Do not close the plastic window. If the window does not close - possible causes and troubleshooting

Today, more and more owners of houses and apartments prefer to install metal-plastic instead of wooden window structures. It is not surprising, because plastic windows are wear-resistant and can last for decades, they are distinguished by increased thermal insulation, they protect well from noise and dust penetration. Each such window is completed with fittings: scissors, hinges, levers and handles. All the load falls on the fittings and over time, low-quality products are deformed. If it is not regularly inspected and adjusted, it breaks. As a result casement opens and closes with difficulty.

Causes of breakage of the handle

So, most often it fails window handle: it can jam at the most inopportune moment, it can become loose and then the sash cannot be fully opened for ventilation. Such breakdowns occur different reasons, most often due to:

  • factory marriage. For this reason, for windows in which the sashes are regularly opened for ventilation, it is necessary to buy high-quality fittings from trusted manufacturers;
  • improper installation of the window structure;
  • window displacement (the sash may sag);
  • accumulations of dirt in the window structure (windows located on the ground floors are especially susceptible to this). Accumulated dust should be periodically removed from windows with cleaning agents, and fittings should be lubricated with special grease. In stores, experts will tell you which trademark choose.

Handle does not turn

If you do not take care of window structures and fittings, then after a while the sash will sag, and the fittings will cease to function normally due to dust accumulation. All this will lead to the fact that the handle will stop opening completely or it will jam altogether. There is no need to panic, as the problem is solved quickly and simply:

  • remove the handle, for this we unscrew the bolts that fix it;
  • wash the accessories with water;
  • lubricate it with a special lubricant (you can use silicone or machine):
  • put the handle back.

If the window geometry was violated by saying in simple words- the window sagged, then the handle will need to be adjusted. There is a side bolt on the bottom hinge, with which it is easy to adjust the sash to the right or left. If you need to lower or raise it, then carry out the adjustment with the bolts of the lower hinge. Locking pins, lower and upper hinges will help to adjust the sash closer or further - they need to be pressed by hand. After these manipulations, the pen should work normally.

The handle is jammed

The following situation is also common: you want to open the window, but the handle does not turn, it is simply jammed. The blocker may be the cause of the malfunction. In this case, you need to press it with your hand and try to turn the handle. So that it functions normally, we lubricate it with oil. Such an element of fittings as scissors may also fail. Their main purpose is to fix the sash in open position for ventilation. Their breakage entails a breakage of the handle - it will not open. What to do in this case? Specialists in the repair of metal-plastic windows are advised to remove the sash and install scissors in special grooves. Then turn the handle and press the blocker with your hand if the handle does not move to the side. After checking if the locking mechanism is working and mount the sash back.

Window handle replacement

The handle should be replaced when the methods listed above did not help to close or open the window normally. It is removed easily: the bolts fixing it are unscrewed, and the rod is pulled out of the groove. The new handle is mounted in the same way.

It is not enough to talk about the popularity of plastic windows just by looking at residential skyscrapers. They have proven themselves with positive side, therefore, they are mainly installed in houses and apartments.

However, like any mechanism, PVC windows can fail and after a while of their operation, various problems appear. For example, the window has stopped closing. About the features and causes of this malfunction we will talk in this article.

Features and technical indicators of PVC windows

The concept of a plastic window is not entirely correct, since metal-plastic is used for their manufacture, i.e. windows are reinforced to create rigidity of the frame structure.

A plastic window means that it is made of PVC. it artificial material which is obtained from natural raw materials. This material can be found everywhere, it is used to make cases household appliances, toys, dishes, packaging.

Russian manufacturers of plastic windows (on the window market 99% Russian companies) have certificates of quality and compliance with technical standards and rules.

