German male names are popular. Male German names - ancient and modern

One of the most mysterious verses in the book of Revelation is the 18th verse of the 13th chapter. At all times, he was the leader in the number of interpretations and interpretations; and today they are trying to apply it to modern realities.

Here are the lines:

Everyone rushed to substitute antichrists, deciphering their names by numbers and letters - and there were enough candidates. Antichrists were: Luther, Nikon, in general, all church reformers, Napoleon, Leo Tolstoy, Lenin, Hitler, Nero, Stalin and several popes.

Interesting Facts about the number of the beast

There are people with psychological illnesses, expressed in the fear of the number 666. The phobia of the number 666 is called Hexakosi-oidekahexaphobia - (hexakosioygeksekontahexaphobia).

There is a seat in the European Parliament at number 666 - it is always empty.

Have you ever wondered why roulette is sometimes called a ferris wheel? Because of the losses and the madness of people associated with gambling houses? Not at all, everything is simpler, if you add up all the numbers on the roulette wheel, we get the same notorious number 666. French magician and casino operator, François Blanc, reputedly sold his soul to the devil in exchange for the secrets of roulette.

Highway 666 in America was renamed not only and not so much because of superstition, but rather because of another part of humanity that adores the number we are discussing, road signs with the number of the track non-stop pulled away for gifts. At the same time, the track is also known for its incredibly high statistics of accidents and fatalities. Of course, the locals immediately blamed everything on the machinations of the Antichrist. But after the renaming of the route to 491, there were no fewer deaths.

Bus route 666, which ran from the Novye Cheryomushki metro station to the Prospekt Vernadsky metro station, was renamed under pressure from believers in ... 616! And after him, by the way, they renamed the route of the train that ran between Moscow and Ostashkov. Now he is not the 666th, but the 604th.

Six years ago, the small town of Reeves, Louisiana, finally got rid of the area code that had terrified its citizens since the 1960s - 666.
Christians in Reeves have been unhappy with the "Number of the Beast" code since its inception. When the telephone company finally relented by allowing the city to switch to code 749, Mayor Scott Walker called the decision "divine intervention."

The first Apple retailed for $666.66. Convenient number or inconvenient sign? It was Steve Wozniak who had to explain such an ambiguous combination of numbers during one of the interviews.

He referred to the fact that at that time he was not aware of what such a digital combination symbolizes from a religious point of view, and therefore chose the number only because he planned to make a retail markup of 30% of the wholesale price. Either way, Steve Wozniak says he chose the number because it was easy to type with just one finger.

The Roman numeral for 666 (DCLXVI) has exactly one occurrence of each of the six characters that have a value less than 1000.
D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1.

Disputes over the number of the Beast have not stopped since the 2nd century. The version of the Bible referring to the number 616 was criticized by the Bishop of Lyon Irenaeus (130-200) as "erroneous and false". Friedrich Engels analyzed the Bible in his On Religion (1883). He also calculated the number of the Beast as 616, not 666. There is an opinion that there may have been a mistake in the copying of the Revelation of St. John in the first centuries, since in a number of early sources the number of the beast is indicated as 616.

In China and other Asian countries, unlike in Europe, 6 is a "lucky number", this is evidenced by the fact that on June 6, 2006 (06.06.06.) Three times more marriages were concluded in Singapore than usual.

Barcode. The worldwide accepted barcode standard has three sixes as security symbols, which are indicated by two thin long lines at the beginning of the barcode, in its middle and at the end. Credit cards, TIN cards also use this type of encoding.

The letters WWW stand for..... 666 ! Since it's a Hebrew 6 it's a W

The dollar bill is 6.66 centimeters wide.

In the Old Testament, the number "666" appears three times.

The number 666, being the "number of the beast", is especially often used to give a shade of satanism, in particular, 666 is often used by black metal musicians.

Visa cards. Some translate the name of this payment system as follows: VI is Roman 6; S is Greek and A is Babylonian. Total: 666.

When telephone numbers were changed in Mexico, the city of Tijuana received the code 666. After numerous protests from residents, the code was changed to 664. But this did not change Tijuana's reputation as a Mexican city of sins.

