Mash (mung beans, golden beans). The benefits and harms of mung beans, features of care and use Mash beans

You can easily make legends about the beneficial properties of legumes, but few people do this, because it is not so easy to get stable positive results from the use of beans, peas, mung beans and other similar crops because of their truly extraordinary "explosive" power. However, in this article, we will still consider the huge benefits that can be obtained from the regular consumption of mung bean.

By the way, mung beans are sometimes called mung beans or golden beans in culinary recipes. Know that they are one and the same. But let's get down to business...

Chemical composition Masha

Useful properties Masha

Let's start with the fact that mung bean is already useful because it has a rich aroma and pleasant taste, and is also able to saturate almost an entire army of hungry soldiers. And all this with the power of one small pot!

Mash carries a huge boost of energy and a solid supply of macro- and microelements, thanks to which bodybuilders and weightlifters consume it with pleasure. Mung beans contain a lot of complete "dietary" protein, which allows you to build muscle mass and keep the body in good shape. Therefore, waving can easily replace meat several times a week. This will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and practically will not affect the rate of protein synthesis in the body.

The value of mung bean also lies in the fact that its regular consumption helps the body reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as well as fight cancer cells.

On top of that, mung beans are great for restoring the cardiovascular system and regulating hormonal levels (especially in women). Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the most effective in this regard is not heat-treated, but raw germinated mung bean. Because in this case, it retains the most useful substances.

Moreover, during the germination of mung bean, the amount of easily digestible vitamins in its embryos increases several times. And this is a direct way to strengthen immunity, which is important for everyone, including children.

Speaking of children… It is believed that mung beans contribute to the normalization of genitourinary function, as well as increase the concentration of sperm in the semen of men.

Myth? Maybe. But why should you try it for yourself if the need arises?

Application in cooking

Mung bean sprouts can be used both as a separate dish and as a nutritional supplement to salads or as a side dish to the main course. Sprouted mung beans and a special vegetarian pilaf made from a mixture of rice and whole mung beans are especially popular.

By the way, as you already understood, mung beans can be consumed not only whole, but also peeled. In Indian cuisine, there is even a special dish made from shelled mung bean - dhal. In fact, anything can be made from shelled mung bean, including delicious pastas and even desserts.

Golden beans are also used in a different form - for the production of noodles, as a gelling element. But that's a completely different story...

Mung bean is a herbaceous plant from the genus Vigna. It is used in canned and raw forms. In India, shelled grains are used, in China, noodles called “funchose” are prepared from mung bean starch, and sprouted bean sprouts are prepared in national restaurants. Golden bean reduces blood sugar levels, makes the vascular system more elastic and has general tonic qualities.

An annual plant from the legume family. It is called golden beans, although in reality the fruits are green. Mung or mung bean is the most ancient legume. Homeland - India, Pakistan, Bangladesh.

At present, mung beans are known to all parts of the world. But most of all it is appreciated and loved in the Asian world. In Russia and the European part of the post-Soviet space, culture is less known to the population.

Beans have an external resemblance to peas, and taste like beans. The difference is nutty notes in taste.

Mash Benefits:

  • short duration of preparation and cooking - without pre-soaking, steaming time - 40 minutes;
  • the possibility of use by children - does not cause bloating;
  • availability of easily digestible nutrients.

How to choose

Having decided to grow mung bean in the garden, you need to stock up on planting material. You can buy it in a supermarket where mung is sold for eating.

Basic Rules:

  1. Inspect the packaging - the packaging material must be transparent so that small beans can be clearly seen.
  2. Assess the appearance and condition of the contents - small, slightly elongated fruits should have a whole, glossy green skin.
  3. They look at the producer of mung bean - the best are Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, India, Australia.

Beans remain viable for 2 years after harvest. For cultivation, preference should be given to smaller grains, as in the photo: they germinate faster.

Beneficial features

The plant has earned such great popularity in Asia for a reason. The benefits of beans are significant, and there is no harm from eating them.

