Mineral water for intestinal diseases. Treatment with mineral waters

If you were at a doctor’s appointment and the specialist determined that you had gastritis or gastroduodenitis, you were almost certainly given a recommendation to take mineral water along with.

Mineral waters of certain varieties contain up to fifty natural microelements that are beneficial for the body, including microelements that are difficult to obtain from any products of the ordinary diet.

Advantages of the method

Water enriched with valuable substances contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and bile ducts.

It corrects secretion and stimulates coolant regeneration.

Finally, there is evidence of its immunomodulating effect: against the background of a properly selected course of balneotherapy, “there is a tendency towards normalization of the content of anti-tissue antibodies and circulating immune complexes, an increase in the nonspecific resistance of the body, the intensity of the humoral immune response, and the functional activity of mononuclear phagocytes” (1).

Yu.V. Gorbunov and co-authors describe an illustrative study (2). A group of patients suffering from chronic atrophic gastritis or gastroduodenitis received a sanatorium course of treatment with Uvinskaya mineral water (weakly alkaline; sulfate-sodium-calcium) against the background of a standard diet No. 2 according to Pevzner. In the first 2-3 days, patients drank 60-100 ml of Uvinskaya with a temperature of 280 C 30 minutes before meals, then the dose was increased to 200 ml.

During the treatment, it was possible to completely relieve pain in 388 (94.2%) patients out of 412 patients with CG and in 63 (87.5%) out of 72 patients with CGD who had pain.

The pain subsided by the 3-5th day of therapy.

The water also had a certain effect in terms of combating the manifestations of dyspepsia: the majority of participants in the experiment lost their complaints of nausea. “Uvinskaya” eliminated belching somewhat worse, and practically did not help against heartburn.

How to choose the right mineral water for gastritis

We will briefly tell you which mineral water is really suitable for treating gastritis.

Taking into account acidity

With inflammation of the stomach, problems with acid formation often arise - it becomes either excessive () or insufficient ().

In one case, the effect of hydrochloric acid should be partially suppressed, in the other, on the contrary, its formation should be stimulated. Accordingly, it is recommended to drink either alkaline or acidic mineral water.

Temperature and composition

At excessive release of HCI water is heated before use (in order to eliminate excess CO2). Drink it quickly, in one gulp, at least an hour before lunch. Patients diagnosed with inflammation of the stomach with high acidity are prescribed waters from Matsesta and Arzni, from Zheleznovodsk, and various sulfide varieties. An example of suitable water in such circumstances is Borjomi.

At hydrochloric acid deficiency There is no need to heat up the medicinal mineral water; you should drink it slowly, twenty minutes before lunch. Acid formation is stimulated by “mineral waters of sodium chloride, bicarbonate-chloride-sodium, sulfate-sodium calcium composition” (1). “Essentuki-4”, “Essentuki-17” are suitable as an optimal option for regular use with reduced secretion.

With or without gas?

Mineral water in sanatoriums, as a rule, is served without “bubbles”. It is advisable to refrain from soda when selecting water yourself.

Otherwise, there is a risk of provoking.

Methods of treatment with mineral water

It's better to start with a quarter glass. This will make it easier for your stomach to get used to the procedure.

The concentration of minerals in the drink plays a significant role (it should be no more than a gram per liter).

The usual course duration is a month; It is advisable to repeat it no more than four times a year.

Balneotherapy is very competently carried out in some specialized sanatoriums - for example, in Baden-Baden or Truskavets, in Essentuki. If you can afford a ride on one, great.

Attention: be careful! If, after starting the course, you notice lethargy, belching, bloating, dull aching pain in the epigastric region, bowel problems, stop using this mineral water and consult your doctor.


  1. N.V.Dragomiretskaya, I.B.Zabolotnaya, T.I.Malykhina, A.N.Izha, “Chronic atrophic gastritis - treatment prospects in balneology”, “Modern Gastroenterology”, No. 3 (35), 2007
  2. Yu.V.Gorbunov, S.P.Subbotin, A.E.Shklyaev, “Morphological aspects of balneotherapy with mineral water “Uvinskaya” for chronic atrophic gastritis and gastroduodenitis,” “Advances of modern natural science,” No. 5, 2006

Pediatric Consultative Center of Academician L.A. Dulkin
Leading gastroenterological center in the Chelyabinsk region.
Tel. to sign up for a consultation: 8902-618-77-17

Among the various methods of treating diseases of the digestive system, one of the main places is occupied by treatment with drinking mineral waters at resorts and at home.

