Applying paint to the bark beetle. Methods for painting decorative bark beetle plaster

Bark beetle - that’s the name of the type decorative finishing internal or external walls of a building. With the help of unusual-looking plaster, you can paint any house, any room in an original way.

Decorative bark beetle plaster not only decorates the house, but also provides good protection walls from external influence

The peculiarity of the bark beetle is its textured coating. The solution that is applied to the wall contains small granules. As the mixture is rubbed over the surface, they form characteristic grooves. Externally, the surface of the walls seems to have been eaten by woodworm.

Exist various technologies decorative finishing using the bark beetle method: rain, carpet, lamb. It all depends on the method of grinding the plaster.

Structural plaster will not only decorate the house, but also provide good protection for the walls from external influences. The prepared surface can then be painted in various colors. Note that there is a method of coloring bark beetle by tinting the working mixture. To do this, a special pigment is added to the solution, which will determine the future. Let's find out in what ways the façade is painted structural plaster bark beetle?

Coloring the working mixture

The first way, but not the only one. As mentioned, here the dye is added to the working solution. This will help fill in the textured grooves with paint, which are more difficult to paint when normally painting walls (when using a roller).

Add the desired paint to the working plaster solution. Next, the walls are plastered and the mixture is rubbed over the surface according to finishing technology. After the coating has hardened, painting begins. The color scheme of the coloring mixture can be identical to that which was added to the plaster. You can choose lighter or, conversely, darker shades of color.

The color of the paint can be identical to the color of the plaster

When painting, do not press the roller too hard against the surface so that excess dye does not flow into the recesses. In this case, the structural feature will stand out better, creating a three-dimensional effect. Note that the consumption finishing coating in this way will be relatively small.

Coloring the intermediate solution

The second method involves another universal method painting - when primer paint is used. This means that the pigment is added to the primer mixture. Please note that it is recommended to apply a primer in any case. It not only increases the protective properties of decorative finishing, but also provides better adhesion (adhesion) of paint and plaster. Primer paint is more liquid in consistency, which will allow you to paint the bark beetle recesses well.

Unfortunately, painting the walls with just a primer will not finish the job, and the house will not have a particularly attractive appearance. Therefore, the application of a finishing color is required. Here, just as in the previous finishing method, you can use the same paint tone or choose a different one that highlights the pattern.

Walls painted with primer have an unsightly appearance, so a finishing color is required

Traditional coloring

Facade finishing with decorative plaster followed by painting the walls can be done in a third way - with special paint of one color or several.

You can paint over this plaster:

  1. Acrylic mixtures. They are usually produced on a water basis (dispersion or emulsion), therefore they are environmentally friendly and safe. Universally applicable for interior work. However, facade acrylic dispersion is also found. The obvious advantages include: moisture resistance and vapor permeability, strength and durability, an extensive palette of colors and shades.
  2. Alkyd mixtures. They can easily be used to treat the outside of a house, since the substance is extremely resistant to atmospheric influence. But it is not advisable to use it for work inside the house. The solution contains organic solvents, which gives it a characteristic odor.
  3. Oil mixtures. For lack of anything better, at one time oil-based paint solutions were very popular, despite their disadvantages. For example, the lack of vapor permeability does not allow the walls to “breathe”. Due to solvents, they smell and are highly flammable. They are also weakly resistant to alkali, heat and ultraviolet radiation. Modern, more efficient paints and varnishes practically forced oil suspensions out of the market.
  4. Please note that bark beetle paintwork designed for metal is available for sale. The metal is not plastered here; the characteristic texture effect is created by the coloring solution itself. An original finish of the same type is obtained if metal and stone are present in the interior. It seems that the decorative coating “transitions” from one material to another. And the metal ceases to resemble itself.

With help decorative plaster you can paint any building in an original way

An important point in the purchase is to calculate the coverage consumption. It is produced according to the following formula: the area of ​​the treated surface is multiplied by the average consumption of the selected product. And then the result obtained is multiplied by the number of layers applied. You can find out what the average consumption is from technical characteristics paint and varnish products.

When necessary materials purchased, you can begin to carry out the work. A roller and brush are used for the work. You need to purchase a bath for the roller.

Open the package with the coloring mixture and stir thoroughly. If the substance is too viscous, it can be diluted a little (with water or white spirit). It is recommended not to add more than 10% of total mass suspension, since the painting mixture may lose its properties.

Another point about viscosity: thinner mixtures have less consumption.

Pour a small amount of the substance into the bath. We dip the roller, scrolling around the entire circumference and blotting along the ribbed surface of the tray to remove excess. Let's move on to coloring.