Medicinal qualities of mung bean:

  • improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to rapid digestion;
  • helps to remove toxins, having a diuretic effect;
  • strengthens the bone and immune system;
  • acts as a prophylactic against arthritis;
  • reduces blood sugar;
  • makes the vascular system more elastic.

There is only one contraindication to the use of green beans - individual intolerance to the components of mung bean.

Composition and calories

Masha has a complex composition. 100 g of the product contains the following substances:

  • protein - 23%;
  • carbohydrates - 44%;
  • fats - 2%;
  • calcium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium;
  • B group vitamins.

Cultivation, care, storage

Since mung bean is a heat-loving crop with a long growing season, in all regions except the southern, it is grown in seedlings. Plants develop well at hot temperatures - about + 30 ... + 35 ° C. For colder zones, it is better to choose cold-resistant varieties. Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out when it is heated to 15 ° C. The temperature is measured at a depth of 10 cm.

A place for culture is taken away in a sunny area, which is well blown by the wind. The soil should have a loose structure, a good fertile layer and a neutral reaction. These indicators can be achieved with the help of preliminary preparation of the site. Lime is added to acidic soils, peat is added to alkaline soils. The latter also loosens the soil perfectly. Organics and mineral complexes are added for digging, taking into account acidity. The choice of the most suitable type of top dressing will depend on this indicator.

In dry areas, beans require watering. After it, loosening and weeding are carried out. On average, the plant grows up to 1.5 m in height, it will not be superfluous to install a support. If the seedlings were planted in fertile soil, the culture does not need additional nutrition.

How to germinate mash

Buying ready-made bean sprouts is easier. But not every store sells them.

Self-germination scheme:

  1. Beans of the same shape and size are selected, and then washed with cold water.
  2. Throw the fruit in a colander to remove all the liquid.
  3. Wet gauze folded in several layers is spread on the table.
  4. Beans are distributed over it and covered with the same material.
  5. Keep the gauze moist at all times.

After 2-3 days, the mung bean germinates.

If the sprouts are bitter, they are doused with boiling water to eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste.

Storage methods

The ripening of golden beans is unfriendly. Harvesting is carried out in several stages. Plucked dry pods are laid out in the shade for ventilation, and then the sashes are removed. The beans are shipped in cloth bags. To protect against bugs, you can drop a clove of garlic or a bay leaf into each purse.

When the growing season comes to an end, all green pods are harvested from the plants. If the beans are not poured, then they are divided in half and frozen. Slightly unripened grains are threshed and sent to the freezer.

Use in cosmetology and cooking

Useful aseptic properties of mung beans have found their application in cosmetology. For problem skin prone to acne, beauty experts offer masks with the inclusion of beans. The leaves and dried parts of the plant are also used. The first is used to make lotions, the second, in ground form, is used for scrubs.

Mash is a product for cooking treats of national Asian cuisine. From it prepare the first, second courses and various snacks. Recipes, previously known only in the Asian world, began to be performed by European chefs. In Russia, mang bean dishes are prepared during fasts.

A selection of interesting recipes

Many mung bean dishes are easy to make and nutritious. Their nutritional value is high, due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements.

Soup with minced meat

A hearty first course for a family dinner.


  • mash - 300 g;
  • tomato paste - 15 g;
  • ground beef - 200 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;

How to cook:

  1. Vegetables are cut into cubes and sautéed.
  2. Beans pre-soaked for 45 minutes are sent to the finished frying.
  3. Tomato paste and minced meat are added, and then fried until the meat component is ready.
  4. The contents are transferred to a saucepan and filled with water.
  5. Throw in the necessary spices and cook until the beans are soft.

The dish can be poured into plates 10 minutes after removing from the stove, letting it brew.

Shawl with mang beans

Uzbek porridge takes on a new nutty flavor when cooked with mung beans.


