Can nettle increase blood pressure. Contraindications to the use of nettle and its beneficial properties for humans

The medicinal properties of nettle have been known since ancient times. Due to the enrichment with useful substances, a wide range of useful features, the plant is actively used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine, pharmacology, and cosmetology.

Nettle is incredibly beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system and is able to normalize blood pressure. Therefore, we will consider how to properly use the plant for medicinal purposes, possible contraindications for use and features of therapy.

Nettle is a real treasure of vitamin and useful elements:

  • vitamin substances C, B1, B2, K, E, B-carotene;
  • chlorophyll;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • urticin (glycoside);
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • cellulose;
  • essential oil;
  • gum;
  • protein substances;
  • fats;
  • histamine;
  • sterols;
  • potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, nickel, aluminum, chromium, selenium, zinc, copper, cobalt, boron.

Nettle leaves are distinguished by a large supply of ascorbic acid than blackcurrant berries. The seeds of the plant are enriched with fatty oils, and the juice is enriched with formic, oxalic, lactic, succinic acid. The root also has useful substances, due to which it is also actively used in medicine.

The plant contains enzymes: oxidase and peroxidase, which take part in redox processes. Thanks to such a valuable composition, nettles are widely used not only among the people, but also for the creation of medicines and cosmetics.

Among the people, nettle is most popular due to its immune-strengthening and hemostatic effect. However, in fact, the possibilities of this plant are much wider.

The range of useful properties truly deserves admiration:

  1. Strengthens the immune system, activates the protective functions of the body.
  2. Counteracts the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, fungi, the spread of inflammatory processes.
  3. It is able to cleanse the body and blood vessels from toxins, cholesterol plaques, neutralizes the destructive effect of free radicals.
  4. Lowers glucose levels.
  5. Purifies the blood, improves its composition.
  6. Increases blood clotting, due to which it has a hemostatic effect.
  7. Helps increase hemoglobin levels.
  8. Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  9. Improves elasticity, permeability of blood vessels.
  10. Activates the secretory functions of the digestive tract, improves their motility.
  11. Increases appetite, improves metabolic processes.
  12. Normalizes water-fat balance.
  13. Improves the condition of the joints.
  14. Promotes cell regeneration, has wound healing capabilities.
  15. Facilitates the discharge of sputum in diseases of the respiratory tract.
  16. Has a calming effect.
  17. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is used for skin diseases as a disinfectant.

In view of these capabilities, the plant is widely used to treat colds, diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary, nervous systems, strengthen hair and nails, improve skin elasticity and tone.

Nettle can also be used as a source of vitamin and beneficial elements for beriberi. In this case, you must first consult with your doctor.

Herbal medicines are not accepted for personal intolerance to the plant. Nettle is not recommended in early and late pregnancy.

An important contraindication to the use of nettle is a tendency to increased blood clotting. The use of the drug in the presence of such a feature increases the risk of thrombosis. For the same reason, the plant should not be taken when:

  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Varicose.
  • Increased risk of developing a heart attack.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Other diseases in which an increase in blood viscosity can harm health or lead to complications.

Nettle should not be used in the presence of tumor processes in the body or an increased risk of their development, since the plant contains phytoestrogens. It is believed that these substances are able to activate the growth of cancers.

The plant has an effective choleretic and diuretic effect, so it should not be used for:

  • exacerbation of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys;
  • the presence of stones in the bladder and gallbladder.

The choleretic and diuretic effect of nettle can provoke the movement of stones, which will aggravate the patient's condition.

Despite a wide range of useful features, nettle can also have a negative effect on the body.

property or state Impact features
With personal intolerance, overdose Allergic reactions: rash, redness of the skin, itching, burning of the skin, allergic rhinitis, cough or shortness of breath.
Dyspeptic disorders: gastrointestinal colic, bloating, flatulence, increased gas formation, stool disturbance, nausea.
Enriched with ascorbic acid May lead to an increase in uterine tone, which is not desirable in early and late pregnancy.
Increased blood viscosity This can disrupt the nutrition of the fetus in the womb, worsen the supply of substances necessary for its development.
Powerful choleretic and diuretic action It can provoke the movement of stones in the gallbladder, bladder, cause discomfort or pain in the hypochondrium.

How nettle affects blood pressure is a very controversial question. Since the plant cannot directly affect blood pressure indicators, its use does not directly lead to either narrowing or expansion of vascular lumens. However, due to the positive effect on the heart muscle and the condition of the blood vessels, the plant is able to bring the blood pressure value back to normal.

Nettle normalizes blood pressure due to the following effects on the body:

  1. Strengthens the heart muscle.
  2. Improves blood circulation.
  3. Cleanses blood vessels.
  4. Improves blood formation.
  5. Increases the tone, elasticity of blood vessels, strengthens their walls.
  6. Relieves spasms from blood vessels.
  7. It has a calming effect, increases stress resistance, reduces the severity of negative emotions.