How to adjust the plastic front door, learn

Technical characteristics and components of the window structure:

  1. The profile is the skeleton of the window structure. Exists big choice plastic profiles, which differ from each other in design, the number of chambers, and the features of the fittings. According to GOST standards, the number of cameras should be at least two. As a rule, the profile is made of three chambers (manufacturers such as Rehau, Proplex) or five chambers (Salamander). The window chamber is a constructive compartments, with their help, the rigidity of the structure is ensured, which becomes cast, gives mass and provides thermal insulation. In addition, each profile contains one large chamber, which is necessary for the installation of a reinforcing profile. The profile is also reinforced with a steel reinforcement. The five-chamber profile is thicker. Such a frame can reach a width of up to 80 mm. Installing a profile of five chambers reduces the risk of condensation and freezing of the frame. The price of such windows is much higher than the profile with three chambers, the width of which is slightly smaller. In addition, the rigidity is also higher, so the admissibility that the frame is able to change its geometric shape(the sash will close poorly), decreases and equals to zero.
  2. A double-glazed window is the glass itself or a structure made of glasses, which are hermetically joined together in outline and separated by a space that is filled with rarefied air or gas (argon gas is used). Dirt and water must not penetrate inside the double-glazed window. Otherwise, there will be depressurization of the structure. Double-glazed windows can consist of one, two or three chambers. The choice of the number, size of chambers and glazing is carried out depending on the climatic features of the region and the functional purpose of the window. For example, the installation of double-glazed windows from one chamber, in which there is one air space between two glasses, is acceptable for warm regions, as well as for equipping loggias and balcony space. However, double-glazed windows consisting of two chambers (three glasses) have the best properties heat preservation than with one chamber (two glasses). In addition, energy-saving glazing can be found on the market. Such glasses perform the task of a thermal mirror. AT winter period when heating is turned on in apartments, such glasses are able to return up to 70% of the heat generated by batteries to the room. And in the summer, such glazing reflects infrared radiation. As a result, in the cold season the apartment will be warmer, and when it is hot outside, the room will have a comfortable temperature. The cost of such glazing is quite high. Sometimes, the gap between the glasses is filled not with rarefied air, but with gas (argon). However, both components have the same thermal conductivity, and the cost of glazing with argon is an order of magnitude higher. Also, a double-glazed window must have an additional rubber compressor along the entire length.
  3. Window fasteners are the components and necessary metal parts of the window: handles, locks, mechanisms, hinges. They can be both mobile and immobile. They form one mechanical chain, which is controlled by only one handle. Thanks to the product can be opened different ways, so the windows are: rotary (hinged) and folding (the sash can deviate vertically into the room).
  4. In addition, to ventilate the room, the design provides, while not spoiling the view of the window in the open position. Speaking of ventilation, flaps do an excellent job of this task without the appearance of a draft in the room. This is due to the fact that air flows and its mixing occur at the top. Window designs can also provide for ventilation due to a small gap. Thanks to a special device, the window can be opened a couple of millimeters. Slit ventilation is used in winter, when there is no need to tilt the sash completely. Such a mechanism prevents the window from opening from the outside, so the residents of the first floors do not have to worry about the safety of their valuables.

You may also be interested in energy-saving window film, which you can read about.

The choice of plastic windows on the market is now very large. Therefore, when choosing a PVC profile, you should consider in which room it will be installed., on the balcony or in the living room. All manufacturing firms have certificates of quality and compliance with the rules and regulations of manufacturing.

Possible problems in operation

PVC windows due to their high technical performance and performance are widely used and in demand in the construction of multi-storey and private houses. They have positive characteristics:

  • durable construction;
  • ease of use;
  • high functionality.

To improve the tightness of PVC products, we recommend reading about.

Moreover, the market has a large number of window companies that produce, sell and install windows according to your individual orders. Therefore, the purchase and installation of PVC windows is not difficult. However, over time, problems with windows can occur caused by:

  • misuse;
  • poor quality of installation work.

Typical problems of plastic windows.

Read also about house projects with panoramic windows, .

In case of improper or careless operation, damage may appear on the frames, condensation may form in the gap between the double-glazed windows. The window begins to fog up if there is increased humidity in the room, as well as a lack of ventilation. The reasons for the formation of condensation on the double-glazed window are: high humidity in the bathroom, steam during cooking, the presence of a large number indoor plants. To avoid such an unpleasant result, you should ventilate the premises several times a day.

all sorts of mechanical damage can occur due to careless operation of windows. To avoid small scratches on the frame, it is necessary to carefully and carefully handle the window. If minor scratches appear on the frame, you can use a special tool that can polish the surface.

If mistakes were made during the installation of PVC windows, then problems may arise later:

  • air infiltration through a closed window;
  • the process of closing and opening windows is difficult;
  • freezing of window slopes;
  • in winter, double-glazed windows are covered with an ice crust.

