What does a person's walk say? What the gait says Everything about the gait of a person.

Interestingly, actors were among the first to discover the relationship between gait and human condition. The patriarch of the theatre, Konstantin Stanislavsky devoted much time to the study of gait.

It would be stupid if the actor playing Oblomov starts marching around the stage, and the person playing Chatsky starts shuffling his feet on the stage. Walking always says something, so it is especially important for actors to learn to control it. The Stanislavsky system implies getting used to the image, so without walking anywhere.

However, the master's reflections on gait would be useful to read to people far from the stage. Konstantin Lvovich wrote, recalling the lesson:

"Energy moves not only through the arms, the spine, the neck, but also the legs. It excites the action of the leg muscles and causes the gait, which is extremely important on the stage. In life, we all walk incorrectly, while the stage gait should be such as nature created it, according to all its laws. This is precisely its main difficulty "

Stanislavsky urged people not only to study their gait, he urged them to learn to walk again, compared the human motor apparatus with an ideal mechanism, maintaining a balance in the work of which it is possible to control not only emotions, but also the work of internal organs.

Stanislavsky singled out several signs of a correct gait. Firstly, it should be smooth, secondly, the socks should be placed slightly outward when placed, and thirdly, it should be continuous.

A person should move in such a way that "sliding is felt, and not pushes from top to bottom and back." “We must try,” wrote Stanislavsky, “to apply these requirements to gait, regardless of the size of steps and speed.”

Connoisseurs of human nature say that it is enough to follow a person's gestures, his gait, posture and body movements in order to draw sufficient conclusions about his character and temperament. Let's take a closer look at the world around us and pay attention not only to our own behavior, but also to how others behave.

Fast or slow gait depends on temperament and strength of impulses restless-nervous - lively and active - calm and relaxed - sluggishly lazy (for example, with a relaxed, sagging posture, etc.)

wide steps(more often in men than in women): often extraversion, purposefulness, zeal, enterprise, efficiency. Most likely aimed at distant targets.

Short, small steps(more often in women than in men): rather introversion, caution, calculation, adaptability, quick thinking and reactions, restraint.

Emphasized wide and slow gait- the desire to flaunt, actions with pathos. Strong and heavy movements should always demonstrate to others the strength and significance of the individual. Question: is it really?

Pronounced relaxed gait- lack of interest, indifference, aversion to coercion and responsibility, or in many young people - immaturity, lack of self-discipline, or snobbery.

Noticeably small and at the same time fast steps, disturbed rhythmically: agitation, timidity of various shades. (Unconscious goal: evade, give way to any danger).

Rhythmically strong gait, swaying slightly back and forth(with increased movements of the hips), claiming some space: naive-instinctive and self-confident natures.

Shuffling "sagging" gait refusal of volitional efforts and aspirations, sluggishness, slowness, laziness.

Heavy "proud" gait, in which there is something theatrical, not entirely appropriate when the steps are relatively small when walking slowly (contradiction), when the upper body is held pointedly and too straight, possibly with a disturbed rhythm: overestimation of oneself, arrogance, narcissism.

Hard, angular, stilted, wooden gait(unnatural tension in the legs, the body cannot sway naturally): tightness, lack of contacts, timidity - hence, in the form of compensation, excessive hardness, overstrain.

Unnatural jerky gait, emphasized large and quick steps, noticeable waving of the arms back and forth: the existing and demonstrated activity is often only meaningless employment and efforts about some of their own desires.

Constant lifting up(on tense toes): striving upward, driven by an ideal, a strong need, a sense of intellectual superiority.

Gait is the physiognomy of the body, according to Balzac. By walking a person, you can determine not only his gender and age, but also his mood, character, social affiliation. How to determine the meaning of gait?

Let's start with the simplest - with the gait of a confident person. If a person walks smoothly, straight, swiftly, the pace of his steps is fast, this indicates the confidence of the owner of such a gait.
If a person shuffles his feet, his hands dangle out of time, and his head is lowered, it seems that he is going to an execution or carrying a heavy burden, this indicates a disorder of feelings, deep depression. Perhaps a person is in a state of crisis or he will not have a very pleasant meeting. Therefore, if you notice that a person is going to meet you, shuffling his feet, this may indicate his unwillingness to see you, he does this out of necessity.
A bouncing gait (a person, as it were, springs on his legs) can have a double meaning. First. The direct meaning of such a walk is a happy, unclouded mood, joyful events occur in a person’s life, he is satisfied and cheerful, cheerful, positive. The second meaning is more hidden: a person deliberately tries to be cheerful and carefree, although in reality he is depressed by something. Calculating imaginary joy is very easy, just pay attention to facial expressions and gestures.

