Lots of mosquito bites. What to do if bitten by a mosquito? Reasons why mosquito bites itch

A mosquito bite often has no unpleasant consequences other than itching, redness, and swelling of the skin. Each person reacts individually to a bite. For some, it is mild, while others are forced to take a whole list of antihistamines.

Why does a mosquito bite? For females, human blood is nutrition that allows them to increase the number of eggs laid.

They feed only on pollen. During the mating period, females call males with a characteristic squeak, after which they drink blood.

By biting the thin skin of a person or animal with their proboscis, insects inject a substance that prevents blood from clotting. The foreign substance is repelled by the victim's body, resulting in swelling, itching, swelling and redness at the site of the bite.

Mosquitoes feed on blood not only to lay larvae, they satisfy their hunger. Animals and people are bitten.

This is new to some people, as mosquitoes don't bite everyone. Unlike the bites of other insects, mosquitoes are small in size. In the absence of an allergic reaction, the affected area itches with less intensity.

What attracts mosquitoes:

  • good human health;
  • human body warmth;
  • unnatural odors;
  • sources of light;
  • people taking medications;
  • people who are drunk.

People who are intoxicated are susceptible to more mosquito bites

Healthy people are bait for mosquitoes

Scientists' research explains why mosquitoes don't bite everyone. Young children are more susceptible to bites than adults because of their thin, delicate skin, which is so attractive to mosquitoes.

For all people with good health, accelerated exchange substances, high sweating increases the risk of being bitten. There is no point in being happy that mosquitoes don’t bite at all. Weak people with low hemoglobin levels poor quality blood repel insects.

Human body heat

Warm human body is a good bait for mosquitoes. Why do some people who play sports get bitten? Rapid heartbeat, intense workouts, active walks fresh air increase a person’s temperature, which is the cause of a mosquito attack.

Unnatural odors

People who use large quantities of scented body lotions, deodorants, and perfumes suffer least from mosquito bites. This is explained by the fact that unnatural odors of non-natural origin repel insects. The plant scents of pine needles and juniper repel mosquitoes.

The smell of juniper repels mosquitoes

People who are drunk

According to scientists, people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol are more likely to be bitten. Alcoholic drinks increase the heart rate, increase body temperature, and a drunk person is often bitten by mosquitoes.

People taking medications

Medicines prescribed to heart patients have a medicinal odor that attracts mosquitoes.

Sources of light

Mosquitoes instinctively fly to any light source, believing that it provides warmth. Therefore, it is not recommended to open windows in the evening when the lamps are on.

Why are mosquitoes dangerous?

A mosquito bite causes the following diseases:

  • blockage of blood vessels by threadworms brought by mosquitoes;
  • encephalitis;

Treatment for mosquito bites

What to do if you are bitten by mosquitoes? A mosquito bite is treated with medication or folk remedies. If severe swelling or a sharp deterioration in well-being occurs, you should consult a doctor. After a medical examination, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. If a child is injured, his body is damaged big amount bites, Zyrtec drops are prescribed. An adult is prescribed Cetrin in tablets.

The thin skin of the eyelids is a bait for insects. Swelling in the eye area is also a reason to contact an ambulance.

Don't neglect medical care, relying on aspirin. Scratching the bite until it bleeds will cause the patient to swell more, and taking aspirin can easily cause severe bleeding.

Folk remedies are very successful.

Mosquito bite marks are constantly lubricated with one of the following products:

  • tea tree oil;
  • oil 33 herbs;
  • ammonia (prohibited for use by children under three years of age);
  • a mixture of three teaspoons of soda, one teaspoon of warm water;
  • lemon juice;
  • vinegar essence;

Apply ice to the bite site

Prohibited actions after mosquito bites

It is strictly forbidden to rub or scratch the itchy area of ​​skin. A wound appears at the site of the bite; there is a high probability of germs and bacteria entering it. Some people have such sensitive skin that wounds leave scars that spoil the appearance skin.

