Fisher ski sliding surface marking. All about the numbers on Fischer skis: structures, diagrams, HR, FA, SVZ

You can learn a lot more about skis than what is written in bright large letters on their surface. The ability to read information on skis will help you choose the right skis in the store and not be deceived when buying already used skis. We will tell you all about the numbers on Fischer skis in this article.

Fischer ski serial number: decoding

On the sidewall of Fischer skis in the area of ​​​​the heel of the mount is applied serial number that all amateur skiers want to decipher. There are even those who are looking for sacred meaning in these figures. In fact, everything is simple in the number, like in the number of any other product.

187/1450688580 031

  • 187 - ski length in cm
  • 14 – year of issue (2013)
  • 5 - stiffness (4 - soft, 5 - medium, 6 - stiff)
  • 06 - serial number of the week of issue from the beginning of the calendar year
  • 88580 – ski serial number
  • 031 – stiffness index (FA).

Since 2016, the number of skis is of this kind 191/1653513931 no hardness index. The sizes of the top skate models have decreased by 1 cm, and the FA index is written on a sticker with a barcode. An example in the photo is FA 80.

And this is how the “sport shop” ski sticker looks like with more detailed information. What do these indicators mean? will be discussed below.

On Fischer 2019-2020 skis, the number is printed in the area of ​​the IFP platform. It seems that the place was chosen on purpose so that the number was hidden when installing the fasteners on the screws.

Fischer ski hardness tables: soft, medium, stiff

Sizes and stiffness of fischer junior skis

Fischer ski structures, diagrams and bases for weather and track density

On the toe of the ski from the side of the sliding surface, you can find two designations, for example: 28/1Q or 28/902 or A5/610. These designations contain information about the base of the base and the design of the skis.

Fischer bases (sliding surfaces)

The sliding surface markings can be found on the base on the toe of the ski. The design is marked there.

  • A5- universal base for cold from t -5C and below. It is on skis marked Cold, the factory structure code is C1-1.
  • 28 - universal warm base at t -10C and above. Suitable for all types of snow, suitable for skis marked Plus. Since the 17/18 season, it has become more versatile: -10 and warmer, against the old one from -2 and warmer. The factory structure code remained the same - P5-1.

Skis Speedmax, Carbonlite, RCS:

  • Worldcup 28 (Plus) - 10% graphite
  • Worldcup A5 (Cold) - 4.5% graphite


  • Worldcup pro - 7.5% graphite
  • Protec - 7.5% graphite

Skis LS:

  • Sintec - 3.5% graphite

Diagrams of Fischer skis

Skate ski designs

  • 115 (15/11) – design for well-prepared and icy trails. The support points are closer to the toe and heel of the ski. This arrangement increases the stability of the ski. It is especially relevant on an unprepared ice track and with lack of equipment. The main disadvantages: “sticking” skis and “burrowing” into loose snow.
  • 610 (61Q, 1Q)– Design for a well-prepared and soft track. The support points are brought closer to the block, which makes the toe and heel of the ski softer. This design allows the ski not to “stick” and not burrow into loose snow. The main disadvantages: they “scour” on an icy track with lack of equipment.

Classic ski designs

  • 902 (90/9Q2)- Design for soft and loose trails. Similar to ridge 610/1Q, i.e. Has soft toes and heels. The last is lower than on the 812 and makes it easier to hold in difficult weather conditions. The main disadvantage: due to the low location of the holding area, the ointment will come off faster.
  • 90L- a variation of the design 902. It has a higher arc, i.e. the block is raised higher. It is found on skis from a special order, and since 2018 it has been used in Speedmax Twin Skin skis (but the marking is still 9Q2).
  • 812 (81/8Q2)- universal classic design. Standard Location the pads keep the ointment longer, but require more momentum to push through.

Structures on Fischer skis

The most common structures are P5-1 and C1-1. They are, according to the manufacturers, the most popular at the World Cup.

Applying structure to skis is a delicate matter. To repeat the structure, there must be the same equipment, the same grinding stone, the same emulsion, etc. Real racing Fisher structures roll only in Reed. Structures P5-1 (Plus or universal warm) and C1-1 (Cold or universal cold) are applied to the skis.

Below is full list structures that are and have been used by Fischer. A similar list is circulating on the Internet, but in this list we have corrected the temperature ranges as of the 17/18 season. If you have something to add to this list, write in the comments.

