Is it possible to make a decorative fireplace? How to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands for the interior, step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

Without a doubt, a beautifully designed fireplace portal fits perfectly into any living room interior. And it doesn’t matter that this is a hoax, because not every owner of a private house, not to mention apartment residents, is able to build a real wood-burning fireplace with a chimney. But anyone can make a false fireplace with their own hands, and how to do it correctly - read in our material.

What to make an artificial fireplace from

The first thing that comes to mind is to put together a fake portal and a brick firebox to achieve maximum similarity to the original. The idea is not very good, because such a building will cost a pretty penny and, in addition, will load the ceiling. Imitation brickwork can be implemented in other, cheaper ways, for example, by assembling wooden frame, sheathe and then cover with tiles under any artificial stone. But first things first.

The production of a pseudo-focus occurs in 2 stages - assembly of the main structure and lining. To make a portal, home craftsmen most often use the following materials:

  • plasterboard sheets on a frame made of metal or wood;
  • Laminated and regular chipboard;
  • plywood, fiberboard;
  • polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam.

Reference. A fake hearth for a while New Year's holidays You can even build it out of cardboard. How to make a similar fireplace from cardboard boxes is described in.

Foam false fireplace with decor made of polyurethane elements

A fireplace portal assembled from plasterboard is the most popular design. It allows the use of various types of cladding - wallpaper, polyurethane stucco, tiles And decorative plaster. There are quite a lot of design options for such homemade products. It is much more difficult to cover a false fireplace made of plywood or chipboard with tiles, but polymer materials afraid mechanical damage(for example, from cat claws).

Selecting a design and creating a drawing

If you decide to make an imitation of a classic English or other fireplace yourself, then first determine its place. The choice of one of two existing designs depends on this:

  • wall;
  • corner

The first type of artificial portal is placed near a free section of the wall, usually in the living room. Often it is placed in the middle of the room, and a suspended plasma is mounted on top. If the mantelpiece rests on metal frame, then you can place desktop TV models on it, as shown in the photo.

Reference. Sometimes, with the help of false fireplaces, it is possible to solve 2 issues at once - decorate the room and hide the old, terrible-looking heating radiator, which is what was done in the photo:

Corner versions save space and fit well into various rooms– living room, bedroom and even the nursery. Building such a layout is somewhat more difficult, but the result is impressive.

After choosing a location and design, decide on the size of the portal and its niche, simulating a firebox. The width and height of the recess for the hearth should look proportional to the external dimensions of the product, which you assign arbitrarily. As an example, we suggest taking a drawing of a decorative fireplace with an arched vault; you can use it to create your own sketch.

The dimensions of the corner structure are also taken arbitrarily, excluding situations where it is necessary to build an electric fireplace with an imitation flame inside the portal. Then design the size of the firebox according to its dimensions, as is done below in the drawing. Also take care of connecting electricity to the future false fireplace and install an outlet.

How to make a false fireplace from plasterboard

To make a simple fireplace portal from gypsum plasterboard you will need the following materials:

  • galvanized UD and CD profiles or wooden beams;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • countertop plate;
  • fasteners - dowel-nails and self-tapping screws 16 mm long.

Installation of steel profiles according to markings

Advice. When installing an electric fireplace, it is better to cover the opening simulating a firebox with plasterboard of the GKLO brand (fire-resistant, painted pink).

Assembling a frame from profiles

First, mark the wall and cut the materials into blanks. To do this, draw the outline of the future portal on the wall with a pencil, using building level to determine vertical and horizontal. Then work according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Cut the UD profiles to size and attach them to the wall with dowels, as shown in the photo. Install the racks and horizontal jumpers, fastening them together with self-tapping screws.
  2. Assemble a frame with a step from CD profiles and screw it to the floor. The arched arch of the hearth is formed from a lath, which must be trimmed and carefully bent, and then secured to the frame.
  3. Sheathe the frame with gypsum plasterboard sheets on self-tapping screws, the heads of which should be recessed into the drywall. For an electric fireplace, provide air openings on the sides and a hole for wiring.
  4. Install the tabletop and screw it to the frame.

Covering the frame with plasterboard sheets

Note. Internal lining The arched vault is made in segments from strips of plasterboard. Their ends should be hidden behind the front panel.

After assembly, all that remains is to veneer your decorative fireplace, made by yourself. The most popular finishing option is imitation of natural stone and brick using tiles. If you don’t want to buy it, then cut foam bricks and cover the portal, and paint the top with acrylic composition. Another common method is pasting fake columns and polyurethane stucco. Detailed description The installation of a plasterboard false fireplace is shown in the video:

The procedure for assembling a corner structure does not differ from the wall structure, only the frame is formed differently - the joining of the profiles is carried out under acute angle, as can be seen in the photo. The second point is the triangular shape of the top shelf, otherwise there is no difference.