It is necessary to perform the following manipulations during an attack:

  • when going outdoors, wear thick clothes that cover the entire body;
  • cover your head with a cap, Panama hat, scarf, scarf;
  • use repellents;
  • use essential oils indoors;
  • do not open the windows of rooms in which the lights are on;
  • eucalyptus, basil, anise oils applied to open areas skin, protect from bites;
  • prevent the formation of dampness in the apartment;
  • install Mosquito nets on the windows.

When choosing a place for a walk, you need to avoid swampy, wet areas, as mosquitoes live there in large numbers.

Particular attention should be paid to the color of clothing. During the day, mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothes, and at night - light ones.

Help for mosquito bites must be immediate. IN home medicine cabinet Medicines with antihistamine properties, for example, Zodak, Cetrin, Zyrtec, should be stored. They help with mosquito bites.

Those put on the hands of children are very popular. Clothespins that are attached to clothing repel insects with ultrasound.

Vanillin dissolved in water, which is applied to the surface of a child’s skin, repels insects.

After a walk, young mothers need to examine their baby for damaged areas of skin caused by insects. If bitten, lubricate by safe means, reducing itching. Often itching is what causes a baby to cry. summer time.

By finding out why a mosquito bites some people and not others, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences of contact with it.

Oh, summer is red! I would love you

If only it weren't for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.

A.S. Pushkin

Summer is not only the time of vacations, warm sun, gentle sea, but also the time of annoying mosquitoes that squeak over the ear, do not allow you to sleep peacefully, bite, and then the bite site is terribly itchy and itchy.

Only female mosquitoes bite. Male mosquitoes do not suck blood - they feed on plant matter and nectar. But females bite both people and animals. Such food is necessary for females to bear offspring. Just one drop of blood gives life to thousands of mosquito eggs.

Moreover, some people attract mosquitoes more, and some people do not bite at all.Why does such injustice happen and who gets bitten by mosquitoes?

1. Mosquitoes identify their prey by the heat that our body produces, as well as by the carbon dioxide that is released during respiration. That's why mosquitoes bite in the first place fat people and people who breathe a lot, move a lot and sweat a lot . Therefore, it is better to sit quietly on a bench than to play outdoor games. This way you have a better chance of not getting bitten.

2. There is a saying that mosquito loves bad blood . And when a person is sick, a lot of heat moves to the part of the body that is sick. The mosquito senses this and therefore, first of all, flies to warm areas of the body to drink blood. If a person is healthy, then, guided by the same instincts, the mosquito selects warm areas on the human body - this is primarily the skin, next to which veins and arteries are located. When you are bitten by a mosquito, and you slap the site of the bite and possibly kill the mosquito, you thereby heat up your blood even more, especially in the place where you were just bitten. And other mosquitoes that fly nearby will definitely feel it.

3. Mosquitoes also bite people with thin skin, including children .

4. There is an opinion that mosquitoes bite the most people with blood group III . There is no explanation for this, but numerous surveys have shown that this is indeed the case.

5. The most interesting thing is that mosquitoes practically do not bite vegetarians and especially raw foodists. It is possible that vegetarians and raw foodists have very pure blood, there are no unnecessary odors, and therefore mosquitoes rarely bite such people, if not avoid them at all. This means that if you want not to be bitten by mosquitoes, then you need to become vegetarians, raw foodists.

How to protect yourself and your child from mosquito bites?

You can find it in any store chemical methods mosquito control (creams, fumigators, repellents, plates, coils...), but many people prefer environmental means.

So mosquitoes try to stay away from leaves walnut and cannot stand the smell of basil and incense. To one degree or another, insects are repelled by wormwood, mint, cloves, lavender, rose geranium, serviceberry leaves, lemon, tangerine, orange fruits, parsnip seeds, Siberian hogweed, fir needles and Siberian cedar, leaves of thuja, common ivy, horse chestnut.

There are also mosquito repellent bracelets and ultrasonic repellent devices. Scientists have also come up with special anti-encephalitis jackets and suits, even for children. These clothes consist of two layers of fabric that move with the slightest movement. And if at this moment the mosquito sticks its proboscis through your clothing, the layers of fabric shift, the mosquito’s proboscis breaks and it will no longer bother you.

