Beet masks. Beetroot face masks Beetroot face mask

Beets are known as one of the first cosmetics. With her help, or rather with the help of beet juice, the beauties tinted their lips and applied a blush to their cheeks, which looked simply charming.

And today, beets are one of the best remedies for treating acne. And its main advantage is that beets, perhaps, are the vegetable that grows in every garden. And that means that the treatment of acne and pimples with its help will be absolutely free.

The beetroot mask, which is very, very simple to prepare, has several positive effects at once. First of all, it cleanses and tightens pores, which is especially important for those who have oily skin.

Also, a beetroot mask, with regular use, relieves inflammation, refreshes and moisturizes the skin, which means that it can be used not only for those who have oily skin on their faces, but also for those. Whose skin is dry.

A beetroot mask for the face helps to get rid of age spots, and this process is absolutely harmless, as well as tones and stimulates rejuvenation processes.

And this means that such a mask is a real salvation for everyone. Who cares about their beauty and wants to prolong youth.

Terms of Use

To properly use a beetroot mask for acne, you need to remember a few simple rules.

  • The mask can be prepared only from fresh root crops without signs of mold and decay. It is impossible to leave the prepared mask for long-term storage even in the refrigerator.
  • Mix the ingredients preferably in a clay or glass bowl.
  • To prepare the mask, it is recommended to use not only juice, but also puree, both raw and boiled, a decoction of leaves or a decoction of a root crop.
  • It is not recommended to apply the mask on the skin for more than 10 minutes, and preferably no more than 10, since then it will be very difficult to get rid of the burgundy skin tone.
  • Can be paired with other vegetables, oils, herbs and cereals.

Now that we have learned all the secrets of this wonderful vegetable, it's time to find out how to make a face mask from beets that would help get rid of acne.

Beetroot mask for acne

In order to clean the pores, as well as to get rid of pustular rashes, beetroot juice squeezed out of a fresh plant should be used. With the help of such a mask at home, you can remove inflammation, irritation, redness, remove traces of pigmentation and make the skin fresh and healthy.

The main ingredients for a beetroot mask for acne:

  • Beets - 10 grams.
  • Bodyaga - 5 grams.
  • Lemon oil - 2 drops.

Combine all ingredients in one glass bowl. It is better to use fresh beets, which should be mashed. Distribute only on problem areas and wash off after 8 minutes. Use a couple of times a week.

Beetroot mask for oily skin

Oily skin is a real problem. Get rid of shine, clean and tighten pores, relieve inflammation and redness with our simple vegetable face mask recipe, which you can easily prepare at home.

The main components will be:

  • Tomato puree - a small spoon.
  • Aspirin - one tablet.

Crush an aspirin tablet. Squeeze juice from beets. Tomato puree without skins and seeds. Mix everything in a glass bowl. Apply to the skin and keep no more than 6 - 8 minutes. You can make such a mask once a week, preferably in the evening, before going to bed.

Beetroot face mask for cleansing pores

To deep cleanse the pores of the face, it is not necessary to use expensive scrubs. For this, a mask for cleansing pores using beets is perfect. In addition, the use of natural cosmetics based on vegetables helps to narrow the pores well and has a gentle effect on the skin.

To prepare the mask, you must prepare in advance:

  • Beetroot decoction - 15 ml.
  • Chamomile - 5 grams.
  • Oatmeal - 5 grams.

Chamomile flowers, which can be bought at a pharmacy, and grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and dilute with beetroot broth. Apply the resulting mask on the face and hold for no more than 8 minutes. It is recommended to do this mask once every two weeks.

Beetroot mask for skin elasticity and firmness

To restore elasticity and tone to the skin, you can use a beetroot mask with the addition of coconut oil. This effective recipe is especially useful for women who are already 30 years old and the first wrinkles have appeared on their faces.

To prepare the mask, you should prepare:

  • Beet juice - 5 ml.
  • Dead Sea mud - 10 grams.
  • - 5 grams.

The Dead Sea mud must be warmed up in hot water, dropping a bag there without opening it. Then mix with beetroot juice and coconut oil. Apply the mask on the face and keep for about 12 minutes. Then wash up. Use a mask with Dead Sea mud and beetroot in courses of 10 sessions each twice a week.

