May is the time of planting and sowing. What to plant on the plot at the end of May to get a good harvest? May is cold, what can you plant?

Experienced gardeners remember by heart the plan for sowing work on their summer cottage. But beginners may not know the sequence of work when planting vegetables in spring period.

Today we will tell our readers about what you can plant on your personal plot in May, when stable spring weather finally sets in.

The ground has dried up after the snow, all the plants are growing quickly, and the trees are covered with leaves and flowers. This best period for planting parsley, dill, salads, beets, radishes, cabbage. If the air temperature remains stably at least 10 degrees both day and night, this perfect time for sowing seeds directly into warm, prepared soil. They will grow well and may even outperform their seedling-grown relatives. And if early sowing did not bring the desired result, now is the time to catch up. What vegetables to plant in May? Here you have wide choose: Just have time to work in the garden.

Here's what you can plant in May open ground from plants:

Parsley, dill, salads. In May, leaf and head lettuce, as well as parsley and dill are sown in open ground. It is advisable to keep parsley and dill seeds in water for no more than three days. Then throw 10 seeds into a small hole, and make the same holes in the row every 10 centimeters. When the seedlings appear, water them well and remove weeds in a timely manner, and thin out if necessary. Lettuce seeds can be sown as early as 5°C in the soil. Under such conditions, they will germinate in 5-7 days.

Beans and peas different varieties . Try sowing them in parts over 7-10 days. This will give you a harvest that varies slightly in ripening time, and you won't miss a single pod.

Beet. Beetroot is also sown in May. In this case, choose a lighted area with fertile and loose soil rich in humus. When the ground warms up to 10°C, sow seeds in rows, previously soaked in warm water. The distance between sowings should be 5-10 centimeters, the seeding depth should be from 1.5 to 3 cm. After sowing, compact the soil. At favorable conditions Shoots will appear in a week. Sow beets at the beginning of the month so that you can enjoy the vegetable in the summer. Plant rarely, because the roots need a lot of space for normal growth.

Radish. Who said that this is an attribute of spring salads and that it is too late to plant radishes in May? On the contrary, if you sow it this month, it will take pride of place in summer dishes. Radishes are grown in sunny and sheltered areas with light, fertile soils of neutral acidity. This crop can be sown in open ground throughout the month. Planting time depends on the region and weather conditions. Dry or pre-soaked seeds are sown at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other, then lightly sprinkled with peat and compacted. If the air temperature during the day does not drop below 18°C, then within a week seedlings will appear.

White cabbage . Sow cabbage seeds in prepared grooves, 6-7 pieces per hole to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. Water with warm water and mulch the soil. After two true leaves appear, thin out the crops so that there are two plants left in the nest. And after the third true leaf appears in each hole, leave only one of the strongest seedlings. Please note: cabbage loves water. A rich harvest can be obtained with soil moisture of about 70%. However, do not overdo it, otherwise vascular bacteriosis may develop on the plant. Cabbage is one of the most simple plants for growing in the garden. Select a variety that is suitable for your location in terms of size, ripening time and pest resistance.

Carrot. Mid-season carrot varieties are sown in the first half of May, varieties intended for long-term storage are sown at the end of the month. The soil for carrots should be loose and contain sand. In heavy soil, root crops often grow unattractively, curved, clumsy and small. Sow pre-prepared, hatched and hardened seeds into the furrows to a depth of about two centimeters, maintaining a distance of 1.5 cm. Then sprinkle the seeds with soil, level and water the furrows. Before green sprouts appear, water the garden bed abundantly and often, and then reduce the amount of water so that the carrots do not rot. Carrots can be planted until mid-July, and then until late autumn you will have your own carrots in your garden, which are guaranteed not to spoil due to improper storage. If you want carrot shoots to appear faster, stretch the film over the bed at a height of 15 centimeters. When sprouts appear, remove the cover.

Note that in regions with a mild climate in May you can plant and sow a large number of garden crops. But if the weather brings surprises, then with landing heat-loving plants It's better to wait.

The May holidays are a great time to work on personal plots and summer cottages. Gardeners and gardeners are looking forward to it. Everyone knows that with the beginning of May comes the time for planting some crops.

