Canopy over the porch made of ondulin. Step-by-step instructions for installing a canopy over the front door in a private house

Decorating your own garden is a real space for creativity and imagination. After all, the options for creating garden figures Ok, there can be a great variety - animals, people, plants, fairy-tale castles, characters from books, etc. But as elsewhere, a sense of proportion is important in landscape decoration. You shouldn’t make too many figures or make images out of nothing at all. different styles. Color harmony also plays a role. Decide on the style of your garden - whether it will be Japanese style, Russian folk style or French elegance, based on the style you can select suitable figures and images. In this article we will tell you step by step how to make garden figures with your own hands; the master class will be simple and understandable to all novice gardeners.

All available materials can be used as materials for making garden decorations - bottles, plaster, plastic, polyurethane foam, car tires.

From hardening materials

Plaster or alabaster is very convenient and practical material. Even quite large figures can be made from gypsum; the material takes any desired shape.

Do not forget that alabaster does not like moisture; it is better to varnish the top of the product and store it under a roof in winter and autumn.

Now you will learn how to make a garden mushroom from alabaster.

First we will make caps for future mushrooms. It's better to make them different sizes, so the figures will look more picturesque. We make them from plasticine, as in the photo.

Let's dilute the gypsum solution and fill the molds with it. No pre-lubrication required. The solution should resemble thick sour cream.

The plaster hardens quickly, in about 20 minutes, and the pieces can be removed.

The blank for the leg can also be made from plasticine or plastic liter bottle. Pour plaster into the mold.

After 15-20 minutes the leg is ready.

You can shape it a little with a spatula. Let all the pieces (hats and legs) dry. When the plaster becomes a lighter shade, it means it is dry. It may take a couple of days to dry. While the leg is soft, you need to make a hole for future fastening to the ground. You can pierce the leg with a drill.

Then you need to sand the workpieces with an abrasive sponge.

How to fasten a mushroom? This can be done using super glue, after first going over the bonding area with a primer. It is better to make a small dent in the cap before fastening it.

You can paint mushrooms with acrylic paints. Here are your taste preferences.

Be sure to finish the product with varnish to make it resistant to rain and wind.

And now insert a stick or drill into the previously prepared hole and you can stick the mushroom into the ground. The garden decor is ready.

Polymer clay is also good and inexpensive material for crafts. You can buy it in special craft stores. Today we will make a cute clay turtle.

Find a small bowl to create the turtle shell.

You need to roll the clay into a sausage and cut into pieces.

Carefully place the pieces of clay into the bowl, pressing them down with your hand. When the form is filled, you need to smooth the surface. You can use a stack.

Separately, you need to sculpt the head and paws, mark the places for them on the shell. It is better to mold pieces soaked in water.

Turn the workpiece over. Work with a stack - draw outlines on the shell and eyes of the turtle.

You can make a hat for the turtle.

The completion of the craft depends on the type of clay, there is self-drying clay, and there is clay that requires drying in the oven. They are usually dried at a temperature of 110-120 degrees.

Old tires

Unneeded tires or tires live in every garage. They can be used as an excellent material for garden crafts. Flowerbeds, garden furniture, sandboxes, decorative items - all these are possible products made from tires.

The simplest option is a flower garden made from tires. First, let's apply markings on the tire, as shown in the figure. Then you will need to cut along the line.

Cutting a tire is quite difficult; it is better to entrust this process to a man and use a jigsaw. If you don’t have a jigsaw, you can also cut with a knife, lifting the edge of the cut.

The tire can be installed on a stand. Use the part that was cut off at the beginning, or turn it over and place the pot inside it.

And for this version of the flower bed you don’t even need to turn the tire out.

Creating with papier-mâché

Papier-mâché is a material that was invented back in ancient China. The literal translation of the word is chewed paper. For papier-mâché crafts, old newspapers, sheets, toilet paper will also come in handy.

Today we will make a funny crow. A regular crumpled newspaper will do. Let's make two lumps - the future head and body of the crow.

You can cut out wings and a beak from cardboard, and make legs from bamboo sticks.

Everything is held together with tape.

Then the crow should be covered tile adhesive, then glue it to the stand and paint it as you wish.

Do not forget that for outdoor figures it is better to use acrylic paints and be sure to cover the product with several layers of varnish.

As you can see, many garden crafts can be easily made with your own hands from scrap materials.

Video on the topic of the article

For a clearer understanding of the process, we offer several useful videos.

Among decorative elements In the garden, the most popular are garden figures. They not only decorate the site, but also give it personality. These are the highlights of the garden that bring the whole design to life and create magic. Almost all owners of a private house or cottage have garden figures. They are easy to find in gardening or souvenir shops.

