The main features of the interpretation of the name Edward. Interpretation of the name: Edward

What is the meaning of the name Edward? What character traits does it reward its owner with, and how does it influence fate? Where did this name come from? The answers to these questions are of interest to men who are called by this name. The information will also be useful to fathers and mothers choosing a name for their son.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Edward

First of all, you need to figure out where it came from. What is the meaning and origin of the name Edward? Linguists offer two answers to this question.

  • The first version attributes the name to ancient Germanic roots. If we adhere to this theory, then the meaning of the name Edward is as follows: “guardian of wealth”, “guardian of happiness”, “sacred guardian”. It can also be interpreted as “a person who cares about property.”
  • The second version claims that the name is of Old English origin. In this case it means “happy”, “rich”, “army”.

The peak of the name's popularity occurred in the 50s-80s of the last century. These days, it is becoming increasingly rare, which gives its owner the opportunity to feel unique and inimitable.

What is the meaning of the name Edward for a boy? As a child, its owner needs constant movement. Active and lively children usually have a restless temperament, but Edik surprises those around him with his balance. The boy does not like conflicts and easily finds mutual language with peers and adults. He always listens to the words of his mother and father; his parents have no problems raising him. From time to time, a charming child manipulates people, but they don’t even notice it.

TO school lessons Edward behaves responsibly and gets good grades. Excellent analytical skills combined with a phenomenal memory allow him to be among the best students. Unfortunately, Edik's successes can lead to him developing inflated self-esteem. The child begins to compare himself with less talented peers and is overly proud of himself.


Edward, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which are discussed in the article, has a steely character. He can be described as a strong personality, confidently moving towards his goals. Unlike many people, the owner of the name knows exactly what he expects from life. Edward feels comfortable in any conditions and easily adapts to certain circumstances. A lively mind allows him to make quick decisions.

It is pleasant to communicate with Eduard, he is polite and courteous with everyone. Few people realize that behind the charming facade lies a calculating and cold-blooded person who knows exactly how each new acquaintance can be useful to him.

There is no need to fear what fate is in store for the owner of the name Edward. Both the meaning of the name (“guardian of wealth”) and the man’s character indicate that he is capable of achieving a lot. Many people do not notice the chances that fate gives them, but Edik is ready to seize every opportunity. This person prefers to take the shortest route to his goal.

Interests, hobbies

Even in childhood, Edward can become interested in sports; in this case, his interest in it will continue throughout his life. adult life. The owner of the name loves nature, so he is attracted to hiking, picnics, fishing and similar entertainment. This man can rarely be seen with a book in his hands, as he needs constant movement.

Profession, business

The meaning of the name Edward is “guardian of wealth.” This man is really capable of earning capital and increasing it. The owner of the name studies well at school, so many professions are available to him as an adult.

Edward is a person who should not connect his life with creativity. The roles of an engineer, designer, doctor, military man, and financier are more suitable for him. When choosing a profession, this man is guided not only by his interests and hobbies. Main criterion for him - the amount of wages.

The meaning of the name Edward is “guardian of wealth.” Is it any wonder that its owner has every chance of succeeding in business. His fighting qualities will help him leave his competitors behind. This man is not afraid to take risks, but the chances of winning must be high. Illusory prospects do not attract him; this person likes to set specific goals and achieve them.

Love, sex

How it turns out personal life Edward? The meaning of the name, character - all this affects his relationship with the opposite sex. This man likes to study female psychology. He easily recognizes the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of his partner. Sex for him is primarily a way to gain experience.

In bed, this man is gentle and affectionate, paying a lot of attention to foreplay. He is ready to search for the girl of his dreams for a long time. It's easy to get Edward's attention, but it's much more difficult to keep it. First, the owner of the name makes every possible effort to subjugate his partner. As soon as he succeeds, he cools off towards the girl and breaks up with her without regrets.

