Describing a person in English is an example of a story with new vocabulary. Character Traits: Examples

Every day we meet different people: kind, sad, strange, tall, obese, beautiful, cheerful... Each person with whom we interact leaves a certain mark on our psyche. These "traces" are not complete without a verbal description of the subject's appearance. In our mind or in a conversation with a friend, we always rely on aspects of describing a person's appearance.

Description of a person's appearance: purpose

There are sciences that study the appearance of people, such as psychology, philology, criminology and some others. Doctors also encounter elements of description of appearance when studying the patient’s medical history or psychotype. You cannot do without this process in business, especially show business. In modeling agencies, the appearance of a girl or guy plays a key role, therefore, when meeting the desired model in absentia, the investor or director first gets acquainted with the verbal portrait of the subject.

Describing appearance in everyday life broadens one’s horizons and contributes to the formation of people’s taste and appreciation. In addition, the interlocutor can easily form an image of the described person in his mind using certain adjectives.

In psychology, the description of appearance is also important. Entire theories of personality and its behavior are built on the external appearance of individuals. For example, Kretschmer's theory directly links a person's temperament, character and orientation with his physique. And he was not the only one who noted a certain relationship between external data and the internal mood of people. Over the years, our emotions and stress leave their mark on our appearance in the form of wrinkles, gait, and gestures.

There is a huge section in jurisprudence called criminology. This science also uses the scientific description of a person's appearance, defining criteria and rules for this process. Here, description is also an important process, since victims and witnesses remember criminals based on external data. In this science, attention is paid to every element of the face, torso, and limbs of a person. Along with this, they pay attention to clothing and other signs when looking for a missing person.

Types of appearance descriptions

There are many types of theories and rules that make it possible to describe a person externally as accurately as possible. But this process as a whole can be divided into two main types:

  • arbitrary- which is characterized by the use of ordinary folk words, is not structured, so important points may be missed;
  • systematized- used using scientific or special terms, compiled using the method of verbal portrait.

What are the anatomical features of a person?

Describing a person's appearance is what many people encounter when communicating. There are times when you need to talk about a particular person, describing his appearance. Children can also experience this. school age, for example, if they were given the task of writing an essay: “Description of a person’s appearance.”

Anatomical features of a person include organs and parts of the body, such as the head, chin, forehead, face or torso.

Anatomical characteristics can be used to determine a person’s gender, age, height and build. You can also determine the anthropological features of a person’s appearance, the structure of his body and head, and also the element of his face. Since the face is considered a “cover” that characterizes a person’s appearance, special attention is paid to it.

What characteristics belong to the functional description?

A description of a person’s appearance cannot occur without determining his functional characteristics. The latter appear during human life. They characterize motor and physiological functions. A functional description of a person’s appearance reflects the characteristics of the manifestation of his life activity. Characteristics related to functional traits include posture, gestures, facial expressions, gait, and speech.

When creating a verbal portrait of a person, describing his appearance and determining his functional characteristics, first of all, many pay attention to posture. It can be traced by the position of the head - its relationship to the body. Posture is also determined by the position of the torso relative to the vertical. To characterize her, we can use the following adjectives: hunched, stooped, loose, straight and loose. For example, hands can be placed along the body, on the hips, behind the back or in pockets. And the head can be thrown back, tilted forward, or tilted to one side.

When a student writes a thematic essay: “Description of a person’s appearance,” he can use adjectives to characterize the gait of this person. It can be, for example, slow, shuffling, heavy, bouncing, wobbling, fast, mincing, waddling and waving its arms.

The verbal description of a person’s appearance based on functional characteristics can be continued for a long time, because, as mentioned above, this includes gestures, facial expressions, as well as speech functions.

Methods of verbal portrait

A verbal portrait is a forensic method of describing a person’s appearance using special terms. This method is carried out by a certain system for the purpose of criminal registration (for example, search and identification of living people or corpses).

