Review of Kiturami boilers. Review of Kiturami boilers Heating diagram of a ship with a Kiturami boiler

Despite the development of alternative energy, humanity still actively uses conventional energy sources, in particular gas. The South Korean manufacturer has been producing heating boilers for decades and is rightfully one of the world leaders in this field. It makes sense to take a closer look at the products of this manufacturer.

About Kiturami products

The company was founded in 1962 and all these years has honed its skills in the production of heating boilers. During this time, the company's products have gained trust in the markets of Russia, Japan, Europe and the rest of the world.

The main activity of the manufacturer is the production of heating boilers, chimneys and other elements necessary for the installation of a heating system.

The following types of products can be distinguished:

  • boilers, and models are available that run on both gas and liquid or solid fuel. Solid fuel boilers Kiturami can work either on ordinary firewood or on wood pellets (pellets) and are characterized by high efficiency;

The boilers are produced as double-circuit boilers, so they can be used not only for heating, but also for hot water supply needs.

  • fuel tanks;
  • fuel pumps;
  • expansion tanks;
  • chimneys etc.

Overview of heating boilers

Considering the cheapness of gas for the population in our country, Kiturami gas heating boilers are especially popular. Such devices are distinguished by their compact size, high power, ease of maintenance and installation. You can select several series heating devices– 3 series marked World (Plus, 3000 and 5000), as well as Twin Alpha.

Features of World 3000 and 5000 series boilers

Particular attention to the issue of heating efficiency - common feature all Kiturami heating devices, not only gas ones (efficiency exceeds 90%).

As for the World series, we can highlight the following features of their work:

  • several operating modes - for ease of adjustment, the modes are designated as “Absence”, “Shower”, etc.;
  • advanced safety unit - gas analyzers will instantly “sense” a gas leak and turn off the device;
  • turbocharging guarantees stable draft, combustion products are instantly drawn into the chimney;
  • the power is sufficient to heat a large area;

  • you can adjust the hot water temperature in literally 1 ᵒC steps;
  • automation constantly monitors the condition of the main components of the heating circuit. For example, if there are power outages, the boiler will turn off, because circulation pump will stop working and coolant circulation will be at risk.
  • The self-diagnosis function looks interesting. In the event of a malfunction, a person can determine the malfunction by the illuminated number (of course, with the help of technical documentation).

The only fly in the ointment can be considered the slightly unusual design of the boiler. In particular, in the World series, a person unaccustomed to Kiturami products may be confused by the location of the opening for air intake and exhaust of combustion products. When replacing a chimney with your own hands, this may become a small problem, but this drawback cannot be considered critical.

Triumph of Science – Twin Alpha Series

Devices in this series are considered the most modern and technologically advanced.

Among the features of Twin Alpha boilers it is worth noting:

  • extreme efficiency, when switching to standby mode they consume about 1 W of energy;
  • the heat exchanger is made not of steel, but of pure copper and aluminum; the thermal conductivity of these metals is higher than that of steel.

The series includes 5 models, differing in power and dimensions. So, heating boilers The Alpha 13R kiturami at its peak can produce a power of about 15.1 kW, which will be enough to heat a living area of ​​150 m2, while in hot water supply mode water can be supplied at a speed of 8.6 l/min. The weight of this model is 26 kg.

The most powerful model, Alpha 30R, produces up to 34.8 kW and is capable of heating a house with an area of ​​340 m2; in hot water supply mode, water is supplied at a speed of 20 l/min.

Despite the much greater power, the size and weight of the boilers do not differ much.
Thus, the mentioned boiler models differ only in width (the more powerful one is 5 cm wider) and weight (the Alpha 30R model weighs 3 kg more).
So there will be no problems with installation.

As for the cost, the Twin Alpha series is on average 10 - 12 thousand rubles cheaper than World3000.

For example, the Alpha 20R model costs about 30 thousand rubles, and the price of a device of the World3000 series of comparable power is about 42 thousand rubles.

Installation Features

  • the weight of the wall-mounted model is 30 – 45 kg, so it is not recommended to place it on light partitions, the best option can be considered a load-bearing wall for installation;
  • recommended to use rubber gasket to reduce noise from possible vibration;
  • It is advisable that the installation site is not over-moistened.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the chimney; it is used to remove combustion products. coaxial chimney. To facilitate work, the use of telescopic chimneys is allowed.