We plant vegetables and salads

What can you plant in May from early varieties of vegetables? The list is actually extensive, but here are the 10 most popular vegetables and salads. They can safely open the planting season without fear that the seeds will not sprout and there will be no harvest. Here is the list:

  1. Early varieties of cabbage (white cabbage and Brussels sprouts). The seedlings are placed a little more than half a meter apart. It is recommended to plant tomatoes between the rows of seedlings - they will repel cabbage pests.
  2. Spring garlic. Planted on time and in a well-fertilized and sufficiently lit area, it will grow to 10 centimeters in just a few days. It is advisable to make the distance between the cloves 5-7 centimeters, between the rows - 20.
  3. Onion sets. The area must be clean. It is necessary to monitor crop rotation; good predecessors of this crop are rutabaga, grains, and cabbage.
  4. Zucchini, squash. These crops are sown in holes previously sprinkled with ash and humus. It is recommended to sow no more than 4 seeds in each hole. The distance between the holes is up to 70 centimeters.
  5. Pumpkin. This vegetable loves compost heaps. There should be no more than four nests on one heap, and four seeds should be sown in each of them. When warmer days arrive, when there is no need to fear frost, no more than one plant should be left.
  6. Cucumbers. This crop is planted with hatched seeds. For the purpose of high-quality pollination, it is advisable to use several varieties. You should also take care to protect the seedlings from possible frosts with a film cover.
  7. Tomatoes. Low-growing varieties sown in March are planted. On beds protected with film, make two rows - 25-35 centimeters from each other.
  8. , carrot. Carrot seeds should be soaked the day before they are sown, with constant rinsing. Then they are dried and sown in wet holes. It is advisable to fertilize with ammophos. These crops are intended for winter consumption.
  9. Leaf and head lettuce. If the weather is good and stable in early May, you can safely plant these crops, as well as peas, beans, parsley, and sunflowers.
  10. Radish. This frost-resistant crop is intended for summer consumption. The harvest is harvested at least twice per season. The first sowing is done in early May.

And, of course, the beginning of May is the most the right time for landing.

First flowers

From the first days of May it is a busy time for gardeners. It's time to start decorating flower beds. The moisture has not yet left the ground, and the soil has already warmed up enough to begin planting annual and perennial flowers. What flowers do we sow in early May:

  • viols;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • carnations;
  • nasturtium;
  • asters;
  • marigold;
  • daisies;
  • purslane;
  • begonias (tubers);

In May, stable spring weather finally sets in. The ground has dried up after the snow, all the plants are growing quickly, and the trees are covered with leaves and flowers. Many people think that it is too late to plant in May. In fact, this is a big misconception. On the contrary, when the air temperature remains stable at at least 10 degrees both day and night, this is the ideal time to sow seeds directly into warm, prepared soil. They will grow well and may even outperform their seedling-grown relatives. And if early sowings did not bring the desired result, now is the time to catch up.

What vegetables to plant in May?

Here you have a wide choice: just have time to work in the garden. Here's what to plant in May:

  • Beans and peas of different varieties. Try sowing them in parts over 7-10 days. This will give you a harvest that varies slightly in ripening time, and you won't miss a single pod.
  • Sow beets at the beginning of the month so that you can enjoy the vegetable in the summer. Plant rarely, because the roots need a lot of space for normal growth.
  • Radish. Who said that this is an attribute of spring salads and that it is too late to plant radishes in May? On the contrary, if you sow it this month, it will take pride of place in summer dishes.
  • Cabbage- one of the easiest plants to grow in the garden. Select a variety that is suitable for your location in terms of size, ripening time and pest resistance.
  • Carrot you can plant until mid-July, and then until late autumn you will have your own carrots in your garden, which are guaranteed not to spoil from improper storage.
  • Corn- one of the most useful and fastest growing crops. If in doubt, try planting small area, and you will probably like it so much that next year you will devote much more space to it.
  • Onion, whose young feathers you will have completely torn off by mid-June, so add more of this healthy vegetable.

What to plant in open ground from heat-loving crops in May?

