Is it possible to make puree? Mashed potatoes without milk

In cooking, the name of many dishes is directly related to the method of their preparation. So, for example, “pounded milk” is a product that has a puree-like appearance. It received such an unusual name because to prepare the boiled vegetable it is necessary to pound it using special devices until it turns into a lush, homogeneous mass. How to make “pounded meat” and what is needed to make it really tasty?

The simplest option

Any housewife can tell you how to make a crush. True, each has its own special recipe for this. However, there is a simpler one standard algorithm, according to which such a process consists of the following stages:

  1. First, the potatoes need to be washed and peeled.
  2. After this, the fruits must be boiled, adding a little salt at the very end.
  3. Then the water must be drained.
  4. Then the potatoes need to be softened in any convenient way.
  5. Enter additional ingredients.
  6. Mix again until the mixture is as homogeneous as possible. If the mass turns out dry, then it can be diluted by adding a little liquid.

By performing all of the above steps step by step, you can easily figure out how to make a “pound”. Numerous recipes for preparing this popular dish differ from each other, mainly in the list of additional ingredients. With their help, the product acquires a certain taste and unique aroma. The main addition to potatoes is butter. Usually it is added at the rate of 100 grams per 0.5 kilograms of the main product. As a result, the puree becomes soft, tender and acquires a pleasant creamy taste.

National characteristics

U different nations I have my own idea of ​​what mashed potatoes should be. This is due to long-standing national traditions and habits. For example, the French have their own opinion on how to make a “pound”. To do this they need to have:

for 800 grams - potatoes, a glass of whole milk, 3 tablespoons of grainy mustard, 8 sprigs of tarragon and 150 milliliters of full-fat sour cream.

The preparation method in this case is very similar to the standard version:

  1. First of all, you need to boil the peeled potatoes by placing them in a pan of water.
  2. At this time, you need to tear off the leaves from the tarragon branches and chop them finely.
  3. When ready, drain the potatoes and mash the boiled vegetables into a puree. Usually a special masher is used for this.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe and add salt, depending on your own taste.

Then the products must be mixed again. Only after this the “pound” can be eaten.

Popular method

To have an idea of ​​​​real puree, you need to know how to make a “pound” with milk. This component after butter considered the most important. It is with its help that it is possible to obtain soft and tender finished product. Of the many recipes for this, the best option is one that contains:

500 grams of potatoes, 100 milliliters of milk (or cream), salt, 30 grams of butter and 1 raw egg.

Making such a puree is not difficult. To do this you need:

  1. Peel the potatoes. Large specimens are best cut into pieces.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan separately.
  3. Dip the prepared vegetables into it and add a little salt. Water should not completely cover the product. It is better to drain the excess amount.
  4. After boiling again, reduce the heat slightly. Cooking time is usually from 20 to 30 minutes.
  5. When ready, drain the water and add oil to the hot potatoes.
  6. Mix the products well and then mash them using a masher.
  7. Add preheated milk and continue whisking.
  8. Without stopping the process, add the beaten egg.

Worthy replacement

The necessary products are not always at hand. Therefore, you need to be prepared for different situations and clearly know, for example, how to make “pounded milk” without milk. In this case you will need:

for 1.2 kilograms of potatoes - 1 onion, one and a half teaspoons of salt, 2 bay leaves and 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Everything is done very simply:

  1. First, you need to peel the potatoes and put them in a saucepan. Large tubers need to be cut so that they can cook better.
  2. Pour water over the vegetables and put on fire.
  3. Immediately place the whole onion there.
  4. After boiling, add salt and bay leaves.
  5. As soon as the tubers are boiled, the water should be poured out, leaving only 1 cup of liquid. The onions and leaves can be discarded. They won't be needed anymore.
  6. Use a masher to mash the potatoes with rhythmic movements so that there are no lumps left in them.
  7. Add mayonnaise and continue stirring vigorously.

The finished puree will be an excellent side dish for almost any hot dish.

Perfect puree

To enhance her culinary experience, a good housewife should know several options on how to make delicious “pounded meat.” After all, in life you need to be prepared for various surprises. For example, there is a recipe that allows you to make mashed potatoes simply unique. To work you will need:

5 potatoes, a lot of salt, olive oil, onion, ground pepper and coriander.

