People are like oceans or the depth of the human soul. In the depths of the soul See what “in the depths of the soul” is in other dictionaries

I walk down the street. People.
Cars are foreign cars.
Cross the road and, behold,
I'm in a beautiful park.

Fountains. Fairytale palace.
Bushes, shady trees.
The creator of this is unknown to me.
My soul is in awe.

Find a secluded corner.
And sit down on the bench tiredly.
God himself brought me here.
We need so little to be happy.

I enjoy the silence.
Forgetting about the city, noisy, dusty.
What happened to my dear country?
Where are our people, great and strong?

The flowering slopes are steep.
I'm on the river...

In the depths of souls in the eternal ocean
A secret is hidden. Someone's subtle face
Comes in dreams, healing wounds,
Giving birth to happiness and Love.

But meetings are so rare! And again doubts
They take me to old shores,
I preserve the links of invisible chains,
The desire to enter this wondrous temple.

But I return to earthly existence,
Into the mirage of human claims and victories,
Ideas and thoughts. Everything else fades away!
And the clouds obscure the starlight!

In the depths of the night - there are no dreams
Feels Love

Always in the depths of the soul
Feels like spring

There is no suffering in the depths
Blinding white light

Don't forget the depth
Do not hesitate to express

Like a transparent wave
Cleanses depth

In the morning - Hello Sun!
And Happiness arose....

My soul is vast and rich,
But there is no gold or brocade behind my soul.
But my soul is like a winged swallow,
He will return to the house again, like the first rooks.

Let there be no brocade yet and no gold today,
Under the blue sky Hope spreads a roof.
And I will forget with her that the money has run out,
She will bring me luck and love.

We will live together like two foster brothers,
A warm ray of sunshine will come to visit us.
Midnight stars from the sky, silver wool
It will light up from it and will shine for us.

My soul...

The soul is great... The flesh is weak...
Wants to spin between them
Love straight and oblique
Top angle bisectors...

How the heavenly fan descended
At that hour the movement was made
And along the way I met persistence
From the breath of time...

Well... Hello moon queen!
The Tsar has been waiting for you in the mansions!
How did you come to him yesterday
So yesterday he was confused...

With this visual psychological test you can look into the deepest corners of your mind. He will tell you about the true traits of your character, even if you have learned to hide them from others. According to psychologists, the reliability of the test is 98%.

Take a look at the picture. Which image of an eye caught your attention the most?

Character type: philosopher

You are a person who tends to find deep meaning in everything that happens. You are not characterized by impulsiveness; every step you take is rational and deliberate. Sometimes you become so immersed in the world of your own thoughts that you escape reality.

You try to hide your self-doubt from others. In their opinion, there is no question that you cannot understand. Many people ask you for advice. Your life is like a puzzle that you try long and hard to put together. You will not rest until you finally understand the true meaning of things.

Character type: eccentric

You are the type of person who is not afraid to swim against the current. You have a unique outlook on life. Your interests and beliefs may seem somewhat strange to others, but you frankly don’t care about their opinions. You never followed the rules.

You have nothing to hide from others. Their opinion is absolutely insignificant to you. You don't care what people think about you, you don't think about them at all. You move through life with interest, without being distracted by such trifles as generally accepted norms and public opinion.

Character type: mystery

The most controversial character type. Trying to understand you is like trying to unravel the mystery of the universe. You are in an eternal search for yourself, and as soon as a new facet of your character is revealed to you, you change and start your search again.

You seem to be a secretive and incomprehensible person to others, this is not surprising, because you don’t know very much about yourself. However, people are drawn to you. They are interested in being around you. You look closely at a person for a long time before starting a conversation, but treat friends who are already accustomed to your constant changes with tenderness.

Character type: expert

Regardless of your age and life experience, those around you note your special rationality and wisdom. It’s as if echoes of past lives live in you. You are one of those people who learn from your mistakes and draw conclusions, although in your soul you are often overcome by dark thoughts that everything is not going the way you want it.

You carefully hide your self-doubt from others. For most of your friends and family, you are a calm and non-conflict person. It is customary to listen to your opinion. The habit of analyzing a situation helps you stand confidently on your feet and overcome life's difficulties.

Character type: fire

Your motto: either everything or nothing. You don't tolerate half measures. You easily switch from love to hate. Such strong and deep emotions make you just burn with fire. The habit of being influenced by feelings often makes you look for drama where there is none.

You strive to hide your inner ocean of emotions from those around you, however, this does not always work out. People perceive you as a hot-tempered and impulsive person. But those who are lucky enough to know your love are unlikely to forget you.

Character type: romantic

Your soul and heart are open to others. You easily make friends and fall in love. Often those around you take advantage of this, causing you suffering. But you are one of those people who are inclined to take risks and get burned rather than sit in fear all your life.

