Features of sanitary and decorative pruning of bladderwort. Viburnum foliage in landscape design, types and photos. Pimpled shrub

World ornamental plants huge. But does each of these plants have such a desirable unpretentiousness with a fairly high degree of decorativeness? It turns out there is a plant called Physocarpus opulifolius that meets these two conditions.

The bladderwort has a very spectacular look. And this main reason according to which the plant is grown in gardens. Culture is also cultivated in urban areas. Its crown is very thick and lush, has a spherical shape. The branches are spreading, drooping, covered with corrugated, large leaves, with serrated-toothed edges. This is a deciduous shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family. Its flowering is observed from June to July.

How to plant bladderwort

The bladderwort will grow well both in sunny and shady places. If there is enough space on the site, then it is better to plant it in the sun because in the shade the leaves become faded over time. The soil should be well drained, without lime. On oily (fertile), loose soil, the plant will have a richer appearance. Although on poor soil, which is poor in nutrients, it also looks quite good.

The bladderwort is resistant to air pollution. This is the main reason that it is often found along the edges of roads and along railway tracks. Due to the fact that during seed propagation the original color of the plant leaves is only partially transmitted, preference is given to vegetative methods of propagation. Especially for this purpose, nurseries or centers that sell crops with a formed root system offer planting material in containers. It can be planted at any time during the growing season.

Planting vesicle carp on video:

  • A shallow hole (up to 50 cm in both depth and width) is filled one third with humus or peat soil.
  • The plant is carefully pulled out of the container and, without shaking off the earthen lump, placed in the prepared hole.
  • Once the vesicular carp bush is secured, it is sprinkled with soil on top and buried a little. This is done in order to awaken the sleeping buds in the lower part of the plant and get additional shoots.
  • After planting, the bush is watered abundantly with both water and the Kornevin biostimulator.
  • Then, near the trunk of the plant, the ground is mulched with humus or dry grass, pine needles, and straw.

Mulching has 2 goals: firstly, aeration of the root zone is ensured, since mulch prevents the formation of a surface crust, and secondly, moisture and nutrients will be retained in depth, nourishing unpretentious shrub.

Reproduction of bladderwort

When propagating vesicular carp, 2 main methods are used: layering and cuttings.

Layering method for propagation

This method is very simple and gives good results.

  • For layering, the most beautiful, strong, healthy young branches are selected and all the leaves are cut off, leaving a couple at the top.
  • Small grooves up to 15 cm deep are made in the ground near the bush and, bending, lay the cuttings in them.
  • To prevent the layers from retreating back, they are pinned in several places with wooden brackets. It turns out that the layers are not separated from the maternal principle, they are not cut off, but only bent back.

The most optimal time for this procedure - the beginning of the spring season. During the growing season, the cuttings will take root. If the summer turns out to be dry, then periodically it is necessary to moisten the soil where the bladderwort reproduces, otherwise the young roots will die. In autumn, young bushes separate. And in the first year of wintering they also cover it so that they don’t freeze.

Bladderwort cuttings

  • When cutting, shoots of the current year are selected, separated from the bush and cut, keeping at least 4-5 buds on each cutting (2 will be used for the formation of roots, 2-3 - above-ground shoots).
  • First, the resulting cuttings must be placed in a solution of growth and root formation stimulator “Kornevin” or “Fiton”, and then in pre-prepared soil consisting of a mixture of sand and peat.
  • If there is no peat, you can get by with river sand.
  • To create the most favorable microclimate for the start of growth, cover them with film or each individually with a plastic bottle with the neck cut off.
  • Watering and ventilation are carried out systematically.
  • For the winter, the cuttings are well covered or grown indoors until spring, and with the onset of the new summer season they are chosen permanent place and replant them.

The video will tell you how to propagate vesicles from cuttings:

Get a large number of new seedlings for planting a beautiful hedge is not a difficult task if you follow all the simple rules for rooting and caring for cuttings.

How to care for bladderwort Proper pruning

Despite the fact that the bladderwort is unpretentious plant, some care nuances still need to be observed. This long-liver (20-25 years) with favorable conditions capable of developing at a very fast pace, adding 30-40 cm in height and width.

To avoid uncontrolled growth, it is necessary to carry out. Proper pruning also stimulates branching. This procedure is absolutely painless for the plant. The bladderwort immediately begins to grow overgrown with young shoots. The excellent winter hardiness of the plant, which does not require special shelter, is a big plus for this culture.

Only very severe frosts can slightly fray the ends of young shoots. How and when to prune correctly. Pruning is carried out both to form a bush and for sanitary purposes. If sanitary pruning, which includes the removal of dried, broken or frozen branches, is carried out only in the spring, then formative pruning is carried out twice a year. The first is in the spring, before the first leaves appear. The second is in the fall, when the growing season of the plant ends.

How to trim the bladderwort, watch the video:

In its natural state, the bladderwort will have a fountain-like appearance. Using the pruning method, they stimulate the growth of those buds that are necessary for one or another type of crown formation. If you want to get a wide multi-stemmed bush, then pruning should be done to form a bush no more than 50 cm high. Otherwise, if a bush with vertical development is formed, thin stems are cut out at the base of the bush. A maximum of 5 of the strongest, healthiest and most powerful branches are left, which are also cut at a height of 1.5 meters to stimulate growth.

How to water bladderwort

The frequency of watering is affected by the composition of the soil, the age of the shrub and the climatic zone of its growth.

  • If the soil is light sandy loam, sandy, loamy, the summer is dry, with a high average daily temperature, then regular watering of the bladderwort will be required throughout the growing season. Under mature plant pour out 4-5 buckets of water with 2/3 watering times a week.
  • It’s a completely different matter when the bladderwort grows on heavy clay soils or on lawns. Here, if the rules are not followed, overflow is possible, which leads to damage to the plant. powdery mildew. This is a disease that can lead to the death of a bush. On heavy clay soils, we use moderation in watering!

How to feed bladderwort

  • Fertilizers are applied to the plant twice a year.
  • In the spring, to stimulate growth, nitrogen-containing compounds such as ammonium nitrate, urea, and organic mullein are used. To do this, take half a kilogram of organic matter (mullein) and 2 tablespoons of a mixture of urea and saltpeter into a bucket of water.
  • In the fall, it is recommended to feed the plant with nitroammophos. To do this, take a tablespoon of fertilizer and dissolve it in a bucket of water. You need to pour a couple of these buckets under an adult plant.

Varieties of bladderwort with photos and descriptions

The bladderwort is used for decorative purposes to decorate the territory of the site. By combining several varieties of the crop, combined into 2 groups (red-leaved and yellow-leaved), a beautiful color pattern is obtained.

Red-leaved varieties of bladderwort:

Diabolo viburnum vesicle

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' photo in the garden

Reaches 3 meters in height and has glossy purple-red leaves. If the planting site is shaded, the leaf color changes to green with hints of purple.

Summer Wine

This variety is not as tall as the previous ones, but more compact. Its maximum height is 2 meters (with a width of 1.5 m). The peculiarity of this variety is that when the leaves bloom, they have a crimson color, which turns into green with the onset of summer. White flowers emerge from pink buds.

Red Baron

Red Baron bladderwort photo

It also grows up to 2 meters in height. Tender, fragrant, Pink colour, flowers and no less original bright red fruits delight the eye in different seasons of the year. The leaf blade is dark red, slightly wrinkled, reaches 7 cm in length.

Yellow-leaved shrub varieties:

Luteus viburnum

Tall 3-meter luteus bushes have green-yellow leaves if they grow in a shady area of ​​the site. On the sunny side their color is soft yellow. The crown diameter can reach 400 cm.

Dart's Gold

Dart's Gold Dart's Gold photo and description

Small 1.5 meter bushes bloom with unusual orange-yellow leaves, the color of which turns to soft green in the summer and changes to bronze in the fall.

Viburnum foliage in landscape design photo

Bladderwort viburnum in landscape design photo composition

The perennial viburnum-leaved bladderwort looks beautiful both as an object of landscape design and as compositional solution, for example, like hedge. If you use it as a hedge, then such an object will require constant care, especially pruning. Yellow-leaved and red-leaved varieties, planted mixed, will give such a variety of color leaves that you will experience pleasure from contemplating them. And the clusters of red berries will merge with the crimson color of the coming autumn.