The puree is prepared in three stages:

  1. First, the potatoes must be washed and then boiled in the usual way.
  2. Separately in a frying pan olive oil fry diced onion. At the very end, add pepper, coriander and a little salt. You need to be very careful with each of these ingredients, as too much of even one of them can ruin everything.
  3. Combine both components and mix them well.
  4. Mash the fried potatoes.

This aromatic “pound” is perfect as a side dish for fish prepared in any way. To make it as airy as possible, it is better to use a mixer or immersion blender for mixing.

Everyone loves mashed potatoes as a side dish for various main meat or fish dishes. It also goes well with pickles, mushrooms, and vegetable salads.
There are various recipes for making mashed potatoes. And many families have their own secrets - how to make it airy and incredibly tasty.
But if your mothers or grandmothers have not yet given you family secrets, we suggest you try this very easy-to-prepare recipe - dairy-free mashed potatoes.

TIME: 40 min.


Servings: 4

Ingredients for 4-5 servings:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg (about 13 pcs.);
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Peppercorns - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt, ground pepper, dill - to taste.


Peel the potatoes, carefully cutting out the eyes (solanine, which is harmful to the body, accumulates in them) and cut into slices of the same size - this way they will cook faster and more evenly.
Pour water into a saucepan with chopped potatoes (enough to completely cover the slices).

Bring the water to a boil at maximum heat, and after boiling, reduce the temperature and add salt, peppercorns, and bay leaves.

Boil the potatoes until tender (they become soft, boil through and are easily pierced with a fork), after which the pan is removed from the stove.

The resulting broth is carefully (very hot!) poured into another container, the peppercorns and bay leaves are removed from it.
Cooked potatoes are thoroughly mashed with a special potato masher or blender (mixer).

Melted butter is poured into the puree in several additions, mixing well each time.
Lightly beat the egg in a separate bowl. It is then added to the puree in the same way as butter.

Lastly, without forgetting to stir, add the potato broth in small portions until the desired consistency is obtained (but remember that the puree will thicken slightly as it cools).

When serving, add a little ground pepper to the puree for taste and garnish with dill.

Helpful Tips:

  • Delicious dairy-free puree is made by using chicken broth instead of water.
  • Original recipe: add almond milk to mashed potatoes (almonds soaked for several hours are ground in a blender with a little water) and a lot of chopped herbs (onions, parsley, etc.).
  • If you do not add potatoes for boiling cold water, and with boiling water, it will cook faster, become tastier, and more nutrients will be retained in it.
  • To cook potatoes faster, add a little oil to the water.
  • Potatoes will become tastier if you add 2-3 cloves of garlic, dill or a little cheese (even dried) during cooking.
  • The puree will be fluffy if: drain the broth and dry the potatoes well (keep on low heat for a bit); Steam the potatoes.
  • When boiling old potatoes, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice and a few pieces of sugar to the water (so that they do not darken and become tasty).
  • You should not use new potatoes for mashed potatoes.
  • From the remaining mashed potatoes in the water you can prepare casseroles, cutlets,

Puree! Mmm... So much in this dish... Yes, yes, my dears, you can write poems about mashed potatoes! Probably not a single vegetable is used as a side dish in Russia so often.

So in our family, mashed potatoes take first place in the table of ranks of side dishes. Everyone knows how to cook it, but everyone has their own secrets. Today I will reveal mine to you.

To prepare mashed potatoes with milk you will need:

Potatoes - 1.5 kg;

Butter - 50 g;

Milk 3.5% - 100 ml;

Recipe for mashed potatoes with milk:

1. Peel the potatoes. Cut into halves or quarters, depending on the size of the potatoes, to help cook faster. Place in a saucepan and add water and salt.

2. After boiling, cook over low heat until the potatoes are ready. How to check the doneness of potatoes? You need to pierce it with a knife or fork. If it is cooked, the knife will go in softly.

While the potatoes are boiling, you can prepare the milk for mashing. The milk needs to be hot. If you pour cold milk into the puree, firstly, it will cool down, and secondly, it will darken a little.

