Current assets of the enterprise: concept, composition, analysis. Current assets (assets) The current assets of the sphere of circulation include

current assets- assets that are intended for use within a short period of time (up to 12 months).

Current assets include: Stocks, Accounts receivable, Financial investments, Cash and cash equivalents, etc.

Current assets are also called "current assets".

The term "current assets" in English is current assets.


Dzhaarbekov Stanislav, tax consultant, lawyer. Website:

Financial analysis of current assets

Own working capital

For financial analysis use the indicator Own working capital.

— the difference between current assets of the organization and its short-term liabilities.

The SOS indicator is used to assess the ability of an enterprise to pay off short-term obligations by realizing all its current assets. The more own working capital of the organization, the more financially stable it is. A negative SOS indicates potential financial risks for the organization.

Current liquidity ratio

- the percentage of short-term assets of the organization to its short-term liabilities.

The current liquidity ratio characterizes the extent to which current assets cover short-term liabilities. The recommended value for this ratio is 200%. In this case, the company can cover all of its short-term liabilities and will have liquid funds to carry out its activities.

Current assets in the legislation

Article 656 of the Civil Code of Russia, which governs the Enterprise Lease Agreement, specifies the categories of property related to working capital:

“Under a lease agreement for an enterprise as a whole as a property complex used for entrepreneurial activities, the lessor undertakes to provide the lessee for a fee for temporary possession and use of land plots, buildings, structures, equipment and other fixed assets included in the enterprise, to transfer in the manner, to conditions and within the limits determined by the contract, stocks of raw materials, fuel, materials and other current assets, the rights to use land, water bodies and other natural resources, buildings, structures and equipment, other property rights of the lessor related to the enterprise, the rights to designations that individualize the activities of the enterprise, and other exclusive rights, as well as to assign to him the rights of claim and transfer to him debts related to the enterprise.

Non-current assets include:

1) Intangible assets

— exclusive rights to Intellectual Property Objects (computer programs, databases, trademarks, etc.) taken into account in accounting.

2) Research and development results

- the organization's costs for research, development and technological work, which gave a positive result, but are not related to intangible assets.

3) Intangible Exploration Assets

- used in the process of prospecting, evaluation of mineral deposits and exploration of minerals, search costs that do not have a material form.

4) Tangible exploration assets

- used in the process of prospecting, evaluation of mineral deposits and exploration of minerals, search costs that have a material form:

a) structures (piping system, etc.);

b) equipment (specialized drilling rigs, pumping units, reservoirs, etc.);

c) vehicles.

5) Fixed assets

- means of labor for long-term use (over 12 months). Fixed assets include buildings, machinery and equipment, structures and transmission devices, vehicles.

6) Profitable investments in material values

- fixed assets intended exclusively for provision by the organization for a fee for temporary possession and use or for temporary use in order to generate income.

- assets that can be quickly and cost-effectively converted into cash.

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, pay taxes. Types of taxes: income taxes, value added taxes (VAT), personal income tax, property tax.

Objects of taxation.

1. The object of taxation is the sold finished products, as well as received material assets from suppliers (source).

2. The object of taxation is the material assets received from suppliers, as well as the material assets sold to suppliers and buyers.

3. The object of taxation is the income of an individual according to the accrued salary.

4. The object of taxation yavl. fixed assets, intangible assets, etc.

Classification of economic means of the enterprise.

All economic assets in accounting are divided into 4 groups:

1.Fixed assets and investment.

2.Working capital.

3. Abstract funds.

4. Intangible assets.

fixed assets

This property is worth 10 thousand per unit. Fixed assets are involved in the production process for a long time and constantly transfer their value to the finished product. Fixed assets are used in the sphere of production, in the sphere of circulation and outside the production sphere.

The manufacturing sector includes: workshop buildings, working machines and equipment, vehicles, production equipment.

The area of ​​circulation includes

: trade equipment, warehouse buildings for finished products and shops.

Non-manufacturing areas include:

houses, stadiums, libraries, gardens.

