Makeup for teenage girls for prom. Several style makeup options for graduation for school and college

Graduation - an important event in every girl's life. On this day you want to look amazing, charming and luxurious. Girls choose an outfit for several months. Everyone wants to look their best.

Become a Greek goddess

Prom makeup should match the chosen look. Ideal if it matches yours internal state. The image can be sophisticated, bold, majestic, daring, doll-like, whatever. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in it.

IN Lately the image is popular among yesterday's schoolgirls greek goddess. It assumes clear, straight lines, a plain dress without a crinoline, and a simple, smooth hairstyle. Significant variations are possible within the image. Makeup for prom depends on the color type and shade of the dress. The Greek look will make you look sophisticated, majestic and even a little cold. Many girls like him.

How to look - you choose

The doll image is completely different. It involves floral prints on clothes, an abundance of curls and bright makeup. Bows are appropriate in the hairstyle. The dress should be fluffy. The length of the skirt is knee-length. The doll image should not be overloaded with details. Therefore, large decorations are inappropriate here.

Prom makeup associated with the “vamp” image requires a special approach. The main thing about it is not to overdo it. After all, graduation is not only a party, but also special events, speeches, congratulations, and the presentation of medals and certificates. When creating a vamp look, don't limit yourself to the two traditional colors - black and red. Dilute them with similar shades: purple, burgundy, blue, amber. Fabrics with a slight sheen are appropriate: silk, satin, satin. The dress should be long, but not necessarily narrow.

Retro-style prom makeup looks great. A dress with a high waist and a hairstyle with curls will create a romantic image of a languid young lady. The choice of style depends on individual characteristics. If you have a figure like " hourglass", you should choose a knee-length flared dress, a babette hairstyle and short gloves. A high-waisted style will suit the lucky owner of a luxurious bust.

Proper preparation is the key to success

It is best to do prom makeup at home. Preparations for the special event must begin in advance. In the evening, take a bath and perform the necessary hygiene procedures. Do an exfoliation and face mask. Usually the event starts in the afternoon or evening. This will give you a chance to get a good night's sleep. In the morning you should take care of your hair. If you usually use a scalp scrub and mask, do this. Never heard of this? You shouldn't experiment on the eve of an important day.

Do you have dry skin? Apply moisturizer to your face. If your skin is normal or oily, you don't need to do this. On a hot summer day, excess secretion will ruin your makeup. Take time to get your nails done. If possible, do a nail design. Tell the stylist about your look, dress and hairstyle. He will help you choose a suitable pattern.

Facial care

Prom makeup at home should start with a primer and foundation. This is necessary when problem skin. Usually girls have a smooth and fresh face. If you have normal skin, you should not apply foundation. But it is very advisable to go over your face with a puff of powder. Graduation is no place for fake tanning. Choose a powder that is a shade lighter than your skin tone. Add a drop of pearlescent pigment to it. Then your face will shimmer mysteriously in the electric light. Pigment is a dry colored powder. It can be purchased at art supply stores.

Classic makeup

Light makeup for graduation is ideal for girls who have completed ninth grade. This type of makeup focuses on the eyes. Black mascara should be chosen by brunettes and dark brown-haired women. And brown is suitable for blondes and fair-haired girls. There is blue and green mascara. It is believed that it matches the eyes of the corresponding shade. If you have blue mascara in your makeup bag, save it for a more appropriate occasion. It does not go well with light classic makeup. Extravagant makeup would be appropriate at a themed party.

Light makeup for prom involves light eye shadow: beige, pink, blue. But if you are a dark brunette, it is better to choose a brown tone. Shadows can be matte or slightly shimmery. Eyeliner for the upper eyelid should be black or brown. Apply a thin line. Don't start too close to the inner corner of your eye. Extend the line to the outer edge, but do not make a long “arrow”. Today, Smokey Eyes makeup is popular. If you have opted for languid, languid eyes, use a pencil instead of eyeliner. Apply it to the upper and lower eyelids and blend lightly with your fingers. Remove excess paint with a cotton swab. Do not match the shadows to the color of the dress. They should match the shade of your skin and hair.

