interior work its properties and characteristics should be taken into account. In addition, do not forget that a house made of wood is not only beautiful and warm, but also has a special energy. Its interior design can either emphasize unity and harmony with nature, creating an atmosphere of unique comfort, or be ultra-modern, but no less comfortable.

When should interior finishing work be carried out?

The interior decoration of a wood house should be carried out only after the main shrinkage has passed (this only applies to “fresh” log houses). At this stage, active shrinkage of the tree occurs, the beams or logs change their size downward, and the insulation is pressed. If the interior finishing is done before the shrinkage is completed, the result can be a curved coating, which may also fall off and you will have to start all over again.

The duration of shrinkage is affected by:

  • Type of house construction.
  • Material (timber, log, etc.), its initial moisture content.
  • Climatic zone of construction.
  • Construction time.

In particular, a house made of laminated veneer lumber shows the main shrinkage 3-4 weeks after construction, this is the most fast deadline. Other types of wooden houses require several months or even years to shrink. On average, finishing inside a house can begin only 10-12 months after the completion of construction itself.

Interior decoration of a house made of timber (interior decoration of a timber house)

Houses made of timber are most often finished with clapboard, imitation timber or other natural materials. The peculiarities of the interior decoration of a house made of timber include that when using dry profiled timber, the inside of the walls can not be lined with clapboard, but simply sanded and painted. Less commonly, a house made of profiled timber is finished with plasterboard, tiles, etc. This is partly due to the fact that the walls look beautiful and natural without finishing. It is also worth noting that the interior decoration of a house made of timber usually begins after the house has settled.

Interior decoration of a frame house

Manufactured houses frame technology, do not shrink. That is, if a frame house set is made of dry wood, then it will not change its size and shape at all. And any finishing work can begin immediately after installation of the roof.

If the frame of the house is made of lumber of natural moisture, then as the wood dries, the gaps in the joints may increase. In this case facade works and interior finishing of a frame house are available after natural shrinkage of the frame. (3-6 months)

Interior decoration of a house from SIP panels

Houses made from SIP panels are the same frame houses only in them as wall material a SIP panel (structural insulating panel) is used, consisting of a layer of insulation, covered on both sides with OSB sheets. As is the case with frame houses You can begin interior finishing of a house from SIP panels immediately after completion of construction work; no time for shrinkage is required.

Interior decoration of a log house

Most the best option For a log house, the walls will be sanded and coated with special compounds and caulked with decorative rope. Simply put, save and underscore natural beauty wood. But in some cases, plating is performed log house plasterboard, MDF, finishing tiles in bathrooms and other similar materials.

Finishing nuances

It is possible to begin decorating the inside of a wooden house only after painstakingly studying the topic: methods, technologies. The materials used for wall cladding are those that allow air to pass through and create good microcirculation.

If you use sealed materials, the walls of the house simply stop breathing. These rules fully apply to the insulation process and external treatment. If the structure does not allow air to pass through, then the occurrence of greenhouse effect. You can solve the problem using forced ventilation, which means that significant investments will be required, loss of time, and the need to control the quality of ventilation.

When carrying out interior decoration of a wooden house, you need to use lightweight materials that will not increase the load on the foundation.

Start of the process

Finishing is possible after the end of the active stage of shrinkage. This rule applies to a new, newly built house. If you have to process an old structure, you can start immediately. It is important to consider the following:

  • If the base of the house is a log and ordinary timber, then ideally the finishing starts no earlier than a year.
  • If the base of the house is dry profiled or laminated veneer lumber, you can start working in 1-2 months.

It is necessary to take into account climatic features, average temperature, humidity indicators. Finishing the interior of walls made of logs and ordinary timber allowed upon completion of caulking.

The work involves two stages:

  • First, the caulking process is carried out several weeks after the walls are assembled.
  • The second part begins at least 6 months later - after shrinkage.

To caulk walls, you need a material with heat-insulating and sealing properties. Tow and jute meet all the criteria for high quality. They are widespread due to their affordable cost, unpretentiousness, and durability. It also happens in practice that some people use moss as a material for caulking because... there were no more modern substitutes.