For example, cucumbers that love comfortable conditions. Good results Planting in raised beds provides benefits. In May, seedlings germinate in just 6-12 days. Take care of nutritious soil for them and sufficient moisture, because cucumbers love water. Prepare trellises to save space in the garden and to make it easier for you to find the crops insidiously hiding behind the large, succulent leaves. Don't forget to prepare jars for summer canning.

Juicy zucchini also loves May days. These plants need plenty of space to thrive, so don't be afraid to thin them out. A few strong bushes will yield more than a dozen thin and weak ones. Zucchini productivity is very high. If you are not going to eat only them all summer, then do not get carried away by the number of seeds planted.

Pepper takes up little space and gives good harvest. If your spring is long and cold, it is better to prepare the seedlings first.

It would take decades to try to grow all the varieties of tomatoes. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of conducting annual experiments. Add new species to the already proven ones, and perhaps they will become your new favorites. Like peppers, depending on the area and climate, you may need to grow seedlings.

Useful addition

As you can see, we have already collected a full range of vegetables for the salad. But something is missing. What to plant in May from spices? Try heat-loving herbs: basil, oregano, thyme, sage, chicory, parsley, and don’t forget to re-sow the dill so that you have its young branches all summer. This applies to lettuce and spinach. By summer, the leaves from early plantings will be bitter, so replant to add the tender leaves to your dishes.

For exotic lovers

If you are looking for something unusual that you can plant in May, then pay attention to these plants:

  • Kohlrabi cabbage. Just 8 weeks - and she's ready.
  • Pak-choi plant at intervals of 3 weeks, and you will always have useful and rich in vitamins greenery. By the way, this is not a salad, but
  • Parsnip. May is the best time to plant it. Sow 3-4 seeds for every 20 cm, and then thin out the seedlings to leave only strong bushes.
  • Watercress For good growth During the warm season it needs a lot of water, so try growing it in containers buried 5-10 cm in water.

What to plant in early May? Chard and rutabaga - these varieties of beets can easily tolerate light frosts, so they can be sown directly into the ground in the first ten days of the month.

Own melon

If your region has long, hot summers, be sure to plant a melon. If your climate is more severe, then give the juicy fruit the sunniest spot in the garden, preferably on the south side. You should also cover the ground with black film for a week or two to warm it up and then place the melon seeds directly into the small holes made in the shelter. This will save you effort

Bright flower beds

We have already talked about healthy and tasty plants, but what flowers are planted in May?

First, let's remember the summer flowering bulbs: dahlias, gladioli, lilies, cannas and others.

Perennials: delphinium, phlox, aubrieta, carnation, Iberian, saxifrage, bellflower - are also planted in last month spring.

Pansies, geraniums, fuchsias, cosmos, foxgloves and impatiens are annuals and can be planted in May towards the middle of the month. And in the last ten days, plant sage, zinnias (majors), marigolds and lobelia.

You can combine business with pleasure and decorate your plot with bright sunflowers. In warm weather, the seeds will germinate in 4-6 days, and if planted in May, they will bloom in August.

By the end of the month, the foliage of daffodils and tulips will completely wither. Now is the time to divide and replant them.

These are the flowers planted in May. But also do not forget to care for already blooming plants and remove faded buds to stimulate the development of new ones. And young sprouts of tall flowers should be tied to a support so that the wind does not break them off.

Well, if the flower beds on your site are accompanied by a lawn, then May - best time in order to correct it. Weed out the weeds and feed the grass. In places where the cover has become sparse, carefully loosen the soil and sow new seeds. Make sure these areas are well moistened. Mow the lawn slightly higher than usual to allow the grass to grow well and choke out the weeds.

May is the warmest month of spring, when the weather becomes consistently relatively warm. The ground has finally dried out from the snow. During this period, trees, bushes and grass quickly put on green outfits. Flowers are blooming. Those who think that if they plant crops in May, they will no longer be able to fully ripen by autumn are mistaken. In fact, at this time the day and night air temperatures are equalized, reaching +10 degrees or more. Seeds placed in warm earth V this period, they immediately feel comfortable, so they will begin to grow without delay, sometimes ahead of similar crops planted from seedlings. Many vegetable crops can be planted in May.