In addition, the following problems may occur during operation:

  • the window sash sagged (in the open position it catches the frame or fittings);
  • natural wear and tear;
  • sashes do not close tightly, a draft occurs.

In such cases, it will be necessary to make small repair work and adjustment of the plastic window.

Consider one of common problems with sash closing.

Reasons why the window does not close

What to do in such a situation when the window has stopped closing, and it is already cold outside. The reasons for this problem may be:

  • the sash sank down (this situation is typical for wide sashes that rarely open);
  • the sashes open immediately in two positions, while the handle is also jammed (the problem is typical for the tilt-and-turn window device);
  • hardware defects, sashes blocked by foreign objects or a bar that performs drainage and protective function(problems refer to design features of individual manufacturers).

Adjustment methods

When the sash sags, its lower part rests against the frame, you should lift it from below with your hands and try to close it in this position. If it doesn’t work, then you need to inspect the bottom of the sash from the outside. Some manufacturers during production provide for the presence of a bar in that place, which performs a drainage and protective function.

If a plastic window does not close tightly, then perhaps this bar has shifted towards the handle, and when the window closes, it rests against the frame from the inside. This situation often occurs when washing a window, when lining various items between the sash and the frame so that the window does not close in the process. To solve this problem, it is necessary to set the bar symmetrically with respect to the lower profile of the sash, hitting it a little from the end.

In the case of a tilt-and-turn device, when the window opens in two positions at once, it is necessary to follow a certain pattern. First you need to find the locking lever, which is located at the ends of the sash on the side of the handle. The lock is a spring-loaded element that is automatically compressed when the window is closed. Such a detail is different kind, but always has a spring. As a rule, this is a plate that sticks out at an angle to the main locking mechanism of the window, which runs along the entire perimeter of the sash. Action algorithm:

  • it is necessary to press the blocker;
  • the handle is moved to the upper position, while the blocker is constantly pressed;
  • then pressed top part hinged angle of the sash to the frame;
  • the handle turns down, the blocker is held, the sash should close.

What is the process of installing window sills and slopes on plastic windows will help you understand.

This method should fix the problem with closing the window. However, you should always carefully and correctly turn the handle, which is carried out with the sash tightly pressed against the frame.

If the window does not close when the sash is closed, and when the handle does not turn, the blocker may not have engaged with the mating device on the frame. To fix the problem, you must:

  • slightly shift the sash to the side, where the counterpart of the blocker is located. to do this, you need to tighten the adjusting screw located below the loop;
  • loosen the fastening mechanism much and insert a thin plate or other hard material between the frame and the blocker counterpart.

What to do if the handle is jammed and does not turn? In this case, you either did not find the blocker, or you should press harder and weaker on it. Correct pressure and working fittings should “release” the handle.

However, despite the positive outcome of the event, a full adjustment of the window should be made.

As it turned out, plastic windows are very easy to use and maintenance. Most problems can be fixed by hand without calling the window wizard, if you follow the instructions above.

Learn more about the types of double-glazed windows for plastic windows.

Windows are easy to maintain and easy to clean. The main thing is to choose the right detergent.

It is possible that information with a solution will be useful to you if.

With the removal of contaminants, liquid detergents. In order to avoid small scratches on the frame, it is not recommended to use abrasive products, powders.

And in order to avoid problems with window mechanisms in the future, you should carefully select a window manufacturer and provide the profile with proper care.

  1. It is necessary to periodically ventilate the room in order not to allow air to stagnate.
  2. Wash windows as they become dirty using a soapy solution (without acetone).
  3. Avoid abrasives to avoid scratching the profile.
  4. When opening and closing the window, it is necessary to turn the handle without pressure on it.
  5. All moving and fixed parts must be lubricated twice a year.

At proper care and operation of PVC windows for a long time will retain their appearance and specifications.


This video will show you how to adjust PVC windows yourself.

From the population it is sometimes necessary to hear various complaints about plastic windows. Either the plastic window does not close, then it fogs up, then the handle has fallen off ... There are many nuances in the operation of plastic windows. What to do? The main thing is not to panic. The problem of closing a window, like any other, must be approached thoroughly and competently so as not to harm even more.

The problem is purely technical in nature: the fittings become loose over time and allow themselves tricks of this kind. It can be solved by a specialist in the installation of plastic windows, simply by adjusting the window fittings.