You are trying to hide your vulnerable nature from others. For them, you are a person who goes through life easily and is not afraid of failures and suffering. You attract people to you by empathizing with them and understanding their pain. By helping others, you heal your spiritual wounds.

Character type: Seer

You've probably often noticed that many more amazing coincidences happen in your life than others. Your dreams come true, random assumptions come true, and if you take an umbrella, it will definitely rain. You notice and feel a lot. Seers always experience strong emotions: they are easily made to laugh or brought to tears.

Deep down, those around you are afraid of you, so you are not always eager to tell people that you know a little more about life than everyone else. Your inner world is extremely fragile, it is woven from delicate materials, so you desperately try to hide it from outsiders.

Character type: rationalist

You know a lot about life. You have an internal barometer that allows you to clearly know what is good and what is bad. You understand and feel injustice, but often keep your opinion to yourself if it goes against the public.

You hide your inner feelings from others. For them, you are a calm and balanced person who always knows what he is doing. You intuitively strive to be better than others, and more often than not, you succeed.

Personality type: insightful

You are very good at reading people. You intuitively feel the mood of other people. Their inner world is like an open book for you. You immediately feel when you are being lied to or manipulated, and you yourself can easily use these techniques. Although in most cases, you don't need them.

You have nothing to hide from others; on the contrary, you yourself can tell a lot of interesting things about them. Much comes easy to you, but the price you pay for it is excessive emotionality and sensitivity.

“Every person is like an ocean. Friends only come in up to their ankles. Friends run in up to their waists... and then come out. Best friends go up to their shoulders... and are even able to swim to the buoys. But only those who love us are able to swim beyond the buoys and even drown inside us.”

And that’s how I wanted to continue this metaphor...

Every person has their own depth. Some people are like spring puddles, light and playful, others are like oceans, deep and serious.

For some, the water is light and clear, while for others it may be dark and cloudy. In some you want to take a dip, feeling their pleasant coolness, while in others the water is so cold that when you touch the tip of your foot, you want to move away...

What does the depth of a person depend on, what fills and deepens the inner ocean? What makes water clear and calm, and how can you maintain good weather in your inner space?

A child comes into this world as an ocean of pure energy of love, he is deep and vast in his connection with the Universe and his true Self. But gradually his source of pure love is covered with stones of rejection, criticism, cruelty and misunderstanding. The ocean begins to become shallower, and a growing person gets used to making do with less energy. And some people choose to completely close their wonderful depths from the outside world in order to avoid pain, and pretend to be those very perky puddles.

During his life, almost every person faces trials that either significantly deepen his ocean, connecting directly with the eternal source of love, or, on the contrary, block access to the source, while the ocean becomes shallower and its water becomes cloudier. And then the huge ocean can turn into a swamp...

People of the same depth often meet, and then one person becomes deeper, exploring the world, discovering new depths of his soul, while the other remains the same lake or puddle and does not strive to become deeper. And then the relationship becomes obsolete, because according to the law of communicating vessels, an unequal exchange results. One cannot fill up and dive to the depth he needs, because it simply does not exist, and the other does not have the opportunity to dive without preparation and additional equipment.

And it happens that other people are trying in every possible way to empty your inner ocean, convincing you that being so deep is indecent and/or pointless. Instead of discovering new depths of themselves, they prefer to fill the excessive depths of their partner with stones of criticism and dissatisfaction. And only a person of such depth will not be frightened by your depth.

And mutual increasing interest arises when there is an opportunity to learn more and dive deeper. It's like divers who choose more and more new places to see the beauty of the underwater world. But it happens that all this beauty is collected in one person, and then there is no need to travel around the world in search of more and more new places... You can dive to new depths together if both have such permission, the willingness to dive into the unknown and open up even more opportunities for each other.

Showing your depth to the world means becoming vulnerable. And only truly brave people are able to reveal their true inner essence.

But how to find your inner essence? The most important thing is to decide to dive deep into yourself, to face what you have hidden inside for so long, to feel what was hidden in the very depths of the ocean a long time ago. You can only hear yourself in the depths. Staying on the surface, we can only hear the sound of the ocean. And the mastery of life is to be in balance between external and internal, with a vector of movement from the inside to the outside. And then inner peace and connection with yourself and the Universe gives birth to good weather in your outer world.

A personal coach can provide significant support for a person to discover their depth. But in order for each new session to be a new level of immersion, it is important for the coach himself to be an even deeper ocean than his client. And that is why it is important for a coach, first of all, to explore and deepen his inner space. And the coaching position can then be compared to the ability of echolocation, when the coach holistically and accurately perceives the wonderful depth of his client, helping him discover the best possibilities in himself.