Nettle increases or lowers blood pressure, it is impossible to say unequivocally:

fresh Dried
In many sources, you can find information that fresh nettle contains a lot of vitamin K, so fresh plant products effectively thicken the blood. Thickening of the blood can make it difficult to pass through the vessels and cause an increase in blood pressure. Dry nettle contains much less vitamin K, so products based on it can thin the blood and reduce pressure. However, this statement is not entirely correct. Vitamin K is indeed very sensitive to high temperatures and is destroyed by them. However, the use of dry nettle does not cause blood thinning.

It would be more correct to say that nettle normalizes blood pressure and can help with both hypertension and hypotension.

  • Hypertension can be treated with a plant due to the fact that nettle cleanses blood vessels and, accordingly, contributes to the expansion of their gaps, reducing the resistance to blood flow. The plant strengthens the heart muscle, relieves spasms, has a calming, diuretic effect. The removal of excess fluid from the body contributes to the resorption of puffiness and pressure reduction.
  • At the same time, nettle is able to increase the reduced vascular tone. This helps to activate the blood flow. Beneficial effects on the heart muscle and the condition of the vascular walls can also help normalize blood pressure in hypotension.

Nettle treatment for hypertension can be carried out with the help of decoctions, infusions, teas. It is better to use dry nettle for the preparation of potions, since it contains the lowest concentration of vitamin K, respectively, the thickening effect of the plant on the blood decreases.

How many days to use the medicine, it is better to consult a doctor. Usually one therapeutic course is 15-30 days.


Tea for reducing pressure is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to pour a teaspoon of a dry plant with 300 ml of boiling water. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. You can add some honey.

It is better to divide the drink into two approaches, but each time use it warm. It is not recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach.


Treatment of hypertension with nettle in folk medicine is often carried out using a decoction. To prepare it, a tablespoon of dry nettle leaves is poured into a cup of boiling water. The mixture is put for 15 minutes to languish in a water bath, while the liquid can not be brought to a boil.

After the specified time, remove the broth from the water bath, cool, pass through cheesecloth. Drink one third of the amount received 15 minutes before eating.


With hypertension, an infusion of stinging nettle is also useful. Pour three tablespoons (tablespoons) of a dry plant or four stalks of fresh nettle with a liter of boiled water at a temperature of 40 degrees. Close the container tightly with a lid, wrap with a towel and place in a dry, dark place. Insist at room temperature for at least four hours, you can put it on the night.

Infusion drink 150 ml three times a day fifteen minutes before meals. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than three days.


Nettle from high blood pressure effectively acts as part of medicinal fees. With hypertension, the most popular recipes for such fees:

Components Making and receiving
Ten grams of dried nettle and mulberry leaves. Place in 300 ml of boiled water at a temperature of 40 degrees and put in a water bath for 10 minutes. Drink one-third cup, three sets a day.
Forty grams of dry nettle leaves, chamomile, hawthorn berries and one hundred grams of St. John's wort, burdock, valerian roots (pre-grind). Twenty grams of the mixture is poured into 500 ml of boiled water at a temperature of 40 degrees and insisted for four hours. Drink 150 ml twice a day.
Take in equal parts dried nettle, mint leaves and hawthorn flowers. Approximately 1 tbsp. collection, pour 300 ml of hot water, insist for 30 minutes in a tightly closed container and filter. The finished drink is drunk during the day in small sips.
Nettle, currant leaf and rose hips are taken in equal parts. 1 tsp collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, kept in a warm place for 15-20 minutes and drunk in slow sips.


With cramps in the upper and lower extremities, you can make a bath in two ways:

  • The bottom of the basin is filled 2/3 with fresh nettles and poured boiling water to the top.
  • In the absence of fresh nettle, a decoction is prepared in the proportion of 6 tbsp. dried nettle in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for an hour.

The temperature of the liquid should be hot, but at a tolerable temperature. Hands or feet are dipped in a container of nettle water for 5-10 minutes, a break is taken for several minutes and the procedure is repeated until the water has completely cooled. You need to do at least five procedures every 2-4 days.

Nettle cleanses blood vessels from toxins, toxins, cholesterol plaques. Due to this, the vascular gaps expand, the resistance of the arteries to the normal passage of blood decreases, which contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. Strengthening the vascular walls, increasing their tone and elasticity leads to an improvement in blood flow.

Option number 1

You can clean the vessels with the help of vegetable alcohol tincture:

  • One hundred grams of dried plant roots pour half a liter of vodka.
  • Close the container well and place in a dark, dry place.
  • Infuse for twenty days, it is advisable to shake the mixture every day.
  • Take 20 drops in the morning 15 minutes before meals. The drug should be taken with water.
  • The course is 20 days.

Option number 2

For this purpose, you can also drink teas from the leaves of the plant for fifteen days:

  • Five leaves of fresh nettle or a teaspoon of a dry plant are poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Then insist 10 minutes in a container covered with a lid.
  • It is recommended to drink tea warm in the evening.