The most convincing version goes back to ancient times and points directly to Nero. Another such the world did not know the persecutor of Christians. And the point is not only that the name Nero in Latin transcription gives 666 (50 + 6 + 500 + 60 + 50): correctly, he was called Nero, which is 616 in total, and in ancient lists In the Apocalypse, the number of the Beast is sometimes exactly 616. And if the words "Caesar Nero" are written in Hebrew, then it will be exactly 666 - the coincidences are too numerous to be ignored.

Special opinion

With a very high probability, one can say about "The number of the beast is 666" a global illusion used to control the mass consciousness of people through fear. Having created fear about the “number of the beast”, they systematically materialize this theory, introducing the meaningless and practically unprofitable “666” everywhere in barcodes, electronic cards, symbolic system symbols, identification numbers, etc.. With the help of this, they deliberately confirm with facts the fulfillment of the "ancient prophecy" of the Apocalypse about the coming of the "Antichrist" and the approach of something terrible, irreversible and fatal for humanity... What is this for? In fact, it is just an illusory FIXED IDEA, an occult trick and a diabolical trick designed to cause uncontrollable subconscious fear in the masses of people.

This is the meaning of the spread of symbolism 666 - to create in the minds of people the ILLUSION of inevitability subjection to totalitarian power control. Because the "number of the beast" is forced by the GOVERNMENT's will to be enforced, there is no way for people to evade, with "unofficial" information whispering to them that 666 is a very "bad and devilish" number. Thus, in the mass consciousness, a split, imbalance, internal conflict, struggle and hopelessness, as a result of which the will of people and their feeling freedoms are undermined from within- and that's exactly what the devil needs!

To be afraid of something is a pointless thing. It is worth learning from fears, learning from them and becoming stronger on it. And there is no need to be afraid of the number 666, it is not the number itself that is scary, but the consequences of human impenetrable ignorance, which is so easy to control strong of the world this. After all, we are all very suggestible, it is easy to manipulate on human fear.

So live calmly, not paying attention to the numbers, otherwise you may develop paranoia. Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be horrified, for the Lord is with you. But with Him there is nothing to be afraid of!

Answered by Vasily Yunak, 06/11/2007

3.138. Kuzin Andrey ( [email protected]??? and Mel ( [email protected]???.ru) write: "I would like to know your personal opinion and the opinion of the church about the "number of the beast" 666. Where did this number come from, what does it mean and what does it give people?"

"Please tell me what the number - 666 means. The fact that this is the number of the devil is understandable. But why exactly 666 and how to understand what is written - "let the wise understand." And who accepted this number. Are all Earthlings???!!! I don't remember the exact definition - God forgive me."

"... He acts before him with all the power of the first beast and makes the whole earth and those living on it worship the first beast, whose mortal wound has healed; and works great signs, so that fire also brings down from heaven to earth before people. And miracles which he was given to do before the beast, he deceives those who dwell on the earth, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image of the beast, which is wounded by the sword and lives. acted in such a way that everyone who would not worship the image of the beast would be killed, and he would do that to everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves, the mark on right hand them or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man; his number is six hundred sixty-six "().

Many people know about the number 666 as the number of the devil. But this is where all their knowledge, perhaps, ends. It was not in vain that I have given here a rather large passage of text preceding the mention of the number 666. And although this is only a small part of what is described in this chapter, and even more so in this book, it can be understood even from this passage that the number 666 is only one touch to the big picture of Satan's activities in our world at the end of time. The Book of Revelation is a book that speaks of the future, of the end of time. It's all written in symbols, so it's not exactly easy to understand (at first glance). But it begins with the following words: "Blessed is he who reads and hears the words of this prophecy, and keeps what is written in it; for the time is at hand" (). For this reason, one should not be superficial about what is written in Revelation. And this also means pulling out individual texts and trying to interpret them in your own way. Very many Christians do not have a clear idea of ​​the whole content of this book, but still there is a coherent system of its interpretation, in which the Bible itself interprets itself, and almost every symbol presented in Revelation finds its interpretation in Revelation itself or in its sister book of Daniel. . In my last issue, when answering a question about the end times, I already talked about the possibility of consistently studying the books of Daniel and Revelation. Anyone wishing to become better acquainted with these books and study them sequentially can write to me at [email protected] with your name and city ( locality with the region, district) of residence. In the meantime, I will consider organizing Daniel and Revelation courses, either online or otherwise, and will communicate this to those interested.