The deciduous shrub Physocarpus is a member of the rose family. The Latin name of such a plant consists of 2 roots of the ancient Greek language, namely: “physo” - “bubble” and “carpos” - “fruit”. There are 14 species in this genus. In the wild, bladderwort can be found in North America and East Asia. When grown in the garden, this shrub is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, and also by the fact that it is able to maintain its spectacular appearance throughout the entire growing season. This shrub is also fast-growing and resistant to air pollution. This plant is grown as a single plant and used in landscape design. However, a hedge made from vesicular carp looks most impressive.

Features of the vesicular carp

The spreading bush of the bladderwort consists of drooping branches that form a lush spherical crown. In an adult shrub, the bark peels off in wide stripes. It can reach 300 centimeters in height. Three-five-lobed sheet plates The shape resembles viburnum leaves. In simple flowers white color there are many stamens. They are part of hemispherical inflorescences, which can reach 5–7 centimeters in diameter. Lush flowering occurs at the beginning of summer. The fruits of such a plant also look quite impressive; they are swollen leaflets that turn red when ripe. Only 2 types of bladderwort are cultivated, although there are several spectacular varieties whose leaf blades have different colors.

Planting bladderwort in open ground

What time to plant

If you managed to buy seedlings from a nursery or garden center with closed system roots, planting them in open ground can be produced at any time of the year (just not in winter). If the purchased seedlings open system roots, then you should choose spring for planting them, and preferably autumn. For planting such a plant, well-lit, open place, next to which large trees will not grow. If the color of the leaf blades of the variety is green, then such a shrub will be able to grow normally in a shaded area. Bladderwort is not picky about soil, but it must be well-drained and contain lime. If you want it to have the most decorative appearance, then you should choose loose loamy soil, rich in nutrients.

How to plant

When preparing a planting hole, it should be remembered that its size must be such that it can accommodate a layer of soil saturated with nutrients (or an earth mixture consisting of peat, turf, earth and sand), while the root collar of the seedling after planting should be flush with the surface of the site. In this regard, it is recommended to prepare a hole by digging it and filling it with fertile soil half a month before the planned planting day, in which case the soil will have time to settle well. The seedling is placed in the planting hole together with a lump of earth, but remember that you should not add fertilizer to the soil during planting, since the young plant is simply not able to absorb it normally. Then the hole will need to be filled with soil mixture (the composition is described above) or soil saturated with nutrients. The planted shrub needs abundant watering. If the soil settles after watering, you will need to top it up. During the first days, you should ensure that the trunk circle of the vesicular carp is always slightly damp. The surface of the site should be covered with a layer of mulch (humus or peat).

Bladderwort care

When caring for such a plant, it is very important to water it on time, since it reacts extremely negatively to drought. When watering, make sure that the liquid does not get on the surface of the leaf blades and inflorescences, because this can lead to burns. In this regard, this procedure is recommended to be performed early in the morning or in the evening. In the hot summer, watering will need to be done approximately a couple of times a week, and 4 buckets of water should be used per bush at a time. Observe the condition of the leaves of the vesicular carp, because not only drought, but also waterlogging of the soil can harm it. If the area is not covered with mulch, then each time after the bush is watered, its surface must be loosened and weeded.

The plant needs to be fed a couple of times a year (in spring and autumn). In spring, you need to feed the plant with the following nutrient mixture: take a five-hundred-gram jar of mullein for 1 bucket of water, as well as 1 large spoon of urea and ammonium nitrate. For 1 adult bush, take 1.5 buckets of this solution. In the autumn, one and a half buckets of a nutrient solution consisting of 10 liters of water and 2 large spoons of nitroammophos should be poured under each bush.


This shrub requires systematic sanitary and formative pruning. In spring, it is imperative to prune for sanitary purposes; for this purpose, all injured, diseased, frost-damaged stems and branches, as well as those growing inside the bush, are cut off. By pruning the bladderwort in the fall, you are preparing it for the coming winter. Pruning to form the crown can be done in the fall, but experienced gardeners recommend doing it in the spring. In order for the bush to have the shape of a fountain, you need to cut off all the thin stems at the base, leaving 5 or 6 of the most powerful ones, which need to be shortened a little. If you want the bush to be wide, it needs to be cut at a height of 50 centimeters. When the bush is 6 years old, anti-aging pruning is performed on the stump. On thick stems, the cut points should be smeared with garden varnish.


In some cases, there is a need for a transplant of this plant, for example, you need to move it to another place. If the shrub is already mature, then it should be replanted in early spring, before the buds swell, or in autumn, when the leaf fall ends. The bush is replanted with a sufficiently voluminous earthen lump, and first it is pruned, during which injured, diseased and thickening stems are cut off, and the remaining ones should be shortened to 0.2–0.3 m. Thanks to this, you will be able to put a strain on the root system weaker, because during adaptation it will be extremely difficult for her to feed an adult plant. Transplantation is carried out in almost the same way as planting, only it should be taken into account that in this case the vesicular carp is already an adult. The transplanted bush must be watered using a solution of Heteroauxin or Kornevin, and the leaf plates must also be sprayed with Epin or Ecogel-anti-stress.

Diseases and pests

Planting and growing bladderwort is quite simple, and the gardener will also be pleased with the fact that it has a very high resistance to pests and various diseases. However, if the soil lacks nutrients, the plant develops chlorosis, which causes the apical stems to dry out and young leaf blades to turn yellow. If you notice signs of this disease, then you should spray the foliage or water the bush itself at the root with a solution of Ferrilene, Antichlorosis, Ferovit, but experienced gardeners recommend using Iron Chelate. As a rule, after this procedure the vesicular carp recovers very quickly.

Reproduction of bladderwort

Bladderwort can be propagated quite easily by vegetative means, namely by cuttings, layering, and also by dividing the bush. The generative (seed) method of propagation is also suitable for this. Seeds are sown in spring or autumn, and first they must be stratified for 30 days. However, you should be aware that shrubs grown in this way rarely retain the rich leaf color that is inherent in the parent plant. Growing bladderwort from seeds is also a rather labor-intensive process. In this regard, it is recommended to resort to vegetative methods for its propagation.


Cuttings should be taken before the bush blooms. To do this, cut off the green shoots of the current year. The length of the cuttings can be from 10 to 20 centimeters, and each of them should have 2 or 3 internodes. All leaf plates located at the bottom of the cutting must be cut off, and those located at the top must be shortened by ½ part. Prepared cuttings must be immersed in a solution of a root-stimulating agent (for example, Kornevin). Then they are planted in a training bed in an earth mixture consisting of peat and sand. They are watered and covered with polyethylene film. Caring for cuttings is very simple; they need to be watered on time and systematically ventilated. In winter, rooted cuttings need shelter, and in the spring they can be planted in a permanent place.

How to propagate by layering

This propagation method is the simplest and most effective. In spring, you should select the most powerful and absolutely healthy shoot, which must necessarily grow outward. All leaf plates should be torn off from it, leaving only those growing at the very top. Then this stem is placed in a pre-prepared groove, the depth of which should be about 12 centimeters, then it is fixed using a wooden bracket (you can use hairpins), then the groove must be filled with soil. Throughout the growing season, the cuttings will need timely watering, weeding and loosening of the soil surface. By the onset of the autumn period, the cuttings will have to give roots, and it must be separated from the parent bush and covered for the winter.

How to propagate by dividing a bush

It is best to propagate Viburnum foliage by dividing the bush. This procedure is carried out in spring or autumn. However, if you have experience and certain skills in this matter, then you can divide the bush in the summer. For this procedure to end successfully, it must be carried out very quickly, because root system, found itself on fresh air, under no circumstances should it dry out.

Bladderwort in winter

Autumn care

IN autumn period This shrub looks especially impressive, because it is at this time that the foliage turns different colors. It has relatively high frost resistance and in winter, as a rule, only those branches that have not had time to ripen freeze. But it should be taken into account that rooted cuttings, like young specimens, need shelter for the winter.