Working capital.

This group is divided into 2 subgroups:

1. Working capital of the production sector.

2.Working capital in the sphere of circulation. Circulating assets in the sphere of production are objects of labor that participate once in the production process and fully transfer their value to the finished product.

The objects of labor are what the product is made from. .

Working capital in the manufacturing sector includes

: raw materials, gasoline, kerosene, coal, containers and container materials, auxiliary materials, main production.

The area of ​​circulation includes

: items of circulation, finished products and products shipped to customers, cash (which are on settlement accounts and at the cash desk. Commodity-shipped products are products that are on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer. Funds in the calculations - this reflects the debt of enterprises that received products from our organization, but did not pay, and individuals who received an advance from the cash desk account for the acquisition of material assets in accounting - this fact is called accounts receivable

Debtors owe us.

Abstract funds

These are funds temporarily or permanently withdrawn from the turnover of the enterprise (payment for taxes, and payment to suppliers in advance), as well as deductions from profits to various funds and reserves.

Intangible assets

This is the cost of KNOW-HOW (secret development), exclusive copyright for computer programs, business reputation of the company (it arises as a result of the acquisition and sale of the company).

A significant amount of financial resources invested in current assets, the variety of their types, the determining role of these assets in accelerating the turnover of capital and ensuring the solvency of the company determine the importance and complexity of the current asset management policy.

Current assets of the company- a set of funds advanced to create working capital and circulation funds, ensuring their continuous turnover. In practice, the composition and structure of current assets are distinguished.

Composition of current assets - a set of elements that form them (Fig. 6.1).

Current assets in the field of production (current production assets) include objects of labor (raw materials, basic materials and semi-finished products, auxiliary materials, fuel, containers, spare parts), work in progress and deferred expenses. The main purpose of current assets in the field of production is to ensure continuous and rhythmic production process.

Current assets in the sphere of circulation (circulation funds) - the company's funds invested in stocks of finished products; goods shipped but not paid for; funds in settlements and cash on hand and in accounts. Their main purpose is to provide resources for the circulation process

Current assets structure - the share of each element of current assets in their total volume. It depends on a number of factors:

Production - the composition and structure of production costs, its type, the nature of products, the duration of the technological process, etc.;

Features of the purchase of material resources - frequency, regularity, completeness of supplies, mode of transport, specific weight of components in the volume of consumption, etc.;

Rice. 6.1. The composition of the company's current assets

Forms of settlements with suppliers and buyers of goods;

Demand for the company's products, which affects the volume of finished products in stock and receivables.

During the formation of market relations, the structure of current assets of Russian companies in the real sector of the economy deteriorated significantly (Table 6.1).

The share of receivables increased (especially overdue and doubtful debts). The share of the production component - stocks of raw materials, materials, work in progress, finished products - has sharply decreased.

Due to the large amount of receivables from buyers, a significant part of the advanced working capital is returned to the company with a big delay or is not returned at all. It should be noted that in recent years there has been a positive trend towards a decrease in the share of receivables.

In the practice of planning, accounting and analysis, current assets of companies are grouped according to the following main features:

By the nature of the sources of formation;

By type;

Depending on the functional role in the production process;

Depending on the practice of control, planning and management;

According to the period of operation;

In terms of liquidity.

According to the nature of the sources formations allocate gross, net and own current assets.

Gross current assets (or current assets in general) characterize their total volume formed at the expense of both own and borrowed capital.

Net current assets (or net working capital) characterize that part of their volume, which is formed at the expense of own and long-term borrowed capital.

The amount of net current assets of the company (OA H) is calculated using the following formula:

OA Ch= OA V - F ok,(6.1)

where OA in - the amount of gross current assets of the company; F ok - short-term current financial obligations of the company.

This indicator characterizes the value of the need for own working capital or, more precisely, the need for financing working capital, associated with the excess of current assets over short-term liabilities. For the normal provision of economic activity with current assets, the value of net current assets is set within "/ 3 of the value of equity.