The plastic window does not close at all - what to do?

It often happens that the window, for some reason, immediately opened in two positions - this is a full opening and ventilation. Unfortunately, few people know what to do in such a situation. Well, if this happened in the summer, you can wait for the master. What if it's winter? Attempts to return everything to its place lead, as a rule, to a breakdown of the fittings. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this! The video at the end of this article clearly shows how to close the window with your own hands in this case.

In this situation, the most important thing is accuracy. In no case should you use force so as not to break the handle.

In conclusion, I suggest watching a video on this issue.

The plastic window does not close - what to do?

The window sash opened in two positions, the handle does not turn - what is the reason?

Plastic windows have gradually become the norm for most families. If a few decades ago it was a sign of luxury and wealth, now it is rather a necessity. However, more and more often, users of new types of double-glazed windows can hear such complaints that the window opened in two positions at once. What to do in such a situation? Why is this happening and how to put everything back in place?

Causes of the problem

As a rule, such a situation is not a sign of a double-glazed window malfunction. Often, users make certain mistakes, which lead to such inconvenience. Consider the main factors that lead to the incorrect opening of the window. Knowing them, you will be able to use the windows correctly, and you will not have to urgently restore the position of the sash.

In order for plastic windows to have several opening options, device manufacturers have provided various tilt-and-turn parts. It is thanks to them that our windows can be not only wide open, but also be in the ventilation mode. Of course, when the window is equipped with several modes, a device is installed on the sash that blocks the opening in two modes at the same time. However, even despite this, in many families such a problem exists.

So, what are the reasons that the sash opens incorrectly and does not close?

  1. The sash has sagged.
  2. The main sash fastening is located on the bottom hinge.
  3. The opening handle is blocked.
  4. A foreign object has entered the system.

Sagging sash - the cause of problematic opening
Often in big houses massive windows are installed. When the area of ​​​​the double-glazed window itself is rather big, and they are rarely used, this leads to sagging of the sashes. Under the influence of its large weight, the retaining loops begin to deform over time. If they are not adjusted, you may experience an opening-closing problem.

Important! Although it is quite possible to solve this problem yourself, if the windows were installed quite recently and they are covered by warranty service, it is strongly advised to contact the installers. Self-repair may void the warranty.

Unbalanced main mount
A slight awkward movement can cause the sash to open in two positions at the same time, if it was initially fixed unprofessionally. In this situation, the spring that regulates the operation of the handle blocks the movement, and return the sash to original view becomes impossible.
In this case, you should act very carefully so as not to damage the mechanism. Do not rush and open the sash before you fully install the handle in the correct position.

Handle lock
Often, emergency opening can occur if the handle is jammed. This happens if a small part has moved inside the system itself, which experts call “scissors”. To solve the problem, you must carefully disassemble this part of the frame by removing the handle and installing the part in its original place.

Now we should discuss how to adjust the window, which, at first glance, is out of order.

Foreign object entry
Before trying to repair something, carefully inspect the structure. It is likely that there is some object between the sash and the frame. Sometimes it turns out to be a drain of water or something else. By removing the interference, you will seamlessly close the sash.

How to fix the wrong position of the sash

If the cause of emergency opening was subsidence

In this case, you need to try the following steps:

  • slightly raise the sash;
  • press it firmly against the frame;
  • in this position, try to restore the position of the handle.

If the problem is caused by a foreign object

If the window has ceased to function normally after the last wash, you should carefully inspect the place where the drain bar is installed. Some housewives, for convenience when washing, slip some objects under the sash so that the closing window does not interfere. As a result, the aforementioned bar is often shifted.

This leads to the fact that from the inside it prevents the sash from closing properly and as a result it may not open correctly. How to fix such a problem?
Examine the end of the sash. If in your case the root of the problem lies here, perform a few blows on this bar, thereby putting it in its original place. The problem should be resolved.

If none of the reasons for the window not closing properly apply to you, consider some more methods. self repair designs.

If the window does not open correctly and the handle does not turn, then most likely the blocker is jammed. How to restore the full operation of the window system?