Verbal portrait methods are used to identify a person. This can be done by presenting for identification, comparing appearance with a photograph, with a verbal portrait, as well as comparing a verbal portrait with a photograph.

Free description of appearance

Characteristics of a person and a description of his appearance can be made in any way. They are given by eyewitnesses in words and expressions used in everyday speech. These can be everyday terms, local dialects and the like.

Any person who saw the incident can give a free description. Moreover, he does this using words familiar to him, without using scientific terms. Such descriptions often help criminologists find the right person.

Systematization in describing a person’s appearance

A description using the verbal portrait method is called systematized. The foundations of systematization were laid by Alphonse Bertillon at the end of the 19th century. Such a description helps to uniformly characterize the elements of people’s appearance, their signs, and equally perceive the result of the description. There are also basic principles for describing appearance, through which uniformity is achieved. These are the principles:

  • on the use of standardized terminology;
  • about maintaining consistency in the description;
  • about maximum completeness;
  • about the description in full face and in the right profile;
  • description, which is carried out in relation to the standard position of the head and state of appearance;
  • about a description that highlights special features.

What are the rules in describing appearance?

There are also rules for describing a person’s appearance developed by criminologists, with the help of which they characterize a person using the method of verbal portrait. This includes the completeness of the description of appearance. After all, the speed of searching for a person primarily depends on this, because it is not known by what specific signs he can be found.

The next rule is the sequence of description. This includes general physical characteristics such as gender and age. Then an anatomical description occurs (for example, the figure as a whole, neck, shoulders, chest, back, head, including the face).

Then there is a description using special terminology. This is necessary in order to ensure a uniform understanding of the information received. But sources of information are divided into subjective and objective.

The use of adjectives in describing a person in a picture

At first glance, it may seem that making a description of a person’s appearance from a picture is not so difficult. But this will not be difficult if we know the person well, but if not, then we will have to make some efforts. The first thing you need is to have a good knowledge of adjectives with which you can make a description.

For example, looking at a painting, you can describe a person's head using adjectives that indicate its size: small, medium or large. You can characterize a person’s hair from a picture using the following criteria: abundance, length, type, color or frontal line. Hair can be thick, medium or thin. Length - short, middle length or long. Hair type can be straight, wavy and curly. Color - light blond, blond, dark blond, black and red. And the frontal line can be straight, arched, wavy and broken.

Looking at the picture, you can use any adjectives to describe a person’s face as a whole, his forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, lips, teeth, chin, ear and neck. The same applies to shoulders, chest, back, arms and legs.

Characteristics of the appearance of a Russian person

Another mystery for ethnopsychologists, physiognomists, and philologists is the appearance of a Russian person. It is not very easy to describe it because it is a very vague concept. Many people say that a real Russian person should have Blue eyes, blond hair and a flat, tall figure. But if we go deeper into this issue, it can be light or dark brown or blue eyes, as well as all colors and shades of green. The hair is light or dark brown and very thick, and the figure is slender and tall. There is no pattern in the shape of the nose and lips of a Russian person. They can be completely different. But Russians’ skin is often light and matte.

The relationship between a person’s characteristics and the description of his appearance

A few centuries ago, some scientists noticed a correspondence between appearance and certain character traits and personality characteristics. A fat person is characterized by addictions (for example, to food), that is, he has weak willpower. Such people are guided by the opinions of others, are friendly and love communication.

People with visually large heads and shoulders love risks, are prone to physical activities, but are not distinguished by mercy and compassion.

Thin people with a high forehead and narrow chest are characterized as sensitive, loving solitude, quiet, secretive, and inactive in communication.

There are theories that connect complexion, its asymmetry, and impulsiveness with the lifestyle that a person leads. The description of appearance in this case will be based on external characteristics and characteristics of human activity.

In addition, there is a downside to this process. You need to pay attention to who is making the description of a person’s appearance. Example: a person who tends to control everything will first describe the person’s leadership traits and his behavior in this regard. Subjects seeking to constantly enrich themselves will pay attention to the cost of watches, facial cosmetics and clothing, and so on.