  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • beans - 200 g;
  • rice - the same;
  • ground beef - 300 g;
  • salt, spices and herbs - at the discretion.

Recipe step by step:

  1. The beans are soaked for 30 minutes.
  2. In a cauldron, vegetables chopped in a convenient way are sauteed.
  3. Lamb is washed, dried and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  4. Meat, cereals and beans are sent to the frying.
  5. The contents of the cauldron are salted and seasoned, poured with water so that it covers everything.
  6. Stew over low heat until cooked.

Serve in serving bowls with sliced ​​​​tomatoes and cucumbers.

For lenten menu

Mung bean kitchari is prepared very simply, satisfies hunger for a long time.


  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • mash - 300 g;
  • rice - half as much;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • pepper, zira, coriander, salt - to taste;
  • zucchini - ½ pc.;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.


  1. Grains and beans are poured with water, and after half an hour they are boiled until tender.
  2. Spices are fried in a pan without adding vegetable fat.
  3. When spread the chopped onion and garlic cloves, pour in a little oil.
  4. For fragrant frying, strips of pepper, carrot straws and bars of young zucchini are sent.
  5. Mung beans and rice are added to the vegetable mass.
  6. Everything is salted and laid out on plates.

The treat resembles lean pilaf, but is distinguished by a special piquancy.

Bean cutlets

Another treat for those who are fasting.


  • onion and carrot - 1 pc.;
  • mash - 300 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt, seasonings - optional;
  • breadcrumbs, sunflower oil - as needed.

How to cook:

  1. Vegetables are chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil.
  2. Mash is soaked and then boiled in salted water.
  3. Roasting and beans are crushed with a meat grinder or blender and mixed with an egg.
  4. The mince-like mass is salted, seasoned, and then products are formed from it, which are rolled in flour.
  5. Cutlets are fried until tender.

Serve a nutritious treat with tomato sauce, which gives the products rich notes.

sprout salad

An ideal breakfast filled with Chinese traditions.


  • sprouts - 200 g;
  • lettuce leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • peeled sunflower seeds - 20 g;
  • olive oil - as needed.

Basic steps:

  1. The leaves are torn by hand and spread on the bottom of the dish.
  2. Sprouts are placed on top.
  3. Juice is squeezed out of citrus and shoots are sprinkled with it.
  4. The seeds are roasted and used to sprinkle the sprouts.
  5. The layers are salted and seasoned.

Mung beans are a useful vegetable crop. If you follow simple rules, you can easily grow it in your own garden, and then pamper your loved ones with delicious and satisfying treats worthy of restaurants with Asian cuisine.

This product can be found on special trading platforms, as well as on the Internet. Many do not know what benefits Mash beans bring. However, those who are familiar with this variety of legumes were able to rightfully appreciate the whole expediency of using fruits for food, as well as preparing tasty and healthy dishes. The plant should be discussed in detail.

Golden bean belongs to a separate genus Vigna. Usually, small mature green beans of the Mash variety are called golden, as they change color after cooking. The fruit grows in Asia. On the territory of the Middle Strip, this type of bean is not so common. In Asia, the fruits are often called green beans. Various dishes are prepared from them, and fruits are also added to medicines.

Ripe beans have a rich and specific taste, which is why this plant variety is an essential ingredient for a wide variety of dishes.

Correct selection

To choose the right beans for planting, and then get a bountiful harvest, you need to be guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Check packaging (all contents must be viewed).
  2. The grains should be whole, with a glossy skin and a green color.
  3. Small beans of the same size are used.
  4. Skin damage is not allowed.

It is small beans that are used, as they grow much faster.

Useful qualities

The fruits of this variety have the following properties:

  • lowers cholesterol in the blood;
  • the level of sugar in the blood decreases;
  • gradually improves the immune system;
  • a weak diuretic effect is manifested;
  • help in the treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • great for weight loss;
  • improves memory and stimulates brain activity.

