Can peel vegetables quickly and... Special utensils to help one-armed people

It has long been known that all the best is hidden right under the peel, so it should not be removed. Of course, it is important to use common sense and only eat vegetables and fruits from reliable sources, unrefined.

It is worth noting that the peel contains many valuable components not only when we eat the gifts of nature raw. During heat treatment, both vegetables and fruits lose many useful components. But we can avoid this if we cook them with their skins on. Thanks to this, valuable substances will not get into the water, but will remain in the fruit. And if you still don’t want to eat the skin, you can remove it after cooking - in as thin a layer as possible.


The characteristic dark purple skin of eggplants hides an antioxidant called nasunin. This substance protects cells from free radicals, which cause diseases and affect the aging process. Young eggplants should not be peeled. You can still cut off the skin in a thin layer from old ones immediately or after heat treatment. Before this process, the vegetable can be cut into pieces and salted, and then left for half an hour in a sieve or colander so that it releases the juice with a clearly noticeable bitterness. Sprinkling lemon juice over the eggplant may be helpful. Then you need to rinse the vegetable under running water and lightly dry with a paper towel. This procedure guarantees the good taste of the dish. For even more health benefits, it's a good idea to re-salt the eggplant pieces before frying so they don't absorb too much oil.


This welcome guest in most of our homes, because many people love mashed potatoes, fried potatoes or just boiled tubers. Most often we are dealing with a vegetable that has been worked on by a knife. Unfortunately, in its purified form it loses up to 20% of its valuable components. It is in the peel that minerals, fiber, and a large dose of vitamin B are present. Therefore, instead of peeling the potatoes, it is better to thoroughly wash the peel with a brush or special hard gloves for vegetables.


It should be noted that the most valuable is not the pulp of this vegetable, and therefore it is not worth peeling. The dark green, rough skin contains many antioxidants that boost immunity and slow down the aging process. In addition, it contains fiber, which prevents constipation and regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cucumber peel is also a source of styrene, which lowers cholesterol and has a positive effect on cardiovascular system. After thorough washing, the vegetable should be added to a variety of salads, cocktails and homemade juices.


In the case of carrots, all the antioxidants are found either directly in the skin itself or just under it. But you can only decide to eat this vegetable without peeling if it is purchased from a trusted seller, and ideally, grown in own plot. Such fruits do not contain pesticides or other harmful substances. Of course, before eating, carrots must be thoroughly washed under running water, then eaten raw or heat-treated.


Depending on their habit, some people peel their tomatoes, while others eat them with the skin on. In fact, this part of the fruit is difficult to digest and can cause gastrointestinal irritation in people with gastrointestinal diseases, the elderly, or children. However, it is in the skin of tomatoes that valuable components are hidden. Therefore, if there are no health restrictions, it is advisable to eat these fruits without peeling. The lycopene contained in tomatoes helps, in particular, protect against prostate cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Sweet potato

These vegetables come from Central and South America popularly called sweet potatoes because of the taste of their pulp. Sweet potatoes are low in calories and contain a large dose of vitamins A, C, and B6. They are also an excellent source of fiber, iron, potassium and manganese. Most of these valuable substances are concentrated in the orange or red skin, so when making sweet potato chips or adding it to some dish, you should not get rid of it. Of course, you need to thoroughly wash the fruits. It is advisable to choose sweet potatoes grown using organic farming technology.


The habit of peeling an apple before eating cannot be called very useful. Without the skin, it loses many valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on our health. The peel is rich primarily in fiber, which is necessary component healthy eating. It affects the normalization of blood pressure, regulates the rhythm of bowel movements, reduces the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides, and removes them from the body. harmful substances(toxins, heavy metals), swelling, provides a feeling of fullness, and also promotes the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacteria. A medium-sized apple with peel contains 4 grams of fiber. Without the skin, there are only 2.1 g in the fruit. The most valuable fiber component in an apple is pectin, and most of it is in the skin and seed nest.


