Find runes. Proven runic formulas

Quite a few runic alphabets have survived to this day (Scandinavian, Northumbrian, Germanic, Etruscan, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Manx, Icelandic, Greenlandic, Slavic, Dalecarlian and others). Runes, regardless of which runic alphabet they belong to, are arranged in a certain sequence, which is called "Futhark". This name did not arise by chance, it was formed from the first six runes (capital letters were taken): Fehu and Uruz, Turisaz and Ansuz, as well as Raido and Kenaz.

Runic alphabets were very widely used not only in everyday life, for example, they simply wrote through them (the runes of the Younger Futhark), but also in a protective or fortune-telling mantle (the runes of the Elder Futhark were used for this).

Moreover, the runes, arranged in a certain sequence (both horizontal and vertical), could and can influence our daily life. A lined up horizontal (in one row) sequence of runes, compiled for some specific purpose, is called a runic formula or runic script. Runes connected to each other (vertically and (or) horizontally) are called a runic stave. Such images most of all resemble a snowflake (sometimes its outlines have beautiful shapes, sometimes not very much, it all depends on the purpose for which it was made).

In our catalog you will find a runic formula (which we call a stave, although from a visual point of view, of course, it is not a stave) for every taste and for any request. Runic stavas are implemented by us in the form of runic scripts, i.e. are given in the form of formulas (the sequence of runes is simply listed). You can independently, using the formulas presented by us, make up your own by connecting the runes to each other, however, for this kind of activity, you still need some knowledge that not everyone has. If you have them, that's fine, if not, then you can start with runic scripts, because they are no less effective than runic staves.

Those who are interested in runes often ask questions: “Where can I find runic formulas that really work?”, “Which staves are tested and strong in their action?”.

Also, many people want to have in stock something that will help them out in difficult periods of life and help resolve difficult situations. There is an answer to this question. Below are runic formulas and stakes for different occasions that really work.

Formulas and stakes proven and strong.

The most popular runic formulas are stakes on material wealth, wealth and money.

Formula for attracting money.

Feu + Feu + Feu

It is applied to a wallet, a bill (which is not intended to be spent), bank cards. This formula not only attracts money, but also allows you to spend it wisely, protects you from unnecessary spending.

Formula for material well-being and prosperity.

Perth + Feu + Uruz + Nautiz + Kano + Kano + Inguz + Djera

Perth - symbolizes wealth, the place where money comes, the contents of this place.

Feu - money.

Uruz is the direction and driving force of the formula.

Nautiz - the need and need for the receipt of finances, it is also a guarantor of the receipt of funds.

Kano - opportunities and favorable moments to increase your fortune.

Inguz - ensures the safety of the state.

Jera - wealth and profit themselves.

This formula can be applied both on a wallet and on a blank sheet of paper. Becoming kept next to the money, you can put in a safe.

The formula for raising finance when needed.

Evaz + Inguz + Laguz + Mannaz + Teyvaz + Dagaz + Laguz + Inguz + Algiz

Teyvaz - opens the way for the receipt of funds.

Algiz - protects.

Evaz is a connection between money and an operator.

Dagaz - the transformation of life and the provision of favorable opportunities.

Mannaz is the operator.

Inguz - wealth, profit, fertility.

Laguz - cash flows.

There are times when you lent money to someone, and the debt is not returned to you for a long time. Either the debtor company does not pay you and your business is not very good for this. For such cases, there is a working formula for the return of debts. The main principle of this formula: how much the debtor owes you, he will return so much. This formula returns what belongs to you.

Turisaz + Nautiz + Feu + Gebo

Turisaz - calls to action the debtor.

Nautiz is your need for debt.

Feu is duty itself.

Gebo - the law of balance - any debt must be returned, this is what the debtor violated, Gebo and Turisaz create situations that make the debtor move, come to you to give what he owes. Gebo is also a result, as eventually the balance will be restored.

This formula can be applied to the photo of the debtor, or with the help of visualization, you can imagine how the right person repays the debt or the company transfers funds.

Good luck in generating income and benefits.

Kano + Isa + Feu + Perth + Othal

Stabilization of the financial situation, attraction of profit.

Raido + Feu + Otal

Raido - shift and progress, the road along which finances and profits come.

Feu - the personification of money and cash flow, saves earned funds, helps to increase them.

Otal - protects earned finances, harmonization of the order of affairs.

Attracting wealth, which is achieved magically.

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Gebo + Otal + Dagaz

Ansuz - protection,

Laguz - flows of funds, well-being, prosperity,

Uruz is a driving force, the direction where the flow goes is set,

Gebo - harmony, partnerships,

Otal - property, property,

Dagaz - forces and transformations, a favorable development of events, the search for the right situations.

The formula for resolving conflicts of any complexity, eliminating quarrels.

Kano + Berkana + Kano

Berkana + Berkana

Kano + Berkana + Kano

It is also worth remembering that without protection from ill-wishers one cannot advance far, so it is worth thinking about this side as well.

Protecting yourself and your home.

Isa + Kano + Hagalaz + Kano + Isa

This formula works on the principle of a mirror, that is, it reflects any negative influences from the operator, both physical and magical, helps to return to the offender what he directed in your direction.

Protection from magical influence.

Uruz + Nautiz + Berkana

Evaz + Algiz + Isa

Protection of property and home.

Inguz + Algiz

Inguz is well-being, prosperity and everything that is available, what needs to be hidden

Algiz - hides and protects, shelters from unwanted glances.

Teyvaz + Algiz + Otal + Algiz + Teyvaz

The formula protects the home and property.

Teyvaz is the inner strength of the person himself.

Otal - dwelling, house.

Universal protective spell.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Turisaz

Creates a protective halo around a person, repels malevolent energy flows and attacks.

Protection on the go.

Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Purification from negative influences.

Nautiz + Soulou + Nautiz

It is always worth remembering that without a favorable combination of circumstances, nothing will work out, so you need to use staves for good luck.

Attracting good luck to your side.

Dagaz + Teyvaz + Feu

The formula ensures success in everyday affairs and helps events to develop in a good order for you.

Sometimes in life there are situations when it is necessary to call a person, becoming:

Eyvaz + Uruz + Kano + Gebo + Turisaz

Eyvaz and Uruz are pushing a person to get in touch with you.

Kano and Gebo - a person's desire to communicate.

Turisaz is both a kick to action and a direction in which this person should go.

Attracting good luck to achieve goals.

Kano + Feu + Vunyo

Kano - reveals the potential of a person.

Feu - the acquisition of material benefits.

Vunyo is an accompaniment of light and joy from the process and result.

Bringing good luck to the operator.