Preparing for winter

If weather forecasters predict a very frosty winter, then adult bladderwrack bushes should also be covered. To do this, you need to carefully tie the bush with twine, and then “put” a cone of roofing felt on it or loosely wrap it with lutrasil. However, first you need to cover the surface of the tree trunk circle with a layer of mulch (peat), the thickness of which should be from 5 to 8 centimeters. Young shrubs need to be trimmed, their trunk circle mulched, and then covered with spruce branches.

Types and varieties of bladderwort with photos and names

At the moment, only 2 types of bladderwort are cultivated, as well as their varieties and varieties.

Amur bladderwort (Physocarpus amurensis)

This species can be found in natural conditions in North Korea, Northern China and the Far East, and it prefers to grow in mixed forests. The height of such a shrub with a spherical crown is about 300 centimeters. Young stems are brownish-red and smooth, while on older trunks the bark peels off in longitudinal strips. The three- to five-lobed leaf blade has a heart-shaped base and is about 10 centimeters long. Their front surface is dark green, and their back surface is whitish-gray, because there are star-shaped felt hairs on it. The corymbose inflorescences consist of 10–15 white flowers, one and a half centimeters in diameter. Flowering lasts approximately 20 days. The fruit is a swollen leaflet that turns red when ripe. This species is highly frost-resistant. It is used to create hedges, as well as in group and single plantings. Cultivated since 1854. The most popular forms:

  1. Luteus. In summer, the leaf blades are painted a rich yellow color, and in autumn they turn bronze.
  2. Aureomarginata. The leaf plates have a dark golden edging.
  3. Nana. This dwarf shrub has dark green, single-colored leaf blades.

Physocarpus opulifolius

Homeland of this kind East End North America, while it prefers to grow in undergrowth and on river banks. This shrub with a hemispherical lush crown can reach a height of 300 centimeters. Elliptical three- to five-lobed leaf blades have an elongated large middle lobe and a serrated edge. Their front surface is green, and their back surface is painted in a paler shade; sometimes it can be pubescent. Small (diameter about 1.2 cm) flowers are pink or white and have red stamens. The fruit is a swollen, collective, pale green leaflet that turns red when ripe. This type can be used to create hedges, as well as in single or group plantings. Cultivated since 1864. The most popular varieties:

  1. Darts Gold. The height of a dense and wide bush can reach up to 150 centimeters. Yellow leaf blades in summer time become greenish-yellow. Racemose inflorescences consist of white or pink flowers.
  2. Diablo (red leaf). The height of the bush is about 300 centimeters. The color of its foliage is purple or dark red. If the bush is grown in a shaded place, then its leaves will be green with a purple tint, and when grown in a sunny place, they will have a red color. In autumn, the color of the foliage does not change. This variety is the most popular.
  3. Red Baron. The height of the bush is about 200 centimeters. The bare oval three- to five-lobed leaf blades reach 7 centimeters in length and have a serrated edge. They are painted in a striking dark red color and are narrower compared to the Diablo vesiculus. Umbrella-shaped inflorescences consist of white flowers with a pink tint, reaching a diameter of 5 centimeters. The red fruits, which contain from 3 to 5 pointed sacs, also look quite impressive. This variety is one of the most valuable.
  4. Lady in Red. The bush can reach 150 centimeters in height. This variety was bred by breeders from England. The deep red leaves gradually darken. The color of the delicate flowers is white and pink.

Among the shrubs, there are few that would combine decorativeness, ease of cultivation and low maintenance requirements as advantageously as the vesicular carp. Look at the photo, how can you pass by such a handsome man, because he does not lose his charm even in winter. Planting will not take much time, but you will admire the decoration of the bush for many years.

Varieties and varieties of bladderwort

Sometimes the bladderwort is mistakenly called spirea, but this is a misconception. These two plants belong to the same family, but belong to different genera. In an adult plant, the bark is separated from the shoot in wide strips. The fruits of the vesicular carp look like a bubble, which gives the plant its name. Varieties of viburnum-leaved bladderwort are used in decorative landscaping. These varieties are grouped according to foliage color.

Varieties with red color leaf blade:

  • Diablo;

  • Summer Wine;

Variety Summer Wine

  • Red Baron;

Variety Red Baron

  • Schuch.

Varieties having yellow leaf blade:

  • Luteus;

  • Darts Gold;

Variety Darts Gold

  • Nugget.

Varieties double painted:

  • Center Glow;

Variety Center Glow

  • Coppertina.

Variety Coppertina

Of course, planting a bladderwort, like any plant, begins with a choice suitable place. Bladderwort grows well both in the sun and in the shade. Does not grow well in soils with high level groundwater and high lime content. Such soil can provoke chlorosis or rotting of the roots, which will lead to the death of the bush. The plant does not impose any special conditions on soil fertility.

You can safely plant the plant as a hedge along the road, since the bladderwort tolerates urban air pollution very well.

The bladderwort is completely unpretentious to the planting site

It is better to purchase a plant for planting with a closed root system in nurseries. This way you will have a guarantee of purchasing a varietal seedling. Container seedlings can be planted at any time, excluding the winter months. Planting material with an open root system, plant in spring or autumn. Autumn planting is preferable, since the conditions for rooting are more favorable than in spring.

There are no tricks when planting: a hole is dug so that the root collar is level with the ground surface. Filled with fertile soil composition and well watered. The top is mulched with humus, peat or just dry soil.

Bladderwort seedlings

To obtain a hedge from bladderwort, young seedlings are planted in a two-row manner in a checkerboard pattern. A distance of 35 cm is left between the rows, and 45 cm in the row. Such a hedge can be formed by pruning, giving it the appearance of a meter-high rectangle. A free-growing hedge, limited only by pruning on the sides, will grow 1.8 - 2.5 m, depending on the variety planted.

Advice. Shrub varieties with golden or purple foliage, such as Diabolo or Darts Gold, are best planted in sunny areas, since the decorativeness of the foliage is reduced in the shade.

Hassle-free care

Despite the fact that the bladderwort is an unpretentious plant, this does not mean that you should plant it and forget about it. The life expectancy of the bush is 30 years. Under favorable conditions, the shrub is capable of adding up to 45 cm in width and height during the growing season; in the second year, only flowering shoots are formed on the regrown shoots, so stimulating pruning and crown formation are vital for the bush. The plant tolerates this procedure very well and recovers quickly. For the winter it does not require any additional shelter, the vesicle is very winter-hardy, only in severe frosts can the tips of its shoots freeze.

The bladderwort does not require special care


Young, newly planted plants require special attention to soil moisture, because their survival rate depends on this. In general, the frequency and abundance of watering depends on the age, soil composition and climatic zone of growth.

  1. When the bladderwort grows on loam and high temperatures in the summer, regular watering will be required twice a week, four buckets of water per adult bush.
  2. On heavy clay soils It is important not to over-moisten the soil, so as not to provoke the death of the root system.

Keep watering in moderation


Pruning can be divided into sanitary and formative. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring; its task is to remove broken or frozen branches of the plant. Formative pruning is best done in the spring, but can also be done in the fall.

Free-growing bladderwrack bushes have a fountain-shaped crown. The plant's top buds are always the first to wake up and begin to grow. If you want to get a wide bush with many shoots, cut the branches at a height of half a meter. The fountain-like shape is achieved by cutting out all thin shoots to ground level. There should be about five of the strongest shoots left in the bush; they are additionally shortened to a height of one and a half meters from the ground. Radical pruning is carried out every 4–5 years, leaving stumps 15–20 cm from the ground.

Bladderwort looks great as a hedge

Pruning begins when the plant reaches three years of age. To give the bush more compact shape, you can shorten young shoots 2–3 times during the growing season.

Advice. If for any reason an adult bush needs to be transplanted to a new location, do it in the fall, after the leaves have flown. Remove excess branches and shorten the rest by 30 cm. An adult bush is planted in the same way as a young plant.