Corner pseudo-fireplace frame

Fireplace from an old chest of drawers

A false fireplace can also be made from old furniture made from chipboard. Let's look at an example of a sideboard with a built-in mirror that will serve as a decorative element. The height of the structure is not a hindrance; after modification, it will resemble an outdoor stove with a shelf for storing firewood located at the bottom of the firebox.

We turn an old sideboard into a large pseudo-fireplace

Now about the work order step by step:

  1. Remove the doors and other hardware from the dresser. If it is equipped with additional side sections, then simply cut them to the desired size.
  2. Form the fireplace opening from boards, chipboard sheets or plywood, screwing them to the sideboard walls with screws. Make the bottom shelf in the same way.
  3. Pin a tabletop on top that protrudes 3-5 cm beyond the dimensions of the cabinet. If desired, make a pedestal for the false fireplace.
  4. Fill all the cracks with wood putty, and after drying, level it sandpaper. Then apply polyurethane molding to the body and paint.

Note. To finish the portal, you can use any materials that are bonded to glue - plastic, polystyrene foam, various decorative panels.

Decorating an artificial fireplace

One of the common options is a false candle fireplace with a mirror on the back wall of the opening. It’s simple to implement: candles are placed in front of the glass, on the top shelf and pedestal, and lit in holidays. The decoration can be supplemented with replicas of firewood and an iron fireplace grate. The latter is bent according to a drawn template made of thick aluminum wire inserted into a vinyl chloride tube. Finally, the grille is painted with bronze paint.

A few words about how to simulate a flame. We have already talked about an electric fireplace, but there are other ways:

  • place it on the bottom of the firebox, strewn with pebbles, LED strip red or yellow;
  • install a safe alcohol burner in the opening (their decorative models are commercially available);
  • use an electronic photo frame with an LCD display, into which a GIF image of a flame is loaded, after which it is placed in the fireplace niche.

This is how LED strip imitates fire

How to make an artificial eco-fireplace with a real flame from an alcohol burner is clearly explained in the video:


Let's omit the hackneyed phrases about the ease of making a false fireplace with your own hands, and instead give little advice. When you decide to throw away pieces of furniture, an old TV or a mirror, first think about making an imitation fireplace. The plasterboard system is a beautiful and reliable option, but at the same time expensive, and unnecessary things are a free resource. By putting your hands on them, you will get a pleasant decoration for the interior of your apartment or cottage.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from Eastern Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

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Fireplaces have long ceased to be bulky brick structures that are used to heat homes. Now they are used more and more often in decorative purposes, and heating occurs due to electricity. More and more people live in city apartments, where it is impossible to install a real fireplace, and it is not necessary. Therefore, electrical analogues are installed or imitations are created from various materials. In the latter case, the most popular material for creating such a decorative element is plasterboard.

They make a decorative fireplace with their own hands from plasterboard for two reasons:

  1. Protect the room from heat sources and increase their efficiency. In this case, you buy a special device that is powered from the mains and simulates a flame, but gives off heat. In this case, fireproof plasterboard is used for the fireplace.
  2. For interior decoration using a fake fireplace without a heat source. Any gypsum boards are suitable for cladding.

Regardless of the reason, you can create a fireplace from gypsum plasterboard with your own hands, because the procedure will be the same. Creating such a design has a number of advantages:

  • safety. Absence open fire and the use of gypsum plasterboards reduce the risk of fire to a minimum;
  • homemade fireplace made of plasterboard has simple design. Although it is possible to create projects that are so complex that they can take up huge areas;
  • the use of gypsum plasterboard allows you to create any shape of fireplace, even the most bizarre. You can even create a structure with a chimney;
  • the size of the room does not play a big role, because the structure can be installed in any place, even in a corner;
  • cladding can be carried out using any materials.

Types of false fireplaces

All fall fireplaces can be divided into three categories: authentic, conventional and symbolic. Once you understand which option interests you, you can begin to implement it.

A decorative chimney adds more authenticity to the entire structure

Authentic fireplaces are made to be an exact replica original designs . If this option is used outside the apartment, then you will never think that this is an imitation. Characteristic feature such designs is the use of furnaces where combustion is carried out various types fuel. The imitation comes out so good that it has the appropriate dimensions and design principles. Such a fireplace made of plasterboard in the interior can look very massive, and it is rational to install it in a cottage where there are large rooms.

Having dimensions future design you can calculate how many profiles, fasteners and gypsum boards are required. Let us remind you once again that heat-resistant plasterboard is needed for a fireplace only if there is a heating element inside the structure being created. Otherwise, a suitable material for finishing a metal frame will be suitable.

