New Year's competitions for a small company. New Year's competition and entertainment program "New Year's miracles"

With the arrival of winter, everyone around them begins to think about how and where to spend the New Year holidays. To have a great time, you need not only to decorate the Christmas tree, prepare delicious treats, but also decide what the program will be for the New Year.

Exciting New Year's Eve

In order to arrange a grand celebration, you need to properly prepare for it in advance. First of all, it’s worth deciding how big the company will be and what common interests the guests have. Depending on these moments, it should be selected entertainment for the New Year.

Nobody should be bored. There are always ways to cheer up others. For example, various types of competitions and games will allow everyone to find mutual language, to immerse into the atmosphere have a magical evening and have fun from the heart.

It is very important to take care of prize rewards. Winning competitions should definitely be encouraged, because in addition to being incredibly pleasant, it also motivates participation. Any themed souvenirs are perfect, Christmas decorations, crackers, as well as sweets such as chocolate, gingerbread, candy, etc. Mini-gifts should be awarded to everyone without exception that leaves pleasant impressions from the evening.

An excellent option is to organize a New Year's party in a certain style. But in this case, all invitees should be warned in advance about such plans, so that there is time to find suitable costumes and select images.

Organizing a fun evening for an adult company

Regardless of the contingent, Santa Claus is always an important character on such an evening. This role can be performed by one of the guests, showing his acting talent. for adults provides complete emotional freedom and the opportunity to hold non-children's competitions.

It would be appropriate to start the event with memories of the outgoing year, what good it was for everyone. And then we turn on our imagination, hold games and competitions in a carefree, friendly atmosphere. Some ideas on this matter:

  1. Sweet lottery. You can bake cookies with different things in the middle: a coin, a ticket, a key, etc. When each guest takes a sweet treat, he will find inside a surprise prediction about what the next year will be like for him. So, keys are a new home or car, a ticket is a trip, money is wealth.
  2. Auction sale. The Snow Maiden or another will, without showing, talk about the thing that is for sale, in a comic form, and the rest will bargain and “buy”. So, a broom is an ultra vacuum cleaner, - Dishwasher, children's car - convertible, etc.

The richness of the evening depends only on the preparation and imagination of those gathered.

An unforgettable holiday with children

What about those who are going to celebrate the holiday with their family, with their daughters and sons? An exciting program in this case should also be designed for the little ones. Children should also participate in preparatory process, decorate the room, help in the kitchen. This will allow them to feel like they are part of this event.

It is important to remember that the appearance of Santa Claus in such a company is a necessity. If it is not possible to order a professional, you can perfectly beat the situation by sending dad to the store after midnight. Just at this time it will appear
long awaited character. The transformation can be carried out at the entrance or with the help of neighbors.

You can organize a show for the kids. Adults will also take part in it, have fun and delight the audience. Moreover, the more viewers there are, the better. A big plus There will be an entertainment program for the New Year with magic tricks and simple circus acts. This always delights little inquisitive whys.

Great themed games

Friends and relatives get together and plan to have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's company. Original, unobtrusive games and competitions for the New Year will only contribute to this.

  • Decorate the Christmas tree. This game is relevant for an unmarried group of young people. Several girls are placed on chairs - they will play the role of a Christmas tree. For a certain time, the young men decorate them with prepared candies, toys on strings, clamps, and clothespins. Next, the decorators are blindfolded and changed places. The task is to remove the decorated decorations from the “Christmas tree”. The one who, in a few allotted minutes, will remove greatest number attributes - wins.
  • Crazy mask. For this game, you should stock up on masks of well-known fairy-tale characters. As a rule, an active, talkative, creative person is chosen as a participant, and one of the masks is put on him. The main thing is that he should not see her at the same time. Next, this chosen one begins to guess his character by asking leading questions. You can give the same mask as a prize, let it remind you of a fun evening.
  • Who is faster. For this spectacle, you need to call several couples and give them mittens and shirts with big amount buttons One puts on a shirt, the other puts on mittens. It is necessary to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible without removing the mittens. The fastest pair wins and receives a prize.

With such entertainment, a fun program for the New Year will be provided for everyone.