Good afternoon, dear student!

Today I would like to pay attention to such a topic as describing a person. Very often we need to describe someone's appearance or character, and as a foreigner learning Russian, it is quite difficult to find the right words or construct sentences. Let's see where we should start and how simply and correctly we can do this?

In Russian, I believe that it is best and easiest to start describing a person’s appearance from a person’s face. This is the part of the appearance that immediately catches the eye, what people first pay attention to. In the Russian language there is even such an idiom or, as we often say, a “stable expression” that carries a hidden meaning:

Don't lose face in the dirt!

The Russian traditional idiom which means not to lose yourself in kind of difficult or confusing situation. This expression means that a person should not disgrace himself or do something for which he will later be ashamed. Thus, you can understand what a person in Russian occupies important place

in the description of appearance. How can we describe a face, what words should we choose? For example, let's look at some words:
Round face/ chubby person A chubby, moon-faced person
A fair face
Fresh face [Svezhee litso] A kind of fresh face person

The girl had a pleasant face, quite gentle and fair.

He looked great and his face was fresh

The round-faced girl ran into the bus and smiled to me.

After we have described the face in a nutshell, you must describe what is considered very important in a person's face. What do you think this could be? According to many people, the next part of the appearance that occupies an important place is the eyes. If you recall the history of the Russian people and language, among other things, you may come across the following expression: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” The fact is that in Rus' they did not say the word “eyes”, but used “eyes” and often, when spouses addressed each other, they uttered the following phrase: “the light of my eyes,” which means spiritual closeness, a very sincere attitude of a person towards someone he loves and respects. Over time, people stopped using the word "eyes" and "eyes" replaced it. How to describe eyes in Russian? In fact, it is very easy and you can describe the eyes endlessly, starting from color, ending with shape and expression.

Beautiful eyes

Ann has a very beautiful eyes

Bright eyes

The old lady had bright eyes, despite her age

Big eyes

The girl has big eyes, just like a doll.

Wide-set eyes

People who have wide eyes are very interesting.

Narrow, squinted eyes

The guy had narrowed eyes, just like he was going to do something tricky

Light blue eyes

Most Russian people have fair eyes

To describe the rest of the face, you can use the following words:

Snub nose/aquiline nose

Varvara is a snob-nosed girl

A snub nose means that the tip of the nose is turned up and the nose itself is short in shape. An aquiline nose usually belongs to people who have a hump nose - a convex nose.

Rosy cheeks, dark skin

A baby girl has pink cheeks

Rosy cheeks are also a characteristic feature of fair-skinned people who have fair skin, eyes, and hair color. Dark skin is a skin type that gets darker from the sun and tans.

Plump/thin lips

The woman next to me has so beautiful chubby lips

Now let's move on to describing the human figure, for this you can use the following words:

Plump a plump person
Slender Slender
Obese Obese

To describe growth, you can use the following phrases:

Young woman tall A tall girl
He was short He was a shorty old man

Very often in Russian, adjectives take a diminutive form, as happened with the adjective “low” - “low”

You can also describe the legs:

Short/long legs
Thin/slender/chubby Thin/slender/chubby

To describe your back you can use the following adjectives:

A straight back
A stooped back
Wide A wide back

Very often, in addition to appearance, we need to say a few words about a person’s character, about his internal qualities; Russian-speaking people even have a proverb that is still relevant: “they are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds.” This means that in addition to appearance, people pay great attention to a person’s mind, character, and what makes him stand out. To describe clothes we can use these simple adjectives:

Beautiful Beautiful
Fashionable, trendy
Neat Neat
Evening wear/dress

Business/office Dress code, office/business clothes, formal clothes

At our work it is customary to wear business clothes We have to wear formal/business clothes at our work

Tanya loves bright and fashionable clothes Tanya is keen on bright and fashionable clothes

Now let's look at the qualities that we need for the second part of our proverb, those that relate to the mind, upbringing and behavior:

Well-mannered (person) A well- bred person
Sloppy An untidy/sloppy
Sloppy A ragged person
Kind person
An open-hearted person
Secretive person
An uninhibited person
Shy A shy person
A confident person
Smart A smart/intelligent person

Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

You will probably need words and phrases that will help you compose description of a person's appearance in English. We advise you to pay attention not only to vocabulary, but also to examples. After all, they can be an excellent basis for creating your own proposals.