To make it easier to work, you need to make a drawing of a plasterboard fireplace with dimensions. After this, the dimensions can be transferred to the wall so that you can see exactly where to mount the frame. At this stage, you will need a level (ideally a laser) so that the finished structure does not turn out to be skewed. By the way, the work will require the following tools and fasteners:

  • level to create a level structure;
  • metal guide profile for creating a frame;
  • metal scissors for cutting profiles;
  • tape measure for performing various measurements;
  • electric drill and dowels for attaching the frame to the wall;
  • plasterboard for covering the frame;
  • knife for cutting plasterboard to specified sizes;
  • a screwdriver and self-tapping screws for attaching frame elements to each other and drywall to the profile.

Additionally, you will need materials for finishing (trowel, putty, tape for seams and facing material). At the very end, we will consider the question of how to decorate a plasterboard fireplace.

Assembly and fastening of the frame

There should be markings on the wall and floor to make it clear where the do-it-yourself plasterboard fireplace frame will be installed. To assemble it, rack or guide profiles can be used. You can assemble the frame separately and then attach it to the wall, but it is better not to resort to this method. You can miss the markings, and attaching the entire bulky structure is inconvenient. It's better to do everything sequentially. You need to make fireplaces with your own hands from plasterboard step by step, and not try to combine several stages into one or skip them.

It is advisable to provide a stand in the frame

First of all, the guides are attached to the wall and to the floor. To do this, you need to mark the places where they will be fixed, after which holes are drilled with a drill, and the profiles are attached to the wall and to the floor with dowels. It is not necessary to cut the profile into many pieces, because it can be trimmed with scissors and then simply bent at a right angle. This way the guide on the floor and wall will be the same and you won't have to worry about making sure everything is aligned.

Vertical guides are checked with a plumb line so that they are fixed level. Ideally use a laser level.

Racks are inserted into the guide profiles on the floor and secured with metal screws. These posts go from the bottom profiles to the top, where they will be secured into guides that are mounted parallel to the profile on the floor. You should get some kind of parallelepiped if you assemble the simplest structure. This will be the main frame, in which you will also need to make a place to insert the heating device. A drawing of a false fireplace made of plasterboard will help with this.

Frame option without fixing to the floor

The jumpers between the racks are installed at the height at which the electric fireplace will be installed. One of the guide profiles at this height is attached to the wall. It turns out a quadrangle, which will be the bottom of the niche. For greater reliability, you can add a few more jumpers inside this rectangle (relevant for heavy heating devices). All other frame elements are assembled in a similar way. For example, you can create a fireplace box from plasterboard that will imitate a chimney.

Plasterboard cladding

You can install a wooden tabletop on top of the fireplace for decoration.

The gypsum board must be cut so that it can be used to cover the assembled frame. It’s not difficult to figure out how to cover a structure with plasterboard. Just take plasterboard sheets and secure them with self-tapping screws. Cladding a fireplace with plasterboard with your own hands begins with a niche for the electric fireplace, into which it is then inserted. If mistakes were made, then part of the structure may have to be reassembled. If the fireplace goes well, then take it out and continue working.

Main characteristics of wall (GKL) and fire-resistant (GKLO) plasterboard
NameSize in mm.Sheet area in sq.m.Sheet weight in kg.Color
GKL1200x2000x12.52,4 23 Grey
1200x2500x12.53 29
1200x3000x12.53,6 35
GKL1200x2000x12.52,4 26 Pink
1200x2500x12.53 31
1200x3000x12.53,6 37

After covering internal space constructions need to move to the external. We fasten everything with small self-tapping screws in 15 cm increments. The procedure is quite standard and common. Do not forget that the caps of the screws must be flush (not protrude or be pressed in too much). Now you know how to make a false fireplace from plasterboard, but that's not all.

You can provide special double walls for the combustion hole (if it will be used for its intended purpose). Non-combustible insulation is laid between these walls, for more efficient heating rooms.

Features of corner fireplaces

I would like to dwell on the option of installing a fireplace in a corner. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk about the advantages:

  • You can save space since the space required in the corner is smaller.
  • The space in the corner of the room is used, and usually the corners are empty.
  • Less material consumption and lower cost of the entire structure.
  • It looks original and stylish.

Unfortunately, a do-it-yourself corner false fireplace made from plasterboard will also have disadvantages. There is not always a free corner large enough to avoid a window with a radiator. Even if the window is far away, there are curtains that will interfere. Therefore, it will always be impossible to use two corners in a room.

An imitation chimney will not steal space and will look stylish

The remaining two corners are usually formed by the part of the wall where the doors are located. For some people, if a do-it-yourself corner decorative fireplace made from plasterboard is located in such a place, then this is unacceptable from the point of view of room design.

Step-by-step instruction

For the most part, creating corner false fireplaces from gypsum plasterboard is not much different from the procedure described above for frontal structures. The main difference is in the shape of the frame.

