Mandala calculation. How to calculate the numerical mandala of a person

T. N. Zyurnyaeva

Numerical mandala - fate and karma


It is difficult to live in times of change. But these times provide an opportunity to change a lot. The changes taking place outside make a person evaluate his life differently and perceive it in a new way.

Our time of change is unique. In a relatively short period of time, several time cycles of different duration and level of action end simultaneously. For us, living at this time, this transition from one era to another in the full sense of the word means a transition from one world to another, completely unknown to us. How and what will happen, not a single oracle will be able to predict, too much is changing for the Earth in a short time.

Firstly, the axis of the Earth, which has been pointing to the constellation of Pisces for more than 2000 years, crosses the border of signs on March 21, 2003 and enters the constellation of Aquarius. This is the constellation under whose protection our country, Russia, is located. Russia in the new time is assigned a special role, the whole world is turned in our direction, following the processes that are taking place in this territory. The symbol of Aquarius is a man pouring water from two vessels without mixing them. In one vessel, the water is "dead", restoring integrity, in the other - "alive", filling with energy and life.

At the beginning of the third millennium, not only the beginning of the Age of Aquarius falls, but also the end and beginning of many other rhythms of time that people follow.

So, on March 21, 2002, a new cycle of the solar Avestan calendar will begin with a period of 256 years. In 2008, a new galactic year will begin for the Earth, lasting 8.4 million years, carrying a change in the position of the Earth in space. What will this entail? We'll see. Many predictors warn of cataclysms that the Earth will experience at the beginning of the third millennium. But it's impossible to even renovate an apartment or move without moving everything from its old place.

In addition, according to the ideas of the ancient Maya, in 2012 the next stage of the evolution of the earthly mind ends and humanity will be connected to the Galactic information network which will provide the Earth with new opportunities for its development. According to the ancient Mayan calendar, another passage through the Earth of a galactic synchronization beam with a diameter of 5125 years ends, the purpose of which was to help the Earth reach the level of conscious radiation. Indeed, according to their ideas, the Earth is a living organism, an intelligent planet.

Many people may not be aware of the change in these rhythms. But the fact that the twentieth century, the second millennium after the birth of Christ, has ended, and the third millennium has come, is known to everyone who lives according to this chronology.

In order to orient themselves in this changing world, at all times of change, people sought support in secret, sacred knowledge, and such knowledge was revealed to those who sought it. It is no coincidence that in our time a flurry of information fell upon people about what used to be for us "behind seven locks".

If the concept of "fate" is more or less clear to us, then the word "karma" sounds alarming and confusing. There is an idea that "man himself is the creator of his own destiny." Fate is what happens in the life of any person now, in this life. Karma is the result of our past destinies and what a person "created" sometime in his other lives. After all, a person lives more than once, he simply changes bodies, like clothes. And experience, its priceless wealth, carries with it from life to life.

One of the ways to know your karma and work with your destiny is to study your life with the help of a person's numerical mandala. Understanding the symbolism of the number mandala can lead to a change in the way we respond to the world in all its variety of manifestations. And this, in turn, will change a person and life itself, which means it will correct fate and make it possible to work out karma.

1. Number Mandala

The numbers that surround us have a magical meaning. Their vibrations have a great influence on our lives. Various actions with numerical vibrations studies numerology - a universal system of knowledge of the world order. All phenomena of the world are reduced to simple numerical vibrations.

Numerology refers to karmic astrology, which is not limited to our current incarnation. Therefore, the numerological horoscope allows you to identify not only the purpose of a particular incarnation, but also provides deeper karmic information. The construction of a mandala and meditation on it cause a certain impetus in the subconscious and give access to subtle planes. By attuning to our mandala, we are included in a special Universal rhythm that promotes the perception of cosmic energy, and we get the opportunity for a completely different development. Having received new information, many will be able to analyze their lives, find out what qualities they initially possess, consciously adjust their weak sides to accomplish the tasks for which they were born.

geometric pattern numerological horoscope of a person (numerical mandala) is an individual drawing of fate. It reveals the original path of a person, shows his hidden possibilities. Daily vibrational energy flows are reflected and act in the unconscious structures of our essence and personality, which can be seen in the mandala. They are reflected in our thoughts, emotions, our health, ways and possibilities of achieving the goal, influencing the world, in responding to others.

Exploring the mandala, you can see what we have lost and what we have gained in the process of life, whether it is good or bad for us, you can find out what needs to be done in a certain year, month, day. Any line of the mandala shows how various programs are implemented in a person’s life, whether there are birth curses, whether a person has magical powers, and if so, how he uses them, how natural weakness can be compensated.

AT real life knowledge of numerology is necessary for a person to choose simple and convenient landmarks and the way of life that suits him best.

