Beetroot anti-wrinkle face masks. Beetroot face masks Beetroot mask

A beautiful beetroot can be found in every garden, and any housewife stores this wonderful vegetable in her kitchen. It's time to take advantage of the cosmetic properties of beets and use them to make wonderful masks. Universal beetroot masks for the face have practically no contraindications and take care of any type of skin.

The chemical composition of beets is such that each element that forms the basis of this vegetable works to maintain the tone and health of your skin:

  • vitamin C gives cells a rebirth, forcing collagen and elastin to be produced in them again and again;
  • potassium actively moisturizes the driest skin;
  • curcumin gives the beetroot mask a peeling effect, cleansing the pores from the deepest impurities;
  • cellulose rises to protect the skin from infections;
  • pectins make the skin supple and incredibly smooth;
  • betaine is a natural skin moisturizer.

Such a complex impact makes beetroot masks for the face almost a magical tool that transforms the skin.

Beetroot face masks: indications and contraindications

Beauties who decide to make a homemade beetroot mask should know what effect it has on a particular type of skin:

  • clears problematic skin from inflammation;
  • dry - actively moisturizes;
  • fatty - treats, normalizing the work of the glands;
  • normal and combined - nourishes;
  • tired - invigorates, tones;
  • yellowed gives a beautiful, healthy, beautiful color.

Since beetroot face masks contain a lot of vitamin C, you should not apply them to severe foci of inflammation or open wounds. Knowing about the strong coloring property of beets, you should not overexpose the mask, otherwise the skin will become too red.

The best recipes for beetroot face masks

Choose the beetroot face mask that suits your skin type so that the effect is maximum and expected. Previously, it would not be superfluous to test the prepared remedy on the bend of the elbow or wrist. In recipes, you can use both beetroot juice and the vegetable itself in fresh and boiled form.

  • Classic mask for oily skin

Grate fresh beets and apply a thick layer on the face.

  • Potato mask for problem skin

Mix beetroot juice (3 tablespoons) with grated raw potatoes (1 tablespoon) and wheat flour (1 tablespoon).

  • Egg-sour cream mask for normal skin

Grated fresh beets (a tablespoon) mix with egg yolk and sour cream (a teaspoon).

  • Herbal mask for dry skin

Grate the beetroot boiled for two hours, mix it (a tablespoon) with milk (a tablespoon), infusion of St. John's wort and aloe juice (a teaspoon each).

Do not deprive your skin of small joys: be sure to prepare a holiday for it in the form of a beetroot mask for the face so that it looks wonderful and finds a second youth.

Beets for the face were used as the first cosmetics, lips were tinted with burgundy juice, a blush was applied to the cheeks. And today you can use the vegetable to create homemade recipes. A real storehouse of vitamins and acids gives freshness and elasticity. When used correctly, the root crop is also effective for skin whitening and protects against premature aging.

Benefits of beets for skin

  1. Cleans and tightens pores;
  2. Soothes inflammation;
  3. Refreshes and moisturizes;
  4. Eliminates age spots;
  5. Tones;
  6. Stimulates renewal processes.

Healing composition:

  • carotenoids;
  • vitamins C, folic acid, group B;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • pectin.
  1. Acne, problem skin;
  2. Dry, prone to peeling;
  3. Flabby, with the formation of pigmentation;
  4. For the care of normal dermis.

Contraindications- individual intolerance, wounds, cracks, burns, recent peeling procedure.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for the use of masks with beets

  • cook only from fresh root crops, in small one-time portions;
  • mix in glass, ceramic or earthenware to avoid an oxidation reaction;
  • for masks, you can use juice, raw, boiled puree or decoction of leaves, vegetables;
  • the main precaution is not to keep more than fifteen minutes, otherwise you can get rich burgundy pigmentation of the skin;
  • goes well with oils, other vegetables, herbs and cereals.

Homemade recipes for beetroot face masks

The traditional root crop can be successfully used for skin care. It is easy to create recipes for all types of dermis with your own hands. The use of beets will help restore freshness and radiance, cope with an unhealthy dull color.