Work is carried out from the outside and inside at the same time, you need to start from the bottom. As soon as the crown is ready on one side, it is worth moving to the other side - this will help avoid distortion.

When the work is completed, the object will rise a few centimeters, but soon the inter-crown filler will become denser and the original height will return. Drafts will practically not make themselves felt due to the tight fit of the timber or log; this will significantly increase the thermal insulation performance.

Caulking wooden walls is a special type of activity that involves its own technologies and nuances; you can find out more about this in the article. As soon as the second caulking is completed, you need to measure the height of the walls from time to time. If the data has not changed within a couple of months, it means that the shrinkage has ended and finishing can begin.

Preparation for finishing

It is not always advisable to cladding walls from the inside. If the inter-crown insulation is invisible, and the design is neat and tidy, then the sheathing can be abandoned and replaced with cheaper, practical paints and varnishes. However, if the caulking seams are unattractive, there are surface defects, and the texture is uneven, then only finishing will correct the situation.

It is very important to protect wood from mold and mildew, regardless of the characteristics of the materials used. Manufacturers offer effective, safe, inexpensive antiseptics especially for such purposes. Additionally, you can take fire retardants, which, as the name suggests, make the texture non-flammable.

Types of finishes

Decorating a house with your own hands is not one, but several options:

  • Drywall.
  • Wall panels.
  • Lining of different shapes.

Regardless of the specifics of the materials, it is required to install the frame on the surface. Wood has proven itself ideal. Yes, some technologies involve abandoning the frame, but the base must be perfectly flat, without chips or protrusions. Sheathing on the frame is advisable because:

  • It will allow you to hide the wiring.
  • Provides clearance for wall drying and air circulation.
  • You don't have to make the base level.
  • It is convenient to install thermal insulation materials.

It also has its own characteristics. So, there is a chance that rodents and insects will appear in the gap and additional measures will have to be taken to get rid of it. Wood paneling at home implies the presence of a small gap near the ceiling, this reduces the occurrence of shrinkage and deformation. Optimal width is 2-4 cm, this space can be easily hidden by installing a decorative plinth.

Sheathing using lining

Interior decoration of a house with wood is big variety. Lining guarantees an abundance of shapes, widths, and special textures depending on the type of wood. You can divide the lining based on the transverse profile into the following types:

  • American.
  • Landhouse.
  • Blockhouse.
  • Standard.
  • Softline, etc.

The fastenings are also different:

  • Using clamps.
  • Using screws and nails at an angle.
  • Nails into the face. This method is not very common because it is considered not very attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

Self-tapping screws with nails and clamps are not easy; it is necessary to fasten them and prevent deformation of the lining on the front side.

Self-tapping screws or nails are often replaced with special construction staplers with staples. This allows the use of staples with a narrow part on the “back” side and with long legs. The fastening materials are based on special metal compounds, steel with anti-corrosion treatment.

Wood is used as the basis for the lining, which means shrinkage is also relevant. If chamber drying has been carried out, the material will be of the highest quality. However, it is not so easy to purchase lining that has undergone chamber drying, so many homeowners who carry out finishing choose more available options. The following nuances need to be taken into account:

  • When securing it initially, you need to remember that the cladding will have to be dismantled, so you should decide on the appropriate tools: screws or nails.
  • If you follow aesthetic considerations, you can dismantle the lining and then nail it again.
  • It is possible to leave the surfaces in their natural form - as is.
  • If natural drying has taken place, then gaps will appear between the finishing elements.

Features of wall panels

Wall panels - a wide variety design solutions, the ability to implement projects of any complexity. Perhaps this is one of the favorite options of designers, since it does not limit imagination. If we talk about finishing a wooden house using wall panels, then you need to correctly determine the type:

  • Leather.
  • Plastic.
  • Glass.
  • Bamboo.
  • Wood.

Each option has its own specifics, for example, if you choose glass, you should be especially careful and take precautions. In addition, the glass is massive, which means it has an impact on the supporting structure. If the wall fencing is miniature and thin, then it is better to abandon this option.

Features of drywall

Drywall is used very actively, it is inexpensive, lightweight, and beautiful. Nuances:

  • It is not very durable or resistant to mechanical stress. Ideally, it is worth sheathing it only 2 years after the construction of the object. Plus, the operating mode should be normal, with the heating on.
  • When installing sheathing after 1-2 years from the date of construction, you need to install drywall on a floating frame. This significantly reduces the risk of movement of the trim and base relative to each other.