Fertilizer and feeding of shrubs

Feed the bladderwort twice a season. In spring, fertilizers containing an increased dose of nitrogen will be required for the growth of vegetative mass. This should be done at the moment the buds open. Use an infusion of mullein or bird droppings at the rate of half a liter per bucket of water. In autumn, a solution of nitroammophoska is used approximately Matchbox fertilizer in a bucket of water. For adult bladderwrack bushes that have reached 10 years or more, the dose of fertilizing is increased by half.

Feed the crop 2 times a year

The bladderwort responds well to mulching the tree trunk circle with organic materials. Mulch creates favorable conditions for the roots of the plant: the soil does not overheat, it is structured and breathes, and moisture surges are minimized. Mulch will save you from constant loosening and weeding.

Methods of propagation of bladderwort

Bladderwort is easy to propagate on your own - by layering or cuttings, like currants, or by dividing a bush. The seed method is also possible, but the fact is that seedlings rarely inherit the characteristics of the mother plant from which the seeds were taken. Besides, this is a troublesome task. Vegetative method plant propagation is more reliable and gives consistently fast results.

Reproduction by layering. This is the least labor-intensive option. Select a healthy and strong shoot in the spring, tear off the foliage, leaving only the top intact. Now we place this shoot in a pre-dug trench, 10–15 cm deep, and press it to the ground with a wire or wood pin. We bend the top with the leaves vertically upward and tie it to a wooden peg. The buried part of the shoot will give roots. Now the main task is to moisten the soil in a timely manner so that the young roots are well strengthened by autumn. On next year in early spring You can plant a young bush in a permanent place.

Bladderwort in landscape design

Propagation by cuttings. For this purpose, young shoots of the current year about 20 cm long are cut. At the top of the head, the foliage is shortened by half, the rest is completely removed. The lower part can be slightly scratched to quickly form callus, which will subsequently give roots. For a day, put the cuttings in a bucket of water, to which we add a drug that stimulates the formation of roots or a spoonful of honey. Now you can plant the cuttings in the school.

The soil must breathe, so we prepare the cuttings in advance and add soil from a mixture of peat and sand. We cover the school with film and do not forget to moisten, ventilate and spray. In winter, the cuttings need shelter, and in the spring they can be planted in a permanent place.

Bladderwort cuttings

To propagate bladderwort by seeds, they must be stratified for a month before planting. Plant the seeds to a depth of 2–3 cm.

Diseases and pests

Another advantage of the bladderwort is that it is practically not affected by diseases and pests. It is rare to observe leaf chlorosis - when the tips of the shoots dry out and the foliage turns yellow, the veins remain green. This is due to a lack of microelements in the soil: elements of iron, magnesium or nitrogen, or waterlogging of the root ball. Chlorosis can be caused by viruses and microorganisms that are carried by pests. Applying complex fertilizers with watering or spraying the foliage with chelated compounds will help the bladderwort restore health.

Bladderwort diseases mainly occur due to improper care

Bladderwort is good as a solo plant and excellent as a living fence in mixed group plantings. Even the bark of this shrub is decorative. Leaves and flowers that change shades throughout the season add contrasting color to a green setting. garden plot.

Bladderwort in the garden: video

Growing bladderwort: photo

Physocarpus is a deciduous shrub from the Rosaceae family that is decorative throughout the season. This unpretentious bush with lush inflorescences can be grown by a beginner. We will talk about the features of growing bladderwort.

In landscape design, viburnum leaf is especially popular. This plant has spreading and drooping branches, three- or five-lobed leaves (like viburnum), the color of which depends on the variety, and white or white-pink spherical inflorescences, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off in summer. In autumn, very decorative and unusual leaflet fruits appear in place of flowers.

    Bladderwort Diabolo - bright accent for your garden

    An unpretentious, fast-growing and devilishly spectacular shrub, decorative throughout the growing season.

To enjoy this beauty on your site, you need to make very little effort.

Planting a bladderwort

For beginners, it is best to choose seedlings with a closed root system. Such plants can be planted from spring to autumn. And it is recommended to “settle” bladdercarp seedlings with bare roots in the garden only in the fall (September), or, in extreme cases, in early spring, but then the plants take root worse.

Bladderwort prefers open sunny areas. Should not grow near this place tall trees. By the way, varieties with green leaves develop well in partial shade, but bright colors can only be achieved in the sun.

In order for the plant to form a lush crown, and in summer to have many inflorescences on the shoots, the soil on the site must be well-drained, loose, fertile (a mixture of garden soil, peat, sand and turf is suitable), loamy and without lime.

A hole for the bladderwort is dug of such a size that a seedling with an earthen clod can easily fit there. Fertile soil is poured into the hole 2 weeks before planting so that the soil has time to settle. When planting a seedling, the root collar should be at the same level as the soil surface.

The seedling is watered abundantly. If at the same time the ground subsides significantly, then it needs to be added. To preserve moisture, young bladderworts are mulched with peat or humus.

This shrub is suitable for single and group plantings, but a hedge of bladderwrack looks best in the garden. To grow it, young seedlings are planted in a two-row manner in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between rows is 35 cm, and between plants in a row is 45 cm.

Bladderwort care

The plant does not tolerate drought well, so first of all you need to take care of timely watering (in summer - on average 2 times a week). But the soil is moistened early in the morning or in the evening so that drops do not fall on the leaves and inflorescences. Otherwise, under the influence of the sun, burns may form on the plant. If the bush is not mulched, then after watering the soil is loosened and weeds are regularly weeded.

When planting bladderwort in fertile soil, there is no need to apply fertilizer, but after a few years the plant begins to be fed 2 times a year. In spring, use 0.5 liters of mullein and 1.5 tbsp. ammonium nitrate or 1 tbsp. urea (urea). All this is dissolved in 10 liters of water and poured under one plant. For shrubs older than 10 years, you will need about 15 liters of this fertilizer. In autumn, the bladderwort is fed with nitroammophoska (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). 10-15 liters of fertilizer are used per bush.

Pruning and formation of vesicle carp

Pruning the bladderwort in the spring should be both sanitary and formative. At the same time, all broken, diseased, frozen branches are removed, as well as those that grow inside the bush and thicken the crown. The remaining shoots are pruned so that the bush acquires an attractive shape.

In autumn, pruning of the bladderwort is necessary so that the plant overwinters better. At this time, all damaged and dry shoots are cut out, after which they are burned to destroy pests that like to spend the winter on dry branches.

Anti-aging pruning of the bush (to the stump) is done at the age of 5-6 years. In this case, it is recommended to cover the cuts on thick shoots with garden varnish to prevent fungi and bacteria from penetrating there.

Bladderwort diseases

The bladderwort practically does not get sick and is not damaged by insects. But if the plant lacks nutrients (in particular iron and magnesium), it may develop chlorosis. In this case, the leaf plate (excluding the veins) turns yellow, and the young shoots dry out. To save the bush, it is watered at the root with Antichlorosis or Iron Chelate.

Overwintering of the bladderwort

Mature plants overwinter well in middle lane without shelter, but young seedlings are insulated in the fall: after pruning and mulching with peat (5-7 cm layer), they are covered with spruce branches. If an adult bladderwort has a weakened immune system and a frosty and snowless winter is expected, then it is better to carefully tie the bush with twine and insulate it with a cap to cover the plants for the winter or wrap the bush with spunbond.

How to propagate bladderwort

The most popular propagation of bladderwort cuttings before the plant begins to flower. For this, young green shoots of the current year 10-15 cm long are used. The lower cut on the cutting is made just below the bud and at an angle of 45 degrees. The leaves are removed, leaving only the top two and at the same time shortening them by half.

The cuttings are placed for a day in a container of water, to which a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin) is added. Then the cuttings are planted in a garden bed in a mixture of sand and peat or rooted at home in a container. Cover the container with film or a plastic lid, periodically ventilate and moisten the soil. In the spring, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

As you can see, cuttings from vesicular carp is not difficult. But if you want to put in even less effort, then the plant can be propagated using layering.

In the spring, a healthy and strong shoot is selected, the leaves are torn off (only the top is left), placed in a pre-dug hole (10-15 cm deep) and pinned to the ground. A wooden peg is driven in nearby and the top of the allocated shoot is tied to it. The soil at the cutting site is regularly moistened, and the next year, in early spring, the formed young bush is transplanted to a permanent place in the garden.