Anti-wrinkle beetroot mask

Beet juice for skin is used for freshness and softness of the dermis. Active elements allow you to cope with age-related processes, whiten pigmentation, smooth wrinkles.


  • a teaspoon of milk;
  • potato.

Grind the raw vegetable into a puree, mix the mass with milk and juice. Steam the covers well, then distribute the finished composition. Keep no more than ten minutes, repeat the procedure twice a week.

Beetroot mask for acne

To cleanse the pores, as well as the treatment of purulent formations, it is worth using beet juice for the face. Home masks soothe inflammation, relieve irritation, the skin renews itself faster and no traces of pigmentation remain.


  • 10 gr. beets;
  • 5 gr. bodyagi;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether.

Grate the root crop, and grind dry algae in a coffee grinder, dilute with mineral water. After ten minutes, add beets, and lemon drops, distribute the finished mass on problem areas. After eight minutes, complete facial care, use the remedy twice a week.

Rejuvenating mask

A stale look, dullness and pigmentation accompany the first age-related changes. You can restore radiance and elasticity, whiten the covers with homemade recipes. Thanks to the properties of beets, it is very easy to put the skin in order.


  • Art. a spoonful of beet juice;
  • Art. a spoonful of sour cream;

Mix vegetable juice with sour cream, add banana puree. Cleanse the face with thermal water, then distribute the product with a dense mass from the bottom up. Leave for twelve minutes, finish with the usual washing. Repeat spa treatment once a week, before going to bed.

Whitening mask

An effective homemade recipe will help get rid of inflammation and pigmentation. A natural mask will refresh the color, relieve puffiness, improve the turgor of the integument.


  • a teaspoon of beetroot juice;
  • Art. spoon of clay;
  • 20 drops of almond oil.

First, dilute the clay with mineral water, then add vegetable juice to a thick slurry. The last to add the oil, mix thoroughly for uniformity. Apply to the steamed dermis, avoiding the eyelids and nasolabial triangle. Wait about eight/ten minutes. Refer to the procedure up to three times a month.

For aging and problematic skin

It will help to refresh, rejuvenate, give velvety at home beetroot mask. Vitamins and minerals saturate the cells of the epidermis, improve oxygen respiration and regeneration processes.


  • 10 gr. beets;
  • 15 gr. avocado;
  • 5 gr. rice starch;
  • ampoule of vitamin B12.

Peel and grind the fruits in a kitchen machine, add cereal starch and pharmaceutical solution. Distribute the mass on the covers, following the massage lines. Enjoy the action for about fifteen minutes, repeat the care session once a week.

For oily skin

You can remove oily sheen, clean pores, relieve inflammation and redness with vegetable recipes. Peeling mask removes dead cells, stimulates renewal processes.


  • a teaspoon of beetroot juice;
  • aspirin tablet.

Squeeze juice from the vegetable, mix with tomato puree and crushed aspirin. Spread the gruel in a circular motion, keep no more than six / eight minutes. Apply the procedure every three weeks in the evening so that the skin has time to recover during sleep.

To moisturize dry skin


  • 10 gr. beets;
  • 5 gr. shea butter;

Grind boiled beets, add nourishing oil and natural yogurt. Distribute after cleansing, following the lines of the lymph flow, keep for about twelve minutes. It is useful to use homemade cosmetics in the winter and off-season up to three times a week.

For cleansing pores

For deep cleansing, strengthening of facial capillaries, as well as freshness of the face, it is worth using an effective remedy. Natural cosmetics have a gentle effect, help to narrow the pores.


  • 15 ml of beetroot broth;
  • 5 gr. chamomile;
  • 5 gr. oatmeal.

Grind chamomile flowers with oat flakes in a coffee grinder, dilute with broth. Distribute the finished mass and leave for seven / eight minutes. Repeat the cleansing session every two weeks.

For elasticity and firmness

An effective recipe will help restore tone and elasticity, smooth out static wrinkles. The mask allows you to cope with the first age-related changes, and is also effective for rejuvenating the mature dermis.


  • 5 ml beetroot juice;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil.