Ansuz + Uruz + Djera + Ansuz.

Formula to get what you want.

Vunyo + Gebo + Vunyo

You can apply it to what you want to receive, for example, a photo of a car, a photo of an apartment layout. This formula helps to discover favorable situations to achieve what you want and build a logical chain of how to act.

A formula for developing intuitive abilities, for the ability to listen to your inner voice and follow the right path.

Algiz + Kano + Laguz + Ansuz + Algiz

Algiz is an appeal to the higher worlds and forces for help and support.

Kano - revealing the ability to read information correctly.

Laguz - reveals intuitive abilities, helps to release the inner voice.

Ansuz is the embodiment of thoughts and emerging images into reliable information.

Algiz - control of higher powers, their protection and help.

Also, for the development of intuitive abilities, you can use another formula:

Laguz + Gebo + Soulu

The formula can be used to find answers to exciting questions, and this formula also helps to predict the interlocutor's train of thought.

Self-development or self-knowledge:

Ansuz + Djera + Mannaz

Harmony within oneself, achieving a balance of the inner voice and Ego with the mind. Mental processes are directed in the right direction, the formula helps to see what remains hidden.

Attracting new acquaintances for development and partnership.

Gebo + Gebo + Gebo

A powerful runic formula for filling with vital energy and getting a reserve of strength.

Teyvaz + Soulu + Uruz

Teyvaz + Soulu + Otal - enhanced version.

Soulu + Vunyo - the joy of life and solar energy.

Without health, too, nowhere, so it will be useful to strengthen your vitality.

Formula for longevity. Also, this formula protects against diseases and ailments.

Dagaz + Inguz

Treatment or general improvement of the body.

Kano + Perth + Inguz

Protecting health and maintaining immunity.

Dagaz + Berkana + Inguz

This formula contains male (Inguz) and female (Berkana) energies, which guarantee health and strength for life, Dagaz gives light, well-being and desired health.

Another formula for maintaining the protective properties of immunity.

Kano + Uruz + Inguz - recovery from diseases, replenishment of strength, the acquisition of a balance of reserves and resources of the body.

Restoration of energy balance.

Uruz + Inguz + Berkana - a talisman against stress and depression.

To be completely happy, you need love.

A formula that attracts the right partner.

Teyvaz + Uruz + Gebo

For family well-being.

Ansuz + Gebo + Otal

Harmony in family relationships, maintaining warmth in the family hearth.

Preservation of family warmth, maintaining coziness and comfort between loving people.

Berkana + Kano + Soulu + Vunyo + Inguz

Berkana is the basis of family comfort, neutralizes conflicts, helps to peacefully resolve difficult situations.

Kano - sexual desire between partners, strengthening the positions of both women and men.

Soulu - solar, warm energy that warms.

Vunyu - energy flows of light to strengthen the family, is responsible for the safety of relationships between spouses.

Inguz - fertility and prosperity, the desired result.

Any relationship sometimes requires adjustments for a further favorable union.

Teyvaz + Gebo + Berkana - for the male - female option.

Laguz + Gebo + Berkana - for the variant woman - man.

It all depends on which side the adjustment is made and for what purposes.

Runic love talisman for women

Kano + Gebo + Laguz

Runic love talisman for men

Kano + Gebo + Inguz

Unfortunately, there are cases when it is necessary to return the husband or wife home, to turn away from the lover (lover), in this situation the formula will help:
Hagalaz + Nautiz + Isa

If you feel negativity on yourself or feel that everything is getting out of control, your health or relationships are deteriorating sharply, then in this case it is necessary to cleanse and get rid of the adverse effects.

A formula that will help cleanse yourself of negativity and tell you in which direction you should act further.

Eyvaz + Soulu + Hagalaz + Soulu + Djera

Eyvaz - finds weaknesses, determines the nature of the negative and prepares the platform for the work of the Hagalaz rune.

Soulu - fills a person with solar energy, expels negativity, leaves purity and transparency.

Hagalaz - destroys all negativity.

Soulu - reinforces the action of Hagalaz, gives strength, normalizes the emotional and mental state.

Gera - a successful outcome of the purge, what was required was achieved.

This formula is also able to cleanse from magical interference: damage, evil eye, remove the love spell.

It happens that there is a certain person who is already tired of the order, but he still does not leave, despite the fact that there was an offer to retreat. In this case, you can use the lapel formula.

Gebo + Algiz + Isa

Gebo acts as a relationship.

Algiz is the protection of the relationship, which will be destroyed by the power of Isa, thus the cold of Isa will get to the relationship itself and cool it down, which will lead to a break.

Isa destroys the existing relationship, takes the necessary person away from you.

How to use formulas and rates?

Runic formulas are applied to the carrier of your choice, which can be permanent, for example, a wooden amulet on which a verified standing is applied, or temporary ones that are drawn on paper or body.

Naturally, all work is done consciously, keeping the focus on intention. Some supplement the formulas with a clause, which is drawn up specifically for the desired situation. Then the talisman is illuminated, that is, activated. The most proven method of activation is with the help of 4 elements. Some act more simply, put the formula into work with the help of their blood, saliva, and breath.

It is also worth noting that the runes work either on personal strength or you call on the Gods, in the latter case, after charging the staves, it is important to bring offerings to the forces that you just called to your aid.

Rune slander

There are 3 types of reservations for runic formulas:

  1. General, when the runologist specifies the ultimate goal of his work, that is, what he is aiming at. During a magical operation, it is important to understand why you use each rune in the stav.
  2. The runic method is used as follows: the magician specifies each symbol individually, pronouncing the purpose of each sign.
  3. Some use both methods at once, that is, they use an integrated approach. First, they say what each rune is intended for, then they pronounce the general goal.

In reservations, it is advisable to pronounce not only the intention, but also how you will activate the signs and deactivate them, they also indicate safety for yourself and loved ones, terms.

As a rule, for long periods of time, the stakes and formulas are recharged.

It can be deactivated by burning. Or bury it in the ground.

In order for the runes to work, it is important to believe in them, treat them with great respect, and develop a connection with the Gods.

The use of runes as a magical system opens up wide possibilities for influencing a person. With their help, you can evoke a whole range of feelings in a man you like: from slight interest and carnal desire to passion and complete dependence and subordination. So you can return a departed husband, get a rich spouse, or have fun with a fleeting romance.

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A huge plus of this system is that the runic spell is easy to cancel if it is no longer needed, so a runic love spell is preferable from a moral point of view. If you use ready-made staves, runic magic will be an affordable activity even for beginners.

