Review of the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning with photos and descriptions. Learning to choose varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning What varieties of cucumbers for pickling

Cucumbers are divided into groups according to their intended use or storage method. Salad cucumbers, cucumbers for pickling and canning, as well as universal ones, suitable for everything at once.

The first ones are the earliest, they have thin skin and a neutral taste. They are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. They are usually thin and elongated in shape. If such cucumbers are planted in open ground, they will be thicker and shorter, and the skin will be much tougher. Early cucumbers are not suitable for canning.

Which cucumbers are suitable for pickling?

The best salad cucumber hybrids: description, photos, reviews

Cucumbers Karnak F1, characteristics

Early ripening bee-pollinated hybrid, predominantly female type of flowering. From germination to fruiting it takes 42-45 days. Designed for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses.

Plants are medium-sized, with medium branching. In the female nodes, 2 - 3 ovaries are consistently laid. The cucumbers are green, smooth, slightly ribbed, cylindrical, about 17 - 18 cm long and 3.5 - 4 cm in diameter. The color of the thorns is white. The taste is delicate, with a strong cucumber aroma.

Hybrid Karnak is ideal for preparing fresh salads. Resistant to diseases.

Productivity 12-14 kg with square meter landing

Cucumbers Emerald Stream F1

Early ripening (44-48 days before fruiting) parthenocarpic hybrid for growing in open ground and film shelters.

The plant is vigorous, weakly climbing, predominantly with a female type of flowering. Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, tuberculate, dark green, with delicate thin skin, 30-50 cm long, weighing 150-200 grams. They have excellent taste and aroma. The value of the Emerald Flux hybrid is its resistance to powdery mildew, cold resistance, shade tolerance, long and continuous fruiting period. Great for salads.

Cucumbers for pickling and canning are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Only for pickling, medium-sized cucumbers are picked, and for canning, very small cucumbers are collected, the length of which is 8-10 cm.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning: description, reviews, photos, characteristics

Cucumbers Siberian pickled F1

A new early ripening, parthenocarpic hybrid, ripening in 42-46 days. The plant is medium-climbing, with tufted ovaries.

The cucumbers are short 6-8 cm, cylindrical in shape, gherkin type, weighing 55-65 grams, finely tuberous, white-spiked, good consistency and density, genetically without bitterness, do not overgrow. The taste is excellent. The hybrid is intended for pickling.

The value of the hybrid is in the friendly formation of fruits in early dates and resistance to adverse weather conditions. Has good taste.

Murashka cucumbers F1

An early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, female type of flowering, 4 - 6 ovaries are formed in each axil. The hybrid ripens in 43-48 days from the moment of emergence.

The cucumbers are short, with large, wide tubercles and black spines. The fruits have high pickling qualities. The hybrid F1 Murashka is grown both in protected and open ground. Resistant to diseases.

Productivity: 6 - 7 kg per bush. Planting density: 3 plants per square meter.

Cucumber Nezhinsky 12

One of the best varieties for pickling. Grown in open ground and film shelters. The variety is unpretentious and disease resistant. Mid-season, bee-pollinated.

The bush is long-climbing. The cucumbers are short, elongated-ovoid, large-tubercular, black-thorned, 10-12 cm long, weighing 80-110 grams. The pulp is crispy and has excellent taste. The variety is resistant to olive spot and bacteriosis.

Features of cultivation: seeds or 20-25 day old seedlings are planted in greenhouses and in the ground at the end of May. Planting density - 3 plants per 1 sq.m. The seeding depth is 1.5-2 cm. The soil must be fertile with high aeration (sawdust and leaves can be added).

Cucumbers Parisian gherkin

Early ripening (46-50 days), bee-pollinated variety for open ground and film shelters. The plant is medium-sized, medium-climbing.

The cucumbers are large-tubercular, black-thorned, 6-10 cm long, weighing 60-90 grams, without bitterness. The variety is highly resistant to powdery mildew and spotting. Used for canning and pickling. The taste of cucumbers is excellent.

Pickling cucumbers

Early ripening (41-46 days) bee-pollinated variety for open ground.