We must also not forget about mask nets on windows and vents, as well as special nets for cribs and strollers

What to do if mosquitoes still bite you? How to relieve itching from mosquito bites in simple and effective ways?

The most important thing: under no circumstances should you scratch the site of the bite, this will only increase the itching!

One of the most simple remedies is saliva, it can be used to lubricate the bite site when there is nothing else at hand.

Citrus juice (lemon, orange, lime) helps relieve itching.

To quickly relieve itching, you can use onion juice and chopped garlic.

Parsley, mint or plantain leaves can relieve itching. To do this, the leaves must be mashed so that they release the juice, and then applied to the bite site.

Among herbal products, grated potatoes and tomato slices are also applied to the inflamed area.

Also, when bitten, you can use triple cologne, vodka, alcohol, water solution ammonia (1:1).

A good remedy is a decoction of herbs. To prepare it you need flowers and leaves of St. John's wort, peppermint leaves and young oak bark. A spoonful of the mixture is poured with 100 grams of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Afterwards, cool the broth and lubricate the itchy inflammation.

Also sold in pharmacies a large number of drugs that relieve itching from insect bites, which can be bought for both children and adults, for example, fenistil, la cri, psilo balm, boro plus and others.

Camphor relieves itching very well. You can buy powder at the pharmacy and prepare the solution yourself, or you can use ready-made camphor oil or alcohol.

You can also use tea tree oil.

Inflammation and irritation of the skin. That is why many are looking for the most effective means of getting rid of these unpleasant symptoms. In addition, mosquitoes are also carriers of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to choose means of protection against these insects.

Why do mosquitoes bite?

For female mosquitoes, human blood is nutrition that allows them to increase the number of eggs they lay. Males simply feed on flower pollen. Mosquitoes feed on blood not only to lay larvae, but also to satisfy their hunger. Not only people, but also animals are exposed to bites. There are certain categories of people who attract these insects, namely:

  • in good health;
  • taking medications;
  • while intoxicated.

Young children are more susceptible to bites than adults because they have delicate, thin skin that attracts insects. A greater risk of being bitten exists in people with good health, a high degree of sweating, and an accelerated metabolism.

First aid for a mosquito bite

What happens when a mosquito bites? The insect pierces human skin with its proboscis and injects saliva containing anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. The human body regards these substances as allergens. Therefore, the bite site itches and turns red.

It is very important to choose the right remedy after mosquito bites to provide first aid. First of all, the bite site should be thoroughly washed with soap, preferably antibacterial, to eliminate the risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering. People prone to allergies should take antihistamines, e.g.

After using first aid, you can use medications and folk remedies to eliminate itching and inflammation.


Among the medications, it is necessary to highlight "Tavegil", which helps to quickly and effectively cope with itching and alleviate the general symptoms of allergic manifestations. This is enough effective remedy after a mosquito bite, as it has a complex effect on the entire body. The effect of the drug is up to 12 hours. After its use, capillary permeability decreases and swelling is eliminated.

However, it is worth considering that this remedy has certain contraindications. The medicine is prohibited for use during pregnancy, as well as for children under 6 years of age. For children from 6 to 12 years old, half a tablet is recommended.

How to choose the right ointment

The remedy for mosquito and midge bites is produced in the most various forms. They differ in their composition, packaging and consistency. Among the drugs used are the following:

  • gels;
  • creams;
  • balms.

Gels are products made from water based containing various additives and medicinal components. Creams are made on a synthetic basis or also contain some medicinal additives. The balms are based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances. Such products promote rapid tissue restoration.

Medicinal ointments

It is necessary to use the medicine immediately after a mosquito bite, because the wound can become inflamed very quickly. This is especially true for people who have increased sensitivity skin. Among the fixed assets are the following:

  • "Vietnamese star";
  • hydrocortisone ointment;
  • "Bamipin";
  • "Soventol";
  • "Bepanten."

Such a remedy for mosquito bites as “Vietnamese star” has long been very popular. It is characterized by good antiseptic qualities. It can be used by both adults and children. This ointment is also used to prevent bites, as it repels insects.

Very good remedy after mosquito and midge bites - hydrocortisone ointment, which has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its versatility, it is used to treat various skin diseases that occur in a chronic form.