Do-it-yourself corner fireplace made of plasterboard - step-by-step instruction:

  1. Calculation of sizes. Everything needs to be taken into account. For example, a heating pipe running along the corner of a wall that needs to be hidden. It may interfere with the assembly of a solid frame. If the battery is hidden, then you should definitely provide a design feature that will make it easy to get to it if necessary. When is it going corner fireplace made of plasterboard, the dimensions of all elements must be carefully thought out.
  2. We mount the frame. For this, the cheapest profile or the one that is most convenient to work with will do. There are no special requirements for guides.
  3. We provide electrical wiring. These could be sockets or lighting wiring finished design. Additional lighting is especially relevant if work is carried out with a large frame.
  4. The frame is covered with sheets of plasterboard.
  5. Finishing is carried out.

Here's how to make your own fireplace out of plasterboard. You just need to follow the sequence of work in the instructions.

Finishing - the last stage

The fireplace should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room where it is installed. That's why it's so important to choose the right finishing coat. The most popular materials for such work are decorative brick, ceramic tiles and artificial stone. However, ordinary paint is often used for these purposes.

With the right finishing no one will guess about using drywall

Before painting a plasterboard fireplace, it is puttied, making all surfaces smooth. Then everything is painted twice water-based paint using a brush. For other types of finishing, you will have to use plaster compounds so that nothing falls off. All this significantly increases the weight of the structure. So you need to know in advance whether the plasterboard will be covered ceramic tiles(stone) or not.

It’s not as difficult to make a fireplace in an apartment with your own hands from plasterboard as it might seem. The main thing is to carry out calculations correctly and use a level, do not forget about jumpers and finishing.

The fireplace has always been a symbol of the hearth. Many cultures around the world have myths, legends and rituals associated with this subject. But if it is not possible to build a real one, then there is nothing left but to make a false fireplace with your own hands. This option is also suitable for city residents who, in apartment conditions, cannot afford the construction of this facility.

The role of the fireplace in interior design

In a city apartment the conditions do not allow installing a fireplace. In addition, its construction is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process, so not every owner of a private house is able to build a fireplace. But there is a simpler option - imitation.

It is possible to make a false fireplace with your own hands, without any special skills or tools. Of course, you can also offer to purchase a ready-made fireplace, for example, decorative imitation powered or with heating elements. However, such devices are quite expensive. Manufacturing with my own hands provides several benefits:

  • Firstly, it saves money family budget. Because the Consumables do not require significant investments and are available to everyone.
  • Secondly, in this case it becomes possible to create unique item an interior that will fully meet the needs and desires of the owner.
  • Thirdly, things created with your own hands carry a special energy of warmth and love that will surround all household members and guests of the house.

False fireplaces can perform various functions. The main task of the object is decoration. However, such structures can also mask heating radiators; in addition, they can be an artificial source of heat or frame other interior elements. In any case, a false fireplace is a multifunctional object.

Classification of structures

Each room has its own characteristics, so it is worth analyzing the possibilities of constructing a structure taking them into account. Depending on the purpose and method of construction, imitation fireplaces are classified:

  1. Reliable imitations are designs that completely copy the original. In this case, not only are they imitated external signs fireplace, but also the basic principles of the object. For example, you can make a fireplace out of brick or plasterboard with a stone finish, and place a heating element inside. This composition will provide a complete imitation of the hearth. This is a rather expensive method, but the result is worth it.
  2. A conventional fireplace is lightweight design protruding from the wall. The building can be decorated to your liking. Typically, candles are placed in the firebox hole or filled with decorative elements, such as firewood or large Himalayan salt crystals.
  3. The symbolic false object is made arbitrarily, using any available materials. This could be a drawing or fresco on the wall in the form of a hearth or lightweight design made of cardboard or foam.

The choice of type depends on the interior, budget and preferences of the owner. Important role The available space in the room also plays a role.

Materials used

When starting out, people usually think about what they can make a fireplace out of. In fact, it's simple. False fireplaces are made from simple materials. Which are low in cost, and in some cases await their fate on the balcony or in the closet. Materials used in the manufacture of artificial hearths:

Materials that have served their purpose can also be used. For example, you can use old furniture as a frame for an object or old equipment(TV, washing machine). Proper decoration will breathe a second life into things collecting dust in the household.

Imitation polyurethane

This is a simple method that does not require investment or labor. To do this, you need to purchase a ready-made portal for a fireplace made of polyurethane at a hardware store. In this case, you should take seriously the choice of an object that must match the style of the room and have the appropriate size. An electric fireplace can be installed in a polyurethane structure. However, it is worth taking care in advance about the quality of ventilation and safe connection to electrical network. The important point is that the electric fireplace matches the portal opening.