The plant is long-climbing, medium-sized, medium-branched, mixed type flowering. Cucumbers are elongated-cylindrical, coarsely tuberculate, green with light stripes middle length, with black pubescence, 10-11 cm long, weighing 100-125 ghfvv.

The value of the variety is in its resistance to downy mildew, stable yield, marketability and high pickling qualities. The variety is recommended for pickling.

Popular varieties of universal-purpose cucumbers

Such cucumbers are grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Cucumbers Zakuson F1, characteristics

New ultra-early, parthenocarpic hybrid. The period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 40-45 days.

Plant with medium branching. The ovary is grouped; up to 4 fruits can bud simultaneously in one node. The cucumbers are cylindrical, 8-9 cm long, finely tuberculate, black-spiked, dense, genetically without bitterness. They have excellent taste. Recommended for growing in open ground and all types of greenhouses. Used fresh, for pickling and salting in the pickle and gherkin phase.

Hybrid value in early ripeness, high yield, resistance to adverse weather conditions. The greens do not outgrow and do not turn yellow. Excellent taste of fresh and processed products.

Cucumbers Droplet, description

Early ripening variety, for growing in open ground. From germination to the start of fruit harvesting 43-45 days. The fruits are black-thorned, genetically without bitterness, 9-11 cm long, and retain their green color for a long time. Intended for fresh consumption, pickling and canning.

Variety value in consistently high yields, good presentation, and the ability to retain marketable qualities for a long time after harvesting the fruits.

Cucumbers Ira F1, description, photo

Ultra-early ripening bee-pollinated hybrid, predominantly female type of flowering. It takes 45-50 days from germination to the start of fruiting. The plant is medium-climbing, with 2-3 ovaries per node.

The cucumbers are cylindrical, 12-15 cm long, weighing 55-85 grams, dark green, large-tubercular, with white pubescence. The cucumber pulp is dense and crispy.

The hybrid is distinguished by high stable yields, complex resistance to diseases, and excellent taste of both fresh and canned fruits. Hybrid Ira F1 is intended for cultivation in open ground.

How to make delicious pickled cucumbers, video

If you know any good varieties cucumbers for pickling and canning, please write their names in the comments. Please indicate why you liked this cucumber variety, its yield and disease resistance. If possible, attach a photo of these cucumbers.

Your feedback on cucumber varieties will help many gardeners select only the best varieties for planting, with good yields and disease resistance. Please indicate the growing region and write cucumbers for open ground or for a greenhouse. Thank you!

Almost everyone, without exception, loves pickled or pickled cucumbers. But not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for pickling and canning. We will tell you how to choose the right varieties for blanks in the article.

All varieties of cucumbers can be divided into 3 types according to their intended purpose:

  • Universal
  • Salad
  • Pickling or canning
  • Universal

This group of varieties is characterized by skin and pulp medium density, combined with the correct oblong shape. The size of such cucumbers is 8-11 cm.

The fruits of these varieties can be used for making salads or pickling. But you shouldn't expect a great crispy taste from them.

The main advantages of this group of varieties are:

  • Very high resistance to adverse weather
  • Intensive growth
  • Friendly fruiting
  • No bitter fruits

Popular among vegetable growers the following varieties all-purpose cucumbers:

  • Annushka F1
  • Minion F1
  • Trump card F1
  • Fontana F1
  • Real Colonel F1
  • Parisian gherkin F1
  • Boy with Thumb F1
  • Salad

Most of the varieties in this group are early cucumbers elongated in shape, with thin skin, with soft and juicy pulp. They are grown mainly under film or in greenhouses in order to obtain an early harvest.

They are very good in salads, but they are not suitable for canning. When processed, they have a soft texture and a bland taste. They will also make good lightly salted cucumbers.

The following varieties are popular among this group:

  • May
  • April
  • Zozulya
  • Emerald Stream
  • Mustafa
  • Salting

Cucumbers of this group have thin skin, dense and elastic flesh, which, under the influence of a saline solution or marinade, become crispy and acquire a rich taste.