3. Heat the milk until almost boiling. I warm milk in microwave oven, I put 100 ml of milk on full power for 1 minute.

4. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water., carefully holding the lid so that the boiled potatoes do not fall out of the pan.

5. Add butter.

6. Mash the potatoes with a masher. You can mash it with a wooden masher. I remember my grandmother had one like this. Oh, and she made delicious mashed potatoes! I have an ordinary stainless steel one, zigzag-shaped at the bottom. Knead thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.

7. Add hot milk. Stir in the puree. There should be enough milk, the puree should turn out runny, after a while it will thicken. If there is not enough milk, heat it up some more.

If you don't plan to eat mashed potatoes right away, wrap them in a blanket. In general, it’s better to cook it at a time, since potatoes, like other dishes, are especially tasty “from the fire.”

I usually use puree as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, such as:, and many others.

Bon appetit!

Mashed potatoes are the most popular and favorite dish in our country, no other is prepared as often. It is universal: ideally combined with fish, meat, and vegetables. There are a large number of variations of mashed potatoes - with eggs, cream, herbs, milk. It is not difficult to prepare the dish, but there are a number of secrets that allow you to create a real cooking masterpiece, with whom we want to introduce you.

Classic mashed potato composition

There are more than a thousand recipes for mashed potatoes: with cabbage, onions, milk, herbs, mayonnaise, ketchup, vegetable broth, mushroom, etc. At the same time, no one has yet come up with a better classic version of this dish. The secret of its preparation lies in the selection of products. Let's look at the set of ingredients you'll need for a classic puree.

The main ingredient is potatoes, homemade is best, but store-bought will do. Some inexperienced housewives strive to purchase young vegetables, but for this case they need mature, mature tubers. Secondly, you will need fresh whole milk, not too fat, but not less than 3.5%, butter, salt. If you have all the ingredients, all that remains is to wash the vegetables and cook them. While the tubers are boiling, thoughts will begin to enter your head about how to diversify classic version dishes.

Making mashed potatoes: step-by-step recipes with photos

The situation with mashed potatoes is the same as with the popular borscht - there are as many housewives and cooks as there are recipes for the dish. At the same time, everyone wants to add something new and special to a long-known dish. Thanks to such creative chefs, a huge number of variations were born. We offer you several recipes for this nutritious and simple dish.

How to make mashed potatoes with milk and eggs

This version of the dish is similar to the recipe for classic mashed potatoes. However, the egg included in the composition makes the mass more airy and nutritious. To prepare potatoes according to this recipe, you will need the following set of products:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1/3 tbsp. cream;
  • one chicken egg;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Let the water heat up.
  2. Wash and peel each tuber. Cut: large potatoes into four parts, medium – into 2.
  3. Place the chopped tubers into boiling water in small portions. This is done so that the boiling process of water does not stop. Add bay leaf.
  4. Cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  5. Salt the potatoes a couple of minutes before turning off.
  6. Drain water from cooked vegetables. Place the pan with potatoes back on the stove to evaporate the remaining liquid.
  7. Mash the vegetables with a masher.
  8. Add cream and butter. Continue rubbing. The butter and cream should be warm.
  9. Beat the mixture with a mixer. To achieve homogeneity, beat for at least 5-7 minutes.
  10. Add an egg to the homogeneous potato mixture. Depending on the requirements for the dish, use the whole egg or just the white. If you add a whole egg, the mashed potatoes will turn out creamy, and if you add only the whites, the potatoes will become airy.
  11. Before adding, the egg must be lightly beaten to obtain a homogeneous mixture, and poured in a thin stream with the mixer turned on.
  12. These potatoes are served as a side dish for all types of meat, fish or stewed vegetables and as an independent vegetable dish.

How to cook puree with butter in a slow cooker

With the advent various types kitchen appliances The list of mashed potato recipes has expanded. This dish is prepared not only in an ordinary pan. An amazing tasting puree is obtained when using a multicooker. Let's take for it:

  • 6 medium-sized potato tubers;
  • Art. milk;
  • garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the peeled, washed potatoes into 2 parts, put them in a multicooker bowl, pour water to the height of the back of your fingers from the vegetables. Add a clove of garlic and salt.
  2. Select the “Soup” mode on the multicooker and cook the vegetables for 25 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. Mash the potatoes with a masher.
  4. Add butter to milk and heat. Pour this mixture into the potatoes. Stir.
  5. Beat with a mixer.