This winter vegetable Lately is attracting more and more attention. Often called white carrots, they are less sweet. The taste is a bit like spicy roots, and the smell is like parsley. Parsnips have a lot useful properties: stimulates digestion, regulates blood circulation, has a calming effect. However, most of the valuable components are found in its peel, so it is worth using an unpeeled vegetable in salads and soups.

How many of us think about what a miracle it is to use a fork, spoon, knife, or cutting board? It’s unlikely, because we are so accustomed to this simple work that we don’t notice how we do it. And this is all because you and I have two hands. There are people with disabilities who have problems with such things. Designers are trying to find a way out of the situation for them too.

By the way, this problem applies not only to disabled people - it happens that a person breaks a hand, or temporary paralysis occurs - it would seem that this is all temporary, but what inconveniences one has to face. If we are talking about disabled people, then prosthetics in this situation do not solve everything. From a purely aesthetic point of view, they really help - it’s much nicer to see that a person has a prosthesis than if instead of an arm there was emptiness. However, the prosthesis will not replace real hand. Simple things like cutting an apple, peeling an orange, chopping vegetables, spreading butter on a sandwich become insurmountable obstacles.

Designer Gabriele Meldaikyte thought about this problem and created his “Equipment for One-Arms”. It includes several items that allow you to perform seven or more operations. There is also cutting board, on which you can fix the bread; it has special teeth for putting fruits, vegetables and eggs on them and cutting them, as well as peeling them; a place where you can put a bag of yogurt and open it; a grater that is convenient to work with. But the beauty of the project is that it is suitable for people without right hand, and without the left. It is also worth saying that the brown inserts can be moved and moved. Perhaps the designer really thought about everything and took into account all the little things.

Of course, this will not solve all the problems of people with disabilities, however, working with such equipment is much more convenient than without it, and close people may not always be there to help. In addition, let’s not forget that it’s one thing to prepare all the ingredients, peel and cut them, and quite another to fry or cook your own lunch. That’s why the help of relatives is always so necessary!

General provisions, purpose and classification.

Cleaning equipment


Self-test questions and tests

1. What is the essence of washing.

2. What types of washing devices are used in food production.

3. How washing equipment is classified.

4. What's it like basic device for washing root crops of the MMV-2000 machine and peeler.

5. How are dishwashers classified?

6. What are the technological operations and temperature conditions process of washing dishes in dishwashers.

7. List the requirements for the quality of washing dishes in dishwashers.

This equipment is designed to remove the surface layer from products (skin from vegetables and fruits, scales from fish), which has a small nutritional value. These include machines for peeling vegetables and a device for cleaning fish from scales.

Vegetables can be peeled using chemical, thermal or mechanically.

Thermal method– fire and steam.

Fire method: The tubers are fired in thermal units for 3 - 15 seconds at t 0 1200 - 1300 0 C., while the peel is charred, the layer is boiled to a depth of 0.6 ÷ 1.5 mm. Next, the tubers are cleaned in a peeler.

At steam method tubers in steam units are exposed to live steam under a pressure of 0.4 ÷ 1.1 MPa and a temperature > 100 ˚С for 1 – 2 minutes, then the pressure is applied to atmospheric pressure. As a result of a sharp difference in pressure, the moisture in the layer under the skin boils and turns into steam, which peels off and breaks the skin of the tubers. The surface layer of the tubers is boiled. Final cleaning in a peeler.

Chemical method consists of treating the tubers with an alkali solution, followed by mechanical treatment with neutralization of the alkali with acetic or citric acid.

At mechanically The outer cover is removed from vegetables using rough working surfaces when moving them. The tuber is pressed against the surface with such force that the surface particles go deeper into the tuber and, with its further movement, micro-cutting occurs. Mechanical cleaning is accompanied by intense water action. Eye spots and other hard-to-reach surfaces are cleaned manually. The process is labor intensive and produces a lot of waste. This can be avoided by breeding potato varieties of the correct shape and with shallow eyes.