The following canned varieties are popular:

  • Nezhinsky
  • Vyaznikovsky
  • Muromsky
  • Moscow Nights
  • Courage
  • Hermann
  • Egoza

Canned varieties of cucumbers produce medium-sized fruits. They are also characterized by very rapid yellowing of the fruits, so they need to be collected as often as possible.

The main differences between canned cucumbers and regular ones

You can distinguish canned cucumbers from ordinary ones by external signs. Fruits intended for pickling are short in length, with thin skin and large tubercles. It is very important to pay attention to the color of the thorns.

There are two types of cucumbers: white-thorn and black-thorn. The former are not used for preservation; they have a thick and rough skin that passes through very poorly. saline solution. But black-thorned fruits, on the contrary, have a thin skin with large pores, through which salt passes very well.

There is also another feature of canned cucumbers. If you take a closer look internal structure their pulp, you can see special bundles of vessels that give the desired elasticity.

How to properly care for seedlings of canned varieties

In order for cucumbers to delight you with a bountiful harvest of tasty and crispy fruits, you need to properly care for them.


The most important thing when growing this crop is timely and abundant watering. Even a single overdrying can have the most detrimental effect on them. The number of fruits will sharply decrease, and those that set will be bitter, empty and severely deformed. To water cucumbers, you should use only warm water; cold water will negatively affect their growth and development or even lead to the formation of rot.

To prevent cucumber beds from drying out, you can use mulching. For these purposes, you can use grass, straw or peat. Mulch perfectly retains soil moisture and prevents weed growth.

Root system cucumbers are very sensitive to lack of oxygen. Very frequent watering leads to the formation of a soil crust, which interferes with normal air exchange. To avoid this, the soil around the roots must be carefully loosened after watering.

When watering seedlings, it is best to use a diffuser with low pressure. Otherwise, you can damage the plants and wash the soil out of the container.

It is especially bad if watering is not uniform and part of the rhizome is exposed in some area. This can happen when growing cucumber seedlings in glasses and watering them with a strong stream at one point.

During the process of growing seedlings, it is necessary to water several times with a weak solution of manganese. This will protect the plants from fungus and also improve their immunity when transplanted into the ground.

The best option for watering adult plants is drip irrigation. This method provides the bush with water without causing stagnation of moisture. In addition, labor costs are significantly reduced; there is no risk that the soil will dry out or a dried crust of soil will form, which will affect the harvest.

Pinching and pinching

In order for cucumbers to produce a bountiful harvest, they need to be pinched and the tops pinched.

Usually all stepsons located below the 4th leaf are removed. Such agrotechnical technique allows plants to form a healthy and powerful root system.

When cultivating varietal cucumbers, for example, such as Nezhinsky, it is necessary to pinch the central shoot after it forms the 5th leaf. The thing is that only male flowers are formed on the main shoot, and female buds from the ovary are located on the side ones.

In hybrid varieties, pinching is usually not carried out, but there are exceptions. For example, for some reason the formation of side shoots is delayed, and then, in order to speed up their regrowth, you need to pinch the top of the main shoot.

Modern hybrid varieties have the ability to form only female flowers, and the bulk of their cucumbers are located on the central shoot. Therefore, pinching them will only harm them. Most seed manufacturers leave the mark “Requires formation into one stem” on the packaging of such cucumbers.

When forming a bush, it is important not only to remove unnecessary parts, but also to tie up both the main stem and side shoots. The best option In this case, it is planting bushes on trellises.

This will not only simplify care, but also protect the plant from diseases, since ventilation will be better. Besides, sunlight will be distributed evenly to all organs of the plant.

When tying the lashes, you should do it carefully so as not to pinch the vessels of the branch. Otherwise it will die. It is better to use twine or plastic fasteners both for the trellis itself and for the garter.

We strongly do not recommend using wire or other elements containing metal. On hot days summer days Such materials become very hot, injuring the plants.

Top dressing

For successful plant development, several feedings will be required during the growing season. organic fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use a fermented infusion of mullein, which must be diluted before watering at the rate of 1 part fertilizer to 10 parts water. Good effect They also feed with nettle infusion.