Dairy-free puree with minced meat and onions in the oven

Mashed potatoes can also be used to prepare a more complex dish. These include the option with minced meat and onions in the oven. In this case, the puree no longer acts as a side dish, but as a finished dish. To prepare 6 servings, take:

  • 1 kg of middle-aged potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg fatty minced beef;
  • one large onion;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter with a mountain;
  • 50-70 g cheese;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Boil the peeled potatoes and add salt. Do not drain all the broth, leave about half a glass. Add 1 tbsp to potatoes. l. butter and grind until pureed.
  2. Chop the peeled onion and fry using 30 g of oil.
  3. Add minced meat to the onion. Then simmer the meat until cooked. In order not to oversalt the dish, it is better not to salt the minced meat.
  4. Add spices and egg to the cooled minced meat. Mix.
  5. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  6. Grease the baking dish with the remaining oil. Add half of the puree.
  7. Place minced meat on potatoes.
  8. Cover the top with the remaining puree, sprinkle the top with cheese.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes.
  10. Serve this casserole hot.

Recipe for mashed potatoes for the first feeding of a baby

A small child needs a special diet rich in vitamins and minerals that ensure the growth and development of the body. Therefore, pediatricians recommend introducing vegetable dishes, including mashed potatoes, into infant feeding. Preparing this dish for a baby has some features, let's look at them.


  • 1 potato;
  • 40 g milk with 2.5% fat content.

How to properly prepare puree for babies:

  1. Peel the potatoes so that there are no eyes or traces of skin left. Soak for 5 hours.
  2. Cut into medium pieces. Let cook over low heat for 25 minutes.
  3. Do not add salt.
  4. Drain the water from the cooked potatoes. Mash the vegetables.
  5. Add hot boiled milk. Mix, beat with a mixer.
  6. The consistency of the puree is adjusted by adding milk.

Delicious puree with cheese in a blender

Amazingly tender potatoes with a piquant taste are obtained by adding semi-hard cheese to vegetables. The dish is prepared just as quickly and can be used as a main hot dish. To prepare 4 servings you will need:

  • kg potatoes;
  • 1/4 kg cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Boil peeled, coarsely chopped tubers in boiling water. Before removing the potatoes from the stove, you need to salt the vegetables.
  2. Drain the water. Dry the potatoes and mash until pureed.
  3. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add peeled and chopped garlic, simmer for about one minute.
  4. Transfer the puree into a blender bowl.
  5. Add garlic mixture to potatoes. Beat.
  6. Grate the cheese and add to the puree, beat.
  7. The dish should be served immediately after preparation.

What can be prepared from puree - original dishes

Because mashed potatoes are always not enough, many housewives cook a little more than required. But even the most devoted fans don’t always agree to eat yesterday’s dish. But this does not mean that the food is spoiled and the potatoes will have to be thrown away. There are many dishes that require puree to prepare. Mashed potato dishes range from classic patties to fancy potato balls. Let's look at a few recipes for original dishes:


To prepare delicious vegetable cutlets Leftover mashed potatoes from yesterday will do. Their peculiarity is that the top of the product is crispy, but the inside remains tender and airy. These cutlets are served with sauce (tomato, cheese) or used as a side dish for meat, seafood or fish. To prepare cutlets for 4 people you will need:

  • 600 g of ready-made puree;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. breadcrumbs;
  • 50 g flour;
  • salt pepper;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil.

Preparation procedure:

  1. We take mashed potatoes, ideally if the potatoes have stood for 12 hours.
  2. Add the egg, chopped herbs, flour, pepper and salt. Mix everything.
  3. Forming cutlets.
  4. Dip them into the breading mixture.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets on both sides.
  6. Serve potato cutlets warm.