Correct lip makeup

Delicate prom makeup emphasizes the eyes. It's good to use false eyelashes. The dark line of eyeliner should be very thin. Apply beige shadows to the moving part of the eyelid. Highlight the outer corner of the eye with brown and shade it. Color your eyelashes. Lipstick must be applied over foundation. You can use a primer instead. Apply a little cream to your lips and outline with a pencil of the appropriate color. It is better to choose a light shade of lipstick. Coral color is suitable for dark brunettes.

Delicate prom makeup goes perfectly with lip tint. This is innovation in the world of cosmetology. This liquid product will make your lips look natural and seductive. The tint is almost impossible to wash off. It can only be removed with a special cosmetic product. The tint will not leave marks on the glass, will not flow or smear. It is quite difficult to apply without training. The fact is that the tint is absorbed very quickly, so it must be shaded almost instantly. Otherwise, unsightly spots will form on the lips. If you choose a tint, practice applying it correctly and quickly.

Accent selection

Eye makeup for prom is very important. It is best to focus on them. You can highlight your lips with bright lipstick. But then you don’t need to line your eyes; it’s better to limit yourself to mascara. If you have sparse eyebrows, highlight them with a pencil. Do not go beyond the contour. Stick to a natural eyebrow shape. Dark shadows are appropriate only at the outer corners of the eyes. Create a focal point with mascara. Then the eyes will look natural. If you have sparse and short eyelashes, use false eyelashes.

Evening makeup for prom should not be too harsh. Burgundy lipstick goes well with bright dress. Do not paint your lips dark cherry color. The exception is light-skinned brunettes. Wine lipstick is suitable for such girls. When choosing a colored dress and bright lips, be careful. Avoid combining shades that don't go well together. For example, a blue dress and carrot-colored lips will create a sharp dissonance. Coral lipstick is ideal for dark brown-eyed, brown-haired women. It will go perfectly with a beige dress of a simple cut.

Revealing secrets

To create beautiful prom makeup, you need to know some basic things. Decorative cosmetics should not cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better to use proven means. If you bought new mascara or gloss the day before, be sure to test it. Apply makeup in advance and leave on for about an hour. Rinse and check the reaction. No redness or itching? Feel free to use it. If you have to test cosmetics for an allergic reaction, take a photo with a new look. Make sure you look your best.

Eye makeup should be waterproof. Graduation is a sentimental holiday, and sometimes it is not without tears. Your makeup should look fresh until dawn. The emphasis should be on the eyes or lips. This is the main rule of good taste.

Makeup in detail

It is important to know how to do makeup for prom step by step. Start with a primer or base. These are cosmetic products that even out the surface and tone of the skin. They are made of silicone, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Choose a primer based on your skin type (dry, oily, problematic). The foundation should cover the entire face, except for the eyelids and lips. The primer is applied to skin moisturized with cream. Use light remedy textures. Apply foundation and loose powder on top of the base.

The next stage is eyebrows. They can be emphasized not only with a pencil, but also with shadows. Do not overdo it. Eyebrows should look natural. For natural makeup, it is better to use light brown shadows without glitter. Eyeliner and mascara should be black. Light blondes can use dark brown cosmetics. And finally, sponges. It is better to make them light - peach or light pink. Schoolgirls who have completed 9th grade can use transparent glitter.

Remember the clutch

When choosing a dress and shoes, don't forget about your handbag. A sophisticated and eye-catching clutch should be carried with you at all times. In it, in addition to the comb, mobile phone and other important things, there should be matting wipes, powder and lipstick. For a young girl, it is very important not to overdo it with makeup. Want to stand out from the crowd? Use jewelry and hair accessories. A bright bracelet will suit a girl who prefers to be the center of attention. Don't forget that your main advantage is natural beauty.