Fertilizer should never be given during cold or rainy weather. The root system of cucumbers at this moment cannot absorb nutritional elements. When watering with fertilizers, you need to make sure that their solution does not get on the leaves. Otherwise it will cause burns.

Abundant fruiting is also facilitated by regular harvesting of cucumbers, which stimulates the formation of new ovaries, slows down the aging process in the plant and increases productivity. It is recommended to collect gherkin-type cucumbers daily, and long-fruited varieties every 2 to 3 days.

Cucumbers respond well to foliar feeding. It is recommended to carry out this event three times: during the flowering period, when the fruits begin to ripen, and when the number of cucumbers on the bush begins to decrease.

For the first time, you can use urea or calcium nitrate. When flowers begin to appear, the plants require superphosphates, as well as potassium saturation. To do this, you can prepare a solution boric acid and manganese. This mixture will also protect against diseases.

The third time, you can use nitrogen fertilizers again, only in a lower concentration.

Features of growing canned varieties in a greenhouse

Pickling cucumbers is a simple matter

Growing greenhouse cucumbers is not much different from growing them in open ground. But there are still some differences:

Before planting, preventive treatment of the soil and the entire greenhouse should be carried out. In the future, this will help avoid outbreaks of fungal diseases, which greenhouse conditions occur 2 times more often.

The greenhouse must have a ventilation system. Under no circumstances should drafts be allowed; cucumbers react very sharply to them.

To improve the formation of female type flowers, it is advisable to fertilize carbon dioxide. For this purpose, you can install a barrel with mullein in the greenhouse, which will serve as a source of carbon dioxide during fermentation.

The formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse is somewhat different from their formation in open ground.

When growing in greenhouses, cucumbers are grown in a trellis culture. To reduce damage to plants, it is advisable to tie them up using a double sliding knot.

The optimal indicator of humidity in a greenhouse is considered to be within 80-90% in the air and 50-60% in the soil.

Which varieties to choose for growing in a greenhouse

When choosing varieties of canned cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation, preference should be given to self-pollinating and parthenocarpic varieties, that is, those that can set fruit in the absence of pollinating insects. The difference between them is that the former have a stamen and a pistil in one flower and are able to pollinate themselves. And the latter generally set fruit without any pollination.

Also, when growing in the early stages, you should choose varieties that are resistant to deficiency, which, unlike light-loving ones, will not stop growing, but will actively grow and develop.

Greenhouse hybrids of cucumbers have one interesting feature, when they are pollinated by bees, ugly fruits are formed. It is also worth noting that at high ambient temperatures, the pollen of self-pollinating varieties becomes more sticky, which complicates the process of setting. To prevent this, the trellis with cucumbers must be shaken periodically.

Among the variety of varieties, especially noteworthy: Courage, Marinda and the like. They are characterized by bouquet formation of ovaries, small size fruits and no need for their formation. In addition, they are highly resistant to diseases.

Who among us doesn’t like crispy cucumbers: fresh, lightly salted, canned, salted? We use most of them in salted form. Not a single one is good festive table Can't do without such a snack as pickled cucumbers. They are present in almost all salads from autumn to spring; without them, a vinaigrette would not be a vinaigrette.

But experienced housewives know that Not every variety of cucumber is suitable for canning. You can use the same recipe to cover different cucumbers and the result will be completely different. Cucumbers do not always turn out plump and crispy, the reason lies in the correct variety chosen for pickling. IN this review we will talk about which varieties of cucumbers should be planted in open ground for pickling.

Cucumbers have three purposes:

  • Salad, used only fresh. Such cucumbers have small white thorns or they are absent on an absolutely smooth thick skin (which does not allow brine to pass inside the fruit well), their skin is white to dark green. When preserved, they become soft and tasteless;
  • Pickling, small in size. They are suitable for consumption fresh, but their peel is dense, one might say harsh, but in brine they are amazing, hard, crispy, the names of the best varieties are given below;
  • Universal, these mainly include the latest generation hybrids. Cucumbers up to 100 mm in size are used both for fresh eating and for pickling, preferably pickling.