Warm up the healing mud by putting it in a bag and immersing it in hot water for ten minutes. Then mix with vegetable juice and nourishing nut butter. Spread the mass with a spatula from the bottom up, slightly pulling the skin up. Keep up to twelve minutes, then you can wash your face. Use in courses of seven/ten sessions.

Video recipe: Beetroot mask for problem skin at home

Beets are a well-known and beloved vegetable that is constantly present in Slavic cuisine. Beets are very useful and everyone knows it. Widely used, beets, and for medicinal purposes. Beetroot masks fully support the reputation of this vegetable as a medicinal product.

Beetroot masks have a refreshing, tonic effect, effectively relieve various skin inflammations.

How beetroot masks transform the skin

The chemical composition of beets is such that each element that forms the basis of this vegetable works to maintain the tone and health of your skin:

  • vitamin C gives cells a rebirth, forcing them to produce collagen and elastin again and again;
  • potassium actively moisturizes the driest skin;
  • curcumin gives the beetroot mask a peeling effect, cleansing the pores from the deepest impurities;
  • fiber stands up to protect the skin from infections;
  • pectins make the skin supple and incredibly smooth;
  • betaine is a natural skin moisturizer.

Such a complex impact makes beetroot masks for the face almost a magical tool that transforms the skin.

Rules for applying beet masks on the face

  • Do not keep beetroot masks on your face for more than 20 minutes to avoid skin staining. Because beets are high in vitamin C,
  • do not apply beetroot masks if the skin has open or fresh lesions, wounds, scratches.

Recipes for beetroot masks for the face

All the beetroot masks below have a complex effect: they nourish, cleanse, improve complexion, and brighten. If they have some kind of accent, then it is indicated.

Beetroot with kefir

Grate the beets, add a little low-fat kefir if the skin is oily, and cream if dry, and apply on the face. You need to remove it after 30-40 minutes with ice cubes from the refrigerator (beauticians advise you to always keep cubes of frozen mineral water there).

Nourishing mask

As a rule, they have a complex effect (whitening, moisturizing). They include fermented milk products and egg yolk. To prepare the composition, carefully mix 1 tablespoon of raw beet pulp, 1 teaspoon of fat sour cream and egg yolk. Apply evenly on the skin and leave to "act" for about 15-20 minutes. After washing, apply a moisturizer. This mask is also suitable for women with normal skin.

Beets, milk, St. John's wort and aloe juice

Boil raw beets for two hours, then let them cool, peel and chop on a fine grater, like a salad. Then take a tablespoon of beetroot puree and combine it with the same amount of milk and St. John's wort, and after mixing, pour another teaspoon of fresh aloe juice. Spread the mixture on the face, forming a mask, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with running water.

Beetroot and honey face mask

This recipe can be used by owners of too dry skin that requires immediate hydration:

  • To 3 tablespoons of boiled grated beets, add 1 teaspoon of natural honey and the same portion of olive oil;
  • After the mixture has been stirred and brought to a homogeneous state, it should be distributed on all facial areas;
  • After 15 minutes, wipe everything off with a paper towel and rinse with lukewarm water several times.

Beet juice mask

You will need: two teaspoons of beetroot juice, one tablespoon of heavy cream, two teaspoons of cucumber juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Potato mask

It should be used by those women who suffer from rather problematic skin. Raw potatoes are first peeled and then grated. After that, 3 tablespoons of beetroot juice are added to one tablespoon of grated raw potatoes. Also, a large spoonful of wheat flour must be added to the mixture.

Cleansing mask of beetroot and rye bread for all skin types

On a fine grater, grate a little beetroot to make 2 tablespoons of the mass. Soak a slice of rye bread in boiled warm water. Mix the ingredients by adding a teaspoon of sour cream. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse first with warm, then cool water. The mask can be used once a week.

Toning beetroot mask for tired and sluggish skin

In half a glass of any mineral water without gas, add 2 tablespoons of beets, grated on a fine grater. Apply to cleansed face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. The mask can be applied twice a week.

Do not deprive the skin of your face of the little joys of nutrition and cleansing. To quickly prepare an affordable holiday for the skin, you can always use such a common ingredient as ordinary beets.