Resistant to stuffiness, heat, sweat, and just in case, also to tears, what if it occurs to you to cry? For prom makeup, give preference to products marked waterproof, water-resistant, long wear.

Long-lasting stick shadows like Clinique's Chubby Stick Shadow Tint for Eyes are ideal for quick makeup looks and won't take up much space in your makeup bag.

2. Don’t experiment with new products the day before.

This applies to the makeup itself, skin care products, and decorative cosmetics. It is useful to rehearse makeup in advance, at least 3-4 days in advance. In addition, not a single dermatologist or makeup artist can guarantee that a new, even super expensive cream, will not cause skin irritation, or super mascara will not cause eye irritation. Celebrity Hollywood makeup artists advise giving up beauty experiments at least a week before special ceremonies like the Oscars, and doing eyebrow correction or eyelash tinting at least 3 days before the important event. Take note!

3. Don't wear too much makeup

If there is a whole " layered cake“from foundation and powder, makeup will inevitably float, and if the skin is oily, this will happen very quickly, literally in a couple of hours. In addition, the prom will probably end with the meeting of dawn - which means that makeup should look equally good in evening light and in daylight.

Instead of eye shadow, which usually “floats” the fastest, you can get by with colored eyeliner or a long-lasting pencil. Moreover, in the spring-summer collections you can find eyeliners and pencils in almost any shade! The most fashionable this season are all shades of blue, lilac, and copper-bronze.

If you decide to make smoky eyes, be sure to use a base for the shadows and instead of charcoal-black shades, which often look too harsh and add age, use lighter ones: lilac-lilac, gray-blue, golden, maybe with mother-of-pearl. Moreover, colored smoky eyes are very popular now. If your skin is problem-free, you can completely abandon the makeup base and thick foundation. lung benefit BB cream.

A favorite of Hollywood makeup artists, foundation with a photoshop effect Make Up For Ever High Definition Foundation

4. Play accents

But in moderation. An emphasis on both eyes and lips can easily turn a young graduate into a seasoned woman. Therefore, if you really want to make both a burning smoky and fashionable glossy cherry lips at the same time, think carefully: “Is it necessary?” Moreover, the trend now is natural and light bronze makeup, a combination of bright (but not dark!) eyes with natural lips, only slightly touched with transparent gloss, or minimal eye makeup in combination with bright glossy lips in fruity shades (super fashionable orange and strawberry). pink shades of lipsticks and glosses are perfect for prom makeup!). Having focused on your lips, you can simply apply concealer to your eyelids and glue on a few false eyelashes.

Orange and fruity pink glosses, like those in the Chanel summer collection, are perfect...

5. Take the essentials with you

You will need them to correct or update your makeup and look good in photos throughout the prom. At a minimum, it should be transparent powder, matting wipes, lipstick or lip gloss. It is also worth putting in your cosmetic bag an eye pencil, white or cream kajal for eyeliner of the eyelid mucosa.

Every graduate dreams of attracting the attention of boys and becoming the queen of the ball, so she begins to prepare for such an important day in advance. Someone is paying Special attention choosing an outfit and accessories, others are racking their brains over the choice of hairstyle, but it is a beautiful girl’s face that is business card graduates. What a young princess should look like, what makeup she should choose for prom and how to do it – we’ll tell you below. We will also share with you valuable advice on the selection of cosmetics for different types appearance.

What should a graduate's makeup look like?

When thinking through her festive look, a girl must, first of all, choose the style and color of the dress, the length and shape of her hair, and only then her prom makeup. It should not only be beautiful and fashionable, it is much more important that it matches the uniform image of the girl and emphasizes the advantages of her appearance. Makeup for prom should not be too bright, otherwise no one will notice the beautiful hairstyle, and if it is uninteresting and boring, then even a beautiful outfit will not save the girl from the image of a “gray mouse.”

