German lessons via Skype. German language via Skype

Learning German is usually necessary for its immediate practical application in life. Self-study language, even in the most German-speaking country it is difficult. So, listening to everyday German speech, you will somehow experience discomfort when faced with the inability to answer your interlocutor, which is essentially a significant obstacle and a reason to seriously study German language.
Simple and in a convenient way This includes learning German via Skype! And various possible training programs, such as German with a native speaker, conversational German, make training as productive as possible. The most affordable cost of education And reviews from our clients about the German language via Skype allows you not to waste time and start learning with online tutor now.

German programs and courses via Skype

Basic German course

Standard German language courses via Skype involve training from both beginner and intermediate levels with the goal of uniformly improving grammar, phonetics and vocabulary. The standard German course includes preparation up to level B1 inclusive.

German on Skype for children

The educational course is aimed at developing German knowledge in children aged 12 years and above. The program meets children's perception of the material, an individual approach and methodology. This course for children also includes preparation for the Unified State Exam.

German for travel

The course is aimed at intensive study of the basics of grammar, phonetics and maximum vocabulary used in typical situations while traveling to Germany. The minimum level of knowledge at which you can understand individual words of Germans is A1 (according to the European classification). For a more comfortable stay in Germany, a B1 level of German language knowledge is required.

German with a native speaker on Skype

As a rule, studying with a native speaker is aimed at improving speaking skills and developing lexical knowledge on a narrow topic, for example, German in medicine or German for business. Often, native German speakers also prepare for international tests. This course has limitations on your current knowledge of the language, because, as a rule, a native German speaker does not know the Russian language, which will affect your perception of the material if you have insufficient knowledge of the German language.

Preparation course for Start Deutsch A1, A2, B1, B2, TestDaF

Successful passing of the TestDaF exams (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache) confirms knowledge of the German language at a level of at least B2. The preparation course for Start Deutsch and TestDaF is aimed at improving spoken German, improving listening comprehension, reducing the number of grammatical and phonetic inaccuracies, and expanding situations of using complex speech patterns in the German language. Find out more about preparing for Start Deutsch or about preparing for TestDaF and start learning!

German language teachers

My name is Marina. I have extensive experience teaching German at universities, as well as communicating with native speakers. Every year she improved her qualifications at seminars at the Goethe Institute. I am the author of manuals on business German for philology students, and taught the language in courses at the German language center accredited by the Goethe Institute. I prepare for any German exams. I'm waiting for you in class!

Did you know that German is different from German? The language spoken in Germany differs markedly from the Austrian and Swiss varieties, both phonetically and lexically. Moreover, in Germany itself there are more than 30 dialects, which, however, differ from each other not as significantly as the national variants. Naturally, if you are going to learn German via Skype with a native speaker, you should choose teachers who offer practice in literary German.

Features of Skype classes

The undoubted advantages of online classes are saving time and money, a more flexible training schedule and wider choice of teachers. Since tutors can teach German via Skype from almost anywhere in the world, you can easily find the right teacher to explain basic rules and a native speaker to develop speaking skills. Learning German via Skype will only require some organization and self-discipline.

Prices for lessons

Classes with experienced teachers and native speakers can cost $6-15, but many teachers offer lessons for $2. At the same time, you will save on travel costs and the purchase of educational materials.

I often get asked questions about classes via Skype: is it possible, the features of this type of class, payment methods, etc. In this article I will try to answer all these questions in as much detail as possible and show that this type classes is in no way inferior, and in some ways superior to the usual “real” mode.

Skype is suitable for absolutely everyone

Firstly, this method Suitable for absolutely everyone: it doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or already have solid speaking experience. Unfamiliar or incomprehensible words are always duplicated by writing them in a special Skype chat in the form of messages. So you shouldn’t be afraid that you won’t understand or hear something.

The exchange of materials takes place via e-mail: I send you everything you need in advance educational materials(books, CDs, videos, etc.). You, in turn, also send me your completed homework by email.

You can choose the format in which you send me your homework for checking: it can be a Word file you typed, a scanned PDF file, or a photo of the notebook page where you did your homework. We discuss some of the tasks directly in class, so your questions will not be left unanswered!

Skype is convenient

Secondly, classes via Skype are convenient due to their mobility and flexibility: in order to start a lesson, you just need to turn on your computer and download the Skype program. This allows you to save your precious time and study in a comfortable and familiar environment. It is also possible to study together with a relative or friend on Skype! I practiced classes simultaneously with two students who were in different cities (Skype conference), not only in the same room.

Skype is cheaper!

A teacher's visit costs more than a lesson on Skype, so such classes are also great way save!

You can pay for classes by transferring a Sberbank card. For those who have a mobile bank connected, a very convenient way to pay on a card via SMS message. Payment via Yandex.Money or Webmoney is also possible.

As it will be

I hope that I was able to remove all your doubts about classes via Skype. I will be glad to see you in my lessons!

German is the second most common language in Europe (and tenth in the world). It is necessary for those who plan to work in international corporations, enroll in a university in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, and for those who simply want to read classic novels or current bestsellers in the sonorous original language. However, not everyone has the time or opportunity to attend face-to-face courses. ALIBRA SCHOOL offers a solution - German language classes via Skype.

Who is the training suitable for?

German courses via Skype at ALIBRA SCHOOL are designed for different categories of students. You may not know the language at all or know the basics - in any case, our teachers will help you speak fluently. ALIBRA SCHOOL provides German lessons via Skype, conversational, business German and preparation for international exams. We are sure that among our courses there will definitely be one that suits you.

Why Skype
  • You will study in the way that suits you. You can learn German via Skype at almost any time of the day and anywhere where there is Internet: at home on the couch, during your lunch break in the office, on vacation or on a business trip. Distance lessons are ideal if you live in small town and you can't find a good teacher.
  • You will study individually. Learning German via Skype at ALIBRA SCHOOL is an opportunity to work one-on-one with our best teachers. The teacher will focus only on your needs, knowledge and results, paying maximum attention to the necessary aspects.
  • You'll save money. Firstly, the prices for classes via Skype are lower than for regular courses, and secondly, you do not have to spend money on travel to and from the training place. And installing the Skype program on your computer or tablet is absolutely free.
  • What benefits does learning German via Skype at ALIBRA SCHOOL give?
    • Rapid language acquisition. Even if you have never studied German, after classes at ALIBRA SCHOOL you will be able to freely communicate on everyday topics and will feel confident in German-speaking countries. Thanks to our proprietary method, you will master the language at an above-average level from scratch in just 8 months!
    • Study without cramming. At ALIBRA SCHOOL we use associated memorization technology. Thanks to it, your active basic vocabulary will be about 1,500 words and expressions. We have developed special cards that help you memorize German vocabulary faster. You will see them on the monitor during the lesson. In addition, you will be surprised how easy it is to learn grammar if it is presented in the form of a coherent and logical system, and not hundreds of disparate rules!
    • Enjoy your classes. Say no to boring retellings of texts and template dialogues! German language via Skype at ALIBRA SCHOOL is more than 1000 game situations and exercises that will make you feel relaxed and speak freely. Our teacher will become your mentor and friend, which means that training will take place in the most effective and comfortable environment.

    Do you want to learn German in an interesting and comfortable way?

    Sign up for distance courses via Skype at ALIBRA SCHOOL, and our teacher will be with you when it is convenient for you!