Love magic of flowers. Sorcerers from the flowerbed

The impact that they have flowers amulets per person, for his home and family, very much. But each individual plant has its own energy, and therefore their influence is different.

Since ancient times, amulets have been created that they always carried with them in order to attract good luck, love, and happiness.

Home energy is protected by indoor amulets plants, which are real protectors, always standing guard.

They attract positive vibrations, transform negative energy, thereby harmonizing the overall home atmosphere.

This reliable way protect yourself, your family and your home from everything bad and evil that exists in the world. To understand how to choose a talisman and not make a mistake, you need to know the meaning of each of them.

How are amulets used?

enjoy magical properties Amulet colors can be used in different ways:

  • as a personal amulet
  • to protect your home, office
  • during rituals
  • for healing (dried herbs are widely used)

You need to know which flowers are suitable for each specific occasion - to improve health, to protect against negativity, to attract love, money, good luck, to find peace in your home.

Amulet for health


Serves as a real home healer aloe. Almost everyone famous plant

, aloe is not bright or spectacular, but its beneficial effect on the human body can truly be called magical. To the house through entrance doors

energetic vibrations constantly penetrate – some of them are pathogenic.

And if the protective field of the home is not strong enough, then such energy affects every member of the family.

In this situation, aloe will help - it will perfectly cleanse your home, strengthen spatial energy, and attract health.

Amulet against evil spirits

Asparagus To prevent evil energy entities from having access to the house and to every living person in it, use the power .


It will close all the holes that have arisen in the biofield, cleanse your aura of astral entities that have stuck, and strengthen the action of the chakras. In addition, asparagus gives confidence in own strength

, and a person is able to independently repel the attack of an unclean spirit.

Amulet for love

Hibiscus If you cannot meet a person with a kindred spirit and a kind heart, then take the advice of esotericists - place it in your bedroom hibiscus or .

Thanks to them, someone you will never want to part with will very soon appear on your life horizon. Your relationship will be harmonious: to the extent of romance, to the extent of passion.

And it will help with tightness in bed avocado, the seed of which can also be planted in a pot near your bed.

How to attract material wealth


About the beautiful Crassula Everyone knows that it can enrich any home if it receives love and proper care. Its second name (folk) is Money Tree or tree of luck.

In addition to attracting money to the house, the fat woman has the ability to cleanse the room in which she is located from the negativity and negative energy that has accumulated in it.

In addition to the Crassula, they are also attracted to the house palm , bamboo And dracaena.

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye

  • Geranium.
  • It has the strongest magical effect on human housing. Its specific smell is known to absolutely everyone - it is it that serves as a reflector of any external negativity. Rose
  • .. A great option that can lift your spirits, help you feel better, and even attract love. But not everyone knows that the thorns on its stem also serve as excellent protection against thoughts sent by ill-wishers. Tradescantia Suitable for the kitchen - ward off unkind words and scare away enemies. They also update all

energy system

in the house.

in the house. How to protect yourself from envy Azalea repels the thoughts of envious people. It helps you figure out where the truth is and where the lies are hidden. The world full

bad people

- it is a fact.

. Some people simply need to know about other people’s failures and be fueled by the inner strengths of their friends.

To protect yourself from such negativity, you should use the miraculous effects of azalea. In addition to protection from external evil, it helps to achieve internal balance, get rid of fatigue and nervousness. If you decorate your home with a cute azalea, you will forever forget about uncertainty and fear.

It will open your eyes to your surroundings and help you understand who is a real friend and who is just pretending. This magical flower helps to “weed out” your surroundings and leave only devoted and true friends around you.

Flowers for peace and well-being in the home Begonia Around begonias Harmony and eternal balance always reign - she can cope with everyone

family problems

, will help reach a compromise and calm tense nerves. With its influence, it changes all negative vibrations to positive ones. In your home, they will forget about bad moods and tears. Also affect the emotional atmosphere family corner love, mutual understanding, kindness and respect for each other.