  1. Find your blocker.
    This device is located inside the system, it is visible when you open the window. The main element of this device is always a spring. It is she who can interfere with the normal functioning of the system.
  2. Click on the element.
  3. In this position, press the handle, pointing its position upwards.
  4. Firmly press the problematic sash itself to the frame as if it were closed.
  5. Gently, gradually move the handle to the lower closed position.

Such manipulations should help ensure that the door closes completely, and will continue to fully function.

Important! If the handle is closed, most likely you did not find the blocker. If you did everything right, try repeating the procedure, only use a stronger clamp on the blocker.

Sometimes improper opening of the sashes can be caused by hardware failure or poor quality. If this is the case, then it is not recommended to try to do something on your own, because you can harm the system. In that case, the most the right decision- call a specialist as soon as possible.

How to avoid opening the sash in two positions at the same time

If you encounter such a nuisance, you can warn her in the future. Our simple recommendations care and use of windows will help you keep your double-glazed windows for a long time.

  1. To prevent the windows from sweating a lot (which leads to damage to some parts), it is necessary to ventilate them in a timely manner.
  2. Regular (once every six months) lubrication of hinges and moving mechanisms will help maintain the condition of the profile in excellent condition.
  3. Often use both ventilation modes, as this will not allow large profiles to sag and cause difficulties with further use.
  4. When opening the sash, move the handle to the end of the position without trying to pull it towards you.
  5. There is no need to press hard on the opening handle - this can harm the fragile mechanism.
  6. Never use corrosive detergents - a simple liquid soap and special wipes.
  7. Always check the work of installers who install the profile. Most often, many problems begin due to incorrect profile installation.

To the basic rules of small home renovation First of all, it is possible to attribute accuracy and slowness. Compliance with these simple requirements will help you independently restore the structure to work without causing unnecessary harm to it.

The article discusses practical advice how to use windows so that they serve you long time. All this will help you contact the masters as little as possible, solving minor problems on your own and saving the family budget.

Undoubtedly, this situation can lead many into a state of shock. This problem is especially acute in the cold season. The article details what to do when the sash opens in two positions. The video below will help you see how to put these tips into practice and avoid common mistakes.

A window that does not close can cause considerable inconvenience and cause many difficulties. This problem is especially relevant when it is a cold season outside, and you can’t wait for the master’s help. If you encounter a similar difficulty, it is important to determine the cause of the breakdown. Here are the most typical cases in which the plastic window does not close:

  • the window opened in two positions at the same time, which led to the jamming of the handle;
  • the design sank down, which is typical of wide doors that rarely open;
  • window fittings have fallen into disrepair;
  • window sashes blocked foreign objects or a drainage strip that performs a protective function.

Solving the problem of double opening.

If the swing-out sash opened in two positions at once, then try to find the blocker. Most often it can be seen at the end of the sash where the handle is located. The blocker is a spring-loaded component that is automatically pressed when the structure is fully closed. Whatever type this element is, it always performs the same function - it springs.

Often, the blocker is a plate that protrudes at a certain angle to the window lock directed along the sash. Consider the main stages of adjusting plastic windows:

  • Click on the blocker.
  • Without releasing it, move the handle up to the ventilation mode.
  • Press on the frame top corner with hanging loop.
  • Without releasing the lock, turn the handle down to the “closed” position. The building must be closed.

If the problem is solved, then be careful in the future: turn the handle only when the sash is firmly pressed against the frame.

But what if the handle jammed and stopped working? Perhaps you failed to find the blocker incorrectly or performed the actions with it incorrectly. Sometimes the problem lies in its incorrect pressing - you need to increase or decrease the effort. If the fittings are working, and the pressure is correct, the handle will start working. Remember that hardware wears out over time. To increase its service life, it is necessary to lubricate the main components from time to time.

We solve the problem of a sagging sash.

If the sagging sash rests on the lower part of the frame, grasp its lower part with your hands, lift it up and close it. Did not help? Then carefully inspect the lower section of the window from the street. On some plastic windows there is a protective drainage strip installed. Sometimes it moves closer to the handle and, after closing the window, rests on the inner section of the frame. This can happen during window cleaning, when additional items are installed between the sash and the frame so that the structure remains open. If the cause is a misaligned drainage bar, it must be aligned so that it becomes symmetrical to the bottom profile. To do this, lightly tap on its butt.

Did you manage to close the window? If yes, try to adjust the system as soon as possible so that the problem does not return.