Mineral waters of the famous resorts of Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Truskovets, Morshin, Karlovy Vary and others have a remarkable therapeutic effect for diseases of the stomach, liver, biliary tract, intestines and metabolic disorders. Bottled medicinal waters are delivered to all corners of our country.

It is known that a single treatment of a patient at a resort with mineral water does not always completely eliminate the signs of the disease. In this regard, treatment with mineral water at home is of great importance in continuing the therapy started at the resort.

A course of mineral water is indicated during the period of remission (during the period when there are no symptoms of the disease or they are minimized) of the disease. It is advisable to carry out treatment with mineral waters along with adherence to a gentle regime and dietary nutrition, with the exception of bad habits. In this case, you can expect the maximum effect from the treatment.

When conducting a treatment course with mineral waters, it is not advisable to take medications.

Bottled medicinal drinking mineral waters

Mineral medicinal drinking waters are usually called those waters in which salts, gases, and organic substances are in a dissolved state, which can have a healing effect on the body when used internally.

All mineral waters are divided into waters of low (up to 5 g/l salts), medium (up to 12 g/l), high (up to 20 g/l) mineralization. All mineral water solutions in which the salt content is higher than 30-45 g/l are called brines.

The composition of mineral waters includes: chlorine, sulfates, bicarbonates, free carbon dioxide, silicic and boric acids, nitrogen, noble gases, sodium, potassium, and magnesium; contains iron, copper, cobalt, bromine, iodine and organic substances in small quantities.

They have a direct effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, are absorbed into the blood, spread throughout the body and enter into many metabolic processes. In some cases, they replenish the missing elements, in others they exhibit a specific effect of the chemical element: anti-inflammatory, stimulating gastrointestinal secretion, increasing bile formation and excretion, toning the activity of the digestive organs, etc. Normalization of digestive function on the one hand, and a general positive effect on the body, especially such components as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, bromine, iodine, etc., on the other hand, is an expression of the therapeutic effect of drinking mineral waters.

Depending on the composition, the effect of mineral waters is different, so this must be taken into account when prescribing them. Thus, calcium and magnesium salts increase the vitality of the body and its resistance to harmful influences, prevent and eliminate inflammatory conditions, increase the protective activity of blood cells, and accelerate wound healing. Calcium, potassium and magnesium salts increase urination.

Sodium chloride enhances digestion in the stomach, the formation of free hydrochloric acid and pancreatic juice, and in general improves the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Iodine promotes tissue regeneration, enhances the activity of the thyroid gland, and takes part in all metabolic processes in the body.

Bromine in mineral waters calms the nervous system, provides rest to the nerve cell and helps restore impaired functions throughout the body.

Bicarbonates neutralize gastric juice, accelerate gastric emptying, replenish the lack of carbonates in the blood, prevent deposits and dissolve uric acid crystals formed in the joints.

Boric and silicic acids create conditions for the revival of the skin and mucous membranes and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Carbon dioxide in medicinal waters enhances the secretion of gastric juice, increases its acidity, and enhances emptying of the stomach and intestines. In addition, carbon dioxide promotes gas exchange, removes putrefactive gases from the stomach and quenches thirst well.

Indications for mineral waters

Table No. 1.


Indications (names of diseases)

HydrocarbonateChronic gastritis with increased acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic pancreatitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis and diabetes mellitus.
ChlorideChronic gastritis with decreased acidity, chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis and metabolic disorders.
SulfateDiseases of the liver, gall bladder, chronic constipation due to metabolic disorders and obesity.
FerrousAnemia, chronic anemia.
ArsenicAnemia, chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, to improve body tone.
IodideFor atherosclerosis, Graves' disease.
BromideFor neuroses, functional diseases of the digestive system (IBS).
SiliceousFor various diseases of the digestive system, they improve the general condition, especially in old age, with diabetes and metabolic disorders.

For the convenience of choosing bottled mineral water, we provide information in Table No. 2.

Table No. 2.