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    Rules for making stakes

    Creating a working magic formula based on runes is always done in several stages:

    • Choose the most suitable pattern. Preference should be given to already proven staves.
    • Choose the carrier to your liking. Any natural material will do: stone, metal, wood, leather, bone, silk. Often, galdrstav is applied to a photograph of a person who needs to be influenced.
    • Apply the image of the stav to the carrier. This is done by drawing, engraving, carving, burning. It is allowed to embroider on the fabric.
    • Color the drawing with your own or sacrificial blood. Red and blue dyes are allowed, but it is generally accepted that blood-dyed runes work more strongly.
    • Activate the formula with a clause. To do this, you need to say aloud the recommended spell or wish in free form. The words of the reservation cannot contradict the meaning of the individual runes included in the ligature.

    Magic will begin to act immediately after activation and will work until the carrier is destroyed. If the color is washed off it, it will require re-staining and activation. To cancel the spell, it is enough to burn or in any other way destroy the base on which the bundle is applied.

    If everything is done correctly, the man will have those feelings that were indicated when reading the slander.

    You should not make any changes to the text used for activation, as well as to the image itself.

    Not all staves are compatible with each other, therefore, if a new setting is required, the effect of the previous spell must be canceled.

    hot bed

    "Hot bed": a variant of the style.

    The formula from the author of Vinani, consisting of four repeated runes of Berkan and Inguz and one rune of Uruz, helps incite passion, create strong family relationships and soon conceive children. Helps to open up sexual energy. The author herself recommends writing becoming blood on paper and hiding a bed of love under the mattress. The version with the inscription on the cake is not without originality: the main thing in this case is not to cut it into pieces, but to eat it together from one plate.

    It is not forbidden to draw this bundle on a photograph of a loved one or embroider on your own and his clothes. When activated, it is enough to appeal to Yngwie - the god of fertility and ask for passion in bed, strong feelings or healthy children. As desired, the formula will work.

    Women's power

    "Female Power"

    This bundle called "Women's Power" is designed to transform the woman herself. Increases the level of sex appeal, enhances psychic and witchcraft abilities, increases the level of internal energy. It consists of the Inguz rune, framed by four Laguz signs and Uruz inscribed inside it. Having inflicted this becoming on her skin, one has only to want any man, as magic will begin to make her more attractive just for him.

    You can also carve this symbol on a piece of wood. Ash, linden or alder are best suited. The activation formula looks like this:

    "Fire and water, earth and sky, give me the power and gift of witchcraft, at the behest of the Wise, by the grace of Freya, endow me with unearthly beauty."

    Such an amulet should be worn on the chest, on a leather cord. If you intend to draw a formula directly on your body, you can choose any place, both hidden from prying eyes and in plain sight.


    If it is necessary for a man to madly want his partner, you need to take his photo and apply it with your blood, becoming "Lust". He not only causes a desire for sex, but also a desire to please the girl who bewitched him, there is a willingness to change in order to please her. Consists of the following elements:

    • Gebo - the frame of the spell, encourages partnership.
    • Kano, pert, nautiz - one of the standard formulas for a love spell.
    • Uruz - enhances the effect of other runes, does not allow you to endure and restrain your urges.
    • Teyvaz is a push to get out of balance.
    • Jera - ensures the repeatability of the spell so that the desire arises over and over again.

    A reservation for this spell is not required - it starts working immediately after the inscription. Becoming suitable if you need to act at a distance, and is easily implemented at home.

    My red rose

    "My Red Rose"

    In a combination called "My Red Rose", only two runes are used - the central gebo is framed by four kano. As conceived by the creator, becoming increases interest from the opposite sex and allows you to make a new acquaintance, which in the future will develop into a strong relationship. Can be applied to a piece of wood or leather. You can wear such an amulet on your chest or in a purse, since it is symmetrical and you do not need to fix it in an upright position.

    You can paint with both blood and paint. The first option is preferable. To start work, a reservation is required:

    "The air blows the flame, and the fire stirs the air, the two elements, merged together, will make me beautiful, for anyone who likes me even a little."

    To avoid unpleasant incidents, you should not wear an amulet with this formula in places where men from the wrong social group live.

    Find a betrothed

    "Find a spouse"

    Becoming is designed to attract a man who is ideal for family life, and be with him all his life. After a partner is found, the effect of magic will stop. As conceived by the author, the formula works only nine times for one person. The duration of the action is nine days.

    Deciphering the constituent characters:

    • Raido and soulu - the path to each other is illuminated by the rays of the sun.
    • Otal - attracts family support: there will be no conflicts with relatives on either side.
    • Gebo is the main rune of partnership.
    • Evaz and Laguz provide mutual attraction for lovers.
    • A triple teivaz forces a man to become the head of the family - a breadwinner and a protector. Berkana merged with Teyvaz ensures living together in harmony.

    If you remove the dots and the temporary condition from the clause, becoming will work until the runes are erased. However, this must be approached with caution: after the relationship has begun, the magic must be stopped, otherwise more and more partners will be attracted to the family. The spell is activated with the words:

    "With this becoming, I weave roads and paths that lead me to the only beloved man and bring Him to me, wherever he is, making us one, weaving the lines of life together, filling our relationships with harmony and harmony. Becoming leads to a new understanding and level in our relationships, with ease and comfort for us. This becoming protects us from other people's envy and witchcraft, sheltering us from adversity and misfortune. Becoming works 9 times for 9 days. "

    When activated, it is necessary to light candles, 9 pieces if the operating time is set, and an arbitrary number if the formula runs for an unlimited time. The knitting can be applied to any object.

    wind willow

    "Wind of willows" - becoming a truce

    This is becoming a truce, which helps in the event of a quarrel, forcing the guilty person to apologize and start negotiations. It can be used both for oneself and for any two quarreling people. It works best if you draw it on a photo, but it will also work if you put it on paper with the names of the quarreled. The clause applies as follows:

    "Let old relationships and problems break down in this moment and let the door that we both locked open. Let him take the first step to negotiate with me .. Let him need to reconcile with me."

    This form works like this:

    • Hagalaz - destroys the current situation.
    • Turisaz upside down - opens a symbolic door that separated those who quarreled.
    • Nautiz and Ansuz - force the guilty person to take the first step, force him to take it.

    The Joy of Communication

    "The Joy of Communication"

    This becoming ensures the restoration of love relationships, makes life together more joyful and happy. It consists of four bundles of gebo with a vunyo, connected into one large gebo rune. Does not require a reservation; is applied with blood on a joint photograph.

    It can also be used to improve relations between parents and children, business partners, since this formula does not carry a mandatory sexual connotation, but simply makes spending time together more enjoyable. Acts quickly and flawlessly. You can mentally draw a symbol on the forehead of the interlocutor - the conversation will go smoothly, since the person himself will be more disposed towards him.