Date of birth, first name, patronymic and last name are used in the language system in which the person lives. If a person moved to a country where they speak another language, then his numerological code will change, as well as his life task and the ways of its implementation. The personality of a person in the rhythms of another country will be tuned to other vibrations and will be realized in a different way.

Each number of the natural series in the dynamic solar system corresponds to the energies and functions of the planets of the solar system in which we live.

1 - Sun, 2 - Moon, 3 - Mars, 4 - Mercury, 5 - Jupiter, 6 - Venus, 7 - Saturn, 8 - Uranus, 9 - Neptune.

Table 1.

Correspondence of numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet











































The main parts of the numerological code

Date of Birth- the primary determining vibration for a person. This is the main number expressing its essence. The numbers of the date of birth indicate what the individual harmony of the three bodies of a person is built on: physical, astral and mental.

Birthday- the vibrational number of the day, which is used for harmonization physical body.

Date of month of birth- this is the number of the astral body, used to harmonize our energy, emotions.

Number of year of birth- the number of the mental body, thoughts - the most subtle spiritual plan available to us in awareness and control at the level of everyday life.

The sum of the vibrations of these three bodies corresponds to the vibrational entity number.

Last name number

This number shows the number of egregor to which the person is connected. Egregor is an independently developing object in the subtle world. It arises when a certain group of people begins to think in the same way and the mental matter allocated by them reaches a certain size. The life of an egregore is supported by the energies that arise during the performance of certain rituals and customs by people. The connection of a person with his egregor (family, nation, religion, science, art, politics, etc.) is two-way. A person not only supports and strengthens egregor with his thoughts and actions, but egregor also gives a person support and protection.

Numerological egregore is a person's mental attitude towards certain goals in life, ways of their implementation, expressed by the numbers of the natural series from 1 to 9, associated with the action of the planets of the solar system. The interaction of a person with an egregor is due to his own mood. Do not cultivate negative thoughts and bad choices implementation of cases. On the contrary, having tuned in to the number of your egregore, having thought through all conceivable options for a successful and favorable outcome of the case, you will receive help and support.

The number of egregor sets a certain task for a person, which he must perform in life in order to support his egregor and receive protection from him in specific cases that the egregor needs.

Each line in the mandala is treated separately. The presence or absence of some lines indicates what a person is. Therefore, the energy vibrations on different planes that arise when connecting various programs are so carefully separated. For example, series of target and adaptation numbers. Very often, it is in this connection that men receive magical abilities; Women have almost no such opportunity.

The mandala looks like this. The base - the essence - is highlighted in red. Blue personality lines may cover this base; then a blue line is drawn parallel to the red one indicating the direction. If the blue line crosses the blue line for the second time, then a second arrow is placed on the already existing blue line.

If there was a short connection, and then a long one appeared, then the short connection is drawn to the long one and an air arrow is placed on top. If the same figure is in a row in the mandala, then a point is placed next to it, that is, this point deepens. If a long connection is repeated, then another arrow is marked on the air arrow.

Essence Mandala

08/03/1945 = 30 = 3 (Mars).

If the date has a zero in the numbers of the day, month or year, then we skip it, we do not depict it in the mandala, but we take it into account in the vibration series. The presence of zero in the number series indicates that a person has special powers. Zero is a sign of great power.

We connect in series inside the working square of the mandala all the numbers. In our example, the essence mandala is closed, which indicates the self-sufficiency and invulnerability of the human essence.

The only main line is 1-9 (the desire for overall harmony). This line is present in all people born in the 20th century. The remaining lines indicate through what a person will go to this goal. Lines 1-8, 8-3 are designed to support a person, help him live with the problems of the present moment. Line 4-5 directs to the dissemination of information supporting the law. Line 3-5 (code line) says that the actions of a person should contribute to the execution and maintenance of laws in society.

name mandala

A name is a manifestation of energy through which a person achieves his goal.

Consider the numerological series of the name: 2123661 = 3 (Mars). The purpose manifests itself harmoniously. Support in d A person sees achieving the goal in establishing harmony with himself and the world around him. Since the achievement of the goal ends with the number 3 (Mars), then, perhaps, a person will have a desire to insist on his own. At best, this is the desire to achieve some higher goal, to give impetus, an impulse to something new. Line 1-3 says that the moment of beginning is always very important for a person. In choosing a goal, he comes from emotions, focuses on the present moment, tries on the goal for himself for a long time. If he finds a good moment, then this inflames his emotions even more and he actively achieves the goal, while striving for harmonization and for it to bring him pleasure, perhaps as self-affirmation.

Patronymic Mandala

M Andala patronymic indicates what our relationship with ancestors is built on, ways of adapting a person in the present through the connection of generations.

Take for example the numerological series: 13167361 = 1 (Sun).

The experience of ancestors helps at the beginning of any business (1-3-1), harmonizing it (1-6) and determining the exact goal (6-7). The need to prove oneself (7-3) is expressed in the desire harmonious combination love and achieving material results. Ultimately, the ancestors direct to the spiritual, creative development this person.