Edward always has a lot of fans, so he is rarely left alone. Women are attracted to his inner strength, leadership skills, generosity, charm and sense of humor. Success with the fair sex is another reason why his self-esteem can reach sky-high heights.

Marriage, family

Edward is unlikely to marry at a young age. This man is ready to look for the woman of his dreams for years. A beautiful, soft, flexible and calm lady who will agree to put up with negative sides his character. Edward is distrustful of the fair sex, so his chosen one will have to make efforts for him to believe in the sincerity of her feelings.

This man could make a good husband. Edward is attentive to his wife, always ready to help her, and does not skimp on expensive gifts and romantic gestures. Its main disadvantages are inconstancy and frivolity. From time to time he may become interested in other women and then return to the family. In this case, the life of his other half turns into a complete compromise. However, if he finds his ideal, then his wife will be able to count on his fidelity.

Edward prefers to handle the family finances on his own. As for raising children, he tries to shift it onto his wife’s shoulders. This person is capable of leaving the family if it seems to him that he has finally met the woman of his dreams. Eduard can also be forced to file for divorce by his wife’s infidelity. He himself does not always remain faithful to his other half, but he demands this from her.


Edward is the “guardian of wealth.” What secrets does it hide? Attitude towards people - perhaps main secret owner of the name. This man behaves with many people in such a way that they begin to consider him their close friend. Edward himself perceives them simply as friends. He has only one true friend; in extreme cases, there may be two such people.

Misunderstandings sometimes lead to unpleasant incidents. For example, a person may be surprised that a “friend” does not rush to his aid in a difficult situation. Edward himself will definitely not worry about this, since he will consider himself innocent of being misunderstood.


Patron planet - Saturn.

Zodiac sign - Capricorn.

Talisman stone - Onyx.

Plant - Daisy.

Wood - Oak.

Animal - Falcon.

Color - Ash.

Favorable day - Saturday.


Edward is a person who is generally lucky with his health. In childhood, the owner of the name practically does not get sick. As an adult, he may be bothered by heart or stomach problems. But if a man leads healthy image life, he will be able to avoid illness for a long time.

The name Edward is a name of Old English origin and has two parts (double root). Linguists claim that these are the roots of eād - “wealth” and weard - “guardian”. However, as you understand, there are several literary translations of the name. Most Popular The meaning of the name Edward can be called "guardian of wealth". Also quite popular is the version that the name Edward means "sacred guardian".

The name Edward is revered in the Catholic faith and is written in Latin as Eduardus. One of the Catholic saints with this name is the patron saint of the royal family of England.

The meaning of the name Edward (Edward) for a child

Little Edward stands out for his mobility, which is surprisingly combined with the child’s poise. This is a rather rare combination, since such active children are usually endowed with a more explosive and restless temperament. The child also has good communication skills and the ability to avoid conflicts. He is a kind and well-mannered boy who is easy to raise. Also, even in childhood, Edward quite subtly understands the psychology of people and often manipulates those around him.

For the most part, Edward studies well. He has excellent analytical skills, which are noticeable already in preschool age. The boy has great potential, which allows him to easily master new knowledge. Unfortunately, this also gives rise to the problem of inflated self-esteem. Often, Edward, standing out from his not so gifted peers, begins to wonder too much, so sometimes even his parents are not happy about this talent. Already in adulthood, the inclinations are complemented by strong volitional qualities, without which mastering any serious science is quite problematic.

We can say about Edward’s health that it is strong and he does not experience any problems. He has an average vitality, so he cannot boast of phenomenal performance. However, even this is enough for him to keep up with everything everywhere. Health problems usually go away for Edward until he is very old.

Short name Eduard

Ed, Eddy, Edik, Edka, Edya, Edu, Du, Dado, Dino, Ted.

Diminutive pet names

Edyusha, Eddie, Edushka, Edunya.

Children's middle names

Eduardovich and Eduardovna. Male patronymic has a colloquial form - Eduadych.

Name Edward in English

IN English language The name Edward is spelled Edward and pronounced Edward.