Own current assets characterize that part of them, which is formed at the expense of the company's own capital.

The amount of own current assets of the company (OA C) calculated by the formula:

OA C \u003d OA B - K ZD- f ok,(6.2)

where K ZD long-term borrowed capital invested in current assets.

Note that long-term borrowed capital in relation to Russian companies is rarely used as a source of financing current assets. And therefore, the amounts of own and net current assets most often coincide.

According to the types of current assets, there are:

a) stocks of raw materials, materials and other similar valuables;

b) costs in work in progress;

c) stocks of finished goods and goods for resale;

d) goods shipped;

e) deferred expenses;

f) accounts receivable;

g) short-term financial investments;

h) money;

i) other types of current assets.

Depending on the functional role in the production process allocate:

a) current assets serving the production cycle of the company (stocks of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products; the volume of work in progress, stocks of finished products);

b) current assets serving the financial (cash) cycle of the company (accounts receivable, short-term financial investments, cash);

Depending on the practice of control, planning and management distinguish:

Normalized working capital, making it possible to calculate the economically justified need for the relevant types of working capital;

♦ non-standardized working capital, which is an element of circulation funds.

Differentiation of current assets on this basis is presented in table. 6.2.

Table 6.2 Differentiation of assets depending on control practices

Page 2

Enterprise property

Figure 2 Grouping the property of the enterprise by location

Consider the composition of the property used in the production sector.

The production process cannot be carried out without the availability of means of production. The means of production include means of labor and objects of labor.

Sphere of production

Figure 3 Grouping of means of production

fixed assets- part of the means of labor, with the help of which a person influences the object of labor in the production process in order to produce a certain product (work, service).

The main feature of fixed assets is that they function for a long time in an unchanged natural form in the production process and gradually transfer their value to the manufactured product in the form of depreciation charges.

In accounting, fixed assets include that part of the means of labor, which, in value, is higher than the limit established by the state. These include buildings and structures, machinery and equipment, tools, vehicles.

Intangible assets- accounting objects that do not have physical properties, but allow the company to receive income constantly or for a long period of their operation. Intangible assets include the rights to use land, natural resources, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trademarks, software products, etc. Intangible assets, like fixed assets, transfer their value to the finished product in parts.

Objects of labor - This is a part of the property, which is affected by a person in the process of labor with the help of means of labor. Objects of labor participate once in the production process and transfer their entire value to the manufactured products. These include raw materials and materials, fuel, semi-finished products, work in progress, spare parts, packaging.

Raw materials are products of agriculture and extractive industries, and materials are products of manufacturing industries.

According to their role in the manufacturing process, materials are divided into two groups: raw materials and basic materials, auxiliary materials. The first group is the material basis of the product, and the second is used to perform certain functions. For example, auxiliary materials can create normal working conditions for fixed assets (lubricants), change the qualitative characteristics of objects of labor (dyes), and be used for economic purposes.

Fuel refers to auxiliary materials, but since it occupies a large share in the cost of production and performs special functions in the production process, it is separated into a separate group in accounting.

Semi-finished products- objects of labor that have been processed in one or more workshops of the enterprise, but are subject to further processing at this enterprise or outside it.

Unfinished production- objects of labor being processed in workshops at workplaces.

The working capital of the sphere of production includes a part of the means of labor, the value of which is less than a certain limit. In accounting, they are usually called low-value and wearing items (IBE).

Objects of labor and IBE in accounting are called working capital of the sphere of production.

In the field of circulation are fixed and working capital. The fixed assets used in the sphere of circulation are represented by buildings and equipment of the supply and marketing departments. Current assets of the sphere of circulation include objects of circulation, cash, funds in settlements.

Means of the sphere of circulation

fixed assets

working capital

Items of circulation


Funds in settlements

Figure 4 Grouping of funds in the sphere of circulation

Items of circulation- finished products in the warehouse of the enterprise, intended for sale, and goods shipped. Goods shipped are finished products sent to customers, but not yet paid for by them.