Surname Mandala

The mandala of the surname is the energy circuit of the egregor to which the person is connected.

Consider the vibrational numerological series of the surname, consisting of the following numbers: 61919731316 = 2 (Moon).

The task that egregor poses to a person is to achieve harmony (the digital series begins and ends with the number 6). A person must make a choice and by his actions help the egregor in the development of the world (1-9, 1-9) through his own evolution (7-3), following unknown paths.

The graphic construction of the Mandala is carried out in a working square, which is divided into nine parts, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 9. This is how three levels of numbers are formed.

The numbers in the square are arranged according to the occupied area. Such a square is called the square of Strength. The sum of the horizontal rows and diagonals is the number 6 (6, 15, 24, 15, 15), and the sum of the vertical rows forms the numbers of the periodic trinity: 3 (12), 6 (15) and 9 (18).
The number 6 is the number of a person, and the numbers of the periodic trinity can be defined as follows:
3 - masculinity with the principle of trinity;
6 - the feminine, which is seen as the opposition of the masculine to itself (3 + 3);
9 - a neutral force that holds both principles together in a state of equilibrium and forms together with them integrity (3 + 6, 3 + 3 + 3).

The initial data in the construction of the numerological Mandala are: the date of birth, as well as the last name, first name and patronymic of the person. Numerological analysis of this information is carried out in the language symbolism in which a person lives. Changing the environment (country, language environment) changes karmic task person and how to implement it. The analysis of the full name is carried out on the basis of the vibrating method known in occultism. This method is based on theosophical addition and reduction of numbers. All letters of the surname, name, patronymic after the theosophical abbreviation are reduced to a numerological series from 1 to 9. This system is therefore called nine arcane.

But there may be other options, if we neglect the signs E, Y, b, b - in Russian and J, V, W - in Latin, then the correspondence tables will look different.

We will choose the main following main vibrational table, according to which the numerological code will be built:

As an example, let's take the data: birthday - 11/17/1953; surname - Gaisinsky; name - Vadim; patronymic - Yakovlevich.
In accordance with the main vibration table, we build a number series for this person:
Surname - Gaisinsky = 4121161312(we got such a series by assigning a number to each letter of the surname)
Name - Vadim = 31515.
Middle name - Yakovlevich = 637346317.
By connecting the full name, we get a number series: 412 116 1312 31515 637346317
Date of Birth: 11/17/1953. Connecting it with the last series received, we get the final number series:

17111953 4121161312 31515 63734617

Let us make a theosophical contraction of each component of the number series:
The date of birth consists of:
Birth Numbers 17=1+7=8
Months of Birth 11=1 + 1=2
Year of Birth 1953=1+9+5+3=18=1+8 = 9
The sum of the Numbers of the day, month and year of birth is: 8+2+9=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
Surname 4+1+2+1+1+6+1+3+1+2=22=2+2=4
Name 3+1+5+1+5=15=1+5=6
Middle name 6+3+7+3+4+6+3+1+7=40=4+0=4

Let's analyze the received information. Birth Number = 8 is the vibration of Uranus. It corresponds to the vibrations of the physical body. Month of birth = 2 - this is the vibration of the moon. This means that it is the lunar cycles that have the greatest influence on the astral body - the basis of energy and emotions. Year of birth = 9 corresponds to the vibrations of Neptune. These are the vibrations of the Mental body, so Neptune will determine thoughts and their direction. Surname = 4 - Mercury. The surname is the vibrational number of Egregor to which the person is connected. Mercury will determine contacts, movements, the nature of obtaining information, volitional orientation, mental activity. This is the number of teaching, quick response and quality change. Mercury is the mediator of life. His task is the transformation of the strength of the spirit and their manifestation in real life.
Middle name = 4, also vibrations of Mercury. Patronymic is a way of adapting a person in the world. Mercury in this case gives high survival, adaptability, conformity, responsibility, and efficiency.

Let's find the sum of all key (total) figures:
These are the vibrations of Venus. What this number is and how it affects a person's life is discussed in detail in the analysis of the numerological Mandala.
Thus, we have built a numerical series and received all the main vibrational numbers.

Each person in life has different numerical series and a special numerical code that determines a lot in his destiny, the effect of which can be seen and realized only through the analysis of the numerical mandala. According to this code, a person can call and tune in to the flow of energy necessary for his harmonization and objective perception of the world.
Each person has the main, defining numbers, to which he is initially tuned (in accordance with his karma). It is to these vibrations that we most react and perceive them on three levels: physical, astral and mental. They are not always realized by a person, but they always act. The result of their action is manifested in the material world.