Medium cucumbers up to 15 cm long, with thick skin, are chosen for pickling. When pressing the fruit with a fingernail, the peel should be easily pierced. The fruit must have black thorns. It is their presence on the cucumbers that provides porosity to the dense peel and promotes better penetration of the brine inside the cucumber, giving the pickled fruits that much-loved crispness.

Description of the best pickling varieties, which one to choose?

The best pickling cucumbers that have stood the test of time are considered to be ancient Russian varieties; the description and characteristics are given below:


An old Ukrainian variety that has still not lost its popularity due to its high taste, productivity, and drought resistance. A medium-early ripening vegetable (47-55 days). Unlike hybrids, you can collect your own seeds from it. On its basis, varieties of the so-called “Nezhinsky dynasty” were bred, which are also good for pickling: Nezhinsky-12, Nezhinsky Kuban, Era, Nosovsky, Nezhinka.


Bee-pollinated hybrid with medium ripening period (50 days). Fruits abundantly throughout the summer, the size of the greens is up to 100 mm.


High-yielding cucumber of medium early ripening (47-51 days), there are large tubercles on the surface of the fruit and their length is up to 120 mm.


One of the oldest Russian varieties comes from the city of Murom. Early ripening, pollinated by bees of very early maturation (32-42 days).

Far Eastern

Medium ripening (40-55 days), pollinated by bees, the fruits are medium tuberculate, up to 15 cm.


Medium early large tuberculate hybrid, cucumbers up to 12 cm long, with friendly yield of the harvest.

Parisian gherkin

Early (40-45 days), bee-pollinated hybrid. Large-lumpy greens are devoid of bitterness in taste, up to 11 cm in size.


Bee-pollinated, early variety (40-55 days), finely tuberous small cucumbers up to 11 cm resistant to short-term cold snaps.

These varieties are time-tested and almost never fail in harvest. When testing new selections on the plot, these old-timers are still given a place in the garden by gardeners - just in case. They are ideal for pickling, both in size and taste.

All pickling varieties have a tendency to quickly yellow the fruits, so they need regular harvesting (every 2 days), which also stimulates the formation of new cucumber ovaries.

The most popular cucumbers for winter preparations

The most popular of the cucumber variety are:


— Parthenocarpic early (41-47 days) hybrid tuft-type ovary, medium-tuberous greens up to 10 cm long, sweet in taste and absolutely without bitterness.


The very early hybrid (30-36 days) has bushes compact shape, tufted ovary shape. Large tuberous cucumbers measuring 10-12 cm have a dark color and a pronounced cucumber aroma.


Early (46-48 days) self-pollinating hybrid, large tuberous elongated fruits measuring 14-22 cm. At insufficient watering bitterness appears in cucumbers.


- an early ripening hybrid (38-44 days) that does not require pollination and requires a minimum of attention when growing. Fruits up to 15 cm in size.


Late-ripening (55-65 days) bee-pollinated hybrid with fruits up to 16 cm, thick skin. The plant is well adapted to temperature changes, heat and drought. The fruits do not turn yellow for a long time.


Needing pollination, mid-early (43-48 days), single-type ovary. The fruits are large-tubercular, up to 12 cm in size, excellent in taste.


Pollinated by bees, according to the ripening period it is classified as mid-season (48-52 days), has tuberous fruits up to 11 cm in size.

Moscow Nights

Medium ripening (42-45 days) self-pollinating hybrid, tuberculate fruits up to 14 cm in size.


A self-pollinating, high-yielding hybrid with an average (40-55 days) ripening period. The fruits are large-tubercular gherkins up to 10 cm long They have an even shape and have no bitterness at all.

The best universal varieties: names and characteristics

The best varieties for universal use include the following:


Bee-pollinated hybrid of medium ripening period (48-55 days), small tuberous fruits up to 12 cm long resistant to a range of diseases.


Bee-pollinated, early-ripening, with ovoid-oblong fruits 9-12 cm long. They have a long shelf life.


- early ripening (40-43 days) bee-pollinated, with ellipsoidal large tuberculate fruits up to 9 cm long.