If a person does not unbend his knees, walks on bent legs, this may be evidence of his venerable age and pain in the joints, but if the owner of such a gait is young, then this feature indicates that he is unsure of himself, closed, suspicious.
If a person strongly throws his legs to the sides, his hands can rest in his pockets, or prop up his sides, his posture resembles the letter "F". This is either a sign of excessive self-confidence or carelessness, lack of employment, constant idleness. He paces in this way, because he simply has nowhere to rush, he is not burdened with any duties.
A cautious person very often, when walking, first steps on his heels and gently rolls onto his toe, you will never see him resting on his entire foot. He is cautious in everything, including in his gait.
If a person knocks his feet very hard while walking, this means that he wants to attract as much attention as possible to others. He feels like a very important person, wanting to loudly announce his appearance.
Women's gait should be discussed separately. By the way a woman moves, one can determine her goal, her life orientation. If a woman walks slowly, taking small steps, smoothly shaking her hips, then she is currently set to search for a satellite, her goal is to attract surrounding men.
If a woman walks confidently, beating with her heels, her hips go from side to side very sharply, this indicates her attitude towards business communication. This is a firm, businesslike woman who is unlikely to easily give up her principles.
A woman rolls from one foot to another, which means she has not learned how to use the most important female tool - gait. Such a woman is used to doing housework. Her destiny is home, life, family. Perhaps she is a mother of many children.
If a woman minces her feet, walks swiftly, waving her arms strongly, practically not swinging her hips, this is a sign of emancipation. With her gait, she tries to resemble a man; she is not at all interested in the attention of the stronger sex.

A person's gait betrays many of his aspects, as well as the character of this individual. Walking can often tell more about a person than just talking to them. By gait, you can determine an open sincere person, as well as crack through a liar and a deceptive sly one. In this article, we will look at the main types of gaits and tell you what it says about a person’s character and whether you should trust a person if you hardly know him.

An imposing self-confident gait, in which the angle of the nose rushes up, indicates a self-sufficient and even narcissistic person. Most likely in front of you is a seducer of hearts and a 100% person who is confident in his significance. The gait speaks for itself, he is not in a hurry, but calmly enjoys the very process of walking and allows others to enjoy it.

A hasty gait with hands in pockets, as well as a look directed down to the ground, speaks of the closeness of a person and his isolation. He is constantly in his thoughts, perhaps planning to do something, and constantly these thoughts are spinning in his head that he is simply not able to look at what is happening around him. At first glance, such people cause distrust and even wariness, as if the gait speaks for itself: this person is up to something wrong ...

Leaping walk. Sometimes there are people who do not seem to be walking, but are flying on the go, as if bending over. Such people are clearly confident in their future and they rather have a lot of bold ideas that they are ready to implement in the near future. Also, this gait characterizes a cheerful and open person who is always ready to help.

A slow, sluggish gait indicates a person who is losing a lot of vital energy, which is imprinted on his physiological state. Perhaps this person lives a difficult life and constantly has some problems and obstacles in his way. The very inertia of a sluggish gait shows that the person himself is rather passive and does not like to achieve something, or he simply does not have enough strength and energy.

Small but quick steps speak of haste and often thoughtless actions of a person. Such a gait, as it were, with ant steps is very rare, but almost always indicates the impossibility of relaxing and existing calmly. This person tries to fight for survival constantly and focuses his attention on rather insignificant things.

An even gait and a look directed forward, respectively, emphasizes the posture of a person, that is, his inner core. Straight posture makes walking beautiful. Such people love to live beautifully and think beautifully. Everything they have is laid out on the shelves, both in things and in thoughts. Sometimes you can say about them that they are self-confident and too arrogant individuals, but this is far from the case, they just know their worth and try to always be on top and never give up.

The waddling gait speaks for itself. Before you is most likely a lazy person who loves a wild and fun life, most of all he loves holidays and weekends.

But do not make fun of a person just because of the gait. Remember that there are not typical people in whom gait is just a way of life, but deep down this person can be completely different, for example, serious, smart and noble.

Everything is important in a person's gait - rhythm, step amplitude, whether a person waves his arms when walking. By gait, it is easy to determine the character and mood of a person, even relying on a purely intuitive and associative representation.

A self-confident person walks quickly, with a firm step, waving his arms, as if he has already set a goal for himself and immediately goes to it. Such a person has a straight posture and a firm look. A good, straight posture gives the impression of a confident person, and, moreover, slims.

A swift and quick step belongs to purposeful, hot people. Most often, these people are lucky.

Leader pacing - legs are straight, the word is wooden, the step is fast. Such a person is very self-confident.

Quiet, insecure people, who do not like to attract attention to themselves, transfer these features to their gait: they walk carefully, stepping on their toes first, as if slowly sneaking around. Such a person is often immersed in himself and his experiences, uncommunicative, but at the same time he can turn out to be a faithful comrade and an interesting conversationalist.

Women who have failures in their personal lives have a heavy, clumsy gait.

A slow, too graceful step betrays people who are indifferent, cold, and sometimes even harmful and arrogant, such people are always dissatisfied with everything.

Stiff gait, with a distinct click of heels, belongs to people who want to appear confident, but in reality they often need support. In addition, such people are very flirtatious and easily make contact.

If a person is not in a good mood, he walks with a slow, shuffling gait, or drags his feet. Hands in pockets, a hunched back, a look under your feet are signs of a tired or oppressed person.

A preoccupied person looks thoughtful, walks with his eyes fixed on the ground and slightly hunched over, sometimes he can clasp his hands behind his back.

A measured, unhurried step speaks of a person's calmness. Such people are rational and correct, faithful and patient in relationships.

A heavy gait with shuffling and lowered hands is a sign of a weak-willed person, tired and oversaturated with earthly goods.

A trembling step speaks of nervousness and fatigue from life - such people are unlikely to be able to change and desperate actions.

If a person swings his arms strongly while walking, this will tell about his immediacy and swiftness. Often he has a bright, lively, creative nature. He is a pleasure to deal with and easy to communicate with.

Forming a good impression about yourself is not difficult at all, you just have to take care of yourself more. Walking alone can improve your well-being, mood, and relationships with others.