Geranium neutralizes negative emotions such as anger, rage. In a house where geraniums grow, people never raise their voices and know how to negotiate.

Plants-amulets for the garden

Not only the house needs protection, the garden also needs to be protected from negative external influence. They cope well with this task:

  • Mint.
  • The pleasantly smelling branches of this plant create a protective layer around the yard. It also attracts happiness, luck, and financial well-being. Kalina . In the old days, viburnum was planted in every yard - this is the strongest amulet. But she needs to be looked after carefully. How
  • more love If you treat a beautiful tree, the better it will protect you from the evil eye. Poppy.

The peculiarity of poppy seeds is that they are collected in peculiar boxes. In ancient times, people believed that all evil intentions were trapped in these boxes, as if in a prison. Does not allow evil to reach home, but all

  • negative energy intercepts.
  • Flowers-amulets according to the signs of the Zodiac Aries . It is better to choose green friends that have long leaves and tall stems. Plants with red flowers will bring good luck.
  • Non-flowering seedlings are suitable for the zodiac. For example, a cactus will do its job perfectly. Twins
  • . Apartments need to accommodate as much as possible
  • climbing varieties. If you live in a private house, then you should plant a sufficient number of such flowers in the yard flowerbed.
  • Cancer.
  • This is a sign patronized by the water element, which means water-loving flowers suit it. For example, a lily or an orchid. In addition to decorating the interior, they will attract happiness to your home. A small pond with growing water lilies would be nice in the yard..
  • Scorpios not only love flowers, they know how to care for them. They know how to give off heat and protect. Even the most capricious species listen to them. Working in the garden helps representatives of this sign calm down and relax. Monstera or oleander are suitable for an apartment or house. Sagittarius
  • . Tall subspecies with a strong trunk have a positive effect on the zodiac sign. You can decorate your home with a beautiful outdoor pot and plant a palm tree in it. Even decorative reeds will fit perfectly into the interior.
  • . Plants will protect you from danger if you use them correctly. And, of course, love for every flower is important - after all, without it, it will dry up and take away your energy. A

best choice

will become a violet, narcissus or dracaena.



Representatives of Pisces need energy, both from unpretentious flowers and those that require daily attention and care. For example, forget-me-nots or poppies will enrich the atmosphere of your home. And the orchid will attract happiness. Magical properties of indoor plants Flowers decorate our home, bring beauty to life, and lift our spirits. In addition, colorful fragrant bouquets involuntarily protect us from evil spirits and other wickedness. In the summer we often go outside the city, to the dacha. Many of us like to walk through the forest and collect bouquets, but few realize that well-known and seemingly simple wildflowers have unusual magical properties. How to learn to use the hidden powers of plants? Collect bouquets of those herbs that you need for one thing or another: for protection, for health, for happiness in your personal life, and everything will certainly work out for you. St. John's wort – one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs in central Russia. All evil fears him just as much as daylight . This plant absorbs sunlight

, immediately affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort is good for depression, fatigue,

colds– one of the anti-demonic herbs widespread in Russia. It is mainly used in the form of infusions. This plant allows the body to achieve the energy of harmony of Yin and Yang. With the help of the body's reserves, it eliminates energy holes into which evil penetrates and calms the nervous system. At constant use Plants and people become noticeably prettier. But this herb does not retain its strength for long - during a full lunar month. When dried, it loses about 10% of its healing properties every month, although the chemical composition remains the same.

Don’t miss the opportunity to wash yourself with a broom from Ivan da Marya in the evening on Ivan Kupala Day to wash away the unfavorable energy that suppresses beauty and well-being.

Nettle has the ability to counteract evil witchcraft. This plant was used for weakening of the body and impotence, and was placed under the soles of the shoes of the enchanted person. Nettle brooms were used to sweep negative energy out of the house. Rugs for the hallway were woven from the stems to deprive the evil power of those entering the house. Nettle has the greatest power on the young Moon, but you must pick it without fear and without anger at the burns. Nettle is a warrior plant by nature - it does not like cowards and aggressors. For greater safety healing properties It is best to cut nettles with a knife.