Otherwise, there should be no difficulties when designing such an imitation.. For construction you will need materials:

  • Ready portal made of polyurethane;
  • Glue;
  • Putty;
  • Decoration Materials ( decorative rock or brick, tile).

After all the materials have been prepared, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of an imitation fireplace made of polyurethane. This process is quite simple:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a location for installation. The best option will become the side wall of the room. The fireplace should be located so that it does not interfere with the passage and does not clutter the room.
  2. If the fireplace is equipped with an electric heating element or lighting, then you need to ensure that there is wiring or an outlet in close proximity to the object.
  3. The frame is made of wooden or aluminum load-bearing, the walls are made of lightweight and dense material(plywood or drywall).
  4. A polyurethane portal is installed in the frame hole and secured with contact adhesive. The gaps are carefully puttied.
  5. Final stage- decoration. Finishing artificial stone or tiles is carried out according to the instructions for using the source material. As a decoration, you can install a fireplace mantel made of wood or stone.

Such portals are also made of wood. But they are many times more expensive. However, you can find real masterpieces, for example, additionally equipped with a built-in bar or other useful elements.

Plywood construction

Such art objects are used to hide the shortcomings of a room.. For example, it could be an unaesthetic heating radiator or niche.

The initial stage of the process is planning. To save time and money, it is recommended to draw up a design drawing taking into account the dimensions of the structure. After this, blanks for the frame of the artificial fireplace are cut out of the timber. The structure is assembled directly on site using a screwdriver, following the instructions in the sketch. Then the frame is covered with plywood. The fireplace can be complemented with a podium or shelf. An imitation firebox is mounted on the back wall. External walls decorate with decorative film or wallpaper.

This design is mobile. It is not fixed to the wall, so you can always move it to another place and gain access to the wall. You can place it in the firebox hole large stones or candles.

You can make your own and decorative grille . To do this you will need a copper profile or aluminum wire. The wire is given decorative form and painted with gold, silver or bronze paint. Attach the grate to the fireplace body using thin copper wire.

Such artificial fireplace will not only disguise imperfections, but will also decorate the interior.

Second life of old furniture

Most a budget option- fireplace from old furniture. Surely everyone has old sideboard or closet. Don't rush to send them to the landfill. Based on the cabinet, you can create a designer interior element. For this you need:

  • Plywood;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Grinder;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Acrylic based paint;
  • Putty;
  • LED strip;
  • Decorative elements (stucco molding, gypsum decorative stone, balusters).

Having prepared the materials and tools, you need to draw up a sketch of the future fireplace. Only after this should you start assembling. Main stages of the process:

At minimal cost it is possible to get a stylish vintage piece of furniture. It will decorate the room and create the atmosphere of a mystery from an old fairy tale.

Building an artificial fireplace at home is not at all difficult. Attention, desire to create and efficiency - this is what you need to enjoy the uniqueness and warmth of an art object created with your own hands.

IN modern apartment It is not possible to build a classic fireplace, but you can always build an imitation of this structure. A false fireplace in an apartment will play a decorative role, it will help create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, especially since there are no problems with heating rooms of this kind, the batteries do an excellent job.

In this article we will talk about how to build an artificial fireplace from plywood, from chipboard, from various types of wood with our own hands, and we will look in detail at several master classes on their creation.

Original wooden portal for an electric fireplace

Preparatory work

It is worth noting that the false fireplace is exclusively a portal of impressive size, which is decorated properly inside and outside. This portal can become a separate decorative element or a frame for an electric fireplace that provides heat, a biofireplace, which allows you to create real fire.

  • If a portal is created for a bio-fireplace in which a real fire will burn, then you should carefully choose materials for the firebox, since they must be fireproof.
  • If a false fireplace is designed to decorate an electric fireplace, then the size of its firebox must correspond to the dimensions of the device. Additionally, electrical wiring should be carried out and sockets should be placed in the area of ​​the proposed structure.

Portals for false fireplaces can be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself, for example, from plasterboard, boards, bricks and even cardboard. To create the base, you can use the most various materials, For example, original solution can be . If you want to assemble a solid structure that will serve long time, then it is better to make a wooden analogue. To build a fake fireplace out of wood with your own hands you will need: plywood, chipboard, boards and timber.

Luxurious handmade wooden fireplace portal

On preparatory stage it is important to choose the right place for the future fireplace, as well as decide what it will be appearance. Bearing in mind that this decorative element will dominate the interior of the room, you should choose key places. In this case, the false fireplace will attract attention and set the desired tone in the atmosphere of the room.

The interior of the room should definitely be taken into account when choosing a sketch of a future building. In the same time classic look a false fireplace will allow you to fit it into almost any interior. It will be great if there is a relaxation area near the virtual fireplace, where you can fully enjoy the comfort of home.