Bush varieties of cucumbers are small compact bushes intended for cultivation only in open ground. The main harvest is harvested in the first 3 weeks of fruiting.

Tom Thumb

Early ripe (39-41 days) gherkin with a bunched ovary, finely tuberous greens up to 11 cm long have no voids in the pulp.


Ultra-early (35-39 days) self-pollinating hybrid with tufted ovary type and long-term fruiting. Large-tubed gherkins are without bitterness and have excellent taste.


Early (40-45 days) high-yielding hybrid with fruits up to 12 cm long, resistant to high temperatures, therefore recommended for repeated summer cultivation.


- mid-early variety (43-53 days), productive. The fruits are large-tubercular, up to 12 cm long.

Pickling cucumber – the best variety for mass pickling

Salting is a unique variety, which, due to the optimal density of the fruit pulp and its taste, is considered the best for pickling. Developed at the Volgograd Experimental Station VNIIR named after. N.I. Vavilova.

This is a mid-early variety Harvesting can be done 40-45 days after emergence, bee-pollinated, most suitable for growing in open ground.

The bushes are medium-sized, the shoots have unlimited growth power, so they need to be pinched to better education side shoots.

Dark green, large-tubercular cucumbers with white stripes on a thin skin with black spines have a length of 9-14 cm and weight up to 120 g. Zelentsy have a pronounced cucumber aroma and are free of bitterness. When pickled, they are dense, crispy and have excellent taste.

Productivity, subject to agricultural technology, is 4-5 kg/m2.

Pickling is quite resistant to most diseases, including powdery mildew, so it does not create problems in cultivation.

It is grown both through seedlings and by direct sowing of seeds into the soil. It is better to use warm beds for growing. To do this, in the fall, twigs, weeds, tops of tomatoes and peppers, fallen apples and leaves are placed on the bottom of a dug trench 0.6 m deep, a layer of earth is poured on top, then humus or compost, then earth again. In the spring, as soon as the weather permits, the bed is covered with a film (preferably black) to quickly warm up the soil; you can pre-spill the bed with boiling water. At the end of April, cross-shaped cuts are made on the film, seeds or seedlings are planted, and covered with film or agrofibre on the installed arches. Holes for planting are made every 0.5-0.6 m.

When the threat of frost has passed, the shelter is removed. Further care consists of watering, fertilizing, tying growing canes to an installed trellis and regular harvesting.

Growing a pickling cucumber will not bring disappointment - it is tasty and reliable.

There are a lot of cucumbers for pickling, as well as white cabbage, each variety has its own + and -. Choosing a variety that suits your taste and fruit size is not so difficult, It’s better, of course, to start with old, proven varieties and at the same time try to plant new ones. Grow, preserve and surprise with your pickles!

The modern market offers such a selection of cucumber seeds that this may well create a choice problem, especially for beginning gardeners. And their number is constantly growing thanks to the constant work of breeders. On the one hand, there is always a desire to try new varieties, and many of them are probably worth it, on the other hand, you want stability and confidence that the work will not be in vain. Let's learn how to choose the best varieties of cucumbers for canning for the winter.

Not in every area it is possible to identify different varieties different beds of cucumbers so that from one you can collect greens for salad and quick ambassador, on the other hand, for preservation, etc. Therefore, the ability to distinguish fruits according to their characteristics and purpose is required not only when purchasing seeds, but also when harvesting.

In general, they can be divided into three large groups:

When grown on open beds Be sure to pay attention to zoned species, this will increase productivity and avoid disease and death due to climatic conditions.

External differences between pickling cucumbers

Fruits suitable for canning must have the following characteristics:

  • length no more than 12-14 (preferably 7-11) cm;
  • the skin is pimply (preferably large-lumpy) with spines;
  • absence of internal voids in the section;
  • dense crispy pulp;
  • a small amount of seeds;
  • lack of bitterness.

The best non-hybrid varieties for open ground

When purchasing seeds, along with new breeding developments, it is always recommended to at least partially give preference to old, proven varieties, which certainly will not present unpleasant surprises.