The numerological code is based on three fundamental principles of the Universe:

Active start (yang)- this is a golden alchemical number through which a person influences the world.
Middle beginning (den)- this is the number of essence, which indicates what the individual harmony of the three bodies of a person is built on: physical, astral and mental.
Passive start (yin)- this is the number of personality through which a person perceives the world and reacts to it.
These numbers, like others important to a person, are calculated not using special tables, but based on the usual passport data - the date of birth and the name, patronymic and surname of the person.
The calculation of the key life numbers of a person is carried out using nine numbers of the natural series. The numbers of the natural series from 1 to 9 are associated with the letters of the Russian alphabet according to the so-called<девяти арканной>system of Russian cabalistics.
Here is a table of the ratio of numbers with the letters of the Russian alphabet in this system:

Table 1
Russian cabalism

3 4 5 6 7 8
a b in G d e yo well h
and th to l m n about P R
at f X c h w
b uh Yu I

Date of birth, first name, patronymic and last name are considered in the language system in which a person lives. If a person moved to a country where they speak a different language, then his numerological code will change, as well as his life task and the ways of its implementation. The personality of a person in the rhythms of another country will be tuned to other vibrations and will be realized in a different way.

Each number of the natural series in the solar dynamic system, which is used in the construction of the numerical mandala, correlates with the energies and functions of the planets solar system in which we live, as follows:

1- Sun 6 - Venus,
2- Moon 7 - Saturn,
3- Mars 8 - Uranus,
4 - Mercury 9 - Neptune.
5- Jupiter

The main parts of the numerological code

Date of Birth- the primary determining vibration for a person. These are the main numbers that reflect its essence. The numbers of the date of birth indicate what the individual harmony of the essence of a person and his three bodies is built on: physical, astral and mental.
Birthday- the vibrational number of the day, used to harmonize the physical body of a person, is the number of the physical body;
Date of month of birth- used to harmonize the energy and emotions of a person, this is the number of the astral body;
Number of year of birth- the number of the mental body, thoughts of a person - the most subtle spiritual plan available to us in awareness and control at the level of everyday life.
The sum of the vibrations of these three bodies corresponds to the vibrational entity number.

Last name number- will indicate the number of egregor to which the person is connected.
Egregor is an independently developing object in the subtle world. It arises when a certain group of people begins to think in the same way, and the mental matter allocated by them reaches a certain size. The life of an egregore is supported by the energies that arise during the performance of certain rituals and customs by people. The connection of a person with his egregore (family, nation, religion, science, art, politics, numbers, etc.) is two-way. A person not only supports and strengthens egregor with his thoughts and actions, but egregor also gives a person support and protection.
Numerological egregore is a person's mental attitude towards certain goals in life, ways of their implementation, expressed by the numbers of the natural series from 1 to 9, associated with the action of the planets of the solar system. The interaction of a person with an egregor is due to his own mood. You should not cultivate negative thoughts and unsuccessful options for the implementation of cases. On the contrary, having tuned in to the number of your egregore, having thought through all conceivable options for a successful and favorable outcome of the case, you will receive help and support. It is necessary to remember him more often, consult with him, tune in to his numerical wave and look for the results of his activity in the life around him. Support for an egregor can come in the form of an accidentally overheard conversation of passers-by, a phrase heard on the radio or television, a thought that arose while reading a newspaper or book, etc.
The number of egregor imposes on a person a certain task that he must perform in life in order to support his egregor and receive protection from him in specific cases that the egregor needs.
In Russian, the endings of the surnames of the husband and wife are different, which leads to the fact that they are tuned to different egregor numbers. Usually, female surnames end in<а>(Ivanova, Petrova, Sidorova), which makes the woman's egregor number one more than that of a man. This makes women attuned to more subtle vibrations.

Name number is the number of the purpose of life. Parents, giving a name to a child, determine its purpose.
Middle name number- this is the number, the vibration of which determines our relationship with our ancestors and the form of adaptation in the present through the connection of generations. It inclines a person to adapt to life and act in it in a certain way:
golden alchemical number- this is the sum of the numbers of the essence (date of birth) and personality (I.O.F.) of a person. With the help of vibrations of this number, a person influences the world and corrects his destiny.

Recording the numerological code of a person

The numerological code is written in three lines:
The first line is the numbers of the entity
Second line - personality numbers
The third line is the number of the golden alchemical number

1.5.6.= 3
7.5.3.= 6
3.9.= 9

(draw in a square!)

Rice. 2 Correct entry of the numerological code of a person

The numerological code of a person is sacred information and is subject to special protection with the help of the square in which it is placed.

3. Graphic construction of the mandala

The graphic construction of the mandala is carried out in a working square, divided into nine small squares, in which numbers from 1 to 9 are entered.
The numbers in the squares are inscribed at three levels from left to right.

  • The top level (1,2,3) is the Sun, Moon and Mars
  • Middle level(4,5,6) is Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
  • Lower level(7,8,9) is Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

The energy of numbers in the working square of the mandala passes from one level to another, from the end point of one level to the first point of the next.