Words to describe a person's appearance in English

Let's start with the most common words for describing a person's appearance in English. If your friend looks great, then you can please her with the following lexical units: beautiful (handsome), pretty (handsome), wonderful (wonderful), attractive (attractive), gorgeous (spectacular), good-looking (attractive). In order to emphasize that a man looks good and not a woman, they usually use handsome (handsome). Also, you can use good-looking And attractive. What if you suddenly need to emphasize the opposite? Remember ugly (ugly, ugly) And unsightly (unsightly).

When describing a person’s appearance in English, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

1. Height

tall (high), short (low), quite tall (quite tall), medium height (average height)

2. Figure

slim (slender), fat (thick), skinny (skinny), thin (thin), plump (full, plump)

3. Age

young (young), old (old), middle-aged (middle-aged)

4. Face

round, oval, thin, a double chin, long nose, straight nose, turned up nose

5. Hair

long (long), short (short), curly (curly), bald (bald), straight (straight), untidy (unkempt), haircut (haircut), hairdo (women's hairstyle)

6. Hair color

a blonde, fair-haired, fair, brown-haired, dark-haired, red, gray

How to describe a person's appearance in English?

Let us now turn our attention to examples of How Can describe a person's appearance in English.

This is a young man. He is rather attractive. The guy is of medium-height. He looks tired. He has short dark hair. His face is oval. His nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is dressed neatly. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and training shoes.

This is a young man. He's quite attractive. The guy is of average height. He looks tired. He has short brown hair. Oval face. The nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is neatly dressed. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and sneakers.

Students are often given an interesting homework assignment: write a description of a person. What should it include? It should contain information about the person’s appearance, his face, body, gestures, posture, manners, and clothing.

What is the main thing in the description?

The main task when writing such an essay is to notice something interesting, unusual, original in the subject being described. This may be due to the characteristics of gestures, gait, gaze, activities and type of activity, with a certain mood and character traits of a person. All this is reflected in the subject's appearance. How is a painter different from a photographer? He sets out to convey everything that is most significant, in his opinion, in a person. The student also should not talk about everything, but only about what, from his point of view, distinguishes a given person from the crowd, testifies to her originality, and best characterizes her. The description of the person should be interesting. This is a very important point.

Why is writing descriptions useful?

Work on describing a person bears fruit: the student becomes more attentive and sensitive towards people, his vocabulary is replenished with “portrait” words that he previously almost never used in conversation. During the creative process, schoolchildren understand how, through a story about appearance, they can convey information about a person’s soul and express their own opinion about him. Among other things, by describing the appearance of a subject, the student prepares to create character essays. This will help him in the future. It is necessary to understand that describing a person requires a serious approach. You should not treat it as something unimportant.

What may seem difficult?

Descriptions can be both complex and simple. It all depends on what they are created for and who their hero is. Of course, it is easier to describe the appearance of a child or teenager than a mature person. It is difficult to talk about the appearance of a subject who is in some unusual state - when he is afraid, laughing, surprised, working, in a hurry, etc. The main thing that is necessary in this case (and what not all students succeed in) is to convey changes in appearance person at this time. This really seems difficult to many people. Let's consider a person.