Experts say that with the constant use of the product, the risk of cancer is reduced.

Product calorie content and composition

This vegetable includes the following in 100 grams:

  • 32 grams of protein;
  • 18 different types of amino acids;
  • various groups of vitamins;
  • potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus and a number of other elements.

Carbohydrates present in food allow you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The calorie content of this product is about 347 kilocalories per 100 grams of pure beans.

Contraindications for use

This variety of beans does not have any contraindications for eating. The only exception is the possible individual intolerance of the product by the human body.

Care and phased cultivation

Golden beans of the Mash variety are not used to the climatic conditions of the Middle Strip, which is why it is recommended to take into account a number of tips when growing it:

  • for planting it is recommended to use seedlings (long ripening);
  • for the Middle Strip, cold-resistant varieties are used;
  • the soil must be loosened, freely pass moisture;
  • a sunny place with good ventilation is selected.

Before starting landing in open ground, you should make sure that it should have warmed up to at least 15 degrees.

This variety of bean loves moisture, which is why it needs to be watered regularly in copious amounts (at least once a week).

sprouting beans

To subsequently harvest a bountiful harvest, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • select fruits of the same size;
  • rinse thoroughly and dry;
  • put on soaked gauze;
  • cover with gauze on top and put in a warm place;
  • after a few days (2-3) the fruits give shoots.

If the gauze dries out, then it needs to be moistened.

If necessary, it is possible to purchase sprouts in food stores if there is no time to deal with the germination process on your own.

Storage Options

Gardeners recommend collecting ripe fruits in several stages. Full maturation is indicated by open and dried shell flaps. Pre-collected fruits are aired, and then freed from the peel. For storage, the beans are folded into cloth bags, and then garlic cloves are added there to protect against insects.

The use of beans in cosmetology

Often, bean fruits are used to create anti-aging masks, since the composition of the vegetable includes components that have aseptic effects. Lotions are often prepared from the valves. Also, the dried parts of the plant are ground and then added to scrubs.

Application in cooking

There are a large number of recipes for dishes where Mash beans are used as the main or auxiliary ingredient. Most of the dishes belong to the Lenten menu.

Common Recipes

Mash beans are regularly found in recipes for the following dishes:

  • sorrel with beans;
  • rice pilaf with fruits Masha;
  • pies with beans;
  • cannelloni;
  • mashhurda;
  • kitchari;
  • delicious bean patties;
  • sprouted bean salads.

Each dish contains a lot of useful components and properties.


Here the fruits are used as the main component. The cooked dish is nutritious and satisfying.

To saturate the dish with an additional taste, carrots and lamb, as well as onions and rice are used:

  • onion and small carrots are cut into cubes;
  • vegetables are fried until cooked;
  • it takes 300 grams of beans to soak in 1.5 liters of water for 45 minutes;
  • the beans are placed in a frying pan and poured with tomato paste on top;
  • 200 grams of meat are also added (the mixture is fried until tender);
  • afterwards, everything is poured with water and boiled until the beans are ready.

Shavlya with Mash beans

The dish is prepared using rice, lamb and onions. At the end of cooking, it is served together with tomatoes, as well as cucumbers:

  • onion and carrots are fried in a cauldron;
  • a glass of rice, lamb and 200 grams of beans are added;
  • all contents are filled with water;
  • the composition is stewed until the meat is ready.

Rice pilaf and Masha

For cooking, you can use meat, or refuse it, since the dish, in any case, will be delicious:

  • 100 grams of onions and carrots are fried;
  • lamb meat is added (300 grams);
  • rice and beans are added, as well as spices (the composition is mixed);
  • the contents are filled with water;
  • it is required to extinguish the composition in the boiler until the moisture evaporates;
  • after garlic is added, and the dish is stewed until it softens.