In problem areas, cracks should not open, which is achieved by gluing with a reinforcing mesh. It is inexpensive, its base is polymers, and with its help, seams, joints, and corners are reinforced.

If possible, it is better to use slats and bars made of wood. If taken metallic profile, then waterproofing measures are carried out: general rule states that if materials with excellent properties come into contact with each other, waterproofing is necessary.

Old wooden buildings

If you work with old wooden houses, then you need to objectively assess the condition of the object, in particular the walls, provide additional protection, identify suspicious areas, and further investigate them. A chisel, knife, and screwdriver will come in handy. Problem areas the following are considered:

  • The density of which is different.
  • The texture of which is different.
  • The area is darker or lighter than the rest.

Sometimes you have to face the fact that wood fibers crumble, thin out. In such cases, it is better to consult a specialist to determine the extent of the damage. If no serious defects have been identified, then it is enough to treat the base with an antiseptic.

If you have any questions about interior decoration frame houses. Write to us.

Building houses from wood will always be popular. This is due to the unique properties of the material, both operational and aesthetic. But when carrying out construction work with your own hands, you need to take into account many nuances that will affect the durability of the walls and the entire building. One of the issues that needs to be resolved will be the interior decoration of a wooden house.

Finishing features

Do-it-yourself finishing of a wooden house from the inside should be done only after careful study of the technology and methods. It is better to cover the walls with materials that allow air to pass through well. You can also use materials that are completely sealed, but in this case the walls of the house will stop breathing.
The same rule should be taken into account when exterior decoration and insulation. If the wall cladding material does not allow air to pass through, a greenhouse effect is created in the room. In this case, to ensure a normal microclimate, a forced ventilation device will be required. Such activities require additional financial investments.

Also interior decoration wooden building with your own hands should be made from relatively light materials. In this case Finishing work from the inside will not have a strong impact on the walls and foundations (the load on them will not increase significantly).

When to start

Finishing of a wooden frame can be done only after its active shrinkage has been completed. If we're talking about about the old house, then proceed without fear. If the walls were built recently, it is necessary to take into account the material from which they are built:

  • laminated veneer lumber - after 3-4 months;
  • ordinary timber and logs - at least after 1 year.

The exact rate of completion of shrinkage depends on the climatic characteristics of the area. Air humidity and average temperature have a strong influence. It is allowed to begin finishing the internal walls made of timber and logs only after they have been caulked. Do-it-yourself work is carried out in two stages:

  • The first caulking of the walls must be carried out a few weeks after the walls are assembled;
  • the second is done after 6-8 months.

To caulk the walls, you will need to prepare sealing and heat-insulating material. Jute or tow is used as it. Sometimes moss can be used. Work must be carried out simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. They start caulking from the bottom. Having insulated the crown on one side, you must immediately move to the other side. Otherwise, the walls may warp.

After completion of the insulation work, the building is raised a few centimeters. Over time, the inter-crown material will become denser and the height will become the same. It is precisely due to the tight fit of jute or tow to the logs (beams) that drafts are prevented and thermal insulation performance is increased.

After the second caulking, it is necessary to periodically measure the height of the walls. If the measurement results do not change within a couple of months, the shrinkage process has stopped. In this case, you can start finishing it yourself.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to decide whether it makes sense to line the walls from the inside. If they are folded neatly and the inter-crown insulation does not protrude from the joints, sheathing is not required. It would be cheaper and better to use paint and varnish products.

If the walls are uneven and the caulking seam is unattractive, you should think about finishing. Regardless of what materials are used, it is necessary to protect the wood from fungus and mold. For this purpose they use antiseptic compounds.

Fire retardants are used as additional impregnation; they will increase the material’s resistance to fire.

Finish options

Do-it-yourself finishing of a wooden house can be done in the following ways:

  • clapboard (various shapes);
  • wall panels;
  • plasterboard.

For all materials, you will need to make a frame along the surface of the walls. It is best to make it from wood.