Fischer structures

  • P10-1 for dry snow below 0
  • С1-1 all types of snow, including fresh, temperature below -5
  • C3-1 for artificial snow, temperature below -5
  • C8-1 narrower structure for artificial snow from 0 to -10
  • C12-1 any type of snow, -5-15
  • C12-7 fine-grained snow at t from 0 to -10
  • P1-1 temperature +3 to -5, fresh snow
  • P3-1 structure on fresh wet snow, at 0 degrees with a transition to positive
  • P3-2 on old wet snow at t 0 with a transition to plus
  • Р3-3 watery snow, from +5 and above
  • Р5-0 dry fine snow from 0 to -5
  • P5-9 structure for classic skis on old wet snow, temperature from 0 and above
  • TZ1-1 on fresh snow below 0
  • P5-1 universal structure for temperatures from +5 to -10, any type of snow
  • P22-6 transitional structure for any type of snow, temperature from +5 to -5
  • P11-2 all types of snow +2 to -8
  • P10-3 falling, fresh snow, t from 0 to -5
  • P9-2 wet snow, t above 0

Ramsau structures

Structures with index S are made in Ramsau. Such skis can often be found on the secondary market. The most popular are S13.

  • S13-6 structure for rainy weather
  • S13-5-08 very wet fresh snow
  • S11-1 dry snow at t -10 -20
  • S12-1 fresh natural and artificial snow t 0 -15
  • S12-4 fresh dry snow t -5 -10
  • S12-2 fresh wet snow t 0 -5
  • S12-6 fresh falling wet snow t 0 -5
  • S12-12 old snow t 0 -5
  • S12-14 on frozen snow during the warming period, fresh snow, t -2 -10
  • S13-4 wet snow, natural and artificial, changeable weather, long range
  • S13-5 fresh falling sleet, t 0 to positive
  • S13-5-08 Wet fine-grained fresh snow
  • S11-3 structure for artificial snow, t -10 -20
  • S12-7 artificial snow, t -2 -12
  • S11-2 cold dry natural snow, t -10 -20
  • S12-16 structure for high humidity and fresh snow, suitable for gloss, t 0 -10
  • S12-2-07 for fresh snow and soft tracks 0 -10
  • S12-3 fresh snow under t -2 -6
  • S13-6 sleet with rain, rain

FA, HR, SVZ indicators: what is it and how to find out through the ski barcode

This marking is not on all skis, but only on specially selected for a professional or pre-order. That is, at the “special workshop” or “sports workshop,” as our skiers like to call it. We wrote more about the existence of a special or sports workshop in the article.

If you have skis without a sticker in front of you, then these indicators can be easily recognized. Put any QR code scanner on your smartphone, launch it and read the barcode on the skis. The program will give something like 2.7 - 98.3, if such information does not come out, then try to read another barcode. For example, we got 2.7 - 98.3, that is, ski HR - 2.7, exact FA - 98.3. Do not be surprised that FA 98 or even 97 may be written on the sticker. Skis are not made in pairs, they are assembled into pairs later and such discrepancies are within the margin of error.

On the skis of the 2019-2020 season there is a sticker of this kind. It already has a QR code for reading all information about skis: barcode number, full number of skis with size, HR and FA.

After reading, you get a number of this kind, where

  • 9002972387616 - barcode number
  • 186/1865078755 - the number that is stamped on the skis
  • 2.2-HR
  • 90-FA

  • HR- gap in millimeters, which remains after pressing the ski with half the weight of the average skier. The load is applied to the ski 7 cm below the balance point. The remaining gap is HR. Simply put, this is the stiffness of the toes and heels of the ski. For example, if you take skis with the same FA, but different HR, a ski with a higher HR will be pressed more evenly, and with a smaller one, it will be easy at first, but it will be more difficult to finish. With a large HR - a large arc, a more arched ski, with a smaller HR - a smaller arc, the block is closer to the track in the rolling phase. A low last is especially important for inexperienced skiers. In classic it will make it easier to hold, and in skate it will improve stability at the box office.
  • SVZ- a characteristic showing how the ski differs from the ideal ratio of HR and FA. The value is used in production to check the quality and selection of skis in pairs. When choosing a pair of skis for yourself, the indicator does not matter.
  • FA(stiffness index) is the amount kilogram, which must be applied 7 cm below the balance point, to compress the ski to a gap of 0.2 mm.

Why FA and not specific weight? The FA index is a characteristic of a ski, not an athlete. Using this parameter, a specialist can choose skis for a specific athlete. The same ski can fit a 70 kg professional skier and a 90 kg amateur skier. At the same time, both will be comfortable and the skis will work as they should. It is more difficult to select with FA than by kilograms, but if you figure it out, the selection of skis will be better.

Fischer FA ski stiffness table.

In the yard - mid-January. Snow has finally fallen everywhere where it has long been expected, and the forum of our site, as usual at this time, is filled with questions: “How to choose the right skis and which ones are better?” To answer some of these questions, "Skiing" asked our famous skier, and now an expert of the company "Fisher" Alexander Zavyalov.
- Alexander Alexandrovich, have you been associated with Fisher skis for a long time?