Name of waterMineralization in g/lPlace of release


Bjni 7,4-8,2 Armenia
Borjomi 6,2-7,2 Georgia
Martin 4,0-4,3 RF
Luzhanskaya 2,8-3,8 Ukraine
Polyana Kvasova 9,0-11,0 Ukraine


Druskininkai 4,8-5,8 Lithuania
Minsk 5,5-6,5 Belarus
Nartan 8,0-8,2 RF
Nizhnesergievskaya 6,0-6,3 RF
Tyumen 5,5-6,0 RF


Uvinskaya medical 7,4-7,8 RF
Batalinskaya 19,0-21,0 RF
Kashinskaya 2,5-3,6 RF
Krainskaya 2,2-2,8 RF
Lysogorskaya 17,0-21,0 RF
Moscow 3,5-4,2 RF
Hunyadi-Janos 11,2-15,0 Hungary


Arzni 4,2-5,6 Armenia
Hot key 4,2-4,5 RF
Essentuki No. 4 8,0-10,0 RF
Essentuki No. 17 11,0-13,0 RF
Essentuki Novaya 3,5-4,8 RF
Essentuki No. 20 7,3-8,4 RF
Shadrinskaya 8,2-9,4 RF
Semigorskaya 9,1-12,0 RF
Uralochka 3,7-4,5 RF


Arshan 2,5-3,5 RF
Jermuk 4,0-5,5 Georgia
Narzan 3,0-3,5 RF
Slavyanovskaya 3,0-4,0 RF
Smirnovskaya 3,0-4,0 RF
Makhachkala 4,0-4,5 RF
Sergievskaya 2,7-3,2 RF


Almaty 3,8-4,2 Kazakhstan
Izhevskaya 4,9-5,1 RF
Ergeninskaya 5,0-6,5 RF
Lipetskaya 3,5-5,8 RF
Novoizhevskaya 15,0-17,0 RF
Uglichskaya 3,5-4,5 RF
Khilovskaya well No. 59 3,5-4,9 RF
Feodosiyskaya 4,0-5,0 Ukraine


Alchanskaya 0,7-0,9 RF
Darasun 2,0-2,5 RF
Cook 2,2-3,0 RF
Martin 4,0-4,4 RF
Shmakovka 1,1-1,3 RF
Polustrovo 0,2-0,3 RF


Nizhnesergievskaya 6,5-7,5 RF
Semigorodskaya 9,1-12,0 RF
Talitskaya 9,0-10,0 RF
Tyumen 4,1-4,5 RF


Karmadon 8,0-8,8 RF
Avadhara 4,8-6,1 Georgia


Polyana Kvasova 9,0-11,0 Ukraine
Semigorodskaya 10,0-11,0 RF
Lazarevskaya 2,5-3,5 RF
Zaramag 7,5-9,5 RF
Karmadon well No. 29r 2,0-3,5 RF

How to drink mineral water?

The method of taking mineral water depends on your underlying disease, its leading symptoms, which its action will be aimed at. There are the following principles for taking mineral waters. You should drink water slowly, in small sips over 2-5 minutes.

The temperature of the received water depends on the nature of the disease. As a rule, for peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis with high acidity, chronic cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis and chronic enterocolitis (with diarrhea), the temperature of mineral water should be 38-40 0 C.

Mineral waters at lower temperatures (20-250 0 C) are used for chronic gastritis with low acidity and colitis with atonic constipation. In this case, it is recommended to take large sips of water.

Mineral water is taken without gas, bottled water is degassed for 10-12 hours. The water must be poured into a container (such as a bowl) with a wide neck, stirred vigorously, and left to settle. Excess gas entering the diseased stomach stretches its walls and causes pain, and gas entering the intestines sharply reduces its absorption capacity.

To store mineral water for a longer period of time, it is carbonated; the bottles are stored in a horizontal position, which prevents the precipitation of salts in it.

Non-carbonated mineral water is not available!

The amount of mineral water prescribed per dose is individual and depends on the amount of salts in the water, the characteristics of the underlying and concomitant diseases, as well as the patient’s weight. A single dose of water should range from 100 to 250 ml, or 3-4 ml per 1 kg. body weight (weight 60 kg, water volume 180 ml). start taking mineral water with a minimum dose, increasing it daily, and by 3-4 days they reach the full dose. With this dosage of water, its tolerance is determined.

The duration of taking mineral water is 4 weeks, but in patients who are difficult to treat, it can be up to one and a half months. It is believed that the use of medicinal water for a longer period is inappropriate due to the onset of addiction to it and the undesirability of prolonged salt load for the body. There should be a break of 4-6 months in treatment.

For gastritis with high acidity, mineral water is prescribed 1-1.5 hours before meals, for persistent heartburn - 45-60 minutes after meals, three times a day, water temperature 37-380 C.

For gastritis with low acidity, 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day, water temperature 18-220 C.
For peptic ulcers, mineral water is prescribed 1-1.5 hours before meals, for persistent heartburn - 45-60 minutes after meals, three times a day, water temperature 37-380 C.

For chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, water is prescribed 40-60 minutes before meals, temperature 36-380 C. For chronic enterocolitis with a tendency to constipation, water is taken 15-20 minutes before at room temperature (18-200 C) in large sips and the water should be medium and a high degree of mineralization (such as Uvinskaya, Essentuki No. 17, etc.), with a tendency to diarrhea, water is prescribed 50-60 minutes in advance, the temperature is 37-380 C and taken in small sips.

In many cases, as you noticed, water is used warm, so we recommend heating it to a temperature of 400 C in the morning and pouring it into a thermos. This technique allows the water to no longer be heated during the day, and therefore does not deteriorate its quality.

We have tried to provide basic information regarding the use of mineral water at home. Of course, the prescription of mineral water should be under the supervision of a doctor, and what water to prescribe and how should always be decided individually.

We wish you a quick recovery!

Source: Medical Pediatric Center Dulkina L.A.

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an important part of the treatment is the use of mineral waters. Properly selected liquid helps relieve symptoms and improve impaired functions of the digestive system.

Mineral waters have long been known for their beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract,

Mineral water: healing and quenching thirst

Mineral water is a liquid that is extracted from an underground spring. It contains minerals that give it beneficial properties. Mineral liquids are classified into medicinal, table and mixed. This is due to mineralization; the less salts, the milder it affects the body. When choosing a mineral water, you need to understand the purpose of use. If you need it to quench your thirst, you should opt for table water. It can be drunk at any time in any quantity.

If the label indicates that the liquid contains more than 10 g of active substances per 1000 ml, it is medicinal water. Its use without consulting a doctor is not recommended, since it should only be used in the treatment of diseases or for preventive purposes. Medicinal water is divided into types depending on its effect, so it is important that a doctor select it based on the properties of the liquid. Such consumption will bring maximum benefit to the body.

Mineral water in the treatment of stomach diseases


  • It is useless to drink table or mixed water to get rid of heartburn;
  • water should not cause discomfort, its use should be pleasant;
  • even if the liquid is ideal in terms of its components, but causes discomfort, it is better not to drink it;
  • if possible, it is better to choose mineral water that is produced in the area (or as close as possible) where the patient lives, it is the most adapted;
  • in order to get rid of the burning sensation, you need to drink only water that has medicinal properties;
  • Most often, sulfate (calcium, sodium, etc.) is suitable.

It is forbidden to drink hydrocarbonate water, as the situation worsens as a result of chemical reactions in the stomach.

People who suffer from heartburn are strictly prohibited from drinking carbonated liquid, as it acts as an irritant to the mucous membranes. It is better to be treated with warm mineral water. If you drink liquid 1.5 hours before meals, this will normalize the production of hydrochloric acid, which will prevent heartburn.

If a patient has high acidity, he is recommended to drink alkaline medicinal table liquid or fresh table liquid, which is rich in bicarbonates and metal ions. It binds hydrochloric acid. In the body, the level of bicarbonates becomes higher, which helps to reduce hydrogen ions, which affects the inhibition of the production of aggressive juice. This mineral water improves the defense mechanisms of the immune system. This promotes recovery. This liquid increases the production of a protective layer of mucus.

If you regularly drink mineral water, the transport of food into the duodenum improves, which prevents stagnation. This helps stabilize the acidity in the organ.

Low acidity

In case of low acidity, it is recommended to drink mineral water a quarter of an hour before a meal. This contributes to a short-term improvement in food digestion, as it stimulates the gastric glands, which secrete enzymes, juice, bile, etc. These processes occur about half an hour after drinking. Most often, Essentuki is prescribed.


In the treatment of gastritis, the role of mineral waters is significant. They normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, liver, and urinary tract. The choice of medicine depends on the form of the disease, since each of them requires a special set of components. It should be remembered that drinking carbonated drinks is prohibited, as they can cause food to be thrown up the digestive tract. This may cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

For treatment, alkaline mineral waters (pH greater than 7) are prescribed; if the disease is accompanied by low acidity, you need to choose water with a pH less than 7. Therapy requires drinking 500 ml of mineral water every day. A properly selected drink should not cause any discomfort. The mineral water should be warm to prevent exacerbation.

The dosage for treating a child is 30 ml per 10 kg. If after several days of therapy the effect is not noticeable or the condition worsens, mineral water should be discarded.

Peptic ulcer

Patients with peptic ulcer disease are prescribed the use of sodium bicarbonate (alkaline) mineral water. They inhibit the production of acids and promote the transport of food from the stomach to the intestines. This quickly eliminates symptoms such as heartburn, belching, and a feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity.