Beetroot mask for moisturizing dry skin

To moisturize dry skin, as well as to rejuvenate it, it is best to use natural cosmetics. Thus, without difficulty and almost free of charge, you can achieve the complete disappearance of peeling and tightness of the skin, moisturize the skin at the cellular level and improve the renewal of the epidermis.

To prepare such a mask you will need:

  • Beets - 10 grams.
  • Shea butter - 5 grams.
  • - 5 grams.

Boil a piece of beetroot and chop well - prepare mashed potatoes. Add shea butter and yogurt to the puree. Spread the mixture on the skin and keep for 12 minutes. This mask will be especially useful in winter. Can be used three times a week.

Beetroot mask for aging and problem skin

This mask will literally bring life back to withered skin, as well as help make it fresh and velvety, improve the processes of regeneration and oxygen respiration at the level of the epidermis.

To prepare this mask, you should have on hand in advance:

  • Beets - 10 grams.
  • Fresh avocado - 15 grams.
  • Rice starch - 5 grams.
  • Vitamin B 12 - 1 ampoule.

Grind beets and avocados in a food processor, add rice water and vitamin. Mix everything and apply on the face. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can arrange such masks no more than once a week.

Beetroot Whitening Mask

This homemade mask made from natural products not only has a whitening effect, but also helps to get rid of inflammation, refreshes the face, relieves puffiness and improves turgor. To prepare a natural beetroot mask at home, you need to prepare:

  • Beetroot juice - a small spoon.
  • Cosmetic clay - a large spoon.
  • Almond oil - 20 drops.

Clay should be diluted with mineral water before use. After that, add beet juice to the resulting gruel. Stir and add 20 drops of almond oil. Apply to face, hold for up to 10 minutes and rinse with water. You can do this mask no more than 3 times a month.

Rejuvenating beetroot mask

To restore elasticity and radiance to the skin, as well as to achieve its softness and snow-whiteness, such a simple mask that you can make at home will help. To do this, prepare:

  • Beetroot juice - one large spoon.
  • Sour cream - a tablespoon.

Prepare a puree from a banana, mix it with the rest of the ingredients, mix well. Apply to the skin of the face and soak for 12 minutes, rinse with water. You can make such a mask no more than once a week.

Beetroot mask for wrinkles

A beetroot mask is an excellent remedy for restoring youthfulness to the skin of the face. To do this, use this simple mask:

  • Beet juice - a small spoon.
  • Milk - a teaspoon.
  • Mashed potatoes.

Blend all ingredients into a puree and mix. Dilute with milk to a state of gruel and apply on face. Keep for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. You can do this mask 2 times a week.

Our readers write

My Acne Treatment Experience

Good afternoon!

She stubbornly tried to cure me with a variety of ointments and gels, pills and traditional medicine. but nothing worked. It seemed that there would always be more than love between us. Acne will also bind us. It was very, very annoying.

And somehow my beloved girl, in search of another remedy for acne, came across this amazing article on the Internet. Here we talked in detail about such an acne remedy as.

We decided to try it right away - and what if we were lucky too. , received in the mail and began to act.

Surprisingly, I could see the first result in a week! Pimples began not only to decrease in size, they stopped being red, stopped itching and began to literally go away.

My beloved liked it so much that she decided that the course of treatment should be completed completely. And we did not lose! Only a month has passed and now I have clear skin - not a single pimple, not a single scar or other trouble!

I am very grateful to my girlfriend for the fact that she literally saved me from acne. It's so cool to look in the mirror and see your face, not acne!

How do I get rid of age spots on my face?

Hello everybody!

Pimples are very annoying. But until I was 23, I didn’t even know what it was. It all started with hormonal changes in the body, which happens to every woman during pregnancy and after childbirth.

My face looked terrible - the age spots were large, occupying almost the entire forehead and cheeks. I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror.

Caring for a small child somehow brightened my days. But when my daughter grew up a little, I finally decided to regain my former appearance. And I realized that the first thing I need to do is get rid of age spots.

And then I accidentally came across on the Internet about a tool called Inblanc. This whitening milk could be ordered right here, which I did.

I received my purchase quickly and started working the same day. I used whitening milk 3 to 5 times a day and I could see the first results in just a week. Pigmented spots on the forehead became lighter, and on the cheeks did not respond to treatment.