Cash enterprises are on bank accounts. From them, settlements are made with suppliers and buyers, with banks, financial authorities by non-cash transfers. Cash can be in the cash desk of the enterprise within the established limit.

Funds in settlements- debts of other enterprises or persons to this enterprise. Such debt is called accounts receivable, and the debtors themselves are called debtors.

Company property located in non-productive sphere, represented by the main means of housing and communal services, children's, health, medical institutions, etc.

The main purpose of this group of property is to create favorable conditions for the reproduction of labor force.

Abstract funds- these are accounting objects that for some reason have dropped out of the circulation of enterprise funds.

Figure 5 Grouping abstract funds

Diverted funds at the expense of profits - amounts transferred to the budget in the form of taxes, as well as directed to the formation of special funds of the enterprise.

Losses are the loss of funds due to irrational housekeeping, natural disasters.

Financial investments - long-term and short-term investments of money or property in other enterprises in order to generate income,

The classification of the property of the economy by areas of location can be represented as follows.


Sphere of production

Scope of circulation

Non-productive sphere

Abstract funds

Objects of labor

fixed assets

fixed assets

Low-value and consumable items

The organization has at its disposal numerous and diverse types of property that provide and form the basis of its financial and economic activities.

Organization property (assets) According to the composition and nature of use, they are divided into non-current and current assets.

Fixed assets represent the property values ​​of the enterprise, which repeatedly participate in the process of economic activity as a means of labor and transfer the used value to the manufactured products in parts. Non-current assets are that part of the enterprise's property that functions for a long time (the operating cycle or useful life lasts more than one year) in an unchanged natural form and is reflected in section 1 of the asset of the organization's balance sheet.

Non-current assets include:

  • - intangible assets;
  • – results of research and development;
  • - Intangible search assets;
  • – material prospecting assets;
  • - fixed assets;
  • - profitable investments in material values;
  • - financial investments;
  • - Deferred tax assets;
  • - Other noncurrent assets.

Intangible assets - these are values ​​belonging to enterprises and organizations that are not physical, material objects, embodying value in their physical essence, but having a cost, monetary value due to the possibility of using and receiving income from them.

Intangible assets may include, in particular:

  • – works of science, literature and art;
  • - inventions;
  • – useful models;
  • - selection achievements;
  • – production secrets (know-how);
  • - trademarks and service marks.

Goodwill that has arisen in connection with the acquisition of an enterprise as a property complex (in whole or in part) is also taken into account as part of intangible assets.

The following are not intangible assets: expenses associated with the formation of a legal entity (organizational expenses); intellectual and business qualities of the organization's personnel, their qualifications and ability to work.

To accept an object for accounting as an intangible asset, the following conditions must be met at a time:

  • a) the object is capable of bringing economic benefits to the organization in the future, in particular, the object is intended for use in the production of products, in the performance of work or the provision of services, for the management needs of the organization or for use in activities aimed at achieving the goals of creating a non-profit organization;
  • b) the organization has the right to receive economic benefits that this object is capable of bringing in the future (including the organization has properly executed documents confirming the existence of the asset itself and the right of this organization to the result of intellectual activity or a means of individualization - patents, certificates, other titles of protection , an agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to a means of individualization, documents confirming the transfer of the exclusive right without an agreement, etc.), and there are also restrictions on the access of other persons to such economic benefits;
  • c) the possibility of separating or separating (identifying) an object from other assets;
  • d) the object is intended to be used for a long time, r.e. useful life of more than 12 months. or the normal operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months;
  • e) the organization does not intend to sell the object within 12 months. or the normal operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months;
  • f) the actual (initial) cost of the object can be reliably determined;
  • g) the object has no material form.

Like fixed assets, intangible assets are used for a long period of time (more than one year) and are gradually depreciated, i.e. transfer their value to the cost of the newly created finished product in parts.