It is better to start work from the top of the wall, this way you will be able to avoid drops and streaks on the painted surface. We paint once, take a break until the coating dries completely, and repeat painting. The technology of painting with a three-dimensional surface effect is produced as follows. First, carefully paint over the structural depressions with a brush. We are waiting for it to dry. Then we apply the final decorative coating. For finishing works

You can choose a contrasting color. We roll the roller without pressing so that the mixture does not flow into the drawing.

When performing outdoor work, be sure to take into account the permissible atmospheric conditions. This applies to both plastering and painting. When the job is done, don't leave your painting tool dirty. Otherwise, it will no longer be usable. With the help of such original materials, you can unusually decorate the entire house, both inside and outside. Correctly selected means and compliance technological features

The painting process will transform your home for many years to come. A wonderful thing, this decorative bark beetle plaster! Its convenience is that cement base makes it possible to use it in places such as the facades of buildings and private houses. External She tolerates it well. And if we take into account the apartment, then balconies and loggias, whether glazed or open, represent an excellent opportunity for using this type of finishing. Decorative bark beetle plaster is easy to work with; application does not require special skills, as is necessary when working, for example, with Venetian decorative plaster. But there are downsides. For example, painting decorative bark beetle plaster in two colors causes difficulty for many. Let's look at options and ways to solve this problem.

Minus number 1. Difficult to paint.

This actually presents a certain difficulty, since the texture is such that the finished surface has numerous indentations, similar to indentations in wood eaten by a bark beetle. Painting them is the biggest difficulty.

You need to take a thicker roller and soak it well with paint. The paint will flow into the depressions, then flow out from there, and accumulate unsightly on the surface. You'll have to collect it with a roller. And after all, in these recesses there will still be unpainted areas that will have to be touched up with a brush. In general, you suffer and think that it would be better not to paint.

Minus number 2.

After painting it one color, you will really understand that it was better not to paint it, since a bark beetle painted in one tone only looks good if it is done perfectly. And if you have only once or twice tried to make decorative bark beetle plaster with your own hands, then you are still far from ideal.

But there is a way to fix everything.

Painting decorative plaster: necessary materials and application methods

Paint the surface a second time with a different color. But with such a condition that only the plane is painted, and stripes, furrows and potholes remain in original color. This already looks quite original. Therefore, if this happens, then go ahead. Paint a different tone over the already painted one.

How to paint a bark beetle in two colors

But there is an opportunity to avoid the hassle of painting the inside of the texture. The method is quite simple. It consists in adding color to plaster mortar when mixing it. Then, when the decorative layer is made, it will already have its original specific color.

Perhaps you have an idea how to ensure that the color of the batch does not differ from the batch? This is actually quite difficult. But in fact it is not necessary. An approximate tone for each batch will be enough. At first you will get a difference in the palette of different batches.

By the way, in the first photo the lower part has not dried yet, so it has stains.

But after you paint the entire plane in the second tone, this difference in the recesses is completely invisible. Judge for yourself.

Decorative bark beetle plaster with the addition of collier and the solution painted in a second tone.

The whole difficulty of painting decorative plaster in this case will be so that the paint, on the contrary, does not flow into the furrows of the bark beetle. To do this, take a roller with short pile, for example velor, and, pressing lightly, roll it along the plane of the texture. The result will look great.

Another way to paint decorative plaster

What to do if you have already applied decorative bark beetle plaster, but did not add color to the solution? Is it possible to paint it without having to go through the hassle of painting the inside of the texture? There is a second method, invented by enterprising painters. We take a primer, latex or acrylic, and add color directly to it. And then we saturate the entire finished surface with this tinted primer. The primer is liquid and flows quite easily into all pores. And when dry it forms an indelible layer. At first you may be horrified, because who knows what will happen.

Type of decorative plaster after applying a primer with color added to it

But after painting the plane in the second tone, you will not be disappointed. After all, the result will be such that you won’t be able to tell what you used to paint it for the first time, paint or impregnated it with tinted primer.

Most likely, these small subtleties will help you make your decorative bark beetle plaster look impressive.

And one more piece of advice. Many who begin this type of work for the first time immediately choose the most noticeable and largest wall. Don't make a mistake. Start with the most inconspicuous one. And when it comes to that big one, you will already have some experience.

  • Grain size 2 mm
  • Forms a weather-resistant, durable coating
  • Ready to use, easy to apply
  • Computer tinting in 1000 light shades

Application area

For external and internal works. Suitable for application on completely dry mineral surfaces (concrete, plaster, brick, etc.), drywall. Recommended for rooms with high operational load, common areas (entrances, halls, staircases, etc.), as well as loggias and building facades.

