We wind a toroidal transformer with our own hands. Correct winding of a transformer with your own hands

After all, you need to take into account the mass important nuances, among which pruning and covering are important. How the shoots will feel in the spring and their productivity depends on this.

Why grapes need to be protected in winter

Frost, piercing cold, sharp fluctuations in temperature are very dangerous for grapes. A plant without proper preparation for winter may die in some regions. The cold season is the most dangerous for bushes planted in open ground, and not to school. Before harsh winters, seedlings should be properly hidden so that next year enjoy the rich harvest of berries and juicy, healthy leaves, from which you can prepare delicious dolma.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to cover:

  • unstable berry varieties;
  • hybrid forms;
  • young seedlings;
  • complex-resistant bushes.

Some varieties of grapes are frost-resistant. However, they also need to be properly prepared for winter, taking into account some of the climate features in the regions.

Proper preparation of grapes for wintering: basic recommendations

Harvesting vines for the winter has several features and conditions. It should be carried out in the fall. The main thing that needs to be done is correct pruning plants. The bushes will need to be bent to ground level and the grapes will need to be thoroughly covered. Pruning is also acceptable in the spring months.

Note! Pruning seedlings in the fall is the most rational, since this time allows you to reduce the size of the planting and helps make bending to the ground easier.

In the spring, sap may leak from pruned vines, which in turn will cause the crop to weaken and reduce yield levels.

Preparation of culture in the Urals

In the Urals there are some subtleties in preparing grapes for harsh winters. In these regions, pruning with a fruit shoot and a replacement knot is not allowed, since climatic conditions have a lot of features. Already in March, sharp temperature fluctuations are observed, which leads to a stop in the development of the first buds.

Here you need to remove all the stepsons and shoots down to the part that has become woody. You can leave a maximum of 12 buds. It is not recommended to prune bushes in the first year. In this case, 4 sleeves should be left because growing this crop in this area may be unpredictable due to harsh conditions.

Preparing grapes for winter in the Urals

Autumn work with vines in the middle zone and in the Moscow region

IN middle lane with sufficient mild winters The vines are prepared for cold weather a couple of weeks after leaf fall. However, it is not recommended to wait for frost. In these regions it is necessary:

  1. completely cut off young shoots;
  2. remove all stepsons;
  3. Leave boles up to 12 buds if they are fruit-bearing.

On a note! In other cases, the lower branches should be cut off, leaving no more than 4 eyes.

In middle areas, it is worth removing the plant from its supports and bending it to the ground. A shelter is created on top from dry leaves, special material, slate, and straw.

Growing and caring for grapes in the Moscow region requires proper bending of the vines to the ground. It is very important that they do not come into close contact with the ground. Planks of wood are usually laid on the soil, which will avoid the formation of condensation, mold, and rotting of seedlings.

Additionally, you can treat the plant copper sulfate to protect it from harmful microorganisms.

Some types of crops do not require abundant shelter. These varieties include:

  • Northern early;
  • Jubilee Novgorod;
  • Moscow sustainable.

A small amount of spruce branches will be enough for them.

How to prune grapes for the winter

To preserve grapes well in winter, it is very important to prune them correctly in the fall. The process removes parts from the vines that have stopped producing fruit. You only need to leave the replacement knot and the fruit arrow. It is equally important to remove:

  • old sleeves;
  • damaged parts;
  • diseased vines;
  • unripe areas.

The procedure should be divided into 2 approaches. The first time it should be done after harvesting to remove dried and weak branches.

Properly pruning grapes for the winter

The main stage can begin after the bush has shed all its leaves. It is very important to have time to complete the work before the first frost, at an air temperature of at least -3. All shoots above 1.5 meters are removed in the first days of September. Bushes that exceed the second wire of the support must be cut by 30 cm. The main thing is not to exceed the removal of shoots by more than 10%. All stepsons must be cut off. The lower part of the plant should become the basis for the replacement knot. For this purpose, leave no more than 4 eyes. When forming the fruit shoot, 5-12 eyes should be left.

How to cover grapes for the winter

Before covering the grapes before mild winters, the crop must be treated with iron or copper sulfate. In regions with warm winters, the plant does not need to be covered. However, all varieties should be protected from death if the temperature is -21°C or lower.

Before sheltering, the vines bend down to the ground and pin them to it. They are dug in from above with moistened soil from the row spacing.

Note! You cannot use soil from under grapes, as the roots will freeze.

Most good way covering the vines - air-dry method. Plastic burlap should be thrown over bunches of shoots or wire arcs. You can use dark film. The plant is then buried in soil. Periodically, the shoots will need to be ventilated, dried and cooled, for which the shelter is simply opened for a short time.

Sheltering grapes for the winter

This method allows you to use:

  • leaves;
  • straw;
  • sawdust.

However, a film is always laid on top, the edges of which are necessarily pressed.