Among the plants this month, peas and beans are sown in open ground. If you do not plant these crops right away, but spread out the sowing for 8-10 days, the ripening of the pods will be gradual, which will give you the opportunity not to miss a single fruit.

In early May, beets are sown. Then you can enjoy the vegetable in the summer. It is necessary to plant rarely so that the plant's roots can develop normally. Radishes are the earliest vegetables grown in open ground. But to prepare salads with radishes in the summer, they are planted in May.

It's very easy to grow cabbage. You just need to choose the right variety. It should be suitable for planting in your area, as well as suitable in terms of ripening, size, and less susceptible to pest attacks.

Root crops such as carrots are planted before mid-summer. As a result, they have the opportunity to have this vegetable in their garden until late autumn and not be afraid that it may spoil due to improper storage.

Corn belongs to the family of fast-growing crops and is endowed with many useful vitamins and microelements. If you haven't quite decided whether it's worth growing it or not, set aside a trial for it. small plot, and on next year you can sow a larger area.

Young onion feathers usually break off by mid-June, so it makes sense to plant this fortified vegetable in May.

What heat-loving garden plants are planted in May?

It is better to provide cucumbers with comfortable conditions. They are often planted in raised beds. Having sowed cucumber seeds in May, after 7-12 days you will already be able to see seedlings. Considering that this crop loves water, you should take care not only of nutritious soil, but also of its moisture.

Another garden crop that can be planted in May is zucchini. To develop, this crop needs enough space, so do not forget about such a procedure as thinning the plants. A few strong bushes yield more than 10 weak ones. In most cases, zucchini is very productive. Therefore, you should not plant a large number of seeds.

Pepper can produce good harvests. At the same time, it does not require much space for its growth. If you live in a region where spring is not warm, it would be better to first plant seedlings.

Separately, it is worth mentioning tomatoes. Today, a huge number of tomato varieties have been developed; it will take many years to grow them all. Therefore, you can experiment every year by growing new species in your garden. Depending on climatic conditions, before planting tomatoes in open ground, seedlings are propagated.

What spices can be planted in May?

First of all, these are heat-loving herbs: thyme, oregano, sage, basil, parsley, chicory, dill. It’s also worth planting spinach and lettuce, early landings which by summer begin to taste bitter. Therefore, it makes sense to plant them again and feast on the tender leaves.

Anyone who loves something unusual will want to see plants in their garden that not everyone plants. For example, kohlrabi cabbage. The culture grows quickly and ripens in no more than two months. Pak choy (another variety of cabbage) is best planted at 20-day intervals. Then you will be able to receive healthy greens until autumn.

Parsnips are planted in May. 3-4 grains are placed in the ground at intervals of 20 cm. When the seedlings sprout, only more are left strong plants. When planning to grow watercress, take care of its moisture. The plant will need a lot of water. More often it is planted in containers, which are then buried 5-10 cm in water.

What plants are planted in early May?

Such varieties of beets as rutabaga and chard are not afraid of even slight frosts. Some gardeners plant them in the ground in early December.

Among the melon crops, many people like melon. If you live in a region where long time Hot summer prevails, it is worth planting a melon. In areas with more severe climatic conditions, this crop is planted on the south side in a sunny area. To keep the plant warmer, the ground is covered with black film, and the seeds are placed in small holes in the shelter. In addition to heat, in this way you will protect the plantation from weeds.

Ornamental crops planted in May?

Among bulbous plants, which decorate flower beds in the summer, many are planted in May: gladioli, dahlias, lilies, cannas. In the middle of the month it is worth planting Snapdragon, pansies, fuchsia, geranium, balsam, cosmos, foxglove. Also, at the end of spring, perennials such as phlox, delphinium, carnation, aubrieta, saxifrage, Iberian, and bluebell are planted. At this time, sage, marigolds, majors (zinnias), and lobelia are sown. By the way, some people like to decorate their flower beds with sunflowers, thereby combining business with pleasure. If the weather is warm, the seeds will germinate within a week and will bloom in August.

Early flowers such as tulips and daffodils will completely wither by the end of May. They will need to be divided and replanted.