Name Eduard for international passport- EDUARD.

Translation of the name Edward into other languages

in Armenian - Էդուարդ
in Belarusian - Eduard
in Bulgarian - Eduard
in Hungarian - Eduard
in Greek - Εδουάρδος
in Danish - Edward
in Spanish - Eduardo
in Italian - Edoardo
in German - Eduard
in Norwegian - Edward
in Polish - Edward
in Portuguese - Eduardo
in Romanian - Eduard
in Ukrainian - Eduard
in French - Édouard
in Finnish - Edward
in Czech - Eduard
in Swedish - Edward
in Japanese - エドワード

Church name Edward(V Orthodox faith) absent. This name is not in Orthodox calendar, which means Edward will need to choose a different baptismal name, different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Eduard (Edward)

Many people perceive the adult Edward as a strong and confident man, but this is not entirely true. Usually despite this strong name, Edward is a gentle and good-natured person. Unlike childhood, adult Edward is slower and calmer. Such a discrepancy often causes dissonance in the perception of Edward, but this is only until you get to know him better. Edik strives for material well-being and his understanding of friendship does not include material mutual assistance. His attitude is most accurately reflected by the saying “Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.” Not everyone likes this life position Edward, but he doesn’t care at all. It is worth noting that Edward is a sociable person. He is an excellent conversationalist and has good feeling humor.

Edward is a hardworking man who knows how to focus on completing a task. She takes her work seriously, which employers always notice. Edward can achieve great success in entrepreneurial activity, because he has all the necessary qualities for this. It is worth noting, however, that Edward rarely works from the heart. For him, the most important thing is the material component of labor.

Edward takes a long time to start a family, as he is characterized by a fair amount of amorousness. Until a certain age, he is very unstable in relationships and completely incapable of family life. Over time, this trait of his becomes less noticeable, which allows him to still find the one. Usually Edik's wife is a gentle and caring woman who will be a real support for him. He is a good father and spends a lot of time with his children. Particularly warm relationships are established with children when they reach adolescence. He is a true friend and senior comrade for them.

The mystery of the name Edward (Edward)

Edward's secret can be called his attitude towards other people. He is equally friendly with everyone, so many of his acquaintances consider themselves to be his friends, but this is absolutely not the case. He usually has one or two close friends, and he simply considers the rest as comrades. Unfortunately, this often leads to unpleasant situations, although Edward himself is not at all worried about this.

Ed, Eddy, Edo, Duarte, Edvar, Eduardo.

Origin of the name Edward

From Old German - “guardian of wealth.”

General description of the name Edward

Little Edward has a lively mind beyond his years, and curiosity never fades in his eyes. So expect different surprises from him! You can't take your eyes off this naughty guy. Edik copes well with his studies, he is able to quickly catch up if he has problems, and if he really needs to, he can become an excellent student.

Many of the men with this name succeed in military affairs; they make good designers, doctors, and engineers. At work, Edward is known as a charming and friendly person. It is easy to communicate with him, he is polite and helpful, helpful and generous. In such cases, you should not delude yourself - there is usually a calculation behind this. Edward's emphasized politeness can disappear in the blink of an eye if the matter concerns his personal interests. Right before our eyes, he will turn into a tough man, businesslike and devoid of sentiment.

He chooses as his wife beautiful, accommodating women who are able to steadfastly endure their husband’s character flaws. You need to be prepared for the fact that he will take control of financial expenses. Edward is amorous and prone to alcoholism.

Sexuality of the name Edward

Edward has a strong but unobtrusive sexual temperament. Unlike, for example, Victor, he has a greater chance of realizing his needs and desires. Superiority over a woman is not for him something of which he must constantly be convinced. Edward is not afraid of impotence, but of a woman’s dominance, her leadership.

Throughout his life he studies sex, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and the psychology of women. Moreover, he does this with the tension of a man studying his opponent.