Instructions for installing the pipe look like this:

  • when connecting individual elements, a sealing tape must be used, and the tightness of the joint is achieved by tightening the connecting bolts;
  • in case of pipe outlet beyond the wall, the manufacturer recommends limiting maximum length within 2.5 m;

The pipe is given a slope of 3-5ᵒ in order to ensure condensate drainage.

  • As for the installation of a pipe through the roof, it is necessary that a free descent to the pipe be provided along the entire length of the pipe;
  • horizontal section of pipe in the area from the boiler outlet to vertical section should not exceed 90 cm, otherwise traction may deteriorate.


Heating boilers are popular not only in country houses, but also within the city limits, because heating system provides a lot of advantages compared to centralized ones. Kiturami boilers can be considered one of the most high-tech offerings on the market, high efficiency, durability, and the ability to flexibly regulate operation only contribute to the growing popularity of this manufacturer’s products.

The video shows in detail the principle of operation gas boiler Kiturami.

Heating the house in winter period is a top priority for every homeowner today. This issue is most relevant for owners of suburban housing. And although modern gas boilers are the most advanced, but for many people they are inaccessible due to the constant increase in the price of this type of fuel.

That's why a large number of consumers choose other alternative options, one of which is the Kiturami diesel boiler. Although they are not new on the market, they have not lost their popularity at all. They are able to provide high-quality heating in the house.

Today Kiturami is a well-known South Korean concern, one of the largest manufacturers of heating equipment. The boilers of this company have been repeatedly awarded diplomas for reliability and technical perfection, and due to the presence of certificates that meet all international standards, Kiturami diesel heating boiler is exported to almost all countries.

What is special about heating equipment from Kiturami?

The Kiturami concern produces different types heating equipment, which includes biofuel and gas installations. But it was Kiturami’s diesel heating equipment that brought the concern such great fame and a high rating. The name diesel itself speaks about the type of fuel on which it runs.

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The most popular model in the line of this manufacturer is the Kiturami Turbo 17 diesel boiler, the purpose of which is hot water supply and heating of industrial and residential premises. Boilers from the manufacturer Kiturami are very convenient for use in country houses when the need for hot water does not occur every day, and heating will only be required when the owners are present there. Moreover, when correct operation Repair of such equipment is very rarely necessary.

The main advantages of Kiturami diesel heating equipment include:

  • The Kiturami diesel boiler is easy to use. The control panel allows you to set any control function. The operation of Kiturami using coolant and room temperature is regulated by a thermostat built into the remote control. The boilers are independent of the size of the chimney and the presence of draft due to their turbo-inflating effect, which forces exhaust gases into the chimney;
  • diesel Kiturami is highly economical. Thanks to the aerodynamic flow in the combustion center, it is achieved maximum efficiency in the amount of fuel consumed;
  • setting up the equipment is absolutely simple, and you can do it yourself;
  • all year round The house has hot water supply. Kiturami brand boilers are also used when the room is not heated;
  • The Kiturami diesel boiler has a self-diagnosis system, which on the display informs about its operation and any malfunctions that have arisen, showing the real state of the system. If you constantly monitor the display readings, the need for repairs will be minimal.

Features of Kiturami in operation

The diesel heating unit presented by the Kiturami concern differs significantly from other brands in its characteristics, both in the method of maintenance and the need for repairs. Only high alloy steel is used to produce the heat exchanger.

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Kiturami brand boilers are made of copper, which is highly resistant to water. If we talk about price, then in comparison with stainless steel, copper is much cheaper, and, accordingly, a diesel boiler costs accordingly. In addition, copper significantly increases the heat resistance of equipment.

The quality of work of Kiturami Turbo depends on how correctly the containers in which the fuel is stored are placed. Here it is necessary to correctly place the tank and position it on three surfaces. It is imperative to ensure that a drain is provided in the sediment tank. The Turbo reservoir should be cleaned regularly and sediment should be drained, and fuel should be filled into the diesel engine only in purified form. This type of handling ensures smooth operation and eliminates the need for repairs.

When filling a Kiturami diesel boiler with fuel, the instructions say that you need to wait half an hour until it settles. Only after this can the Turbo diesel boiler be started and the required modes adjusted. It is also advisable to use a stabilizer to avoid repairs from sudden changes in voltage in the network. He will provide stable work control unit, and will also protect the heating unit from premature repairs.