When planting ornamental crops, do not forget to care for them when they begin to bloom. To ensure abundant flowering, faded buds are removed. Plants that have tall trunks and stems must be tied to a support. Pull weeds and add fertilizer to the soil. Keep the soil moist.


As soon as the soil warms up to 6-8°C, potatoes can be planted on the site. What other vegetables and herbs are time to plant in May?

IN middle lane heat-loving crops ( cauliflower, melon, watermelon, early varieties of pumpkin, cucumbers), in early May they are only sown as seedlings, since return frosts can destroy tender plants. And closer to June (depending on weather conditions), the grown plants are transplanted into the ground or greenhouse. However, crops more resistant to cold can be sown directly in open ground at the end of spring.

White cabbage

Sow cabbage seeds in prepared grooves, 6-7 pieces per hole to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Water with warm water and mulch the soil. After two true leaves appear, thin out the crops so that there are 2 plants left in the nest. And after the third true leaf appears in each hole, leave only one of the strongest seedlings.

Please note: cabbage loves water. A rich harvest can be obtained with soil moisture of about 70%. However, do not overdo it, otherwise vascular bacteriosis may develop on the plant.

Green crops

In May, leaf and head lettuce, as well as parsley and dill are sown in open ground. It is advisable to keep parsley and dill seeds in water for no more than three days. Then throw 10 seeds into a small hole, and make the same holes in the row every 10 cm.

When the seedlings appear, water them well and remove weeds in a timely manner, thin out if necessary.

Onion sets

Before planting, soak the bulbs in warm water for 12-15 hours. When the air temperature outside is 10-15°C, plant the seedlings in moist and loose soil in the grooves, pressing them into the ground to a depth of 3-4 cm. Optimal distance between the bulbs – 8-10 cm.


Mid-season carrot varieties are sown in the first half of May, varieties intended for long-term storage are sown at the end of the month. The soil for carrots should be loose and contain sand. In heavy soil, root vegetables often grow ugly, crooked, gnarled and small.

In addition, it is recommended to choose an area where cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, cabbage, potatoes, and dill grew last year. But it is better not to plant carrots after parsley, as pests that are dangerous to this root crop may remain in the soil.

Sow pre-prepared, hatched and hardened seeds into the furrows to a depth of about 2 cm, maintaining a distance of 1.5 cm. Then sprinkle the seeds with soil, level and water the furrows. Before green sprouts appear, water the garden bed abundantly and often, and then reduce the amount of water so that the carrots do not rot.

Beetroot is also sown in May. In this case, choose a lighted area with fertile and loose soil rich in humus. When the ground warms up to 10°C, sow seeds in rows, previously soaked in warm water. The distance between crops should be 5-10 cm, the seeding depth should be from 1.5 to 3 cm.

After sowing, compact the soil. Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear in a week.

Radishes are grown in sunny and sheltered areas with light, fertile soils of neutral acidity. This crop can be sown in open ground throughout the month. Planting time depends on the region and weather conditions.

Dry or pre-soaked seeds are sown at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other, then lightly sprinkled with peat and compacted. If the daytime air temperature does not drop below 18°C, seedlings appear within a week.

Turnip is an unpretentious crop, but grows best in light loamy soils with a pH of 6-7. It is sown in May for consumption in the summer, but not for storage. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm, sprinkled with soil, lightly compacted, watered and mulched with humus.

Shoots usually appear 5-6 days after sowing. And after another 2 weeks they are thinned out, leaving 10-12 cm between plants.

Spring garlic

This crop is planted at the very beginning of May, when the temperature outside is 8-12°C. Garlic grows best in loamy soil that is well amended organic fertilizers. Before planting, water the rows with a salt solution (3 tablespoons per bucket of water), then plant the garlic cloves bottom down, deepening them by 1-2 cm and maintaining a distance of 8-10 cm between the cloves.

Also in May, seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and peppers are planted in greenhouses. And in open ground under the film you can plant seedlings of zucchini, squash and pumpkin.

In regions with a mild climate, a large number of garden crops can be planted and sown in May. But if the weather repeatedly presents you with “surprises,” then it is better to hold off on planting heat-loving plants.