Yes, a long time ago, since 1977, i.e. for over 30 years.

Then, probably, your experience will be useful to those amateur athletes who ride a lot, in various weather conditions, and at the same time choose their own skis. Interested in the question of the preferred use of Fisher skis in the COLD and WARM temperature ranges in the Moscow region?

Here the situation is as follows. Warm and cold skis naturally have different bases. Warm base - 28th. There is a 5th base, but it is mainly for water, and the athletes of these skis usually have one pair. What is the difference in plastic? Warm skis have a higher percentage of graphite. This is done so that there is no so-called moisture infiltration, since a larger percentage of graphite creates a greater porosity of the sliding surface, which prevents moisture infiltration. In the Moscow region, athletes mainly use warm base skis due to high humidity and the fact that the slopes are almost always soft, and warm skis also have softer socks with heels. This allows the ski to glide better on soft trails. In cold skis, the percentage of graphite is less, their sliding surface is smoother and has a slightly grayish tint. The design of cold skis is more rigid, designed for frosty, and, consequently, tougher tracks, and this is done so that the ski does not collect this snow under it. In the Moscow region, the tracks are prepared mainly by light equipment - snowstorms, so we should choose warm skis.

So how, after all, with the help of Fisher skis, to solve the problems of different weather conditions during the winter, and you also mentioned skis “on the water” with the 5th base. What can you advise here?

Here the situation is as follows: if we take “warm” skis - with a 28 base (not every amateur athlete can afford to have skis that are both “warm”, and “cold”, and “super-warm” at the same time), then with the help of knurling and creating an appropriate structures can solve the problem on different temperature conditions. It is very desirable, of course, that the knurling be pressing, and not cutting. The result of knurling disappears after two or three treatments (applying-removing paraffin), and again the factory steinslip remains. On "cold" skis, Fisher has a cold joint, on "warm" skis - a universal one. Fisher skis are considered universal - you can easily close the entire season with one or two pairs when using knurling. Skis from other companies, for example, "Madshus", are also very good, but they have a narrower steinslip. National team athletes can afford to have a large number of different pairs of skis, but for amateurs with their limited financial capabilities, this is difficult.

Three years ago, when severe frosts occurred in Moscow, in which plastic skis practically did not slip, I noticed that those who were on the Fischer classic at temperatures below minus 30 degrees still rode very well. Does the Fisher company and you, as a practitioner, have any recommendations on how to prepare skis for such a frost?

It all depends on the structure of the ski - a "cold" ski should be almost smooth. In severe frost, the snow is dry, and if we put a small structure on the ski, the snow powder will fill this structure, and we get the so-called suction due to the clogging of the structure with snow powder. If you take a smooth ski and at the same time cover it with cold, “glassy” paraffin, for example, previously produced green SWIX or STAR, and then process the ski correctly, then the paraffin will cover the entire structure and there will be no suction due to snow powder. In this case, you can even use "warm" skis, but they must be without structure. If you do not close the structure, then the snow powder clogs the structure and the ski starts to slow down, as if riding on sand.

From conversations with athletes, it seems that for skating, Fischer skis should be chosen a little longer than the standard recommendations suggest. Is it their design features?

No, there are no design features in terms of choosing the length of the Fisher skis. The new ski sizes seem to carry a slightly smaller size, i.e. to a size of 177 cm, you need to add another 3 centimeters. Previously, there were sizes of 180, 185, 190cm. Now the longest length of Fischer skating skis is 192cm. The choice of ski length should be determined by the height of the athlete and his qualifications. If the athlete is well coordinated, then he chooses longer skis. Now skating is divided into sprint and distance. Sprinters choose shorter skis. This is necessary in order not to “get confused” at a distance with a very high frequency of steps, which is positively affected by a short inventory. If a person runs distance races, he has good coordination, a powerful push, then he chooses longer skis. If coordination is insufficient, and this can be attributed, for example, to veterans, then in this case the skis should be chosen shorter. When choosing the length of skis for skating, the parameters of the track also play a role. Now the tracks are well prepared, but where this is not the case, where the ski tracks are narrow, there the skis should be shorter. Therefore, I repeat, everything comes from how the athlete is prepared, how the track is prepared and what kind of competitions it is.

- Tell us, please, about the new model of skis "Soft Track"?

Under the Soft Track brand, Fischer began producing classic skis for warm weather with in large numbers snow on the ski slope. In our country, such skis are often called "defective" - ​​when the first such skis appeared, their socks and heels diverged when squeezed. This is the 902 model, which, like the 812 model, is divided into “warm” and “cold”. Model 902 skis are generally stiffer than regular skis. When there is a lot of snow on the track, then at the moment of repulsion the toe of the ski rises, and the ski does not collect this snow. A ski of a conventional design in such conditions collects a little snow in front of it and due to this it slows down. In the 09/10 season, the same Soft Track model will appear among skating skis.