Bamipin ointment, which is an antihistamine, helps to cope with itching well. However, before using this remedy, you should definitely consult a doctor, as it has certain contraindications.

Soventol ointment helps reduce swelling and itching after a mosquito bite. Due to the fact that this product is practically not absorbed into the skin, it has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Bepanten ointment is suitable for use in children over 2 years of age, as well as pregnant women. This medicine has the following qualities:

  • skin hydration;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • preventing itching;
  • rapid elimination of inflammation.

This ointment should be applied directly to the affected area of ​​the skin, which promotes faster healing. Contraindications may only be for those who have individual intolerance to individual components of this product. medicine.

"Fenistil gel"

"Fenistil" (gel) is considered a universal drug against insect bites, as it can very quickly relieve itching and burning. This remedy quickly relieves swelling and helps relieve allergic reactions, as it is classified as an anti-allergic drug.

"Fenistil gel" helps to quickly minimize the unpleasant sensations that arise. Another feature of this drug is that it can be used even by children almost from birth.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies help well after mosquito bites, as they help reduce itching, redness, and swelling. To quickly eliminate itching, you need to cut an onion in half and press it to the bite site. In addition, you can lubricate the affected area with aloe juice or salt water. Fish oil is also considered a good remedy. In addition to the fact that it has great benefits for the body, it is also capable of treating insect bites well. It is necessary to generously lubricate the affected area with it.

To relieve itchy skin and blisters, you can use medicinal fees, consisting of St. John's wort, mint, oak bark. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, add water and boil over low heat. Cool the finished broth, strain and make lotions. Vinegar also helps against mosquito bites. It is enough just to make a compress and apply it to the affected area for half an hour. Another good remedy is toothpaste.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites involve the use of wheatgrass decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over the wheatgrass, boil for several minutes, and then add a little lavender oil. Infuse the broth, wrapping it in a towel. Strain, cool and wipe the affected area with the prepared product. You can freeze it and wipe the affected areas with ice.

Folk remedies after a mosquito bite involve using a fresh banana. To prepare the medicine, you need to peel the banana and apply the banana peel to the bite site, securing it securely with a bandage or plaster. In a few minutes the itching will go away.

Simple ice cubes may be ideal. Immediately after the bite, rub the itchy area with ice cubes. You can also freeze decoctions of chamomile, viburnum or linden flowers. These products perfectly disinfect the skin and help eliminate swelling and itching.

Soda against mosquito bites

The best remedy for mosquito bites is baking soda. This is the most good way eliminate discomfort after a mosquito bite. You can use soda in the form of a cake or lotions. To prepare the cake, you need to add a little water to the soda to make a thick paste. From the resulting mass you need to make a cake and apply it to the inflamed and itchy area. Place a wet cloth on top. After 3 hours you need to replace the cake with a fresh one.

Soda lotion helps a lot. To prepare it, you need to pour a little soda into a bowl, soak a bandage or cotton pad in it and wipe the bite area. Repeat the procedure several times.

Pharmacy products for children

It is very important to choose a good remedy for mosquito bites for children to eliminate severe itching, swelling and inflammation. Usually, children are lubricated with special ointments that contain natural ingredients and help eliminate the main signs of allergies.

Hormonal ointments are used only in cases of severe allergies and swelling. In this case, you need to use hydrocortisone ointment. "Psilo-balm" will help eliminate unpleasant sensations. This remedy helps relieve allergic reactions, as well as itching after bites. It is characterized by antiallergic, antipruritic and analgesic effects. Literally a few minutes after treating the bite site, the itching disappears.

It is very difficult for a child not to scratch the bites. Therefore, means to eliminate inflammation are required. The product "Boro+" helps a lot, as it helps eliminate swelling, itching and redness as much as possible. You just need to lubricate the affected area with cream. All unpleasant sensations will go away literally immediately.

Folk remedies against mosquito bites for children

Selecting the most the best remedy after mosquito bites for children, it is worth using medicinal herbs and plants. You can use an alcohol tincture of white lily petals and after this the itching goes away almost immediately. Herbal compresses help a lot. To do this, you need to chop the leaves of plantain, mint or bird cherry and apply it to the bite site.