Example of a younger sister

“My younger sister’s name is Tanya. Now she is one year and seven months old. Not so long ago, Tanya was still a tiny creature who constantly demanded something: either to be held, or to sleep, or to eat. The baby often burst into tears and reacted painfully to sharp sounds "The expression on her face was peaceful only in those moments when she was sleepy. Then Tanya resembled a doll lying in a stroller: rosy cheeks, parted lips, relaxed legs and arms."

This description of a person allows us to clearly imagine a little girl.

"Time passed. And now the ruddy doll has grown up; now she willingly makes contact with others and is clearly positively disposed towards them. Tanya is an independent girl. She cannot yet fully help around the house, but already now she wants to take on some of the chores herself. The girl always rejoices at the arrival of guests, shows off her dolls, and everyone who visits our modest home is delighted with her.

Now Tanya has charming blue eyes, thick dark eyelashes, plump lips, and slightly raised eyebrows. The hair is still quite short, but you can already put it in ponytails. Their color is light red. You could say that this is characteristic description a Russian person, in this case, a girl. Tanya has a huge number of all kinds of rubber bands. The girl really likes being braided. Now she is wearing a thin lemon-colored sundress. She has house shoes on her feet. It is necessary to prevent the development of flat feet. The baby is growing up to be a fashionista. She loves wearing my shoes and clothes. I have a wonderful sister, the whole family is in her

An example of a descriptive essay based on a portrait of A. G. Rubinstein

"The portrait, which depicts a Russian composer, conductor and musician of European stature, was created in 1881. The impressive figure of this man is given to the waist. Rubinstein's arms are folded on his chest. He has a rather voluminous hairstyle. The figure of the composer, of course, is overweight, but he creates the impression of a lively choleric person in whom life is in full swing. On the face you can notice pronounced folds at the lips, slightly drooping eyelids and an inquisitive, firm, attentive gaze, which at the same time seems to be directed deep into oneself. Both these eyes and the outlines of the pretty ones. strong-willed lips, and head, and crossed arms, and shoulders - everything indicates that this man has an inner core, that it is difficult to break him. What else can be said about Rubinstein? Looking at his hands, you understand that he is at the moment. collected, concentrated on some thought of his own. But what catches the eye most, of course, is the lush hair, which, as it may seem, is lifted by inspiration.”

Now you know how to write a description of a person’s portrait. It may seem complicated, but it is accessible to everyone if they want.

When we talk about a person, what exactly? That he is good, kind, cheerful, tall or handsome? A person can be described in two senses - by qualities of character and appearance. We can say that a person is welcoming and carefree, or angry and gloomy, or we can describe him as a tall and blue-eyed blond or a short boy with green eyes. In any case, we are describing a person. And here you can’t do without specialized vocabulary. Let’s say right away that describing a person’s appearance in English is a huge section; to learn it, you will need several lessons.

But! The lessons will be very exciting and educational. You will learn how to say that a girl has green eyes, and a boy has red hair, that a man has thick and shaggy eyebrows, and a woman has well-groomed eyebrows, and much more. We will also tell you in what cases the words pretty, enough, quite etc are used. Forward for another portion of knowledge! And stock up on a pen and notepad: we recommend writing down interesting words and phrases and putting them into practice every day. How exactly? We will tell you about this and much more in more detail. Go!

Speech constructions and words pretty, enough, quite, rather, too, very

Talking about yourself is very good. A story about appearance in English is the first thing asked at an interview (if the job requires knowledge of English) or an exam. But to do this, you must first understand what you were asked. So, when you are asked to talk about your external data, you will hear:

  • What do you look like?(What do you look like?) or
  • How would you describe your physical appearance?(How would you describe your appearance?)

But! Do not forget that describing a person does not mean talking only about yourself, the one and only. You may be asked to describe another person or group of people, then you will hear:

  • How does he/she look like?(What does he/she look like?) or
  • How do they look like?(How do they look?)

But we can talk on this topic ad infinitum. Let's give examples with translation to find out how you can beautifully, colorfully and impeccably describe yourself or others. Let's start with the basics - speech structures, since it is very important for children to understand the construction of a sentence.