Can be used in children's and medical institutions.

Features of application

Prime the surface with primer deep penetration Marshall Export Base (for interior work) or Marshall Facade primer(for external work).

Then apply 1 layer of Marshall Akrikor Structural paint (or another covering primer with quartz sand), tinted in a tone close to the color of the finishing coating.

When using other primers, it is recommended to do a test paint job. Apply at temperatures from +5 °C to +35 °C and relative humidity 40-70%. Mix the material thoroughly before application. Apply the plaster with a trowel in 1 layer to the thickness of the filler (grain).

Then, after 10-15 minutes, use a plastic grater to create the desired pattern on the surface. Depending on the required structure, make circular, vertical, horizontal, cross or chaotic movements.

It is allowed to apply white or tinted material in bulk, as well as repainting it with tinted water-dispersion interior or facade paints.

No dilution required.



Acrylic latex


Trowel, plastic grater

Complete drying time

24-48 hours

Consumption (1 layer)

2.5 - 3 kg/m2

Storage period and conditions

2 years at temperatures from +5 °C to +30 °C in unopened original packaging. Up to 5 freezing cycles are possible (a cycle of no more than 1 month) at a temperature not lower than -25 °C.

Certificate of state registrationFire certificate KM1 Certification refusalSafety passportTechnical characteristics

After completing the dirty and troublesome process of plastering the surface, an equally troublesome and important stage begins - painting the decorative plaster.

First of all, the aesthetic aspect, such a coating allows you to bring to life original design ideas for creating stylish interior indoors or exterior of a building facade.

It should also be noted that in the second case, facade paint perfectly protects the walls from the effects of harmful factors (humidity, ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, etc.). If light-colored paint was used in the process of painting the facade of the building, it will also protect the walls not only from harmful factors, but also from overheating.

Colored and white mixtures

Planning plastering work You must immediately decide on the type of mixture. Today, manufacturers of such materials offer consumers two types of mixtures: white plaster (suitable for subsequent painting) and colored plaster (which already contains a tinting pigment).

Important: it is rational to purchase tinting pigment in the same store where you buy the plaster base for subsequent painting. When choosing the right shade, you should take into account that the color will be slightly lighter after painting and drying. To prepare such a mixture, you simply need to add a coloring pigment to it and mix thoroughly, after which the solution is applied to the wall.

It should also be noted that not all types of decorative plaster mixtures are suitable for painting in bulk. In this case, after applying it to the wall, the surface is subsequently painted with facade or interior paint.

What is good about pure white plaster mixture?

Painting decorative plaster

If you choose such a material, you get wide scope for implementing even the most unusual and fresh design ideas. It is possible to paint with various color combinations, including creating a specific pattern on the wall surface.

Work technology

P painting work can only be carried out after the plaster layer has completely dried. The drying time of the mixture varies from 8 to 48 hours. In this case, the following factors play a role:

  • high-quality composition of the mixture;
  • coating thickness;
  • surface relief.

Important: if there is a tendency for particles of the mixture to fall off on a dry plastered surface (this often happens with cement-based plaster), it is imperative to strengthen the plaster layer with a colorless primer before painting. After application and complete drying of the primer, painting work can begin.

For execution painting works You will need the following tools:

  • paint roller and tray for it;
  • brush;
  • container for paint (for these purposes it is rational to use an ordinary bucket with a fishing line stretched along its edge, which is very convenient to remove excess paint from the brush, in order to avoid splashing it).

Before performing painting work, it is rational to cover the furniture and floor in the room with paper or cellophane film.

The simplest and effective way painting decorative plaster is a “one-pass” method. It involves using a brush or long-haired paint roller. The use of such tools allows you to paint even a textured surface with high quality.

However, a more original effect can be achieved by combining different shades of paint. To do this, you must first apply a base tone to the surface using a long-haired roller. Next, after this layer has dried, you can start painting with a dry brush with a small amount of paint or a short-haired roller. This technology allows you to create fancy patterns on a relief surface.

note: to create a pattern on a relief surface, you can use not only ordinary paint, but also decorative metallics, such as bronze, gold, silver. They can be applied using the dry brush method or using a special mitten.

Important: when applying metallic paints to plaster, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the wall will look somewhat tacky.

After painting the plaster, regardless of the method chosen, it is necessary to coat the wall with a colorless protective varnish after the paint has completely dried.

How and with what to paint decorative plaster?

What paint is best to use for painting decorative plaster? What tools to use? How to prepare the surface? What are the main stages of work?

The simplest and most logical way to paint decorative plaster, in my opinion, is to add the required color (color) to the pre-mixed plaster and then apply it to the walls of the color you need.