Deep way cleaning removes the surface up to 15 mm, highlighting only the central part in the form of a cube, and the most nutritious layer in the form of waste is used for technical purposes.

In the best way from the point of view of preserving nutrients with minimal waste, it is considered steam.

Classification of cleaning equipment. All cleaning equipment can be classified according to the following criteria:

By functional purpose: for peeling vegetables and for cleaning fish from scales;

According to the structure of the work cycle: periodic or continuous;

Shape of the working body

The working bodies can be disks, disks with rounded edges, cones, rollers (continuous action), screw scrapers (for fish scalers) (see Figure 1.3.1).

Surface of working parts: abrasive, rough metal or plastic, brush, rubber, flexible thread, rubber.

Type of drive: with individual drive and as replaceable mechanisms.

Domestic manufacturers and a number of foreign companies produce mainly disc potato peeling machines.

Figure 1.3.1. Shape of working parts of cleaning equipment:

A- disk; b- disc with rounded edges; V- conical; G- roller; d- screw.

Domestic manufacturers and a number of foreign companies produce mainly disc potato peeling machines.

Today it no longer surprises anyone when on store shelves There are early vegetables lying around - radishes, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, but when seeing them, almost everyone has a completely logical question: are these vegetables stuffed with nitrates?

Let's make a reservation right away: Nitrates are nitrogen compounds that are found in all vegetables, berries and fruits, including those grown in ecologically clean areas without the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Nitrates can enter our body not only through food, but also through water and air, and they are removed from it by the urinary system.

However these days very few people can boast stable work digestive organs. Gastritis and low stomach acidity prevent the excretion of nitrates from the body and promote their transformation into nitrites and other carcinogenic compounds, which increases the risk of developing cancer several times. Therefore, we can safely say that nitrates are especially dangerous for older people and young children, who most often suffer from low acidity of the gastric juice and intestines.

Nitrates plants absorb from the soil and in an acceptable dose they are harmless to the body. The daily norms for this dose are established by the World Health Organization and are no more than 3.7 mg of nitrates per 1 kg of human weight and no more than 0.2 mg of nitrites per 1 kg of body weight. This means that if a person weighs 70 kg, then he can consume up to 250 mg of nitrates and up to 15 mg of nitrites per day without harm to health.

If there are a lot of nitrates in the soil, then entering the body and being converted into nitrites, they lead to metabolic disorders, a decrease in immunity and the vitamin content in the vegetables themselves. Deficiency of vitamins A, C and E in the body is also a risk factor for the occurrence of malignant tumor due to a lack of antioxidants. Therefore, if you cannot resist the desire to eat vegetables and fruits early, try to at least follow the following tips:

1. Before eating all vegetables and fruits wash thoroughly, and then wipe dry. This is necessary to remove harmful bacteria from their surface, which accelerate the process of converting nitrates into nitrites.

2. Drink only fresh juices, during long-term storage, bacteria multiply in vegetable and fruit juices.

3. Most of all nitrates accumulates in spring vegetables and fruits that are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Therefore, eat early potatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes as little as possible, leafy greens etc. Give preference to ripe and aged vegetables and fruits; they contain much less nitrates.

4. It is advisable for small children give vegetables and fruits, grown according to the “organic farming” system.

5. Learn properly peel vegetables, trying not to leave those parts where nitrates accumulate the most. The distribution of nitrates in vegetables depends on what part of it you eat. Therefore, you need to peel vegetables observing the following rules:

At peeling potatoes no need to skimp on cutting the peel, underneath it is the most a large number of nitrates Therefore, the thicker the potato skin after cutting, the less nitrates will enter your body.