Fig.3 Working square of the numerical mandala
(d.b. square!!!)

Order graphic construction human numerical mandala

Fig.4 Numerical mandala of a person

1. The square of the mandala does not need to be depicted. The drawing is carried out on nine pre-arranged points.

Fig.5 Blank of a numerical mandala (should be square)

First, in red (in the book it is a bold line) the essence mandala is depicted. The numbers of the recorded numerical series of the date of birth in the working square of the mandala are connected by lines, on which the direction of connecting the numbers with an arrow is indicated. If this short line between two adjacent numbers, then the arrow is placed directly on the line at its end. For example, 8 - 5 or 6 - 8. If it is a long horizontal or vertical or diagonal line, then the air arrow is placed above the line with outer side square at the end of the line. For example, 2 - 8. Above the diagonals (1 - 9), the arrows are placed inside the square. Two identical numbers in a row are depicted by one dot next to this number, where a line with an arrow has already been drawn. The entity code is highlighted with a double red line - 3 - 8.
If the code will consist of the same digit, then a red dot is placed next to this digit, which is surrounded by a double red circle. For example, 2-2 or 7-7.
2. The red dotted line represents the first key between essence and personality, from the last digit of the year to the first digit of the name. This so-called<пуповина>. If this is a repetition of the same number, then this is represented by a dot in a dotted circle 8 - 8.
3. On the essence, as it were, we "put on" the personality. Starting from the first digit of the name, all the digits of the first name, patronymic, surname are connected in a row in the working square of the mandala in blue (shown in the book with a thin line), except for two links: between the last digit of the name and the first digit of the patronymic; the last digit of the patronymic and the first digit of the surname. These connections are drawn with blue dotted lines (9-1, 7-1).
If such a connection has already been drawn previously in red or blue, then a blue dotted line is drawn parallel to it, indicating the direction of the beam.
If it's already happening former connection two digits, then a second arrow is placed on the existing line in the same direction.
If there are two or more in the number row same digits, then one arrow is drawn, and dots are placed next to this number to highlight this repetition of numbers. If two numbers in a row - one dot and one arrow, if three numbers in a row - two dots and one arrow.
If two numbers in a row are in some key, this is represented by a dot in a dotted circle.
4. The line completes the construction of the mandala.<замка>, it is drawn from the golden number to the last digit of the surname with a doubled blue line indicating the direction. If a<замок>consists of repeating numbers, this is represented by a dot in a double blue circle 3-3.
Each line in the mandala is treated separately. The presence or absence of some lines indicates what a person is. Therefore, the energy vibrations on different planes that arise when connecting various programs are so carefully separated. For example, series of target and adaptation numbers. Very often, men in this connection receive magical abilities, women practically do not have such an opportunity.
The mandala looks like this. The base - the essence - is highlighted in red. Blue personality lines can cover this base, then a blue line is drawn parallel to the red line indicating the direction. If the blue line crosses the blue line for the second time, then a second arrow is placed on the already existing blue line.
If there was a short connection, and then a long one appeared, then the short connection is drawn to the long one and placed on top
air arrow in the desired direction. If the same number is in a row in a row, then a dot is placed in the mandala next to this number, i.e. this point is getting deeper. If the air connection already existing in the mandala is repeated, then another arrow is marked on this air arrow.

Since ancient times, numbers have played an important and multifaceted role in human life. It is not surprising that they have always aroused close attention to themselves from the mind. Ancient people attributed special, supernatural properties to numbers, almost every religion has its own "sacred numbers". Some numbers promised happiness and success, others could cause a blow of fate, some favored travelers and warriors, others sacred mysteries. Recognized experts in the field of application of numbers were the ancient Indians, Egyptians, Chaldeans. The secrets of their teachings were trusted only to a narrow circle of initiates.

According to the "Book of Creation", one of the main esoteric works of the teachings of the ancient Jews - Kabbalah, the world was created by means of numbers and sounds (or numbers and letters). “Explore all things with the help of numbers, penetrate this mystery and meditate,” it says. Having comprehended the wisdom of numbers, you yourself will become wise. The authorship of this work is attributed to the biblical patriarch Enoch, among the Egyptians he bears the name Toga, and among the Greeks - Hermes.

The founder of the European doctrine of numbers was Pythagoras. He is credited with saying: "The world is built on the strength of numbers." In his school, knowledge of the properties of numbers was the first step on the path to esoteric knowledge. The book of Pythagoras "The Sacred Word" has not been preserved, but the works of his followers, Philolaus, acquaint us with the principles set forth in it, Archytas, Plato, Aristotle, Porphyry.

