Features and rules of swimming in an ice hole for baptism. How to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany: rules, tips

When swimming in the ice hole at Epiphany 2018

For Epiphany, as for any Christian holiday, you need to seriously prepare. One day is given for this - January 18. It is called Epiphany Christmas Eve. Believers must fast throughout this day. And in the evening everyone goes to a church service to pray and light a candle.
Only after the end of the liturgy do church ministers begin to cut ice holes in the reservoirs. Usually they are all cut in the shape of a cross. Sometimes the ice cross that remains after cutting the hole is placed nearby. To make it more convenient for people to take a dip, more steps are often cut out. Sometimes a wooden staircase is installed.
When the fonts are ready, the clergy begin the ritual of blessing the water. First, a prayer is said over the ice hole, then the water is blessed with a silver cross. By ancient tradition After this, a white dove is released into the sky. It symbolizes that the Holy Spirit appeared in this form to Jesus Christ when he received Baptism.
People who decided to dive into consecrated water for the first time probably still don’t know exactly when they will swim in the ice hole on Epiphany 2018.
Anyone can plunge into the ice hole immediately after the consecration of the water, that is, on January 18, as well as throughout the entire day on January 19. Some people sometimes perform this ritual a few days after Baptism, but only if there was a good reason that did not allow them to swim on time. For example, if a person was very ill and could not reach the font.

Believers usually watch how it passes, and therefore immediately dive into the water. In the old days, on January 18, at night, the majority of people plunged into the ice hole. However, now queues form at the swimming pools on January 19, mostly in the morning and evening. Epiphany is not an official holiday, so many people work.

Is it necessary to swim in an ice hole?

It is worth remembering that the church does not force anyone to perform the ritual of swimming in an ice hole. To plunge or not, each person must decide for himself. After all, the main thing on the feast of Epiphany is to cleanse yourself spiritually. And for this you need to work on yourself, drive away bad thoughts, pray, forgive all offenses, not do anything bad and not wish harm on anyone on this day.
Believers claim that holy water from the ice hole helps to cure many diseases, and that, for example, if a person has a runny nose or cough, then after immersion in the water these symptoms of a cold will immediately go away.

However, doctors have a different opinion. Experts do not advise swimming for people who have any illnesses, and strictly prohibit people suffering from chronic diseases from coming into contact with ice water.
Doctors warn that people who, immediately after taking a plunge, do not change into dry clothes, put on warm socks and shoes, and do not wrap themselves in a warm blanket, can get sick.
People who feel they are not ready to swim in an ice hole this year could, for example, fill a bathtub and add some blessed water, then take three dips. You can also simply wash your face with holy water. Moreover, you can do this ritual every morning, and not just on Epiphany.
Those people who are going to perform a sacred rite should think, first of all, about their safety. If there are a lot of people near the ice hole, you shouldn’t go out on the ice, you need to wait patiently, you shouldn’t push your neighbors, much less quarrel with someone in line. If something happens, you need to report it to the police, rescuers or ambulance doctors who are on duty at places where mass swimming occurs.

On January 19 (January 6, old style), Christians celebrate the Epiphany, or Epiphany, one of the most important holidays in Orthodoxy. On this day, the prophet John the Baptist, who is also called the Baptist, baptized the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.

The second name, Epiphany, was given to the holiday in memory of the miracle that occurred during baptism - the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on Christ in the form of a dove. The main traditions of the Epiphany holiday are associated with water; the clergy dresses in white vestments.

When and how is the Epiphany celebrated?

In the first centuries of Christianity, converts were baptized on Epiphany (they were called catechumens), so this day was often called the “day of Enlightenment” - as a sign that the Sacrament of Baptism cleanses a person from sin and enlightens him with the light of Christ. At the same time, a tradition arose to bless water in reservoirs on this day.