Since last season, Fischer has been installing the NNN platform on its top-level skis. Many hobbyists continue to use shoes with SNS soles and install appropriate bindings on top of the NNN platform. How, in your opinion, should the increase in the overall stiffness of the ski be taken into account in this case?

When the NNN platform is glued to the ski, the stiffness of the ski increases minimally. When we install the SNS platform on the screws, the final stiffness of the ski increases, and in my practice I have repeatedly had to take this into account, but, I emphasize, this difference applies specifically to the glued NNN platform.

- Thanks for answers!

  • Cold models have A5 sliding surface - universal cold base at t -2C and below (factory structure code C1-1)
  • Models Plus, S-track, Zero have a sliding surface 28 - a universal warm base for t -10 C and above (-5C and above until season 15-16). Factory structure code has not changed - P5-1
  • 30 warm base light base on old heavily wet snow.

Fischer ski designs:

115 - Versatile design for well-prepared and icy trails, providing the best stability and control. The fulcrum (plot peaks) are sharp, closer to the toe and heel of the ski. This arrangement increases the stability of the ski. The main disadvantages: "sticking" skis and "burrowing" in loose snow.

610 (61Q) - Versatile design for well-prepared and soft trails, Pivots are brought closer to the last, which makes the toe and heel of the ski softer. This design allows the ski not to “stick” and not burrow into loose snow. The main disadvantages: "scour" on a hard track and with lack of equipment.

812 (81) - universal classic design

902 (90) - ski design for a soft, poorly prepared, loose track. Guarantees excellent glide and confident repulsion in loose track conditions.

Fischer Speedmax. Skis differ from others in Cold Base Bonding technology - cold gluing of plastic. So plastic does not deform from temperature changes (does not go in waves), does not change its structure, glides better, absorbs grease better. With this technology, the ski requires less sanding and the skid remains thicker, allowing for more refinishing during use.

Weight of skis - 1030g. (186cm), ski profile 41-44-44.

3 types of skating are produced:

  • Skate Cold (610/1Q)
  • Skate Plus (610/1Q)
  • Skate C-Special (610/1Q)

4 classic couples:

  • Classic Plus (902/9Q2)
  • Classic Plus (812/8Q2)
  • Classic Cold (812/8Q2)
  • Zero+ (902/8Q2)

1 pair for doublepolling:

  • Double Poling (DP)

fischer carbonlite- one of the lightest skis in the world. Their weight is only 980g. (186cm). Carbon toe and heel. Honeycomb core, ski walls are made of honeycombs standing perpendicular. This design gives more rigidity to the ski, without increasing the mass.

2 types of skating are produced:

  • Skate Cold (610/1Q)
  • Skate H Plus (115/15)

And 1 classic pair:

  • Classic Plus (812/8Q2)

FischerRCS- Plastics, structures and designs are the same as on the top models. The key difference is that the RCS is heavier than the top models. Their mass is 1090 gr. (187/197cm)

1 pair of skating shoes are produced:

  • Skate Plus (115/15)

And 2 pairs of classic ones:

  • Classic Plus (812/8Q2)
  • Zero+ (902/9Q2)

FischerRCR- skis for active lovers. Perfect for ski marathon lovers who run for fun, not for results. The sliding surface is the same WC Plus as on the RCS, Carbonlite, but the skis themselves are a little heavier - 1190 gr. A new universal Plus structure has been applied at -10 and warmer. Ski construction only 115.

  • RCR Skate - 1190 gr. (115)

Models SCS, CRS, SC

Skis Fischer SCS and below are designed for amateur skiing "day off". The design of all 115, which is more stable and comfortable for a person with weak technology. Sliding surface made of lower quality plastic. Also, these skis are much heavier than the top models:

  • SCS - 1270 gr.
  • CRS - 1320 gr.
  • SC - 1360 gr.

Fischer LS (low segment)- the initial model of skis. The core is completely made of wood with air channels. From season 17/18 skis will be produced with and without IFP.

Fischer TwinSkin- a series of classic skis that do not require holding wax. A special mohair skin is inserted into the last, which clings to the snow in one direction and does not interfere with sliding in the other.

There are 3 options:

  • TwinSkin Carbon - 1080 gr., (design 902/9Q2)
  • TwinSkin Race - 1190 gr., (design 812/8Q2)
  • TwinSkin Pro - 1330 gr.

The difference, as usual, is in the base and weight, there are differences in the TwinSkin material. The Carbon skis have a top-end WC Plus bottom, a lightweight core and 100% mohair TwinSkin. The Carbon also has a smaller last to improve glide, which will give an advantage to skiers with good technique. These skis can be used in winter classic marathons. Race and Pro are heavier skis with bases like the SCS models and below. In the Pro version, TwinSkin consists of a blend of mohair and artificial fibers. Race and Pro are best used only for training and walking.