Potato balls

This dish is distinguished not only by its special taste, but also by its exquisite, beautiful view. Potato balls are served as an independent dish not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. In addition, they are suitable for vegetable, meat, and fish dishes. To prepare 5 servings, you need to take:

  • mashed potatoes – 700 g;
  • egg – 1;
  • flour – 100 g;
  • salt;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Lightly beat the egg with a fork.
  2. Roll the finished puree into balls and roll in flour.
  3. We repeat the procedure, but with an egg, dip the balls in the egg.
  4. Then roll them in the breading mixture.
  5. Heat the oil and fry the balls in it.
  6. We take out the finished balls and place them on napkins or a sieve to get rid of excess fat.
  7. Serve to the table.


They make wonderful mashed potatoes based on it, hearty pancakes. They are distinguished from ordinary ones by a crispier crust and a more delicate consistency. These pancakes are served for breakfast or dinner with sour cream, hot sauce, ketchup, and vegetable dressing. To prepare 4 servings of potato pancakes, take:

  • 2 tbsp. mashed potatoes;
  • one chicken egg;
  • one onion;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Beat the egg.
  2. Finely chop the onion and add to the puree. We send the egg there too. Salt and pepper. Mix the mass.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  4. Place small flat cakes on the frying pan. The thickness of the pancakes should not exceed 2 cm.
  5. Fry the products on each side for about 10 minutes. To prevent the mass from falling apart in the pan, it is better to fry over low heat.
  6. Serve warm.


One of the most favorite dishes of Russians is pies stuffed with mashed potatoes. Each housewife has her own dough recipe for this dish; the filling remains the same. We suggest using our dough recipe, for which you will need:

  • 1 kg flour;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 11 g instant yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt, sugar;
  • 100 g – butter.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Making classic mashed potatoes. Let it cool.
  2. We dilute the dry yeast mixture in slightly warmed water. Add sugar to them and place the solution in a warm place for 25 minutes.
  3. As soon as the “cap” rises, pour the mixture into a cup, add warm milk, salt, eggs, flour. Then knead the dough. The process is long, the finished mass should lag behind your hands.
  4. Add melted butter to the dough, knead until elastic.
  5. To make the dough rise, place the cup with it in a warm place for an hour.
  6. As soon as the dough arrives, cut it apart. Roll out the flatbreads. Place cold puree in the center. We pinch the pie, fry the product in a frying pan in large quantities heated vegetable oil.


Potato dough is a universal product, suitable for preparing various baked goods: buns, pizza, pies and even bread. Products made from it always turn out airy and very tasty. To prepare this test you will need:

  • 3 potatoes;
  • 300 ml milk or whey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. raises oils;
  • 8 g dry yeast;
  • 20 ml cream 10-20% fat;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 11/2 tsp. salt.


  1. Prepare mashed potatoes and cream. Leave to cool.
  2. Heat half the milk a little.
  3. Separately, dilute the yeast in water and add it to the milk.
  4. Pour half the flour into the mixture. Knead the dough dough. It should turn out liquid.
  5. Leave for 2.5 hours to suit.
  6. Then mix the puree, salt, sugar, vegetable oil.
  7. Add the second part of the flour. Knead. Add dough to it.
  8. Let it rise for another two to three hours. As the dough rises, knead the mass.
  9. We take the finished dough, form buns or pies and bake in the oven.

How many calories are in mashed potatoes?

Mashed potatoes are a light vegetable dish, but depending on the specifics of its preparation, it can gain additional “weight” in the form of calories. A puree made with vegetable broth is a less heavy dish than one containing butter or milk. The calorie content of 100 g of puree with milk 3.2% fat is 93.7 kcal, while without milk it will contain 75 kcal.

Video recipe: airy puree without lumps

Only very novice cooks cannot cook mashed potatoes. But do you know all the nuances and all the cooking options? Very often in recipes on the Internet they write that the fluffiness and airiness of mashed potatoes depends on the type of potato. Or rather, from the starch content in it. This is absolutely true. But in Everyday life When buying potatoes at the market or in a store, how often do you have the opportunity to choose the right variety? And where is the guarantee that he will turn out to be so? Today I will not only offer you several options for mashed potatoes to choose from, but I will also tell you some secrets that will make any potato make very tasty, fluffy mashed potatoes.