For greater efficiency in the process of making a drink, you can add a couple of rose hips or a few calendula flowers to the leaves of the plant.

Nettle is actively used in folk medicine, used in cooking, cosmetology. Few people know that this is the richest source of ascorbic acid and carotene, more valuable than carrots or sea buckthorn. What exactly are the medicinal properties of nettle and are there any contraindications? Consider below.

Nettle has an extensive composition:

  1. Proteins and proteins (up to 11.2% proteins and up to 16.7% pure protein).
  2. Tannins - strengthen blood vessels, protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from inflammation, thanks to them, bacteria in damaged areas of the mucous membranes and skin are deprived of the opportunity to feed and multiply.
  3. Formic acid - it is this component that burns when touching the leaves. In addition to formic, there are others: oxalic, lactic, amber, fumaric, cinchona.
  4. Ascorbic acid - the plant contains 4 times more vitamin C than lemon.
  5. Carotenoids. Raw materials contain beta-carotene 2 times more than carrots! This component not only contributes to the health of the eyes, but also the skin, hair, nails. There are others
  6. Chlorophyll is an antioxidant, improves blood composition, binds carcinogenic molecules.
  7. Sistosterol is a natural sterol useful in atherosclerosis, menopause, diseases of the prostate and mammary glands.
  8. Histamine - promotes vasodilation, increases their permeability and susceptibility.

It also contains flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins (in addition to A and C it is rich in B and K vitamins), it contains microelements and macroelements (iron, manganese, boron, magnesium, copper), amino acids (lecithin), enzymes (in addition to chlorophyllase it contains oxidase and peroxidase). The content of all vitamins and microelements is high. The leaves of a burning plant are called a ready-made multivitamin complex. There are a small amount of alkaloids: nicotine, histamine, acetylcholine.

The official pharmacopoeia highly appreciates the properties of nettle. Extracts and extracts are part of drugs such as Allochol (cholagogue), Urtifillin (treatment of wounds and burns), Alfit (immunomodulator).

Stinging nettle and stinging nettle are used. Their medicinal properties are similar, contraindications are the same, however, the burning one slightly exceeds the dioecious one in terms of the content of active substances.

General properties

They are extensive, so here is a brief overview. Each property is discussed separately below. For medicinal purposes are used: leaves, seeds, root. The most useful fresh leaves, when dried, they lose some of their properties.

Properties of a decoction (infusion) of dioecious or stinging nettle:

  1. Reduces glucose levels, useful in diabetes.
  2. It is used to improve the composition and purification of blood, increases the level of hemoglobin, improves clotting. It is useful for anemia, anemia. The hemostatic properties of the herb make it a useful remedy for uterine, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, hepatic, hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  3. Improves the activity of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Stimulates the activity of the digestive tract, has an anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect. It is indicated for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, prostatitis. May be beneficial to the kidneys when used correctly.
  5. To improve metabolism in obesity, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, water-fat balance, helps with gout, radiculitis, joint diseases.
  6. Source of vitamins. Useful for beriberi, colds.
  7. With dermatological diseases: eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, acne, non-healing wounds. Grass disinfects, stimulates cell activity.
  8. As an expectorant. Useful for allergies, asthma, bronchitis.
  9. Stimulates appetite, relieves symptoms of nervous disorders.

Application in gynecology

The healing properties of nettle for women are appreciated by both folk and official medicine. There are also contraindications. The qualities of the plant are due to the composition:

  1. Phytoestrogens.
  2. Vitamins A, B, K, C.
  3. Minerals.
  4. Chlorophyll.
  5. Phytoncides.
  6. Lignin.
  7. An excellent set of amino acids (grass contains 9 of the 10 essential amino acids).

Effect on the female body:

  1. Due to the high amount of vitamin K, fresh juice has pronounced hemostatic properties - it is indicated for excessive menstruation or uterine bleeding.
  2. A decoction of dry grass, on the contrary, thins the blood, is useful for congestion, inflammatory processes.
  3. The healing properties of nettle tea are used by nursing mothers, it stimulates the production of milk, and has almost no contraindications.
  4. The chlorophyll contained in the foliage helps to improve the tone of the uterus - this is useful if you need to increase the contractility of the organ after childbirth. It also stimulates the regeneration of mucous membranes and reduces inflammation. Used to treat erosion, vulvitis. For this purpose, swabs with juice from fresh leaves are used.
  5. A decoction and tincture of seeds is useful for difficulties with the onset of pregnancy associated with narrowing of the fallopian tubes. Reception of a decoction contributes to their relaxation and expansion.
  6. A decoction of the roots constricts the blood vessels, which is very useful in the presence of benign tumors in the uterus - lacking nutrition, the tumors stop growing.
  7. Phytoestrogens contribute to the regulation of hormonal levels, and at the same time relieve problems such as irregular menstrual cycles or menopausal manifestations.
  8. For women's health, such a microelement as magnesium is very useful. It stimulates sexual desire, normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves pain. The plant is one of the leaders in magnesium content, along with bran, dark chocolate and spinach.
  9. Phytoncides contained in nettles are natural antiseptics. Therefore, douching with a decoction of the leaves is useful for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, thrush, for the healing of sutures after an episiotomy.