Beetroot has been used to create blush by women in past centuries. Give your skin beauty and youth with the help of caring cosmetics from this valuable vegetable. Spend a minimum of money and time, and get the maximum benefit.


Such familiar and familiar to all of us beets are over two thousand years old. Such is the history of the cultivation of this vegetable by mankind, and some scientists assure that a person knew beets as a tasty and healthy vegetable much earlier than the indicated date.

There are several dozen varieties of beets, but, by and large, all this diversity can be divided into three types of beets: sugar, from the roots of which sugar is prepared, fodder, which goes to feed livestock, and food. Here we will talk about the last one. It is she, bright red or brown, depending on the variety and place of growth, that is an indispensable component in borscht and vinaigrettes familiar to every Russian person.


"Utility" in ordinary beets is a whole complex. Vital groups of vitamins, a "set" of mineral components, amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber - a real "storehouse" of health. So 100 grams of beetroot contains:

  • gamma-aminobutyric acid is essential for regulating metabolism in the brain;
  • organic acids (0.06 g), such as malic, oxalic, lactic, tartaric, citric acids, contribute to the digestion of food;
  • fiber and pectins (1.1% and 0.9%, respectively) remove decay products and salts of heavy metals from the intestines;
  • flavonoids contained in the dyes of the root have a unique property of a beneficial effect on the blood, strengthen the walls of capillaries, lower blood pressure, relieve vascular spasms, have an anti-radiation and anti-carcinogenic effect;
  • betaine and betanine - unique alkaloid-like compounds that promote the formation of choline, without which the liver will not work properly;
  • calcium and sodium (37 mg and 86 mg): these proportions of these substances contribute to the speedy dissolution of calcium and the removal of its excess from the body;
  • magnesium (22 mg) regulates the tone of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots in them;
  • iodine (7 mcg) has an anti-sclerotic effect;
  • zinc (425 mcg) improves vision, prolongs the action of insulin;
  • iron (1400 mcg) increases hemoglobin, promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • cobalt (2 μg) is necessary for the production of vitamin B12 in the intestines; in combination with folic acid, it stimulates the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow, that is, it prevents the development of anemia;
  • B vitamins (B, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9) stabilize metabolic processes in the body and have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system;
  • vitamin C (10 mg) strengthens the immune system;
  • alkaline compounds of mineral salts maintain the acid-base balance, stimulate metabolic processes, promote the removal of metabolites and toxins from the body.

In addition, the composition of beets includes such trace elements as copper (140 μg), manganese (0.66 mg), chromium (20 μg), fluorine (20 μg), molybdenum (10 μg), boron (280 μg), vanadium (70 mcg), rubidium (453 mcg), potassium (288 mg), phosphorus (43 mg) and chlorine (43 mg). Also in the root there are vitamins PP, A and E, which play an important role in the normal functioning of all organs of the human body.


Beetroot is a delicious vegetable that is widely used in national cuisine. And it's not just that it's a fairly cheap product. Beets have a number of unique beneficial properties, which, perhaps, our ancestors did not know for sure, but noticed with an attentive peasant eye.

It is reliably known that the pigment betacyanin contained in the beet, which is responsible for the bright color of the root, is a powerful antitumor agent. Moreover, it acts not only on benign neoplasms, but also on cancerous tumors. Beets have a particularly pronounced antitumor effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: cancer of the stomach and colon.

There is evidence that betacyanin helps prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. It is important to eat beets for those who have had cases of diabetes in their family. On the other hand, beets are high in sugars, so people who already have diabetes need to be careful about eating beets.

Beetroot is an excellent natural “antitoxin”. Firstly, beetroot has a high ability to remove toxins from the liver, helping it to cope with foreign elements. Secondly, beets contribute to the removal of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals. This property of beets was widely used in the mid-80s of the last century after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Doctors recommended eating a lot of beets to residents of areas affected by the accident.