The second way, perhaps the most common, of painting plaster is to apply paint to an already finished surface. In this case, it is better to use water-based paints (acrylic, silicate). It is important to follow some basic rules, for the durability of the painted surface:

  • painting should be done only after the decorative plaster has completely dried (after approximately 48 hours);
  • before painting, you can cover the working surface with acrylic primer;

It is also worth paying due attention to the materials with which you are going to apply paint to decorative plaster:

  • you can use a wide brush, roller or, for example, a special mitten;
  • Using a brush or roller, as a rule, uniform painting of the working surface is carried out;
  • also, using a rubber sponge or mitten, you can create an interesting pattern, the texture of the plastered surface, by rubbing the paint;
  • You can also make decorative plaster voluminous by combining the sequence of surface painting:

A lot depends on the type and texture of decorative plaster, because the main thing is to know what effect you want to achieve when painting. As for paints, they can be water-based or organic-based, it all depends on your desire and wallet.

The choice of tools depends on the relief of the decorative plaster and on the desired result; painting is usually done with a roller or brush, but in special cases sponges, grouting cloths, spatulas with a comb or other working tools are used.

Preparing the surface of decorative plaster requires treatment with a colorless primer for better adhesion of the paint to the plaster; after the primer has dried, you can begin painting. If you want to get a well-painted surface, apply the paint with a brush, filling all the reliefs, and then roll it with a roller.

Painting decorative plaster: application methods

If you want to have a non-uniformly painted surface, start painting with a roller and then dry with a sponge.

Types of painting decorative plaster depend on its texture and design that you want to have on the walls of your house or apartment, and the paint can be anything, from water-based to alkyd-based enamel. Alkyd enamel for interior work Alpina Mattlatex works well on decorative plaster; after painting the walls can be washed, so it is suitable for finishing bathrooms, kitchens and balconies.

It's very easy to paint! For this they use water-based paint, paint rollers with long pile, tassels and how industrial version spray.

Preparation involves removing debris and dust from the surface; you can brush it off with a broom or rag, or you can blow it off with a vacuum cleaner or spray bottle.

When painting, first paint over hard to reach places these are angles, elements decorative designs, small places, as well as places around doors, windows and other objects.

If you paint with a monochromatic shade, then in principle the movements do not matter, but if you purchased expensive iridescent or tinted/structured paint, then you must paint with movements in one direction!

Don’t rush to cover it up right away, it’s better to go over it with a thin layer, let it dry, look at the gaps and sagging in the color, paint again with a thin layer, let it dry and finish the job with another control layer for problematic areas.

The question is not specified; there are a lot of decorative plasters, and accordingly, they are all painted differently. For example, pebble plaster such as “lamb” and “bark beetle” can be painted with a roller or spray.
For painting, façade acrylic and silicone paints are suitable; if indoors, interior paints and varnishes are suitable. If you paint the “bark beetle” in two layers with different paints, you can get an interesting texture.

Here is the "Manna" type plaster

By painting the plaster with a brush you can also get an excellent pattern.

How to paint a bark beetle in two different colors

In this article:

Advantages of decorative facade plaster Many owners of private houses have already appreciated the bark beetle. With the help of such finishing you can give your home an attractive appearance and protect its walls from any external negative impacts. Among the important advantages of such decorative cladding is the ability to paint the plaster in two colors.

It is quite possible to paint the facade with two colors yourself, however, such work requires some knowledge and skills that can be gleaned from the Internet.

Bark beetle facing

Painting facade plaster in two colors is the final stage of finishing work, before the start of which the owner needs to solve other important tasks.

To better understand what bark beetle plaster is, the owner should understand all the features of such cladding and take into account all the pros and cons.

Disadvantages of plaster

First of all, it is necessary to understand what difficulties a homeowner who decides to carry out the bark beetle finishing of the facade will have to face on their own. Z

Real people - specialists in the field of construction and finishing of residential buildings, usually identify two disadvantages of such finishing:

Despite the described shortcomings, with the help of the Bark Beetle you can really give your home an attractive appearance, originality, even uniqueness. Painting in two colors is perfect solution for all owners who carry out installation work themselves. The easiest way is to paint obvious facade irregularities with one color, and the rest of the area with another. In this case, you can get very original design.

When decorating a façade with Bark Beetle, a color can be added to the plaster; in this case, immediately after application to the wall, the cladding will already have one desired color, and therefore the owner will only have to paint the uneven areas with another enamel.

Benefits of coloring

Despite the difficulties in working with bark beetle, this cladding option external walls The building enjoys deserved popularity among owners of a wide variety of buildings. This is connected, of course, with a large number advantages provided by the plaster and painting itself.