In order for the Kiturami diesel heating boiler to operate smoothly during operation, the following is necessary:

  • the boiler adjustment must be carried out competently and correctly, then the need for repairs will be minimal;
  • a diesel boiler requires systematic mechanical cleaning in order to protect it from premature repairs;
  • Turbo should be regularly monitored to monitor the operation of all its connections and components for leaks;
  • The performance of the equipment must be checked regularly so that there is no need to repair Kiturami diesel boilers prematurely.

Equipment installation and connection

All the requirements for connecting Kiturami are absolutely not difficult to fulfill on your own. You can install a Kiturami diesel boiler without the help of specialists; all you need to do is carefully study the diagram and recommendations of the manufacturer itself. But at the same time, there are many operations that require the presence of qualified craftsmen in order to subsequently avoid repairs.

For those people who have to assemble heating equipment Kiturami diesel boilers for the first time, the instructions and installation diagram will serve as clear example carrying out such work. It is very important that the Kiturami Turbo connection is made using electrical diagram boiler and all recommendations when connecting to the electrical network were strictly followed.

Anyone who is not sure that they can independently carry out all the work efficiently, on which setting up a Kiturami diesel boiler directly depends, is best to involve specialists, and thus avoid possible errors and premature repairs.

The Kiturami diesel boiler requires an extremely precise procedure and principle for its installation, since an incorrect connection most often causes equipment malfunction and there is a need to carry out expensive repairs of Kiturami diesel boilers.

Description of Kiturami malfunctions and repairs

The Kiturami diesel boiler belongs to the economy version and has a fairly long service life. But there are also situations when boilers fail prematurely. The reason for the need to repair Kiturami is their untimely maintenance or the use of low quality fuel.

You can carry out simple repairs of Turbo boilers yourself, but it is more rational to contact service organizations in case of malfunctions.

Rice. 3 Installed Kiturami boiler

Below are the main error codes that the Kiturami Turbo 17 diesel boiler most often experiences:

  • when the lights flash “01”, “02” or “03” on the display, it means there are problems in the flame detector and ignition does not occur. In this case, the Turbo boiler should be restarted according to the instructions;
  • error “04” indicates that the water temperature sensor is faulty in the Kiturami heating system, and repair in this case becomes inevitable;
  • error “08” warns that the route between the boiler and the temperature sensor is very long or a wire break has occurred in some place. Repairs will be required to identify the immediate cause of the operational failure;
  • error “95” means the pressure in the heating circuit is too low. The Turbo boiler needs to be energized and the entire heating system inspected for possible leaks;
  • error “96” - the mechanism that protects the Turbo system from overheating has activated;
  • error “98” - indicates that there is a lack of fuel in the supply line.

Of all the errors described above, “01” blinks most often on the display, but this does not pose a great danger to the operation of the equipment. The Kiturami Turbo 17 diesel boiler is different maximum efficiency. Thanks to the control panel, boiler control functionality is achieved and room heating is possible in any temperature conditions.

In Turbo it is possible to regulate temperature parameters step by step from 45 to 75°C. All information about the operation of the diesel Kiturami Turbo is displayed on the thermostat screen by a self-diagnosis mechanism.

Most often, the Kiturami diesel boiler produces error 01. This happens when there is no stable ignition in the Turbo.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • when the screw jams, which serves as a fuel level limiter. The repair consists of replacing the locking element or checking the injection motor;
  • when the injection motor fails. It is necessary to check the working condition of the Kiturami motor. If the motor is faulty, then the repair consists of replacing it with a new one;
  • when there is not enough incoming fuel, then the level in the tank should be checked; repairs in this case will not be necessary;
  • when a foreign object accidentally ends up in the screw gate, it must be removed during the repair process;
  • when the photosensor fails, the Turbo repair consists of checking this element for its functionality.

When error code “01” periodically appears on the display, in such cases it is necessary to seek help from the appropriate specialists in order to avoid major expensive repairs.

Carrying out regular maintenance and repairs of Kiturami is a guarantee that Turbo boilers will operate efficiently and reliably. If irreparable damage occurs to a diesel boiler during the warranty period, it will be repaired without the need to pay for such work.

The Kiturami Turbo diesel boiler has excellent characteristics, but you must always remember that non-compliance established scheme installation, proper configuration and basic rules for handling it in many cases ends in total repair. When all requirements for use and operation are met modern technologies production of heating equipment Kiturami guarantees each user stable operation of the boiler without the need for repairs and a long service life.