  • It is also possible to mount without a frame. But in this case, it is necessary to carefully level the base and eliminate all protruding elements. It is worth sheathing on the frame for the following reasons:
  • there is no need to level the base;
  • providing clearance for air circulation and drying of walls;
  • the ability to lay thermal insulation material;

you can hide the wiring.

The disadvantages of this method include the likelihood that insects or rodents will settle in the gap between the wall and the sheathing. In this case, it will be quite difficult to get rid of unwanted guests. Cladding a house made of wood with your own hands should be done with a small gap between the ceiling. It is necessary to level out various deformations and shrinkages. The width is assumed to be 2-4 cm.

It is easy to cover the space with a ceiling plinth.


Wall decoration in this case has the most varied appearance.

Application of lining with decorative impregnation Material can be used different widths

  • , from different types of wood. There are also types of lining depending on the transverse profile:
  • blockhouse;
  • softline;
  • landhouse;
  • American;
  • and so on..

Attaching the finish to the wall surface with your own hands is done in several ways:

  • on nails in the face (now used less and less due to aesthetic reasons);
  • on nails or screws at an angle;
  • on clasps.

The last two methods are quite labor-intensive. The fasteners are nailed so that there is no damage to the front surface of the lining. Instead of nails and screws, a construction stapler with staples is also used. In this case, staples with long legs and a narrow back are required. Elements for fastening are made of stainless steel.

The lining is made of wood, therefore, just like a wall, it can shrink. It is better to buy chamber-drying material, but if this is not possible, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Over time, natural drying planks dry out and gaps appear between the finishing elements;
  • you can leave the surface as it is;
  • for aesthetic reasons, you can remove the lining and re-nail it;
  • during the initial fastening, it is necessary to take into account that the cladding will have to be removed; it is important to choose what will be more convenient to work with: nails or self-tapping screws.

When removing material from the base, you must be careful to prevent damage to the walls.

This option allows you to diversify the interior and give the room a unique appearance. Designers love these types of finishes very much; the flight of imagination is practically unlimited.

Using wall panels you can create an accent in the interior

Do-it-yourself finishing of a wooden house from wall panels can be of different types:

  • wooden;
  • bamboo;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • leather.

Care must be taken when using glass. Such material is quite massive and can have strong impact on bearing structures building. It is not recommended to use with small thickness of wall fences.

Fastening is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The cladding can be attached either directly to the sheathing or to a backing attached to the sheathing. The methods are quite varied depending on the material; before purchasing, it is worth studying the features of each individually. We also recommend that you read articles about interior decoration.

Application of drywall

Finishing a wooden house from plasterboard is a common occurrence. Wall cladding can be done quite easily, but the following rules must be observed:

  • Drywall is not a durable material. It is quite easy to damage if broken. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out the cladding 2-3 years after construction. In this case, the building must maintain normal operating conditions (heating must be turned on).
  • When installing sheathing within 1-2 years after construction, it is necessary to attach drywall to a floating frame. This will avoid damage: the base and finish will move independently of each other.
  • To prevent or slow down the opening of cracks in problem areas, it is necessary to glue them with a reinforcing mesh. For work, a mesh is taken from polymer material. Main places of reinforcement: joints, seams and corners.

Old wooden house

When performing work inside an old building, it is necessary to first assess the condition of the walls and carry out a set of protective measures. All suspicious areas on the walls are checked for strength. To do this, you can use a screwdriver, knife or chisel. Areas with the following features are considered suspicious:

  • darker than the main surface;
  • lighter than the main surface;
  • different texture;
  • different density.

If the wood crumbles, it is recommended to contact a specialist who, depending on the nature and extent of the damage, will advise the further course of action. Even if there are no defects on the surface, it is necessary to treat the base with an antiseptic.

Interior decoration - an important part and the final stage of construction country house. Many people do not think about this during the construction of the foundation and installation of the log house, installation of communication systems. But when the house is already under the roof, the utility networks have been installed, the question arises of how to decorate the inside of a wooden house. Finishing “to zero” is not suitable for everyone, and it also requires special treatment of the walls paint and varnish compositions. In addition, a house with such decoration looks empty and uncomfortable.