Belongs to the early ones, allows you to collect 2-3 kg from 1 sq.m. beds. The length of the lash is up to 160 cm, the thickness is about 2 cm. It produces ovaries of an elongated shape, in short time does not outgrow. Practically not affected by powdery mildew. Has universal application.


Mid-season, up to 50-60 days before ripening. It is famous for its lack of bitterness and great impact; in a good season it can give from 1 sq. m up to 14 kg of greens. Versatile. Suitable for greenhouse cultivation.


One of the market leaders. It is classified as mid-late or even late depending on the planting time. After germination, you will have to wait 50 days or more before the first cucumbers appear. They have very dense, juicy, slightly sweet flesh when fresh. The skin is lumpy, thin, the spines are small, black.

More than two dozen side shoots are formed on vines that grow intensively in length (up to 2 m). Excellent for barrel pickling. They bear fruit for a long time and abundantly, and tolerate transportation well. With proper care they have virtually no downsides.

Nizhyn cucumbers are highly drought-resistant and do not reduce fruiting due to temporary interruptions in watering. However, this does not mean that moisture should be reduced deliberately and kept dry.


One of the most famous and time-tested varieties. The plant is medium-climbing, the flowering type is mixed, and requires pollination by bees. The greens are smooth, identical, dark green with lighter stripes, arranged in bunches, which allows them to be collected at the same time.

The shape is cylindrical, the skin is sparsely tuberculate, black-spiked. Suitable not only for pickling, but also for barrel salting while maintaining the strength and crispness of the fruit. Resistant to scab damage.

Selected bee-pollinated varieties

Growing these cucumbers requires free access insects for planting. In the spring they can be planted under the film, but subsequently it must be opened or removed completely. Growing in greenhouses is permissible if it is possible to provide access to bees.

"Parisian gherkin"

They bear fruit 40-45 days after planting. The fruits are small, pickling, 6-11 cm in size, spindle-shaped. They don't taste bitter. Fruiting is conveyor belt, i.e. requires regular collection.

Productivity - up to 4 kg per 1 sq.m. The skin is coarsely lumpy, the spines are small and black.

Pickling varieties of cucumbers have one drawback - they quickly turn yellow (in some varieties this property is especially pronounced), so timely harvesting is extremely important!

"Atlantis F1"

A well-proven early maturing hybrid. The plant is of an indeterminate type, the flowers are predominantly female, the weaving is active. The fruits are neat, delicate green in color, large-tubercular. Good in salads and preserves.

"Springhead F1"

One of the long-term leaders, always very popular. On the market, Rodnichok cucumbers are one of the most expensive and best-selling cucumbers for their excellent taste, universal suitability and excellent presentation.

Can also be grown on open place, and in greenhouses. Resistant to major diseases, tolerates transportation well. The fruits are smooth, beautiful, and do not require calibration.

If you harvest regularly, it stimulates the development of new ovaries!

The best selection self-pollinating hybrids for protected soil

These hybrids can be grown either on open area, and in greenhouse conditions, since the flowers on the vines are formed of the female type, and from the very beginning of flowering, while in bee-pollinated varieties the first flowers are always of the male type, which delays the time of obtaining the first harvest.

"Zozulya F1"

An ultra-ripe, popular hybrid that has met the expectations of gardeners 100% for more than 40 years! Does not taste bitter and does not require the intervention of bees. The fruits are cylindrical, slightly tuberous, with barely visible stripes, and have excellent taste.

Every sq.m. cucumber planting capable of producing up to 12 kg of harvest. Resistance to brown rot, cucumber mosaic, ascochyta blight, olive blight and other common crop diseases is another big advantage the famous "Zozulya".

"Tom Thumb F1"

The first fruits can be picked after 39 days. As the name implies, it has small, gherkin-type fruits no more than 11 cm, which is very valuable for harvesting in the winter.

"Cupid F1"

Dutch medium-fruited hybrid with greens measuring 9-9.5 cm. Valued for its resistance to infections, rot, and popular cucumber diseases. Ideal for canning.

"White Angel F1"

Got its name for its delicate and very light, almost white color. It is universal in use, but quickly outgrows and deteriorates in taste, so it requires timely and frequent collection. The taste, despite its unusual appearance, is characteristic.