By the way, betaine, among other things, is an excellent metabolism booster. Beets, despite the high carbohydrate content for vegetables, are a necessary product in the diet of people who want to lose weight. Another property useful for losing weight people is a mild laxative effect. Beets are excellent at fighting constipation, while not addictive. After the "beetroot" diet, the intestines continue to function normally.

Beets contain folates (folic acid salts), which are a reliable prevention of the development of intrauterine pathologies. Therefore, pregnant women should not neglect beets in order to avoid the development of congenital deformities in the unborn child.

With the help of beetroot juice, you can diagnose the state of the human immune system, which for the most part is “contained” in the intestines. Thus, an indicator of healthy intestinal microflora is the normal color of urine after drinking natural beetroot juice. And if the urine has acquired a characteristic beet color, even a faint shade, this indicates certain problems. Of course, it is not worth diagnosing yourself on the basis of this test, but this should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Since ancient times, beets have been credited with the ability to give male power. Modern science has found an explanation for such properties of beets. Beets contain beta-carotene, which not only strengthens the immune system, but also reduces the risk of developing tumors. And in men, often the cause of sexual weakness is the development of a tumor - prostate adenoma.

By the way, sports doctors found an unexpected property of beets. The use of beetroot juice increases the endurance of athletes by an average of 15% for an increase in oxygen metabolism. In the world of big-time sports, this is a huge figure, which is sometimes sought to be achieved not only by honest methods. So beets can be called natural and absolutely legal doping.

Another amazing property of beetroot is that it does not lose most of its useful properties during heat treatment. Still, raw beetroot or beetroot juice, widely used as a medicine, are products of a specific taste that not everyone likes. Boiling the root crop significantly improves its taste. At the same time, the beneficial properties of beets for the most part remain.

Calorie content of beets

So many good things in beets! But is it possible to eat it often, without being afraid to get better?

It is absolutely not worth worrying about this, since the calorie content of the root crop is quite insignificant and varies depending on the type of vegetable from 40 to 43 kilocalories. At the same time, the content of proteins in it is 1.5 grams, fats - 0.1 grams, and carbohydrates - 8.8 grams.

Beets for children

For a child's body, beets will serve as an excellent tool that strengthens the immune system, due to the content of ascorbic acid contained in the vegetable. Many people pay attention only to sour vegetables and fruits, forgetting that vitamin C is also found in such affordable foods as beets. High vitamin and mineral value will increase efficiency, supply the body with energy for a long time.

Which beets are healthier: fresh or boiled?

Of course, the amount of vitamins is greater in fresh beets. But in addition to vitamins, beets contain fruit acids, which have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach.

In the process of heat treatment, the destruction (though not complete) of acids and nitrates occurs. True, along with these substances, some of the vitamins are also destroyed, but their overwhelming amount remains even in a boiled vegetable. In addition, the main trace elements that beets are rich in: pectin, betanin, fiber remain in it even after prolonged cooking.

Thus, the question "which beets are more useful?" you can answer that the most positive effect is from boiled beets. At least in this form, beets are safer and slightly less useful.

Useful properties of beet juice

In beet juice, as in the beet itself, all the same minerals and vitamins are present, only in a concentrated content. Those. it can be argued that the benefits of beetroot juice are no less than those of fresh or boiled beets. But it is worth drinking it in limited quantities and is better in combination with other vegetable juices.

Freshly squeezed concentrated juice, as a rule, is not drunk in its pure form. Beetroot juice goes well with carrot or pumpkin juice. It must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 5, where 1/5 is beetroot juice. Only in this proportion can it be drunk in an amount of up to 500 ml. and higher. Pure beetroot juice takes some getting used to. Because beetroot is a strong laxative, drinking more than 100ml of fresh beetroot juice. will lead from unaccustomed to indigestion. So, if you decide to do juice therapy with beets, then it’s better to start small before and drink it not immediately after preparation, but let it drain a little

Useful properties of beets

Due to the high content of various groups of vitamins, betaine, minerals and bioflavonoids in beetroot, it is recommended to eat it regularly as a general tonic, which has a very beneficial effect on digestion and metabolic processes of the body as a whole. In addition, the invaluable properties of beets include the ability to remove toxins from the human body, and vitamins A and C contained in it can prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors and stop the development of cancer.