Thanks to his charm, he wins numerous victories, perceiving them both as an act of triumph and as a way of accumulating erotic experience. Edward can be a cool and elegant tactician, he has good intuition, he is an excellent actor, capable of performing in a variety of roles if necessary. He knows how to play on pity, anger, jealousy, doubt, maternal instinct, and the sophistication of this game is determined by his innate intelligence.

In everything else, except sex, he is a warm-hearted, friendly, sympathetic person. In his opinion, women should be feared, not allowed to “sit on their heads,” but strive to subjugate them. When he achieves this, he loses interest and chooses another goal.

Edward is affectionate and gentle in bed, great importance gives love foreplay. Spontaneity is alien to him, but he fully compensates for this with unlimited physical capabilities and erotic play. He is very vulnerable, stubborn in actions, will not back down from his choice, nothing can stop him in love, despite all the practicality of life. Edward is a devoted lover, he is pleased to help his chosen ones and give them expensive gifts. Having confidence in his feelings, he becomes balanced, affectionate, lively, and enjoys pampering his friends.

Edward is incredibly jealous (especially in summer), and this usually becomes the driving force behind his love battles. Having caught his partner in infidelity, he unexpectedly shows his unbridled hot temper.

“November” women are especially suitable for Edward.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Edward, Edward, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac of Edward - Capricorn
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color Edward, Edward Edward - ash gray
  • Auspicious tree - oak
  • Edward's treasured plant - daisy
  • Patron name - falcon
  • Talisman stone Edward, Edward Edward - onyx

What does the name Edward mean?- guardian of wealth (Edward of German origin).

Short name meaning: Edik, Edya, Edunya.

Patronymic name Edward: Eduardovich, Eduardovna.

Edward's Angel Day: Edward does not celebrate his name day because he is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Characteristics of the name Edward

Positive features: The most interesting detail in the portrait of Edward is his sharp, critical mindset. The bearers of this name are very insightful and have an amazing influence on other people. They can subjugate anyone to their will and quickly calm an excited person.

Negative features: Although outwardly Edward is very reserved, passions are raging in his soul. He is vain, strives for power, values ​​encouragement, praise, and gratitude from people. If his ambitions are not satisfied, he easily becomes melancholic and sickly. Edward can give good advice others, but rarely follows them himself.

Character of the name Edward: Edward is a practical man, a man of action, far from romantic aspirations. You can rely on him, he will never let you down. Some coldness and disgust are very harmful, but he is not able to change himself. Edward is touchy: further, because of trifles, he can break off relations forever. Being among his enemies will become more expensive for himself: it is difficult to calculate when a sudden attack might follow.

The intelligence of the name Eduard is high. He has both a synthetic and analytical mind, allowing him to assess the situation as a whole and in detail. However, his way of thinking leads to him becoming arrogant and looking down on others.

Edward is very perceptive, he has an innate knowledge of psychology, one might say that he has an excellent sense of smell. He knows who he can manipulate, who he can leave alone, so as not to regret it later.

Edward is endowed with a vivid imagination, amazing memory and a sense of humor. He can be harsh in his statements, impudent, but indecisive.

Edward and his personal life

Compatible with female names: A favorable alliance with Albina, Virginia, Diana, Zhanna, Isabella, Louise, Eleanor, Emma. Difficult relationships are likely with Alla, Violetta, Isolde, Nonna, Regina.

Love and marriage: the name Edward chooses a bright and wealthy woman as his wife, but is rarely happy with her.

A man named Edward is very sexy, he is sure that he is loved. He is a beautiful groomer, helpful and generous. But don’t delude yourself, if he doesn’t like something, right before your eyes he turns into a tough, ungracious person. Edward considers himself the master of life and nothing, not even love, can be a burden to him.

He has been married several times. All the wives are beautiful, having married the next one, he seeks to break off relations with the previous one, evades paying alimony, and does not even adhere to generally accepted moral standards.