Entertaining competitions for a large company

Corporate parties and large friendly groups most often organize a funny New Year. This is completely justified, because you really want to take a break from the drabness of everyday life! For this purpose, extraordinary competitions are suitable, accompanying the fun of the whole company at once. Some of them:

  • Dance. Everyone is given forfeits with numbers from 1 to the desired number. And when everyone has already danced heartily, it is announced that they need to get into pairs, the sum of the numbers of which is 21. And so on several times throughout the disco program. The fastest ones win. This active way to have fun will keep everyone entertained.

  • A cherished dream. After the chimes, when everyone runs out into the street to watch the stunning fireworks, you can offer another way to have fun. Everyone needs to be divided into two teams according to the principle: girls, boys. Assignment: make the lady or man of your dreams out of snow. The most interesting and exciting figure wins.
  • Guess who. Participants are given cards with famous characters written on them. The task is to come up with a veiled autobiography, from which it will not be so easy to determine what kind of character he is. The one who manages to keep the intrigue the longest wins.

How to create a cheerful New Year's atmosphere

This is the task facing everyone who receives guests on this fabulous evening. You need to take care of the interior design and what the program will be for the New Year. It will be very useful to serve dishes beautifully and come up with various compositions for the festive table.

A great idea to create a cheerful mood is to invite everyone, without exception, to come in fancy dress. This will get everyone in the mood to have fun.

New Year in retro style

Modern interesting idea- is to hold an event in a certain style. For example, the New Year in retro style will be remembered by everyone for a long time with bright costumes, gifts, and a playful mood. Moreover, it will be very easy to create the atmosphere of the 60s.

For the organization, it is worth asking the older generation what they would advise, and also whether they have suitable attributes for decoration. You can decorate the interior using old posters, rare toys and accessories from those times.

Competitions and musical accompaniment should suit the theme. The entertaining New Year's retro program may include a costume contest, guessing of song compositions, completion catch phrases from the films of those times. Such an excursion into the past century will be very fascinating.

Fabulous holiday

A stunning option is to celebrate the New Year in the style of a fairy tale. This is very important for a family celebration. Colorful costumes, comedic rhymes, and childish behavior will create unforgettable memories for the next 12 months.

New Year's Eve is the best occasion for getting closer and building relationships. In a fairy-tale atmosphere it will be very easy to forget about all your problems and worries and find yourself in a wonderful magical land.

Today there are many options for holding such an event, the main thing is to start preparing in advance.

New Year in folk style

All countries have their own beliefs and traditions. Why not take advantage of this to celebrate the New Year in an original way?

In this case, it would be appropriate to focus attention on the idle table. Folk songs, dances, outfits - all this will perfectly complement a celebration of a similar theme.

Generous, intricate holidays, held on a grand scale, accompanied by round dances, fireworks, and noisy fairs, will charge you with positivity for the entire next year.

On the eve of the most long-awaited, it is important to remember that for adults and children this is the beginning of a new page in their lives. Therefore, such a holiday should be celebrated in such a way that there is something to remember.

New Year is a magical holiday. Many adults and all children are looking forward to it. An entertainment program will help you celebrate the New Year in the company of family and friends. To do this, you need to prepare table and outdoor competitions in advance.

Entertain and bring the team together new year party interesting and funny games for a corporate event. Can't do without fun and funny competitions for children and a festive matinee in kindergarten or school.

    Game "Upside down"

    The presenter asks the players one by one questions in poetic form. The participants' task is to answer funny in rhyme and name the correct answer. Long thoughts lead to dropping out of the game. Hints from other participants are also prohibited (whoever gave a hint leaves the game). The last player remaining wins.

    Examples of questions and answers:
    Down from the branch
    On the branch again
    Jumps quickly... cow (monkey)

    The competition involves male-female pairs. Each pair receives 2 apples. Partners stand in front of each other. Then all participants are blindfolded. The essence of the competition is to eat an apple from your partner's hand as quickly as possible. At the same time, you cannot feed yourself. The winner is the pair that gnaws each other's apples faster than the rest.

    A minimum of 3 male-female pairs participate in the competition. A handkerchief is tied around the neck of one of the partners (in a loose knot). As soon as the music starts playing, the second participant must, without using his hands, using only his teeth, untie the scarf around his partner’s neck. It is forbidden to help him. The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

    To conduct the competition you will need empty wine or champagne bottles, pencils and strong thread. As many players as there are empty bottles can participate.