Fischer Zero+

A special line of classic skis for difficult weather conditions - at a temperature of about 0 degrees with differences from -3 to +3 degrees. The peculiarity of skis is that they do not require the application of holding ointments. The pad zone is made of a special material, the length of which can be adjusted. It is lengthened with fine sandpaper, shortened with paraffin. The model is great for spring marathons and loppets.

The line consists of 2 pairs. Both feature top-end sliding surfaces and 902/9Q2 construction. The only difference is the weight of the skis and the method of gluing the plastic.

  • Speedmax Zero+ (1030 gr., design 902/9Q2)
  • RCS Zero+ (1090 gr., design 902/9Q2)


It is not possible to reproduce the same stencil on two different machines. It must be the same stone, the same diamond, the same water used for washing. This means that real Fischer structures can only be made at the Fischer factory, and at the moment this opportunity is available only to members of the national teams participating in the World Cup. Structures P5-1 (universal warm, formerly P1-1) and C1-1 (universal cold) are applied to stock skis. They are also most often used by World Cup riders. Highly specialized structures are less common.

  • P10-1 for dry snow at temperatures below 0°C
  • C1-1 all types of snow, including fresh, temperature below -5°С
  • C3-1 for artificial snow, temperature below -5°С
  • C8-1 narrower structure for artificial snow from 0°С...-10°С
  • C12-1 any type of snow, -5°С...-15°С
  • P1-1 temperature +3°С...-5°С, fresh snow
  • R3-1 structure on fresh snow, on temperatures above 0°С
  • R3-2 on the old wet snow
  • R3-3 watery snow, from +5°C and above
  • P5-0 dry fine snow from 0°С...-5°С
  • R5-9 structure for classic skis on old wet snow, temperature from 0°C and above
  • TZ1-1 structure on fresh snow at temperatures below 0°C
  • P5-1 universal structure for temperatures from +5°С...-10°С, any type of snow
  • P22-6 transitional structure for any type of snow, temperature from +5°С...-5°С


HR-gap in millimeters, which remains after pressing the ski with half the weight of the average skier. The load is applied to the ski 7 cm below the balance point. The remaining gap is HR. Simply put, this is the stiffness of the toes and heels of the ski.

SVZ- a characteristic showing how the ski differs from the ideal ratio of HR and FA. The value is used in production to check the quality of the selection of skis in pairs. When choosing a pair of skis for yourself, the indicator does not matter.

Hardness index FA- this is the maximum load, measured in kilograms, applied 7 cm below the balance point, compressing the ski to a gap of 0.2 millimeters (ointment layer thickness).

For each weight of an athlete, depending on the qualification, technical features and the condition of the track, there is a fairly wide range of stiffness index with a spread of ten units.

optimal selection for skating: skier's weight + 15 - 25%. 15% for a soft track. 25% for hard.

optimal selection for the classic move: weight / 2.

The index is indicated in the production barcode and on the sidewall of the ski - three digits, standing at a small interval from the serial number. (for season 15/16 models, the index is indicated on a separate sticker, 17/18 - on a general production sticker).

The serial number of the pair is indicated on the sidewall of the ski (picture below):

202/1353513931 043

202 - ski length in cm

13 - year of issue (2013)

5 - stiffness (4 - soft, 5 - medium, 6 - stiff)

35 - serial number of the week of issue from the beginning of the calendar year

13931 - ski serial number

043 - stiffness index (FA)

For ski season 17-18, the selection is carried out according to this table:

The top segment of skis is produced only in Austria (from RCR to Speedmax), junior Speedmax and Carbonlite. Austrian skis say "Made in Austria". "Austria" is written on Ukrainian skis.

Sports workshop skis and pre-order.

There are 2 myths. The first one is spread by manufacturers: there is no sports workshop, in ordinary stores they sell the same skis that they win on the very high level. The second myth (closer to the truth) is spread by sellers: there is a sports shop. So there are skis "from under the collection", designed for a 100 kg athlete, or pre-order offers, when workshop skis will be "made" directly for you.

Fischer certainly has a racing department. Individual changes in the production of skis at the request of the riders are made to the design. But this applies only to the world's elite riders. The workshop ski label contains more information for selection, and servicemen know from year to year which ski is used by this or that athlete. But in any case, other things being equal, they have to roll back their skis every time, and only tests on the snow can show which pair of skis work in this weather, in this place. Workshop skis that have not passed the tests will certainly fall into stock. Who will sell a perfectly working pair with a large residual resource (and not a "standing", repeatedly polished and burnt) ???