The plant cannot be cut out by the roots: half of its strength is lost, because the connection with the place where it grew disappears.

Sedge protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch someone, scatter fresh sedge on the floor of their home. You can carry sedge root with you - good protection from unclean thoughts on the part of the stronger sex. Flowers help drive away love obsessions and show the chosen one in his true light. If your loved one intends to connect his life with an unworthy person and does not want to listen to any arguments, arrange for the lovers to end up in the evening in a house with bunches of flowering sedge hanging in the corners and a candle burning on the table.

Dinner in such a room will open a person's eyes.

They used them to tell fortunes about the future fate; a secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. Wormwood is a whimsical plant. It grows slowly, so try not to cut it off at the root.

There are many wonderful legends and stories about flowers, it is impossible to retell them all at once, it’s like trying to tell all the fairy tales of the world at once. But the main thing that is necessary to comprehend flower magic is knowledge of the meaning of each flower. The language of flowers is the basis, the basics of the ancient occult science - floromancy. It has evolved over centuries, absorbing knowledge about the properties of plants, their strength, and influence. And, of course, divination with the help of flowers and fortune telling with flowers are also components of floromancy.

In the Middle Ages, and even during the Renaissance, the meaning of each flower was known not only to sorcerers, healers and alchemists (potions making and herbology were closely related), but also ordinary people. A bouquet chosen in a certain way could not only tell about feelings and intentions, help in love, but also relieve emotional distress and break off outdated relationships. Here is a short “dictionary” of the alphabet of colors:

Acacia - correlated with the feeling of love; white means sublime love, pink means charm, yellow symbolizes that the feeling has gone away

Aloe - bitterness, mourning
Pansies- happiness, fun, tenderness, fidelity in love

Astra - deeply hidden feeling, secret intention

Basil - disgust, hatred
Periwinkle - sweet memories
Begonia - be careful, danger
Bouquet of dried flowers - rejected love
Cornflower - trust, hope, innocence, fidelity

Verbena - sensitivity
Grape leaves- date, proposal to meet
Water lily (water lily) - eloquence, persuasiveness, sincerity

Bindweed - beauty, hope for reciprocity
Carnation - symbolizes passion; where red is a hot, stormy feeling, white is tenderness and agreement to respond to love, yellow is love disappointment, languor without the object of love, motley is refusal, purple is whims, purple is willfulness

Heliotrope - devotion, passion
Dahlia - indicates self-esteem and at the same time makes it clear that the donor’s heart is not occupied at the moment

Geranium - on the one hand, it is interpreted as recklessness, but on the other, it indicates the seriousness of intentions

Gerbera - mystery, flirting
Hyacinth - depending on the color means: white - charm, blue agreement, yellow - jealousy, pink - play, scarlet - repentance, blue - regret

Gladiolus - flower of gladiators, recognition of sincerity, constancy

Hydrangea - coldness, indifference, changeable heart

Oak leaves - friendship
Weeping willow - rejected love
Jasmine - sensuality, femininity
Iris - symbolizes faith, hope, wisdom, promise for the future

Cactus - perseverance, endurance
Calendula (marigolds) - mean that the giver is submissive to those to whom he gives flowers

Kalina - “don’t leave me”
Calla - the highest degree of admiration, respect
Camellia - admiration
Cypress - sorrow
Bell - humility, submission, constancy
Ears - a mystery
Crocus - cheerfulness, fun, joy, affection

Lavender - admiration, loneliness
Lily of the valley - innocence
White lily - purity, virginity
Yellow lily - deception
Tiger lily - pride, wealth, abundance, prosperity

Lotus - happiness, health, long life, wisdom
Magnolia - nobility, perseverance, perseverance
Poppy - oblivion, fantasy, dreams
Mallow - a reproach for coldness
Daisy - purity of intentions, true love
Coltsfoot - maternal love, care
Mimosa - sensitivity, shyness, caution