In the meantime, I will try to briefly and easily explain the number 666 and everything related to it. The Book of Revelation prophesies about events that are to take place in the religious and political world until the second coming of Jesus Christ, that is, before the end of the world. Satan, the dragon (), "knowing that he has little time left" (), does everything possible to lead him to death as much as possible more of people. He acts on earth through the beast - a certain state or state-religious authority (). In the 13th chapter of Revelation, which speaks of the number 666, two beasts are mentioned - one corresponding to the fourth beast from the book of Daniel (), and the other beast, which, unlike all animals that come out of the water, comes out of the earth, makes everyone worship the first the beast and his image, and also helps people to receive the mark of the beast, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. And only after that we are told that some people, having sufficient wisdom, will be able to determine the number of the name - 666. But, as we see, the number of the name is not the most important in this prophecy. First of all, we are talking about the outline, then about the name, and finally only about the number of the name.

Unfortunately, as is often the case, people begin to explore this issue from the opposite direction - that which is given the least role in Scripture, sticks out and is placed almost on the most important place. Wherever they looked for this ill-fated number - in the names of people and kings, and in credit cards, and in computer systems. And recently Orthodox people in Russia, they were alarmed by the pension and tax numbers that were introduced in our country, so that even Patriarch Alexy had to intervene in this issue, explaining to people the essence of this number. And everything, as I said, is only because people are in a hurry to take one thing out of context, bright, sensational, not wanting to carefully study the prophecies Holy Scripture. As a result, taken aside by numerous "interpreters" of this satanic number, very many will receive the mark of the beast only because they feared something other than what they should have. And this is precisely in the hands of Satan, because he has always used such methods - to distort the truth, to present it in a false light.

Without going into details, I will say that Christianity has long been divided into two groups - in one is the Roman Catholic Church, headed by the Pope, and in the other - all those who in one way or another opposed the institution of the Papacy, that is, Eastern or Orthodox Church and also Protestantism. Long before Martin Luther, who marks the Reformation and Protestantism (1517), the forerunners of the Reformation already called the Pope the Antichrist. One of the first attempts known to us today to calculate the title of the Pope as 666 belongs to the Berlin rector Andreas Helwig (1572-1643), who described it in 1612 in his work Antichristus Romanus. Since then, this interpretation has entered many biblical commentaries, although it is not unambiguous. But in the study and interpretation of the Bible, we must use only verified facts, so I do not want to make any statements here without sufficient justification. Let me just say that I have a personal opinion based on a thorough study of the Bible and history (in my time I devoted two years to studying the books of Daniel and Revelation).

Answering your specific questions, I will only add: the number of the beast, as well as its mark, is absolutely nothing good people do not bear except for a false sense of confidence in personal security, but it will be quite short time, after which "those who worship the beast and his image and receive the mark of his name will have no rest day or night" (). NO ONE HAS YET RECEIVED this mark of the beast, because some of the prophecies regarding this event have not been fulfilled. But it will be received by all those who, for one reason or another, did not follow the Lord completely, but succumbed to the temptation of Satan, who himself takes the form of an angel of light, and his servants take the form of servants of the truth ().

Read more on the topic "The Second Coming":

The number of the devil, also called the number of the beast, is the number 666. Until now, many people wonder why this particular number is associated with the devil and carries a deep meaning. To understand this, you need to turn to history, various versions of scientists and theologians, the Bible, and even arithmetic and numerology.

The meaning of the number 666

So what does 666 mean - a devilish number - and what interpretations does it have. In the old days, all letters also had numerical values, adding them up you could get the digital value of any name. In ancient times, such calculations were very popular and were called isopsephy, and in Kabbalah - gematria. Even references to the numerical designations of names from Ancient Greece and Rome.