    The bottles are placed in the middle of the room in a circle. Competitors use a long thread to tie pencils to their belts so that they hang almost to their knees. It is very important that the pencils are on the back side of each participant. With these dangling pencils, players must hit the bottleneck. You can squat, kneel, bend. You can't help with your hands. The winner is the participant who gets the pencil into the bottle the fastest.

    Game "Snowman"

    Anyone can participate in the recreational relay race. To play, you need to prepare an easel and attach whatman paper to it. On a large sheet of paper, you need to draw a big snowman in advance, but forget about such a detail as the nose. It should not be drawn, but separately cut out of colored paper and given a cone shape.

    Participants take turns approaching the easel. They are blindfolded and given a snowman's nose, which is secured with double-sided tape. Then the players are given a good spin and told to attach the nose to the snowman. The winner is the one who sticks the part in the right place on whatman paper.

    Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. Trays are placed at both ends of the room. At the beginning of the room there are two empty ones, and at the end - filled with tangerines (the same number on each tray). The first two players from each team are given a tablespoon. The participants’ task is to run to a full tray with a spoon, put one tangerine on it without using their hands, and slowly bring it to their team’s empty tray. If the tangerine falls, you need to pick it up with a spoon and continue the relay race. Whichever team transfers all the tangerines from the full to the empty tray the fastest will win.

    Game "Hibernating Bear"

    To play the game you will need 3 gymnastic hoops. A group of children plays the role of bunnies, and one child plays the role of a hibernating bear. When the music starts playing, the bunnies go for a walk. They jump near the bear, trying to wake him up. They can sing, dance, laugh, clap and tap their feet on the floor as long as the music plays. When the musical accompaniment subsides, the bear wakes up, and the bunnies hide in hoop houses lying on the floor. If there is a large group of guys, and there are only 3 hoops on the floor, you can hide in them in twos or threes. The bunny that was caught by the bear (who did not have time to hide in the hoop) begins to play the role of a bear. The game continues until interest disappears.

    The game involves 10 people. For the competition you will need 9 chairs. All chairs should be placed in a large circle. It is better if they stand at a certain distance from each other. Participants, having heard the music, begin to walk in a circle. You cannot hold on to the back of a chair. At the end of the musical accompaniment, the children quickly sit on chairs. The participant who does not have enough chair is eliminated. After 1 player is eliminated, 1 chair is also taken. At the end of the competition, 2 participants and 1 chair remain. The one who sits on the last chair wins.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 2 people. Each group receives large balloons, double-sided tape, scissors and markers of different colors.

    The participants' task is to use double sided tape connect the balls to make a snowman. Then you need to decorate the snowman and prepare him for the New Year. You can draw his eyes, nose, mouth, hair, buttons, or any other element. You have 5 minutes to complete the task.

The New Year with the smell of pine, tangerines and gifts is getting closer and closer. It's time to think about how you would like to spend this wonderful magical holiday.

There can be many options. If you decide to meet this New Year surrounded by family and close friends, then it’s time to start preparing New Year's competitions for your company. Competitions for the New Year should be fun, “winter”.

It is desirable that they contain a variety of New Year's attributes: confetti, tangerines, Christmas tree balls, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. In organizing New Year's competitions great importance has their versatility. Competitions for the New Year should attract and interest both adults and children (if their presence is expected).

New Year's competitions at the table... or near it

In a jar

For clarity, you can put a three-liter jar on the table. The task of everyone sitting in turn is to name any objects that will fit in the container. The competition can be complicated by saying that these items must be somehow related to the New Year. Then the fun begins. Guests name the item and argue that it is a New Year's item.

New Year's alphabet

Everyone sitting at the table must congratulate all the guests, but his toast begins with a specific letter from the alphabet. And you don’t have to choose - everyone knows the alphabet, so the letters come strictly in order. It's funny to watch how some characters try to remember what letter they got.

What's in your pants

Having sat down at the table, the guests pull newspaper quotes from the presenter’s bag. It will be more interesting if, instead of a bag, you glue together such an envelope-pants. The guest gets up and artistically declares: “And in my pants...” The end of the sentence is the phrase that he fished out. Of course, the presenter will have to try hard first, but the result is worth it.

"A" and "B" were sitting at the table

The competition is held between teams, each of which is asked to choose any letter of the alphabet. And now each team takes turns naming dishes known to it that begin with its letter. Those who answer last win.