Pre-order skis - selection from the stock according to your parameters, there can be no talk of individual production. Exactly the same as in the store, just picked up. The skis will have a special sticker on which you can see all the measurements skiing, not just FA.

The onset of the cold season does not mean at all that you need to hide at home under cozy bedspreads, as winter provides a lot of opportunities for outdoor activities. And it is precisely this kind of rest that should accompany your leisure time in order to keep you in good physical shape and help improve your health. Skiing is a full-fledged workout of all major muscle groups with maximum performance, and even in the fresh air. For example, you can go skiing, familiar to us from childhood. Whereas in last years more and more fans of alpine skiing began to appear, there are also lovers of more relaxed cross-country skiing. However, before choosing skis for skating, you need to decide what types of these products are in general.

Main varieties

Cross-country skiing by appointment, it is customary to divide into two main types: for classic and skating. In the classical style of skiing, the skier moves the skis parallel to each other, and in the skating course, the athlete steps in the same way as skaters walk, that is, he uses inside skis to push off the snow. That is why it is worth knowing how to choose skis for skating so that by visiting an online store or a regular store sports equipment to navigate your needs.

Production material

If we talk about what these products can be made of, then there are only two options - plastic and different types of wood. The former have a whole range of advantages over the latter, as they are characterized by strength, durability and the ability to develop significant speeds. They do not delaminate, which cannot be said about wooden ones, which are prone to changing their properties as a result of repeated contacts with water. However, the main advantage of wooden skis is their cost, as a result of which they become the best option for beginners who are just starting to take their first hard steps in the snow.

Skating ski options

Knowing the basic parameters will help answer the question of how to choose skis for skating. What to choose, in the end, will depend on their rigidity and length. The selection process should be as thorough as possible, since the convenience of the skier depends on this, but the personal preferences of the athletes also play a significant role in this situation. It is important to understand that skis are intended for skating, which are shorter and more rigid compared to the classics, but here it should be remembered that hard skis are much more difficult to manage. If you answer the question of how to choose skis for skating by height, then it must be borne in mind that their length should be 10 cm more than the athlete’s height.

Subtleties of choice

Skis for skating differ from classic models in the absence of curved noses, and their height, as already mentioned, should be only 10 cm more than the skier's height. When buying this option, it is very important to choose the right stiffness. Ideally, it should be calculated as follows: skis must be installed on a flat surface, after which a person stands on them, evenly distributing their weight on both skis. Next, you need to take a probe, it can even be a sheet of paper to measure the clearance area between the floor and the ski in front and behind in relation to the boot. It should be approximately 35-40 and 10-15 cm, respectively. After the skier transfers the entire body weight to one ski, the clearance zone should become 10 cm smaller and less in the back and front, while the gap should end earlier than the heel of the boot is located.

However, not every store will allow you to do such a check, so you can use another method. If you are deciding how to choose skis for skating, then there is another option for checking them. It is required to install the skis vertically, fold them to each other with sliding surfaces, put your hands on the blocks, and then squeeze them with force. If the gap between the skis is about 3-4 mm, then they are quite suitable for you, and with a gap of 1-2 mm, we can conclude that they are too soft for you.

So, now you understand how to choose skis for skating in terms of stiffness. Now it is worth saying that it is not recommended to buy these products in a hypermarket. It would be best to go to a sports store, where you can, with the help of a consultant, choose the most suitable suitable option. Usually, such specialists are well versed in how to choose skis for skating. Fisher is a popular brand to look out for as it produces high quality products at a reasonable price. Each manufacturer has its own line for each category of skis, with different characteristics and prices. In this case, the choice of one or another option depends primarily on how much you are willing to spend.

ski boots

If we talk about how to choose skis for skating, then one of the important attributes in this case are ski boots. They should be rigid, high, fix the ankle. For these purposes, it is completely inappropriate to use classic boots, since they are low, and the legs in them will get tired very quickly during such skating. As a result, you will not get any pleasure. The size should correspond to the size of the foot, while there is no need to leave a margin for woolen socks. Modern boots are characterized by density, softness, and their thermal parameters are designed for use with one toe, but rather dense.

The right choice of boots is an additional answer to the question of how to choose skis for skating. Much distinguishes them from the classics, so in the store you should once discard all unsuitable options. Boots may well become the most expensive part of the “skis - bindings - boots - poles” set, but you should not save on them, because poles and skis can be changed next season, and boots will last you another 10-15 years, no less.

ski poles

There is one general principle here: the lighter the sticks, the better. The same principle applies to skis and boots. Lighter sticks are made from carbon fiber or carbon fiber, but they are quite expensive, so it is recommended to take fiberglass products. They are characterized by rigidity, lightness and relative cheapness. If we talk about how to choose skis for skating by height, then it is important to know that poles should also be selected according to height. On average, their length should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the athlete himself. But even here it is possible that the skier will select sticks according to his own criteria, because it is convenient for everyone to use them in different ways.