Before using the medicinal properties of nettle to solve problems in the field of gynecology, read the contraindications. The action of the herb is complex, with many female diseases it can be shown, with the same diseases with some features - it is prohibited.

For men

Nettle seeds and leaves stimulate libido, promote the regeneration of prostate tissue, act as a prevention of impotence, increase attraction, and improve the quality of sperm production.

Nettle successfully relieves the condition of men suffering from problems such as weak erection, impotence, diseases of the genitourinary system that affect male strength. For this purpose use:

  1. An infusion of dry leaves (1 tablespoon is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water). Infuse the remedy for 1 hour, take 70 ml 3 times / day. The infusion improves the metabolism and functionality of all divisions of the genitourinary system, relieves inflammation.
  2. Component in mixtures. A popular recipe is a decoction of the seeds in red wine (port), with or without honey. Such mixtures are aimed at improving potency.
  3. Tea. Brew 1 teaspoon of nettle seeds per 0.5 l of water, drink instead of tea during the day - prevention of diseases (prostatitis, prostate adenoma), compensates for the lack of strength, strengthens libido.

For the treatment of diseases of internal organs

No less actively used to treat dysfunctions of the digestive tract. It is a natural antiseptic, stimulant and regulator. Helps with spasms and pains in the stomach, vomiting (a decoction of the roots is used), improves the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. The herb can help with gastritis and ulcers. It is a good remedy for stomach bleeding.

There are a lot of recipes based on nettle. Carefully approach the use of nettle, nettle leaves have complex medicinal properties, but there are also contraindications.

Below are a few recipes that will demonstrate how multidirectional action can be:

  1. Recipe for gastritis with high acidity. 1 st. a spoonful of dry crushed nettle leaves is poured with 1 glass of hot milk, put the mixture in a water bath, heated for 7 minutes, then removed and allowed to cool naturally. Drink 1/3 cup 1 hour before meals three times a day.
  2. A recipe for gastritis with high acidity for those who have milk intolerance. It uses water and honey. The same amount of nettle leaves is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, allowed to cool, 1 teaspoon of high-quality honey is added. Use inside according to the same scheme.
  3. Gastritis with low acidity. It is necessary to take: nettle leaves (2 parts), St. John's wort (3 parts), plantain (2 parts), corn stigmas (1 part). At 6 st. spoons of the mixture will need 1.5 liters of boiling water, brew in a thermos, insist at least 3 hours, filter. Consume 1 glass 20 minutes before meals three times a day. The course is 2 months, then a break of 10 days and repeat the course again.

Nettle and pressure

An important question for most people planning to consume nettle inside - does it increase or decrease blood pressure?

There is no exact answer to this question. The effect on such an indicator as blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels from this herb is indirect. Nettle does not have a direct effect on pressure, although it can be successfully used to reduce it.

It affects the body as a whole, affects the density and composition of the blood, the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, and all this can lead to a change in blood pressure, including upward. The thicker the blood, the more it presses on the vessels, the higher the pressure.

At the same time, nettle is useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system, has a calming effect, relieves stress, helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood - all this, on the contrary, in the long term can have a positive effect on the numbers shown by the tonometer.

Be careful when using nettle preparations inside.

For hair beauty

  1. As a remedy for hair loss.
  2. To give shine, elasticity, silkiness.
  3. To eliminate excessive dryness of the scalp, treatment of dandruff.
  4. To normalize fat content. The decoction perfectly soothes itching, refreshes, treats oily seborrhea.
  5. To prevent cutting. Despite the fact that already existing split ends can only be removed physically, regular rinsing with nettle decoction strengthens the hair structure so well, makes it less brittle, that a natural protection against split ends is formed. Hair breaks less when combing, does not require too frequent washing.

The main recipe is rinsing. Plus recipe - can be used at any time of the year, dry grass is sold in pharmacies everywhere. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry nettle pour 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, let the broth brew under the lid for half an hour, filter.

Bring the volume of liquid to the original - 1 liter. Rinse thoroughly with freshly washed hair, be sure to treat the roots well. Fresh leaves can be used instead of dry raw materials.

How does nettle affect blood pressure: does it increase or decrease? Why are stinging nettle leaves so prized? Can they be used for hypertension (arterial hypertension)? What recipes for high blood pressure will help?

Many who periodically or regularly encounter jumps in blood pressure will be interested to know the beneficial properties of nettle and its contraindications. The fact is that in folk medicine you can stumble upon reviews and recipes with it quite often.

If nettle treatment is carried out, then what should I pay attention to? We will get answers to this and other questions below. Then let's not waste time and consider everything in order.