Those types of intangible assets that do not lose their value in the process of their production consumption (trademarks, trademarks, perpetual rights to use land plots, apartments) are usually not depreciated.

Research and development results - this is information on the costs of completed research, development and technological work (R&D), accounted for on account 04 "Intangible assets" separately (Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts, clause 16 of the Accounting Regulations "Accounting for expenses for scientific and research, development and technological work" PBU 17/02, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 115n (hereinafter - PBU 17/02)).

As part of R&D expenses reflected separately on account 04, the expenses of the organization for work performed independently or with the involvement of third-party contractors related to the implementation of scientific (research), scientific and technical activities and experimental developments, determined by the Federal Law of August 23, 1996, are taken into account No. 127-FZ "On the science and state scientific and technical policy".

At the same time, the following works are taken into account (clauses 2, 5 PBU 17/02, Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts):

  • - for which the results are obtained, subject to legal protection, but not formalized in the manner prescribed by law;
  • – results were obtained that are not subject to legal protection in accordance with the norms of the current legislation.

R&D expenses may include (clause 9 PBU 17/02):

  • - the cost of inventories and services of third-party organizations and persons used in the performance of these works;
  • - the cost of wages and other payments to employees directly employed in the performance of the specified work under an employment contract;
  • – deductions for social needs;
  • - the cost of special equipment and special equipment intended for use as objects of testing and research;
  • - depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets used in the performance of these works;
  • – costs for the maintenance and operation of research equipment, installations and structures, other fixed assets and other property;
  • - general business expenses, if they are directly related to the performance of these works;
  • - other costs directly related to the implementation of research, development and technological work, including the costs of testing.

To intangible exploration assets relate:

  • - licenses that give the right to perform work on the search, evaluation and (or) exploration of minerals;
  • – results of topographic, geological and geophysical surveys;
  • – results of exploratory drilling;
  • – results of sampling;
  • – geological information about the subsoil;
  • – assessment of the commercial feasibility of production.

To tangible exploration assets relate:

  • - equipment used in the process of prospecting, evaluation and exploration of minerals (specialized drilling rigs, vehicles, etc.);
  • - the pipeline system and pumping units used in the process of prospecting, evaluation and exploration of minerals;
  • - reservoirs.

Tangible and intangible prospecting assets are recorded on separate sub-accounts to the account of investments in non-current assets. The unit of their accounting is determined by the organization in relation to the accounting rules for fixed assets and intangible assets, respectively.

fixed assets constitute assets used in the production process, in the performance of work or the provision of services for a long time, i.e. useful life of more than 12 months. or normal operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months, capable of bringing economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future.

Fixed assets transfer their value to a newly created product in parts by accruing depreciation over their useful life.

Depreciation of fixed assets is charged regardless of the results of the economic activity of the organization in the reporting period. Fixed assets are reflected in the balance sheet at their residual value, i.е. at actual acquisition costs less accumulated depreciation.

By purpose, fixed assets, depending on their participation in economic turnover, are divided into:

  • - for production fixed assets directly involved in the production process (industrial buildings, structures, working machines, transport);
  • - non-production fixed assets that do not directly participate in production, but actively influence the production process (housing stock, buildings and equipment of clubs, libraries, nurseries, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.).

Fixed assets include: buildings, structures, working and power machines and equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, computers, vehicles, tools, production and household equipment and supplies, working, productive and breeding livestock, perennial plantations, on-farm roads and other related items.

Fixed assets also include: capital investments for radical improvement of land (drainage, irrigation and other reclamation works); capital investments in leased fixed assets; land plots, nature management objects (water, subsoil and other natural resources).

Fixed assets intended exclusively to be provided by an organization for a fee for temporary possession and use or for temporary use in order to generate income are reflected in accounting and financial statements as part of profitable investments in material assets.

Objects of fixed assets worth no more than 40,000 rubles. per unit can be reflected in accounting and financial statements as part of inventories. In order to ensure the safety of these objects in production or during operation, the organization must organize proper control over their movement.