Among the main advantages of colored bark beetle are:

How to choose paint

When purchasing decorative facade plaster, the owner can immediately select finishing material white or other color. In the first case, the plaster will definitely need painting, in the second - at the request of the house owner.

As for the choice of color, the owner will have to decide on his own; the owner can order the services of professional designers who will select the most suitable tones to be applied to the plaster.

Dyeing technology

When facade paints chosen, you need to understand what painting in two colors means and how the paint is applied. First of all, before installing decorative plaster, you should properly prepare the surface of the facade, that is, clean the walls, prepare the solution and repair all defects.

In addition, before installing the Bark Beetle, you should choose whether the color will be added to the plaster before installation, or whether the plaster will be painted after installation of the coating on the facade.

The option of painting a surface already lined with plaster gives the owner the widest possibilities. For such processing, you can use a variety of paints, you can paint in two colors, you can use various technologies and methods by which paint is applied to the surface, etc.

In any case, before painting you need to purchase not only the selected paint, but also the tools necessary for such finishing work. To paint installed plaster, you will need brushes, a roller, paint mixing equipment and a spiked plate.

The easiest way to paint bark beetles is to paint in one pass, but in this case only one type of paint is applied. Achieve something original appearance This method will not work for your home.

Want more information on the topic? Check out these articles:

Painting decorative plaster is the final stage finishing. Decorative plaster can be white or gray, with the exception of that which is purchased already in finished form with the addition of colored pigment to the plaster mixture. White or gray plaster is intended for painting.

Painting decorative plaster

Which paints to choose and how to correctly calculate consumption

Both façade and interior paints are used for painting decorative plaster. They may be on organic solvents, which are silicate, acrylic and silicone compounds, or water-based.

If the plaster is to be painted, then before starting work, first of all, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​the working surface. To do this, measure the perimeter of the walls and then multiply it by the height. It is also necessary to measure window and door openings in order to then subtract their area. Now, having chosen the paint, you can calculate its approximate consumption.

The surface covered with decorative plaster usually has a clearly defined relief. The higher the surface relief and smaller elements, the more paint consumption will be.

It is better to take for calculation the maximum value indicated on the paint can. By multiplying this number by the square footage of the room, double the resulting value, since painting is done in two stages. Then, add another 15-20% to the resulting displacement.

Plastering and painting walls, choosing tools:

For painting you will need the following tools:

  • Roller with brush tray
  • Nylon cord (on a bucket of paint to prevent it from splashing)
  • A small plate with spikes along the edge of the tray.

To paint plastered surfaces, you can use a wide brush, roller or special mitten.

Painting decorative plaster #8211 technology and methods

How to paint decorative plaster?

You can begin any painting work on plaster only after the layer of plaster for painting has completely dried. This may require you to wait 8 to 48 hours. Drying times depend on the composition plaster mixture, humidity level and ambient temperature.

If there is a tendency for plaster particles to peel off or fall off, to strengthen the surface, it is advisable to treat the plastered wall for painting using a colorless primer.

When the primer has dried, you can begin painting over the decorative plaster.

Before starting work, you need to protect furniture, floors, windows and other surfaces from splashes and drops of paint. To do this, it is recommended to use a special polyethylene film, which can be purchased at any construction or hardware store. When painting facades, such precautions will not be required, but windows and the path near the wall should still be covered. Before use, the selected paint must be stirred well. Paint is applied to the walls using a roller or brush. When painting walls with a brush, the paint is applied in both horizontal and vertical strokes.

Apply the paint first with horizontal strokes, then blend them with vertical strokes. To obtain an even color, it is recommended to shake it periodically with the same brush with which the paint is applied, so that the paint composition remains uniform in color and thickness during the process, and sediment does not form at the bottom. The roller painting technique is also simple. First, dip the roller into the paint and roll it along the spiked plate along the edge of the tray to remove excess paint.

Paint is applied to the wall from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. The stripes of paint should be applied so that they lay on top of each other, approximately 4–5 cm. As the paint is consumed, the pressure on the roller increases so that the paint lays down in an even layer. You can paint the wall in one or two steps. In both cases, the paint should be thoroughly shaded.

Painting plaster with a roller

You can get a perfectly evenly painted surface if you first use a brush when applying, shade it well, and then #8220 roll #8221 the surface with a roller. The most in a simple way painting decorative plaster is painting #8220 in one pass #8221, that is full painting plastered surface, including all recesses and protrusions in the same tone. You can also try using a combination of several different colors. To do this, use a roller to first apply a light #8211 base coat of paint to the surface. After it has completely dried, the protruding areas of the relief are covered with paint of a darker shade. This technique of adding additional volume to a plastered surface is called #8220 dry brush method #8221.