Believers look forward to the Feast of Epiphany, and when the Epiphany of the Lord comes, they attend church to remember the wonderful event that changed the world. The celebration of Epiphany begins the day before - January 18. This day is called Epiphany Christmas Eve, as well as Hungry Kutya. By analogy with Christmas Eve, on the day before the feast of the Epiphany, strict fasting must be observed:

  • The obligatory dish of the festive dinner was Lenten kutia, pancakes, and oatmeal jelly.
  • Kutya, kolivo, kanun - a ritual funeral dish of the Slavs, porridge cooked from whole grains of wheat (barley, rice - Saracen millet or other cereals), poured with honey, honey syrup or sugar, with the addition of poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, milk or jam.

Folk traditions

  • At Epiphany, it was customary to release doves - as a sign of Divine grace descending on Jesus Christ.
  • In Rus', on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, as soon as the first church bell called for matins, pious believers lit a fire on the shore so that Jesus Christ, who was baptized in the Jordan, could also warm himself by the fire.
  • They began to prepare the Jordan a week before Epiphany: they cut a hole in the river, sawed out a large cross and placed it over the hole. The throne was also cut out of ice. The “royal doors” were decorated with Christmas tree branches.

On the morning of the holiday, after the service, everyone went to the river. After the blessing of the water in the river, all those gathered collected it in their dishes. It was believed that the sooner you scoop it up, the more holy it will be. There were brave souls who swam in the Jordan, remembering that it was impossible to catch a cold in the blessed water.

Then everyone went home. And while the women were setting the table, the eldest man in the family sprinkled the entire household with Epiphany water. Before eating, everyone drank consecrated water. After eating, the girls hurried to the river to wash themselves in “Jordanian water”, “so that their faces were pink.”

After Epiphany, it was forbidden to wash clothes in the river. According to legend, when a priest immerses a cross in water, all the evil spirits jump out of fear, and then sit on the shore and wait for someone to appear with dirty laundry. As soon as the laundry is lowered into the river, along it, like a ladder, all the evil spirits go into the water. Therefore, it was believed that the later women began to wash, the more evil spirits would freeze out from the Epiphany frosts.

  • You can't cry on this day, just like on New Year- before next holiday you can shed tears.
  • At Epiphany, you need to make peace with loved ones, but under no circumstances should you quarrel, make trouble, or be offended.
  • You also cannot complain, gossip, slander, clean, wash, knit or sew. It is better to stop any work these days.
  • In addition, after Baptism you cannot guess, otherwise you will change your fate for the worse.

Blessing of Water^

An important event of Epiphany and Epiphany is the blessing of water. On a river or lake, a cross-shaped hole called Jordan is cut out in advance in the ice. At midnight, priests bless the water in the wormwood, and believers take a bath in the consecrated water. People are not afraid of the cold, since bathing at Epiphany is a symbolic cleansing of sins, spiritual rebirth.

It is believed that Christ the Savior in Baptism bestows (with water) the grace of “souls and bodies.” The Baptism of the Lord in the matter of redemption of the human race had great saving ontological significance. Baptism on the Jordan exudes to mortals remission of sins, enlightenment, light, renewal, healing and, as it were, a new birth.

Holy Epiphany water: when is it blessed?

The main feature of the Epiphany service is the blessing of water. Water is blessed twice on Epiphany:

  • The day before, January 18, on Epiphany Eve, there was the Rite of the Great Blessing of Water, which is also called the “Great Hagiasma.”
  • And the second time - on the day of Epiphany, January 19, at the Divine Liturgy.
  • According to tradition, Epiphany water is stored for a year - until the next Epiphany holiday. They drink it on an empty stomach, reverently and prayerfully.

When to collect Epiphany water

If you decide to draw Epiphany water from the tap, do it in the time interval from 00:10 to 01:30 on the night of January 18th to 19th. However, it is possible later - until 24:00 on January 19.

  • It is better to collect Epiphany water after participating in a church service (in church) or prayer (at home);
  • It is better to pour water into a special jug or flask purchased at a church store (not into a beer bottle).