If children are seriously affected by mosquitoes, you need to fill the bathtub with warm water and add sea ​​salt. The child needs to lie in this water for 15 minutes. There are many folk remedies and techniques that help eliminate discomfort after mosquito bites, however, not all of them are suitable for a child.

What is strictly forbidden to do

It is strictly forbidden to scratch or rub itchy skin. A wound forms at the site of the bite, into which bacteria and microbes can penetrate. Some people have quite sensitive skin. Therefore, after a wound, scars may remain that spoil the appearance of the skin.

It is imperative to choose the right means to eliminate itching and swelling, so as not to further harm the body.

Often, a mosquito bite can cause severe discomfort to a person, especially to young children. Usually there are no dangerous consequences after this, but it should be said that due to a number of characteristics of the body, an allergic reaction, a sharp deterioration in well-being and other signs may occur. Therefore, adults should know what to do after an atypical skin reaction appears, how to get rid of mosquito bites using various medications and natural remedies, and also in what situations you should immediately consult a doctor.

Typically, a mosquito bite does not cause an acute reaction in humans. If a couple of areas with reddened skin appear on the body, then this is absolutely no reason to panic. However, with the onset of hot weather, people begin to go outdoors more often, and accordingly, the number of bites that appear on the body increases. In the summer, these insects begin an active phase of life, and they begin to attack all warm-blooded creatures to satisfy their hunger.

The bitten area of ​​skin begins to turn red and after a while itch. The more you rub it, the more itchy it will be. Therefore, it is very important not to rub the area if redness is detected. If a person does not have a particular reaction to mosquito bites, the rash will go away fairly quickly.

The greatest activity of mosquitoes can be observed near bodies of water (for example, near a river or lake) during warm, windless weather, especially in the evening and at night. At this time, insects begin to peak in activity, and humans are most susceptible to their attack.

If you like to walk or relax in nature, where mosquitoes are often found, try to choose closed, thick clothing, as it is more difficult for them to bite through and get to the skin. Otherwise, after a mosquito bite, red dots may appear on your legs, arms and head.

So how can you distinguish the bite of other bloodsuckers from a mosquito? Unlike skin lesions from bedbugs, lice or fleas, such bites are smaller in size and do not itch as sharply. For example, after bedbugs, the itching can become simply unbearable, so it is advisable to have an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory agent in your home medicine cabinet in order to quickly eliminate the consequences.

Of course, you need to know how a mosquito bites in order to be sure of the possible consequences. They can differ from bedbugs in that they are usually located randomly on the body. It is very simple to determine that you have not been bitten by mosquitoes, but rather by bedbugs - you can find red marks on your body that can run in a “path”. Mosquitoes do not leave such signs, and usually there are no blisters on the skin after them. More often in young children than in adults.

If hyperemia and itching appear in the bitten area, it is necessary to use special means to eliminate these symptoms. Once the irritation is relieved, you will not have the desire to scratch your skin. In this way, it is possible to prevent skin damage where harmful microorganisms, bacteria or fungi could enter.

Video “Itching from a bite”

From the video you will learn what to do if you are bitten by a mosquito.


Of course, if adults often encounter this, then they will always keep antihistamines at home and also take them with them on vacation. An acute reaction to such an irritant is not uncommon, so you need to immediately know how to remove hyperemia. As practice has shown, antihistamines have best action than regular ointments that cool the skin.

Essential oils

Sometimes adults ask the question, what to do if a child is bitten by a mosquito, and there is no necessary medicine in the house? Among the means at hand you can find a lot of things that will alleviate the consequences.

It comes in handy if you have bottles of essential oils in your home. Using tea tree oil, eucalyptus and lavender can easily relieve redness and itching. Essential oils You will need to apply a thin layer to the skin and then rub in lightly so as not to irritate the area. The effect should occur in the near future, and what is important, on for a long time retains its effect.