My name is Elena and I am 20 years old. My first pimple appeared at the age of 14 and since then I have learned all the delights of this disease. But for a year now, there was not a single pimple on my face. And the whole secret lies in a unique preparation.

If you had seen my face 5 years ago, you would have been horrified! Pimples were very different - large and small, they were everywhere. I was ashamed to go outside. I was treated with affordable folk methods - chamomile and celandine. They didn't help as much as I would like.

I had complexes, my mother tried to help me, but acne did not want to go away. I seem to have come to terms with my problem. And even learned to live with acne.

But one day a friend of my mother came to visit us. And when I saw the terrible state of my face, I was very surprised that we had not yet bought an amazing remedy. She gave us its name - and that's how I found out about Aknelocin. read

Every woman, regardless of age and status, makes every effort to look attractive and flawless. First of all, lovely ladies pay close attention to their hair and, of course, their facial skin. In order for the skin condition to always please, a variety of cosmetic products are used, which can be bought without problems in specialized stores or pharmacies. Recently, however, the fair sex prefer to give their preference to nourishing masks created on their own, that is, in normal home conditions.

Home cosmetic formulations are based on exclusively natural ingredients, including vegetables and fruits, which are always present in the kitchen of caring hostesses. For example, from beets, a well-known healthy vegetable, you can prepare several recipes for nourishing masks that will not only help get rid of unwanted wrinkles, but also add freshness and blush to delicate facial skin. Why is beetroot used as a basis, but because the benefits of this vegetable were noted by our great-grandmothers. After all, it is not in vain that the vitamin component in ancient times was used both for the treatment of various ailments, and as a basis for the manufacture of cosmetic formulations.

The benefits of beetroot mask

Among the many natural ingredients used to make nourishing masks, beets are far from the last place, as noted earlier. Considering the reviews of the fair sex, which can be found on the forum, the vitamin root vegetable helps to fight age-related changes perfectly. By applying a beet mask on the face, it is really possible to restore metabolic processes, which, unfortunately, slow down after 35 years. After all, beetroot has, one might say, a vitamin complex, which will nourish the skin of the face, after applying the vitamin-nutrient base:

  • will help to establish the process of producing the necessary collagen - vitamins of group C;
  • perfectly moisturize the skin with a sufficient amount of potassium;
  • firmness and elasticity will be maintained due to the presence of pectin;
  • curcumin will act as a natural cleaner;
  • betaine will help moisturize and maintain elasticity.

Moreover, the necessary trace elements and vitamins are contained not only in the root crop, but also in the tops.

And besides, a face mask made from fresh beets is considered universal and, one might even say, a unique cosmetic product, because the vitamin composition has practically no contraindications.

Given the reviews of the fair sex, who have already tried homemade beet-based cosmetics, we can conclude that the main ingredient has a different effect on the skin of the face, depending on skin type. For example:

  • normal or combination skin type will be perfectly nourished by beetroot cosmetic mass;
  • problematic skin can be remarkably cleansed;
  • dry skin will be moisturized;
  • using a beetroot mask for a fatty type, it will be possible to normalize the action of the sebaceous glands.

No matter what type of skin the nature of lovely ladies endows, the beetroot mask will certainly nourish the epithelium with vitamins, help relieve fatigue and give a fresh blush.

Homemade beetroot mask recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for the preparation of nourishing and vitamin face masks, which are based on beets. We will analyze the most effective and popular ones, taking into account the feedback from women. Whatever method of preparation is chosen, one must not forget to adhere to the basic rule - in no case should the root crop be used without an additional ingredient. If the beets are used as an independent product, then after removing the remnants of the mask, the skin of the face will acquire a red, to put it mildly, unattractive hue.

The most effective and simple recipes for the nutritional composition of beets, which you can cook on your own at home, are the following:

  1. Vitamin-nutritive mass from raw grated root.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of grated beets;
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream;
  • 1 chicken yolk or two quail.

You can prepare such a mask with honey if there is no allergic reaction to a natural product.

  1. Mask based on beet juice, best suited for problem skin. For cooking you will need:
  • 4 tablespoons freshly squeezed root juice;
  • 1 tablespoon grated potatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon flour.

All components must be mixed to a mushy state, applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. After the mask is simply washed off under running warm water.

  1. From boiled beets, grated, vitamin-nutrient masks are also prepared. Aloe juice, infusion of medicinal herbs or natural honey can be added to the main component. This option is perfect for any type of skin.