Mint - chastity
Myrtle - love, fun, joy
Narcissist - selfishness, vanity
Nasturtium is a hint of secrecy, insincerity of the one to whom it is given

Forget-me-not - true love, constancy
Dandelion – happiness, coquetry, call for frankness

Orchid - perfection, sophistication
Fern - be sincere
Petunia - anger and bitterness
Peony - wealth, glory, fiery love
Snowdrops - consolation, hope
Sunflower – a symbol of the sun, warmth, peace
Chamomile - youth, innocence, romance
Rose is a flower dedicated to the goddess of love, Venus; red roses are a symbol of passion and desire; white - sublime and faithful love, tenderness; pink - courtesy; tea - constancy; yellow - according to the language of flowers, have nothing to do with betrayal and jealousy; on the contrary, they express the most positive emotions - happiness, joy

Rosemary - memory
Lilac - a question of fidelity, confession of feelings
Tulip - perfect love
Violet - loyalty and virtue
Chrysanthemum - forgiveness, favor
Apple blossom - admiration
Rosehip flower - healing emotional wounds, simplicity


Having mastered the language of flowers and the art of making “talking” bouquets, it’s time to move on to next stage floromancy - divination using flowers. Of course, everyone remembers simple, “childish” versions of fortune telling - for example, with chamomile, dandelion. Meanwhile, these methods are among the most ancient and they arose when no floramancy had yet been mentioned. occult science and had never heard of it, but people had already developed ideas about the magical, witchcraft properties of flowers - our distant ancestors felt the whole world as a space permeated with natural magic and tried to use these powerful forces.

And in love magic, of course, one cannot do without flowers dedicated to Venus. First of all, these are roses. Moreover, it is best to use flowers grown with my own hands- on summer cottage or in flower pot. Any experienced magician will confirm that these flowers will act much stronger than those purchased from a greenhouse. Although you can, of course, use them, the main thing is the power of intention.

So here's an option simple fortune telling by rose for love: take a beautiful red rose. Place the rose in a vase with water, say: “Beautiful rose, you are the queen among all flowers, you conquer both people and animals. Tell me, does my darling love me?” Wait until it blooms completely. When this happens, look at how many petals are left at the base. If all the petals have fallen, it means that the person you dreamed of does not love you. And if at least two or three petals remain, the one you are thinking about is not indifferent to you.

You can also make a love amulet from rose petals. Pick 3, 7 or 9 different colors love (the stronger their smell, the better) in the light full moon. Dry them and sew them into a silk rectangular bag of pale blue or emerald green, wear it around your neck or attach it to inside linen

The patroness of love, Venus, has the power not only of roses, but also of most blue and blue flowers. of blue color– for example, lavender, rosemary, forget-me-not, periwinkle, verbena, violet. These flowers are most often used for all kinds of love spells. White flowers are also very helpful in amorous matters - for example, lilies, daffodils. Be sure to plant them in your summer cottage if you want to bewitch them to love. After all, flowers white subordinate to the patroness of magic - the Moon. On a full moon, pick a few white flowers that you grew with your own hands and place them in a vase on the windowsill so that the flowers can absorb the moonlight - this will have a beneficial effect on your love aspirations.

And here love plot, which should be said to flowers in the evening, when their aroma is especially strong. It is best to say it to flowers growing in the garden, but you can also say it to a homemade violet:

I want to love with all my heart.
I feel sad living without love.
Hear, fate, my prayers!
Your loved one has come to me!
Love is with me, love is in me.
Come, my beloved, to me!
Otherwise I will burn and die.
I'll melt like a candle in the wind.
The flower gave me all its love.
I want to love again and again!

And to attract good luck, flowers belonging to the sign of Jupiter, the ruler of prosperity, are good: lilac, honeysuckle, almonds. Don't forget about them when you're arranging your garden. And remember - the power of flower magic is similar to the power of nature, and man, like a flower, is an integral part of it.

Each plant has enormous energy power, its own plant magic. Sorcerers are well aware of this, preparing their mysterious potions with the addition of various plants. The magical properties of each magical drink depend on the “miracle herbs” put into the cauldron by the sorcerer.