Every day the attention is gaining more and more on Russian market heating equipment manufactured in Korea, offering high quality, operational reliability and reasonable cost. Review of boilers from Kiturami, owner reviews and descriptions technical characteristics will help you better understand the types and features of products, as well as make right choice at the time of buying.

The range of heating boilers from the Korean manufacturer Kiturami is grouped according to several characteristics:

  • type of installation – wall or floor;
  • type of energy source used - liquid, solid fuel, gas or combined;
  • possibility of hot water supply - single or double circuit;
  • combustion chamber - open or closed.

Description of gas, diesel, solid fuel and combined boilers Kiturami:

1. Liquid fuel Korean heating systems Kiturami boilers Turbo have a set of characteristics that can fully satisfy user needs:

  • The turbocyclone burner creates an aerodynamic flow, increasing efficiency.
  • Turbocharging promotes secondary combustion of combustion products in a specially installed cylindrical chamber and their forced removal.
  • The security system includes combustion sensors, temperature and overheat control, as well as lack of coolant and fuel.
  • This series uses a new model of the Kiturami chimney, the efficiency of which is 2-3% higher than that of a similar class of boilers.

Turbo is a representative of the most economical boilers available on the market - the average consumption is 8 l/day.

2. Kiturami wall-mounted double-circuit gas heating boilers (World 3000, World 5000, World Plus and Twin Alpha) are affordable and reliable. Built-in circulation pump and expansion tank facilitate installation, and a set of installed sensors performs safety monitoring gas equipment.

Buying a World Plus-13R gas boiler will cost 32 thousand rubles, and the cost of Twin Alpha of the same power will be about 24,000. Structurally, the Kiturami TGB representative can be called an analogue of Turbo, but designed to work on liquefied gas. Repeated passage of combustion products in a steel three-pass heat exchanger reduces noise levels and increases efficiency. The turbocyclone burner of the stationary heat generator of the KSOG series ensures stable operation of the boiler during pressure drops in the gas main, and also promotes secondary combustion of gases. The electronic control unit and thermostat-regulator maintain the desired indoor microclimate.

3. Biofuel heating boilers from Kiturami for home KRP series have the following features:

  • The feed auger automatically doses wood fuel.
  • The integrated design of the heat exchanger in the smoke and water pipes allows for an increase in efficiency of up to 92%.
  • A circulation pump is built into the water tank of the heat generator for maximum heat transfer.
  • Multi-stage gas outlet avoids backfire.
  • The automatic grate cleaning system mechanically removes “cakes” of baked pellets, which prevents overconsumption.
  • The pellets are ignited by a ceramic heating element from the Japanese company FKK.

The cost of the Kiturami KRP-20 biofuel boiler is about 140,000 rubles.

4. STS presents stationary combi boilers with compact dimensions for installation even in small spaces. Design features make this series economical and guarantee long-term use (10 years):

  • Turbocyclone burner from Kiturami and a special swirl screen promote complete combustion of fuel and reduce emissions carbon monoxide into the environment.
  • An improved grade of stainless steel with patented welding technology is used to manufacture the heat exchanger.
  • Advanced auto diagnostic system.

The Kiturami model line includes cast iron boilers(KF series), intended for heating small rooms, the disadvantage of which is the need to periodically monitor the firebox and add firewood. But the price of KF solid fuel boilers is two times lower than their pellet “brothers” - about 70,000 rubles.