A beautiful beetroot can be found in every garden, and any housewife stores this wonderful vegetable in her kitchen. It's time to take advantage of the cosmetic properties of beets and use them to make wonderful masks. Universal beetroot masks for the face have practically no contraindications and take care of any type of skin.

The chemical composition of beets is such that each element that forms the basis of this vegetable works to maintain the tone and health of your skin:

  • vitamin C gives cells a rebirth, forcing collagen and elastin to be produced in them again and again;
  • potassium actively moisturizes the driest skin;
  • curcumin gives the beetroot mask a peeling effect, cleansing the pores from the deepest impurities;
  • cellulose rises to protect the skin from infections;
  • pectins make the skin supple and incredibly smooth;
  • betaine is a natural skin moisturizer.

Such a complex impact makes beetroot masks for the face almost a magical tool that transforms the skin.

Beetroot face masks: indications and contraindications

Beauties who decide to make a homemade beetroot mask should know what effect it has on a particular type of skin:

  • clears problematic skin from inflammation;
  • dry - actively moisturizes;
  • fatty - treats, normalizing the work of the glands;
  • normal and combined - nourishes;
  • tired - invigorates, tones;
  • yellowed gives a beautiful, healthy, beautiful color.

Since beetroot face masks contain a lot of vitamin C, you should not apply them to severe foci of inflammation or open wounds. Knowing about the strong coloring property of beets, you should not overexpose the mask, otherwise the skin will become too red.

The best recipes for beetroot face masks

Choose the beetroot face mask that suits your skin type so that the effect is maximum and expected. Previously, it would not be superfluous to test the prepared remedy on the bend of the elbow or wrist. In recipes, you can use both beetroot juice and the vegetable itself in fresh and boiled form.

  • Classic mask for oily skin

Grate fresh beets and apply a thick layer on the face.

  • Potato mask for problem skin

Mix beetroot juice (3 tablespoons) with grated raw potatoes (1 tablespoon) and wheat flour (1 tablespoon).

  • Egg-sour cream mask for normal skin

Grated fresh beets (a tablespoon) mix with egg yolk and sour cream (a teaspoon).

  • Herbal mask for dry skin

Grate the beetroot boiled for two hours, mix it (a tablespoon) with milk (a tablespoon), infusion of St. John's wort and aloe juice (a teaspoon each).

Do not deprive your skin of small joys: be sure to prepare a holiday for it in the form of a beetroot mask for the face so that it looks wonderful and finds a second youth.

In order to look perfect, women first of all always took care of the condition of the skin of the face and body. A variety of ingredients have been used for skin care products, including fruits and vegetables, such as the well-known beetroot, which can be found in any kitchen. Its amazing healing properties have been known to people since the time of Hippocrates and were often used both for the treatment of many diseases and for the preparation of cosmetic preparations.

Beets have a number of useful trace elements that fight wrinkles on the face.

Useful properties of the product

Today, products that can be prepared independently from natural ingredients are becoming increasingly popular among women. Among them, not the last place is occupied by beetroot face masks, which are used as anti-aging cosmetics. The composition of the root crop includes substances that restore metabolic processes that slow down after 30 years:

  • vitamin C - helps to renew cells, activates the production of collagen and elastin, thereby creating a rejuvenating effect and eliminating wrinkles;
  • potassium - moisturizes and prevents peeling;
  • pectin - maintains elasticity and smoothness;
  • fiber - protects against infections and external irritants;
  • curcumin - acts as a cleaner and performs the function of peeling;
  • betaine - not only acts as a moisturizer, but also maintains skin elasticity.

A large amount of sugar, manganese, iron, iodine, B vitamins, acids (ascorbic, malic, folic), as well as trace elements such as copper, cobalt, lithium are found both in the root itself and in the tops. That is why beetroot masks are a unique remedy that has practically no contraindications. Those who are going to prepare homemade beetroot cosmetics need to clarify what effect the product has on each skin type:

  • normal / combined - nourishes;
  • problematic - cleans;
  • tired - well tones;
  • dry - moisturizes;
  • oily - normalizes the sebaceous glands.

Preparation of beets for masks

Regardless of skin type, a beetroot mask helps to improve complexion, but it must be used with caution, especially if there are wounds or foci of inflammation on the surface of the dermis.