Before drinking liquid, it is necessary to remove gases from it. To do this, you need to leave it open for a long time or heat it up a little. Carbon dioxide enhances the production of enzymatic juice. For stomach ulcers, the following brands are suitable: “Truskavetskaya”, “Arshan”, “Dilijan”, “Elbrus”, “Borjomi”, “Kuka”, “Essentuki”, etc.

How to drink correctly?

Treatment with mineral water must be carried out correctly. First of all, you need to choose a suitable liquid. It is best to have a doctor do this. You should not self-medicate. The regimen of use is recommended by a specialist in each specific case. Usually the course of therapy lasts about a month.

If the acidity is high, the mineral water is heated to 45 degrees and consumed 60-90 minutes before meals; if it is low, 15 minutes before, the liquid should be at room temperature. Drink water 4 times a day in small sips.

Forms of internal use of mineral water for intestinal diseases: drinking treatment and rectal methods

Drinking mineral water does not stay in the stomach for a long time. It quickly passes into the intestines, especially if its temperature is close to the temperature of the human body (30-45 ° C).
Essentuki alkaline-salt waters move most quickly into the intestines, which appear in the ileum within 7-10 minutes.
Other waters of the Caucasian mineral waters also pass through the intestines quite quickly. Low-mineralized waters, passing through the small intestine, are quickly absorbed and do not reach the large intestine, with the exception of Essentuki No. 17 and No. 4.
Hypertonic waters - Glauber's (laxatives) and bitter waters - pass through the intestines in a completely different way.
Strong laxative waters cause pronounced peristalsis and, ultimately, defecation with the passage of large quantities of watery stool.
The sum of the physical and chemical properties of mineral water affects the nerve reflectors embedded in the intestinal wall, and thereby affects the functional activity of both the intestine itself and the stomach, pancreatic (pancreatic) gland, liver, gall bladder, etc.

Method of drinking treatment . If the patient has diarrhea, then drinking treatment should be carried out carefully, mainly with water with low mineralization, heated to 40-45 C, or natural hot mineral water.
You can skip the morning intake and drink water in the afternoon before lunch or in the evening before dinner. The dose of water should be small at first (1/2 cup). In the future, depending on the patient’s condition, you can move on to more frequent doses of water (up to three times a day), while increasing the size of the single dose.
Drinking mineral water with sufficient mineralization and carbon dioxide content can be used to treat some forms of constipation.
When treating atonic constipation, it is better to drink cold mineral water, and for spastic constipation, it is better to drink hot water.
In cases of habitual constipation or when stool occurs after 2-3 days, drinking Batalinskaya water or other laxative water, both in pure form (1-1.5 glasses) and in a mixture with low-mineralized water, is effective.
Drinking treatment of spastic constipation, as well as atonic constipation, should occur against the background of a special diet. It is imperative to do therapeutic exercises and, in general, have a properly organized motor regimen, paying attention to strengthening the abdominal press.

Indications for prescribing laxative waters :
1. Habitual constipation.
2. Constipation due to gynecological diseases.
3. Severe flatulence.
4. Pronounced processes of putrefaction in the intestines.
5. Obesity accompanied by constipation.

Drinking treatment of intestinal diseases with mineral water is an important method of internal use of mineral water, since chronic colitis is often combined with diseases of the liver, stomach, metabolism and other diseases indicated for treatment by drinking mineral water.
However, in severe forms of intestinal diseases, accompanied by persistent constipation, it is necessary to resort to rectal methods of internal use of mineral water: mineral water enemas, siphon intestinal lavages, microenemas, intestinal baths, underwater intestinal lavages. Drinking treatment with mineral water and rectal methods are one of the main methods of complex spa therapy for intestinal diseases. In addition, balneological hydrotherapeutic procedures in the form of baths, showers, and mud therapy are used in the treatment of intestinal diseases.

The functioning of the intestine, both normally and in pathology, is greatly influenced by the nervous system. Therefore, in resort conditions it is necessary to strengthen the state of the nervous system. It is important to conduct a high-quality scatological and x-ray examination and, if indicated, then sigmoidoscopy.

You should pay attention to the search for protozoa and worm eggs and take into account the presence of concomitant diseases, primarily diseases of other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, various metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes, obesity, etc.) and the state of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. The main group of intestinal diseases indicated for drinking treatment with mineral waters are colitis and enterocolitis outside the period of exacerbation.