I want the materials to be durable, reliable, but at the same time inexpensive. And the resulting interior turned out to be cozy, comfortable and attractive. In addition, when arranging a wooden house, it is important that the products are environmentally friendly, preserve the naturalness of the structure and maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. Today the market offers a lot of finishing materials. In this article we will look at how to cover the interior walls of a wooden house inexpensively and beautifully.

Features of the choice of finishing materials

  • Pay attention to the markings. The designation E1 says that the building materials are intended for residential premises, E2 - for the hallway, kitchen, toilet, utility rooms, E3 - for public and industrial premises;
  • If you use finishing materials made of wood, you can choose a class and quality that is worse than required. After this, modify the products and bring them into an aesthetic appearance yourself. For example, sand and sand, varnish and/or paint, impregnate protective compounds, trim if necessary. Thus, you will spend less financial resources than when purchasing high-class materials;
  • For rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, balconies, basements, cellars, etc.), choose moisture-resistant materials. If you use wooden crafts, be sure to process the products protective equipment from negative impact moisture, rot and mold;
  • Choose eco-friendly ones for decorating a wooden house natural materials. They would look inappropriate in such a structure plastic double glazed windows or panels. They will disrupt the environmental friendliness of the house, introduce disharmony and only spoil the interior;
  • Choose durable, reliable materials and do not forget about the quality of finishing work. Remember that a wooden frame gradually shrinks, which can lead to cracks. Think over this point in advance so as not to make repairs every 3-5 years and not replace damaged cladding.

Can not use

Before determining how to sheathe the inside of a wooden house, let’s look at what materials are not suitable. When finishing you need to refuse plastic panels and linoleum. Such products are characterized by availability and cost-effectiveness, high resistance to moisture and wide choice colors, easy installation. However, the advantages of PVC outweigh its artificiality and lack of environmental friendliness. They emit a sharp toxic odor when heated, collect dust, and allow air and steam to pass through.

Linoleum is a popular affordable flooring, but is not recommended for wooden floors. It is not environmentally friendly and requires careful preparation of the base, since the material can only be laid on a flat surface. In addition, it does not look very appropriate in a wooden house. In rare cases, linoleum can be laid in utility rooms or the basement. However, even there it is better to lay the usual wooden boards.

OSB, fiberboard or chipboard panels are also not suitable, since harmful industrial glue is used in the manufacture of materials. In addition, these are the most environmentally friendly products that are made from wood waste. They do not have a very aesthetic appearance, so such materials are often used for rough finishing. It is also not recommended to use laminate flooring. It is not resistant to moisture, slippery and cold.

MDF wall panels are a foreign analogue of fiberboard, which is more environmentally friendly, since toxic resins and enzymes are not used when gluing individual elements. Such panels are easy to attach directly to walls. They come in a variety of designs and color scheme. However, they are not at all resistant to high humidity and wear.

The panels listed above are not strong enough and are not resistant to moisture. In addition, they are a fire hazard and are not very attractive. appearance. When covered with such panels, the room looks more like an office or study than a living room.

But what to choose then and what is the best way to sheathe the walls inside a wooden house? A suitable option would be natural wood materials with protective impregnation. These can be planed and sanded boards, lining, veneer and other similar products. Let's take a closer look at what materials are best for finishing. Vacation home from timber or logs.

Wooden finishing materials

Let us immediately note that the most suitable option would be wooden lining. This is an affordable material with an attractive appearance, environmentally friendly and natural, easy to install and maintain. Thin slats are used for both ceilings and walls. If you want to create the effect of a log house, choose a block house that imitates a rounded log. One surface of the block house is semicircular, and the other is flat.

Lining is the best combination of price, quality, appearance and environmental friendliness. But if you are willing to pay, choose luxury natural wood materials. These are cork panels and solid wood panels.

Cork covering - modern materials, which are environmentally friendly, high quality, strength and durability, luxurious appearance. They tolerate high humidity well and are suitable for every type of room. The only but significant disadvantage is the very high cost.

Solid board or solid wood panels are also an expensive option, but at the same time very reliable and high quality, as they are made entirely of natural wood elite breed. This coating looks expensive, luxurious and prestigious. A solid array, even under heavy loads and high humidity, will easily last 30-50 years without repair.