In the family, Edward is despotic, taking financial expenses under strict control. He perceives a woman only outside his home, but finds one who fulfills his whims and indulges his desires.

In relationships with the fair sex, Edward is gallant and helpful, although he considers all women to be inferior creatures. That is why he is so happy about the appearance of boys in the family. But at the birth of a second girl, she may even leave her family - though not for long.

Edward is phlegmatic, has a stable psyche, is not susceptible to stress, and is not prone to introspection. Extraordinary nature. Not suspicious, brave, courageous, kind, has an intellect that is more broad than deep. His erudition covers many areas of knowledge, but not deeply enough, rather superficially.

He is sociable and friendly, but in friendship he is content with what he has. The meaning of the name is often indifferent. Edward neglects the subtle feelings and nuances of human relationships. When it comes to his personal interests he becomes tough and businesslike. Achieves good success in engineering, medicine, and military affairs. In love, Edward is successful with women, and he himself is a very amorous person. He marries a beautiful, attractive woman who is capable of being inferior to him in everything, and strives to be a leader in the family. Finances are under his control. He is fond of alcoholic drinks.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Edward's career will be successful. His life is full of events, but quite favorable, will bring him fame, wherever he lives and whatever career he chooses for himself. When making a decision, he weighs everything, perceives as inevitable the delays and difficulties that initially arise; then he gets what he has planned for himself.

Edward works only for himself. Higher education for him he knows nothing, he learns from life itself the activities that lead to success.

He is interested in the profession of lawyer, investigator, psychologist. Sometimes he becomes a trainer or stuntman. He is fascinated by acting, art. Edward manages to realize his talents.

Business and career: Edward does not seek wealth and position and at the same time is extremely sensitive to having his work recognized. By working with his brains, he can make money and become rich, but it is necessary that his business be under his own control.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Edward’s health is quite good, but with an unhealthy lifestyle, diseases of the liver, spleen, kidneys, and bladder can occur. If the name Edward does not have a life goal, then he can destroy himself with alcohol and drugs.

He's usually a very nice boy, almost too much so. Mom’s friends simply torment him with their caresses and kisses. Most often, he grows up to be soft-bodied, he has a slow reaction, but he can accurately determine who needs to be respected and who can be pushed aside. Eduard is a sporty boy, he studies well, but he does not need targeted knowledge. The choice of profession is usually influenced by relatives or circumstances.

The influence of the zodiac sign on Edward

Horoscope Edward-Aries: a passionate, active man. Energy overwhelms him, and at such moments he is ready to move mountains. Extraordinary ambition pushes him to bold plans, and Edward-Aries works diligently. He is infinitely loving, so his number of hobbies and connections is countless. He is used to taking more in love than giving.

Horoscope Edward-Taurus: loyal and reliable nature. He is not very active and is extremely stubborn. He has a highly developed sense of responsibility, he always keeps his promises and does not give up halfway. This ideal partner and a family man.

Horoscope Edward-Gemini: An individual farmer by nature, he rushes about all his life, trying to determine his position and form his views. He can change his character throughout his life, so it is impossible to understand him. This is an extremely unreliable partner, and his beloved will experience many bitter moments.

Horoscope Edward-Cancer: a peace-loving and very impressionable person. He gives in to difficulties, immediately looks for compromise ways and submits to more strong people. In women's society, Edward-Cancer behaves manneredly, but this is what attracts him. He knows how to listen and will be faithful to his tender partner.

Horoscope Edward-Leo: a noble, strong, visionary man. He is confident in himself and in his actions, but still prefers to “measure seven times.” Edward Leo wants to look impeccable, and he succeeds quite well. He will not start a relationship with a woman until he finds out everything about her and thoroughly studies her character.

Horoscope Edward-Virgo: a reserved, polite, unflappable personality. He can't stand it when anyone tells him what to do or how to do it. He does things best alone. Edward-Virgo feels insecure when communicating with women and avoids relationships in every possible way. If he nevertheless decides to feel, then he courtes timidly, carefully and for a long time.