Echoes of ancient teachings about numbers can be found in cultural heritage almost any nation. For example, a well-known researcher of primitive rock art Sahara Henri Lot in his book "To Other Tassili" mentions: "In the African shepherd tribe of the Fulbe, the number 7 symbolizes the unity of the whole, combining the masculine - 3 with the feminine - 4." During the Renaissance, interest arose in ancient teachings, including those about numbers. In 1533, Cornelius Agrippa published the Occult Philosophy, containing a description magical properties numbers. The occultists of the 18th and 19th centuries, among whom we should single out Eliphas Levi, Theodore Lab, Dr. Papus, Aebarrol, devote entire works to the study of the properties of numbers, interpretations of the Book of Creation and other Kabbalistic writings.

The ancient philosophy of number is also highly appreciated by modern scientists (see, for example, the book by V.V. Nalimov "Spontaneity of Consciousness"). Serious attention was paid to numerology and the founders of three astrological schools in Moscow. The largest work is the "Kabbalah of Numbers" by Absalom Podvodny. "Numerology" Sergei Vronsky is written more popularly.Publications of the school of Pavel Glob - "The Arithmetic of Fate" and "The Values ​​of Numbers".

The most authoritative modern specialist was Count Louis Gamont, better known by the nickname Cairo, long time who was an adviser to W. Churchill on occult issues. His main merit is the development of a doctrine applicable in Everyday life, which he stated in the "Book of Numbers". According to the views of Kabbalists, numbers are formless entities that are present in all things and phenomena. “Each number has a certain power, which the figure or symbol for denoting a number expresses not only quantitatively. These forces lie in the occult connections between the relations of things and principles in nature, the expressions of which they are,” writes K. Agrippa. Any thing consists of essence, form and name, and the name is an important link between essence and form: it is thanks to him that essence plus form form a thing. The name is the result of a certain combination of letters through which it has a numerical value and, thus, is an expression of the properties of one of the numbers.

To modern man, the influence of numbers is more understandable from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Each number, primarily simple, is associated with certain images that are fixed in the subconscious. Each such image is in harmony with a certain type of activity, character traits, and so on. For example, the number 1 evokes in the mind of a person an image of something individual: a lonely person, a detached building, a tree, the Sun in the sky. These images are associated with the beginning of any activity, with creative, individual work, with a penchant for leadership. 2nd images of a married couple, an arrow that has a beginning and an end, a yoke of scales, a crescent moon; 3 - triangles, families of three; 4 - square, four cardinal points; 5 - pentagon, star, pentagram - magic sign, etc. Since human thinking is figurative, when learning to count, each number forms a corresponding image in the mind. When a person encounters numbers in his activity, areas corresponding to the images of these numbers are activated in his mind. The reverse process is also possible: some image that has arisen in the mind of a person activates areas of the subconscious with images corresponding to the same numerical value. If someone has the same name, date of birth, place of residence, etc., as another person, then this will cause a predisposition in their relationship, most often favorable.

The main thing for a person, according to Louis Gamon, is the number of birth. To develop its properties, one should increase the concentration on it, i.e. live in houses and apartments, the numbers of which are in harmony with the number of birth, choose the appropriate name, the same applies to all dates, numbers and names encountered in life. The name of the city and locality should be considered and applied as a wider octave of harmony; the number of your house or apartment - as more intimate, personal; the number of the date or day of the week - as more immediate, directly related to events, and the number of birth or name in relation to oneself - as more individual, relating to feelings, love, affections and home life.

If the birth number is not favorable, then you can concentrate, for example, on the number of the name or sign of the Zodiac. To identify the numerical value of a name or any word, add the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the numbers corresponding to each letter:

A-1, B-2, C-3, O-7, R-8, D-4, Q-1, E-5, R-2, F-8, S-3, G-3, T- 4, H-5, U-6, I-1, V-6, J-1, W-6, K-2, X-5, L-3, Y-1, M-4, N-5, Z-7

In Russian transcription:

A-1, R-2, B-2, S-3, V-6, T-4, G-3, U-6, D-4, F-8, E-5, X-5, F- 1, C-3, Z-7, Ch-8, I-1, Sh-8, Y-1, Shch-2, K-2, b-0, L-3, Y-1, M-4, L-1, N-5, E-4, O-7, Yu-7, P-8, Z-2

Zodiac signs:

Aries - 9, Libra - 6, Taurus - 6, Scorpio - 9, Gemini - 5, Sagittarius - 3, Cancer - 2 and 7, Capricorn - 8, Leo - 1 and 4, Aquarius - 4 and 8, Virgo - 5, Pisces - 3 and 7.

In Cancer 2 is stronger than 7; in Leo, 1 than 4; in Aquarius - 4 than 8; in Pisces - 7 than 3.

At the beginning of each sign, Louis Gamon allocates 7 days, considering that the days of these periods have the properties of two neighboring signs. Days of the week: Sunday - 1 and 4, Monday - 2 and 7, Tuesday - 9, Wednesday - 5, Thursday - 3, Friday - 6, Saturday - 8.