Ski waxing

If it has already been said about how to choose skis for skating, now it is necessary to decide on the preparation of skis for operation, and this is impossible without their lubrication. In professional circles, at least ten layers of different lubricants and accelerator powders are applied to the sliding surface using a special iron, scrapers and brushes. Skating enthusiasts do not need to resort to such tricks, but they cannot completely abandon the use of lubricant. It's all about the composition of the sliding surface of the skis, because it consists of high molecular weight polyethylene, and it begins to gradually wear out from constant contact with snow. If you do not lubricate the skis, then this surface will gradually turn into completely unsuitable for skiing, which will require you to carry the skis to a professional for the scraping operation. After every 2-3 rides, it is recommended to rub the skis with special purpose paraffin, and then rub it with a stiff brush. Manufacturers have taken care of the laziest as well, for these purposes they produce aerosols that must be used before each ride.


If your decision to learn how to ski is pretty solid, then you should first decide what style of skiing you will use. In accordance with this, you also need to purchase skis. Not so long ago, people began to skate - in the eighties of the twentieth century. The ancestor of this style is considered Gunde Svan - the legendary skier from Sweden, who became the Olympic champion four times.

The peculiarity of this type of skiing is that the athlete is repelled from the track inside skis. At the same time, the route should have a large width, and also be well-packed. The advent of skating style has led to a change in the familiar look of traditional classic cross-country skiing. In addition to the fact that these are shorter skis with blunt noses, these are also products with a center of gravity shifted by 25 cm. In this case, in order to answer the question of how to choose skis for skating by weight and height, you need to understand that not only the type of snow is important here, but also your personal preferences.

If you just love Sunday skiing in the snow, then your best bet is to opt for models of medium and low hardness. Very rigid products have quite significant drawbacks - they spring and slip at the moment of push. But here it is important to understand that their rigidity is proportional to their own weight - the larger this indicator, the greater the rigidity should be. For children, only soft skis should be selected. With their help, the process of mastering skiing will be much easier. Buying skis "for growth" is the most significant mistake of parents. This is with regard to the question of how to choose skis for skating by weight.

The length is selected according to the formula already indicated earlier: height plus 10-15 cm. For sticks, the formula is a bit similar - height minus 20 cm. How to choose shoes has already been said earlier.


Another important point that concerns the question of how to choose skis for skating. It is associated with the choice of mounts for them. For amateur skiers, experts usually recommend stopping at NORDIK 75 bindings. In general, these devices can be mechanical or automatic. The first option involves manual latching, and their reliability is quite high. Automatic bindings have a peculiarity in that they work after the boot bracket is placed in the groove. This type for amateurs will be the best choice.

Fisher skis

How to choose skis for skating "Fischer"? There is something to say here. Why do people prefer this particular brand? These are high quality skis with excellent performance. The main advantage of Fischer skating skis is their highest strength and a special hollow core, which makes the body as light as possible. In addition, many models are produced using advanced technologies, for example, in the carrier material there are special carbon fibers that take on the task of providing maximum flexibility with extreme strength. Perfect skating comfort is ensured by the use of a patented profile. Reducing the mass of skis became possible due to the use of a holey toe.

Another advantage of these products is the maximum removal of reference points. This allows the athlete to gain the maximum stability that can be required in biathlon training and competition. We continue to figure out how to choose skis for skating. Reviews of the products of this brand speak of their wide temperature range. For example, in their lineup there are representatives focused on riding on dirty snow or during a thaw. However, practice shows that they are well suited for training in cold weather, and you don’t even need to use any special lubricants. This versatility is quite captivating.

The only disadvantages of Fisher skis are their high cost, which is beyond the reach of most domestic consumers. For professional products, the price is 30 thousand rubles or more, which is quite expensive for amateurs. But the brand also presents standard modifications that have good characteristics.


Now you understand how to choose skis for skating. Photos of these products and pictures of skiers demonstrate that this is a very important task, because they not only provide the convenience of skiing, but also the safety of the athlete. It is not necessary to immediately buy these products for yourself, you can limit yourself to renting skis. This will allow you to feel in practice which option will be most convenient for you. And if you don’t have such an opportunity, then all the indicated recommendations should be useful to you. Good luck with your choice and happy riding!

In the world market, Fischer skis occupy a leading position. They are popular in Russia and other CIS countries. Fixtures are different high quality, using latest materials and also at a great price. They are operated by leading athletes and amateurs who are actively involved in skiing.