Sometimes metallics (bronze, gold, silver) are used instead of dark paint. They are applied using a dry brush or a special mitten.

To soften color contrasts on a surface with a finer texture, you can additionally rub the paint using a mitten or a rubber sponge. The same technique is used to enhance the effect of deep relief or, if you want to give decorative coating antique look #8220 #8221 . Protruding details of the relief can be emphasized by applying bronze, gold or silver paint.

Using a short-haired roller, you can achieve an interesting effect when painting the surface of plaster for painting type #8220 bark beetle #8221. Remaining unpainted, the grooves form a contrasting #8220 bark beetle #8221 pattern on the wall. This difference can be enhanced, or, conversely, muted, by first adding a coloring pigment to the plaster, and then painting the walls the same color, but with a different shade.

How to paint decorative plaster with a non-uniform texture?

Painting textured plaster suggests some features. If the plastered surface of the wall has a combination of textured and smooth areas #8211, painting should begin with the textured ones. Smooth elements can be painted only after the embossed ones have completely dried. If this point is not taken into account, then when applying paint to the entire surface of the wall, without taking into account its texture, loosely fixed particles of the plaster surface may peel off, sticking to smooth areas. After drying, when reapplying a layer of paint, strictly following this sequence is no longer required.

Dried and painted decorative plaster can be additionally coated beeswax, in order to give a matte shine to the surface.

Painting decorative plaster video material:

Coloring the bark beetle in two colors

A wonderful thing, this decorative bark beetle plaster! Its convenience is that the cement base makes it possible to use it in places such as the facades of buildings and private houses. It tolerates the external environment well. And if we take into account the apartment, then balconies and loggias, whether glazed or open, represent an excellent opportunity for using this type of finishing. Decorative bark beetle plaster is easy to work with; application does not require special skills, as is necessary when working, for example, with Venetian decorative plaster. But there are downsides. For example, painting decorative bark beetle plaster in two colors causes difficulty for many. Let's look at options and ways to solve this problem.

About the disadvantages of the bark beetle

Minus number 1. Difficult to paint.

This actually presents a certain difficulty, since the texture is such that the finished surface has numerous indentations, similar to indentations in wood eaten by a bark beetle. Painting them is the biggest difficulty.

You need to take a thicker roller and soak it well with paint. The paint will flow into the depressions, then flow out from there, and accumulate unsightly on the surface. You'll have to collect it with a roller. And after all, in these recesses there will still be unpainted areas that will have to be touched up with a brush. In general, you suffer and think that it would be better not to paint.

Minus number 2.

After painting it one color, you will really understand that it was better not to paint it, since a bark beetle painted in one tone only looks good if it is done perfectly. And if you have only once or twice tried to make decorative bark beetle plaster with your own hands, then you are still far from ideal.

But there is a way to fix everything. Paint the surface a second time with a different color. But with such a condition that only the plane is painted, and the stripes, furrows and potholes remain in their original color. This already looks quite original. Therefore, if this happens, then go ahead. Paint a different tone over the already painted one.

How to paint a bark beetle in two colors

But there is an opportunity to avoid the hassle of painting the inside of the texture. The method is quite simple. It consists of adding color to the plaster solution when mixing it. Then, when the decorative layer is made, it will already have its original specific color.

Perhaps you have an idea how to ensure that the color of the batch does not differ from the batch? This is actually quite difficult. But in fact it is not necessary. An approximate tone for each batch will be enough. At first you will get a difference in the palette of different batches.

By the way, in the first photo the lower part has not dried yet, so it has stains.

But after you paint the entire plane in the second tone, this difference in the recesses is completely invisible. Judge for yourself.

Decorative bark beetle plaster with the addition of collier and the solution painted in a second tone.

The whole difficulty of painting decorative plaster in this case will be so that the paint, on the contrary, does not flow into the furrows of the bark beetle. To do this, take a roller with short pile, for example velor, and, pressing lightly, roll it along the plane of the texture. The result will look great.

Another way to paint decorative plaster

What to do if you have already applied decorative bark beetle plaster, but did not add color to the solution? Is it possible to paint it without having to go through the hassle of painting the inside of the texture? There is a second method, invented by enterprising painters. We take a primer, latex or acrylic, and add color directly to it. And then we saturate the entire finished surface with this tinted primer. The primer is liquid and flows quite easily into all pores. And when dry it forms an indelible layer. At first you may be horrified, because who knows what will happen.