Another popular method of propagating vesicular carp is bush division. In spring or autumn, the bush is dug up and divided into several parts, each of which should have several shoots and a root lobe. The cuttings are immediately planted so that their roots do not have time to dry out.

The bladderwort is propagated and seeds, which are sown in spring or autumn (necessarily after stratification). But this is a very labor-intensive process. And varietal shrubs cannot be propagated in this way: they will not retain the characteristics of the mother plant.

The unassuming bladderwort will decorate your garden from spring to late autumn. The plant has attractive leaves, inflorescences, and fruits. Make room for it on summer cottage– and the spectacular shrub will not disappoint you!

The bladderwort will look great both as a free-standing shrub and as a hedge

Bladderwort is a perennial ornamental shrub that is popular among gardeners thanks to easy growing and care, as well as excellent external qualities.

A hedge made from this shrub looks very impressive. It will decorate any suburban area.


The choice of place, time and soil for planting determines how the shrub will develop and grow.

Selecting a location

Here are some tips for choosing a place to plant bladderwort:

  1. It is recommended to plant the shrub in an open, well-lit place. In a darkened area, the plant does not take root well, but the color of the leaves will begin to fade over time and will not become as pronounced and bright as in the sun.
  2. It is not recommended to plant bladderwrack next to branchy fruit trees.
  3. The plant is unpretentious to soil. It is desirable that it be light and allow water and oxygen to pass well to the roots. If the soil is not rich in minerals, it is recommended to feed the bush.

Choosing the time to land

Bladderwort is most often planted in May or early June. Over the summer, the plant will have time to get stronger and prepare for the first winter.

In our area, planting in the fall is risky. If cold temperatures and rainy, cloudy weather set in early, the shrub may not take root well and may not survive the winter well.

Soil preparation

Before planting, dig up the soil well, remove roots, pebbles, dried grass, leaves and loosen it.

The soil should be well drained, slightly acidic and free of lime.

Features of planting in open ground

Given the tendency of the bladderwort to grow, leave as much space as possible between the bushes

  1. Before planting, dig a deep hole (approximately 50 by 50 cm). A small layer of humus is placed at the bottom.
  2. The plant is carefully removed from the container in which it was located and moved into the hole in vertical position. The root collar is not covered with soil.
  3. The hole is filled with earth, lightly compacted and watered. It is advisable to mulch immediately after planting, sprinkling the ground under the plant with peat.
  4. There should be up to two meters of free space between plants.

Growing Chinese lemongrass - instructions here.

Also read the article about daylily, planting and caring for it.

Bladderwort care


Bladderwort loves regular, abundant watering. Before the next watering, the soil should dry well. In hot weather, it is recommended to water more often.


Tips for feeding bladderwort:

  1. The plant needs to be fertilized twice a season.
  2. In early spring, feed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer. For ten liters of water, take one tablespoon of urea and ammonium nitrate, half a liter of mullein.
  3. In autumn (before the onset of cold weather) fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers.

Preparing for winter

The plant tolerates winter well if you follow the recommendations:

  1. Before frost, you need to mulch and add a small layer of humus, hay and peat. This will serve as a good shelter from severe frosts, and with the arrival of spring it will become food for the plant.
  2. Young plants (planted in the first year) need additional shelter.


Most often, shrubs are propagated using cuttings or dividing the bush. This is done at the end of May or early summer (before the flowering process). The plant is propagated extremely rarely with the help of seeds, since the varietal characteristics of the shrub are lost.

Propagation by cuttings

The appearance of buds on the cuttings is a sign that it is time to plant the bladderwort on the site

Step-by-step instructions for cuttings from vesicular carp:

  1. To propagate a plant by cuttings, first cut healthy strong branches (2-3 internodes) with a sharp knife and clear them of leaves.
  2. The cuttings are dried a little and planted in warm, clean sand.
  3. When the first buds appear on the cuttings, you can plant them on the site. It is better to plant next to the plant from which the cuttings were taken.

Dividing the bush

Only an adult, healthy, well-developed bush is suitable for this.

The separated part from the bush is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and planted in a new place.

It is better to shorten the branches in a new place a little to allow the plant to take root well and not waste energy on the formation of leaves.


Bush pruning can be sanitary or decorative (or molding).

  1. During sanitary pruning, damaged, dry, broken branches are removed. Most often it is done in spring and early autumn.
  2. Molding is done after flowering. Cut off the shoots by about 1/3 of the crown size.
  3. A hedge of bladderwort needs pruning (haircut) 1-2 times during the growing season. The first haircut takes place in April, the next one as needed.

Also read about clematis, planting and caring for it.

And here you will find information about growing climbing roses.

Pest and disease control

The shrub has excellent immunity and is extremely rarely susceptible to disease or pest attack.

Sometimes, from an excess of moisture (especially on heavy soil), root rot can occur. In this case, you need to dig up the plant, remove the affected parts, treat it with potassium permanganate and plant it in a new place.


Each variety of bladderwort has its own personality. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. Diabolo- the most preferred variety. Has good decorative qualities. It is distinguished by beautiful dark burgundy leaves that will decorate various landscape compositions.
  2. Luteus- a variety characterized by good and fast growth. It has playful leaves. When they bloom, they are yellow with an orange tint, in June they turn green, and in autumn they turn golden. The inflorescences are white.
  3. Dart's Gold- a wide shrub, round in shape, reaching 3 meters. The leaves are yellow with a golden tint or lemon. The inflorescences are white or tinged with pink.
  4. Center Glow- a shrub with expressively colored leaves. The leaves are burgundy along the edges and yellow and lemon in the center. The color is especially pronounced on young leaves. With age, the color changes and becomes like Burgundy wine, only a slight yellow tint remains at the center.
  5. Red Baron- has expressive red veining on the leaves. The shrub reaches 2 meters in height. The flowers are pink.

You can see photos of these varieties in the gallery:

Application in landscape design

The bladderwort will be a worthy decoration for any landscape design. You can use it to decorate small rocky paths near your house. You can create a decorative hedge.

The bladderwort will become great solution for hedges

Plants planted singly next to benches or an artificial pond look good.

If you choose the right shade of foliage, bladderwort will look great next to a variety of bright flowers.

Every year the bladderwort attracts more and more attention from gardeners. It has good decorative and aesthetic qualities and is easy to maintain.

If you give it your care and attention, it can become a real decoration of your garden plot.

Jul 21, 2015 Elena Timoshchuk

The vesicular carp shrub is a representative of the genus of deciduous shrubs, i.e. plants that shed their leaves for the winter. The leaves are mostly three-lobed, with teeth. The word vesicular carp itself describes its fruits - highly swollen, opening at the top. Plants decorate gardens, squares and streets. Decorations made from trimmed bushes are very impressive. The most widespread species is Phusocarpus opolifolia (spirea viburnum). In this article we will find out what other species exist in nature. Let's talk about the importance of the viburnum vesicle in landscape design. talks about which varieties are most often used. Issues such as growing, planting and subsequent care of shrubs are covered. In the meantime, look at the photo of viburnum leaf - a wide variety of compositions and types are presented:

Let's get acquainted with the bladderwort - description and photo

Let's take a closer look at this plant; the description of the culture and photos offered below give general idea. Unlike evergreen shrubs, such as oleander, psyllium, and cherry laurel, the viburnum-leaved bladdercarp shrub (Phusocarpus opolifolius) belongs to the deciduous types of flora. The leaves of some species turn from bright green to bright red in the fall. But the flowers that appear in June-July are quite small and, as a rule, inconspicuous. Latin name directly indicates that the fruits are shaped like a bubble (physo).

The bladderwort can be 3 meters high, its leaves from 2 to 7 cm in size grow round-oval, 3-5 lobed, with denticles along the edges and are very reminiscent of the leaves of the common viburnum. Their color does not “fade” until the first days of warm winter. The bark has a rusty chocolate color and its appearance is quite pleasant.