About the manufacturer

The Fischer company was founded back in 1924 by Josef Fischer, a little-known carpenter at that time. The first manufacturing facility was erected in the city of Ried (Austria). At first, the company produced various joinery products. Running and skiing Fischer began to produce only in 1934. Now the corporation occupies a leading position in the manufacture of relevant products in the world.

In the domestic market, professional samples of this brand are also a priority. In addition, the company produces ski poles, boots, special clothing and sports accessories. The main product line consists of training, amateur, racing and alpine skis.


Designations are placed on the toe of the skis and on their side surface. The first one is two digits. One of them indicates the type of sliding surface. The cold type is marked with the symbol A5, and the warm type is marked with 28. The second marker indicates the design features. Skis Fischer 610 (610Q) are focused on a soft prepared type of track. Option with index 115 (1Q) is designed for hard and icy areas. A number of numbers are also applied on the side surface. The first of them indicates the height group in centimeters, the second - the year of production. Next number indicates hardness (can be 6, 5 or 4 - stiff/medium/hard). The next five digits correspond to the batch number, and the last index is a hardness indicator.


The range of thermal loads that Fischer skis have is divided into two categories, namely:

  • Cold type (Cold) is designed for use at temperatures below -5 degrees Celsius.
  • Warm class (Plus) is designed for operation at a higher temperature.

In fact, the second type is considered more universal. The devices have a soft base, which makes it possible to achieve optimal glide on a soft track with a high humidity index. In severe weather, they can be adjusted by rubbing with paraffin or special knurling. Cold analogues on soft snow will glide worse, and when the frost is below five degrees, this figure is almost the same.

Alpine skiing Fischer

The Speedmax model is a high-level professional model. The most famous skiers perform on such a modification. In this series there are skating and classic variations. In the first case, the devices are equipped with a characteristic cutout in the toe of the ski, which reduces the weight of the model.

They are equipped with a special carbon fiber core and are cold glued on the base. To do this, the base is first made in a molding oven at a temperature of over 100 degrees, and then a working surface is attached at room temperature. This improves glide, regardless of weather conditions. The mass of such a pair is 1.02 kilograms with a length of 1.86 meters.

  • Alpine skiing Fischer Carbonlite. They differ from the previous series in the lightweight Air Core Carbonlite core system and production technology. The product is completely made in the oven. With a pair length of 186 centimeters, its weight is 0.97 kg.
  • The RCS modification is the previous version without the toe hole. The use of laminated elements and fiberglass in the construction contributes to the fact that the product weighs 1.08 kg at a standard length (186 cm).

Instances for training

This category is classified as a series for training runs by professional skiers and amateurs with more experience. Skate-type options and Fischer Classic skis are available. In production, simpler and cheaper materials are used. The manufacturing scheme is identical to the elite variations. This combination allows you to guarantee high running parameters at a lower price.

For example, the Fisher modification (SCS) has a universal structure designed for different climatic conditions. Reinforced edges provide high directional stability, and additional inserts on the heels and toes increase the durability and rigidity of the product. Additionally, a core is used, consisting of a material with the inclusion of volcanic basalt elements. The mass of a pair with a length of 1.87 meters is 1.27 kilograms.

Another modification for training "Fischer" (CRS) is equipped with a universal design of the sliding part, differs from the previous version in the presence of other materials, as well as dimensions. Weight is 1.35 kilograms, length - 187 centimeters.

Hobbyist and tourist options

In this class, Fisher skis are divided into skating, classic, children's and combined options. They are intended for use by beginners, young skiers and other people who enjoy the usual riding on such a device. High-quality, but simple components and materials are used in the manufacture. With this approach, the desired speed qualities are maintained in combination with an acceptable price. Among the tourist options are the following modifications:

  • SC - a pair has a mass of 1.38 kilograms and a length of 1.87 meters.
  • Skis Fischer Sprint LS have a weight of 1.45 kg and a length of 187 centimeters.

Consumer responses

Owners note in the considered modifications a lot of advantages and minor disadvantages. The advantages of users include reliability, strength, excellent maneuverability and gliding. In addition, the owners are satisfied with the external design, the possibility of purchasing similar additional accessories and wide selection, depending on the purpose.

Among the minuses, amateurs and professionals note the high price, especially on professional models. However, they agree that the quality remains at a high level due to the use of productive technologies and high-quality components in manufacturing. Fischer cross-country skis, reviews of which are mostly positive, are rightfully the leader in their class, both at the amateur and professional levels.


Fisher skis have gained high popularity largely due to top-end specimens. They are designed for athletes of various levels and just connoisseurs of this sport. It is worth noting that Fischer children's skis are identified by the name Junior.

They differ in size, but are great for training and moving on different snow tracks. young skiers. Despite the decent cost, the products in question are in demand all over the world. In addition, Fisher skis are favorably distinguished by a combination of price and quality among the nearest competitors.