If we want to construct a primitive sentence ->to be + sign :

  • I am slim - I am slim.
  • She is tall - She is tall.
  • He is fat - He is fat.
  • The child is red-headed - The child is red-headed.

note that to be varies depending on the pronoun with which we use it. But you should have already covered this topic; it is basic. If you forgot something, we strongly recommend repeating it. Your speech must be correct!

Another speech structure is used, which is more suitable for a conversational style. But in any case, you need to know about it:

pronoun+to have got+adjective (attribute)

  • She has got big green eyes - She has big green eyes.
  • I have got dark hair - I have dark hair.
  • You have got red hair - You have red hair.
  • They have got long noses - They have long noses.

Please note that with he/she we use has got, not have got. And one more thing: do not translate the construction literally! The phrase must be translated as one whole so that the translation is beautiful and literate. You have got red hair - You have red hair; I have got dark hair - I have dark hair. Also note that red hair translated as Red hair , A not red.

Reference: Often characteristics of a person are described with words such as pretty, enough, quite, rather; too, very, which translates as enough (pretty); too much.

Here are some examples:

  • They are rather tall - They are quite tall.
  • She is quite lanky - She is quite thin.
  • She is rather delicate - She is of rather fragile build.
  • They are quite fat - They are quite full (thick).
  • You are pretty neat - You are quite slim.

Description of a person's appearance in English - Physique

Let's talk about the characteristics of a person's physique, and give examples:

  • She is so small I doubt whether she is 15 - She is so small (small build) that I doubt if she is 15.
  • He is quite fat and our trainer will not take him in our group - He quite complete and our coach will not take him to our group.
  • This girl is skinny but she really could be a model. But the problem is – she has got some problems with her skin. No one will be eager to take her in model agency – This girl thin , and she really could be a model. But the fact is that she has skin problems. No one will want to take her to a modeling agency.
  • She is so graceful that she really could be an actress! - She's so graceful that she could really become an actress!
  • Your children are quite chubby . Why don’t you give them at some dancing group? — Your children quite plump . Why don't you send them to some dance club?
  • This man is so heavy I'm afraid even to come close to him - This man is so heavy that I'm afraid to even come close to him.
  • This group is with those who are overweight . They are to be provided with special menu – no fat, fried meat, smoked food and cookies! — In this group there are people with overweight . They need to be offered a special menu - no fat, fried meat, smoked meats or cookies!
  • This young man is really sturdy ! I’m not afraid to come home with him late at night - This young man really strong (hefty ) ! I'm not afraid to come home with him late at night.
  • These athletes are wellbuilt . I'm sure they will win. But… the other athletes are also muscular . So, good luck to everyone! — These athletes well built . I'm sure they will win. But... other athletes too muscular . Well, good luck to all of them!
  • This boy is a little bit stocky … I don’t like him. I like tall boys - This guy is pretty stocky… I do not like him. I love tall guys.
  • These guys are so funny! They are chubby ! - These guys are so funny! They potbellied !
  • Your uncle is plump . It is not healthy - Your uncle full . It's not healthy.

From the examples you should notice that there are especially many synonyms for the word complete:

  • fat - fat man, thick,
  • plump - plump, plump, plump,
  • chubby - chubby, chubby, chubby,
  • overweight - excess weight,
  • heavy - heavy, heavy,

Pay attention to similar words sturdyAndstocky, which mean strong, sturdy, stocky.

They also have synonyms:

  • powerful - strong, strong, powerful,
  • wellbuilt - well built,
  • strong - strong

There is also an adjective solid, which means dense. But the sign means wrong thick, How stocky, shot down. And in general, the English language is rich in synonyms. This allows you to make your speech colorful and varied.