In mid-June, when many woody plants have already bloomed, the time of the vesicular carp comes, and numerous fragrant pinkish-white inflorescences appear. Judging by the appearance of the flowers, it becomes clear that the plants are close relatives of spirea and other Rosaceae. Light small flowers bloom in umbrella-shaped racemes with a diameter of “umbrellas” up to 5 cm. You can count 5 sepals and petals, but you can’t count the number of stamens. They are bright red in color, stick out from the flowers and give them a fluffy appearance.

The shrub is capable of growing very quickly. It is not afraid of frost and is resistant to shade. Nature experts call it drought and gas resistant. The green pet differs from others in that it forms abundant adventitious buds ( root suckers). For the most part, for this reason, its life is not threatened by dry soil. On dry soils, it is also recommended to plant lilac, pomegranate, all types of panicle, wolfberry, and low almond. Planted next to bladderwort, they will add color and flavor during the flowering period.

Look at the photo of the vesicular carp shrub during different periods of the plant’s growing season:

3 popular ways to propagate bladderwort

There are 3 popular ways by which new generations of plants appear. Any bladderwort for propagation produces large quantities of seeds, as well as mature and herbaceous cuttings. In addition, bush division is used.

The fruits appear green. To compensate for the inconspicuousness of the flowers, the bubble-shaped leaflets (fruits) turn red in the fall and look very piquant in September-October. Finally, they dry to a reddish-brown hue, open and produce numerous small seeds. Ripe fruits, squeezed in the hand, make a cracking noise, so they often become a toy for children living outside the city. Seeds are sown after they are collected in October-November. Their stratification is useful (2 months at a temperature of 5 ºС).

For garden forms a more relevant method of propagation by cuttings:

  • cuttings are taken this year, in June-July they are cut so that 2-3 internodes remain;
  • delete lower leaves, and the remaining ones are cut by ½;
  • treated with special root formation stimulants, for example, dipped in the “Kornevin” product;
  • planted in the ground or in boxes with a mixture of peat and sand.

Planting perennials of medium height is carried out based on the norm of 4-10 pieces per 1 sq.m., and low-growing ones - 10-25 pieces per 1 sq.m. The distance between plants is 0.8 m. The plant is not recommended to be planted in the extreme northeast (beyond the Arkhangelsk-Perm line). Subtropical areas are not suitable for it either.

Russian varieties and forms of North American shrubs

Among the main taxa of plants, genus and species are distinguished. There are 14 species in the genus in question, including Red Baron vesicle, Darts gold vesicle, etc. Thirteen of the 14 species of shrubs were born in North America. But since porous calcareous soil, rocky slopes, and various conditions There was a rapid spread of the plant throughout the world. Today, varieties and forms of North American shrubs can be found in South America, both in Europe and in Asia Minor.

Anyone who has already seen the vesicular carp in the photo appreciated the diversity of its “appearance”. And basically this appearance varies in the height of the bushes and the color of the leaves. For example, the viburnum-leaved bladdercarp shrub exhibits 3 main Russian varieties: yellow, golden-edged, low.

Bladderwort varieties for landscape design should be selected depending on their botanical characteristics:

  • the yellow form (lutea) is named for its leaves, which turn from bright yellow to bronze yellow over time;
  • golden-marginata (aureo-marginata) have a dark golden stripe (border) along the edge;
  • the third form is low (nana) - a bush with a height of up to 1 m and shallowly lobed leaves with a dark shade of green.

In addition to viburnum-leaved, there are many varieties: currant-leaved, star-shaped, Amur. Externally, they do not differ much, and are not widely used in Russia.

The benefits and practical use of shrubs in landscape design

Unpretentiousness, resistance to urban conditions and decorative qualities contribute to the fact that planting of bladderwort is used not only in private areas, but also on city streets. In green construction, it is indispensable for the formation of edges, groups, and undergrowth in sparse tree groups. A common area of ​​application is tapeworms on lawns. The benefits of the plant are invaluable, since the practical use of shrubs in the formation of landscape design is not limited only to the formation of a hedge.

Gardeners rejoice in their wonderful hedges. The purpose of the shrub is informal hedges and borders. The plant allows you to improve wastelands with depleted soil layers, where landscaping with other species is almost impossible. The shrub has gained the trust of people and has long been planted in public gardens and on rural streets. Thanks to their spreading branches and dense crown, untrimmed bushes of tall species cover a significant part of fences or other buildings.

Oriental bladderworts (Colutea orientalis) are adapted to life on dry soils - medium-height shrubs with branched, raised branches and large light yellow flowers. When flowering in May-June, it becomes a honey plant and a favorite of bees. Each flower lives only 3 days, but the bush is dotted so densely that 1 sq.m. there are more than 8600 flowers. In warm autumn, the plant may again become covered with flowers. During the period of fading of other nature, it pleases the eye, but the bees no longer visit it.

Growing bladderwort: planting and subsequent care

The plant is very unpretentious. Growing bladderwort is not particularly difficult - this representative of the flora grows both under the scorching sun and in the shade of dense trees. However, although it is capable of “starving” in poor soils, it still loves and develops best where the soils are rich, well-drained, moderately moist, neutral or slightly acidic.

For the full development of the bladderwort, care consists of loosening the soil, moderate watering and pruning. Mature plants tolerate prolonged drought. Young ones need watering. But if moisture lingers and the water stagnates, they may die. Subsequent care after crown formation consists of regular application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

Take Lady's vesicle in ed. Its red leaves are very beautiful and, at first glance, it seems that the plant was created for life next to elite cottages. In fact, its indifference to air pollution allows it to be located near gas stations, parking lots, and factories. Any variety is not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. The bushes will not have to be sprayed and litter the surrounding area with chemicals.

Planting of viburnum leaf carp is possible both in early spring and in the first autumn months. After planting, it is necessary to provide abundant watering. A nutrient substrate and a sufficient amount of drainage are placed in the hole for rooting the cutting.

A hedge of bladderwort in landscape design (with photo)

For shaped and trimmed hedges of medium height, we recommend Luteus with golden leaves or Amur, characterized by a spherical crown, light green leaves and pink fruits. Based on the density of the branches and the color of the leaves, the plants are excellent for planting in a row.

The Diablo variety with an openwork crown and glossy leaves, pleasing to the eye at a height of up to 3 m, is ideal for tall, unshaped flowering hedges made of bladderwort in landscape design. Unpretentious Hungarian lilac, Syrian hibiscus, rose hips, and ornate jasmine can be planted next to it.

To form plantings in a line, select plants of the same size and plant them densely. By trimming it is easy to create an excellent hedge. Its meaning is both decorative and economic. If the lower branches of tall trimmed shrubs are exposed, a 2-stage planting is recommended, with a low-growing border covering the imperfections.

Garden forms look great in compositions. Golden-leafed vesicles Luteus and Darts gold or any of the golden-edged ones shine golden when grown in sunny meadows or lawns. The purple-leaved Diablo vesiculus goes well with them.

In any case, the hedge of bladderwort in landscape design and in the photo is a medium-height (2 m) non-thorny, natural “structure” pleasing to the eye. Here you can play with colors, for example, plant honeysuckle with blue fruits or regularly blooming roses nearby.

Few ornamental shrubs can boast bright foliage, beautiful flowering and, at the same time, complete unpretentiousness. This description fully applies to such a plant as bladderwort. It will not cause garden owners much trouble, and even novice gardeners can cope with its cultivation. This shrub is cultivated because of its high decorative qualities. It has leaves of bright colors and a lush, dense crown, which gives the plant a spectacular appearance and does not lose its decorative effect throughout the growing season.

Biological description

Bladderwort is an ornamental deciduous shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family. The genus Bladderwort has more than 10 species, of which the most widespread and popular is the viburnum vesicle. The shrub grows from 1 to 3 meters in height.

Bladderwort is used both in single and group plantings, as well as for creating hedges and landscaping streets, squares, and park areas. The homeland of this plant is East Asia and North America. In the USA and Canada it grows wild in mixed forests, valleys and along river banks.