Rice with beans

The composition of the dish includes beans, as well as onions and lamb. The finished dish must be served with finely chopped greens and tomatoes:

  • one glass of rice is cooked;
  • beans are soaked for 30 minutes and boiled until tender;
  • onions and carrots are cut, and then fried with vegetable oil;
  • then Mash is added, as well as rice (salt and spices to taste);
  • until ready, the dish is stewed for two minutes.


Beans make a wonderful and satisfying filling. Onions and carrots are added as auxiliary components:

  • beans are soaked for an hour;
  • onions and carrots are cut into cubes and fried;
  • Masha fruits are boiled and rubbed;
  • beans are placed in a pan, spices are added (stew for two minutes).

The dish is a nutritious stuffing for pasta. Additionally, champignons, onions and crushed garlic are used as ingredients:

  • mushrooms are fried in a pan;
  • crushed garlic and onions are added;
  • beans are soaked and boiled until tender;
  • then the beans are rubbed and added to the mushrooms;
  • spices are added, and then the pasta is filled with the composition;
  • the mixture is placed in a saucepan and cooked in the oven.

Thick and rich soup. Be sure to add lamb brisket, carrots, onions, and sweet peppers. Greens are added for taste:

  • lamb breast is fried to a crust;
  • chopped onions and carrots, as well as spices are added;
  • then chopped sweet pepper is added;
  • tomato paste and chopped tomatoes are added;
  • it is filled with water, and then the beans are added;
  • also add chopped potatoes and rice;
  • thick soup is cooked over low heat until tender.

Beans, rice, and spices are used for cooking. In addition, onion and garlic are added to taste. Also in the dish are sweet peppers, carrots and zucchini:

  • rice and a volume twice as large as beans are soaked and boiled;
  • it is required to fry spices (pepper, cumin and coriander);
  • onion and garlic are fried with oil;
  • carrots, sweet peppers and zucchini are added;
  • all vegetables are added to the beans and rice, and then salted.

Mash bean cutlets

Masha fruits, onions and carrots are used in the manufacture. They need to be ground to a puree state in a blender. Be sure to add the egg and pepper. It is recommended to serve the dish with tomato sauce:

  • 300 grams of Mash fruits are soaked in water;
  • after half an hour, the beans are boiled until tender;
  • chopped and fried onions with carrots;
  • everything is passed through a blender;
  • the composition is mixed with the egg, and spices are also added;
  • cutlets are made, and then fried in oil.

Mash (mung beans, golden beans)- an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Vigna of the Legume family, a leguminous crop. Mash was added to the genus Vigna not so long ago, previously it belonged to the genus Bean, so mung bean is called golden beans in many sources.

Mash is an ancient cultivated plant, its fossilized seeds were found in India, their age is more than 3000 years. Masha is native to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Since ancient times, mung bean has been cultivated in many Asian countries, where it has become a traditional component of national cuisines. Later, the culture came to Africa, Australia, America. Currently, mung bean is cultivated on an industrial scale in China and Indonesia. Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines, as well as in countries located in the subtropical climate zone. Mash is grown in the arid regions of Southern Europe and some southern US states; on the territory of the former USSR - in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Transcaucasia.

Mash is a very thermophilic culture. For its growth and maturation, the optimum temperature is 30-35 ° C. Mash is an annual herbaceous plant with a stiff, erect, ribbed, branched stem, reaching a height of 1.5 meters. There are creeping and clinging varieties of mung bean. Root system with a powerful taproot and many lateral branches. The leaves are large, trifoliate, with stipules. The flowers are papilionaceous, yellow or lemon yellow, collected in inflorescences of 2-8 pieces. The plant is self-pollinating, flowering begins from the lower branches. The fruit is a bean, many-seeded, pubescent, cylindrical, 5-20 cm long; when ripe brown or almost black. Seeds are small, smooth, oval, yellow or green, sometimes speckled. The beans are harvested when they become firm and break with a crunch. Timely harvested fruits are juicy and tender. Only well-ripened fruits are taken for grain. Harvesting is extended over time, the fruits are removed as they ripen.