    Harmonization of relations

    "Harmonization of relations"

    To get out of the crisis that has arisen for lovers and couples, becoming a harmonizer of relations is suitable:

    • Teyvaz and Berkana symbolize a man and a woman, respectively.
    • Superstructures in the form of two ansuz invoke the mercy of the gods on lovers.
    • The gebo rune connects in a strong union: quarrels stop, a man becomes stronger and more self-confident, and a woman is softer and more economic.

    You can draw them on a joint photo or make paired amulets. A slander in any form or this:

    "Husband-warrior and wife-earth, so it was commanded by the gods, so that they merge in one love, always go with intertwined hands."

    For staining, the blood of one of the lovers or a mixture of the blood of both is suitable.

    Flower of Love

    "Flower of Love"

    Another knitting to create a harmonious relationship. Forces a man to be faithful. Despite the complexity and the large number of runes included in it, the formula is very stable. Gives a quick noticeable result and is able to work for many years. Contains the following runes:

    • 2 gebos - to strengthen friendship and love, to give stability and fulfillment to relationships.
    • 1 teyvaz - destroys external aggression, which can interfere with love.
    • 1 soulu - nourishes the formula with the energy of the sun, adds warmth and mutual understanding.
    • 4 kanu - inflame passion, accelerate the action of other runes, contribute to understanding and quickly getting rid of omissions.
    • 2 dagaz - provide a breakthrough into a bright future, a transition to a qualitatively new level.
    • 4 Eyvaz - unite the family, stimulate empathy.
    • 2 turisaz - destroy psychological barriers between lovers, streamline feelings, remove emerging problems and negativity.
    • 4 algiz - guarantee protection both from interference in relations with strangers, and from negative energy impacts.

    It is recommended to draw on a joint photo with a felt-tip pen or a red marker, pronouncing the name of the runes and the expected action from them. In the process of inscription, it is advised to remember the best moments from the past, joyful events.

    Free-form clause or such:

    "O beautiful Frigga, you are the wife of the Rune Lord, Help me in love, let the magic work happen. What is written will be filled with great power. Everything that is said will come true at the same moment."

    "Dhat kann ek it seytianda, at mik mun seint firrazit mannvinga manlyodha therramunti Lodhfafnir!"

    Before using the "Flower of Love", you should perform cleansing rites to get rid of the negative, and after applying the stav, put additional protection on the relationship.

    Web of love

    When to attract a man. who is already married to be with him forever, it will come in handy becoming the "Spider Web of Love". Often it is done on a rich lover. It will be very difficult to detect and remove such witchcraft.

    The bundle consists of the following runes:

    • Stungin iss - the Icelandic black rune of concealment interferes with the diagnosis and removal of the love spell.
    • Kano, vunyo and gebo - cause strong passion and love, joy from relationships and dependence on them. They are used if it is necessary for a man to be crazy about a woman.
    • Nautiz - suppression of one's own will and coercion to submission.
    • Uruz - sexual attraction is further enhanced so that a man madly wants.
    • Ansuz in the background helps to better find a common language.

    The drawing is applied with blood on paper with the name of a loved one, using the stipulation:

    "With the power of Stangin iss, I will hide my magical effect. May the power of the Gebo rune create relationships between me and (man's name) that Vunyo's power will fill with joy and comfort. May Kenaz ignite fiery love in the heart of (man's name) for me. Let him feel I have an uncontrollable sexual attraction. Let the ansuz bring mutual understanding. By the power of the runes, let the object aspire to me, show tenderness, attention, generosity. All action is forced."

    A person under the influence of this spell very quickly becomes affectionate and obedient, wants to please his mistress, give gifts. Becoming creates something like a drug addiction in a bewitched person. It lasts for two weeks, after which a new dose of magic is required.

    Love fire

    "Fire of love"

    To become loved, you can also apply the love spell "Love Fire", consisting of the following runes:

    • Mannaz, teyvaz and berkana as symbols of man and woman. A man is indicated by two runes to clarify who the love spell should act on.
    • Mirror ansuz fills the words of the conspiracy with magical power.
    • Nautiz in the background forces submission and stabilizes the love spell.
    • Ansuz and Nautiz evoke constant thoughts in the head of the bewitched about the one who bewitched him.
    • Hyera ensures the continuity of work, launches the formula again and again.
    • Spliced ​​canos and laguses fill with passion; it is they who are called "fire-sisters" in the slander.
    • Vunyo brings joy to these relationships, makes lovers happy.

    This form was specially created for a specific spell:

    “At midnight, I will light the spring candles, I will call, I will wake up the sisters of fire. You wake up, sisters of the fire, how the streams of God flow from east to west. fire-sisters to Mother Earth, and that scorching river, a fiery river, will ascend into the soul of a man - my husband (name).

    A fiery fire will kindle in his chest, ignite his zealous heart, dry up his mind (name), so that he thinks about me, he yearns for me hour and day, he did not remember his father and mother, he dreamed of me alone. So that his thoughts about others pass away - they disintegrate into ashes. No matter how his soul cries, fights back, let the fire burn in the soul, in the fiery fire, the fire of love, the dry fire.

    Activate the formula exactly at midnight. There are no restrictions on what to draw on and what paint to use.

    Hook of love and marriage

    "The Hook of Love and Marriage"

    This powerful runic spell helps to fall in love with a particular man. It has been successfully used to get a man to finally leave his old wife and create a new marriage. Under the influence of magic, the bewitched himself will offer to be together.

    The base consists of the following symbols:

    • Nautiz - breaks the will and forces to act as ordered.
    • Vunyo - causes euphoria in the bewitched.
    • Soulu - fills the ligature with strength, makes relationships warmer.
    • Uruz - inverted - deprives the strength to resist the impact, straight - enhances attraction.
    • Teyvaz - speeds up getting what you want.
    • Eyvaz - removes all emerging obstacles.

    Second plan

    • Kano - incites lust, causes the desire to possess a partner.
    • Gebo - causes friendly feelings, a desire to help and care.
    • Inguz - makes a woman irresistible in the eyes of a man.
    • Algiz - protects against attempts by other people to interfere in relationships, protects both from magical actions and from any others.
    • Turisaz - breaks all the barriers that arise in the process of building a marriage.

