Inexpensive house for 2 families. Projects of houses for two families - both side by side and separately

Projects for two-family houses are more difficult to design than a residential building designed to house members of only one family. Read about what you need to pay attention to when working on a project and what is required for this in our study.

Project of a brick house for two families with awnings

Individual development is gradually giving way to closer proximity. The type of building, called duplex (literally - double), first gained popularity as a country house in a recreation area. This “double” cottage was an ideal place for temporary living.

But gradually this version of a residential building moved from resort areas to the outskirts of large cities. And today a two-family house has become quite commonplace in our country. More and more young people, both in rural areas and in urban centers, prefer to live in a cottage of this type.

Project of a timber house for 2 families

In addition to the fact that construction can be organized together, duplexes have another undoubted advantage. There is always someone at home in them - not just some owners, but others. And this can protect a country house from unauthorized entry better than any alarm system. And this can also protect you from unforeseen accidents, communications accidents and technical breakdowns. Or minimize the consequences of a rupture of a water pipe, gas pipe or violation of electrical wiring protection.

The owners of one half can safely leave without fear for their home. In addition, such a private house allows you to save on heating, because one of its walls is common. It is located inside the building, and no heat escapes through it. When building houses for 2 families, it is possible to build a common supply to the facility for communications - water supply, natural gas, electricity.

Project of a two-story house with a garage for 2 families

This can significantly reduce costs during construction work.

Specifics of house design

Projects of two-family houses have a number of specific qualities.
The first requirement is that the building must be harmonious. Both of its residential halves are made symmetrical so that externally the structure looks like a single whole. And this is the first difficulty that arises when creating a building with two entrances, located separately. Each person has his own passions, including architecture. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to “match” preferences where two owners and members of their families will live.

This is probably why the vast majority of buildings with 2 groups of residents have a universal appearance, without pronounced elements of one style or another. Another feature that projects of houses for two owners have is that the communications supply is made common. But the wiring inside is done according to an individual project.

Layout of a Finnish townhouse for two families

This also needs to be taken into account when working on construction documentation. When designing a home for 2 owners, it is difficult to take into account such a nuance as the height of the ceilings in the rooms. Some people like spacious rooms. And someone seeks to save coolant by reducing cubic capacity. Creating a drawing for a duplex can become a headache if the owners of the future home do not agree on all the details of the construction in advance.

Option for the layout and design of a cottage with an attic for 2 families

A separate drawing must be drawn up in case. However, you shouldn’t go overboard and make detailed plans for each room. This may be needed later, when the time comes and a detailed layout is needed for arranging furniture and equipment.

In addition to the layout of rooms and utility rooms, it would not be superfluous to draw a drawing of the facade, as well as the backyard. This will help builders better and more fully understand the intent of those who designed the house for two owners.

Schemes and materials

An important part of the future project is the choice of materials from which the duplex will be built. Traditionally, the following materials are chosen for construction:

  • cinder blocks;
  • wooden beam;
  • foam blocks;
  • SIP panels.

These materials have proven themselves well in the construction of residential buildings in different regions of our country; they are affordable and can be easily purchased. Each of the materials has its pros and cons. Let's take a look at some of the types that are gaining popularity among middle class consumers.

The simplest type of construction is a frame house. For the production of sandwich panels with insulation. It can be placed on a regular columnar foundation, since the load on the base will be insignificant. The advantages of a cottage of this type of construction are that it can be assembled in a short time without involving qualified specialists.

Ready-made timber house project for 2 families

In addition, owners buy ready-made parts that manufacturers can customize to fit an existing project. Another good thing about a frame house is that it can always be completed like a construction kit. As children grow up and start their own families, it will be possible to add new rooms to the main premises.

Among the disadvantages that a frame house has, we note its relative fragility, in addition, the cost of additional insulation if it is located in an area with harsh winters.

However, this is the most profitable that 2 families with average income can afford. This type of construction, such as a house made of timber for 2 families, is also in demand among customers. This type is more time-consuming to assemble and also requires certain skills in construction. It is better to place it on a strip concrete foundation, since it is heavier than its frame counterparts.

Layout of a strip foundation for a wooden house

Having made a choice in favor of building from timber for 2 families, the owners need to take into account that the materials must be dried and treated with special compounds before starting construction:

  • from insects and pests;
  • from mold and fungi;
  • from fire.

Our company performs with high quality and on time projects of houses for two owners for customers in Moscow and regions of Russia. At the same time, we take into account all the individual wishes of the client regarding the layout, wall material, shape and area of ​​the premises, etc. The assortment includes a large selection of ready-made sketches to suit various needs. Their affordable price will please you. The houses in these sketches are made of modern materials and meet all quality standards. A well-established management system allows us to provide you with high-class service.

A house project with two entrances is necessary if a young family decides to live with the older generation. These cases are not uncommon when newlyweds have a child and parents need help in caring for and raising him. Separate entrances and wall separation provide both parties with tangible benefits, mainly in the designation of personal space. This helps prevent many conflict situations in everyday life. Another feature of the house design with a separate entrance is the unequal area of ​​the living halves. One of them is equipped with a minimum number of rooms, the other, on the contrary, consists of separate bedrooms and guest rooms. It provides everything for a comfortable stay and raising a small child. There are sketch options where the two halves are united by one hall. To find the one you need, use the electronic form to search for the optimal design option for a house for two owners. Thanks to a set of filters, all this will take no more than a couple of minutes. You just need to decide:

  • total living area;
  • number of floors;
  • wall material;
  • number of rooms;
  • the presence of a basement and attic;
  • the presence and size of the garage.