Plants have medicinal (magical) properties not only various components, vitamins contained in them. With their energy, plants correct human energy. Having learned about these properties of plants, people came up with various rituals and conspiracies, which are commonly called plant magic.

A bunch of folk beliefs associated with the magical power of plants. It has long been believed that you can learn to read other people's thoughts if you grow magic peas yourself. To do this in the spring, you need to kill a snake (an animal with powerful magical powers), sew three peas into its belly and bury it in the ground. The grown flower is picked and eaten at midnight. From my own experience, I know that if you seriously consider the issue of reading other people’s thoughts (telepathy), grow any edible flower, carefully care for it during growth, constantly think about why you cherish it, tune in to the plant every day, try to understand, what he lacks, and then you also perform the “eating” ritual, then during this time your telepathic capabilities will definitely increase, you will learn to listen and hear plants. And there, from plants, it’s not far to animals, and then it’s a stone’s throw to people. That's all telepathy is. It turns out that reading thoughts, the ability to feel and understand without words are completely natural for humans! However, this is not really about plants...

Here is another belief about the magic of plants that has come down to us from ancient times: anyone who wanted to become smart and rich needed to find a fern flower. You had to look for its brilliant light at exactly midnight near Ivan Kupala and, having picked it off, rush at full speed out of the forest, not paying attention to the howl of the pursuing devils. And if you turn around, you will die or remain an idiot for the rest of your days. Is it worth looking for a fern flower or is it just a fairy tale? But fairy tales don’t just happen in a vacuum.

Weeping grass is collected at the dawn of Midsummer. You only need to pick it with your hands. Weeping grass brings fear to evil spirits, inclines them to reconciliation and submission. Only the roots and flowers of the weeping grass have magical powers. Until now, with its help, various kinds of evil spirits are expelled from the house. Our ancestors gave this name to the grass because it makes evil spirits cry. Dried flowers and roots are stored in the house all year round to evil spirits did not disturb the peace of the owners of the house.

Roots of magical overpowering grass kept in the house to gain strength in overcoming all obstacles, and also used in love spells.

Sleep grass is harvested in May. On a full moon, the dream grass is placed under the pillow, after which the sleeper should have a prophetic dream that will answer all the important questions that interest him.

Many magical actions are associated with the tear-grass. With her, no castles are scary: at least drive away evil spirits from the treasure, even “spoil” people.

Nettle has the ability to determine whether the patient will survive or not. To carry out plant diagnostics using nettles, several freshly picked nettle leaves were thrown into the patient’s fresh urine. If after a day the nettle leaves shriveled, shrank, and lost color, this was considered a bad sign, the patient was terminally ill. If it remains green, the patient will recover.

All of the above can be considered just a small introduction, a short story about the forgotten power of plant magic.

The selection of plants in the house must be approached very seriously, since these living creatures will live with you, share joys and sorrows, and help to the best of their ability. For example, it is very good to have a lotus flower in your home, but you can also use other flowers that have soft, round shapes. It is considered very favorable for the home if home plant forms a fluffy green “cap”. Any spherical shape establishes the correct energy balance in the room.

Green spaces need to be carefully monitored. There should be no dried or dying plants in the house. If there is no way to save the flower, it should be thrown away without regret. Otherwise, instead of positive energy growth created healthy plant, you will receive the disease-causing energy of withering.

Don't forget one thing important quality flowers - during the day, in the light they produce oxygen, and at night, in the dark, they absorb it. At night, plants deprive sleeping people of energy, so it is not recommended to keep many plants in the bedroom. If there are still a lot of flowers in the bedroom, then be sure to open the window at night.