Having chosen a suitable sketch of a decorative fireplace, you should decide on the dimensions of the structure. It is advisable to build a large portal in large room, and small in small, so that harmony in interior design is maintained. will save space in the room. If it is difficult for you to imagine the dimensions of the product, then you can cut out a cardboard model or draw a selected area on the floor and wall using a drawing of a false fireplace.

Note that the design of a decorative fireplace can be very different. For example, portals with a firebox raised above the floor look interesting, in which it is convenient to place candles, LCD screens, and if necessary, it is easy to place a burner from a bio-fireplace or an electric fireplace into the cavity.

In conclusion, we note that such products are needed in the interior of the room to create a harmonious atmosphere filled with warmth and home comfort. Yes, they don’t have any functionality, but they allow you to feel subconscious level warmth of the hearth. And finally, a master class on making a fireplace from wood.

Tools and hardware Fastening the elements of the lower part

A fireplace can make even the most dull room interior much cozier and more comfortable. But such a pleasure is quite expensive, and it is not always possible to install something like this in an apartment. But there is a way out. You can make a false fireplace with your own hands of absolutely any shape and size, and it is so simple that the process itself will not take much time and will not require special skills.

Can a fireplace be artificial?

A false fireplace is a structure that looks like a real fireplace, but without a chimney. In some cases, this is simply an element of room decor, in other cases there is still an element of simulating a live flame, for example, as in electrical installations.

A false fireplace can be an excellent decor in a room of any size

The main advantages of this design can be considered absolute safety (unless, of course, you decide to install a lot of candles in the portal) and low cost compared to a real fireplace. In addition, there are other advantages of false fireplaces:

  • it is allowed to be installed even in an apartment, while a real fireplace is prohibited from being installed in an apartment building;
  • with its help you can disguise the defects and shortcomings of the room, for example, hide a radiator or pipe, and also advantageously use the so-called blind areas, for example, a corner;
  • On top and on the sides you can arrange shelves for decoration and storage of various small items;
  • emphasize the stylistic direction of the room’s design, for example, when choosing a baroque or other classical style.

A false fireplace would be appropriate even in a children's room

Types of structures

There are several types of false fireplaces that you can install in your own apartment:

There is another classification, which is based on the installation location of such a structure:

  • suspension;
  • wall;
  • angular;
  • built-in;
  • insular.

What can be made from

If you are a fan of making crafts, then to make a decorative fireplace you can use absolutely any building material, including the following that is suitable for it:

  1. Brick. It allows you to create an artificial hearth that is as close to the real one as possible. For installation, you can choose decorative or facing bricks. The disadvantages of this design are its significant weight, which means that it can be installed only after checking the ceiling’s ability to withstand such weight. However, there are also advantages besides naturalness. Such a false fireplace does not need to be lined with anything.

    The brick false fireplace is as similar as possible to the real one

  2. Plates with laminated coating. Before using this material, you must draw up a drawing on which you must indicate all the dimensions of the future structure. The drawing is needed in order to cut the material. Chipboard sheets also have similar properties, but this design requires further finishing, for example, with foam “bricks”.

    A fireplace made of sheets with a laminated coating looks very laconic

  3. Polyurethane. As a rule, this material is used to finish a finished structure. However, special parts, such as moldings, platbands and half-columns, can be glued directly to the wall and decorated accordingly. Using decor and trying different techniques with illumination, it can be turned into an unusual piece of furniture. There is another advantage - if desired, such a fireplace can be repainted in any color. This allows you to update the interior with minimal investment in a short time.

    A polyurethane fireplace can simply be glued to the wall

  4. Drywall. This material is most popular for the manufacture of false fireplaces. It has undoubted advantages - ease of assembly and combination with other finishing materials. If desired, the plasterboard structure can be decorated in any style, which means it will be suitable for any interior. In addition, you can build a structure of any complexity. An artificial hearth can be deep, with a square or round portal, with columns or minimalist. You can change the cladding without disassembling the entire structure, which is very convenient.

    Most often, a false fireplace is made of plasterboard

  5. Tree. Using this material, you can make a false fireplace, which will be part of a furniture set, which means it will be made in the same style as the entire design of the room.

    A wooden false fireplace can be artificially aged

In addition to those listed, you can also use available materials to make a false fireplace, for example, cardboard boxes or old furniture.

Drawings with dimensions

The dimensions of the structure largely depend directly on the area of ​​the room where it will be installed. For example, corner installation for a small room it can have a depth of 330 mm and a length of 1,300 mm.

A small room can also be decorated with a wall-mounted false fireplace. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the dimensions of the structure slightly, for example, to make a portal with parameters of 1,360*500*1,050 mm.

In a small room you can install a wall-mounted or hanging fireplace

When installing a false fireplace in a medium-sized room, more possibilities arise:

  • you can make a more massive structure, decorating it with additional decorative elements, for example, columns and stucco;
  • it is allowed to use not only shelves, but also tabletops, but only if the partition is able to withstand such a structure;
  • You can place an artificial fireplace in the center of the room, and not just near the wall.