New Year's toast

Guests are given cards with different abbreviations. TASS, housing and communal services, Ministry of Internal Affairs, OKA, traffic police, air force, etc. The competitor’s task is to prepare a short toast, the words of which will begin with these letters. The toaster drinks to the bottom, the rest - in support of the best toast.


The host divides the table into two teams, giving each team a chocolate bar. The participants’ task is to take a bite and pass the chocolate to their neighbor, but without touching it with their hands. The winner is the team that eats the chocolate bar first without depriving anyone. The last participant makes a sign and the whole team shouts in unison: “Happy New Year!”

Sweet couple

The game goes in circles. Each participant names a famous, famous, fairy-tale or real couple. The presenter starts a conversation and says: “Father Frost and Snow Maiden.” And then everyone demonstrates their intelligence. The one who names the last pair wins the competition.

In zoo

Each participant writes the name of the animal on a piece of paper and places it in a common box. Now anyone who wants to takes out one note and, without reading, attaches it to his forehead. By asking leading questions to the audience, he must guess which animal he represents. Then the next guest gets a chance, etc.

On the eve of the New Year, most companies and organizations organize corporate parties for their employees. Some people prefer to go to a restaurant, some have a party right in the office, and some even prefer an active form of recreation. One way or another, as a rule, any corporate event is remembered by colleagues not only because delicious treats, but also because of the New Year's program for the corporate party.

New Year's competitions for corporate parties are The best way“revive” the holiday, give every employee the opportunity to take part in the event, and even unite the team, not to mention a good mood and unforgettable impressions. Also choose thematic ones for your colleagues.

Competitions for corporate events

To New Year's celebration among colleagues passed without any hitches and long thoughts about what to do; it is better to prepare the competition program in advance, as well as the props (if necessary) for competitions and games.

Competition "Parodies"

Everyone takes part in the competition. The presenter writes down the names and surnames of all office employees on a piece of paper. Then, each person in turn blindly draws out a piece of paper with a name on it. The participant’s task is to use pantomime to show the person whose name is written on a piece of paper, and others must guess who exactly the player is showing. The winner is the one who most interestingly and accurately parodies his colleague.

Accuracy competition

Men and women are divided into pairs. Each man has an empty tin can attached to his belt. Women move 10 meters away from men and are given 20 points. The woman's task is to get the coin into the jar. At the same time, men can help their ladies, for example, rotate their waist. But not a single participant in the competition is allowed to move. The one who manages to throw in more coins wins. Think ahead for a corporate event.

Competition "Noah's Ark"

The host of the corporate event writes different animals on pieces of paper. Animals must be in pairs, for example, 2 elephants, 2 rabbits, 2 bears. You can make the competition even more thematic, and be sure to include the animal symbol of the coming year, Goat. Next, the competition participants draw an animal for themselves. It turns out that everyone has a mate, but you need to find your mate.

The participant’s task is to find his animal using gestures and movements. Talking and making sounds is prohibited. The first one to guess where his pair is wins. To make the competition more interesting, it is better to guess animals that are less recognizable, such as a lynx or a hippopotamus.

Cool New Year competitions for corporate parties

Nothing helps you relax more than funny New Year's competitions. In addition, fun competitions not only create a relaxed atmosphere, but also help employees relax.

Competition "TV program"

This cool New Year's competition for a corporate party can even be held at the table, because... He is not active, but he is positive.

For the competition, you should prepare in advance as many cards as there are people who will be present at the corporate event. On each card you need to write 6 unrelated words. For example:
1. Vase, elephant, government, ball, coin, broom;
2. Sheep, medicine, president, parachute, kebab, backgammon;
3. Australia, Christmas tree, thief, chickenpox, skis, microphone;

Participants draw one card and silently read what is written there. Then, participants are given 1 minute to come up with one sentence from the words. The sentence should sound like hot news about some event that supposedly happened on the eve of the New Year. The sentence must use all the words from the card; they can be declined and turned into any parts of speech. It turns out very funny!

For example:
“An Australian supermarket announced over the microphone that a thief with chickenpox stole a Christmas tree and fled the scene on skis.”

Competition "Dance with a Balloon"

Anyone can participate in this active competition, the main thing is that there are enough balls. An inflated balloon. Then the music turns on and everyone starts dancing. The participants' task is to burst their opponent's balloon with their right foot. Can only be used right leg! The winner is the one whose ball remains untouched.