Researchers studying the meaning of three sixes believe that this number contains a name or some kind of concept. Such research has been going on since the second century AD, if not earlier. At least, the first written evidence on this topic dates from this particular period. Repeatedly 666 was deciphered as many possible names:

  1. Evantas.
  2. Titanium.
  3. Latin.
  4. Lampethis.
  5. Latin.
  6. Benedict.

In addition, the researchers also suggested common nouns:

  1. Bad leader.
  2. Truly harmful.
  3. Ancient envious.
  4. Unrighteous lamb.

Subsequently, theories were put forward that the name of Caesar Nero is hidden in this figure, if you look at it in Hebrew writing. As well as the emperor Domitian, Napoleon Bonaparte (which is also mentioned in the work "War and Peace" written by Leo Tolstoy) and other personalities who became famous as cruel tyrants or conquerors.

Also from these figures were added and the following expressions in Latin:

  1. Vicarius Filii Dei is a phrase written on the papal tiara.
  2. Latinus Rex Sacerdos, meaning "Latin consecrated king".

And also the Greek sounding of the word beast, written in Hebrew, also gave 666 when counting.

As you can see, there are a lot of theories on this topic, but they do not fully explain why 666 is considered a devilish number. To understand this, we must first turn to the Bible.

Biblical interpretation

What does 666 mean in the Bible: this number is mentioned as a special one that hides a name in itself beast of the apocalypse. This is the character mentioned in latest book Bible called Revelation (Apocalypse). Three sixes symbolize the name of the protege of Satan. Previously, Christians believed that it was under this name that the Antichrist was hiding.

It was believed that before the second coming of Christ to earth, the Antichrist would appear, who would oppose the return of Jesus in every possible way and try to destroy Christianity, but as a result, defeat and death would befall him.

In total, 666 is mentioned four times in the Bible, once in the New Testament, where it is indicated as hiding the name of the beast of the Apocalypse. And thrice in Old Testament where it is not directly associated with the devil.

So why the hell number

In addition to the evidence presented in the Bible, there are other theories regarding the fact that 666 is the number of the devil. For example, adding the first 36 numbers is exactly three sixes. In addition, the folded squares of the first simple seven digits are exactly the same as three sixes. At the same time, everyone knows that three sevens have always been considered a symbol of harmony, and based on this, 666 is considered, on the contrary, imperfect, symbolizing decay and decay. And also lucky number 3 times 2 equals 6.

The above examples are taken from arithmetic and interpreted by numerologists. However, the events surrounding the devilish figure do not always support these theories. For example, 06/06/2006, many expected with horror and panic, believing that the Apocalypse would come on this day, but nothing special happened on this date in principle.

At the same time, one cannot discount the passage from Revelation, which sounds like this: “Here is wisdom. Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man; his number is six hundred sixty-six." Satanists interpret the figure unambiguously and personifies the infernal number and the devil along with an inverted pentagram.

Other versions

There is another opinion, which believes that a mistake was made when rewriting the Revelation of St. John, and in fact the number of the beast is 616. This opinion is based on the fact that in early sources found during excavations, this particular figure is indicated as diabolical. Other values ​​are also given: 636, 665, 664 and even 0.66666.

New versions are still appearing: many are haunted by the meaning of this mysterious figure and scientists continue their research. As you can see, there is still no exact evidence why the number 666 is considered the number of the devil, but there are quite a few indirect ones. However, no matter what versions are offered, in the minds of most people, the figure is really directly connected precisely with the devil and the Antichrist.

However, you can treat it differently, there are many numbers and meanings that are formed from three sixes, and not all of them bring trouble. Therefore, whether to treat this with superstition or not is a personal matter for everyone until a universal truth is established on this subject.

Attention, only TODAY!

This verse says that the number of the beast is six hundred sixty-six; and it must be confessed that more ingenuity has been expended on this verse than on any other verse of Scripture.

18 Here is wisdom. Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man; his number is six hundred sixty-six.
(Rev. 13:18)

Modern translation: This requires wisdom. Anyone who has reason can understand the meaning of the number of the beast, for it corresponds to the human number. The number is six hundred and sixty six.

Who is this satanic beast represented here by such a symbolic number?