The correct prescription of drinking mineral water is the key to successful treatment. For example, drinking mineral water in large quantities and not sufficiently heated under conditions of poor timing of drinking water in relation to food intake can lead to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

For treatment of chronic colitis resorts with sodium chloride waters containing calcium are indicated, given its anti-inflammatory effect. When choosing a resort, you should take into account the presence of concomitant diseases. For example, if colitis is combined with decreased gastric secretion, it is better for the patient to take sodium chloride or bicarbonate-chloride-sodium mineral water (at the resorts of Essentuki, Staraya Russa, Nizhnye Sergi, etc.).

At colitis with constipation and increased gastric secretion the patient is sent to Zheleznovodsk, Borjomi, etc.

At colitis with inflammatory infiltration Intestinal walls (pericolit) of the patient are sent to those drinking resorts where there are conditions for mud therapy. These are such famous health resorts as Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Odessa, Sernovodsk, Saki and others). Such patients can also be sent to resorts, where mud therapy can be combined with a stay on the seashore and use early baths, sea baths and dosed sun exposure (Evpatoria, Saki, etc.).

Exist contraindications for drinking treatment at resorts for patients with intestinal diseases. These include acute and chronic dysentery (bacillary and amoebic), tuberculosis, intestinal syphilis, diarrhea due to chronic sepsis, ulcerative colitis, stenotic processes of the intestines and other inflammatory diseases.

Not all functional disorders of the intestines are subject to treatment at resorts: diarrhea, constipation. The success of spa treatment largely depends on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, as well as on therapeutic nutrition. Intestinal dyspepsia can be fermentative, putrefactive or mixed. Often it depends on gastric digestion disorders, which, in turn, can be associated with a number of other diseases, such as bad teeth.
Diarrhea can also be of allergic, intoxicating or endocrine origin. Treatment of diarrhea must be based on its pathogenesis (elimination of allergens from food - milk, eggs, crayfish, strawberries, etc.; taking measures to combat endogenous and exogenous intoxication; treatment of metabolic and endocrine diseases, etc.). Patients with diarrhea of ​​psychonervous origin are not indicated for drinking treatment. The main group of patients for whom treatment at drinking resorts is indicated are patients with constipation of functional origin as a result of disturbances in neural correlations.
Disturbances in intestinal motor function (hypoperistalsis, hyperperistalsis, spasms, dyskinesia) are a consequence of a reduced threshold for irritation of the intramural nervous system embedded in the intestinal wall, or it is a manifestation of vegetative dystonia associated with the central nervous system.

Intestinal motor function is influenced by hormonal factors: constipation with myxedema, diarrhea with Graves' disease.
Constipation can develop with an improper diet that is poor in plant fiber. Sometimes constipation develops when lead, nicotine and other substances enter the body, causing intestinal spasms.
During spa treatment of constipation, special attention should be paid to the general strengthening of the body and its nervous system, proper nutrition, especially in case of nutritional constipation. In this group of patients, mineral water with chlorine, sodium, and bicarbonate sulfate ions is used.

For spastic constipation, mineral water is heated and given in small quantities. Occasionally and for a short time, bitter and laxative waters such as Batalinskaya are used.

For constipation of functional origin, if there are no other diseases that require drinking treatment with mineral waters, it is not necessary to refer the patient for drinking treatment. In such cases, a cure can be obtained at seaside resorts. The sea, sun and air of these resorts, the correct spa regime, unloading the nervous system are the main healing factors that, acting on the body as a whole, change the general condition of the patient and improve intestinal function.

Contraindications for treatment of intestinal diseases at drinking resorts are: constipation associated with narrowing of the intestinal lumen due to scars, tumors, etc.

Inflammatory bowel diseases are effectively treated at the resorts of Arzni, Argman, Belokurikha, Berezovskie Mineral Waters, Birshtonas, Borjomi, Hot Key, Jermuk, Dzau, Druskininkai, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Izhevsk Mineral Waters, Isti-Su, Krainna, Kuna, Mirgorod, Morshyn, Nizhnie Sergi, Odessa, Polyana, Pyatigorsk, Sairme, Seregovo, Soltsy, Staraya Russa, Tamisk, Truskavets, Khilovo, Cherche, Shira, Shivanda, Shimanovka, Yamarovka.

In the treatment of functional intestinal disorders, in addition to drinking resorts, the southern coast of Crimea (Sudak, Feodosia), the Riga seaside, Svetlogorsk, Sestroretsk, Palanga, Pärnu, etc. can be used.

Be healthy!