Useful and medicinal properties of nettle

Perhaps each of us at least once in childhood came across serrate nettle leaves, which are covered with burning fibers. This unpretentious plant known to all can be found almost everywhere. However, not everyone knows that the healing and beneficial properties of nettle are involved in the fight against many ailments, including vascular and heart diseases.

For medical purposes, stinging and dioecious nettles are used. Its leaves are harvested in June and July, during the flowering period. They are stored dry, frozen and canned. Nettle roots are harvested in the spring, before flowering.

The healing properties of nettle are explained by the organic acids contained in it, tannins, mineral components (calcium, silicon, iron, potassium and others), vitamins (ascorbic acid, B, A, K), enzymes and useful amino acids. According to the content of vitamin C, which is necessary for the proper functioning of blood vessels and the heart, the burning plant exceeds the lemon by 3-4 times, which will strengthen the immune system well.

Treatment with stinging nettle, which is confirmed by reviews of herbalists, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, cardiovascular system, and gastrointestinal organs. It increases blood clotting, demonstrates anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, normalizes metabolic processes, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Stinging nettle is recommended for baldness, skin diseases, to increase hemoglobin levels.

Nettle treatment tones the body, has a blood-purifying, restorative, antiseptic and expectorant effect. Folk remedies with the use of burning herbs improve the condition of the body with rheumatism, bronchitis, nervous disorders, anemia, gout.

Who is contraindicated in the treatment of stinging nettle

Nettle, like any other plant, has contraindications that you should pay attention to. The leaves and roots of the plant are not recommended to be used in the form of decoctions and infusions for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, since nettle increases the rate of blood clotting, which affects its density.

Stinging nettle is also contraindicated during pregnancy. The fact is that the components of the plant are able to stimulate uterine contractions, which can cause premature contractions. Nettle-based products are not recommended for tumors and the acute phase of kidney disease.

If you have hypertension, you should consult your doctor before using folk remedies.

Do not forget that the benefits and harms of stinging nettle go side by side. It is important to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of a burning plant.

Does nettle increase or decrease blood pressure?

The concepts of nettle and pressure are interrelated, since the leaves and roots of an unpretentious stinging plant are used to prepare many hypotensive and diuretic preparations for high blood pressure.

Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system with nettle, folk healers began to practice several centuries ago. The beneficial properties of the plant allow you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse the body of toxins, saturate it with ascorbic acid, potassium and other vitamin and mineral complex.

Since nettle reduces blood pressure, it is recommended to use it for hypertension, however, after consultation with a specialist. Despite the benefits, the plant can also harm the body of hypertensive patients, so before starting treatment, you should make sure that it is harmless in the doctor's office.

Nettle for high blood pressure: recipes

Stinging nettle at high pressure. 50 grams of leaves of a burning plant are crushed and poured with 450-500 ml of water. After half an hour, the enameled dishes are put on fire, brought to a boil and kept for about 10 minutes. The broth is cooled and filtered. The remedy for high blood pressure is stored in the refrigerator. Drink it warmed to room temperature, 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days, then a 3-day break is made.

For hypertension, 1 tbsp is added to 200 ml of nettle decoction. . To preserve the healing properties of the plant, pour 4 young leaves with a glass of water, put on low heat, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. The remedy is infused for half an hour. A decoction is taken in a glass several times a day. In this combination, nettle reduces pressure, normalizes its performance.

For the prevention of hypertension, you need to take 3 tbsp. nettle leaves, fruits and flowers, 1 tbsp. crushed roots and valerian, herbs. 1 tbsp the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted in a heat-insulating dish for about 4 hours. Nettle from hypertension is taken 3 r. 1/2 cup daily before meals.

To reduce high blood pressure, we take 1 glass of red juice, horseradish (grate and infuse with water for 36 hours) and medicinal nettle, juice of one. Mix everything with 150 ml of natural. You need to take a folk remedy for 1 tbsp. an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The benefits and harms of stinging nettle: video


Nettle is a very useful plant - the medicinal properties and contraindications of its leaves, roots, herbs should be studied in more detail for proper use. Even being a weed, it is actively used for medicinal purposes. A feature of the plant is the presence of burning hairs on almost the entire surface. Nettle in a pharmacy is sold in various forms, often it is harvested independently. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to know not only the contraindications and healing properties of nettle, but also the recipes for preparing products based on it.

What are the properties of nettle

Contraindications and medicinal properties of nettle and stinging nettle have been known since antiquity. The Greeks used its varieties to increase potency in men, the Romans - to relieve pain or warm. Russian herbalists valued this burning weed for a minimum of contraindications, hemostatic and wound healing properties. To "burn out" the disease, it was customary to hit each other with nettles. The list of medicinal properties of this herb can include the following:

  • due to the content of vitamin A, supports good vision;
  • helps in creating all the elastic structures of the body, connective tissue;
  • acts as an antioxidant due to the large amount of vitamin C;
  • helps speed up calorie burning;
  • thins the blood, which is useful for varicose veins;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces the amount of sugar in the blood in the treatment of diabetes;
  • in the form of masks eliminates inflammation of the skin;
  • increases the content of hemoglobin;
  • increases the lactation of lactating women.