The beneficial properties of beets also include its unique ability to positively influence the hematopoietic system, prevent various diseases of the cardiovascular system, and stimulate the production of hemoglobin. By eating beets regularly, you can avoid such terrible diseases as leukemia or anemia.

Beets also have amazing anti-aging properties. It becomes possible to stop the aging process due to the high content of folic acid in beets, which promotes the formation of new cells.

Beets are a valuable diuretic. Therefore, people suffering from fluid retention in the body or obesity, it is recommended to consume beets in large quantities. This root vegetable cleanses the liver, kidneys and blood, reduces acidity and helps cleanse the liver. The beneficial substances that make up the beetroot have a calming vasodilating, as well as anti-sclerotic effect.

Cons and harm of beets briefly

  1. A lot of sugar. Not for diabetics
  2. Irritates the gastric mucosa with increased acidity
  3. Contraindicated in osteoporosis
  4. Contraindicated in urolithiasis
  5. Causes gastrointestinal upset
  6. Lowers blood pressure (attention for those suffering from hypotension)
  7. Beetroot juice is contraindicated in children under 6 months

Beets in medicine

To cleanse the body of all kinds of harmful substances and toxins, you need to drink raw beet juice. Reception should be started with minimal doses: a teaspoon, no more, and then gradually increase portions to 200 grams. But before drinking raw juice, it must be left for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Freshly squeezed juice has such a powerful effect that taking it may well lead to undesirable consequences, that is, nausea, headache, and vasospasm.

Women of the "Balzac age" must definitely drink beetroot juice during menopause. Twice a day, a third of a glass of juice is mixed with honey (1: 1 ratio) and taken as a prophylactic for hematopoiesis and slowing down the aging process.

The therapeutic preparation is fresh, grated beet pulp for various diseases of the biliary tract and liver diseases. You need to eat 100 grams of such a “salad” every day on an empty stomach.

Half a glass of beetroot juice with honey (1 teaspoon) improves memory. It is necessary to apply such an amount of an anti-atherosclerosis agent daily.

With a cold, beetroot juice is instilled into the nose. If the mucous discharge is too thick, boiled beetroot juice is used as a wash. If the runny nose has passed into the chronic stage, you need to instill a decoction of beets into the nose, well infused and already a little fermented.

Juice squeezed from boiled beets will help improve hearing and relieve deafness. It is only necessary to drip 3-4 drops of this folk remedy daily into each ear.

Beetroot-cranberry juice (2:1 ratio) or raw beetroot juice with honey (1:1) will help with hypertension.

However, self-medication, even if you have meticulously studied the recipes of traditional medicine using beets, is impossible. In any situation, you should definitely consult a doctor, because, despite its endless benefits, this vegetable has a number of restrictions on its use. For example, for some kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus or peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, beetroot juice is contraindicated.

Beets in cosmetology

But did you know that you can use ordinary beetroot as a skin and hair care product? Masks, which include this root crop, have truly magical properties!

For example, such a mask will refresh normal skin. Take 2 tablespoons of raw beet pulp (finely grated), mix them with one egg yolk and a tablespoon of homemade sour cream. Apply the mask in an even layer on the face and leave to “act” for about 20 minutes. Then rinse off the rest of the product with non-cold water.

Beetroot mask will also help get rid of oily skin problems. You need to boil a small beetroot, cool and grate it on the smallest grater. Then add camphor alcohol (1 teaspoon) to the resulting slurry, stir and apply on the face. If you make such masks twice a week for a month, the condition of oily skin will noticeably improve.

Removes beet mask and freckles. It is necessary to thoroughly wipe the problem areas of the face with a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of boiled water), and then apply a gauze cloth soaked in raw beet juice (dilute with water in a 1: 1 ratio) on the face. The course of procedures should be carried out for as long as 2 weeks daily, arranging sessions for 5-15 minutes.

And it will be very useful for hair to “taste” a beet mask against dandruff. All you need is to apply beet pulp on your hair (from roots to ends) and keep this mask warm for 40 minutes, under a plastic cap and a towel. You will carry out such a simple procedure once a week for 3 months, and dandruff will disappear as if by magic.