It must be remembered that in antiquity there were no numbers, and the letters of the alphabet also performed the function of numbers. So, in Cyrillic (Russian alphabet) A meant 1; B-2; AT 3; G-4, etc. Thus every word, and therefore every name, can also be a number.

One sweet and romantic use of this is given by Gustav Deisman. On the walls of Pompeii, a lover wrote: "I love the one whose number is 545", and thus called the name of his beloved and at the same time hid it!

666 - SEAL

Countless suggestions have been made regarding the number 666.

In view of the fact that this is the name of the beast, they distorted it in any way to fit their sworn enemy; and therefore 666 also meant the Pope, Napoleon, the leader of German Protestantism, Martin Luther, the founder of the Scottish Presbyterian Church, John Knox, and many others.

So, during the Second World War, they managed to create a system according to which it turned out that 666 is Hitler!

Archenemy of the Church

Revelation is written in coded language; therefore, it is quite obvious that here, where the name of the sworn enemy of the Church was concerned, the most reliable code was chosen.

Oddly enough, the key to the code seems to have been lost very early, because even such a great theologian as Irenaeus of Lyons, who lived in the second century, did not know what was behind this symbolic number.

Four of the very first guesses

We present here four of the very first suggestions.

  1. Irenaeus of Lyons suggested that it could symbolize Euanphas.
    In Greek: E - 5; U - 400; A - 1; H - 50; F - 9; A - 1; C - 200; and the sum - 666. But what is Euanphas - Irenaeus knew nothing about this; that is, he replaced one riddle with another.
  2. It has been suggested that the word is Lateinos.
    L - 30; A - 1; T - 300; E - 5; I - 10; H - 50; O - 70; C - 200; the sum is 666. Lateinos could be understood as Latin and, therefore, it could symbolize the Roman Empire.
  3. The third suggestion was that the word is Teitan.
    T - 300; E - 5; I - 10; T - 300; A - 1; H -50; and the sum is 666. Two values ​​could be derived from teitanos. AT ancient Greek mythology the titans rebelled against God. Secondly, the emperors Vespasian, Titus and Domitian were from the family of Titus, and perhaps they could be called titans.
  4. A fourth suggestion was made that the word was arnoume.
    A - 1; P - 100; H - 50; O - 70; U -400; M - 40; E - 5; and the sum is 666. There is a possibility that arnoume is a form of the Greek word arnoumai, "I deny." In this case, the number symbolizes the denial of the name of Christ.

None of these assumptions seem convincing. The chapter itself offers us the best clue to the riddle.

Again and again a mortally wounded head is mentioned, which later healed. As we have already seen, this head symbolizes the legend of Emperor Nero Nero redivivus, and, therefore, we can well assume that the number has something to do with Nero.

In many ancient lists, the number is given as 616. If you write the name Nero with Latin letters and give them digital values, we get: H - 50; E -6; P - 500; O - 60; H - 50, and the sum - 666; if you write the name Nero without the last N, the sum will be 616. And if the words Caesar Nero are transcribed in Hebrew consonants, their sum will also be 666.

Thus, it can be assumed that the number of the beast symbolizes the emperor Nero, and that John predicts the coming of the Antichrist in the form of Nero, the embodiment of evil, who has returned to this earth.

666 - seal on Jews professing Judaism

There is a place in the Bible where the number 666 is mentioned:

(1 Kings 10:14)