On a note! In the south, the plant is buried in a layer of soil of 20-25 cm.

Video: how to prepare grapes for winter

Mistakes in preparing plants for winter

Features of preparing grapes for wintering in Siberia

Grapes grow on almost every summer cottage: some for the sake of delicious berries, others make wine or simply relax in the shade under the vine during the summer heat. However, the agricultural technology for growing this plant is not so simple and requires significant effort from the gardener. If you want to collect good harvest grapes, you need to know how to prepare grapes for winter. This is necessary so that the grapes do not freeze and bear fruit well the next season.

Autumn processing, preparation for pruning

Preparing grapes for winter, as one of the main methods of care, includes creating conditions conducive to the formation of new buds for the next season. To ensure all these conditions, you must do the following:

How the grapes survive the winter largely depends on how they were cared for throughout the previous winter season. Start caring about vine tolerated the winter well, it is necessary from the very spring, because an immature plant, damaged by diseases, bacteria, pests or mechanically, is unlikely to be capable of this.

During the season, conduct regular inspections of the vine; if you find infected areas, immediately treat them with fungicides and remove the affected part of the branch. Also, do not forget to feed the grapes with complex mineral and organic fertilizers. Don't forget about foliar feeding, that is, about spraying.

Immediately after harvesting, you need to start processing the grapes. Spray the vine with special products against various infections and pests. Be sure to check before spraying that no clusters or individual berries remain, and that the grape branches themselves are not damaged.

If you find any damage or areas of disease infestation, remove that part of the vine immediately. Otherwise, the infection will spread, and the next season the grapes will be sick.

It is necessary to apply fertilizers and water the soil no earlier than October, since until this time it remains sufficiently moist.

Next, around mid-October, you should water the grapes generously, making grooves around the rhizome so that the water is retained in them and does not spread over the surface. This will allow moisture to reach directly to the root. After watering, it is necessary to constantly monitor the soil so that it does not become compacted. To do this, the soil needs to be loosened regularly, which will allow moisture to remain in it longer.

After this, you should move on to feeding the grapes with organic fertilizers mixed with wood ash. But don’t get carried away, simple mulching of the soil is enough. good layer from peat or rotted manure.

How to prune grapes for the winter

The preservation of a grape bush in winter depends on the ripening of the wood. The most suitable vines have a diameter of 6 to 13 millimeters. You also need to pay attention to the fact that its core occupies no more than a third of the thickness of the branch. Such vines accumulate as much nutrients as the grapes need to survive the winter successfully.

For better aging of wood, the following rules must be observed:

Autumn minting is carried out during a period when grape growth slows down. In order to correctly determine the right moment, just look carefully at the tops. Since straightened tops indicate suspended growth processes, curved ones indicate that they are in phase active growth. When there are both shoots at the top, it means it’s time to start minting. It should be produced after the fifteenth leaf on the vine.

You need to start pruning grapes at the end of October. It is necessary not only to wait until the branches finish bearing fruit, and then give them some time to stock up on nutrients in order to get a little stronger. It is ideal when the leaves fall off on their own, but if this does not happen before the specified date, the foliage needs to be trimmed.

Target autumn pruning grape harvesting consists of freeing the plant from the vine that has produced fruit, from diseased, damaged, too old branches. They are cut off, leaving a fruit arrow with a replacement knot, that is, a fruit link.

After this, the dew roots are removed, that is, the root part that grows near the trunk almost on the surface of the earth from the base of the trunk. This process is called catarrhosis, it is necessary so that the rhizome becomes stronger and nutrients are not wasted on the growth of dew plants.

Catarovka is produced as follows:

  • dig a ditch about 20 centimeters deep around the base of the trunk;
  • small roots are cut to the same level as the main root;
  • sections must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate;
  • Hill up and water the bush.

Winter pruning of grapes should be done regularly, depending on the size of the vine, already 2-3 years after planting, thereby forming a bush.

But if this has not been done before or rarely and irregularly, and the bush is already quite mature, pruning will take more effort and time. If the grape bush consists of several perennial vines, you need to form sleeves consisting of fruit links.

After the leaves fall, we cut off the fruit-bearing, diseased, old, damaged sleeves, after which we form a fruiting link. To do this, you need to examine each bush from bottom to top and select two shoots. Leave two or three eyes (buds) on the lower shoot; this will be a replacement knot.

The next strong shoot behind it is the fruit arrow; leave more eyes on it. That is, it is necessary to choose the healthiest branches, and do this with a margin, taking into account unstable weather. Excess vines can be removed during spring pruning.

After you trim the grapes, the cut areas need to be treated with copper sulfate. This will serve as an obstacle to the penetration of harmful organisms and bacteria through the cut. After which you should start next stage preparing grapes for the winter - shelter.