If a girl has doubts about choosing shades of cosmetics or a specific type of makeup, then she can be advised to ask her mother, older sister, or better yet, a professional stylist for advice. It is difficult for a young woman to see the flaws in her appearance, determine the shape of her face and choose the right makeup. You can also borrow a ready-made star image.

Is it possible to go without makeup at prom?

So, if the outfit is already hanging in the wardrobe, the hairstyle has also been chosen, then it’s time to start working on the beauty of your face. Many young ladies who do not use decorative cosmetics in ordinary life, they believe that with a “clean” face you can come to the evening of farewell to school. It is worth noting that even the most ideal and correct face needs cosmetics if we're talking about about the holiday. Just imagine a girl in stiletto heels, in shiny evening dress to the floor, with gorgeous curls and no makeup on her face. Even the most beautiful face will be “lost” against the background of a bright image; it will look dull, gloomy and expressionless. If you are not a supporter of bright lips and long eyelashes, then you can very carefully and subtly make accents on your face, highlight beautiful eyes or the original shape of your lips. Here it is important to follow the rule of the “golden mean”; you must not overdo it; aggressive dark makeup will not suit the delicate image of a young beauty in a blue short fluffy dress with a tiara on her hair. In order for facial features to look harmonious with the girl’s image, it is important to remember the basic rules.

  1. Clean skin. If a girl decides to conquer everyone with her beauty during a school party, then she should take care of clean skin in advance, especially if she has problem skin. To do this, it is best to visit a competent cosmetologist who will select an effective course of treatment. Remember that even the most fashionable makeup cannot hide acne or pimples.
  2. Beautiful, even complexion tone. If the problems are eliminated and the skin is healthy, then toning products will help emphasize its youth and add radiance. You shouldn’t give up on them completely, the evening is long, and by the end of the party your skin will look tired and dull. But this does not mean that you should apply a thick layer of thick foundation to your face. Creams with a dense texture are not suitable for young girls; the foundation should have a light, airy texture.
  3. Matte skin. The prom always includes dancing and active pastime; sooner or later the face will begin to shine, which looks ugly and untidy, this defect is especially noticeable in photographs. To prevent your chin, forehead and nose from becoming shiny from sebum, you can take compact powder and dry wipes with you. To begin with, you should remove excess sebum from problem areas, and only after that you can lightly powder it.
  4. Rosy cheeks. Even if you apply your foundation very correctly and set it with powder, your face can look monotonous, like a single canvas. In order to look bright and expressive, you can use blush and bronzer. Blush is applied with a thick brush to the cheek area, and bronzer is applied to the area under the eyes, cheekbones and chin.
  5. The eyes are the mirror of a graduate. If you doubt which facial features should “catch the eye” of others, then think about what you yourself look at first when communicating with a person? Of course, these are the eyes, and they are the ones you should pay special attention to. To make them seem more expressive, you can simply tint your eyelashes; if desired, you can apply shadows; they should not be flashy colors, but the tone should match the dress.
  6. Scarlet lips. The choice of lipstick is final, but no less important stage in festive makeup. It is better for schoolgirls not to use brown, red, burgundy shades of lipstick; they should give preference to delicate, light, romantic tones, for example, soft pink, light cherry, peach. For girls who rarely wear makeup, a colorless gloss may be suitable, but only if the makeup on their eyes is not too dull.

Makeup according to eye color

When choosing shades of lipstick and eye shadow, you should focus not only on color evening dress, but also on eye color:

— For girls with brown eyes, shades of brownish-beige tones are more suitable; a combination of dark colors with pink, shades of gold and bronze will look impressive. A strawberry or scarlet lipstick is suitable; cherry lip color also looks good.

— Girls with blue eyes should give preference to shades of light, gray or white shades; chocolate-colored shades will look beautiful. If your eyes are brightly painted, then the lipstick can be caramel tones, as well as light pink transparent shades.