Horoscope Edward-Libra: a man with an absolutely charming appearance, very tactful and sincere. He tries not to interfere in the affairs of strangers and does not like it when they invade his life. Representatives of the opposite sex are attracted to him. He is polite to women, but keeps his distance. Edward-Libra prefers to choose his partner himself. He will surround her with a halo of romance, will be caring and affectionate.

Horoscope Edward-Scorpio: a principled person, irritable and stern. After the first meeting with him, you want to stay away. Behind such a deliberately rude manner, Edward-Scorpio hides his rather soft heart. He prefers a narrow circle of friends, where he feels relaxed and behaves sincerely. He chooses a partner who is close to his views.

Horoscope Edward-Sagittarius: unpredictable personality, a person of mood. He absolutely cannot obey anyone and has an overly high opinion of himself. His mood swings - from complete isolation and coldness to unexpected rage and inspiration - baffle those around him. In the company of women, he demonstrates his advantages in every possible way, but, having captured the attention of his partner, he begins to pretend that he does not notice her. It is very difficult to adapt to the character of Edward the Sagittarius.

Horoscope Edward-Capricorn: a taciturn, serious, even stern man. It is so difficult for him to approach others and find a common language with them that he prefers to remain alone, for fear of being misunderstood and funny. Edward-Capricorn tries in every possible way to hide his sensitive soul, considering this a weakness unworthy of a man. The partner will have to try to get to his heart.

Horoscope Edward-Aquarius: a sociable person, witty, mocking. He himself speaks little, but listens carefully to those around him. He has his own opinion on any issue. He cannot stand stupid and empty people, overly flirtatious women. In relationships, Edward-Aquarius prefers mutual freedom.

Horoscope Edward-Pisces: a perceptive, intelligent, sensible nature. He is irritated by mediocre people and monotonous activities. Edward-Pisces is very attractive to the fair sex, but he is not interested in some frivolous coquette. He is looking for a woman who is smart and serious, in whom he can be as confident as in himself.

Numerological horoscope named after Edward

Edward falls under the influence of the number 5.

The Five fully endowed Edward with an energetic, ambitious, ardent and persistent nature. He has a tendency to get involved in all the risky activities that fate throws at him. At the same time, the most surprising thing is that Edward thinks long and deeply about such an adventure, assumes its results, but, nevertheless, steps towards the risk. This spirit of adventure and thirst for travel will accompany Edward throughout his life.

In addition, the five endowed Edward with an excellent ability to quickly understand people and get along with them. He is an unusually sociable and cheerful person. Edward takes life seriously, but he prefers to face troubles by laughing, and easily endures the blows of fate.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Edward
  • Genitive: Eduarda
  • Dative case: Eduardo
  • Accusative case: Eduarda
  • Instrumental case: Eduard
  • Prepositional case: Eduarde

The fate of the name Edward in history:

  1. Count Eduard Ivanovich Totleben (1818-1884) - famous military engineer. He attracted the attention of General Schilder, from whom he received instructions to work on the pipe mine system; For further research, Totleben was sent with a team of sappers to Kyiv, where he was in charge of the extensive experiments in underground warfare. In 1848, Totleben went to the Caucasus and took part in several expeditions there. Contributed successful progress the siege of Gergebil, where he laid a gap-battery with a baton 80 fathoms from the walls of the aul. In 1849, he was in charge of all work on the siege of the Chokh fortification.
  2. Edouard Manet (1832-1883) is a major artist. WITH greatest strength and the depth of Edouard Manet’s creative quest was embodied in one of his last paintings, “Bar at the Folies Bergere.” The name of Edouard Manet is associated with a group of impressionist artists who considered him their predecessor and inspirer of the struggle against the dominance and pressure of bad bourgeois tastes.
  3. Edward Boeing (aircraft designer)
  4. Eduard Bagritsky (poet (1895–1934))
  5. Edward Radzinsky (writer, historian, playwright (born 1936))
  6. Edward Gibbon ((1737 - 1794) English historian)
  7. Edward Jenner ((1749 - 1823) English doctor who developed the smallpox vaccine)
  8. Eddie Murphy (American film actor)
  9. Eduard Uspensky (Russian children's writer)
  10. Eduard Shevardnadze (Georgian political figure(born 1928))
  11. Edward Ellington (American jazz pianist, composer (1899–1974))
  12. Edouard Manet (French artist)
  13. Eduard Buchner (German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate)
  14. Eduard von Hartmann ((1842 - 1906) German philosopher)
  15. Edouard Manet ((1832 - 1883) French impressionist artist)
  16. Eduardo De Filippo ((1900 - 1984) Italian theater actor, director, playwright)
  17. Eduard Hanok (Belarusian songwriter)
  18. Eduard Meyer (German specialist in ancient history, Egyptologist and Orientalist)
  19. Eduard Rüppel (German zoologist)