    The clause is this:

    "This becoming softly, but forcibly, leads the rabbit to actions to possess me and conquer me, showing me all his feelings that he hides in himself - love, care, warmth, gentleness, in connection with which all insults are forgotten and disagreements are smoothed out and contradictions. In addition, the rabbit gets on the hook [Nautiz + Eyvaz] from which he can no longer jump, but comes to my family for marriage. "

    Becoming draw their blood on the photo of a loved one, at the level of his heart. The magic begins to work immediately, but reaches its full capacity within three days.

    According to my desire

    "At my will"

    A very strong galdrstav, removes all obstacles between partners, is able to ensure the return of a man if he has fallen in love with another, and restores love if it has died out. Includes a range of characters.

    Scandinavian runes:

    • Mannaz - Personification of the object of influence.
    • 6 Nautiz - severe compulsion to think about the bewitched, a feeling of discomfort when she is not around.
    • Inverted Nautiz - gives rise to a clear confidence that this woman is necessary + Eyvaz - she becomes the meaning of life.
    • Ansuz - thoughts only about the bewitched.
    • Vunyo - the joy of communicating with the hostess.
    • 2 Laguza - the self-control of the object is blocked, and the impact itself is masked from extraneous diagnostics.
    • Raido - provides a constant desire for a loved one + Yera - the impact is repeated every day.
    • Dagaz - an explosive change in attitude towards the bewitched: from complete indifference to adoration.
    • Gebo - causes a desire for partnership, encourages care and help in everything.
    • Kenaz - kindles passion + Soulo - causes tender love.
    • 4 Turisaz - a constant desire for sex and the desire to have children.

    Elven runes

    • n - softens the effect of a love spell, eliminates side effects.
    • t - enhances the magic of the formula.
    • g - harmonizes relationships.
    • f - causes love, passion and admiration for the beloved.

    “You will not live in peace! I will dream at night, a barely dressed girl. Your dream will be my home, very sweet and familiar. I will become your obsession, an unconscious vision. I will spin and enchant, I will enchant your heart. antidotes!"

    Put on a photo of a man. In the process, you can drip one drop of blood.

    Passionate love spell

    This knitting is suitable for different purposes. Depending on the stipulation, it can be used to incite passion, if feelings have cooled down, for an early marriage. It is applied to a photo, paper with the name of a lover or a piece of wood for permanent wear.

    Scandinavian runes:

    • Dagaz - awakening of feelings.
    • Kano is a burning passion.
    • Soulu - warm feelings.
    • Laguz - witchcraft will work.
    • Vunyo - happiness from being together.
    • Gebo - a sense of mutual understanding and partnership.
    • Ansuz - causes the right thoughts.
    • Jera - loops the action of the stav.

    Elven runes:

    • E - causes passion, subjugates;
    • K - makes a woman irresistible;
    • L - makes you yearn and wish for a meeting
    • S - enhances desire;
    • U - makes the bewitched go to action: call himself, confess his love, propose marriage.

    The text for activating this stav is compiled only independently. It is not necessary to pronounce individual runes, the entire pattern is drawn in its entirety and everything that needs to be performed is spoken out. It is recommended to make a ransom for the elves - to collect alcohol, goodies and jewelry in a bag and take it to the forest.

    Features of the impact on men and the consequences

    Despite the fact that many runic bindings work more accurately than ritual bindings, they do not cease to be a magical control action. Staves designed to please men are also love spells. From the fact that a person is forced to behave unusually for him, his psyche breaks down over time. The impact of magical energies on bioenergetics is also destructive.

    Over time, side effects occur:

    • nervousness;
    • alcoholism;
    • impotence;
    • apathy;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    Any spell is a sin. If a person adheres to the Orthodox faith, he will not engage in magic in any of its forms. The use of love spells is immoral because they are violence against the person. However, each person chooses what behavior to adhere to, just as everyone will receive a karmic retribution for any of their actions.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

Today I am starting a new interesting topic "Runic Staves". To help yourself in certain situations, you can use the magic of runes. Formulating activities require certain knowledge that will ultimately lead to the intended goal. To obtain complete knowledge, you can take the Runes course with me and learn all the secrets of mastery.

Group wall

The rune becoming "Magnet for clients" is applied to the company logo or photo (business card) of the trader (preferably on half-cardboard).

A little basil, semolina, rice. Honey. Wax candle.
Light a candle, arrange the ingredients. On the photo, draw becoming a “Magnet for clients”.

The first link is clients with money who need our services
Mannaz + Fehu + Naut

The second tie is the path of the client and the conclusion of a contract, transactions, sales
Raido + Gebo

The third tie is the operator himself, rich and happy
2 Berkano + 2 Fehu + Iera + Soulo + Kenaz + (Vunyo v.p.)

As the basil lies before me, so my work will not be empty,
with money and clients will be dense.
As bees fly to honey, so clients come to me,
goods (services) are praised, snatched from hands,
money is paid, goods (orders) are taken away.
You can’t count semolina, you can’t knead rice with your hands, you can’t remove my word,
by the power of runes (and further, as usual, a slander).

Roll the photo into a tube, make a bottom, fill in semolina, basil and rice. Pour everything with honey, seal with wax. Keep at work.
(Of course, you can not bother with the ritual)))


This formula will quickly help if you have enemies, envious people, ill-wishers, slanderers. It does not act radically, but freezes negative activity towards you. For example, at work, an energy vampire constantly gets you, your boss provokes scandals, or you have an unpleasant mother-in-law (mother-in-law), who, with or without a sweet smile, drives you crazy, or gossip is about you and you need to stop it. It is done simply.

Rune Isa - rune of cold, rune of freezing of all processes. A small piece of paper is taken, 4 Ises are drawn on it (see figure), the name of the enemy is written in the center of our open square, any free slander is read. For example: “Isa, freeze Jeanne’s anger towards me. May her hatred for me sleep forever in an ice coffin. Then a small plastic bag is taken, it can be one in which jewelry is sold so that you can pinch the edges, put our drawing in a bag and send it to the refrigerator, to the freezer. We'll keep it there for as long as we need it. If you come into contact with the enemy often, you can not take the formula out of the cold at all.

What will happen? Envious people will close their mouths, energy vampires will get less, gossip will subside. The formula does not harm the health of the “frozen” one, it does not negatively affect him, well, except that it fetters his anger and anger at you, which in itself is positive, a person will not suffer from hypertension.

The formula is not energy-consuming, but the very cause of the conflict and a bad attitude towards you will not be destroyed. This is freezing. However, sometimes it is also useful, as a respite in protracted quarrels.

Tested many times, both by me and by clients. The result is good.

Becoming for the destruction of subcutaneous fat.