— Graduates with green eye shades can beautifully emphasize their brightness with shades of brown shades, including sand, gold or chocolate flowers. Copper shadows will look very unusual. At the same time, you can choose a plum shade of lipstick for your lips; blue and pink colors are not suitable for makeup.

— For a schoolgirl with gray eyes, greenish and pink shadows, as well as silver ones, look good. Girls with this type of appearance need to give up harsh dark eyeliner; it rarely goes well with light eyes. Lipstick can be anything, but it should match the color of the dress and the tone of the face.

Examples of holiday makeup

The most popular look for a farewell school party, which most girls choose, is the princess look. It matches light makeup with pink tones, we’ll tell you about it and other options in more detail.

Light girly makeup

Childhood innocence and spontaneity look gentle; if a girl’s outfit is modest, in pastel colors, then her prom makeup should match it. It implies calm tones of cosmetics: beige, soft pink, plum, sand. To prevent this prom makeup from seeming dull, you can paint your lips a little brighter, it could be coral lipstick or caramel gloss. Eye shadows can be chosen in light terracotta or chocolate shades. If the girl has light curls, then you can add clarity to the eyes using gray or brown pencil or eyeliner. For brunettes, a black pencil is good for this purpose.

Smokey Ice

If a girl wants to look a little older, then she chooses not only the appropriate dress, but also makeup for prom. Great option in this case there will be a popular smokey eye. Not every graduate wants to look romantic; makeup in smoky tones will highlight beautiful eyes. So, the main range of cosmetics is gray, but it can be beautifully combined with terracotta, plum, and sand shades. Sometimes stylists recommend adding false eyelashes to this look, but they should not look too artificial. Lipstick should be light and not too flashy.

Doll makeup

If a girl is used to attracting maximum attention to herself, and she chose a dress that is bright pink, orange or blue, then doll makeup for prom will suit her. The basic skin tone should be even, sometimes the cheekbones and chin can be highlighted with a slight shine; blush should be chosen in a pink color. On inner corner eyes apply a small amount of bright shadows with mother-of-pearl, while for the upper eyelid it is better to take matte blue, lilac or pink shadows. The outer corner can also be highlighted with brown shades. Beige shades are applied under the eyebrow, and brown shades are applied to the upper eyelid. The final chord is black arrows and false eyelashes. Lipstick should always be pink, and so the doll makeup for prom is ready.

Girls who abandon rich and eye-catching tones in their prom makeup in favor of light and subtle ones are making a good choice. Romantic feminine shades are suitable not only for a young face, but also for such a memorable day.

Delicate makeup requires no less care when applying than bright makeup. To decorate the prom with your angelic and bright face, you need to find out about the basic principles of using cosmetics.

Before choosing a suitable romantic makeup technique for the prom, pay attention to the basics of feminine makeup:

  1. Delicate makeup is, first of all, a gentle tone. Do not overuse tanning before applying it. If necessary, use velvet foundation and weightless powder.
  2. It is better to save sparkling elements for a carnival or a noisy party. Romantic makeup for prom excludes them.
  3. Any rich and dark tones are not suitable either. Focus on lightness and lightness.
  4. All lines, except eyeliner, should be shaded on the eyelids. If the shadows are not too light, create a hazy effect.
  5. Don't make your eyebrow lines too clear. Neat natural lines, slightly emphasized with eyebrow shadows, are the best choice.

You can become visually confused in the variety of beautiful, delicate tones of pigments for eye makeup. To avoid finding yourself in such a situation and to have an idea of ​​more suitable shades, look at the table.

Blue eyesGreen eyesBrown eyes
Ivory + +
Warm brown + +
Taupe+ +
Grey+ +
Peach + +
Pink+ +
Turquoise+ +
Blue+ +
Lilac+ + +

This option is suitable for those who do not accept any unnatural tones with a hint of brightness. It will suit any outfit, because it will only highlight the splendor of natural contours without changing the image.