They do not belong to fixed assets and are accounted in the composition of current assets of labor instruments with a useful life of less than one year, regardless of their cost per unit.

Profitable investments in material values investments of the organization in a part of property, buildings, premises, equipment and other valuables that have a material form, provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to generate income.

Material assets acquired (received) by the organization for provision for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) are accepted for accounting at their original cost based on the actual costs incurred for their acquisition, including delivery, installation and installation costs.

Financial investments (long-term) - this is the organization's investment in government securities, bonds and other securities of other organizations, in the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, as well as loans granted to other organizations.

Financial investments include:

  • state and municipal securities;
  • securities of other organizations, including debt securities, in which the date and cost of redemption is determined (bonds, promissory notes);
  • contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and affiliates);
  • loans granted to other organizations;
  • deposits in credit institutions;
  • receivables acquired on the basis of assignment of the right to claim;
  • other similar investments.

Financial investments are taken into account in the amount of actual costs for the investor. For debt securities, the difference between the amount of actual acquisition costs and the nominal value during the period of their circulation is allowed to be attributed evenly as the income due on them is accrued to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in expenses of a non-commercial organization.

Organizations acting as professional participants in the securities market may re-evaluate investments in securities acquired with the aim of obtaining income from their sale, as the quotation on the stock exchange changes.

Objects of financial investments (other than loans) that have not been paid in full are shown in the assets of the balance sheet in the full amount of the actual costs of their acquisition under the contract, with the unpaid amount attributable to the item of creditors in the liability of the balance sheet in cases where the rights to the object have been transferred to the investor. In other cases, the amounts paid on account of the objects of financial investments to be acquired are shown in the assets of the balance sheet as debtors.

Investments of an organization in shares of other organizations listed on the stock exchange, the quotation of which is regularly published, when compiling the balance sheet, are reflected at the end of the reporting year at market value, if the latter is lower than the value accepted for accounting. At the end of the reporting year, a provision for the depreciation of investments in securities at the expense of the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in expenses of a non-commercial organization is formed for the specified difference.

The financial investments of the organization do not include:

  • own shares redeemed by the joint-stock company from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;
  • promissory notes issued by the organization-issuer of the organization-seller in settlements for goods sold, products, work performed, services rendered;
  • investments of the organization in real estate and other property having a tangible form, provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to generate income;
  • precious metals, jewellery, works of art and other similar valuables not acquired for normal activities.

Deferred tax assets - this is a part of deferred income tax, which should lead to a decrease in tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. Deferred income tax is an amount that affects the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. A deferred tax asset is formed when deductible temporary differences arise (expenses in accounting are greater than those in tax accounting).

Part other non-current assets includes:

  • equipment that requires installation, which is understood as equipment that is put into operation only after assembling its parts and attaching it to the foundation or supports, to the floor, interfloor ceilings and other load-bearing structures of buildings and structures, as well as sets of spare parts for such equipment;
  • investments in non-current assets of the organization recorded on the relevant sub-accounts of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets", in particular, the organization's costs in objects that will subsequently be taken into account as objects of intangible assets or fixed assets, as well as costs associated with the implementation of unfinished R&D ;
  • expenses related to future reporting periods and accounted for on account 97 "Expenses of future periods" (for example, expenses for the development of natural resources, a one-time (lump-sum) payment for the right to use the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization);
  • the cost of perennial plantations that have not reached the operational age;
  • the amount of the listed advances and advance payment for works, services related to the construction of fixed assets.

current assets- these are cash and other assets that will be converted into money, sold or spent on the production of goods, performance of work, provision of services or used for the management needs of the organization, are completely consumed in one operating cycle and transfer their entire value to the manufactured products. Current assets are reflected in section 2 of the asset of the balance sheet of the organization.

Current assets are divided as follows:

  • - reserves and costs;
  • - value added tax on acquired material assets;
  • - accounts receivable;
  • – financial investments (short-term);
  • – cash and cash equivalents;
  • - Other current assets.