Haldrostav to give grace to its forms, or rather, to destroy subcutaneous fat cells both locally, in the places of application of the stav, and general to the whole body.
The meaning of the stav is simple - the destruction of capsules of fat cells. Further, no runes and staves are no longer needed - the body will do everything itself. Fat flows out of the burst capsule and is absorbed into the bloodstream, followed by the removal of most of the substance from the body, everything is simple.
Most non-surgical methods of liposuction work on this principle. (chemical, electrode or ultrasonic)
So? let's start:
Of course, the cells themselves will not collapse, so we will force them to do so with Hagal (Anglo-Saxon Hagalaz) framed by Nauts. (or double Hagalaz, but that's how you like it more)
Now the most important thing is to compose from the runes becoming meaning "own fat cells", and then insert the resulting ligature into the Hagalaz Rune Crusher.
In fact, we need - “Personal resources of a material nature that carry not manifested, but only potential energy packed into granules” (Fat cells resemble granules)

“Personal resource of a material nature” - undoubtedly Fehu, since subcutaneous fat can be compared with your personal resource property (fat nourishes and warms and accumulates)
Further. It's no secret that on the basis of fat (which is essentially energy) make homemade lamps or candles. That is, fat can be represented as potential (not manifested) energy of the flame. It is not difficult to guess that Kennaz, pierced by Isa, is suitable for this role, which is not responsible for the energy in action, but for its just a potential option, frozen.
Thus, the “own fat” ligature is obtained from the runes (h, I, F) Ken, Isa, Fehu.
(The Anglo-Saxon Ken is an analogue of the older Futarkhov Kennaz, outwardly it looks more like Uruz with a back and resembles a capital Latin letter (h). This version of Kennaz is more suitable, because it looks like a candle in the best possible way: at the top is a wick, and at the bottom is stearin (fat) content However, the classic Kennaz in the central part of the final stav will also appear.

Now it remains to runically granulate our fat so that the destruction of the actual granules in which the fat is located takes place. Here Hagal (N) himself will come to our aid, into which we are going to insert the “own fat” ligature. Hagal literally means "hail", or "hailstones",
that is, in fact, a certain substance in a granular form (I think comments are unnecessary).
If Hagal means (more likely) "hailstones in motion", that is, hailstorms with the hailstones themselves breaking on the ground, then this is even more suitable, since we just need to stir up the fatty hailstones to the point of their self-destruction.
By the way, in the subcutaneous layer, only fat has an outwardly hailstone-like shape, so the runes are unlikely to miss the object of destruction, and with a good stipulation, this is generally excluded.
Thus, as soon as we combine the “own fat” tie with the Hagal rune into a single tie, then Hagal not only begins to destroy what it was connected to, but also by itself concretizes the object of destruction, since in the tie all runes always affect each other.
That's all. As you can see, nothing complicated and not scary at all))

As I said, apply becoming more logical to problem areas. If it seems to you that you are the whole “problem area”, then again you can put it on the most (advanced) points, and one main one on the whole photo in full growth.
Reservation. This is where you need to show imagination, specificity and accuracy. The runes must know the task. Therefore, clearly and accurately formulate the work, time and strength of the impact.
Well, of course, do not forget to sound beautiful and sincere (in your own words).
Sincerity adds strength to realization.

Having become, as always, he can work directly, doing the work himself, or he can attract money to you in order to have the opportunity to go, for example, to ultrasonic liposuction, thereby completing the task.

Becoming applied directly to the skin.

This becoming does not rejuvenate, for this there is a "golden (rejuvenating) apple."
And he works where he stands, or with those on whom he stands. If a person is full everywhere evenly, then you can, as I said in the photo in full growth, apply.
And if, in general, nothing, but the riding breeches with the stomach stick out, then it is only logical to remove them without touching everything else.
You can here such a stipulation, came up on the go literally.
First, a standard hang to Odin
Ek syau s'ryu hausaiti ok kwer upp frau yo'zru, ok sautu s'rir mann sinn and kveryu. Howr, Yafnhaur, S'riz'i, s'air eru au hliz' minni til a hyalpa ok leysa."

(then the same in Russian) “I see three thrones, one higher than the other, three people are sitting on them. High, Equal high, Third; they are on my side in helping and resolving (problems)

(Further away from yourself in your own words, for example Smile
I put it on and I ask Odin: As the power of the runes helped you, so let it help in my trouble.
Let half (third, quarter) of the fat cells under my skin be destroyed, and the fat itself through the blood and urine (and so on) is removed from me. Where under the skin the layer of fat is thicker there and the runes have more work to do. May it be so for xx days. It's said, it's done, so be it.

Becoming "BodyFlex"

Evaz - process engine;
Mannaz is a person;
Ansuz inside - breathe with the stomach;
Sol - give strength to breathing and nourish by becoming energy;
Ansuzy at the top - we breathe with the chest;
Nauty - we mobilize the energy of the body to refuse overeating;
Jera - makes the process cyclical;
Laguz Soul Raido - helps to destroy the fat layer, remove toxins and improve metabolism, accelerate regeneration processes;
Turisaz - the destruction of internal blocks in order to grow slim.

Disclaimer: This runic becoming after activation, promotes the splitting, burning and removal of excess internal fat, toxins and liquids that interfere with my body (kg), forces me to the amount of food I eat, without overeating, and also removes the internal subconscious resistance to weight loss, and blocks of psychological discomfort regarding weight loss (you can specify ... disbelief, etc.).
Becoming improves the filling of blood oxygen, metabolism and regeneration of the body as a whole.

Source: This becoming will bring the greatest benefit to those who are engaged in bodyflex.

Becoming "Through thorns to the stars"

Eyvaz - helps to overcome obstacles,
Dagaz - directs the movement towards the goal in the right direction,
Teyvaz - gives strength of mind, the will to win,
Ansuz - will help to gain the wisdom of the spirit and the word,
Fehu - guarantees good luck, helps to get out of need,
Soulo - marks victory, successful completion, happiness and good luck.

In the process, the second plan appeared:
Berkana - growth, dawn, maturation,
Gebo - gift, partnership,
nautiz - carefully clears the way for change,
which is very relevant!

He helps a person, pushes him in the right direction, but everything is very gentle and caring. or a lot depends on the person's plans, there is a victory over obstacles, everything turned out great!

Becoming "Grow, grow my money!!!"

Author's quote: Antara came up with the original idea of ​​the stav, further improvements and description are already from me
And so: From the name it is already clear for what purposes to use this becoming. This is a money tree, as it grows, your finances grow accordingly. Also, all your savings will be protected. there will be no leakage of money for unnecessary spending. If you have a money tree in a pot, you can stick it to it.

By tests: All tests were carried out on the last growing moon!!! The authors are not responsible for the results of drawing on the waning moon.