Competition "Music Assortment"

The participants take to the dance floor. Some modern tune comes on. Participants in the competition must dance several types of dance to this tune: lezginka, polka, hip-hop, ballet, tango. At the end of the competition, you can gather a round dance around the Christmas tree, and also dance something unusual, only with the whole team.

Competitions for corporate events in the office

When the decision about where to hold a corporate event falls on the walls of the office, the task of the organizers becomes somewhat more complicated, because... there is not always space in the office that allows you to take a walk wide leg. Therefore, when choosing New Year's competitions for a corporate party in the office, you should take this factor into account. Luckily, there are plenty of fun competitions you can do in your office!

Competition "Retrospective of Events"

This competition can be held at the table. Each worker in turn must remember something funny or important event from the life of the office that happened in the past year. Anyone who cannot remember the event is eliminated from the competition. The one who stays in the game until the very end receives a prize. Sometimes memories even reach the most ridiculous events! But that's what makes the competition funny.

Competition "Without Looking"

All participants in the competition are blindfolded and one number is told in their ear. This figure is his serial number in the queue. After a loud signal. All participants must line up in numerical order, and no talking or whispering is allowed!

To extend the competition, you can later announce that this is a line for gifts and give out comic prizes. Moreover, each gift must be intended to a specific person. So, if someone in the queue takes the wrong place, he will receive someone else’s gift. Before the start of the competition, you need to make sure that there is enough space in the office and that there are no foreign objects will not disturb participants. Before your corporate event, review

THE SNOW MAIDEN INVITES... Entertainment program for adults.

Music is playing. Santa Claus flies through the hall on a mop. The Snow Maiden comes out.

Snegrochka: Didn't Santa Claus fly by here?

Falls out from behind the screen Father Frost:

Father Frost: (getting up): Well, Yaga, the old poker, again slipped me a defective mop! (Notices Snow Maiden) ABOUT! Snow Maiden! Where are we pointing our skis? Not for beer, no?
Snegrochka: I ran after you, Santa Claus, I shed a lot of bitter tears...
Father Frost:: Why run after me? Here I am! Tomorrow we'll meet in kindergarten for a matinee... Well, that's it, come on! I flew. I was tipsy and flying on a broom... (Tries to leave.)
Snegrochka: (grabs a mop): Stand!
Father Frost:: Is it already morning?
Snegrochka: Hello, we've arrived! We agreed to meet in the evening?
Father Frost:: Yeah! What for?
Snegrochka: We didn’t have a single rehearsal!
Father Frost:: What’s there to rehearse, it’s been the same thing for a thousand years: one, two, three, freeze the Christmas tree! I have no time, I flew! (Tries to leave.)
Snegrochka: That's it, by the way, about the Christmas tree! And who at the last matinee shouted the loudest: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grazed in the forest...”? As you get older, your memory weakens. Therefore, it is simply necessary to rehearse! Moreover, we already have extras! (Points to the hall)
Father Frost:: Oops! Why are they all sitting?
Snegrochka: Let's deliver.
Father Frost:: Why aren’t you dressed up?
Snegrochka: Let's dress it up.
Father Frost:: Why sober?
Snegrochka: Everything is alive behind the screen! And don’t miss your way out. (Pushes him behind the screen) And we are working.

Music is playing.

Hello kids! Hello, kids! Guess, Masha, Seryozha, Vitya, Tanya, Yurochka, who came to your party? I came to you...
Father Frost: (leaning out from behind the screen): Fool! The fool has come to you...
Snegrochka: But, of course, we cannot remain silent... That’s right, Snow Maiden! Only our D.M is delayed (approaches the screen). He’s probably carrying a bunch of gifts... Come on, guys, we’ll all call him together. Three or four... Santa Claus! (He tries to appear, she pushes him back behind the screen) Grandfather can’t hear us, let’s shout even louder, all together, three or four...

Music. It turns out Father Frost:

Father Frost:: Through the mountains, through the forest
I came to you, I climbed through...Is this an exemplary kindergarten “Zorenka”?
Snegrochka: (starting up the room): Yes!
Father Frost:: I see the Christmas tree is here (frantically tries to find a Christmas tree)
Only there is no fire on it,
Hello guys,
Were you waiting for me?
Snegrochka: (starting up the room): Yes!
Father Frost:: What "yes? Where's the Christmas tree? What will we dance around?
Snegrochka: There will be a Christmas tree for you! Guys, who can tell me what color our Christmas tree is? (Listen to shouts from the audience) That's right, green. Here, girl, she answered correctly. This will be our Christmas tree.