What are the wonderful healing properties of Epiphany water?

In all sources consecrated at the Epiphany of the Lord, the water becomes holy. It is believed, and this has many confirmations, that Epiphany holy water has miraculous and healing properties:

  • Believers take it with them - Epiphany holy water has the ability not to spoil for a long time.
  • Epiphany water is drunk on an empty stomach throughout the year, it is carefully preserved as a shrine and illnesses, both physical and mental, are treated. You can drink it when you are sick on an empty stomach and wash your face to stay healthy.
  • You need to drink Epiphany holy water with prayer, asking the Almighty for spiritual and physical health.
  • Saint Epiphany water You can sprinkle your home to drive out evil spirits and bring the grace of God into your home.
  • It is not at all necessary to take it in reserve; it should not be a lot of water, but faith.

How to swim properly at Epiphany ^

For believers, bathing at Epiphany means communion with the special grace of the Lord, which he sends to all the water on this day. It is also believed that water at Epiphany brings health, both physical and spiritual. At the same time, the church warns against attaching any magical meaning to this tradition.

Rules for bathing at Epiphany

The ice holes or Jordans in which people bathe at Epiphany are blessed. There are no strict rules for those who want to plunge into Jordan for Epiphany:

  • But still, it is customary to quickly plunge headlong into the water 3 times, while making the sign of the cross and saying: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
  • Traditionally, it is believed that on Epiphany one should swim in shirts and not in swimsuits, so as not to expose one’s body.

How to swim at Epiphany so as not to get sick

Both old and young swim at Epiphany. But without special preparation, swimming can be dangerous for children and the elderly. It is better to prepare in advance, gradually hardening yourself with dousing cold water at home in the bathroom. Precautionary measures must be observed by everyone who decides to swim for Epiphany:

  • Doctors warn against swimming at Epiphany for people with hypertension, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis and other acute chronic diseases.
  • Doctors warn that swimming in ice water puts all human thermoregulatory mechanisms under maximum stress and can cause shock.

If you are healthy, then follow these recommendations:

  • You can swim on Epiphany only in an ice hole where there is a special entrance to the water;
  • Never go swimming at Epiphany alone; there should be a person nearby who can help if necessary;
  • Alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited before swimming; do not swim on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • Take a warm blanket with you, as well as clothes that are comfortable for changing.

Folk signs and beliefs ^

Since ancient times, many things have been associated with Baptism folk signs and beliefs:

  • It was believed that miracles happened at Epiphany midnight: the wind subsided for a moment, complete silence reigned and the heavens opened. At this time, you can express your cherished wish, which will definitely come true.
  • If the weather is clear and cold at Epiphany, the summer will be dry; cloudy and fresh - to a bountiful harvest.
  • A full month for Epiphany means a big spring flood.
  • Starry night of Epiphany - the summer will be dry, there will be a harvest for peas and berries.
  • There will be a thaw at Epiphany - for the harvest, and a clear day at Epiphany - for a crop failure.
  • The wind will blow from the south on Epiphany - it will be a stormy summer.
  • If it snows during the liturgy, especially while going to the water, then next year it is expected to be grain-bearing, and the bees will produce many swarms.
  • When dogs barked a lot on Epiphany, they expected a successful hunting season: If dogs bark a lot on Epiphany, there will be plenty of all kinds of animals and game.
  • Chickens are not fed at Epiphany so that the gardens are not dug in the summer and the seedlings are not spoiled.

The Russian folk calendar associates the holiday of Epiphany with frost. Epiphany frosts: “Cracking frost, not crackling, but Vodokreshchi has passed.”

Fortune telling for Epiphany

January 19 marks the end of Christmastide, the period of fortune telling in Rus'. On Epiphany night, the girls sought to understand what awaited them in the future, whether they would get married, whether the year would be successful.