Parquet board - suitable option for finishing the floor in a wooden house. This is an affordable material that is characterized by easy and quick installation. A decorative painting or varnish coating will make the appearance of the parquet refined and aesthetic.

Veneer panels are an excellent budget material for covering walls. It represents a thin cut of solid wood that preserves the wood grain, color, texture and structure. For finishing, choose only natural veneer, as it is more durable and reliable.

Veneer has an attractive appearance, is characterized by ease of installation and practicality, good sound and heat insulation, and low price. But at the same time, the basis of the material is fiberboard or chipboard, so the material is not 100% environmentally friendly and cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Other types of budget materials

Plaster is a traditional ceiling finishing option, which is sometimes used for walls. This is an inexpensive and accessible material, easy to use and install. It will give a smooth white surface, however White color is not always appropriate in a wooden house. This material is used if it suits the style of room decoration. For example, it could be classic or French Provence.

Drywall - affordable and quick option finishing. These are sheets of cellulose and compressed gypsum that are easy to install and secure. Modern manufacturers produce material with special processing, which increases resistance to moisture and fire. Drywall allows you to create complex design projects, install two-level ceilings. However, this is a fragile and not very aesthetic material, so it requires some work after installation (painting or wallpapering).

Ceramic or tiled tiles are suitable for finishing a bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. If you are laying tiles on the bathroom floor, choose products with rough surface to avoid slipping and ensure safety. This material is characterized by strength, durability and increased resistance to moisture and dampness. Today you can find a lot of designer tile options, including those designed to look like wood.

But when laying tiles on wooden walls Keep in mind that you need to make a reinforced base for the material, otherwise the product will not last long! It is not necessary to completely tile the bathroom. You can sheathe only certain areas or use mosaics. By the way, the combination of mosaic and wooden materials looks very impressive and harmonious.

Lining is the best option

Wooden lining is characterized by high strength, reliability, aesthetics and 100% environmental friendliness. Such products are used for covering walls and ceilings in wooden cottage, country house, bathhouse and sauna, balcony and loggia, in the apartment. This is a universal material that is easy to install, so even a non-professional can handle the installation.

Narrow thin slats fit tightly together, form good sound and heat insulation, and level the surface of the walls and ceiling. Wooden materials look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. If you want to save money, buy grade B. After installation, defects can be hidden by coating with varnish or paint. Class A is more expensive and elite, it does not need any modification, and grade C is only suitable for rough work or finishing utility rooms.

Don't forget about the protective treatment of the lining. You can buy ready-made materials or process the wood yourself. The second option will be cheaper. The lining is installed on a sheathing made of bars. It is convenient to install hydro- and thermal insulation materials. The slats can be laid vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Today you will find a wide range of linings, differing in type of wood, width and length, profile and class. Best combination quality and price of pine. This type of wood is suitable for a home, cottage or gazebo. For a bath, choose linden or alder, as they tolerate moisture well and high temperature, do not heat up. After installation, you can paint the material in any color, achieve the desired shade or shine.

Is it possible to use drywall to finish a wooden house?

Drywall is the most popular finishing material, which is used both in apartments and in private houses. These are flexible sheets with a fire-resistant surface and increased moisture resistance. They create a smooth surface and hide imperfections in walls or ceilings and are easy to install.

Drywall hides pipes, wires and other communications. But the main advantage of this material is its availability and low cost. In addition, today on the market you can find slabs different sizes, shapes and colors, which allows you to create any room design.

But finishing with plasterboard often looks unfinished and requires final painting or wallpapering. In addition, it is a rather fragile and fragile material that may not cope with serious loads. Therefore, it is better to use drywall for creating partitions or shelving, but not for finishing a wooden house.

If you decide to use drywall, choose only high-quality products from a reliable manufacturer. Often harmful toxic substances are added to the material, which is harmful to human health and violates the environmental friendliness of a wooden house. High-quality real drywall is safe, as it is made from natural gypsum.

In the company “MariSrub” you can order the construction of a turnkey house from logs or timber! The company’s craftsmen will perform all finishing work efficiently and reliably, including installation and connection utility networks, covering walls, ceilings and floors, installing windows and doors. Order complex turnkey construction and you won’t have to worry about anything!