After selecting a suitable design, complete your order. If you decide to buy a two-family cottage project based on personal parameters, you should determine the cost of the work. We calculate it based on the complexity of the sketch, in accordance with the current price list.

Place your order now!

To place an order for a house project with 2 entrances, fill out the form and provide contact information. A manager will contact you shortly. Our employees will help you select designs for houses for 2 families and calculate the preliminary cost of individual orders.

Duplex projects are usually chosen by multi-generational families. On the one hand, close relatives are constantly nearby, but at the same time all the advantages of living in a separate living space are preserved. Living in such a house helps you get rid of many everyday problems: you always know how your parents feel, and your children are under the unobtrusive but vigilant control of their grandparents, they are always fed, their lessons are learned.

Such projects are planned in such a way that each family has a separate entrance. The cost of such a house is significantly lower than when building a separate house for each family. Savings are achieved due to the fact that the apartments have a common wall and are located under the same roof. And the operation of such houses will significantly save the family budget. The long list of benefits from living in a two-family house also includes economic benefits during the construction and operation of a finished house.

Economic benefits of two-family house projects

  • Each family receives modern suburban housing at half the price.
  • Obviously, the implementation of such a project significantly reduces the cost of construction and reduces time costs. Common sense dictates that when constructing two separate buildings, the amount of expenses would have to be multiplied by 2. And we do not yet take into account the cost of individual land plots.
  • In addition, the payment for preparing a house project for two entrances is also divided equally.
  • The cost of materials and payment for the work of the construction team, the common foundation, the cost of arranging the roof, a common chimney, and laying utility systems will cost each of the developers half as much.
  • If the project includes a communal swimming pool or a garage for two families, then this will be another additional advantage in favor of a comfortable life, which can be obtained by spending only half of the required amount.
  • It is clear that utility costs, costs of maintaining and repairing the house are divided between the two owners.

Zhom projects for 2 families: results

Each home owner receives modern, comfortable housing at half the price. All that remains is to decide who will be your companion: your parents or your childhood friend and family. Our company is ready to offer not only economical designs of two-family houses, but also a large number of other economical housing options.

This section presents houses for 2 families with separate entrances - twin houses.

The peculiarity of cottages for 2 owners with different entrances is that this is a two-apartment house whose design is either symmetrical in both halves, then it can be classified as a townhouse project for 2 families. Usually such a house is for 2 owners with different entrances. Or it can be with two halves of different sizes, for example, when placing two generations of the same family of parents and children in a house.

A two-family house is usually two-story, with the standard arrangement of the 1st floor being a guest floor, and the second floor housing a bedroom.

You can order a free estimate of the cost of building any twinhouse.

Projects of two-family houses

Who doesn’t dream of having their own house in the middle of nature? And how often the obstacle to realizing a dream is finances, or rather, the lack of them! In this case, a good solution would be to consider projects of houses for 2 families. A project for 2 families is good because, with significant savings, you get almost all the advantages of a detached cottage plus your relatives or friends will live next to it, behind the wall. Often a house project for 2 families, with parents and children living nearby, is the only opportunity for young families to live, albeit under the wing of their parents, but still as their own separate family. A cottage for 2 families, the projects of which you can find on our website, is an excellent option for young families. On the one hand, they are independent and live separately, on the other, the older generation is always nearby, they can sit with their grandchildren and give useful advice, if necessary. And it’s easier for young people who have chosen a house project for 2 families: if necessary, they can care for their parents practically without leaving home.

Houses made of timber for two families(duplexes) provide many advantages during construction and during residence. Construction costs are reduced, and subsequently heating, communications maintenance, and maintenance of the local area are reduced. Such options are often chosen by families with adult children. The latter at the same time receive complete independence and the opportunity to help their parents.

The duplex has two symmetrical living halves and separate exits. Modern house designs usually involve the construction of a two-story building. On the ground floor there are common and utility rooms, on the second floor there are bedrooms. Designers can install a barrier between properties, completely separating them from their neighbors.

What are the benefits of building a two-family house:

  • Savings on building materials, heating, communications.
  • Despite the close proximity, each family runs its own farm and lives independently.
  • Simplified building maintenance. All work is carried out jointly, and expenses are divided in half. Neighbors can always look after your other half if you go somewhere.

Two-family houses with two separate entrances are built on large plots. When choosing a site, you need to take into account that in addition to the house, outbuildings of each family will be located here. You will have to look for a place for a garage, a bathhouse, and plantings.

Projects of two-family houses

The Timber Technologies company builds according to standard designs and offers individual design. The catalog contains projects created by our architects in full compliance with modern standards and adapted for wooden construction. Any of the finished projects can be modified to meet customer requirements. Adjustments are made within 1-2 business days.

To build two-family houses, we use profiled timber from northern wood. Assembly using frame technology is possible. We prepare lumber, organize delivery and assembly of the house on the site. Construction of a duplex, depending on the area of ​​the building, takes 2-4 weeks.