Read entire chapter 10 of 1 Kings

1 The Queen of Sheba, having heard of the glory of Solomon in the name of the Lord, came to test him with riddles.
2 And she came to Jerusalem with very great wealth: camels laden [were] with spices and a great amount of gold and precious stones; and she came to Solomon and talked with him about everything that was in her heart.
3 And Solomon explained to her all her words, and there was nothing unknown to the king that he did not explain to her.
4 And the queen of Sheba saw all the wisdom of Solomon and the house that he had built,
5 And the food at his table, and the habitation of his servants, and the orderliness of his servants, and their clothes, and his butlers, and his burnt offerings, which he offered in the temple of the Lord. And she couldn't resist anymore.
6 And she said to the king, It is true that I have heard in my land about your deeds and about your wisdom;
7 But I did not believe the words until I came and my eyes saw: and, behold, not half was told to me; You have more wisdom and wealth than what I heard.
8 Blessed are thy people, and blessed are these thy servants, who stand before thee always, and hear thy wisdom!
9 Blessed be the Lord your God, who was pleased to place you on the throne of Israel! Lord, by eternal love His to Israel, he made you king, to do justice and justice.
10 And she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and a great abundance of spices and precious stones; Never before had there come so many spices as the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
11 And the ship of Hiram, which brought gold from Ophir, brought from Ophir a great quantity of mahogany and precious stones.
12 And the king made of this mahogany a railing for the temple of the Lord and for the king's house, and harps and psalters for singers; never before has so much mahogany come, nor seen to this day.
13 And King Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba everything she desired and asked for, beyond what King Solomon had given her with his own hands. And she went back to her own land, she and all her servants.
14 The weight of the gold that came to Solomon each year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold,
15 more than what [was received] from the peddlers of goods and from the trade of merchants, and from all the kings of Arabia and from the regional rulers.
16 And King Solomon made two hundred large shields of wrought gold, six hundred [shekels] for each shield;
17 and three hundred smaller shields of wrought gold, three minas of gold went into each shield; and the king set them up in a house of Lebanese wood.
18 And the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold;
19 there were six steps to the throne; the top at the back of the throne was round, and there were armrests on both sides near the seat, and two lions stood at the armrests;
20 and twelve more lions stood there on six steps on either side. There was nothing like it in any other kingdom.
21 And all the drinking vessels of King Solomon [were] of gold, and all the vessels in the house of Lebanese wood were of pure gold; there was nothing of silver, because silver was considered nothing in the days of Solomon;
22 For the king had a Tarshish ship on the sea with Hiram's ship; every three years a Tarshish ship came bringing gold and silver and ivory and monkeys and peacocks.
23 King Solomon excelled all the kings of the earth in wealth and wisdom.
24 And all [the kings] on earth sought to see Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.
25 And they offered him, every one of themselves, a gift: vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and clothes, and weapons, and spices, horses and mules, every year.
26 And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen; he had fourteen hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen; and he placed them in the chariot cities and with the king in Jerusalem.
27 And the king made the silver in Jerusalem equal to common stones, and the cedars, according to their abundance, made equal to sycamore trees [growing] in low places.
28 Horses were brought to King Solomon from Egypt and from Kuva; royal merchants bought them from Kuva for money.
29 A chariot from Egypt was received and delivered for six hundred [shekels] of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty. In the same way, with their own hands, they delivered [all this] to the kings of the Hittites and the kings of Aramea.
(1 Kings 10:1-29)

Historical note, Solomon's gold.

The annual receipts and reserves of gold during the reign of Solomon were very huge, judging, as we read, that his shields were of hammered gold, golden vessels for drinking, small shields (screens) of gold and an ivory throne overlaid with pure gold and silver. Silver and gold in Jerusalem were equal in his time simple stones(10:10-22; 2 Chr. 1:15).

Five years after Solomon's death, the Egyptian king Shusakim came to Jerusalem and took all of Solomon's gold (14:25,26; 2 Chronicles 12:2, 9-11).

Only recently, in 1939, was the mummy of Susakim discovered in Tanis, Egypt. She lay in a gold-covered sarcophagus.

It is possible that this was the gold that he brought out of Jerusalem.

Thus we know that King Solomon received 666 talents of gold every year. From whom? This gold came as an annual tribute from the Jews (Jews professing Judaism). Each Jew had to hand in one piece of gold.

From here we learn that the seal of the devil is on the Jews or Jews professing Judaism. In addition, we know that Moses brought this people out of the sea (this beast will come out of the sea).