To adjective thin You can also select several synonyms at once :

  • underweight - with lack of weight,
  • slim - thin, slender, thin, skinny, skinny,
  • slender - slender, thin, slender, slender, thin, skinny, slender,
  • skinny - skinny,
  • and even anorexic, which means anorexic

There are similar words that mean elegant, graceful:

  • slight - light, weak, thin, thin,
  • graceful - graceful, graceful, elegant,
  • neat - neat, tidy, clean, tidy, clean, tidy

We need to choose a word based on the situation, the age of the person we are describing, mood, etc.

Description of appearance - Eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows:

Eyebrows – Eyebrows

Now let's talk about eyebrows. Eyebrows mean a lot in a person's appearance, especially for girls. They make the face more expressive and attractive. Let's look at the main adjectives that are used to describe eyebrows:

  • She wants to be beautiful. She likes attention and that is why her eyebrows are always pencilled with dark pencil - She wants to be beautiful. She loves attention and that's why her eyebrows are always let down dark pencil.
  • I can't stand that girl! Her eyebrows are always mocking ! - I can’t stand that girl! She always has mocking brows!
  • When I looked at him his eyebrows were querying — When I looked at him, his eyebrows were raised questioningly .
  • Children laugh at him because his eyebrows are thick and shaggy — The children laugh at him because he has thick And shaggy brows.
  • She is so elegant and her eyebrows are always well-shaped — She is so elegant and her eyebrows are always Fine issued .

The remaining adjectives that can be applied to eyebrows are given in the table:

Remember also that eyebrows can be thin (thin), straight (straight), thick (bushy or thick), arched (arched) etc.


  • She is so funny. She wants to be like a doll, that is why she always wear false lashes - She's so funny. She wants to look like a doll, so she always wears invoices eyelashes.
  • She is lucky one. Her lashes are long and thick from nature, she does not need any mascara - She is lucky. Her eyelashes long And thick naturally, so she doesn't need mascara.
  • I have got rather short eyelashes so I need very good mascara to make my look more dramatic - I have quite short eyelashes, so I need a really good mascara to make my eyes pop.
  • I want my lashes to be more curling . Give me please another mask. This gives no effect - I want my eyelashes to be more twisted . Please give me another mascara. This doesn't have any effect.

Eyes: describing the mirror of the soul

Any description of a person in English would be incomplete without talking about his eyes. The next category of adjectives to describe a person is the eyes. This subtopic is very voluminous, but we will give basic examples and try to reveal it as much as possible.

  • Her eyes were so lustrous at first I thought she cried, but then I understood – she was shining with happiness - She had so much shiny eyes that at first I thought she was crying, but then I realized that she was glowing with happiness.
  • He is really very angry. His eyes are blooshot - He is really very angry. His eyes bloodshot .
  • Your sister is so pretty and her eyes are mesmerizing - Your sister is very pretty and she has fascinating eyes.
  • He is quite strange man. He has got pale eyes - He is a rather strange person. Him colorless eyes.
  • She is sick and her eyes become puffy and redrimmed => She is sick and her eyes have become swollen And inflamed (flushed).
  • That old lady has cold and piercing eyes - This old lady's eyes cold And shrill eyes.
  • Your eyes are something bleary . And what? You have got piggy ones! - Your eyes are something cloudy . And what? But you piggy eyes!

Eyes can also be:

  • bright - bright,
  • mad - mad,
  • beady - beady eyes,
  • sharp - sharp (this is about the look),
  • enormous - huge,
  • dry - dry,
  • deep-set, downcast - deep-set,
  • slanted - slanted,
  • soft - gentle,
  • expressionless, hollow, vacant - empty,
  • sad - sad,
  • round - round,
  • cruel - cruel,
  • curious - curious,
  • bbrilliant- shiny, etc.

Let's sum it up

Describing a person in English is an interesting and exciting activity. First, try to describe yourself in as much detail as possible. When describing yourself, use all possible characteristics to create the most detailed portrait possible. Then start describing others. To begin, take the images of your family and friends, and then begin to mentally describe people on the street. Expand your knowledge and constantly learn new things! The limits of your possibilities are endless!