To create the most delicate make-up with a warm note, you need only two shadows - light brown and cream. Be sure to use a well-sharpened black pencil and light mascara. When it comes to blush and lipstick, go for peach or coral colors.

Now you can study the technology:

  1. We visually divide the entire upper eyelid into halves. The halves close to the nose should be covered with cream shadows, and the remaining ones with brown.
  2. On the lower eyelid we create a light haze using brown shadows.
  3. A very thin strip frames the growth line of the upper eyelashes.
  4. We paint the eyelashes with curling mascara.
  5. Apply blush with one movement of the brush. Apply lipstick and gloss in a thick layer, but without a pencil.

Makeup "azure"

Delicate makeup can be very expressive, and the azure variation confirms this. The eye makeup shades present have bright notes, but they do not create a flashy effect. Moreover, in this case the lips remain practically without color.

For makeup you need pastel mint, blue and creamy warm shadows. You will need two types of pencil - rich blue and black. The color of the blush is natural beige. It is also suitable for lips.

Instructions for makeup are included:

  1. Use cream shadows to highlight the entire moving eyelid.
  2. We paint the crease and lower part of the fixed eyelid with a delicate mint shade.
  3. Apply blue pigment to the outer corner of the upper eyelid.
  4. Lower eyelid up to one third of it, starting from external corner, outline with a thin strip of mint shadows.
  5. We draw a black line from the middle of the moving eyelid with a liner, gradually increasing it and turning it into an arrow.
  6. We highlight the upper edge of the arrow with a blue pencil.
  7. Apply voluminous charcoal mascara.
  8. Apply blush in a thin line on the cheekbones. Lip gloss should be applied in one layer.

Makeup “loop plus tenderness”

This technique can be called paradoxical, because it contains both strict graphics and a huge share of romanticism. The main accent here is the eyelids, but it is also advisable to highlight the lips.

The shadows are easy to choose, as you need two simple matte colors (black and brown) and a pearlescent cream or ivory. Eyelashes need to be painted with any mascara. A very thin and hard black pencil is required. It is better to paint lips and cheekbones alone color scheme, for example, coral or pinkish.

Take a look at the detailed guide:

  1. We paint the entire upper eyelid with the lightest shadows.
  2. From the fold to the lower edge of the moving eyelid, draw a line with a pencil in the area of ​​the outer corner. It should not be straight, but form an inverted tick or one of the “more than” or “less than” signs, depending on the eye. For example, the “greater than” sign should be depicted on the right eye.
  3. From the top point of the pencil line, draw a thin strip along the fold. Along the entire length of the outer part of the line, you need to draw short strokes directed towards the outer corner.
  4. We frame the loop with outside black shadows. The fold too.
  5. Using brown shadows we emphasize the boundaries of the black shadows. Shade everything well.
  6. We paint the lower eyelid up to the middle with charcoal pigment, blending it very strongly.
  7. Apply a layer of mascara to the eyelashes.
  8. We apply blush and lipstick very carefully so that the lines are as refined and soft as in eye makeup.

Video - Beautiful make-up. Step by step

Makeup “warm and cold”

Playing with contrasts can also be very gentle! Especially if very soft shades are involved.

You need shadows of two colors - light gray and dark gray. Also, a black pencil, light opaque lip gloss and brown-golden blush will come in handy. Any black mascara will do.

Cold and warmth in makeup can be combined in this way:

  1. We frame the fixed eyelid and the part of the lower eyelid close to the eyelashes with dark gray color.
  2. The borders of dark gray shadows are highlighted with a light gray tint. Use a wide brush to blend.
  3. We draw a thin line on the upper eyelid and apply mascara only to the upper eyelashes.
  4. Apply blush only along the cheekbones.
  5. We apply shine without going beyond natural boundaries.