Type of decorative plaster after applying a primer with color added to it

But after painting the plane in the second tone, you will not be disappointed. After all, the result will be such that you won’t be able to tell what you used to paint it for the first time, paint or impregnated it with tinted primer.

Most likely, these small subtleties will help you make your decorative bark beetle plaster look impressive.

And one more piece of advice. Many who begin this type of work for the first time immediately choose the most noticeable and largest wall. Don't make a mistake. Start with the most inconspicuous one. And when it comes to that big one, you will already have some experience.

Decorative plaster with a “bark beetle” texture is one of the most popular: it’s easy to apply, looks good, and is inexpensive. Various variants of the bark beetle can be found on any building, anywhere in the country. How and with what paint can you get an evenly colored layer on a textured surface? We'll tell you in the article.

As a rule, ready-made pastes are used to decorate walls. different manufacturers that have white or light gray color. It is not enough to create a beautiful texture on the facade; to increase its service life it must be painted. This is the main reason why painting is required, but there are others:

  • the paint creates a dirt-repellent layer, thanks to which the facade remains clean and attractive longer;
  • the paint layer reduces moisture absorption, preventing peeling of the plaster in winter;
  • By painting in different shades of the same color or in different colors, you can achieve different optical effects, enriching the plasticity of the facade, making it more decorative and attractive.

It is advisable to select the paint for painting in accordance with the composition of the plaster: for acrylic - acrylic, for silicone - the same composition.

Disadvantages of coloring

Painting is an additional financial and time cost: by hiring craftsmen, the savings from applying the plaster yourself will come to naught, and painting with your own hands will sometimes take more time than plastering, especially if you do it in several shades.

The wrong paint can ruin your home's insulation efforts if the plaster was applied as part of an insulation system.

Types of paints

For painting a facade, the most important thing is the vapor permeability of the paint layer: walls made of materials such as wood, cellular blocks of foam concrete or gas silicate, insulated using the “ wet facade"must breathe - that is, release water vapor from the thickness of the wall to the outside, otherwise internal space The humidity regime at home is disturbed. Over time, this leads to the formation of mold and mildew.

Let's look at the main types of paints used for exterior decoration.


Oil paints are the oldest and cheapest composition for painting. different surfaces, is completely unsuitable for a facade, especially for an insulated one:

  • zero vapor permeability;
  • low light and frost resistance - quickly fades and peels off;
  • small color range;
  • lack of resistance to alkaline environments;
  • high flammability.

Even low price will not make oil paint an attractive option for painting a facade, oil paint you can paint a fence or walls in technical rooms where only a durable film is required to protect against moisture for budget funds.


Alkyd compositions are produced on the basis of pentaphthalic (PF brand) and glyphthalic (GF brand) varnishes. The most famous version of the alkyd composition is pentaphthalic enamel PF-115. Main characteristics alkyd paint for painting external walls:

  • vapor permeability - low;
  • light and frost resistance meet the requirements for paints for exterior use;
  • chemically resistant;
  • durability - 5–7 years;
  • low price;
  • poor color palette - only 24;
  • high flammability.

Compositions based on alkyd resins contain a solvent and therefore have a sharp bad smell, which disappears after drying. In the bright sun and summer heat, if the facade is painted in a rich color, the smell may appear again.


Acrylic paints- the most environmentally friendly and safe:

  • practically odorless;
  • vapor permeable;
  • frost-resistant and light-resistant paints designed for outdoor use;
  • durability over 10 years;
  • wide range of colors, easily tinted in shades according to the RAL, 3D+ system.

Due to these properties, experts most often use acrylic paints for facade works.

Some shades of acrylic compounds are used to a limited extent for the most heavily loaded surfaces, for example, the base: the blue dye is the least lightfast, so it fades in the sun.

Which is better to paint and how to correctly calculate the consumption

After analyzing the characteristics of the paints offered for sale, it is easy to choose the right composition. Acrylic paints are very popular due to their durability, harmlessness and low cost.

In addition to acrylic, silicate, silicone and latex paints are used for facade work, which have sufficient vapor permeability, light and frost resistance, and longer durability than acrylic, but at a higher price.

To calculate paint consumption, you need to know the surface area, for painting in several colors - the area of ​​each color, and hiding power - paint consumption in kilograms or liters per 1 m2 for 2-layer painting. The covering power is indicated by the manufacturer of the composition on the packaging: if the weight is indicated, then the covering power is given in kg/m2, if the volume is indicated, then in l/m2.