The chemical composition of mung bean seeds is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber. Vitamins contain B vitamins, minerals - a lot of iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, selenium, there is a little sodium. Nutritional value of mung bean seeds: protein - 23.5 grams, fat - 2 grams, carbohydrates - 46-60 grams, dietary fiber - 11 grams, water - 14 grams. The calorie content of mung bean seeds is about 300 kcal.

The use of mung bean in cooking is traditional for oriental cuisine - Turkmen, Tajik, Uzbek, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Chinese and other countries of Southeast Asia. Whole seeds, shelled seeds (with the shell removed) and germinated are used for food.

Whole or shelled mung bean seeds are boiled for about 40 minutes, without pre-soaking. The taste is similar to beans with a slight nutty flavor. Boiled mung bean is added to soups, main courses, stews, side dishes for meat dishes, casseroles, vegetable cutlets. Mash goes well with spinach, others, rice, lamb, various vegetables, herbs, tart fruits, spices (corn, cumin, coriander, curry, black pepper, ginger, garlic and others).

In Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, they prepare the dish "mash-kichiri" - porridge from a mixture of unshelled mung bean and rice with the addition of vegetable oil. You can add beef, lamb, postdumba, apricots to the dish. In Uzbekistan, they cook a thick soup of mung beans and noodles - “mash ugra soup”. "Mashkhurda" - rice soup with mung beans in Tajik and Uzbek cuisine.

The classic Indian dish "kitchari" is made from mung bean, rice and spices. Dal is also prepared from mung beans - a traditional vegetarian Indian spicy puree soup made from boiled legumes, coconut milk, vegetables and spices.

From mung bean, rice and lamb, an excellent pilaf is obtained. Delicious oriental appetizer - deep-fried mung bean. A hearty and delicious salad can be prepared by combining mung beans with various sauces, vegetables, seafood, peanuts, chicken or beef.

With the use of starch made from mung bean, fensi or funchose noodles are made.

Mung bean sprouts are very tasty, sweet, juicy and tender. They are added to salads with fresh vegetables and seasoned with vegetable oil. You can simply eat sprouts with vegetable oil or combine them with rye, wheat, buckwheat sprouts. Porridge cooked with cereals (rice, pearl barley, buckwheat, barley groats) and mung bean sprouts is better digested and absorbed. The greatest benefit is brought by sprouts that do not exceed 1 cm. You can store the sprouts in the refrigerator, in a container with a loose lid; Sprouts must be washed before use.

Due to its medicinal properties, mung bean is used in folk medicine of the East and dietetics. Regular consumption of mung bean strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, normalizes blood pressure, improves digestion, improves immunity, prevents the formation of cancer cells, and improves skin condition. During colds, mung bean porridge helps to recover faster. Vegetarians, due to its nutritional value. Mung beans replace meat. It is recommended to include mung bean dishes in the diet of women during menopause to restore hormonal balance, children and the elderly. By the way, mung bean contains few oligosaccharides that cause flatulence, unlike other legumes.

Mung beans have a diuretic effect, so they are often used to remove toxins from the body, reduce swelling, and lose weight. A gruel made from flour made from mung bean seeds is applied to the skin for burns and wounds, as well as for the treatment of acne and dermatitis.

Mung bean sprouts are used to strengthen the heart, reduce pressure in hypertensive patients, improve vascular elasticity, strengthen immunity, stimulate mental activity and improve memory, normalize kidney function and female hormonal levels during menopause, prevent and treat bronchitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis etc.

Although mung beans do not cause severe gas formation, it is recommended to consult a specialist before including them in the diet of pregnant women and young children.

Beans are one of the most ancient crops and are distributed throughout the globe; in our regions, multicolor, common and lima are often grown. The most common is ordinary, which is divided into vegetable varieties (they do not have coarse fibers and a parchment layer), semi-vegetable varieties (contain coarse fibers) and peeled varieties (not fleshy, tough with a high content of fibers).

golden beans

The golden bean or mung bean or mung bean is a leguminous crop that originated in India and is actually green in color. In India, many traditional dishes are made from it, pasta, which is then used as a filling, and even desserts.