Features of Kiturami products

Kiturami modelDescriptionPrice, rub
  • diesel double-circuit boiler 15.1 kW;
  • Efficiency – 93.2%;
  • DHW – 8.4 l/min;
  • consumption – 1.5 l/hour.
27 200
  • liquid fuel heat generator with the ability to replace the burner with another type of fuel (gas);
  • power – 34.9 kW;
  • DHW flow – 20.7 l/min;
  • diesel consumption – 4.3 l/hour.
38 690
  • stationary double-circuit heat generator with a power of 58.1 kW, sufficient to heat 580 m2 of area;
  • copper DHW circuit;
  • Provides maximum DHW flow of 33.3 l/min;
  • Efficiency – up to 92.9%.
96 840
World Plus-13R
  • gas wall-mounted boiler Kiturami 15.1 kW, designed for closed system heating;
  • two heat exchangers – copper and steel with storage;
  • Efficiency – 94.2%;
  • DHW – 8.7 l/min;
  • allows the use of antifreeze.
32 100
Twin Alpha-25R
  • wall-mounted gas boiler Kiturami with a power of up to 29 kW;
  • copper-aluminum heat exchanger;
  • Efficiency – 91.6-91.8% depending on the load;
  • lightweight expansion tank – 7 l;
  • DHW flow – 16.7 l/min.
27 800
  • stationary diesel thermogenerator with the possibility of conversion to gas type fuel;
  • power – 16.9 kW;
  • double-circuit with a closed combustion chamber;
  • Efficiency – 90%;
  • Kiturami service life is more than 10 years.
27 520
  • free-standing solid fuel boiler with forced ventilation;
  • thermal power – 24 kW;
  • Efficiency – 92.6%;
  • average consumption of granules (up to 32 mm long) – 5.53 kg/hour;
  • Fuel capacity in the bunker is up to 160 kg.
139 900
  • double-circuit pellet boiler Kiturami with modulating burner;
  • power – 50 kW;
  • heat exchanger made of stainless steel;
  • Hopper capacity – 300 kg.
169 900

What do you need to know when choosing?

The wide product range offered by the Korean manufacturer is extensive, which makes it difficult for the average consumer to purchase. Therefore, the selection of heating equipment should be carried out according to the main characteristics of Kiturami:

  • Type of fuel used and efficiency. The choice of energy source for operating the units depends on the capabilities and desires of consumers.
  • Thermal power. A double-circuit thermogenerator must fully provide both space heating and water heating for household needs.
  • Installation type. Wall boilers have compact dimensions, but floor options greater power range.
  • Heating system. Selection specific model depends on the planned type of heating circuit - open or closed, as well as on the coolant circulation - in a natural way or forced.
  • The heat exchanger material affects the life of the boiler, its efficiency and cost.

Kiturami boiler piping is a set of measures related to connecting boiler equipment to power supply, water supply, heating systems, fuel lines and smoke exhaust systems. It is advisable to piping the boiler with the help of qualified specialists and in accordance with the instructions specified in the quality certificate.

Electrical connection

Boiler equipment operates when powered by a 220V network. When connecting the boiler to the power supply system, the following recommendations must be observed:

1 - to prevent accidents, electric shock or short circuit caused by an electrical leak in the boiler, grounding is required. The grounding point must be at a depth of at least 300 mm.

2 – it is necessary to have a separate socket designed specifically for connecting the boiler. This socket must be installed at a distance of at least 300 mm from the boiler equipment.

3 – it is desirable to include a stabilizing device in the power supply system.

In picture No. 1 shows a standard electrical connection system.

Connection to heating systems, water supply and fuel lines

1 - when connecting to a heating system, installation is required shut-off valves, filters and additional expansion tanks that will compensate for the expansion of the coolant.

2 – when connecting to a hot water supply system, it is also necessary to install shut-off valves, filters and expansion tanks. When using low-quality water, it is recommended to install a water treatment system, which will increase the service life of the boiler and ensure reliable operation of mixing devices.

3 – when connecting to a pipeline, in addition to installing filters and shut-off valves, it is recommended to install pressure reducers designed to protect the boiler from excessive pressure in the main pipeline. When the pressure in the main pipeline is low, it is recommended to install pressure boosting stations.

4 – when connecting to a fuel pipeline, it is necessary to install additional filters and shut-off valves.

In picture No. 2 shows the standard piping system (piping in the downward direction) for the Kiturami Turbo boiler.

Installation of a smoke removal system.

When piping the boiler with a smoke removal system, it is necessary to install ventilation pipes with the required angle of inclination from the boiler in order to prevent condensate from entering the combustion chamber, fan and smoke exhauster, which can lead to damage to these elements.

In picture No. 3 given standard scheme chimney installation

1 – installation diagram in the presence of a chimney

2 – installation diagram in the absence of a chimney.

1 – the chimney must be installed in such a way as to avoid the wind pressure zone in the upper part of the pipe, to protect the pipe from precipitation. Installing a chimney in a wind pressure zone leads to a decrease in boiler efficiency and can cause emergency shutdowns.

2 – if there is a tall building within 1 m of the chimney, it is necessary to install chimney higher of this building not less than 1 m. More detailed instructions and requirements for piping boilers are given in the operating manuals that are attached to the boiler equipment when it is sold.

Compliance with all the requirements specified in the accompanying documentation will avoid problems during operation of the boiler, increase its service life and your safety.