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The origin of the name Edward (Edward) is associated with two languages ​​- Old German and Old English. In the first case, the name means “guardian of wealth, prosperity, happiness,” “sacred guardian,” and the translation “a person who takes care of property” is also found. According to the second version, it comes from the name Eadward, consisting of two parts: “rich, happy” and “army”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: onyx
  • Color: ash
  • Wood: oak
  • Plant: daisy
  • Animal: falcon
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

The secret of the name Edward hides a personality with a steely character, self-confident and knowing what he wants to get from life. He easily adapts to situations with difficult conditions, accepts quick solutions, which subsequently have a beneficial effect on him and finds a worthy way out.

To achieve his goals, Edward usually chooses the easiest path. In communication he is polite and helpful. He is also distinguished by his special generosity and courtesy. However, behind all this mercy there is, as usual, calculation and self-interest, so you need to be very careful with such a person.

Possessing a strong character, willpower, and determination, he is able to achieve success in life.

Interests and hobbies

Edward may be interested in collecting. He also has a great love for nature and all activities that come with it. With such a man you can always count on hiking, picnics and outdoor entertainment.

Profession and business

Edward is a good student at school, so the range of professions for him is very wide. However, it is worth taking into account the character traits young man. His quick mind is aimed at achieving short-term goals efficiently. Persistence allows him to build a good career. A man with this name is more successful in military affairs, as a doctor, engineer or designer, than in creative professions.

At work, Eduard is friendly and charming with everyone without exception. However, politeness can instantly evaporate when it comes to his own interests. In such a situation, he instantly becomes tough, and it is very difficult to “soften” him.


Edik's health is fine. However, there is a tendency towards alcoholism and drug addiction. As a rule, it manifests itself if the owner of this name does not find his place in life or if he believes that he is not recognized in society.

Sex and love

Edward's sexual temperament is very strong, but at the same time absolutely unobtrusive. All his life he lustfully studies the psychology of a woman, her weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Due to his character, he perceives sex with a girl as a way to gain experience, and not as a manifestation of feelings.

In bed, Edward is very affectionate, foreplay means a lot to him. In love, he is a soft and sympathetic person. He believes that representatives of the fairer sex should be feared, so it is not so easy to achieve his love and affection. But it’s even more difficult to keep such a man because he demands submission. As soon as he achieves this, the woman becomes indifferent to him.

An adult named Edward is very passionate about the fair sex, and this makes him flighty and fickle. However, if he falls in love, he forgets about all his connections and becomes faithful to his woman. Demands unconditional devotion from the chosen one.

Family and marriage

Edward is a faithful husband and lover, he always helps his “other half” and gives her expensive gifts. If he believes in the feelings of his girlfriend, then he instantly becomes a restrained and sensitive man, capable of much for the sake of the lady of his heart. He chooses a beautiful and calm woman as his wife, who can endure all the hardships of his character. In the family, he usually takes control of finances. The raising of children is left to the wife.