One can see an example of the zealous attitude of one of the Jews who persecuted the disciples of Jesus:

9 True, and I thought that I should do much against the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
10 This is what I did in Jerusalem: having received authority from the chief priests, I put many saints in prison, and when they killed them, I gave voice to it;
11 And in all the synagogues I repeatedly tormented them and forced them to blaspheme [Jesus], and, in excessive fury against them, I persecuted even in foreign cities.
12 For this reason, going to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests,

  • The book of Revelation covers not only the times of the early Christians. Naturally, everything that is written in it is useful for study and instruction, both today and for future generations.
  • It is worth taking into account the prophetic version of the presentation, which was used in the books of the Old Testament. John used it while writing while imprisoned. Thus, having secured the importance of the words in it, he was able to safely address them to the Christians in Jerusalem. Indeed, for an ordinary Roman of that time, everything that was stated in it - to put it mildly, did not fit into the framework of ordinary reasoning. John could not directly write, for example, about Nero, about the destruction of Jerusalem and about the persecution of Christians. Such a message would not pass censorship.
  • The image of King Solomon, the Temple and the wealth of his reign, is very similar to the description of John of the Kingdom of Heaven and the King. It is worth comparing the image of King Solomon, his greatness, wealth and wisdom before falling into sin with the images described in the book of Revelation.
  • When studying the book of Revelations, please note that it is very difficult to study, especially in absolute interpretations.

    Each of us is under the protection of an angelic number. Such numbers are called Guardian Angels. These entities invisible to the eyes are figures that accompany our whole life, which give us secret signs, the characters we need to decipher. One of the most interesting numbers in numerology is 666. The meaning of the number 666 is always interpreted in different ways. In this article, we will find out what the meanings of this number are and its magical properties.


    A very long time ago, angelic numerology was created with the help of which we could penetrate the world of magic and sorcery. Personalities who were able to know the secret mysteries of this world, life seemed easier, and went much easier. Like many numbers, 666 has always had a strange feel to it.

    Since the time of the Maya tribe, this number has been given the guise of both a god and a devil. This is due to the fact that the sixes themselves resemble a spiral that absorbs and contains new sources of information, like a well of knowledge. In numerology, the number 666 means filling the body with consciousness, which then changes the shape of the body on a subconscious level.

    spiral information

    Each of us had such a life line that we thought that our life was going downhill. According to numerology, this moment comes when karma begins to invade our destiny and fills our life with bad and good emotions. By angelic numerology The number 666 reflects the vicissitudes of the path, the supply of incorrect information, which will then lead us into darkness, intertwining and confusing our energy, feelings and thoughts. What does the number 666 indicate?

    • spiritual development;
    • stability;
    • but, at the same time, complete chaos in thoughts;
    • good financial condition (you see the goal - go to it);
    • kindness always comes from you.

    Positive value

    The number 666 is interpreted as a manifestation of your maternal care and spiritual harmony. These numbers hold powerful forces:

    • harmony;
    • love;
    • great happiness can be found;
    • desire to be needed;
    • to be an ideal in everything;
    • find your spiritual and natural balance;
    • be sympathetic.

    According to many legends, the number 666 has its own special energy, where intelligence and imagination work together. This means that you strive for the best and always achieve it. Man is a very kind and sympathetic creature by nature. According to angelic numerology, the combination of three sixes is given to you from heaven in order to streamline your knowledge and its application, bring stability to your life, lower the level of anxiety over petty reasons, forget about financial problems and devote yourself entirely to the development of the soul. This is like advice and a guide from heaven on what to do when things are not going smoothly in life. So that you have a minute to think about your home, family, and of course pay attention to children (if any), try to think about the meaning of your number.

    The combination of these numbers reminds us of the need spiritual growth, improving yourself and your ego, learning. Numerology recommends paying attention to humanitarian sciences and directions (charity, volunteering). Listen to yourself and your inner self, maybe you are missing something very important for yourself.

    What's wrong with the combination of sixes

    The number 666 is interpreted as greed and uncontrollable passion. People who were born under the number 666 are completely different. They appeared under mercantile influence, usually such people prefer finance to spiritual values. Such a message from heaven suggests that you pay too much attention to issues such as: the material side of the world (houses, cars, etc.), money, valuables (decorations).

    Such a message from heaven suggests that it is time for you to think about it, forget a little about your harmony and start paying attention to the world. Positive energy gradually, but methodically, begins to deviate from your essence. That is why you begin to worry a lot, you have a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. The appearance of the number 666 in your life means that there is some kind of barrier between your peace of mind and balance, and the level of your spiritual sensitivity is also reduced.