Music. The Snow Maiden brings the participant onto the stage.

Father Frost:: Something is missing...Where are the balls, lanterns, lights...all sorts of things?
Snegrochka: And it’s still not right for us... Now we’ll decorate it.

He takes the participant behind the screen.

Father Frost: In the meantime, I’ll tell you a riddle. Which one of you guys will tell Santa Claus where he can buy a quick beer now?
Snegrochka: I hear everything!
Father Frost:: Another mystery.
Long ears stick out
White paws are trembling...
Who is this, guess?
This is our little coward...
That's right, bunny! The boy screamed the loudest. Come out to me. You will be a bunny. Here are your ears, and here is your magic mop. Hare, be human, fly out for beer.
Snegrochka: (putting out the Christmas tree): Are you on your own again?
Father Frost:: (As if he doesn't hear) What a Christmas tree we have! (Busily) Yeah, that’s it, hare, as soon as I say the magic words: “Christmas tree, light up!” - you have to light it. Only you will have to get electricity yourself, recharge, so to speak...

The Snow Maiden plays the game " Positive charge" After the words Father Frost:“Fire the Christmas tree!”, the hare kisses the women in the hall, shakes hands with the men, then tries to light the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree begins to move and spin.

Snegrochka: Hooray! Applause for our Christmas tree! Now you can take your place, sit and relax.
Father Frost:: Well done hare, he coped with the task. You can go to the hall, right along with your ears. Go... find some hare friends there and come back. (Music sounds, the hare is looking for 4 people.) What kind of quirks we have. Here are the ears for you. And now you and I... will dance. Hey DJ, don't be shy, press the play button!!! Turn up the music louder!!! (Music Explosion)

The Snow Maiden abruptly interrupts the outrage that is about to begin.

Snegrochka: We will dance “Letka-etka.” Guys, we all repeat the movements after our bunnies. But Santa Claus doesn’t dance here! Our grandfather is resting... Let's dance!

There is a dance going on.

Applause for the bunnies!
Father Frost:: And I announce new competition: who will find a bottle of beer for me under the chair...
Snegrochka: What a gag. Your memory is full of holes, you should lose your mitten at this moment...
Father Frost:: What can you do? Guys, I got so busy that I lost my mitten. (Demonstratively throws the mitten onto the viewer’s lap) I don’t even know where to look, but haven’t you seen it?
Snegrochka: Come on, Father Frost: catch up with your mitten. And you guys, be careful, as soon as the music stops, the one with the mitten goes on stage.

Music is playing. The game is being played.

Father Frost:: Wow, I’m completely out of breath, I’m hot, I can’t. Oh, I think I'm melting! I'm melting! Help, otherwise I'll melt!
Snegrochka: (hands out caps to those standing on stage) We need to save Santa Claus, you will be little frosties. You need to cool your grandfather down, blow on him harder. Let's all blow together, hall, help, let's all blow.
Father Frost: Stop! No need to blow! I'd like a cold beer.
Snegrochka: Enough to break the comedy, by the way, we have a climax: the children dance in a round dance at the Christmas tree. Christmas tree, return to the stage, and let the bunnies and frosties dance in a round dance.
Father Frost:: Let's try. The music started.

They lead a round dance. The Snow Maiden takes everyone out to bow. The music explodes.

Snegrochka: Guys, which of you is the bravest? Who will tell grandpa a poem, sing a song, etc.?
Poems, songs, jokes.
Applause to our participants. The rehearsal was a success!!!
Father Frost:: Thank you all for your help.

They sit on the edge of the stage. Father Frost takes out beer and gets ready to drink.

Snegrochka: Oh, and congratulations for the most wonderful people?
Father Frost:: Moment! Our dear...
Happy New Year!
We wish you all kinds of happiness!
Everyone who is single should get married,
To everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about grievances
Who doesn't love - will love!
Snegrochka: For songs, for dancing
They didn’t stop talking until the morning!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Peace, joy, goodness!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE!!! HOORAY!!!

New Year's song “If you don’t have...” to the tune of “If you don’t have an aunt...”