The easiest way to calculate required amount You can paint according to the facade diagram: draw the facade with dimensions, show all the openings and borders in different colors. The diagram calculates the area occupied by paint different color, minus openings. The area is multiplied by the covering power. 10% is added to the resulting value - for possible mistakes and repainting during operation.

IMPORTANT: when calculating, do not forget about the areas of window and door slopes.

Painting decorative plaster - technology and methods

During the first penetration, all the depressions of the relief are carefully painted; for this purpose, take paint of a thicker consistency and carefully shade it over the surface of the wall. Inevitable drips are removed with a foam sponge. The paint must be completely dry before repainting.

For the second layer, paint is selected in a lighter or darker shade, depending on the desired effect. Thick water-based dispersion paint can be slightly diluted with water, and solvent-based paint can be diluted with the appropriate composition. Apply the most convex areas with a roller with a small pile.

After the paint layer has dried, you can lightly rub the most prominent areas with fine sandpaper for an additional color effect.


Painting the bark beetle with your own hands will require preliminary preparation, free time and financial investments. Rushing when painting will lead to an unsatisfactory result, and saving on primer or paint will negate the effect of wall insulation. Only following the dyeing technology and quality materials They will give the facade of the house individuality and reliably protect the walls.

A wonderful thing, this decorative bark beetle plaster! Its convenience is that the cement base makes it possible to use it in places such as the facades of buildings and private houses. It tolerates the external environment well. And if we take into account the apartment, then balconies and loggias, whether glazed or open, represent an excellent opportunity for using this type of finishing. Decorative bark beetle plaster is easy to work with; application does not require special skills, as is necessary when working, for example, with Venetian decorative plaster. But there are downsides. For example, painting decorative bark beetle plaster in two colors causes difficulty for many. Let's look at options and ways to solve this problem.

About the disadvantages of the bark beetle

There are several disadvantages to the Bark Beetle coloring. Let's consider each disadvantage separately.

Minus number 1. Difficult to paint

This actually presents a certain difficulty, since the texture is such that the finished surface has numerous indentations, similar to indentations in wood eaten by a bark beetle. Painting them is the biggest difficulty.

You need to take a thicker roller and soak it well with paint. The paint will flow into the depressions, then flow out from there, and accumulate unsightly on the surface. You'll have to collect it with a roller. And after all, in these recesses there will still be unpainted areas that will have to be touched up with a brush. In general, you suffer and think that it would be better not to paint.

Minus number 2.

After painting it one color, you will really understand that it was better not to paint it, since a bark beetle painted in one tone only looks good if it is done perfectly. And if you have only once or twice tried to make decorative bark beetle plaster with your own hands, then you are still far from ideal.

But there is a way to fix everything. Paint the surface a second time with a different color. But with such a condition that only the plane is painted, and the stripes, furrows and potholes remain in their original color. This already looks quite original. Therefore, if this happens, then go ahead. Paint a different tone over the already painted one.

How to paint a bark beetle in two colors

But there is an opportunity to avoid the hassle of painting the inside of the texture. The method is quite simple. It consists of adding color to the plaster solution when mixing it. Then, when the decorative layer is made, it will already have its original specific color.

Perhaps you have an idea how to ensure that the color of the batch does not differ from the batch? This is actually quite difficult. But in fact it is not necessary. An approximate tone for each batch will be enough. At first you will get a difference in the palette of different batches.

By the way, in the first photo the lower part has not dried yet, so it has stains.

But after you paint the entire plane in the second tone, this difference in the recesses is completely invisible. Judge for yourself.

The whole difficulty of painting decorative plaster in this case will be so that the paint, on the contrary, does not flow into the furrows of the bark beetle. To do this, take a roller with short pile, for example velor, and, pressing lightly, roll it along the plane of the texture. The result will look great.

Another way to paint decorative plaster

What to do if you have already applied decorative bark beetle plaster, but did not add color to the solution? Is it possible to paint it without having to go through the hassle of painting the inside of the texture? There is a second method, invented by enterprising painters. We take a primer, latex or acrylic, and add color directly to it. And then we saturate the entire finished surface with this tinted primer. The primer is liquid and flows quite easily into all pores. And when dry it forms an indelible layer. At first you may be horrified, because who knows what will happen.

Type of decorative plaster after applying a primer with color added to it

But after painting the plane in the second tone, you will not be disappointed. After all, the result will be such that you won’t be able to tell what you used to paint it for the first time, paint or impregnated it with tinted primer.

Most likely, these small subtleties will help you make your decorative bark beetle plaster look impressive.

And one more piece of advice. Many who begin this type of work for the first time immediately choose the most noticeable and largest wall. Don't make a mistake. Start with the most inconspicuous one. And when it comes to that big one, you will already have some experience.