Becoming the "Golden Key"

In this stave runes: Ansuz - Laguz - Vunyo.

Runes of the second plan: Kenaz - Gebo - Soul (mirror). The key evokes unreasonable uncritical trust, coupled with a state of spiritual comfort in those who are faced with the subject of influence, against the background of the impossibility and unwillingness to clarify the true reason for such a situation. We put it on the left hand. You are unlikely to become friends, but the attitude should change for the better. The result is fast. The name is very characteristic: the key to any heart. Tested repeatedly.

Becoming "Grain"

Idea: Montana, Legend
Author: Montana
Tested: MontanaStav is done and negotiated for work in a certain area. Those. not “I want to work at Gazprom” but “I want to work in the field of energy resources”. In general, becoming and was done in order to work according to the principle of sown grain, which, as a result, would give growth. Test passed successfully.

Becoming a "Universal Improver"

When everything is bad, when you have a terrible life situation in every respect, make an amulet with Vunyo and Sovulo (Soulu). You do not need to stipulate what exactly and how to improve. This amulet itself will determine your desires and needs, and will manifest them.

R.S. It is not necessary to use the Vunyo and Sovulo runes in this runescript in my style. You may want to arrange them in a different way. It's even better. Runic amulets that you made up will always work more efficiently than others. It is believed that if the same rune is included in the amulet 4 or more times, then its effect will be too strong and already look like damage.

Becoming a "Rocket" for energy (energizer)

Becoming a "Rocket", becoming proven many times.

Gives a tremendous boost of energy, actively turns on the third chakra and brains, can be used for exams, important meetings, presentations, etc.

Working runes.
Teyvaz - breaks through the ceiling
Vigneux - the joy of being at a new level and the availability of new opportunities
Fehu - the benefits of new opportunities
Turisaz - opening all possible doors to new opportunities
Uruz - strength, energy for life and the realization of new opportunities

Applied to paper, wood, etc. Be careful on yourself as it's a very strong effect.

Becoming the "Magic Mill"

Working runes - dagaz, fehu, sovilo

This one is in my wallet. This month my income has doubled. Let's see how the mill will spin further.

Let it be ground
Wealth is not enough
Satisfied to sit
And fall asleep
Waking up happy
You are good at it!

Nobody owes me
Evil plot
Do harm
Ile murder cook
It's not right to cut
With a sharp sword
Even brother killer
In the bonds of the lying!

Jotun maidens,
Fenya and Menya,
ancient maidens,
Ancient memory!

Cove, wise ones
Bold, cunning daughters of Tjaci
Hrungnira and Go
Strong Aurpnir
- here are your ancestors!

Let your millstones
grind regularly
Let this mill
Hit me again
………………………… (describe what is needed)

And honor to you
Strong Virgo
Gifts and honors
I will cook for you
Let the cuckoo die
With your cuckoo
You don't depend
From stupid bullshit"

Becoming "Customer Acquisition"

Purpose: Attracting customers to those who are engaged in small business, who work as a freelancer.

Mannaz- the person for whom becoming is being done.

Gebo- reliable partnerships, understanding of the rights and obligations of the parties.

Evaz- the arrival of customers, the movement of people to the entrepreneur.

Fehu- attracting cash customers, the movement of money as such.

Laguz- good luck and flows, bringing in the right, cash customers (you can specify the number of customers or buyers for those who find it difficult to keep large flows of people).

Teyvaz- self-support, firmness in business.

Eyvaz- protection from magic from the clients/customers themselves and the business as a whole.

Algiz- protection of already physical forces, so as not to overstrain, not to drive yourself.

Soul- victory, do the deed for yourself.

Petro- extra luck.

Aira- ensuring the circulation of money-customers-money.

Disclaimer: Let by the Power of Runes, I will have a constant flow of money clients who will constantly come to me (you can add in quantity ... (number)), contracts and transactions will be successful for both of us, it will be convenient for me! The money will be regularly paid for the work / services / goods performed, I independently control and regulate the flow of customers. May the Runes protect me from negativity, both on the physical plane and on the magical, energetic, mental (so that my brains are intact) plane, may there be enough Forces and skills to maintain and develop my business.

You can correct, supplement, according to the specifics of your business.

Ways to activate runic staves:

There are a great many ways, I will give the most acceptable in everyday life.

Burn activation. In this case, we take a sheet of paper, apply a stave, stipulate, drip onto the stave with our blood, burn it ... During the burning, information and the charge of the stav pass from the physical plane to the spiritual, so the stave begins to act.

Fire activation. Carefully carry the photo (with runes to the flame) over the flame of a candle (preferably wax), take it just above the flame, otherwise the photo may ignite completely. When activated correctly in this way, a thin shiny film should form in place of your runic formula, tie or stave, if you turn the photo towards the light, you will see how it shines.

Breath activation. It is necessary to take in more air into the lungs, warm it inside, close your eyes, formulate a thought, an idea for the work of the stav and, as it were, exhale this idea with air into the stav. You can breathe first on your hand, then attach this hand to the stav.

Candle activation. You made becoming, stipulated it. Put candles on it (I recommend tablets, that is, tea candles, round), repeat the reservation, leave it overnight. The number of candles is taken either from numerology or by the number of days in a week, for example, we turn to Odin and take 3 or 9 candles.

contact method. This is a fairly traditional way. Previously, most of the staves had to have direct contact with the object of influence, whether it be applying saliva to the hand for a handshake or investing in a footprint.
When you do it for yourself, putting it under the pillow is also a kind of contact method, only the object is you (or the one to whom you are putting it).

Intent activation. Intention is a complex concept. This is the readiness to take action, a jerk, when you are already taking a step with one foot, but have not yet come. If you control your intention, then it is enough to “pass” it through becoming. The main thing is not to think, but to do. When you think, you doubt, you get distracted. Just don't think, just do it. Concentrate on creating a stav and on the result. Saying out loud will also help you not to think.

Activation through visualization. In this way, you can not create becoming at all, not apply to the carrier. You imagine mentally becoming where it is needed. Mentally charge it and release it. Visualization must be directed correctly. You must submit an object for rendering. For example, if you need to influence a person, then imagine a burning standing on his body, if you need to help in court - mentally imagine the court or the situation that led there (as a static picture) - and mentally draw standing there. But it is best if you mentally, as it were, first hold the position and stipulate it to yourself, or use the same intention. And then release on target.

Activation through meditation. You also need to be able to meditate on becoming. In this case, it is not just contemplation. You feel becoming, he guides you, pulls you along, you follow him. And you feel how he invades the current situation and changes it. In this case, you, as it were, become a stav.