If you manage to recognize a mosquito bite on your body, you can use ammonia to quickly eliminate its traces. Ammonia It is necessary to dilute it in warm water, moisten a rag or scarf in it, and then apply it to the irritated skin. For children under 3 years of age, it is better not to use this method, since they have very sensitive skin, and more severe irritation may occur.

You can also take regular medical alcohol (96 degrees). If mosquitoes manage to bite an adult or child, you need to take a piece of cotton wool and moisten it in alcohol. Then you need to lightly blot the affected area of ​​skin with a cotton swab. This method will kill any bacteria that may have accumulated on the skin, preventing infection, and will also eliminate the feeling of itching. It is strongly recommended not to use regular alcohol on the face and neck of young children.

Baking soda

To relieve skin irritation, you can make a mixture of baking soda. Take three teaspoons of baking soda and add one spoon of water. The mixture is mixed well and then applied to the skin in a thin layer. When the soda dries, it can be washed off with running water. The product can effectively eliminate the effects of irritation, remove swelling and redness.

This method is suitable for both pregnant women and small children.

Lemon juice

You can get rid of the effects of mosquito bites with lemon juice. It relieves itching and also has an antimicrobial effect, killing most of the pathogenic flora on the surface of the epithelium. Alternatively, you can use lime. However, remember that it is better not to use lemon juice if you are under sunlight. Otherwise, it may cause minor burns.

Vinegar essence

Vinegar essence will help get rid of itching and swelling after an insect bite. Simply apply a thin layer of the product to the skin to forget about all the unpleasant sensations. For large bites, you can add a few drops of vinegar essence to a bath of water.


Ice is a good remedy that constricts blood vessels and reduces swelling. Simply apply a piece of ice wrapped in a cloth to the mosquito bite area. Along with the swelling, itching and redness of the skin will go away.

What not to do?

When mosquito bites are detected, do not immediately rub or scratch the skin. This can lead to severe irritation and an increase in itching. If the skin is accidentally damaged, germs and bacteria can enter this area, which can cause a severe allergic reaction due to the production of histamine.

Scars on the body from mosquito bites can appear when the victim itches excessively. Due to the unbearable feeling of itching, it is very difficult to control. In order not to worsen the condition, it is better to immediately use one of listed method, easing the condition of the affected area.

A mosquito bite is something that almost every resident of the country will have to face with the onset of warm days. Blood-sucking insects are common throughout the country; in some parts, the mosquito flock is also joined by midges - small midge, who is also not averse to feasting on blood. To prevent a mosquito bite from causing major trouble, compatriots need to receive complete information about the danger and methods of eliminating the consequences.

Article structure

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

If an adult or child has been bitten by mosquitoes, you should understand that blood-sucking reptiles can be dangerous to humans. Several species of mosquitoes are found throughout the country. The most common are malaria, autumn squeaks, spring squeaks of the genus Ochlerotatus. Diptera insects are divided into females and males. And if the latter are not at all dangerous, since they only eat plant nectar, then the female mosquito is looking for a victim. The mosquito needs protein from it, and blood is the most in a fast way get what you are looking for. The mosquito feeds only once, after which it safely lays eggs and dies. The mosquito bite itself is often painless, but the consequences can be serious.

A mosquito bite is dangerous because:

  • The female looks for the most delicate areas of the skin with nearby vessels. After biting the skin, the mosquito injects an anticoagulant. It is what prevents blood clotting and causes swelling and redness.
  • Mosquito saliva quickly spreads to adjacent tissues. This is why a mosquito bite itches. Scratching the bite site will only make the itching worse.
  • Brings trouble, especially when there are a lot of bites.
  • May cause allergic reactions.
  • Can carry diseases and infections that are dangerous to humans.

Important! The insect cannot tolerate poison, so it is impossible to get poisoned from it. However, insects can cause a lot of trouble, especially mosquito bites in children. It is the children who suffer from severe itching. But female mosquitoes choose babies more often than adults as victims. This was proven during research, the purpose of which was to find out who is most often bitten by mosquitoes. According to scientists, the risk category includes children and people with high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Symptoms of a bite

A mosquito bite is a nuisance that can be easily survived. Most people calmly tolerate blood-sucking attacks. Within a few minutes after the bite, the problem is safely forgotten. For a short-term memory, mosquitoes leave behind a small red spot up to 2–5 mm in size.