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant are manifested due to its rich chemical composition, which contains vitamins, sets of micro and macro elements, amino acids. They have a restorative effect, so this herb is used even to prevent various diseases. It includes 9 out of 10 essential acids, which, in the absence of contraindications, ensures the maintenance of a high level of intellectual and physical performance. The chemical composition contains:

  • protein;
  • lignin;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • threonine;
  • glycine;
  • calcium;
  • beta carotene;
  • cystine;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • nickel;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • copper.


Traditional medicine uses all parts of the nettle: leaves, stems, roots. The pharmaceutical industry offers several medicinal preparations based on this plant at once:

  1. liquid extract. It is a tincture of the leaves of a plant with the addition of 70% ethyl alcohol.
  2. Filter packages. Used for brewing nettle teas.
  3. Leaf briquettes. They are crushed compressed raw materials. It is poured with water, then left to infuse for 10 minutes, after which it is filtered.
  4. Dried leaves, seeds or roots. Used more often to strengthen hair.
  5. Allochol drug. It is an extract of nettle with garlic, activated charcoal and dry animal bile. It is used as a laxative or choleretic agent.

What is useful nettle for the body

Even with a number of contraindications, the plant has many medicinal properties. Different parts contain specific substances that affect human health in a certain way. Due to the small number of contraindications, leaves, roots or seeds are used in medicine. In general, they have the following effect on the body:

  • normalize lipid metabolism;
  • increase blood clotting;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • increase intestinal tone;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • thanks to phytoncides, a bactericidal effect is manifested;
  • improve respiratory and cardiac activity;
  • accelerate tissue healing;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • stimulate and tone, activate metabolism.


Stinging leaves contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, beneficial trace elements, B vitamins, organic acids. The main therapeutic substance is chlorophyll, due to which nettle leaves have a restorative and regenerating effect. In addition, they increase the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Infusions or decoctions of the leaves are effective for acne, due to the antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Nettle green tea helps in the treatment of anemia, gout, nervous disorders, coughs, bronchitis, suffocation.


The roots of this plant also have medicinal properties. A syrup or tincture of them activates the gallbladder and liver, improves appetite, and has a mild laxative effect. The root has a choleretic effect. It is especially useful in liver diseases. Another root helps to increase the production of interferon, which protects the body from the penetration of viruses.


The seeds contain about 78% linoleic acid, oils, flavonoids. As for their benefits, they are effective for improving potency, enhancing erection. In addition, it treats nettle and prostate adenoma, as well as a number of other diseases of the male reproductive system. The main medicinal properties of seeds:

  • normalize the female monthly cycle;
  • relieve puffiness;
  • stop internal and external bleeding;
  • exhibit antihistamine activity;
  • increase performance.

Healing properties of nettle

The healing properties of nettle are very numerous, and contraindications are presented in a small list, so its treatment is effective for diseases of various body systems. The benefits of the plant are as follows:

  • improving kidney function;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • elimination of constipation;
  • lowering the acidity of the stomach;
  • stops hemoptysis in tuberculosis;
  • relieves itching with allergies;
  • narrows the walls of blood vessels;
  • stimulates the muscles of the heart.


Nettle decoction can be used for external or internal use. It is prepared from seeds, leaves or roots. Outwardly, the decoction is used in the form of baths, warm poultices, lotions or compresses. It is effective in case of lichen, eczema, burns, urticaria. The use of a decoction inside is useful for hemorrhoids, furunculosis, swelling, heart pathologies. For a healthy person, this remedy can be used to prevent beriberi.

The ability of nettle decoction to stop the blood is provided by a large amount of vitamin K.. If you add lingonberries when brewing, you will get an excellent antibacterial agent. Other properties of nettle decoction:

  • restores strength and shine to hair;
  • fights fungal infections;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • soothes muscle and headaches.


Heat treatment leads to the destruction of some medicinal components, so nettle infusion is much more beneficial. Grass or roots insist on an alcohol base, leaving for several days at room temperature in a place protected from light. The finished product can be used for compresses to relieve pain. Rub the infusion even to warm the limbs.


This tool can be found in a pharmacy or do it yourself. In the latter case, honey is additionally used for cooking. Ready syrup is effective in gynecology in the presence of uterine bleeding in women, infertility. It also helps in strengthening the body after childbirth, with beriberi and hormonal disorders. In general, such a remedy has a tonic and multivitamin effect.

The juice

Young shoots and fresh nettle leaves are passed through a juicer. Drinking fresh juice improves blood clotting, helps strengthen the body and speed up metabolism. In addition, this product has a hemostatic and expectorant effect. Nettle juice can be used for rinsing the mouth, instilling the nose or as a lotion on wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores or burns.