Any composite number belongs to the series of one of the unit. To determine this, carry out the "extraction of the Theosophical root": add the numbers with which the number is written, repeat if necessary, until you get a single number. For example, 176 corresponds to

Numbers and residence

Any person can determine how favorable the city, town or area where he intends to settle will be for him. Everyone can easily detect the presence of the number of his birth in the name of a city or area.

Work out the name of the city or area by letter, assigning to each of them the numerical value of the letters of the Mystic Alphabet. Put these numbers under each of the letters of the city; added together they will give the number of that city. Continue adding until only one digit remains, which will be a single number corresponding to the name of your city.

If this single number corresponds to the number of birth, then the name of this city, town or locality is in agreement with your personality. This effect will be further enhanced if the nominal number of this person is also in agreement with the number of the locality. Number one people will easily find that the cities listed below are most suitable for them to live permanently.

Let's work out, for example, the name of the city of Manchester: MANCHESTER 4+1+5+3+5+5+3+4+5+2=37=1.

Other cities giving 1: Birmingham, Boston, New York. People of numbers 1-4 and 2-7 have much more wide selection than those born under the signs of other numbers, since these numbers are interchangeable.

Number 2 people may choose any city whose final singular number is any number from the above series, but it will be especially successful to call them vyOop if the name of the city gives their own number 2, for example: Leeds, Plymouth, Norwich, Brighton.

Number 3 people can choose Dublin, Moscow, Melbourne, Nottingham, Avonport or Bradford.

Number 4 people can live in London, Quebec, Montreal, Salisbury.

Number 5 people can choose Portsmouth, Chicago, Vienna. But since 5 is singular, which is in harmony with any other number, people of the number 5 can afford not to be particularly scrupulous in choosing a place of residence, since they are almost as harmonious in harmony with any city in which they live, regardless of the number of this city.

Number 6 people can live in Liverpool, Paris, the Louvre, Oxford.

Number 7 people can choose Hollywood, Calcutta, Preston or any other city from the series of numbers 1, 2, 4, 7.

Number 8 people can live in Belfast, Glasgow, Bombay. But not all people of numbers 4 and 8 should increase the influence of these numbers, living under the sign of their amazing fatality, but choose a city with numerical value 1, 3, 5, 6, etc.

Number 9 people can settle in Berlin, Rome,

Toronto. As noted above, people of numbers 3, 6, and 9 sympathize with each other, and in a similar way they can choose any city or town whose number gives 3, 6, or 9, with almost the same success as if they chose a city with a single, " their own, individual number.

Note. It should be noted that titles and names in this book are analyzed in English sound. For a Russian person, harmonious is Russian pronunciation words, for example: MOSCOW 4 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 1 = 23 = 5, and the English sound (Meskoyu) corresponds to 3, as indicated above.

Numbers and sickness

Support good health- one of essential conditions in order to be successful in life. The same ancient scientists who discovered the extraordinary influence of numbers on the fate of people developed a system by which pain and illness can be alleviated using herbs and fruits associated with each of the planets, and therefore with the numbers under the signs of which people were born.

People of the number 1 have a predisposition to heart disease, circulatory disorders, and with an increased active lifestyle - high blood pressure. They are also prone to eye diseases and astigmatism. It would be nice if they had their vision checked from time to time.

The main herbs and fruits of people of number 1: raisins, chamomile, saffron, garlic, cloves, nutmeg, sorrel, lavender, Bay leaf, oranges, lemons, dates, thyme, myrrh, ginger, barley. They should eat as much honey as possible.

10th, 19th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 55th, 64th years of their lives will bring them important changes health in one direction or another.

Months in which you should be wary of ill health: October, November, January. Number 2 people are predisposed to diseases of the stomach and digestive organs.

The main herbs and fruits of number 2 people are: lettuce (lettuce), cabbage, turnip, cucumber, melon, linseed, banana, chicory (winter indivium).

The 11th, 20th, 29th, 38th, 47th, 56th, 65th years of their lives will bring them important health changes.

Especially carefully they need to monitor their health in January, February and July.

Number 3 people most often suffer from disorders of the nervous system, occurring mainly due to conflicts, overwork. They are also prone to bouts of nephritis, sciatica, and various forms skin diseases.

Herbs and fruits of number 3 people: blueberries, asparagus, dandelions, chicory, sage, cherries, pears, olives, rhubarb, gooseberries, pomegranates, pineapples, grapes, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, almonds, figs, common nuts, wheat.

Years of life important in relation to changes in health: 12th, 21st, 30th, 39th, 48th, 57th, 66th.

In December, February, July and September, one should beware of deterioration in health and avoid overwork.

Number 4 people are likely to suffer from mysterious health conditions that are difficult to diagnose normally. They are more or less prone to melancholy, anemia, headaches and backaches.