What is your inner ocean like? How deep, strong, pure and calm is it? Which other people's oceans do you interact with most often? How can you fill your ocean and create a wonderful opportunity for mutual immersion?

You are the type of person who lets almost anyone into your life and heart. You think it's better to take a risk and get hurt than to close yourself off from people. You don't show your fears and insecurities to anyone. You believe that you must solve your problems yourself. You try to give all of yourself to people, even if the cats are scratching at your soul. By helping others, you heal your wounds.

2. Conscious

You are the type of person who is always trying to make a good impression and do the right thing. You believe that your actions make a difference in the lives of others. You don't show people how excited you are or how upset you are. You try to be better, because that is the least you can do with your time on this planet.

3. Excruciating

You can't help but think that life is some kind of big cosmic joke. You try to find your peace wherever possible. Looking for your place in this confusing world. You don't show people your dark thoughts. You've been through a lot. We can say that you are a master of “collecting” yourself after a fall.

4. Philosophical

You are the type of person who likes to think things through. Love to find the deep and hidden meaning of things. You sometimes become so immersed in your thoughts that it is sometimes difficult to come back. You don't show others how unsure you are about everything. You may definitely understand something, but still remain unsure about it. You imagine life as a puzzle, and you won’t play enough until you put all the pieces together.

5. Mysterious

You are often a mystery even to yourself, let alone other people. You can only wish good luck to those who try to understand you. You are like a web of contradictions, changing your mood hourly. Once you find yourself, you immediately change and start your search again. You are a person of few words who confuses others, and sometimes even yourself, in your actions. You prefer to observe the person first before starting a conversation. You only say what you are sure of.

6. Sensitive

You are the type of person who notices everything and forgets nothing. You are very sensitive and even the smallest things can make an impression on you. It is easy to make you cry or make you laugh. You don't show many people how fragile you are. Instead, show how insightful you can be. Perhaps you can foresee what will happen in your life in the future.

7. Fiery

You are the type of person who is energetic all the time or... in love. You are very insightful. You either love it or hate it. You have a ton or more opinions, and you decide on actions quickly. You have a lot of energy, but you are often nervous. Everything is a very big bet for you. Sometimes you can't help but create drama in your head.

8. Eccentric

You are the type of person who has unusual interests and beliefs. You're a little weird. Don't really like rules. Often act according to the principle: “I can do what I want!” And let it be what will be.” You are open to other people. You simply laugh at those who try to change you. You don't like to be part of the gray mass of people.

9. Intuitive

You are the type of person who understands the world and other people very well. You can tell a lot by a person's facial expression or tone of voice. You feel when you are being lied to. You only show the world what you want to show. You sense when you are being manipulated and know how to control someone if necessary. But usually you don't resort to this.

Jane Ann Krentz

Deep down

Jayne Ann Krentz

© Jayne Ann Krentz, 2010

© Translation. A.S. Meisigova, 2014

© Russian edition AST Publishers, 2014

Fallon Jones: Three Years Before...

A supernatural fire burned in the darkness. The ether was cut by flashes of psychic energy. The night sky over San Francisco flashed brightly with all the colors of the rainbow. Fallon Jones, standing on the balcony of his apartment, grabbed the railing so as not to completely lose touch with reality. The space around was woven from intricate patterns, beautiful and surprisingly complex knots and plexuses that led back to the very heart of the Universe.

He had never seen anything more beautiful than this shining splendor of the night. Fallon felt that if he tried very hard, he could detect the light of the first seconds of the creation of the world and even capture a particle of that all-encompassing force of chaos that established the laws of life and death.

“It’s a good night for a walk, isn’t it?” – Tucker Austin’s voice rang out.

Fallon turned and saw his silhouette in the sliding glass doors. Only there was something wrong with my friend. It seemed as if she and Tucker were separated by a thickness of water. Everything was so vague that Fallon could not understand what the intruder had in his hands.

- What do you need? - For some reason, he got tongue-tied, although Fallon clearly remembered that he only drank a glass of wine at dinner.

“We both know why I’m here.” – Tucker stepped onto the balcony and leaned his elbows on the railing, and next to him, hiding a strange object behind his left leg. – You got it from the magic lantern, didn’t you? Well, this is already a side effect of this device: the more talented the person, the more powerful the impact. It seems that compared to the rest of the Joneses, you are a real genius, which means that it will be all the easier to destroy you without arousing suspicion. You are plunging deeper and deeper into the world of the supernatural and there is no turning back.

“You came to kill me...” Fallon stated, surprisingly calmly, without giving in to panic.

“But I warned you that your talent will ruin you,” Tucker said with satisfaction. – And you know that this is not just my opinion. Many people are sure that a person with such a powerful gift of knowledge of chaos is simply doomed. You know what rumors are circulating about the men in your family who will inherit this talent. Everyone knows that Sylvester Jones ended up going completely crazy.