The B vitamins in the composition of the root crop have a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the health of the hair, so the hair mask is used as a means of protecting the hair from the adverse effects of the environment.

homemade recipes

The main rule for making masks at home, which must be followed, is not to use beets in their pure form, as the face may become reddish. It is recommended to add white ingredients to the recipe to soften the bright shade of the main product and select the composition, focusing on skin type. As a rule, boiled or fresh vegetables are used in masks, as well as beetroot juice:

Raw grated beets - a spoon, sour cream - a teaspoon, yolk - combine all the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. The resulting mask can be used for normal skin.

Beet juice - 3 tablespoons, raw grated potatoes and flour - combine one spoonful of each ingredient, apply on face. Suitable for problem type.

Boiled beets (boil for 2 hours, grate), milk - 1 tablespoon of each product, aloe juice and St. John's wort - 1 teaspoon mix and apply to the surface of the face. This mask with the addition of medicinal herbs is well suited for dry skin.

The following recipe for dry skin is simple: beetroot juice - a spoon, cream - a teaspoon, combine and distribute a thin layer over the face.

Grate the pulp of one raw beet on a fine grater and combine with a glass of sour cream, apply to the skin and keep until completely dry, clean with warm water. This recipe works well for the fatty type.

Beetroot with horseradish for skin whitening

Beet and cucumber juice - 2 teaspoons each, heavy cream - a spoon, combine and apply the mass on the face, remove after 15 minutes. The mask has nourishing and whitening properties.

Well whitens the skin and the following composition: chopped root crop and horseradish (an equal amount of products) mix and dilute with mineral water until the density of sour cream. Apply the mass on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse.

A wonderful result can also be obtained by rubbing the skin of the face daily with a mixture of milk and beetroot juice (mix in equal proportions).

A mass of freshly grated beets - 3 tablespoons, yogurt - half a glass, mix and use as directed. It is recommended to use daily as a cleanser.

Combine the gruel from the root crop with oatmeal (1: 3) and distribute the mass on clean steamed skin, rinse after 10 minutes. Procedures should be carried out in a course: twice a week for 2 months. This scrub recipe is suitable for all skin types.

Do not forget about the beneficial properties of beetroot juice: it is recommended to drink it daily, which will most positively affect the appearance and condition of the whole organism. Tonic, moisturizing, cleansing products, as well as masks for wrinkles and skin aging can be easily and quickly prepared based on an affordable vegetable, without spending a lot of time and money.

It is quite easy to prepare a hair mask from the root crop: grate the beets, add oatmeal - a spoon, mix well and apply the mass on the hair, distributing it along the entire length, wrap it with a towel and leave for half an hour. The procedure should be carried out twice a month. The course is designed for three months. Using the recipe will help keep the pomp and lightness of oily hair.

The use of beets for dandruff

One of the simplest recipes to help eliminate dandruff is done like this: grate the root crop (2-4 pieces) and apply to strands, wrap with a film and towel, rinse after 40 minutes. Such a hair mask made from beet pulp will not only eliminate the problem of dandruff, but also make hair strong and healthy.

As a rinse, you can use the water in which the root vegetable was boiled, which will give the hair a beautiful shine.

To get a positive result, you need to carry out procedures using beetroot masks regularly, at least twice a week. In addition to cosmetic preparations, which undoubtedly improve the condition of the skin, one should not forget about the processes of digestion, since inflammation on the face and excessive fat secretion can be the result of a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Using home remedies prepared from a familiar root crop, you can very easily solve many problems associated with appearance.

We clean and cut the beets, add a spoonful of honey, as well as olive oil. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Dealing with oily skin

If the skin is problematic and excessively oily, it is necessary to grate the beets, dilute the beets with low-fat kefir, and then cover the face with a mask for 20 minutes. It is very effective to wipe your face with ice after you have washed off such a mask.

How to get rid of freckles at home with beets

Of course, beetroot has an intense coloring effect, but in addition, it can also save you from freckles. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly.

So we take a solution of soda, beets, squeeze the juice out of it, combine the two liquids one to one. Then, with the resulting solution, as a lotion, we wipe the face from freckles. We put gauze on the face and hold for five to fifteen minutes. You can repeat the cosmetic session every day for two weeks.

If you make beetroot masks regularly, you can quickly bring even the most problematic skin back to normal.