The drawing must indicate the dimensions of each part

When decorating a room in classic style a false fireplace can be massive with appropriate decorations. For example, the dimensions of the lower part can be 1,500 mm, the upper - 1,490 mm, and the depth - 345 mm.

If you want an artificial fireplace to look attractive, expensive, and high-status, then it is recommended to use artificial and natural stone, forged elements, and valuable wood for finishing.

IN big room a false fireplace can be installed in the center of the room

When making a copy of a fireplace for a large living room, you can follow the following rules:

  • island location, thanks to which you can create a very massive and unusual design, which will perform several functions at once;
  • you cannot use a suspended structure;
  • partition for wall-mounted false fireplace should be such that it does not deform under the influence of the heavy weight of the structure.

A false fireplace can also look like a home stove

How to make a false fireplace with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

You can make a fake fireplace with your own hands from any building material. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.

From plasterboard

The corner structure made of plasterboard looks very original. Such a false fireplace can be installed even if the room is too small for any similar devices, because it can also be used as a storage space. To make it you need to prepare:

  • metal profile - 13 pcs.;
  • plasterboard 9.5 mm thick, better moisture resistant - 3 sheets;
  • tiles - 5 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 200 pcs.;
  • grout for ceramic tiles of the appropriate color;
  • LED strip simulating fire;
  • decorative lattice.

You need to make a corner decorative fireplace from plasterboard in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Calculate the dimensions correctly. In the event that you will cover the battery with a structure, this must be done in such a way that there is easy access to it.

    You can build any complexity from plasterboard

  2. Install the frame. To do this, you can use a ceiling metal profile.

    A ceiling profile is suitable for the frame

  3. Lay down electrical wiring if an electric fireplace is installed in the portal. Such a fireplace must have at least three exits: two on the facade and one above the shelf. An LED strip is suitable for additional lighting.
  4. Finish the combustion hole. Here you need to make two walls, between which you need to lay any non-combustible material.

    The fireplace insert must have two walls, between which non-combustible material must be laid

  5. Now the frame can be sheathed with plasterboard. Parts must be cut out from sheets in advance according to the drawn up drawing.

    You need to cut out the parts from gypsum board in advance.

  6. Make several holes in the casing. They are needed in order to warm air could circulate freely.

    Holes are needed for air circulation

  7. Cover with ceramic tiles or any other material. It's better to give preference facade tiles, since it is resistant to temperature changes and negative external influences. You can also use gypsum tiles imitating stone. In this case, it is recommended to use heat-resistant glue.

    When using facing bricks you can make a fireplace very similar to a real one

Such a fireplace will occupy an area of ​​only 1.5 m2.

Video: false fireplace made of plasterboard

Reusing Cardboard Boxes

You can also make a decoration in the form of a fireplace from large cardboard boxes. They should be as dense as possible and should hold their shape well. To do this you need to prepare:

  • cardboard boxes of different sizes (4 large and 5-6 small);
  • white paper, which can be replaced with wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • colored cardboard, paint or wallpaper with a pattern of bricks.

You need to make a false fireplace from cardboard boxes in the following sequence:

  1. Place the boxes in the order in which they should be in the finished version.

    You can use boxes of different sizes for the fireplace

  2. Now you can connect these boxes to each other. It is very convenient to use tape for this.
  3. After the frame is made, it needs to be covered with white paper or wallpaper. For this purpose, you can use either tape or PVA glue. All edges must be smooth, for which you need to trim the paper in the corners.

    You can use tape or glue for fastening

  4. Separately make the top shelf, which is also covered with white paper, and then secured to the prepared frame.

    Shelf at cardboard fireplace should also be

  5. Cut out bricks from red cardboard, which are then glued to the frame using office glue. Instead of colored cardboard bricks, you can use decorated wallpaper. You can also simply draw bricks.

    Bricks can be made from cardboard

  6. The top surface can be left undecorated or covered with paint.

    The cardboard fireplace is very light and mobile

Video: DIY fireplace from boxes

Made of wood

Using a similar technology, you can make a structure of either chipboard or plywood:

  1. According to the drawing, cut out all the necessary parts.
  2. Assemble the frame from timber. Everything else will need to be attached to it. wooden parts. In this case, you can use several methods of fixation at once: tongue and groove, gluing, connecting with hardware. The choice of fastening method depends solely on the required reliability of fixation.
  3. Pin to assembled frame decorative elements made from bars of different sizes, moldings.
  4. Exterior finishing. There are several options for exterior finishing. Such a false fireplace can simply be coated with white paint, tiled or decorated with decorative bricks.
  5. Firebox decor that will give maximum credibility to the fireplace. For wooden structures, it is recommended to use natural and decorative accessories, for example, fir branches, cones, dry firewood.