But still a little about the varieties. There is a question online about why the puree turns out viscous and stringy. I used to think that you could get something like this if you pounded it not with a traditional masher, but with an immersion blender. Until I encountered this problem myself, having bought Egyptian potatoes in a store. Indeed, it turned out to be some kind of viscous mass, a very unusual consistency, similar to glue. Since then I have avoided buying this variety (or country of origin).

How to make mashed potatoes with milk

Let's start with the classic and most popular option with milk. We will cook it traditionally, in a saucepan, and we will use one trick that will make the dish fluffy and beautiful.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • potatoes - 2 large tubers;
  • butter – 60-70g;
  • milk – 0.5 cups (125 ml);
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook delicious

By the way, it’s best to warm it up in the same way. You can add a little warm milk and heat over low heat, stirring constantly. Even the thickest puree will become fluffy and light when heated this way.

How to cook puree in a slow cooker

For those who are interested in the method of preparing mashed potatoes using a slow cooker, I suggest you familiarize yourself with how this is done. But you need to understand that in a bowl we will only boil the vegetable until tender, and then use our hands as usual. In this option, an egg will be added to the mixture.

Ingredients for 4-6 servings:

  • potatoes – 1kg;
  • milk – 1 glass (250ml);
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • butter – 50g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking process

Egg is not a required ingredient. Then why is it needed? It is added only to improve the color of the dish; with it the mass has a pleasant yellow, and, perhaps, for satiety. In my opinion, it does not impart tenderness and softness.

Mashed potatoes with water

As a rule, this recipe is needed by those who fast and during fasting do not consume any products of animal origin, not only meat, but even milk. For them - a recipe on water.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • potatoes – 4-5 tubers;
  • salt.

How to do it

That's all the difference.

Creamy mashed potatoes

But cream makes its taste richer and its consistency creamy and light. In addition, during cooking we will add onions to the pan. This may scare some people. Don't be afraid, the dish is in finished form It won't smell like onions. If they hadn’t told you about onions, you wouldn’t have understood anything, and you would have absolutely considered puree to be the most delicious.

Ingredients for 6-8 servings:

  • potatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • cream 10% - approximately 3/4 cup (200ml);
  • butter – 60g;
  • egg – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • salt.

How to do

Delicious puree with cream is ready!

For those who prepare a side dish quite often and who have a desire to diversify it in some way, I would like to offer additional ingredients for taste and aroma.

Puree with potatoes and parsnips

Parsnip is a plant whose root is similar to large carrots white. It is also called “white root”. The vegetable is very healthy and low-calorie. It gives the puree a special aroma and a slightly sweet taste.

  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • parsnip – 250g;
  • cream 10% - 50ml;
  • butter – 40g;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook

If you want to increase the amount of parsnips, you will need to increase the amount of butter to keep the puree tender or add additional sour cream.

Is it possible to blend puree with a blender?

You can whip it, but the consistency of the dish, pureed using a blender or food processor, becomes viscous, which is not for everyone.

What to do if you over-salt your mashed potatoes?

If it is only slightly oversalted, you can correct the situation by adding: 1) a little more milk and butter; 2) a raw egg(hot). If there is too much salting, then you will have to boil the potatoes again, but in fresh water, crush them and mix them with salted potatoes.

How to thicken puree?

If you accidentally overfilled milk, water or cream and ended up with a dish that is too thin, and you don’t want to additionally cook the potatoes to add to it, put it in a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, put it on a very low heat and, stirring constantly, thicken him this way. Remember that as it cools (especially in the refrigerator), it will thicken naturally.

How long does puree last in the refrigerator?

No more than 3 days. If the shelf life has exceeded three days, but still within reason, you can prepare some dish from it that requires additional heat treatment - casserole, flatbreads, pies, pancakes, etc.

What to serve mashed potatoes with?

In fact, in most cases it is a side dish, not the main dish. If you prepare it as the main thing, then you can serve it with any sauce to your taste: with cheese, sour cream, mushrooms. It’s good to serve salted or pickled cucumbers with mashed potatoes. In general, there is enough room for imagination here. The main thing is delicious, beautiful mashed potatoes.