Even warts can be reduced with beets according to a folk recipe. To do this, treat the affected areas of the skin with the same soda solution, and then apply a compress of grated beet pulp on them. After half an hour, the medical bandage is removed. As experts advise, it is better to conduct such sessions before going to bed for at least 3 weeks. If you do everything right, there will be no trace of warts.

Beets for weight loss

If beets help cleanse the body, perhaps it will help in the eternal struggle with extra pounds? Well, of course, yes! You can just drink a little beetroot juice before each meal - it will prevent the accumulation of fats.

And you can experience for yourself a light beetroot mono-diet. It does not last very long, just a couple of days, but these days you can only eat beets - no more than two kilograms of baked or boiled root crops of your choice. Any way to use: if you want - grate the beets, if you want - cut into slices, and if you want - eat like an apple, biting off the whole head with relish. And most importantly - in these 2 days you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Green tea, still mineral water, vegetable juices without added sugar are perfect for this purpose.

And, of course, during the beet mono-diet you can not drink alcohol, and also use salt, otherwise all your efforts will come to naught. If you strictly adhere to the rules, then you will definitely lose a couple of kilograms!

Good to know

By the way, beets are a kind of "catalyst" for the normal functioning of the kidneys. If you see that after your favorite beet salad your urine has a normal or slightly pinkish tint - everything is in order, the kidneys are healthy. If the color of urine has a rich reddish or burgundy color - perhaps you should go to see a doctor.

To prepare borscht, you need to choose a table variety of beets. You can recognize it by its pleasant pink striped color. And for cold dishes, buy better salad, sweet beets of bright burgundy color.

The so-called sugar beet with almost white flesh is not eaten, it is intended only for the production of sugar.

It is not necessary to salt the water in which the beets are boiled. It is impossible to clean the root crops before cooking and cut off the tail of the vegetable. To prevent boiled beets from turning pale, add ½ teaspoon of table vinegar or lemon juice to the water. At temperatures above 190 ° C, all useful substances in the vegetable are destroyed.

How to quickly cook beets

Most often, we cook beets in a "primitive" way. We wash it, fill it with cold water and send it to the stove. In this case, the beets will be ready in 2-3 hours, depending on the size and "age" of the vegetable. But if you need to speed up this process, you can use some tricks.

If you put the beets in boiling water, the cooking time is reduced to 1 hour.

If, half an hour after boiling, remove the saucepan with beets from the heat and pour it with very cold water for 10-15 minutes, and then return it to the stove, the cooking process will take less than an hour.

And in order to preserve as many useful substances as possible in beets, it is better not to boil it at all, but to bake it in the oven. This process, although long (takes at least 40-60 minutes), takes less time than “primitive” cooking, and the taste of the product will pleasantly surprise you.

Beets during pregnancy

Beets for a future mother and her baby are an invaluable product! Doctors strongly recommend including reasonable portions of beetroot dishes in the diet of a pregnant woman. And it can improve the composition of the blood, and how the diuretic will work, and the digestive process will improve perfectly, and the liver and kidneys will help to cope with increased stress.

In addition, folic acid, which is part of it, is essential for the full development of an unborn baby. And the enormous amount of nutrients and vitamins contained in this vegetable will have a general strengthening effect on the woman's body.

Restrictions and contraindications exist only in cases where a woman has an individual intolerance to this product or has any diseases in which eating beets is contraindicated.

Beets while breastfeeding

For obvious reasons, many familiar foods are excluded from the diet of a woman during breastfeeding. As for beets, for all its benefits, this vegetable should be introduced into the menu gradually, carefully observing the reaction of the baby to it. If there are no allergic manifestations or indigestion, please, you can eat your favorite dishes without fear.

Moreover, raw beetroot salads for the first time should be excluded from the diet. But steamed beets, on the contrary, eat more, because it does not pose any danger to the health of the child, and all useful components with this method of processing are preserved almost unchanged.