However, there is a group of people who become allergic to mosquito bites. And this condition may have the following symptoms:

  • The spot from the bite grows to large sizes– from 7–10 mm.
  • The site of the attack itches and hurts for 24–72 hours.
  • The temperature rises to 37 degrees. it can last for several days.
  • The bite site hurts when touched.
  • Severe swelling of soft tissues appears.
  • A rash or dermatitis appears.

It is important to know what to do if a person is bitten by a mosquito, the temperature rises above 38 degrees, severe itching occurs, convulsions or asthma attacks occur, severe headaches, chills, and dizziness occur. The situation may be complicated by loss of consciousness or vomiting. In this case, you should immediately call a doctor.


Allergies to mosquito bites are rare. However, the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms cannot be ruled out. U sensitive people Allergy symptoms may appear to a greater or lesser extent. They are accompanied by:

  • swelling;
  • headache;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature.

Allergic reactions can occur if a child is bitten by mosquitoes or adults become victims of the attack. In some cases, allergic rhinitis or bronchospasm may occur. All these symptoms become important indicator that it was time to call an ambulance.

How to save yourself: choosing ointments

When deciding what to apply to mosquito bites, it is recommended to involve a doctor in the discussion. There are also folk remedies for mosquito bites. They are effective, but do not act as quickly as pharmaceutical formulations. Several products that can be found in pharmacies are effective. They cope with itching, relieve swelling, and allergic manifestations. You can find out what to apply on mosquito bites from your doctor. Most often, experts prescribe:

  • "Fenistil".
  • "Sinaflan."
  • "Advantan".
  • Balm “Star”.
  • "Rescuer".
  • "Psilo-Balm".

Each proposed ointment for mosquito bites makes it possible to quickly forget about the consequences of an encounter with blood-sucking mosquitoes. You can use them regardless of who the mosquitoes bite. However, it is still better to use formulations (ointments, creams) after preliminary testing.

Attention! Apply cream or ointment against mosquito bites to clean skin. To do this, the cover is pre-treated with a disinfectant composition, after which a pharmaceutical or folk remedy for mosquito bites is applied in a thin layer. As the latter, we can recommend calendula tincture, mint or aloe juice, vinegar diluted in water.

Proper treatment: what to use for bites?

If there is even a hint of an allergic reaction, you need to quickly get rid of the flying bloodsuckers. If the bite has already occurred, the use of cream and treatment will be required. The pharmacy offers more than one effective remedy for mosquito bites. Creams can be used as an antihistamine, and tablets can also be taken orally:

  • "Claritin."
  • "Suprastin".
  • Telfast.
  • "Tavegil".
  • Zyrtec.

Each product effectively helps prevent swelling and relieve itching. Some of them can be given to children. Manifestations of attacks need to be treated promptly. If the bite is in the eye, you can use inexpensive remedy after mosquito bites - this is Albucid. To decide how to get rid of itching after a mosquito bite if you have a severe allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor.

How to quickly help children if they are bitten by a mosquito?

To protect children, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of insects in the house. However, this is not always possible, and therefore you need to know how to get rid of mosquito bites. Not all methods are suitable for children. You should consider how old the baby is and whether an allergic reaction is possible. To alleviate the child’s condition, it is recommended to use the following means:

  • "Golden Star".
  • "Psilo-Balm".

You need to apply a thin layer. Each indicated remedy helps to cope with the problem quite well. As folk remedy It is suggested to use a soda solution or gruel. The mixture should be applied to the bite site.

Important! Self-treatment with antihistamines is not recommended. For such treatment, you should consult a doctor. But children over 7–10 years old can be given mild antihistamines (“Diazolin”, “Suprastin”).

Mosquitoes are carriers of dangerous diseases

Dangerous infections transmitted after a mosquito bite are a situation typical for warm countries. However, cases of transmission of dangerous diseases are increasingly occurring in our country. You can receive “as a gift” from a bloodsucker not only an itch, but also:

To exclude cases of the disease, it is recommended to get vaccinated before traveling to warm or Asian countries.