By folk beliefs, the eve of Epiphany, the famous " Epiphany evening" - the time of rampant evil spirits. She tries to sneak into the house as a werewolf - in any guise.

  • To protect the home from evil spirits entering the house, place chalk on all doors and window frames signs of the cross, which is considered reliable protection from everything demonic.
  • If you don’t put a cross on the door on Epiphany Eve, you’ll be in trouble, they thought in the old days.

If you don’t protect your home in time and “let in” evil spirits, you can get rid of its mischief in the following way. A knot is found in the floor of the house, which does not necessarily have to protrude above the floor, but can simply be marked in parquet board. Ring finger right hand They circle the knot with a triangle, then step on it with their left foot and say: “Christ has risen, not you, demon.” Amen".

Those who told fortunes on the night of the New Year, Christmastide and Epiphany were required to bathe or douse themselves with water: thereby they washed away their sin, because fortune telling was always considered a conspiracy with evil spirits.

In Rus', many beliefs about the fate of a person are associated with the holiday of Epiphany.

  • Being baptized on January 19 is considered special luck. They say that then a person will have a long and happy life.
  • It is also considered a good omen if they agree on a future wedding on this day. “Epiphany handshake means a happy family,” people said.

Fortune telling - who will come across

Those girls who had not yet waited for their groom went out in the evening for Epiphany and called out to their betrothed.

  • If a girl comes across a young guy, it’s a good omen,
  • Being an old man is a bad omen.

Fortune telling by name

  • There was a custom that both boys and girls performed with pleasure: asking passers-by for a name - for women it was male, for men it was female.
  • According to popular belief, this will be the name of the future groom and, accordingly, the bride.

Fortune telling at the church

On a clear, moonlit Epiphany evening, the girls walked to the doors of the locked church and listened to the silence:

  • Some of them imagined either a wedding choir or a funeral service - what the new year promised them.
  • The sound of a bell (marriage) and a dull knock (imminent death) had the same symbolism.

Shoe throwing

The girls went outside the outskirts and threw the shoe from their left foot in front of them.

  • They looked in which direction the toe of the shoe was pointing - from there the groom would come and in that direction the girl would leave her home.
  • If the toe of the shoe pointed back towards the village, it meant that the girl would not get married this year.

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

Bathing in the wood is an ancient ritual that many people in our country perform every year. Soon you will be able to join the favorite Russian tradition, and from this article you will learn when is the best time to do so.

Even though the New Year celebrations are over, the series of holidays is not over yet. According to tradition, on January 19, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday Epiphany. There are many traditions and rituals associated with this day, and the most popular of them is swimming in an ice hole. Every year thousands of people take a bath in blessed water to ensure their health and cleanse their souls of sins. The team at dailyhoro.ru invites you to find out when is the best time to perform the ritual of bathing on Epiphany.

1. Swimming in an ice hole January 19, 2018

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most revered Orthodox events. Over time, this holiday acquired many traditions, and one of them was swimming in the wood. Everyone who decides to perform this ritual is simply obliged to know about its features so as not to harm their health.

Before the consecration of water, a hole called a Jordan is cut through the ice. It received this name in honor of the river in which the Son of God was once baptized. After this, the clergyman lowers the crucifix into the water and says a prayer. A person who decides to perform the ritual of ablution must plunge headlong into the ice hole three times, but before doing this, he must pray.

It is believed that with the help Epiphany water you can get rid of illnesses and sins. However, this ritual is not performed by all believers, because not everyone can expose their health to such a risk.

2. When is the best time to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany?

When to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany - on the eve of the holiday or on the day of the event itself? This question worries many people who want to swim in an ice hole. It is believed that on the evening of January 18, it is best to visit the church, pray and take holy water home.