These people benefit most from "electrical healing" of all kinds, hypnosis, psychotherapy, and spiritual suggestions. They should be especially careful about drug use and avoid eating early vegetables and raw or bloody meats.

The main herbs and fruits of people of number 4: spinach, sage, German medlar, Solomon's seal.

The years important for their health are the 13th, 22nd, 31st, 40th, 49th, 58th, 67th.

Months in which their health is especially vulnerable: January, February, June, August and September.

Number 5 people tend to overexert their nervous system, are prone to voluntary spiritual and intellectual overload, which in the end they themselves cannot withstand, live "on the nerves". They seem to cause neuritis and are prone to nervous exhaustion and insomnia. Sleep, rest and rest" - the best means treatment for them.

The main herbs and fruits of the number 5 people are: carrots, parsnips, oats, parsley, champignons, caraway seeds, thyme, nuts of all kinds, but especially common walnut and walnuts.

Important years when one should expect changes in health in one direction or another: 14th, 23rd, 32nd, 41st, 50th, 59th, 68th.

Months in which people of the number 5 are especially prone to deterioration in health and which should be avoided: June, September and December.

Number 6 people are predisposed to diseases of the throat, nose and upper parts lungs. As a rule, they are distinguished by a strong body build, especially if they have the opportunity to live on outdoors or outside the city where they have enough fresh air and exercise. As a rule, women born under the number 6 are prone to breast diseases. In most cases, the heart by the end of life in people of the number 6 begins to “give up” and this causes circulatory disorders.

Main herbs and fruits of number 6 people: all kinds of beans, beans, parsnips, spinach, squash, mint, melons, pomegranates, apples, pears, apricots, figs, walnuts, almonds, daffodils, wild thyme, violet, verbena, rose petals .

The 15th, 24th, 33rd, 42nd, 51st, 60th, 69th years of life are for people of the number 6 years in which significant changes can occur in their health.

The most dangerous months in relation to a possible deterioration in health are May, October and November.

People of the number 7 are much more subject to all kinds of pain and anxiety from their health than people of other numbers. As long as everything goes smoothly, they easily overcome any “blockages” in their work, but if they are disturbed or interfered with, they tend to present everything to themselves in a darker light than it actually is, and easily fall into despondency and melancholy.

They are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and willingly take on any responsibility for those who understand and appreciate them. They are unusually conscientious, doing work that interests them. But their body is too fragile for the burden that they take on themselves, because they are much stronger spiritually than physically. They have particularly delicate, thin skin, which, due to the specificity of its structure, bothers them with easy perspiration, sweating, or increased susceptibility to irritation.

The main herbs and fruits of people of number 7: lettuce (lettuce), cabbage, cucumbers, linseed, mushrooms, sorrel, apples, grapes, juices of any fruit.

Years of life in which important changes in their health can occur in one direction or another: 16th, 25th, 34th, 43rd, 52nd, 61st, 70th. Months most dangerous for their health: January, February, July, August.

Number 8 people are prone to diseases of the liver, gallbladder and intestines. They are prone to headaches and rheumatism. They should give up animal food and live on vegetables, herbs and fruits.

The main herbs and fruits of the number 8 people are: spinach, banana, plantain, sage, verbena, mandrake root, celery.

The most important in terms of health changes for them will be the 17th, 26th, 35th, 44th, 53rd, 62nd, -71st years of their life.

Months in which you should beware of overwork and deterioration of health: December, January, February and June.

Number 9 people are more or less prone to fever, fever of all kinds, corn, scarlet fever, chicken pox, etc. They should avoid heavy meals, if possible, limit themselves to wines and other alcoholic beverages.

The main herbs and fruits of number 9 people are: onion, garlic, leek, horseradish, rhubarb, mustard seed, wormwood, hellebore, ginger, pepper, broom, rapeseed, madder, hops, nettle juice.

The most important years of life in which they may experience changes in health in one direction or another are the 18th, 27th, 36th, 45th, 54th, 63rd, 72nd years of their life. .

Months in which one should especially be afraid of deterioration in health or overwork: April, May, October and November.

Relationship between music and numbers

Numbers and music have a very definite connection. People of numbers 1, 3 and 9 love marching, inspiring music; people of numbers 2 and 7 tend to string and light wind instruments such as violin, cello, harp, flute, bagpipe; people of number 6 love romantic tender music of all kinds, having melody and rhythm; people of number 5 tend either to extremely original, or unusual music that lies outside the developed musical traditions.People of numbers 4 and 8, if they have any musical ability or a penchant for music, gravitate towards the organ and are often excellent choral singers, but their music always has melancholic notes in the background, religious fervor or fanaticism.

Due to the magnetic rays emitted by people of the number 9, their presence often irritates people born under the signs of numbers other than 1, 3, 5 and 6. People born under other numbers are very often nervous or feel uncomfortable in the presence of people number 9.