They are made from different materials- plaster, wood, concrete, stone. This garden decor is distinguished by the variety of themes of the figures, their sizes, design and price.

How to choose a figure for your garden among such a variety?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the size and shape. If the garden has long grass and tall flowers, then you need to choose products large sizes so that they can be clearly seen.

When you plan to place figures on the lawn, we advise you to take any, they will be clearly visible from any side of the site.

If the figures will stand near a flower bed with bright flowers, you need to choose products in white, black, or gray shades. Then they look most advantageous on the site.

And on a platform or path made of tiles, stones, ceramics, colorful figures are needed different shapes- these are gnomes, animals, birds.

You can select a set of products on one general theme, which are placed throughout the garden. They will create increased comfort on vacation.

Garden style with figures

Figurines for decorating the garden should be in harmony with other decorative elements and with the style of the site.

If the front garden is in a country style, then you can safely place figurines of gnomes, cats, geese, chickens, and goats.

IN oriental style Limitations on the number of figures are appropriate. A lion and a dragon will live well in it.

Figures of both animals and people, heroes of fairy tales, are suitable for a village garden. The main thing is a sense of proportion. For example, if main character There is a figure of a cow on the territory, then other animals, but smaller ones, are placed in different corners of the site.

IN Japanese style minimalism prevails. This garden has more stones than figures.

The classical garden is decorated with figures made of marble, bronze, and wood.

DIY garden figures

If you have free time and desire, you can make such figures with your own hands.

When a person has artistic abilities, it is easier to create original, unique products to decorate the garden. But even without artistic talent and skills, it is possible to realize any idea.

Master classes on making such products from scrap materials will help beginners in this work. And photos of figurines for the garden will inspire you to do this work.

The material for creating figures can be very different. This is wood, gypsum, cement, concrete, clay, polyurethane foam, plastic bottles, plywood.

One of the most popular materials for garden figures is wood. By popular belief, wood is the source of life, and wooden figures are very attractive to people. It’s as if warmth lives in them, and therefore the figures of the forester and other forest monsters do not seem scary.

You can build a well, a house, and small benches (30 cm) from wooden planks and rods.

Figures from polyurethane foam very durable and water resistant. They are often used to make a wide variety of birds and animals, and fairy-tale characters.

To make a donkey, first make a wire frame. Then the foam is gradually applied in several layers, allowing them to dry, and then treated with moisture-resistant grout.

And for the kolobok you need to make a hole in the ball and fill it with foam. Then cut the ball, take out the ball and color the bun.

It is better to make plaster figures small, although gypsum is a durable material. It hardens quickly. To preserve the product for a long time, it is coated with paint several times.

Special molds and other containers are often used. For the turtle figure you need to take round shape and fill it with plaster. On the frozen circle, cut out circles and hexagons. Then attach the head and legs. Color it at the end.

You can also make a flowerpot and flowers. A large product model requires a reinforced frame. At any dacha there are unnecessary pieces of hardware - pipe scraps, metal cans, springs. You can make a lot out of them interesting figures. They are fastened by welding.

They make the most from cement simple figures- mushrooms, ladybugs. Cement mortar pour into the desired container, having previously covered it with polyethylene. This will make it easy to remove the product from the mold. The finished figure is painted with paints.

The most unpretentious material for making figures is plastic. He is not afraid of the sun, snow, rain.

You can make bees out of small bottles. They are painted with colored stripes, wings are attached, and antennae are made of wire.

A palm tree can be made from brown and green bottles. The brown ones are cut, inserted one into the other, and a trunk is obtained. Lush leaves from green blanks are attached to the tops.

The most popular plastic figure is the stork. The basis for the body is a 5 liter bottle, parts are made from smaller bottles. If the bottles are colored, they are painted white at the end acrylic paint.

The stone figurine requires suitable stone a certain size. An ordinary cobblestone can turn into a kitten, a puppy, or a ladybug.

Unnecessary objects can act as garden figures household items, toys and furniture.

So a large old basket, a watering can, a children's car, a bathroom, a caravan, unnecessary dishes, old shoes can serve as a flower bed.

Broken old tiles useful for paving a path or decorating a flower garden.

As you can see, making garden figures with your own hands does not require large financial investments. Only required free time, desire, skillful hands and creativity. And then the beautiful figures in the garden will take pride of place on your site, giving it comfort and warmth.

Photos of figurines for the garden

Message quote

Decorating the garden. Do-it-yourself figurines for the garden.

Every year, trends in decorating the garden are gaining momentum. Amazing flower beds, paths, fountains, bridges, waterfalls with cascades... There are so many that you can walk through them like in museums. And I don't want to leave.