At the end of the evening service, on the night of January 19, everyone can plunge into the already blessed water. The most suitable time period for this is considered to be the period from 00:00 to 01:30. According to legends, it was at this time that water acquires strong healing properties, which have repeatedly helped people get rid of diseases.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to perform the bathing ritual at night, then you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening of January 19th. If, due to your health condition, you do not have the opportunity to plunge into ice water in mid-January, then simply wash your face with Epiphany water collected in an ice hole.

After bathing, do not forget to say a prayer again so that the ritual will benefit not only your body, but also your soul.

Our ancestors attached special importance to such great Orthodox events as the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that this holiday is of a religious nature, many folk signs are associated with it, which before people preferred to believe. May happiness and good luck always accompany you,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Bathing in the wood is an ancient ritual that many people in our country perform every year. Soon you will be able to join the favorite Russian tradition, and from this article you will learn when is the best time to do so.

Even though the New Year celebrations are over, the series of holidays is not over yet. According to tradition, on January 19, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday of the Epiphany. There are many traditions and rituals associated with this day, and the most popular of them is swimming in an ice hole. Every year, thousands of people take a bath in blessed water to ensure their health and cleanse their souls of sins. We invite you to find out when is the best time to perform the ritual of bathing on Epiphany.

Swimming in an ice hole January 19, 2018

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most revered Orthodox events. Over time, this holiday acquired many traditions, and one of them was swimming in the wood. Everyone who decides to perform this ritual is simply obliged to know about its features so as not to harm their health.

Before the consecration of water, a hole called a Jordan is cut through the ice. It received this name in honor of the river in which the Son of God was once baptized. After this, the clergyman lowers the crucifix into the water and says a prayer. A person who decides to perform the ritual of ablution must plunge headlong into the ice hole three times, but before doing this, he must pray.

It is believed that with the help of Epiphany water you can get rid of ailments and sins. However, this ritual is not performed by all believers, because not everyone can expose their health to such a risk.

When is the best time to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

When to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany - on the eve of the holiday or on the day of the event itself? This question worries many people who want to swim in an ice hole. It is believed that on the evening of January 18, it is best to visit the church, pray and take holy water home.

At the end of the evening service, on the night of January 19, everyone can plunge into the already blessed water. The most suitable time period for this is considered to be the period from 00:00 to 01:30. According to legends, it was at this time that water acquires strong healing properties, which have repeatedly helped people get rid of diseases.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to perform the bathing ritual at night, then you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening of January 19th. If, due to your health condition, you do not have the opportunity to plunge into ice water in mid-January, then simply wash your face with Epiphany water collected in an ice hole.

After bathing, do not forget to say a prayer again so that the ritual will benefit not only your body, but also your soul. Our ancestors attached special significance to such great Orthodox events as the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that this holiday is of a religious nature, many folk superstitions are associated with it, which people previously preferred to believe.

Based on materials - dailyhoro.ru
Photo - taday.ru

The first swim in an ice hole at Epiphany arose as a tradition after the adoption of Christianity in Kievan Rus in 988. January 19 religious holiday– Baptism of the Lord, during the Divine Liturgy, a great consecration of water is performed, which has healing powers. It is generally accepted that all water elements on this day acquire miraculous properties that strengthen bodily and mental strength.

What does swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany mean?

The ice hole in which people swim is called the Jordan; people come to it after a solemn service; it is not customary to plunge into the water without the prayer of the priest. The priest blesses those who wish to perform the ritual of bathing at Epiphany - he reads a prayer before the wormwood and immerses the cross in it three times, only after completing the prayers can the ritual be performed. Prescribing to tradition the property of cleansing and washing away sins is wrong; in order to get rid of sins one must repent and...

Where did swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany come from?

The holiday to which the tradition is attached is the most ancient - the Epiphany of the Lord was introduced as a separate event in church service around 377. On this day, ancient Christians came to the Jordan, the place where Jesus Christ was baptized. Ritual of Epiphany bathing - folk tradition which a person performs according to personal desire, there are no church regulations on this issue. Water blessed on this day has special properties, which has been proven by scientific research.