In order to make the structure less massive, some wooden parts can be replaced with plywood elements.

Video: DIY decorative fireplace

Made from polyurethane

To make a false fireplace from this material, you must first select the style of the product, and also, in the case of using an electric fireplace for a portal, take into account the dimensions of this device, the method of its connection, as well as the need for ventilation. Additionally you need to prepare:

  • polyurethane portal;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • facing material.

The installation process itself occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Decide on the installation location. It is best to do this on the side wall of the room. Moreover, the false fireplace made of polyurethane must be positioned so that it does not interfere with free movement.

    A false fireplace made of polyurethane is very easy to make yourself

  2. Socket installation. This stage is necessary if there will be an electric fireplace inside the portal. The wiring must match the voltage used, and the outlet itself must be located as close as possible to the false fireplace.
  3. Preparing the wall surface. It needs to be leveled and cleaned.
  4. Applying markings to polyurethane. This information can be taken from a drawing prepared in advance.
  5. Fixation of polyurethane parts. To fasten the parts you need to use special contact glue and self-tapping screws. This will increase the reliability of the structure and extend its service life. During this process, you need to carefully ensure that the corners of the parts are in relation to each other. For self-tapping screws, you need to make holes with a drill in advance.

    For ease of manufacture, the entire structure can first be laid out on the floor

  6. Exterior finishing. There are several options for a false fireplace made of polyurethane. The stucco molding can either be attached with special glue or with self-tapping screws. The second option is more reliable, but there is a risk that the screw heads will be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, when using mechanical method fastenings, additional decoration of the connection points is recommended.

    You can cut polyurethane with a hacksaw

You can make the structure aesthetically pleasing if it is puttied, primed and painted after manufacturing.

Video: installation of stucco molding for a false fireplace made of polyurethane

From old furniture

Convert old wardrobe or a chest of drawers is the most budget-friendly option for making a false fireplace. To transform you will need:

  • plywood;
  • sander with wood attachment;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint, acrylic is best;
  • putty;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • plaster stucco.

After preparing everything the right tool and material, the following instructions must be followed:

  1. Remove the doors from the sideboard, remove excess drawers and cabinets.

    All doors and drawers must be removed from the sideboard.

  2. Install two beams in front.

    In addition to the frame, you will also need beams and sheets of plywood.

  3. Attach sheets of plywood to form the portal opening.

    You can set the dimensions of the firebox yourself

  4. Make a hole for the blower. It can have any shape, the most ergonomic would be a semicircle. The space can also be used for cutting firewood.

    The ash pit can be used to store firewood

  5. Make a pedestal and decorative shelf. For this purpose, you can take the backs of an old bed; first you need to unscrew the legs of these parts.

    The fireplace needs a pedestal and a shelf

  6. Proceed to exterior decoration false fireplace. All polished surfaces of the cabinet must be treated grinder, then prime them, putty and level them thoroughly. After the putty has dried, sand the surface with sandpaper. Now the false fireplace can be painted and then finished facing material, For example, facing bricks. You need to finish the job by gluing all decorative elements and installation of the shelf.

    For finishing you can use any facing material

  7. Decorate the firebox space. Why lay an orange or LED strip around the perimeter? yellow color. You can place stones or shells at the bottom.

    To simulate fire, you can use LED strip

If you follow these instructions, you can create a false fireplace in any style.

No one will guess that a sideboard was turned into a fireplaceFalse fireplace made of decorative brickFor a false fireplace made of brick large sizes foundation may be required

Made of brick

A false fireplace made of brick looks the most natural. When making it, it is necessary to strictly follow the masonry technology, otherwise the structure will be unreliable and quickly collapse. You need to prepare in advance:

  • brick - 25 pcs.;
  • steel strip for ceiling;
  • solid board 4 cm thick or more for the mantelpiece;
  • cement mortar.

For the fireplace you can set standard sizes base 900*250 mm and firebox 500*380 mm. The weight of such a structure will not exceed 100 kg, which means that no additional foundation will be needed.

A large raised brick fireplace may require a foundation.

The technique for making a false fireplace from brick is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare a solution. It is better to purchase a special powder designed for such work. It is enough to dilute it with water in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Lay out the brick base in half a brick, after which you can move on to the walls and firebox. Lay the walls as thick as bricks with overlapping seams.
  3. Place a shelf on top of the frame or attach a tabletop.
  4. Decorate the firebox. To do this, you can glue a film with a picture of a brick on the back wall, and put candles or brushwood in the firebox itself. Instead of film, you can use a mirror, which will make the depth of the firebox appear greater.

What to make fire from

Under no circumstances should you light a real fire in a false fireplace, even if the structure was made of brick. Can be used to simulate a flame.