In general, the soul wants to go to heaven, but sins are not allowed. If you can call unobtrusive income a sin. But our people, as you know, will not take a taxi to the bakery. Because they bake their own bread. And many people already make figurines for the garden with their own hands. In the article we'll talk not about thoughtful designs made from car tires painted in cheerful colors. Although folk craftsmen manage to perform miracles from rough rubber. I'm saying that not only in the house, but also in the garden, you can do a lot of things with your own hands quite professionally. In addition to saving money, it brings a large portion of endorphins into the blood. Because creativity, especially in nature, is the most wonderful activity in the world.

DIY garden figures made from car tires:

Let's look at what kind of garden figures you can make with your own hands, how to do it, and how to place it. As always, we focus on what is low-cost in terms of time and money. As always, we go from simple to complex.

Stone garden figurines

The simplest thing is stones. They are very decorative in themselves. You can use boulders and pebbles to make everything from decorative fences for flower beds to figures of fairytale trolls. Do you remember that trolls turn to stone with the first rays of the sun? So here it is. The stones can not just be laid out, but painted with acrylic paints, which, we know, do not fade in the sun and are not washed off by rain. Color it tastefully, like jewelry is painted. And using just this simple technique you can create unique figures for the garden. No one else in the world will have such garden residents.

Or you can paint the stones in the delicate shades of dawn. And apply decorative stripes with white paint. You can make graffiti on rocks! How do you like this idea? You can make a lot of ladybugs out of smooth stones and place them throughout the garden.

Making ladybugs from stones for the garden:

Strawberries made from stones are just as good! Why not dilute it green grass in red?

What do you think of these “living” stones (see photo)? Great idea, but you need to know how to draw. Decoupage here will look completely alien...

Decorating the garden with flower beds

The next most difficult idea is the shape of the flower bed. A bicycle looks very stylish, as if it was used to transport flowers and was accidentally leaned against a tree. Yes, we forgot...

You can also adapt objects that have gone out of use in everyday life for flower beds. Just don’t get carried away, don’t create something like a landfill.

Stylish use of old things for a flower bed:

“Decorations” that will spoil your garden:

Garden figures from branches

The next idea is garden figures made from branches. When trees are pruned in the spring, there are a lot of branches left behind. You can throw them away or burn them. Or you can build a homemade composition for the garden. Starting with a simple nest for storks (let it be decorative, we will also plant flowers in it), and ending with more complex animal figures (see photo).

Animal figure made from pruned vines

Tomorrow's garden hedgehog made from a hard hat and putty

Gypsum-cement homemade figurines

Gradually we came to the use of cement and alabaster mixtures to create figures. After construction or renovation, there is always at least half a bag of putty and cement left over. Why not put them to work?

For such a wonderful hedgehog (see photo above), an old construction helmet was taken as the basis-frame. The top of the helmet was generously coated with gypsum putty, and needles were formed with our fingers. Now the hedgehog will dry for a day. And it will be painted with acrylic paint in its natural hedgehog colors.

DIY city in the garden

But a palace like this is actually not a complicated thing at all. We dig the base into the ground. In this case it's trimmings iron pipe. We cement these scraps in the foundation pit. They are generously coated with cement. We lay pebbles on the cement. A cut plastic bottle, future windows, is glued directly to the cement. But it will be much more beautiful if you glue in real glass. Any workshop will gladly give you the rest of the glass. Also, the remains of the tiles are in a store that sells tiles. Pebbles can be collected from a river or the sea. For money you will only get cement! And even he, sometimes, is left unneeded by the neighbors :).

We form the roof in the form of a cone using the palms of the same cement mass. For tiles you need to break a couple into fragments tiles. We form the fence according to the same principle as the base, using wire. So, if you get carried away, you can build an entire fairy-tale city in your garden.

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to buy a large number of expensive accessories. Nobody argues, they can be very beautiful. But it is quite possible to purchase several ready-made ones and decorate the rest yourself. Everything, literally everything, can be used with the right approach. The only thing you can't do without is hard work and good taste.

In order not to be led by your imagination alone, sketch out sketches. Figure out on paper what you want to bring to life and in which corner of the garden this design would be appropriate. Then pick everything up necessary materials. And only when everything is ready, start the actual work.

Without planning and preparing everything you need right away, you risk starting “long-term construction” before the end of the summer. Well, you won’t find these exact stones anywhere! And the unfinished fragments will frighten guests with their avant-garde nature. Or, without a well-thought-out sketch, everything will go awry, and everything will have to be broken and remade. Okay, you're patient. And for some, the desire to create may disappear altogether!

Do not use polyurethane foam, fabric or other materials that quickly fail. Take the successful experience of other masters as a basis and pave your own path. Let your home be blooming garden, and the garden is a cozy home.