The best varieties for growing in partial shade

If there is insufficient lighting in cucumber beds, greens often lose their quality and do not live up to the gardener’s expectations, since they are a very light-demanding crop. If at least a lacy shadow falls on the garden bed or if it is completely in the shade for part of the day, you should choose varieties for future canning that are adapted to fruiting in these conditions.

"Muromsky 36"

Early ripening, pickling. Resistant not only to lack of light, but also to short-term drops in temperature. Cucumbers are dense, finely tuberculated or smooth.

The disadvantage of Murom cucumbers is the need for frequent harvesting, as they quickly turn yellow. But the taste and pickling qualities are very high.

"The secret of the F1 company"

A relatively new universal hybrid of early maturation (38-42 days) of the parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) type on the market. Zelentsy are cylindrical in shape, slightly ribbed, of medium weight and size. It has increased resistance to cladosporiosis, as well as powdery mildew.

"Moscow evenings F1"

Self-pollinating selection universal variety with medium ripening time (42-45 days). Produces strongly climbing shoots and dark green cylindrical tuberculate foliage with faint white pubescence. Cucumbers grow up to 14 cm in length and gain weight up to 110 g. Does not suffer from cucumber mosaic, is not afraid powdery mildew and cladosporiosis.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in the age-old debate about what is better - a well-tested old one or a promising new one, no one will give a definite answer. Selected hybrids have enormous advantages in the form of protection from diseases and the formation of female flowers from the very beginning of flowering, which means earlier fruiting. And yet, if we're talking about about salting the old fashioned way in barrels and taste qualities The cucumber that you take out of this barrel in winter probably has no equal to the old proven varieties.

But remember that the cucumber “people” of any “nationality” are very capricious, and without proper care, not a single variety, even the most promising one, will give the expected result!

Video review of cucumber varieties for pickling

Some cucumbers are nice to eat fresh, straight from the breast, others are good in salads, and others seem to be created for canning and pickling. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, website recommends writing down the varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning in a notebook and be sure to plant them.

You can determine which cucumbers are best for pickling and which are not by appearance. Cucumbers for pickling and canning are always the most lumpy, and their spines should be black!

If the greens are white-thorned, do not turn yellow on the bushes for a long time, and have a thick skin, then they are completely unsuitable for pickling. The brine will not penetrate into them.

The most delicious crispy cucumbers are large-lumpy pickling cucumbers. They have developed transverse vascular bundles that go to the surface, which makes the cucumber pulp crispy.

When choosing cucumber seeds for pickling and canning, you need to not only look at the picture, but also carefully read the packaging. The purpose of the cucumber must be indicated there.

Which cucumbers are best for pickling? name

  • The most productive cucumbers for pickling are Nezhinsky And Muromsky. The greens of these varieties grow to medium size, have dense, elastic flesh and thin skin - ideal for canning.
  • Hybrids of the Nezhinsky variety have excellent pickling characteristics. These are cucumbers Era, Nosovsky, Nezhinka, Stage. These fruits make tasty and crispy cucumbers.
  • The best varieties of classic cucumbers for pickling are Altai, Beregovoy, Voronezh, Magnificent, Vyaznikovsky.
  • According to many gardeners, the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning are mother-in-law And Zyatek. Moreover, they are good both in pickling and in salad. These varieties of cucumbers yield 100% of the harvest, a lot of greens always grow, they are tasty and small in size.
  • Popular gherkins varieties of cucumbers for pickling for lovers of the smallest crispy cucumbers are Lilliputian And Parisian gherkin. They have very high yields, excellent taste and high pickling properties.

Having chosen which variety of cucumbers is best to plant for pickling, be sure to make a sign for the bed describing the name of the variety that you planted, and then monitor the results and harvest so that next year plant only those varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning that you like and that give maximum yield. Be sure to record the agricultural company that released the seeds. Unfortunately, mis-grading of seeds happens quite often. And if what has grown is not at all what is written on the package of seeds, add this agricultural company to your personal blacklist.

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