Current assets are divided into two large groups - assets in the sphere of production and assets in the sphere of circulation. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Current assets in the sphere of production consists of inventories and production costs.

Productive reserves include the following.

  • 1. Materials:
    • – raw materials and materials;
    • – purchased semi-finished products and components;
    • – structures and details;
    • - fuel;
    • - containers and packaging materials;
    • - spare parts;
    • - Other materials;
    • - materials transferred for processing to the side;
    • - Construction Materials;
    • - Inventory and household supplies.
  • 2. Animals for growing and fattening.

Production costs include the following.

  • 1. Main production (work in progress is the remainder of the objects of labor, the processing of which is not completed).
  • 2. Semi-finished products of own production intended for further processing.
  • 3. Auxiliary industries (repair, transport, energy and other workshops, sections).
  • 4. General production (general shop) and general business (general factory, general company) expenses.

Current assets in the sphere of circulation also have a complex structure. This is their composition.

  • 1. Finished products in the warehouse and shipped from the warehouse, but not yet owned by the buyer (goods shipped) - the end result of the production cycle, assets completed by processing (picking) and intended for sale.
  • 2. Goods - a part of inventories purchased from other legal entities or individuals and intended for sale.
  • 3. Deferred expenses are expenses incurred in the current reporting period, but related to the next period (subscription to specialized literature, costs associated with training and organizational expenses).
  • 4. Cash and cash equivalents - this is the amount of cash and cash documents in the cash desk of the organization, as well as funds on settlement accounts, on foreign currency accounts and on special accounts in banks.
  • 5. Short-term financial investments - loans granted to other organizations for up to 12 months, securities (shares, bonds), promissory notes and other securities with a maturity of up to 12 months.
  • 6. Accounts receivable is the debt of buyers, customers, borrowers, accountable persons, which the organization plans to receive within a certain period of time. Accounts receivable also include the amount of advances given to suppliers and contractors.

Accounts receivable can be called "funds in settlements with debtors", i.e. in essence, these are the funds of our organization, which are temporarily held by other organizations and individuals. After a certain period, they are subject to return to our company. Debtors are legal entities and individuals who, due to various circumstances, have become our debtors. The funds of our organization are temporarily with them. Debtors can be:

  • - buyers and customers who have not yet paid for the products they received from us, the work and services we performed for them;
  • – suppliers and contractors who owe us for advances given to them;
  • – accountable persons, i.e. those employees of the organization who received money in the cash desk in the form of an advance against a report for various needs (for business trips, business and other purposes);
  • - budgetary and other organizations according to the amounts of our prepayments and overpayments;
  • - employees of our organization on loans received from the organization, on compensation for material damage caused by them to the organization;
  • – founders on the contributions that they must make to the authorized capital of the organization;
  • – our subsidiaries settling with us and other debtors.

Value added tax on acquired valuables

When purchasing fixed assets, intangible assets and other property, as well as when receiving works and services, the organization charges value added tax on the value of property, works, services. The organization must transfer this amount to suppliers and contractors or make a tax deduction for VAT from debt to the budget. Up to this point, the amount of VAT charged is the debt of the organization, i.e. accounts receivable.

Other current assets

Other current assets include:

  • - the cost of missing or damaged material assets, in respect of which a decision has not been made to write them off as part of production costs (sales costs) or to the guilty persons;
  • - VAT amounts calculated from advance payments and advance payment (partial payment), reflected separately in the debit of accounts 62 or 76;
  • - amounts of excises subject to subsequent deductions;
  • - the amount of overpaid (collected) taxes and fees, penalties and fines, mandatory insurance premiums, in respect of which a decision on offset (refund from the budget) has not been made;
  • - VAT amounts accrued upon shipment of goods (products, other valuables), the proceeds from the sale of which for a certain time cannot be recognized in accounting, accounted by the organization separately on accounts 76 or 45;
  • – own shares (shares) redeemed from shareholders (participants) for the purpose of resale.