What benefits does swimming in an ice hole give at Epiphany?

If we consider the question of what bathing at Epiphany gives, we should understand what a person expects to receive from such actions. Taking a dip in the water in the Epiphany frosts is not so easy, even with a strong desire. The main thing is to have faith that water has the ability to heal ailments, and the procedure will not cause harm; the desire to pray is to entrust one’s needs into the hands of God.

Swimming in cold weather helps improve immunity - sudden changes in temperature activate the release of hormones into the blood that manifest protective effect to negative changes in the functioning of the body, decreases arterial pressure, a surge of energy comes. Marking yourself with a cross three times before diving into the ice hole is a mandatory condition.

Epiphany bathing - pros and cons

The tradition of bathing at Epiphany is a test of a person's willpower. Doctors state the fact that the percentage of people who get sick after such “procedures” is insignificant. According to the stories of those who have swum, in the first few minutes a person is seized by euphoria, the body becomes unusually light, grace is felt in the soul, and a rush of special indescribable sensations comes.

Risking poor health for unforgettable dives is prohibited. The Church does not oblige or order believers to perform such a ritual; it is not part of the holiday. By skipping a swim, a person does not lose grace. On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, you need to come to church for prayer, you can confess and take communion, sprinkle yourself and your home with sacred water brought from the temple.

When do they swim in the ice hole at Epiphany?

January 18 - Epiphany Eve, it is generally accepted that after the consecration of water in churches on this day, it becomes healing in all water sources, and retains such properties for several subsequent days. The bathing itself at Epiphany does not begin without the blessings of the priest; the consecration of places for immersion occurs after the festive services on the morning of January 19.

How to prepare for swimming at Epiphany?

Some tips on how to prepare for Epiphany bathing in the hole. For an unhardened person, such a dive is stressful; the effects of exposure to cold water can be minimized by pre-hardening the body. A few days before, it is advisable to take it, go out onto the street or balcony for a few minutes in summer clothes - shorts and a T-shirt, rub down with a damp towel dipped in cold water, practice dousing with low-temperature water.

Epiphany bathing - rules

The rules for bathing at Epiphany can be divided into parts. The first and most important point- when performing such an act, a person must pray: for the salvation of the soul, for loved ones, ask for God’s help for healing from illnesses. Dipping into water for fun or under the influence of alcohol, to experience thrills is wrong; expecting healing of the body and soul as a result is unacceptable.

There are a lot of medical advantages that bathing at baptism is beneficial for - increased ability to work, allergic reactions in the body, depression, insomnia, pain in the joints and back. Seizures are significantly reduced bronchial asthma, blood circulation is normalized. When diving, the body temperature approaches forty degrees; in a few minutes, numerous armies of viruses and bacteria die in the body - the functioning of the immune system increases.

Is it possible to get sick while swimming at Epiphany? Yes, because stressful immersion in water can cause a number of unpleasant consequences in a weakened body. Diabetics experience a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, heart patients experience attacks of arrhythmia and hypertension, and cancer patients experience unwanted suppression of the immune system. Swimming is prohibited for those suffering from flu and acute respiratory infections.

Is it dangerous to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany?

Discussions about the dangers of swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany serious question. Organization of the venue - main criterion choice for those who want to plunge. Coming alone to unprepared, sparsely populated ice holes is undesirable; it is a direct threat to human health and life in the event of an unexpected reaction of the body to cold water, there must be people ready to provide qualified assistance. Tips on how to properly swim in an ice hole at Epiphany:

  • undressing is carried out in several stages - remove outerwear, let the body adapt, then undress to your swimsuit;
  • walk in the snow - give a signal to the body, through the receptors of the feet, to turn on a protective reaction to the cold;
  • after being in the water, change clothes; you cannot put dry clothes on top of wet ones;
  • Drinking alcohol to warm up after the procedure is not recommended.