Description of the bladderwort:

  • Bark brown or brown. It tends to flake off with age
  • Leaves ovoid or elliptical in shape, small in size, approximately 4-10 cm long. The edges of the leaves are serrate-toothed. On the upper side, the leaf plates have a dark and rich shade, and on the lower side they are painted in lighter colors
  • Flowers white or pink, collected in convex corymbose inflorescences. The shrub blooms in June-July and blooms for two to three weeks.
  • Fruit are miniature leaflet bubbles collected into shields

The unusual shape of the fruit gave the plant such an unusual name - vesicular carp. In Latin it sounds like Physocarpus. This name comes from two Greek words: physo, which means "bladder" and carpos, which translates as "fruit".

Bladderwort: decorative and unpretentious shrub

In Russia, the bladderwort first appeared at the end of the 18th century. botanical garden St. Petersburg. During the 19th century, several more plant species were introduced from North America.

This shrub:

  • is unpretentious
  • has high winter hardiness
  • tolerates city conditions well
  • not too picky about soil composition
  • begins to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 4 years
  • does not tolerate excess moisture and moisture stagnation

The bladderwort remains decorative throughout the entire growing season. At the same time, the shrub is very unpretentious.

However, there are two requirements that must be met in order for this plant to be comfortable in the garden:

  1. Lack of lime in the soil. On soils with a high lime content, the shrub will develop poorly.
  2. Availability of drainage. The bladderwort does not tolerate stagnant moisture, and soils with high groundwater levels are not suitable for it.

Although this shrub is not too demanding on the composition of the soil, it will respond to a loose, fertile and fertilized substrate good growth and a magnificent view. The plant is resistant to air pollution. For this reason, it can be grown near roads.

A huge advantage of the bladderwort over other ornamental shrubs is its good winter hardiness.


In the middle zone it overwinters without problems, and only very severe frosts can damage the tips of its shoots. Bladderwort can be grown both in the shade and in lighted areas. However, varieties with purple and gold leaves in sunny areas will have more bright shade

foliage. In the shade, the color of the leaves fades over time and becomes muted.

Therefore, if you want to achieve a greater decorative effect from this plant, you should choose an open sunny place to plant it. For planting, it is better to purchase material from a nursery, where they sell shrubs in special containers, ready for planting. Such seedlings with a closed root system can be planted not only in spring, but also at any other period during the growing season.

Planting bladderwort

How to plant this shrub correctly so that it takes root and grows quickly:

  1. For planting, prepare a hole with a depth and diameter of 0.5 meters. Fertile soil should be placed at its bottom. garden soil, peat substrate or humus.
  2. The plant, along with a lump of earth, must be carefully removed from the container and placed in a prepared landing hole. At the same time, it is important not to damage the roots and try not to straighten them.
  3. The hole with the plant should be filled with soil, preferably fertile, and the seedling should be deepened by 5 cm. This technique will help the bush produce additional new shoots from dormant buds.
  4. After planting, the bladderwort bushes should be watered with water, to which Kornevin can be added, and then the trunk circle should be mulched.

Young bush of the Coppertina variety

With such treatment, a surface crust will not form, and the roots of the plant will be able to receive a sufficient amount of air.


This shrub reproduces in several ways. Each of them has its own characteristics that you need to pay attention to.

Propagation by seeds

Bladderwort seeds give good germination, but with this method of propagation there is no guarantee that all varietal characteristics will be preserved.


There is a high probability that bushes grown from seeds will have green rather than red leaves. For this reason, propagation by seeds is extremely rare. To preserve the original color of the leaves, the vesicular carp should be propagated vegetatively. This is the simplest and most popular method that gives quick and traditionally good results.

For propagation by cuttings, green shoots are used, which are cut 10-20 cm long. It is important that each cutting has several growth points.

  1. Cuttings are carried out in spring or early summer, before the bush blooms:
  2. The bases of the resulting cuttings are soaked in any of the root formation stimulants. This step is not necessary, since the bladderwort can root successfully without stimulation.
  3. Shoots are planted in river sand or a substrate consisting of sand and peat.
  4. After planting, the cuttings should be watered and covered with plastic wrap.
  5. Subsequent care before the start of winter consists of ventilation and systematic moisturizing. When new leaves and shoots begin to appear, indicating successful rooting, the film can be removed.
  6. For the winter, rooted cuttings should be covered, preferably with spruce branches. The bases of the stems are mulched with leaves, peat or soil.

In the spring, the young shoots can be planted in a permanent place.

Dividing the bush

Young plant bushes

This method is less popular than cuttings because it requires physical effort, and the number of young plants obtained by dividing the bush is very limited. One well-developed adult bush can be divided into 4-6 parts.

The bush should be divided in early spring, before the onset of active growth.

This procedure is possible in the fall, after the bush has faded and there is at least a month and a half left before frost:

  1. Planting holes are prepared for the divisions, and the stems are cut at a level of 60-70 cm. This will only benefit the bladderwort and will be an additional incentive for the appearance of new shoots.
  2. The plant is carefully dug up, completely removing the root system from the soil.
  3. The bush is divided in such a way that each part gets a good rhizome and one powerful healthy branch more than 20 cm long.
  4. The separated parts must be planted in a new place as quickly as possible to prevent the roots from drying out.
  5. After this, the plants are watered and the soil is mulched to avoid crust formation.

In the first year, separated young plants need shelter for the winter.

Reproduction by layering

This is a fairly common method of reproduction. This procedure is carried out in April, after the first leaves appear on the shoots, so that the cuttings have time to take root during the growing season.

The order of propagation by layering is as follows:

  1. Almost all leaves are removed from the shoot, except those at the very top.
  2. Make a groove in the ground under the branch up to 10-15 cm deep.
  3. Without cutting off the prepared shoot from the bush, place it in a groove, pin it to the ground and cover it with fertile soil. The tip of the shoot must be left open without being covered with soil.
  4. It is important to water the soil during periods that are too dry, because without moisture, roots that are not yet fully strong may die.
  5. At the end of autumn, young rooted bushes are separated from the adult plant. For the winter they should be covered with spruce branches.

This type of laying of layering gives good results if you choose strong and healthy shoots directed outward for them.


Despite its high decorative value, bladderwort is a very unpretentious plant. It does not require any special care, but certain conditions must be observed: regular pruning, watering the plants and fertilizing. When grown correctly, the bushes will be practically not affected by diseases and pests.

Beautifully shaped bush


The shrub can grow up to 30-40 years, and during the growing season it can develop at a fairly rapid pace. When favorable conditions are created, the vesicular carp can grow up to 40 cm in one year, both in height and width.

In what cases does a plant need pruning?

  • to stimulate active shoot growth
  • if the crown needs to be given a certain shape

The bladderwort tolerates the pruning procedure painlessly, and subsequently quickly grows overgrown with young shoots.

In addition to formative pruning, a sanitary procedure is also carried out:

  • Sanitary pruning is carried out in early spring. Its purpose is to remove broken, dried branches and shoots frozen in winter
  • Formative pruning is needed to give the plant the required shape. It is also carried out in the spring, even before the buds bloom on the bush, or in the fall, after the growing season is over.

There are two types of shaping pruning that can be used for bladderwort:

  • if the purpose of pruning is to obtain a powerful and wide bush with a large number of trunks, then it is carried out at a level of 40-50 cm
  • To give the plant a so-called “fountain-shaped” shape, cut out all the thin shoots at the base of the bush, leaving up to five of the strongest and strongest branches. To stimulate growth, these shoots are also additionally pruned at a height of 1.5 meters


The frequency of watering shrubs depends on several factors:

  • type of soil
  • plant age
  • climate zone where it grows

If the soils in the area where the shrub is grown are loamy, and in summer high temperatures, then the plant needs regular watering (at least twice a week). However, overflow and stagnation of water should be avoided. When overmoistened, the bladderwort bush runs the risk of becoming infected with powdery mildew. This can lead to the death of the plant.

Top dressing

By fertilizing the bush you can get a beautiful and lush shape.

Fertilizing shrubs is carried out twice per season, in spring and autumn:

1.In early spring When the buds open, it is necessary to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
2. in autumn it should be replaced with mineral fertilizer.

Plants respond well to fertilizer, forming a lush, dense crown.