IN cabbage the stalk contains the most nitrates, upper leaves and thick veins. This means that those who like to chew the stalk need to grow cabbage on their own without the use of fertilizers and pesticides, while store-bought cabbage needs to cut off these parts and throw them in the trash.

IN carrots and beets, nitrates accumulate in the core, tip and above-ground parts of the root crop. Therefore, it is advisable to remove the core, tips and the place where the tops join the roots of these vegetables before consumption.

- cucumbers, zucchini And eggplant It is also necessary to peel and remove 1.5 cm of the parts of the fruit adjacent to the stalk. These areas contain the most nitrates.

- "Rubber" tomatoes with yellowish hard veins inside were grown using large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. Due to the oversaturation of nitrates, they are so hard and have an unpleasant color inside. You should not eat such tomatoes, but in other fruits, be sure to cut off the junction with the stalk.

Greenery has the greatest amount nitrates is located in the stems, so early dill, parsley, leaf salad First you need to separate them from the stems, leaving only the leaves.

Some people advise to get rid of vegetables from nitrates, keep them for about an hour in salted cold water. There is no scientific evidence of the veracity of this method of cleansing vegetables from nitrates, although such a bath will not harm cucumbers and lettuce, which after such a procedure actually get rid of bitterness. By the way, vegetables become bitter not because of oversaturation with nitrates, but because of a lack of water or the composition of the soil.

Vegetables and fruits- these are the most important products in the human diet. And we can talk a lot about their benefits for the human body. After all, vegetables and fruits are the main source of all kinds of vitamins. They contain fiber and all the necessary nutrients and minerals that improve blood circulation and improve digestion. All scientists have agreed that daily consumption of vegetables and fruits is one of the secrets of longevity.


Vegetables and fruits will be brought great benefit to our body only when they were well cared for and the storage and cleaning technology was followed. And before you start peel the fruits, they must be washed well to remove dirt and residual pesticides that may have been used on them. To ensure that they are stored for a long time and do not spoil, many imported vegetables and fruits are treated with a special chemical solution and rubbed with wax. And therefore, it is recommended to wash such vegetables and fruits with a brush, in a soapy solution, and then rinse.

For those who are allergic to purchased vegetables and fruits, such fruits must be placed in cold water for several hours, and then peel off the peel. Not everyone has personal plot where you can grow organically clean products for yourself and your family. You have to buy them in stores and markets. And that’s why every housewife tries to save at least somehow. And the only thing that remains for her is to learn how to thinly cut the skin from the product.

At home, vegetables and fruits are usually peeled manually with a thin knife or vegetable peelers. But the best of these methods is a vegetable peeler. They are manual and automatic. Automatic vegetable peelers are usually used in canteens, restaurants and anywhere where it is necessary to peel a large number of vegetables and fruits. But for home use, it is better to buy a regular, but high-quality, manual vegetable peeler. Here: you can get acquainted with some models of vegetable peelers that are in great demand among the population.

Peelers are a safer tool than usual kitchen knives. They are very difficult to cut and therefore you can work more confidently and quickly, especially since vegetable peelers speed up and simplify the cleaning procedure. Peelers come with floating and fixed blades. Floating blades are good because they can easily cope with all the unevenness on the fruit. Fixed blade peelers come in single-sided and double-sided varieties. With these vegetable peelers you can peel vegetables and fruits in two directions, “towards you” and “away from you”. Recently they have become very popular. Ceramic vegetable peelers are good because the blades do not need to be sharpened, and they do not absorb foreign odors. They stand up well to frequent use while maintaining their functionality. Vegetables and fruits, after cleaning ceramic vegetable peeler, for a long time do not fade, do not darken and do not change the taste. There is another modern and very convenient way peeling vegetables is... This is simply a unique invention that greatly speeds up the process of peeling vegetables, preserving more nutrients in root vegetables.

Remember that only those fruits that are thoroughly peeled are healthy! They must be cleaned immediately before use. Eat vegetables and fruits - these are the best foods!