It would be nice to diversify the assortment of beetroot dishes. For example, you can stew it with other vegetables like stew, make various salads with the addition of vegetable or olive oil, drink vegetable juices with beets in small quantities. But salads with mayonnaise dressing or with the addition of hot and spicy spices are best avoided altogether - for a little man, and for the mother herself, such food is completely useless.

So, it would seem, such an everyday, familiar vegetable, but how many interesting things can be told about beets. And thank you so much to our beloved beetroot for all the benefits it always brings to us!

Contraindications to the use of beets

As useful and friendly as beetroot may seem, it has its own characteristics. In particular, the presence of oxalates (salts of oxalic acid) can provoke the growth of stones in the kidneys and other organs. This can be dangerous for people who already have similar problems: with cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Raw beets may be contraindicated in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With diabetes, beets should be limited. Firstly, because of the high sugar content, and secondly, because of the carbohydrate content. But you should not completely abandon the beets.

Even small children know about the beneficial properties of beets, but this root crop acts not only as an effective medicine, but is also a miraculous ingredient in natural cosmetics for the care of all skin types. So, beetroot has nutritious, tonic, cleansing and antiseptic properties, so it often participates in the preparation of natural masks and creams.

Even if you are the owner of a normal skin type, this does not mean at all that you are not afraid of any problems with the skin, because in the absence of regular care, even the smooth and velvety skin itself begins to fade, peel, chapped, and simply upset with its appearance. In order not to bother with the preparation of cosmetics for a long time, we offer two effective recipes on how to protect your skin from the damaging effects of the environment.

Recipe number 1. Peel one medium beet and grate it on a fine grater. Then thoroughly mix the prepared beetroot puree with the allocated beetroot juice, and then apply it evenly on the surface of the skin of the face. After half an hour, wash your face, avoiding red stains on your face.

Recipe number 2. Once a day, cut a few fresh peeled slices of beetroot and wipe the skin of the face with them in a quality manner. Such "rubbing" not only nourishes the upper layer of the epidermis, but helps to improve its natural color.

There is also a very effective recipe for creating a beetroot cosmetic mask, which is an excellent prevention for normal skin. To begin with, grind the peeled beets on a fine grater, and mix the finished puree well with a teaspoon of sour cream and whipped yolk. Cover the skin of the face with the finished mixture, and after a quarter of an hour wash.

Beets for cosmetic purposes

As a rule, the use of home cosmetics is aimed at treating, moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing the skin, and many women remember its miraculous properties only when they encounter certain dermatological problems.

What to do if painful acne appears on the skin? First of all, do not despair, because beets will help relieve inflammation and cleanse problem skin. To do this, boil one raw beet, and then pour a dessert spoon of natural apple cider vinegar into the liquid in which it was cooked. Wash yourself with this rose water twice a day, and after a few days, acne will begin to noticeably turn pale, and the treated skin will become much cleaner.

What to wish if the already dry skin of the face begins to dry out and peel off under the influence of the environment? It does not matter, to eliminate such a problem, you should use one of the proposed effective recipes.

Recipe number 1. Mix in one container a tablespoon of beetroot juice and a teaspoon of cream, and after the formation of a viscous homogeneous mass, apply to the surface of the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, rinse your face with running water.

Recipe number 2. Boil raw beets for two hours, then let them cool, peel and chop on a fine grater, like a salad. Then take a tablespoon of beetroot puree and combine it with the same amount of milk and St. John's wort, and after mixing, pour another teaspoon of fresh aloe juice. Spread the mixture on the face, forming a mask, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse with running water.

Recipe number 3. In equal proportions, combine grated beets and heavy cream, and after the formation of a homogeneous mass, apply to the skin of the face and leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash well.

What to do if there is always a greasy shine on the skin of the face? There is a special mask that weakens the activity of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the volume of sebum production is rapidly decreasing. Grind small beets on a grater, and then mix two tablespoons of the resulting slurry with a teaspoon of camphor alcohol. Spread this composition on the face, and after half an hour rinse it thoroughly, avoiding contact with the eyes.

All these folk remedies help maintain the health of the skin of the face, as well as prevent all possible skin problems.