It is undesirable to cover the entire house with climbing and hanging plants, since such species do not have sufficient energy to fill the house with vitality. Moreover, such plants can weaken the energy available in the house. Simply put, you can use such plants in the interior, but you should not overdo it. climbing plants used strictly for its intended purpose. They are excellent reflectors of attack radiation from corners and protrusions of walls and furniture, but their leaves should not be narrow and sharp. You can hang ivy pots in the corners of your house or apartment. To activate energy, choose flowers with rounded, fleshy leaves. It is better to have plants in the house with stems and leaves pointing upward - they are energetically stronger and feed the house with vital energy.

It is recommended to treat cacti with extreme caution. These plants are now in vogue and due to this, many people have started growing them in huge quantities. Cacti emit negative energy (instead of positive), and their hard energy rays permeate the space of the room. Therefore, they can only be used for a specific purpose. Cacti neutralize radiation from computer monitors, TV, microwave oven etc. By placing a green friend next to working devices, you will significantly reduce negative impact magnetic vibrations. Instead of a cactus, you can place a fern next to the monitor.

Azalea isn't too bad either welcome guest in the house. She, like a cactus, has negative energy. In this "company" energy enemies There is also wax ivy, which, in addition to the release of negative energy, has the ability (to folk signs) to scare away suitors from marriageable girls.

Palm trees with their sharp thin leaves are a source of hard radiation.

Aloe and Kalanchoe– healing antiseptic plants. Their presence in the house helps people achieve their desires.

Better than other pets magical plants Geranium, mint and chrysanthemum repel various negative energies.

If something bothers you at night or you feel someone’s unkind presence in the house, bring these peace-keeper plants into your house. Myrtle

is a symbol of family well-being, it brings happiness in marriage. Roses and violets

contribute to the emergence of love and passion. If there are no children in the family, put cyclamen in the bedroom - it will definitely help you conceive a child. Camellia

in its energetic action it is similar to a rose, but it attracts more sublime and purer love feelings into the house. Cypress

is a symbol of eternity and makes a connection between the world of the living and the dead. The dead often try to give us clues and help, but usually we don’t hear them. Cypress can help you listen to their advice.

All types of citrus fruits help cope with stress and headaches.Balsam wonderful flower

It will open your eyes to your surroundings and help you understand who is a real friend and who is just pretending. This magical flower helps to “weed out” your surroundings and leave only devoted and true friends around you., it creates a surprisingly bright atmosphere in the house.

helps to increase the material well-being of the family. The magic of plants is simple

The tree retains its strength even after its death. Just as the relics of saints are capable of healing hundreds of years after physical death, so the wood of a healthy tree is capable of transmitting the energy it has accumulated many years after it was cut down. The magic of wood talismans is based on this property.

Each indoor plant has its own energy, which affects a person in different ways. For example, it is believed that the fat plant attracts money, and the cactus scares away robbers and bad people.

An ordinary flower can become an excellent amulet of protection and a talisman of good luck. The main thing is to know which plant will help solve a particular problem.

Magical properties of amulets flowers

From problems in your personal life. Are there few suitors around or do relationships with men never go beyond the first date? Esotericists recommend having oxalis or hibiscus in the bedroom - flowers that attract love and passion. For sexual liberation, it is recommended to plant an avocado seed.

From gossip and imaginary friends. Tradescantia will help you get rid of talking behind your back and ward off people who only bring you grief.

From quarrels in the house. If scandals often arise in the house, get a violet in the house and place it in the room where showdowns most often occur. This indoor amulet flower will absorb all the negativity.

From evil spirits in the house. If you often wake up on your nose from strange sounds, it seems to you that someone is rattling dishes in the kitchen, and in general, you are sure that someone from an unknown world lives in the house, get a fern.

To attract money and success. In addition to the well-known fat plant, dracaena, bamboo and palm trees attract good luck and money to the house.

From cheating. A rose will protect you from adultery. This flower has always been considered a symbol of fidelity and purity.

You need to look after your amulet flower and provide proper care. By the way, do not be afraid that those plants that are designed to protect may wither. This means that they have averted trouble from your home. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.02.2015 09:02

The rose has always been considered a noble, royal flower. She personified beauty, tenderness, femininity and love. But her beautiful view and the aroma...

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