Nettle treatment

Useful properties of nettle are used in the treatment of various diseases of almost all body systems. The form in which the herb will be used depends on the specific pathology. Stinging nettle is used to prepare decoctions, tinctures, juice or syrup. Each of them is taken according to a certain scheme, so that the course of treatment has a really positive effect.

For liver diseases

For the treatment of liver diseases, nettle is used in the form of decoctions. They can have different concentrations, so cooking recipes also differ:

  1. Steam 1 tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water, boil them for 1 minute. Infuse the remedy for about half an hour. Take after each meal 1-2 tbsp.
  2. Prepare 2 tbsp. dry raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, then simmer for another 15 minutes in a water bath. At the end, let stand for 1 hour, strain and drink 100 ml before each meal.

For diseases of the joints

  1. Take a glass jar, fill it with leaves without tamping. Pour in enough vodka from above so that it covers all the grass to the top. Leave for 12 days in a dark place, shake occasionally. Use before bed for rubbing and compresses.
  2. Skip so many leaves through a meat grinder to make 4 tbsp. juice. Next, add 4 tbsp to it. port wine, 2 tbsp. birch sap and 4 ice cubes. Divide the resulting cocktail into 2 servings to drink throughout the day.

For stomach ulcer

With exacerbation of gastric ulcer or gastritis, treatment with nettle decoction is indicated. You can cook it in different ways:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. fresh leaves, then soak them in a water bath for about 10 minutes, cool to a warm state. Use the remedy before meals, 1 tbsp. up to 4 times during the day.
  2. In equal proportions, mix mint, St. John's wort, knotweed and nettle. About 4 tbsp. pour the resulting mixture with a liter of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours. Use a teaspoon of the product 4 times a day before each meal, diluted with 100 ml of water.

From dandruff

In cosmetology, with hair loss, weakening and dullness or dandruff, it is very useful to rinse your hair after washing with nettle decoctions. They are prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. Pour a bunch of dried or fresh herbs with cold water, boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Cool to a comfortable temperature, then rinse the hair with a decoction after shampooing.
  2. Pour into a container 2 tbsp. chopped leaves, add half a liter of boiling water there. Leave the product for half an hour, then pour 5 tbsp. vinegar and strain the solution. Rinse the hair with a decoction daily in the evening, then wrap them until completely dry.

From a heel spur

  1. Pour 2 tbsp with a small amount of water. starch, add 2 tbsp. dried nettle. Fill the container with 2 liters of hot water. Soak the feet in the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, then wipe and roll a small elastic ball with your feet.
  2. Take the May nettle, pass it through a meat grinder. Next, put the resulting slurry on a burdock leaf, make a compress out of it on a sore spot, secure with a bandage and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure for 2 weeks.

For nervous diseases

Nettle decoction stimulates the nervous system. The following options for preparing such a remedy are considered more effective:

  1. Rinse and dry the young shoots of the plant, chop them finely and put them in a jar. Pour in cold boiled water, cover with gauze on top. Let stand 10 hours at room temperature. Use 0.5 tbsp. up to 3 times a day.
  2. Take a tablespoon of nettle seeds, pour a glass of water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. Let stand for 1 hour, then add a spoonful of honey. Drink half a cup before bed.

To improve immunity

There are several recipes for folk remedies and to strengthen immunity. Among them, the following are especially good reviews:

  1. Take about 200 g of young nettle, add half a liter of vodka or 70% alcohol to it. Wrap the neck of the jar with a cloth, leave it on the windowsill for a day, then put it in a dark place for 8 days. Strain, take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and one more at bedtime.
  2. In equal parts, mix raisins, nettles and rose hips. Take 2 tbsp. means, pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil for another 10 minutes. Strain after 4 hours. Drink half a glass up to 4 times a day.

To thicken the blood

It is useful to add this plant to soups, main dishes and salads. In spring and summer, the following recipes can be used to thicken the blood:

  1. Take the nettle stem and leaves, rinse and dry, then twist through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice and take a few tablespoons a day.
  2. Prepare 1 tbsp. dry herbs, add a glass of boiling water to it, leave for a couple of hours. Then strain and take 3-4 tbsp. throughout the day.

From sciatica

In the treatment of sciatica, this herb is often used externally as compresses and rubbing. To this end, funds based on this plant are prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse and dry fresh nettles, then finely chop and put in a half-liter jar. Fill it to the brim with vodka, then put it in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. At night, rub the problem area with a ready-made product.
  2. Take a few nettle leaves, rinse and dry them, then chop and mix with hot capsicum and vaseline in a ratio of 2:1:1. Rub the lower back with the resulting ointment up to 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until the pain disappears completely.