Covering grapes after pruning

Immediately after you have cut the grapes, they must be tied and bent to the ground. To do this, form grape shoots that will be easy to lay on the ground; they should be quite flexible. This should be done before the onset of stable frosts, but after the grapevine has survived the first frost uncovered. Thus, the grapes will be hardened and will be more resistant to subsequent drops and fluctuations in temperature.

Bend the grapes to the ground, press them with wooden trellises, some gardeners lay bricks. This will prevent the vine from bending in the opposite direction and rising from the ground. You can cover it with regular film, but in this way you risk creating Greenhouse effect, due to which mold can develop inside and rotting processes begin. Shelters made of dry leaves and sawdust will create a similar effect.

Under the bottom of the vine, you should first place dry material, for example, cut parts of branches, so that the grapes do not lie directly on the damp ground. You can put it on top of the vine wooden boards, and then cover them with waterproof material, for example, tarpaulin or roofing felt.

You can use a special covering material, agrofibre. Place something moderately heavy on top of the covered grapes, and do the same along the edges, for example, create sides from planks. This will prevent the wind from tearing off the covering material.

Not every grape variety needs to be covered for the winter, but only those that do not tolerate well low temperatures. If your region has fairly cold winters, then it is better to play it safe and start preparing the grapes for winter.

Don't prune the grapes ahead of schedule, this may cause the vine and root system grapes will not receive the required amount of nutrients. But you shouldn’t wait for regular frosts, as they will cause the branches to become fragile, and when pruning there is a high probability of damaging them.

Thus, you understand that preparing grapes for winter is the most important stage its cultivation, since the speed of development of the vine, the number of berries and their taste depend on this.

Winding a transformer with your own hands is not so much a complicated process as it is a lengthy process that requires constant concentration.

For those who begin such work for the first time, it can be difficult to figure out what material to use and how to check the finished device. The step-by-step instructions presented below will give beginners answers to all questions.

Before you begin directly winding, you need to stock up on all the necessary devices and tools to complete the work:

Types and methods, directions of winding of transformer windings are presented in the photo:

Insulation of winding layers

In some cases, it is necessary to insert spacers between the wires for insulation. Most often, capacitor or cable paper is used for this.
The middle of adjacent transformer windings should be more insulated. For insulating and leveling the surface under the next layer of winding you will need a special varnished cloth, which must be wrapped on both sides with paper. If there is no varnished fabric, then you can solve the problem using the same paper folded in several layers.

Paper strips for insulation should be 2-4 mm wider than the winding.

To check, first of all you need to determine the conclusions of all its windings. Useful tips For information on how to test a transformer for functionality with a multimeter, read the following article.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Fix the wire with the coil in the winding device, and the transformer frame is in the winding device. Make rotations soft, moderate, without disruption.
  2. Lower the wire from the reel onto the frame.
  3. Leave between the table and the wire minimum 20 cm so that you can place your hand on the table and fix the wire. Also on the table should be all related materials: sandpaper, scissors, insulating paper, soldering tool included, pencil or pen.
  4. With one hand, smoothly rotate the winding device, and with the other, fix the wire. It is necessary that the wire lies evenly, turn to turn.
  5. Transformer insulate the frame, and pass the removed end of the wire through the frame hole and briefly fix it on the axis of the winding device.
  6. Winding should begin without haste: you need to “get your hands on it” so that you can lay the turns next to each other.
  7. It is necessary to ensure that the wire angle and tension are constant. You should not wind each subsequent layer “all the way”, because the wires can slip and fall into the frame “cheeks”.
  8. Set the counting device (if any) to zero or count the turns carefully orally.
  9. Glue the insulating material together or press it with a soft rubber ring.
  10. Make each subsequent turn 1-2 turns thinner than the previous one.

To learn how to wind transformer coils with your own hands, watch this video:

Connecting wires

If a break occurs during winding, then:

  • thin wires (thinner than 0.1 mm) twist and brew;
  • medium wire ends (less than 0.3 mm) should be freed from insulating material 1-1.5 cm, twist and solder;
  • ends of thick wires (thicker than 0.3 mm) you need to clean it up a little and solder without twisting;
  • Insulate the place of soldering (welding).

Important points

If a thin wire is used for winding, then the number of turns must exceed several thousand. The top of the winding must be protected with insulation paper or leatherette.

If the transformer is wrapped with a thick wire, then external protection not required.


After winding is completed, it is necessary to test the transformer in action, to do this, connect its primary winding to the network.

To check the device for occurrence short circuits, the primary winding and the lamp should be connected in series to the power source.

Insulation reliability degree checked by alternate touching the lead-out end of the wire of each lead-out end of the network winding.

The transformer test should be carried out very carefully and carefully so as not to come under voltage from the step-up winding.

If strictly follow the instructions provided and do not neglect any of the points, then winding the transformer manually will not present any difficulties, and even a beginner can cope with it.