“This happened more than four centuries ago,” Fallon objected. “And no one can know in what condition he died.” But rumors and facts are two different things.

“But you won’t deny that interesting rumors are believed more than boring facts.”

Fallon shook his head and tried to focus his gaze on Tucker. The universe spun around him, and in order not to fall, he tightly grabbed the railing.

- Why? – Fallon understood: it was a stupid question, the answer to it had long been known, but for some reason he wanted to hear it from Tucker’s lips. Probably, I believed him for too long, and now it’s time to end it.

- I'm afraid there is no other way. – Tucker leaned his elbows on the railing and began to look at the night city. “This time, one of us must survive.” The struggle of the strongest and all that... By the way, a magic lantern can not only create those wonderful hallucinations that you see now, but also hypnotize. You felt like jumping off the balcony, didn't you?

It took a lot of effort for Fallon to answer “no.” He tried to take a step to the side, but tripped and fell to his knees.

Tucker meanwhile pointed to the building opposite:

“You know what you have to do now, don’t you?” You need to cross the crystal bridge to that house over there. From there you have a breathtaking view of the heart of the Universe. This temptation is impossible to resist.

Fallon grabbed the railing with all his strength, struggled to his feet and tried to focus his eyes, but the fierce flashes of light in the night did not allow him.

-What bridge? I don't see any bridge...

- Yes, here he is. – Tucker waved his hand. “It starts right here and leads to the roof of the building in front of us.” Just step over the railing and you will immediately find yourself on it.

Fallon lowered his head. Far below, strange mechanisms moved along the street, lights flashed on and off. “These are cars,” an inner voice whispered to him. - Hold on tight. You’re on the fourteenth floor.”

- Well, did you see the bridge? – Tucker urged. - He will answer all your questions. Just step and go forward... At the end of the path you will meet a wizard.

Fallon squinted and actually saw a crystal bridge in the night sky, flashing invitingly with all the colors of the rainbow. The transparent steps glowed from within.

“I think I’ve seen this bridge before.”

- In one film. The plot is primitive, but the special effects were quite good.

Tucker grinned.

“Only Fallon Jones can logically explain the most perfect hallucination.” Well, okay, trying is not torture. If you don't want to be nice, you'll have to go to plan B.

He swung the mysterious object sharply. Fallon tried to parry the blow, but his muscles did not obey, and, instinctively jerking to the side, he lost his balance and fell to the stone floor.

And in Tucker’s hand there was not anything, but a heavy hammer. And it came just inches from Fallon's head before hitting the floor with a crash. The blow was so strong that it shook not only the balcony, but the entire house. Somewhere nearby, a woman screamed.

Tucker, annoyed by the failure, raised the hammer for a second blow, but Fallon rolled to the side, calling on the full force of his talent to help. The hammer hit the floor again. He somehow managed to get to his feet, although the Universe was spinning around him at an insane speed, rainbow and sparkling.

Tucker didn't back down. The fear of imminent death gave Fallon strength, and with it a few seconds of clarity. He finally managed to focus his gaze, for a moment his gaze clearly saw the face of a man whom he considered a true friend, but distorted by a grimace of hatred. Fallon finally realized who Tucker was.

The realization of such a strong mistake came as a real shock to him, which helped prolong the moment of clarity. Many people died because of Tucker Austin, but part of the blame lay with him. Fallon, summoning all the furious power of his talent and penetrating into the heart of chaos, grabbed part of the fire that was blazing there and directed his invisible weapon into Tucker's aura and attacked the enemy with all his might. Before comparison with Zeus, throwing thunder and lightning, he, of course, lost, but for the current case it was fine.

Tucker gasped, grabbed his heart and instinctively stepped back to dodge the streams of energy and flew into the balcony railing with all his might. The railing only reached his mid-thigh, so he was unable to maintain his balance and fell over it upside down.

His enemy didn't make a sound because he was already dead, but Jenny's scream shook him to the core. Fallon knew it would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Isabella: a month before the events...

She didn't expect the bloodhounds to find her in the lingerie department.

Isabella was always on guard when she walked home from work through the empty mall parking lot. Before entering a cheap motel room, she always checked to see if there was any supernatural fog emanating from it, signifying an intruder; While buying groceries in the store, she discreetly watched people, and when they came too close, as it seemed to her, she immediately took a step back. No one dared to invade her personal space; even knocking on her door was already a crime.

Isabella had been working in the lingerie department for the past week and was feeling quite comfortable, but when she saw two men wandering around in the sports department across the street, she immediately felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. Isabella took the voice of intuition very seriously, because she saw things that ordinary people could not comprehend.