Any medicinal plants have a number of contraindications. Using them in some cases, you can harm the body. The main contraindications to the use of this plant are:

  • therapy with antidepressants and drugs against insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • plant intolerance;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • varicose disease;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • bleeding due to uterine tumors, cysts, or polyps.


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Herbal treatment can be of great help in hypertension.

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If the pressure sometimes rises with stress or physical exertion, then this is considered normal. However, a regular increase in blood pressure leads to the development of hypertension - a decrease in the lumen of the walls of small arteries, which makes it difficult for blood to move through the vessels.

First of all, hypertension damages vital organs: the heart, brain, kidneys. The vessels that feed the heart (coronary arteries) do not fully provide the overgrown muscle with oxygen and nutrients, so there is oxygen starvation of the heart muscle (ischemia). Hypertension in old age contributes to the progression of atherosclerosis. The danger is that with a strong vasospasm, the blood flow to the organs (to the brain, heart, kidneys) is insufficient. With excessive spasm and the presence of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, blood can stop circulating through the artery. In this case, a stroke or myocardial infarction occurs.

Herbal treatment can be of great help in hypertension, among which nettle is especially worth highlighting. Sedative herbs are mainly used, which have a calming effect.

Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped nettle leaves 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a week, then take a break for 5 days, start the second course of treatment. Infusion helps at the initial stage of the disease.

Decoctions and infusions of nettle juice quickly reduce pressure. You need to drink it three times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pass the nettle through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through gauze. Add a little kefir and honey. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Collect 3 kg of nettle. Wash everything, dry it, pass it through a meat grinder, squeeze out about 300 g of nettle juice, add a half-liter jar of honey, take 1 tbsp. spoon. This honey reduces blood pressure.

Cut into smaller pieces 50–70 g of nettle, place in an enamel bowl, pour 450 ml of water. After half an hour, put on a small fire, let it boil and simmer for another 10 minutes. Cool, strain, store in the refrigerator. Before use, warm to room temperature and drink 2-3 times a day for 1/3 cup. The course of treatment is 5 days in a row, three times with breaks of 2-3 days.

For hypertension, the leaves, stems and flowers of the common blackhead with nettle leaves are used. Flowers and leaves are dried and consumed instead of tea. Inside take in the form of a decoction: 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials per 300 ml of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

With hypertension, white mulberry (mulberry tree) is used. Root bark, leaves, fruits and stem bark are used with nettle decoction. On a glass of nettle decoction 1 tbsp. spoon of mulberry bark, leave for 15 minutes, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

A decoction of the root, trunk bark and mulberry leaves is used: a single dose of 5 g per glass of nettle decoction, boil for 10 minutes, take during the day.

Infusion: marsh cudweed - 20 g, nettle leaves - 20 g. The crushed mixture of herbs is poured with two cups of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes in a closed vessel, insisted for 2 hours, taken 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day.

Decoction of flowers and fruits of Sophora japonica with nettle leaves. Method 1: in a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon mixture of raw materials, simmer on low heat for 5 minutes, take during the day. Method 2: flowers and fruits of Japanese Sophora - 2 tbsp. spoons, nettle leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

They drink an infusion or decoction of flowers or buckwheat leaves, preferably flowers, with the addition of nettle leaves 1:10. Drink without dosage, like tea.

Decoction: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of a mixture of bean leaves and nettle leaves in a glass of water. Boil for 5 minutes and take 1/3 cup 4-5 times a day.

For hypertension, take potato juice with a decoction of nettle 2-3 times a day, 0.5 cups, 0.5 hours before meals.

Take one glass each: red carrot juice, horseradish juice, honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nettle broth and 1 lemon. Mix well in an enamel bowl, stirring for a long time with a wooden spatula, pour the resulting mixture into a vessel, close tightly and place in a cool place. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals or 2-3 hours later. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Decoction: 20 g of chopped dry bean leaves are boiled in 1 liter of water. The resulting decoction, approximately 0.5 liters, is drunk in equal parts throughout the day. You can use a mixture for a decoction - bean leaves, blueberry leaves, oat straw, nettle leaves, in equal parts.
1 st. a spoonful of motherwort, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of nettle insist in a glass of boiling water. Drink throughout the day in a sip.

Infuse 1 teaspoon of rosemary herb and 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves for 8 hours in two cups of boiling water in a closed vessel, strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day.

3 teaspoons of shepherd's purse herb and 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves leave for 8 hours in two cups of boiling water, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Leave 2 teaspoons of motherwort herb and 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves for 6-8 hours in two cups of boiling water. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

1 st. a spoonful of flower baskets of common tansy and 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves leave for 4 hours in two cups of boiling water in a closed vessel. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. After 20 days, take a break for 10 days, then the treatment session can be repeated.

1 teaspoon of dry rhizomes with elecampane roots and 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves insist 8 hours in one glass of boiling water, strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Peel 100 g of walnuts, rub on a fine grater, mix with and 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves and a small amount of boiled water and half a tablespoon of honey. Take half a tablespoon 3 times a day.