Photo activation. This method acts as a contact method, but instead of a specific object, its photograph is taken. This method is not as strong as open contact. Becoming can be applied to the photo and removed from a prominent place. Can be placed on top of the subject's hair or cloth from their clothing (or any personal item)

Gebo- Used for harmonization, elimination of conflicts.

wunjo- Used to obtain patronage and assistance from senior (superior) persons and helps in passing exams, passing tests.

Hagalaz- Perfect for revenge, causing trouble, destroying relationships, spoiling.

Nauthiz- Good for achieving success, for getting something difficult to achieve, almost impossible. Used in love spells to create coercion.

Isa- It is used to freeze processes in some case, to obtain powers, in elections.

Jera- Used in horticulture, for agriculture, in general to improve plant growth, as well as for happiness and peace in the house. For example, on New Year's Eve, you can draw this rune over the lintel of the front door of your house with magical ink. Your home is guaranteed happiness until the ink fades or rubs off.

Eihwas- Provides protection from danger, helps to overcome obstacles.

Perth- Used in healing to speed up recovery, in talismans for health in general. Can be used to remove obstacles of any kind.

Algiz- Used to attract good luck, gain strength, protection from evil.

Sowelu- Sharpens intuition, insight. It is used in talismans to harmonize the intended action with fate. It is used in healing to activate the vitality of the patient.

Teiwaz- Gives courage and determination, strengthens the spirit. This rune was applied to the weapon to give power to the weapon and to attract the help of the gods. It is also used to achieve victory in any struggle - legal, physical, moral. Used in love magic.

Berkana- Used in healing to speed up wound healing, just to improve health. Helps in expiation of transgressions and calms restless minds. It is also used to protect the house from evil.

Ehwaz- Good for attracting the help of the gods, or generally help from unusual, unforeseen sources. Also, gives charm and promotes luck.

Mannaz- Helps in the existential search to understand yourself. Improves memory, mental abilities. Enlists the help of other people.

Laguz- Used to achieve a position in society, to create dependence on other people from themselves. In love magic, it is used to hold, bind. However, in love magic, it should be used with caution, because it is the one who binds to himself with this rune that begins to lose interest in a partner. Can also be used to create obsessions.

Inguz- Helps to gain influence in society. It is used to achieve the desired result, to release hidden energy, activate reserves.

Dagaz- Used to achieve success, especially in material matters. It can also be used to change the status quo.

Othila- It is used to obtain an inheritance, to obtain a good marriage or other partnership, and to improve family relations.

Many have heard. There are even people who are afraid of stones with incomprehensible signs. It is believed that their influence on the fate of the one who turned to them is so great that it is impossible to resist it. It becomes especially scary when you read their meaning. It is broad and vague, as it seems to the uninitiated. But connoisseurs appreciate these symbols. Runic stakes can help a person in many ways. Let's talk about them.

What are runic staves?

For the completely uninitiated, some explanations are necessary. Runes are special signs that express the essence of a certain energy that affects the entire world around us. If such a person is near a person, then in any case he begins to work, delve into his field, attract circumstances and events that correspond to his essence. That is why it is customary to keep the runes in a special bag to hide from the eyes, to stop communicating with them. But there are times when their influence is very fruitful. Then the staves make up a set of symbols that determines the purpose and direction of the impact. They are very different. Only there are some principles of compilation. It is advisable to adhere to them for everyone who decides to do independent work.

Statutory principles

First rule - do no harm! In no case should you put negative thoughts into your magical set. You can't say it won't work. Just the opposite! Runes will affect events in the selected key. But then they will force the compiler to answer for what he did. Of course, there are situations when it is necessary to get rid of enemies, punish the offender, and so on. For this, there are runic staves of different directions. Their main content is to create well-being for the object of influence. If he is really attacked, then the enemy will be defeated. And if he himself unreasonably suspected a person of unseemly intentions, then he himself will change his mind. Circumstances will develop in such a way that everything will be clarified, the secret that was hidden will be revealed.

It is not yet recommended to invest in becoming negative feelings and intentions related both to oneself and to others. For example, if you want wealth, do not think that it must be taken away from your neighbor. Becoming works the way he is supposed to, and not the way you want. That is, he must be trusted completely, without insisting on the development of events according to his own plan.

Compilation rules

Simple runic stavas are made up of three characters. One determines the situation. It expresses what is at the present moment, a problem or a character. The second is the direction of development of events. The third is the desired result. The examples below will make it clearer. It is impossible to make a mistake in the choice of runes. The whole process, which determines the runic stavas, is harmonized. When it was written (folded), it will be difficult to change. Beginners are advised to use proven runic staves. They can be found in various sources, including this article. Carefully understand the meanings of the combinations. Depending on the circumstances, different stakes may be applied, it is necessary to take into account their semantic range, trends in the impact on events and the personalities of the participants.

For guard

One of the most common purposes for the use of runes is to protect from external negativity. Here is one possible combination. The runic becoming "protection" is made up of the signs: Turisaz, Algiz, Isa. The first will fence off a person from the negative directed at him. Algiz - a kind of She minimizes losses, if any must occur. For example, if you fall and only break your knee, you won't get a concussion. Isa will protect from his own aggression. It neutralizes those intentions that can lead you to losses or tragedies. This becoming is recommended to be applied to important documents or just on a piece of paper, which should always be with you.

For financial well-being

There are special formulas for attracting finance. Here is one of them. Runic betting on money: a combination of Fehu, Inguze and Souilo. Each of these runes is associated with income. In order like this: the first is the money itself, the second is the potential for development, the third is energy. Together, the combination means a powerful influx of funds, plus protection against their "unauthorized" losses. This stage is also considered accelerating. It speeds up processes that end in an influx of tangible profits. People who have tried it say they get results within a few hours. It is only recommended to use becoming to existing sources of income. Unknown profits are dispersed by another composition.

How to activate becoming

The last point that you need to know is how to put the outlined composition into work. There are several methods. Some believe that it is done with blood. In fact, you can use fire. The effect is the same. Compiled - burn each match. The process will start. If there are no stone runes, then they are written. For this, it is recommended to use a photo of the person for whom the process is being launched. You can draw them on the body (usually on the arm). Fire is also used to activate. The process itself is quite symbolic. You can just hold your hand over the flame of a candle. When the runes were written on paper, it is burned after the desired effect is obtained. The ashes are carefully collected and lowered into running water.

Runes must be handled with respect. They are good helpers, able to attract all the forces of nature to solve your problems. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use only natural materials (stones, wood, fabrics and paints). After the ceremony, they are either disposed of or purified by fire. The impact of the runes is thus terminated.