But golden beans are popular not only in India, but also in Asia, Korea, Japan, where they eat them whole, sprouted and shelled. Mung bean is also used to produce special noodles and a gelling component. It is considered a light food that promotes meditation and intellectual activity. It is not so popular with us, although it deserves attention, so there is nothing better for dietary nutrition.

Mung beans are rich in vitamins, dietary fiber, various minerals, including phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, etc. They also contain vitamin B6 and carotene, which are most valuable for the nervous and immune systems. Beans are very satisfying and tasty when properly processed, they consist of 50% starch, 28% protein, 4% fat. Green beans are often fed to livestock, as it is nutritious and well accepted by them, and helps to increase milk yield.

It is recommended to store green beans for subsequent sowing and processing in a cold place where it is dry enough, mixing the beans with garlic and dried mint to protect the raw material from diseases and any harmful living creatures.


The mung bean is a tall plant, which also winds, with a lowered aerial part, therefore it requires a backup. It should be borne in mind that it is a thermophilic plant, so it is difficult to grow in the northern regions.

The vegetative period of golden beans is from eighty to one hundred and ten days, so it must be sown in the garden as soon as the earth warms up (it must be at least 12 degrees) and it will be clear that frosts on the soil are not threatened. It is advisable to add organic matter in the fall, to the place where the mung bean will be planted, in this case the culture can not be fertilized. The beans will need potassium and other fertilizer. Mung beans need to be watered regularly, they do not tolerate drought, it is better to do it in a bowl but with less moisture than to rarely flood the plants.

The culture grows well in places where tomatoes, root crops, and potatoes were previously grown. You should not sow where legumes used to grow, common microbes and legume pests can remain in the ground.

Close up the seeds to a depth of at least four centimeters, between the beans you need to keep about twenty centimeters of distance, and between the rows - about forty centimeters. It is advisable to soak the seeds for ten hours before sowing, and then place them in wet wipes for germination, or if you plan to sow a large number of seeds, place them in wet bags. It is also worth adding products containing tuberous bacteria and micronutrient fertilizers containing molybdenum and boron to the water for soaking.

If the soil temperature is suitable, there will be enough moisture, then in a few days the sprouted sprouts will appear on the surface of the earth. It should be ensured that a soil crust does not form on the ground, it must be removed by loosening, a month after the mass emergence of seedlings, inter-row cultivation must be done.

It will be necessary to constantly loosen, hill plants and remove weeds, the latter is especially important for harvesting, since the ripening of the beans is stretched in time, it will be necessary to collect an already ripe pod during the time, leaving others, and in the greenery of weeds it will be difficult to do. To make it easier for yourself in the fight against weeds, it is better to apply a herbicide in the fall, and in the spring to spray the soil with an anti-weed preparation, after the emergence of bean shoots, the poison can no longer be used.

Diseases of mung bean

It can be said that mung beans are not particularly susceptible to disease, however, anthracnose can be encountered, especially it spreads easily with thick planting and high humidity.

Anthracnose is a disease caused by imperfect fungi. Affected plants become covered with ulcers and dark spots, which merge as the disease progresses, the leaves turn brown, curl, dry out and then fall off. Anthracnose infects the entire aerial part of the beans, which causes the beans to rot. It is transmitted by means of soil, infected seeds and plant debris, especially "rages" at moderate temperatures and high humidity.

The fight is reduced to destruction by burning all plant residues after the harvest, to partial cutting or removal of the entire infected plant, spraying plantings with one percent Bordeaux mixture or "champion". If spraying is carried out at the initial stage of the disease, mass destruction of all crops can be easily avoided, otherwise anthracnose will quickly cover all plants and greatly reduce yields.