The advantages of this shrub include good winter hardiness. In the middle zone, the bladderwort overwinters without shelter. At the same time, freezing of the tops of the shoots is observed only in rare cases and during very frosty winters.

In the shelter on winter period Only young shoots rooted this year are needed. In autumn, after pruning, the soil around the plants should be mulched with a layer of peat at least 8 cm high. After this, the young plants should be covered with spruce branches.


There are more than 10 species of this plant, but only two species are widespread in cultivation in the European part of the country:

  • (Physocarpus amurensis)
  • (Physocarpus opulifolius)

Unpretentious, decorative and fast-growing vesicles are an excellent material for hedges. They tolerate pruning well, with which the bushes can be easily given the desired shape. The Amur bladderwort is used less frequently in landscaping, but the most widely used plant is the viburnum-leaved bladdercarp in landscape design.


The homeland of this shrub is mixed forests Far East, North Korea and northern China. The bushes grow up to 3 meters in height. The crown has a wide spherical shape, green leaves and blooms with small white flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences.

The fruits are swollen leaflets that turn red as they ripen and give the plant attractive appearance and decorative in autumn. This species is winter-hardy.

The shoots become completely woody. The plant is used both in single and group plantings, as well as as hedges.

This plant is native to North America, where it grows wild. The shrub got its name because of its leaves, which are similar to those of viburnum. For decorative decoration Garden plots are mainly used by two groups of varieties of viburnum: plants with red leaves and plants with yellow foliage. In each of the groups, breeders have developed many varieties, which are worth dwelling on in more detail.

The most popular red-leaved varieties

This group is especially valued by gardeners and designers for its high decorative qualities. The foliage of these bladderworts, colored in varying shades of red and purple, looks very festive. Against the background of leaves, white and pink inflorescences in summer and clusters of berries in autumn look impressive.

Red-leaved varieties prefer open sunny areas. In the shade, they lose their “zest”, because due to the lack of sunny color, the bright purple color of the leaves quickly turns into ordinary green.



Diabolo is a spectacular variety with dark purple glossy leaves of uniform color and a thick, lush crown. Powerful bushes grow up to 3 meters in height and need pruning. With the onset of autumn, the color of the leaves does not change. In the shade, the leaves turn green with a slight purple tint. The variety was awarded the prize of the English Royal Horticultural Society.

Summer Vine

Summer Wine has a crown with spreading branches and deep wine-colored foliage with a metallic sheen. The bush grows 2 meters in height. In spring it blooms magnificently, the shoots are completely covered with white and pink inflorescences. This variety can tolerate severe frosts well, so it is suitable for growing in almost any region.

"Lady in Red"

Lady in Red

Plants of this variety of English selection have reddish foliage and pale pink flowers. Lady in Red bladderwort does not exceed 1.8 meters in height. With the onset of autumn, the elegant foliage of the Lady in Red variety tends to darken. The decorative qualities of this shrub were awarded by the English Royal Horticultural Society.



Andre's bladderwort has a height of no more than 2 meters and the same width. The leaves, orange-red when blooming, acquire a bronze-red hue closer to the beginning of summer. They are up to 10 cm long and elliptical in shape. This variety blooms in June with creamy white or pale pink flowers, in place of which bright red berries are formed.



Midnight is the darkest of all bladderwort varieties. The leaves of an adult plant are almost purple-brown in color. The flowers are pink and white. The bush is medium in size, reaching 1.8 meters in height and 1.5 meters in width. In autumn the leaves turn orange-red.

"Little Joker"

Little Joker, bred by Dutch breeders, is a dwarf variety. The height of the bush is from 50 cm to 1 meter. The leaves are small, burgundy-purple. As autumn approaches, the foliage takes on a dark purple-brown hue. The flowers are pinkish-white and appear in June. If desired, plants of this variety can be grown in containers.

He is one of the beautiful ones ornamental shrubs unpretentious and fast growing. This bush is distinguished by its spherical crown with drooping spreading branches and corrugated leaves that cover it lushly and abundantly. Red-leaved bladderwort differs in foliage color and is highly decorative throughout the season. It is often used in a single planting or as a vesicular carp.
"Country Hobbies"

Characteristics of the bladderwort

An adult bush reaches a height of up to three meters, the leaves are three-to-five-fingered, similar to the foliage of viburnum. This perennial begins to bloom in spring or early summer, covering the entire bush with white flowers with many stamens in the form of hemispheres with a diameter of 5-7 cm. The culture is represented by several varieties

with foliage of various colors.

Planting a bladderwort

To maintain the high decorative value of the crop, it is necessary to plant the plant in an open sunny place. When planted in shade or partial shade, the bladderwort grows well, but its foliage fades.

The crop grows on any soil, provided that there is no lime in it and there is drainage. Of course, on rich fertile soil the plant grows much faster, looks more impressive and brighter. The advantage of the culture is its resistance to exhaust gases, so the plant can be safely planted near roads.

Grow bladderwrack from seeds as there is a possibility of losing the main characteristics of the crop. It is advisable to purchase it from a nursery grown in a container. This plant can be planted at any time. To plant a plant, you need to dig a planting hole with a diameter and depth of up to 50 cm about two weeks in advance, at the bottom of which place a fertile mixture, which should settle by the time of planting.

During planting, the plant is carefully removed from the container and placed in a hole so as not to damage the lump of earth with roots. Then they are covered with fertile soil, deepening the bush 5 cm so that additional shoots appear. Be sure to water the seedling with water and Kornevin solution and mulch the tree trunk circle. Mulch will prevent the appearance of a crust on the surface and the roots will receive enough air for further growth.

vesicular carp

Bladderwort care

The crop is unpretentious, grows quickly, and can add up to 40 cm in height and width in a season under favorable conditions. You can shape the shape of the bush by making the necessary pruning, which it tolerates painlessly and begins to grow with new young shoots. Formative pruning is carried out in early spring before the buds awaken or in the fall after the growing season. To obtain a strong bush, pruning is carried out already at a height of 45-55 cm. To give the bush the shape of a fountain, you need to cut out all the shoots at the base, leaving only five strong branches, which are cut at a height of 1.5 m. Sanitary pruning is carried out every spring, cutting out dry ones and broken branches.

The plant does not tolerate drought well. And when watering, you need to be careful, as water can burn the leaves and inflorescences. Therefore, in dry weather, it is better to water in the late afternoon twice a week, pouring at least 40 liters of water under an adult tree. But overwatering can also have a negative effect on the plant. It can get powdery mildew and even die.

The bladderwort is unusually winter-hardy and in the middle zone you don’t need to cover it for the winter. True, in severe frosts the tips of the branches may freeze.

Feeding the bladderwort is carried out in spring and autumn. In the spring, feeding comes down to preparing a mixture of 0.5 liters of mullein for the bush with the addition of a tablespoon of urea and ammonium nitrate and diluting it in 10 liters of water. Apply 15 liters of this mixture under an adult bush. In autumn, a solution of nitroammophoska (2 tablespoons per bucket) is applied under the bush and the consumption is 15 l/plant.

Bladderwort propagation

It is carried out in several ways: dividing the bush, layering, cuttings.

bladderwrack hedge

Breeding by layering

To do this, select a healthy shoot directed to the side, remove the leaves from it, leaving them at the top. At the beginning of spring, this shoot is placed in a groove 15 cm deep, secured with staples, and covered with earth. By autumn the shoots will take root. It is necessary to regularly moisten the cuttings so that the root system grows faster. In the fall, the cuttings can be separated from the mother plant and covered for the winter.


For this purpose, young shoots grown this season are used. The prepared cuttings are soaked in a root formation stimulator, planted in sand and covered with plastic wrap or plastic bottles. The plantings are constantly moistened, ventilated, and covered for the winter. In spring, rooted cuttings can be planted in a prepared place.

Bladderwort varieties

The most popular are varieties of viburnum-leaved vesicle, which have red or yellow leaves.

Now you are convinced that planting, caring for and even propagating shrubs is within the capabilities of a gardener with little experience. Red-leaved bladderwort a truly unpretentious shrub that will delight you with its beauty for many years.

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